Monthly Notices of the RAS 459
July(I) 2016

Second-order variational equations for N-body simulations.
Rein, Hanno (1) ; Tamayo, Daniel (1)
Multiwavelength observations of the blazar 1ES 1011+496 in Spring 2008.
Ahnen, M.L. ; Ansoldi, S. ; Antonelli, L.A. ; Antoranz, P. ; Babic, A. ; Banerjee, B. ; Bangale, P. ; Barres de Almeida, U. ; Barrio, J.A. ; Becerra Gonzalez, J. (9) ; Bednarek, W. ; Bernardini, E. (12) ; Biasuzzi, B. ; Biland, A. ; Blanch, O. ; Bonnefoy, S. ; Bonnoli, G. ; Borracci, F. ; Bretz, T. ; Carmona, E. ; Carosi, A. ; Chatterjee, A. ; Clavero, R. (9) ; Colin, P. ; Colombo, E. (9) ; Contreras, J.L. ; Cortina, J. ; Covino, S. ; Da Vela, P. ; Dazzi, F. ; De Angelis, A. ; De Caneva, G. ; De Lotto, B. ; de Ona Wilhelmi, E. ; Delgado Mendez, C. ; Di Pierro, F. ; Dominis Prester, D. ; Dorner, D. ; Doro, M. (7) ; Einecke, S. ; Elsaesser, D. ; Fernandez-Barral, A. ; Fidalgo, D. ; Fonseca, M.V. ; Font, L. ; Frantzen, K. ; Fruck, C. ; Galindo, D. ; Garcia Lopez, R.J. (9) ; Garczarczyk, M. ; Garrido Terrats, D. ; Gaug, M. ; Giammaria, P. ; Glawion, D. ; Godinovic, N. ; Gonzalez Munoz, A. ; Guberman, D. ; Hanabata, Y. ; Hayashida, M. ; Herrera, J. (9) ; Hose, J. ; Hrupec, D. ; Hughes, G. ; Idec, W. ; Kodani, K. ; Konno, Y. ; Kubo, H. ; Kushida, J. ; La Barbera, A. ; Lelas, D. ; Lindfors, E. ; Lombardi, S. ; Longo, F. ; Lopez, M. ; Lopez-Coto, R. ; Lopez-Oramas, A. ; Lorenz, E. ; Majumdar, P. ; Makariev, M. ; Mallot, K. ; Maneva, G. ; Manganaro, M. (9) ; Mannheim, K. ; Maraschi, L. ; Marcote, B. ; Mariotti, M. ; Martinez, M. ; Mazin, D. ; Menzel, U. ; Miranda, J.M. ; Mirzoyan, R. ; Moralejo, A. ; Nakajima, D. ; Neustroev, V. ; Niedzwiecki, A. ; Nievas Rosillo, M. ; Nilsson, K. ; Nishijima, K. ; Noda, K. ; Orito, R. ; Overkemping, A. ; Paiano, S. ; Palacio, J. ; Palatiello, M. ; Paneque, D. ; Paoletti, R. ; Paredes, J.M. ; Paredes-Fortuny, X. ; Persic, M. (2) ; Poutanen, J. ; Prada Moroni, P.G. ; Prandini, E. (1) ; Puljak, I. ; Reinthal, R. ; Rhode, W. ; Ribo, M. ; Rico, J. ; Rodriguez Garcia, J. ; Rugamer, S. ; Saito, T. ; Satalecka, K. ; Scapin, V. ; Schultz, C. ; Schweizer, T. ; Shore, S.N. ; Sillanpaa, A. ; Sitarek, J. ; Snidaric, I. ; Sobczynska, D. ; Stamerra, A. ; Steinbring, T. ; Strzys, M. ; Takalo, L. ; Takami, H. ; Tavecchio, F. ; Temnikov, P. ; Terzic, T. ; Tescaro, D. (9) ; Teshima, M. ; Thaele, J. ; Torres, D.F. ; Toyama, T. ; Treves, A. ; Verguilov, V. ; Vovk, I. ; Ward, J.E. ; Will, M. (9) ; Wu, M.H. ; Zanin, R. ; Lucarelli, F. (31) ; Pittori, C. (31) ; Vercellone, S. ; Berdyugin, A. ; Carini, M.T. ; Lahteenmaki, A. (36) ; Pasanen, M. ; Pease, A. ; Sainio, J. ; Tornikoski, M. ; Walters, R.
The soft, fluctuating UVB at z ∼ 6 as traced by C IV, Si IV, and C II.
Finlator, Kristian (1) ; Oppenheimer, B.D. ; Dave, Romeel (4) (5) ; Zackrisson, E. ; Thompson, Robert ; Huang, Shuiyao
Supernova feedback in a local vertically stratified medium: interstellar turbulence and galactic winds.
Martizzi, Davide ; Fielding, Drummond ; Faucher-Giguere, Claude-Andre ; Quataert, Eliot
ICE-COLA: towards fast and accurate synthetic galaxy catalogues optimizing a quasi-N-body method.
Izard, Albert; Crocce, Martin; Fosalba, Pablo
The Evolution of 21 cm Structure (EOS): public, large-scale simulations of Cosmic Dawn and reionization.
Mesinger, Andrei; Greig, Bradley; Sobacchi, Emanuele
Boundary between stable and unstable regimes of accretion. Ordered and chaotic unstable regimes.
Blinova, A.A.; Romanova, M.M.; Lovelace, R.V.E.
The feeble giant. Discovery of a large and diffuse Milky Way dwarf galaxy in the constellation of Crater.
Torrealba, G.; Koposov, S.E.; Belokurov, V.; Irwin, M.
A transition in circumbinary accretion discs at a binary mass ratio of 1:25.
D'Orazio, Daniel J. ; Haiman, Zoltan ; Duffell, Paul ; MacFadyen, Andrew ; Farris, Brian (1)
A new VLA/e-MERLIN limit on central images in the gravitational lens system CLASS B1030+074.
Quinn, Jonathan ; Jackson, Neal ; Tagore, Amitpal ; Biggs, Andrew ; Birkinshaw, Mark ; Chapman, Scott ; De Zotti, Gianfranco (5) ; McKean, John (7) ; Perez-Fournon, Ismael (9) ; Scott, Douglas ; Serjeant, Stephen
K2SC: flexible systematics correction and detrending of K2 light curves using Gaussian process regression.
Aigrain, S.; Parviainen, H.; Pope, B.J.S.
Modelling accretion disc and stellar wind interactions: the case of Sgr A*.
Christie, I.M. ; Petropoulou, M. ; Mimica, P. ; Giannios, D.
Modelling the structure of molecular clouds - I. A multiscale energy equipartition.
Veltchev, Todor V. (1) ; Donkov, Sava ; Klessen, Ralf S.
Stability and chaos in Kustaanheimo-Stiefel space induced by the Hopf fibration.
Roa, Javier ; Urrutxua, Hodei (2) ; Pelaez, Jesus
What are the megahertz peaked-spectrum sources?
Coppejans, Rocco ; Cseh, David ; van Velzen, Sjoert ; Falcke, Heino (1) ; Intema, Huib T. ; Paragi, Zsolt ; Muller, Cornelia ; Williams, Wendy L. (6) (4) ; Frey, Sandor ; Gurvits, Leonid I. (5) ; Kording, Elmar G.
Vanishing absorption and blueshifted emission in FeLoBAL quasars.
Rafiee, Alireza ; Pirkola, Patrik ; Hall, Patrick B. ; Galati, Natalee ; Rogerson, Jesse ; Ameri, Abtin (1)
Day time flight of micrometeoroid in upper earth atmosphere.
Misra, Shikha ; Mishra, S.K. (2)
Effect of gamma-ray burst (GRB) spectra on the empirical luminosity correlations and the GRB Hubble diagram.
Lin, Hai-Nan ; Li, Xin (1) ; Chang, Zhe
Cosmic microwave background acoustic peak locations.
Pan, Z. ; Knox, L. ; Mulroe, B. ; Narimani, A.
The ATCA REXCESS Diffuse Emission Survey (ARDES) - I. Detection of a giant radio halo and a likely radio relic.
Shakouri, S. ; Johnston-Hollitt, M. ; Pratt, G.W.
Dissecting galaxy triplets in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 10 - I. Stellar populations and emission line analysis.
Costa-Duarte, M.V. ; O'Mill, A.L. (2) ; Duplancic, F. (3) ; Sodre, L. ; Lambas, D.G. (2)
VERITAS and multiwavelength observations of the BL Lacertae object 1ES 1741+196.
Abeysekara, A.U. ; Archambault, S. ; Archer, A. ; Benbow, W. ; Bird, R. ; Biteau, J. ; Buchovecky, M. ; Buckley, J.H. ; Bugaev, V. ; Byrum, K. ; Cardenzana, J.V. ; Cerruti, M. ; Chen, X. (10) ; Christiansen, J.L. ; Ciupik, L. ; Connolly, M.P. ; Cui, W. ; Dickinson, H.J. ; Dumm, J. ; Eisch, J.D. ; Errando, M. ; Falcone, A. ; Feng, Q. ; Finley, J.P. ; Fleischhack, H. ; Flinders, A. ; Fortin, P. ; Fortson, L. ; Furniss, A. ; Gillanders, G.H. ; Griffin, S. ; Grube, J. ; Gyuk, G. ; Huetten, M. ; Hanna, D. ; Holder, J. ; Humensky, T.B. ; Johnson, C.A. ; Kaaret, P. ; Kar, P. ; Kelley-Hoskins, N. ; Kertzman, M. ; Kieda, D. ; Krause, M. ; Krennrich, F. ; Lang, M.J. ; Maier, G. ; McArthur, S. ; McCann, A. ; Meagher, K. ; Moriarty, P. ; Mukherjee, R. ; Nieto, D. ; O'Brien, S. ; O'Faolain de Bhroithe, A. ; Ong, R.A. ; Otte, A.N. ; Park, N. ; Pelassa, V. ; Petrashyk, A. ; Petry, D. ; Pohl, M. (10) ; Popkow, A. ; Pueschel, E. ; Quinn, J. ; Ragan, K. ; Ratliff, G. ; Reyes, L.C. ; Reynolds, P.T. ; Reynolds, K. ; Richards, G.T. ; Roache, E. ; Rulten, C. ; Santander, M. ; Sembroski, G.H. ; Shahinyan, K. ; Smith, A.W. ; Staszak, D. ; Telezhinsky, I. (10) ; Tucci, J.V. ; Tyler, J. ; Vincent, S. ; Wakely, S.P. ; Weiner, O.M. ; Weinstein, A. ; Wilhelm, A. (10) ; Williams, D.A. ; Zitzer, B.
2016MNRAS.459.2558S – (Tables: VI/149)
Collision strengths and transition probabilities for Co iii forbidden lines.
Storey, P.J.; Sochi, Taha
Numerical simulations of magnetic Kelvin-Helmholtz instability at a twisted solar flux tube.
Murawski, K. ; Chmielewski, P. (1) ; Zaqarashvili, T.V. (3) (4) ; Khomenko, E.
Dark matter cores all the way down.
Read, J.I. ; Agertz, O. ; Collins, M.L.M. (1) (2★)
Physical properties of local star-forming analogues to z ∼ 5 Lyman-break galaxies.
Greis, Stephanie M.L. ; Stanway, Elizabeth R. ; Davies, Luke J.M. ; Levan, Andrew J.
Black hole starvation and bulge evolution in a Milky Way-like galaxy.
Bonoli, Silvia ; Mayer, Lucio ; Kazantzidis, Stelios ; Madau, Piero ; Bellovary, Jillian (5) (6) ; Governato, Fabio
The galaxy-halo connection in the VIDEO survey at 0.5 < z < 1.7.
Hatfield, P.W. ; Lindsay, S.N. ; Jarvis, M.J. (1) ; Haussler, B. (1) (3) ; Vaccari, M. ; Verma, A.
The Fundamental Plane of star formation in galaxies revealed by the EAGLE hydrodynamical simulations.
del Lagos, Claudia P. (1) ; Theuns, Tom ; Schaye, Joop ; Furlong, Michelle ; Bower, Richard G. ; Schaller, Matthieu ; Crain, Robert A. ; Trayford, James W. ; Matthee, Jorryt
An analytical model for the evolution of starless cores - I. The constant-mass case.
Pattle, K.
dive in the cosmic web: voids with Delaunay triangulation from discrete matter tracer distributions.
Zhao, Cheng ; Tao, Charling (1) ; Liang, Yu ; Kitaura, Francisco-Shu ; Chuang, Chia-Hsun
Low-radio-frequency eclipses of the redback pulsar J2215+5135 observed in the image plane with LOFAR.
Broderick, J.W. (1) (2) ; Fender, R.P. (1) ; Breton, R.P. (4) ; Stewart, A.J. (1) ; Rowlinson, A. (3) ; Swinbank, J.D. (6) ; Hessels, J.W.T. (3) ; Staley, T.D. (1) ; van der Horst, A.J. ; Bell, M.E. (8) ; Carbone, D. ; Cendes, Y. ; Corbel, S. (10) ; Eisloffel, J. ; Falcke, H. (13) ; Griessmeier, J.-M. (14) ; Hassall, T.E. (1) ; Jonker, P. (15) ; Kramer, M. (16) ; Kuniyoshi, M. ; Law, C.J. ; Markoff, S. ; Molenaar, G.J. (5) ; Pietka, M. (1) ; Scheers, L.H.A. (20) ; Serylak, M. (21) ; Stappers, B.W. ; ter Veen, S. ; van Leeuwen, J. (3) ; Wijers, R.A.M.J. ; Wijnands, R. ; Wise, M.W. (3) ; Zarka, P. (23)
Discriminating topology in galaxy distributions using network analysis.
Hong, Sungryong (1) ; Coutinho, Bruno C. ; Dey, Arjun ; Barabasi, Albert -L. (3) (4) ; Vogelsberger, Mark ; Hernquist, Lars ; Gebhardt, Karl
Pressure-anisotropy-driven microturbulence and magnetic-field evolution in shearing, collisionless plasma.
Melville, Scott (1) (2) (3) ; Schekochihin, Alexander A. (1) ; Kunz, Matthew W. (6)
On Type IIn/Ia-CSM supernovae as exemplified by SN 2012ca*.
Inserra, C. ; Fraser, M. ; Smartt, S.J. ; Benetti, S. ; Chen, T.-W. ; Childress, M. ; Gal-Yam, A. ; Howell, D.A. (7) ; Kangas, T. ; Pignata, G. (10) ; Polshaw, J. ; Sullivan, M. ; Smith, K.W. ; Valenti, S. (7) ; Young, D.R. ; Parker, S. ; Seccull, T. ; McCrum, M.
Cross-correlation of the cosmic 21-cm signal and Lyman α emitters during reionization.
Sobacchi, Emanuele; Mesinger, Andrei; Greig, Bradley
On the photoelectric quantum yield of small dust particles.
Kimura, Hiroshi
The imprint of f(R) gravity on weak gravitational lensing - I. Connection between observables and large-scale structure.
Higuchi, Yuichi ; Shirasaki, Masato
Modelling long GRBs using a single shock with relativistic radiation hydrodynamics.
Rivera-Paleo, F.J.; Guzman, F.S.
A degeneracy in DRW modelling of AGN light curves.
Kozlowski, Szymon
The minimum mass of detectable planets in protoplanetary discs and the derivation of planetary masses from high-resolution observations.
Rosotti, Giovanni P.; Juhasz, Attila; Booth, Richard A.; Clarke, Cathie J.
Searching for FUV line emission from 107 K gas in massive elliptical galaxies and galaxy clusters as a tracer of turbulent velocities.
Anderson, Michael E. ; Sunyaev, Rashid (1)
Revisiting the OH-CH correlation in diffuse clouds.
Mookerjea, Bhaswati
Secular dynamics of hierarchical multiple systems composed of nested binaries, with an arbitrary number of bodies and arbitrary hierarchical structure. First applications to multiplanet and multistar systems.
Hamers, Adrian S.; Portegies Zwart, Simon F.
Eclipsing negative-parity image of gravitational microlensing by a giant-lens star.
Rahvar, Sohrab
Radiative transfer of HCN: interpreting observations of hyperfine anomalies.
Mullins, A.M. ; Loughnane, R.M. (1) ; Redman, M.P. ; Wiles, B. ; Guegan, N. ; Barrett, J. ; Keto, E.R. (3)
Far-infrared and sub-millimetre imaging of HD 76582's circumstellar disc.
Marshall, Jonathan P. (1) ; Booth, Mark ; Holland, Wayne (4) ; Matthews, Brenda C. (6) ; Greaves, Jane S. ; Zuckerman, Ben
Impact of cosmological satellites on the vertical heating of the Milky Way disc.
Moetazedian, R.; Just, A.
Disruption of planetary orbits through evection resonance with an external companion: circumbinary planets and multiplanet systems.
Xu, Wenrui; Lai, Dong
How unusual is the cool-core radio halo cluster CL1821+643?
Kale, Ruta ; Parekh, Viral
2016MNRAS.459.2948L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/459/2948)
The ultraviolet and infrared star formation rates of compact group galaxies: an expanded sample.
Lenkic, Laura ; Tzanavaris, Panayiotis (2) (3) ; Gallagher, Sarah C. (1) ; Desjardins, Tyler D. (1) ; Walker, Lisa May (7) ; Johnson, Kelsey E. ; Fedotov, Konstantin ; Charlton, Jane ; Hornschemeier, Ann E. ; Durrell, Pat R. ; Gronwall, Caryl
Brightness variation distributions among main belt asteroids from sparse light-curve sampling with Pan-STARRS 1.
McNeill, A. ; Fitzsimmons, A. ; Jedicke, R. ; Wainscoat, R. ; Denneau, L. ; Veres, P. (2) ; Magnier, E. ; Chambers, K.C. ; Kaiser, N. ; Waters, C.
nIFTy galaxy cluster simulations - II. Radiative models.
Sembolini, Federico (1) ; Elahi, Pascal Jahan ; Pearce, Frazer R. ; Power, Chris (5) ; Knebe, Alexander (1) ; Kay, Scott T. ; Cui, Weiguang (5) ; Yepes, Gustavo (1) ; Beck, Alexander M. ; Borgani, Stefano (9) (10) ; Cunnama, Daniel ; Dave, Romeel (13) (14) ; February, Sean ; Huang, Shuiyao ; Katz, Neal ; McCarthy, Ian G. ; Murante, Giuseppe ; Newton, Richard D.A. ; Perret, Valentin ; Puchwein, Ewald ; Saro, Alexandro (7) ; Schaye, Joop ; Teyssier, Romain
Spatially resolved integral field spectroscopy of the ionized gas in IZw18★.
Kehrig, C. ; Vilchez, J.M. ; Perez-Montero, E. ; Iglesias-Paramo, J. (1) ; Hernandez-Fernandez, J.D. ; Duarte Puertas, S. ; Brinchmann, J. (4) ; Durret, F. ; Kunth, D.
Radio polarimetry of Galactic Centre pulsars.
Schnitzeler, D.H.F.M. ; Eatough, R.P. ; Ferriere, K. ; Kramer, M. ; Lee, K.J. ; Noutsos, A. ; Shannon, R.M. (4)
Identifying multiple periodicities in sparse photon event time series.
Koen, Chris
Dark-ages Reionization and Galaxy formation simulation - I. The dynamical lives of high-redshift galaxies.
Poole, Gregory B. ; Angel, Paul W. ; Mutch, Simon J. ; Power, Chris ; Duffy, Alan R. (1) ; Geil, Paul M. ; Mesinger, Andrei ; Wyithe, Stuart B.
Modelling galaxy clustering: halo occupation distribution versus subhalo matching.
Guo, Hong (1) ; Zheng, Zheng ; Behroozi, Peter S. ; Zehavi, Idit (4) ; Chuang, Chia-Hsun ; Comparat, Johan (6) ; Favole, Ginevra (6) ; Gottloeber, Stefan ; Klypin, Anatoly (10) ; Prada, Francisco (6) (8) ; Rodriguez-Torres, Sergio A. (6) (7) ; Weinberg, David H. (13) ; Yepes, Gustavo
Stability of rotating self-gravitating filaments: effects of magnetic field.
Sadhukhan, Shubhadeep ; Mondal, Surajit ; Chakraborty, Sagar (1)
MN48: a new Galactic bona fide luminous blue variable revealed by Spitzer and SALT.
Kniazev, A.Y. (1) (2) ; Gvaramadze, V.V. (3) (4) ; Berdnikov, L.N. (3) (5)
DNF - Galaxy photometric redshift by Directional Neighbourhood Fitting.
De Vicente, J.; Sanchez, E.; Sevilla-Noarbe, I.
On the structure of tidally disrupted stellar debris streams.
Coughlin, Eric R. (1) ; Nixon, Chris ; Begelman, Mitchell C. (1) ; Armitage, Philip J. (1)
Characterizing the rotational irregularities of the Vela pulsar from 21 yr of phase-coherent timing.
Shannon, R.M. (1) ; Lentati, L.T. ; Kerr, M. ; Johnston, S. ; Hobbs, G. ; Manchester, R.N.
LO Peg: surface differential rotation, flares, and spot-topographic evolution.
Karmakar, Subhajeet ; Pandey, J.C. ; Savanov, I.S. ; Tas, G. ; Pandey, S.B. ; Misra, K. ; Joshi, S. ; Dmitrienko, E.S. ; Sakamoto, T. ; Gehrels, N. ; Okajima, T.
2016MNRAS.459.3130A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/459/3130)
Supernovae and their host galaxies - IV. The distribution of supernovae relative to spiral arms.
Aramyan, L.S. ; Hakobyan, A.A. ; Petrosian, A.R. ; de Lapparent, V. ; Bertin, E. ; Mamon, G.A. ; Kunth, D. ; Nazaryan, T.A. ; Adibekyan, V. ; Turatto, M.
Discovery of extreme [O iii] λ5007 Å outflows in high-redshift red quasars★.
Zakamska, Nadia L. (1) ; Hamann, Fred ; Paris, Isabelle ; Brandt, W.N. (5) (6) ; Greene, Jenny E. ; Strauss, Michael A. ; Villforth, Carolin (9) ; Wylezalek, Dominika ; Alexandroff, Rachael M. ; Ross, Nicholas P.
New methods to constrain the radio transient rate: results from a survey of four fields with LOFAR.
Carbone, D. ; van der Horst, A.J. (1) ; Wijers, R.A.M.J. ; Swinbank, J.D. (1) ; Rowlinson, A. (1) (4) ; Broderick, J.W. (5) (6) ; Cendes, Y.N. ; Stewart, A.J. ; Bell, M.E. (4) ; Breton, R.P. ; Corbel, S. (10) ; Eisloffel, J. ; Fender, R.P. ; Griessmeier, J.-M. (11) ; Hessels, J.W.T. (1) ; Jonker, P. (14) ; Kramer, M. (9) ; Law, C.J. ; Miller-Jones, J.C.A. ; Pietka, M. ; Scheers, L.H.A. (1) ; Stappers, B.W. ; van Leeuwen, J. (1) ; Wijnands, R. ; Wise, M. (1) ; Zarka, P.
Formation of very hard electron and gamma-ray spectra of flat-spectrum radio quasars in the fast-cooling regime.
Yan, Dahai (1) ; Zhang, Li ; Zhang, Shuang-Nan
Theory of stellar convection - II. First stellar models.
Pasetto, S. ; Chiosi, C. ; Chiosi, E. ; Cropper, M. ; Weiss, A.
Galaxy bias from the Dark Energy Survey Science Verification data: combining galaxy density maps and weak lensing maps.
Chang, C. ; Pujol, A. ; Gaztanaga, E. ; Amara, A. ; Refregier, A. ; Bacon, D. ; Becker, M.R. (4) ; Bonnett, C. ; Carretero, J. (2) ; Castander, F.J. ; Crocce, M. ; Fosalba, P. ; Giannantonio, T. (7) (8) ; Hartley, W. ; Jarvis, M. ; Kacprzak, T. ; Ross, A.J. ; Sheldon, E. ; Troxel, M.A. ; Vikram, V. ; Zuntz, J. ; Abbott, T.M.C. ; Abdalla, F.B. (16) ; Allam, S. ; Annis, J. ; Benoit-Levy, A. (16) (19) ; Bertin, E. (19) ; Brooks, D. ; Buckley-Geer, E. ; Burke, D.L. (5) ; Capozzi, D. ; Carnero Rosell, A. (22) ; Carrasco Kind, M. (24) ; Cunha, C.E. ; D'Andrea, C.B. (3) ; da Costa, L.N. (22) ; Desai, S. (27) ; Diehl, H.T. ; Dietrich, J.P. (27) ; Doel, P. ; Eifler, T.F. (10) ; Estrada, J. ; Evrard, A.E. (30) ; Flaugher, B. ; Frieman, J. (18) ; Goldstein, D.A. (33) ; Gruen, D. (5) (21) (27) ; Gruendl, R.A. (24) ; Gutierrez, G. ; Honscheid, K. (11) ; Jain, B. ; James, D.J. ; Kuehn, K. ; Kuropatkin, N. ; Lahav, O. ; Li, T.S. ; Lima, M. (22) ; Marshall, J.L. ; Martini, P. (11) ; Melchior, P. ; Miller, C.J. (30) ; Miquel, R. (6) ; Mohr, J.J. (27) (28) ; Nichol, R.C. ; Nord, B. ; Ogando, R. (22) ; Plazas, A.A. ; Reil, K. ; Romer, A.K. ; Roodman, A. (5) ; Rykoff, E.S. (5) ; Sanchez, E. ; Scarpine, V. ; Schubnell, M. ; Sevilla-Noarbe, I. (24) ; Smith, R.C. ; Soares-Santos, M. ; Sobreira, F. (18) ; Suchyta, E. ; Swanson, M.E.C. ; Tarle, G. ; Thomas, D. ; Walker, A.R.
Direct collapse to supermassive black hole seeds: comparing the AMR and SPH approaches.
Luo, Yang ; Nagamine, Kentaro (1) ; Shlosman, Isaac (1)
Physical conditions in three high-z H2-bearing DLAs: implications for grain size.
Shaw, Gargi ; Rawlins, Katherine ; Srianand, Raghunathan
The stellar-to-halo mass relation of GAMA galaxies from 100 deg2 of KiDS weak lensing data.
van Uitert, Edo (1) ; Cacciato, Marcello ; Hoekstra, Henk ; Brouwer, Margot ; Sifon, Cristobal ; Viola, Massimo ; Baldry, Ivan ; Bland-Hawthorn, Joss ; Brough, Sarah ; Brown, M.J.I. ; Choi, Ami ; Driver, Simon P. (9) ; Erben, Thomas ; Heymans, Catherine ; Hildebrandt, Hendrik ; Joachimi, Benjamin ; Kuijken, Konrad ; Liske, Jochen ; Loveday, Jon ; McFarland, John ; Miller, Lance ; Nakajima, Reiko ; Peacock, John ; Radovich, Mario ; Robotham, A.S.G. ; Schneider, Peter ; Sikkema, Gert ; Taylor, Edward N. ; Verdoes Kleijn, Gijs
Investigating the peculiar emission from the new VHE gamma-ray source H1722+119.
Ahnen, M.L. ; Ansoldi, S. ; Antonelli, L.A. ; Antoranz, P. ; Babic, A. ; Banerjee, B. ; Bangale, P. ; Barres de Almeida, U. (7) ; Barrio, J.A. ; Becerra Gonzalez, J. (10) ; Bednarek, W. ; Bernardini, E. (13) ; Biasuzzi, B. ; Biland, A. ; Blanch, O. ; Bonnefoy, S. ; Bonnoli, G. ; Borracci, F. ; Bretz, T. (16) ; Buson, S. ; Carosi, A. ; Chatterjee, A. ; Clavero, R. ; Colin, P. ; Colombo, E. ; Contreras, J.L. ; Cortina, J. ; Covino, S. ; Da Vela, P. ; Dazzi, F. ; De Angelis, A. ; De Lotto, B. ; de Ona Wilhelmi, E. ; Di Pierro, F. ; Doert, M. ; Dominguez, A. ; Dominis Prester, D. ; Dorner, D. ; Doro, M. ; Einecke, S. ; Eisenacher Glawion, D. ; Elsaesser, D. ; Fallah Ramazani, V. ; Fernandez-Barral, A. ; Fidalgo, D. ; Fonseca, M.V. ; Font, L. ; Frantzen, K. ; Fruck, C. ; Galindo, D. ; Garcia Lopez, R.J. ; Garczarczyk, M. ; Garrido Terrats, D. ; Gaug, M. ; Giammaria, P. ; Godinovic, N. ; Gonzalez Munoz, A. ; Gora, D. ; Guberman, D. ; Hadasch, D. ; Hahn, A. ; Hanabata, Y. ; Hayashida, M. ; Herrera, J. ; Hose, J. ; Hrupec, D. ; Hughes, G. ; Idec, W. ; Kodani, K. ; Konno, Y. ; Kubo, H. ; Kushida, J. ; La Barbera, A. ; Lelas, D. ; Lindfors, E. ; Lombardi, S. ; Longo, F. ; Lopez, M. ; Lopez-Coto, R. ; Majumdar, P. ; Makariev, M. ; Mallot, K. ; Maneva, G. ; Manganaro, M. ; Mannheim, K. ; Maraschi, L. ; Marcote, B. ; Mariotti, M. ; Martinez, M. ; Mazin, D. (7) ; Menzel, U. ; Miranda, J.M. ; Mirzoyan, R. ; Moralejo, A. ; Moretti, E. ; Nakajima, D. ; Neustroev, V. ; Niedzwiecki, A. ; Nievas Rosillo, M. ; Nilsson, K. (21) ; Nishijima, K. ; Noda, K. ; Nogues, L. ; Orito, R. ; Overkemping, A. ; Paiano, S. ; Palacio, J. ; Palatiello, M. ; Paneque, D. ; Paoletti, R. ; Paredes, J.M. ; Paredes-Fortuny, X. ; Pedaletti, G. ; Perri, L. ; Persic, M. (2) ; Poutanen, J. ; Prada Moroni, P.G. ; Prandini, E. (1) ; Puljak, I. ; Rhode, W. ; Ribo, M. ; Rico, J. ; Rodriguez Garcia, J. ; Saito, T. ; Satalecka, K. ; Schultz, C. ; Schweizer, T. ; Sillanpaa, A. ; Sitarek, J. ; Snidaric, I. ; Sobczynska, D. ; Stamerra, A. ; Steinbring, T. ; Strzys, M. ; Takalo, L. ; Takami, H. ; Tavecchio, F. ; Temnikov, P. ; Terzic, T. ; Tescaro, D. ; Teshima, M. (7) ; Thaele, J. ; Torres, D.F. ; Toyama, T. ; Treves, A. ; Verguilov, V. ; Vovk, I. ; Ward, J.E. ; Will, M. ; Wu, M.H. ; Zanin, R. ; , ; D'Ammando, F. (31) ; , ; Berdyugin, A. ; Hovatta, T. (34) ; Max-Moerbeck, W. ; Raiteri, C.M. ; Readhead, A.C.S. ; Reinthal, R. ; Richards, J.L. ; Verrecchia, F. (39) ; Villata, M.
Carbon to oxygen ratios in extrasolar planetesimals.
Wilson, David J. ; Gansicke, Boris T. ; Farihi, Jay ; Koester, Detlev
Early Science with the Large Millimeter Telescope: COOL BUDHIES I - a pilot study of molecular and atomic gas at z ≃ 0.2.
Cybulski, Ryan ; Yun, Min S. ; Erickson, Neal ; De la Luz, Victor ; Narayanan, Gopal ; Montana, Alfredo (3) ; Sanchez, David ; Zavala, Jorge A. ; Zeballos, Milagros ; Chung, Aeree ; Fernandez, Ximena (6) ; van Gorkom, Jacqueline ; Haines, Chris P. ; Jaffe, Yara L. (9) ; Montero-Castano, Maria ; Poggianti, Bianca M. ; Verheijen, Marc A.W. ; Yoon, Hyein ; Deshev, Boris Z. (13) (14) ; Harrington, Kevin ; Hughes, David H. ; Morrison, Glenn E. (16) ; Peter Schloerb, F. ; Velazquez, Miguel
Ion-proton pulsars.
Jones, P.B.
The 154 MHz radio sky observed by the Murchison Widefield Array: noise, confusion, and first source count analyses.
Franzen, T.M.O. ; Jackson, C.A. (1) ; Offringa, A.R. ; Ekers, R.D. (1) ; Wayth, R.B. (1) ; Bernardi, G. (4) (5) ; Bowman, J.D. ; Briggs, F. (2) ; Cappallo, R.J. ; Deshpande, A.A. ; Gaensler, B.M. (11) (2) ; Greenhill, L.J. ; Hazelton, B.J. ; Johnston-Hollitt, M. ; Kaplan, D.L. ; Lonsdale, C.J. ; McWhirter, S.R. ; Mitchell, D.A. (16) ; Morales, M.F. ; Morgan, E. ; Morgan, J. ; Oberoi, D. ; Ord, S.M. (1) ; Prabu, T. ; Seymour, N. ; Udaya Shankar, N. ; Srivani, K.S. ; Subrahmanyan, R. (2) ; Tingay, S.J. (1) ; Trott, C.M. (1) ; Webster, R.L. (2) ; Williams, A. ; Williams, C.L.
The quiescent phase of galactic disc growth.
Aumer, Michael; Binney, James; Schonrich, Ralph
An efficient positive potential-density pair expansion for modelling galaxies.
Rojas-Nino, A. ; Read, J.I. ; Aguilar, L. ; Delorme, M.
Gamma-ray bursts from massive Population-III stars: clues from the radio band.
Burlon, D. ; Murphy, T. ; Ghirlanda, G. ; Hancock, P.J. (3) ; Parry, R. ; Salvaterra, R.
Spectropolarimetric capabilities of Ca ii 8542 Å line.
Quintero Noda, C. ; Shimizu, T. ; de la Cruz Rodriguez, J. ; Katsukawa, Y. ; Ichimoto, K. ; Anan, T. ; Suematsu, Y.
Forming supermassive black hole seeds under the influence of a nearby anisotropic multifrequency source.
Regan, John A. (1) ; Johansson, Peter H. ; Wise, John H.
Energetic particle transport in the presence of magnetic turbulence: influence of spectral extension and intermittency.
Pucci, F. (1) ; Malara, F. ; Perri, S. ; Zimbardo, G. ; Sorriso-Valvo, L. ; Valentini, F.
Gravitational radiation from neutron stars deformed by crustal Hall drift.
Suvorov, A.G. ; Mastrano, A. ; Geppert, U. (2)
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