Monthly Notices of the RAS 459
July(I) 2016
- 2016MNRAS.459.2275R
- Second-order variational equations for N-body simulations.
- Rein, Hanno (1) ; Tamayo, Daniel (1)
- 2016MNRAS.459.2286A
- Multiwavelength observations of the blazar 1ES 1011+496 in Spring 2008.
- Ahnen, M.L. ; Ansoldi, S. ; Antonelli, L.A. ; Antoranz, P. ; Babic, A. ; Banerjee, B. ; Bangale, P. ; Barres de Almeida, U. ; Barrio, J.A. ; Becerra Gonzalez, J. (9) ; Bednarek, W. ; Bernardini, E. (12) ; Biasuzzi, B. ; Biland, A. ; Blanch, O. ; Bonnefoy, S. ; Bonnoli, G. ; Borracci, F. ; Bretz, T. ; Carmona, E. ; Carosi, A. ; Chatterjee, A. ; Clavero, R. (9) ; Colin, P. ; Colombo, E. (9) ; Contreras, J.L. ; Cortina, J. ; Covino, S. ; Da Vela, P. ; Dazzi, F. ; De Angelis, A. ; De Caneva, G. ; De Lotto, B. ; de Ona Wilhelmi, E. ; Delgado Mendez, C. ; Di Pierro, F. ; Dominis Prester, D. ; Dorner, D. ; Doro, M. (7) ; Einecke, S. ; Elsaesser, D. ; Fernandez-Barral, A. ; Fidalgo, D. ; Fonseca, M.V. ; Font, L. ; Frantzen, K. ; Fruck, C. ; Galindo, D. ; Garcia Lopez, R.J. (9) ; Garczarczyk, M. ; Garrido Terrats, D. ; Gaug, M. ; Giammaria, P. ; Glawion, D. ; Godinovic, N. ; Gonzalez Munoz, A. ; Guberman, D. ; Hanabata, Y. ; Hayashida, M. ; Herrera, J. (9) ; Hose, J. ; Hrupec, D. ; Hughes, G. ; Idec, W. ; Kodani, K. ; Konno, Y. ; Kubo, H. ; Kushida, J. ; La Barbera, A. ; Lelas, D. ; Lindfors, E. ; Lombardi, S. ; Longo, F. ; Lopez, M. ; Lopez-Coto, R. ; Lopez-Oramas, A. ; Lorenz, E. ; Majumdar, P. ; Makariev, M. ; Mallot, K. ; Maneva, G. ; Manganaro, M. (9) ; Mannheim, K. ; Maraschi, L. ; Marcote, B. ; Mariotti, M. ; Martinez, M. ; Mazin, D. ; Menzel, U. ; Miranda, J.M. ; Mirzoyan, R. ; Moralejo, A. ; Nakajima, D. ; Neustroev, V. ; Niedzwiecki, A. ; Nievas Rosillo, M. ; Nilsson, K. ; Nishijima, K. ; Noda, K. ; Orito, R. ; Overkemping, A. ; Paiano, S. ; Palacio, J. ; Palatiello, M. ; Paneque, D. ; Paoletti, R. ; Paredes, J.M. ; Paredes-Fortuny, X. ; Persic, M. (2) ; Poutanen, J. ; Prada Moroni, P.G. ; Prandini, E. (1) ; Puljak, I. ; Reinthal, R. ; Rhode, W. ; Ribo, M. ; Rico, J. ; Rodriguez Garcia, J. ; Rugamer, S. ; Saito, T. ; Satalecka, K. ; Scapin, V. ; Schultz, C. ; Schweizer, T. ; Shore, S.N. ; Sillanpaa, A. ; Sitarek, J. ; Snidaric, I. ; Sobczynska, D. ; Stamerra, A. ; Steinbring, T. ; Strzys, M. ; Takalo, L. ; Takami, H. ; Tavecchio, F. ; Temnikov, P. ; Terzic, T. ; Tescaro, D. (9) ; Teshima, M. ; Thaele, J. ; Torres, D.F. ; Toyama, T. ; Treves, A. ; Verguilov, V. ; Vovk, I. ; Ward, J.E. ; Will, M. (9) ; Wu, M.H. ; Zanin, R. ; Lucarelli, F. (31) ; Pittori, C. (31) ; Vercellone, S. ; Berdyugin, A. ; Carini, M.T. ; Lahteenmaki, A. (36) ; Pasanen, M. ; Pease, A. ; Sainio, J. ; Tornikoski, M. ; Walters, R.
- 2016MNRAS.459.2299F
- The soft, fluctuating UVB at z ∼ 6 as traced by C IV, Si IV, and C II.
- Finlator, Kristian (1) ; Oppenheimer, B.D. ; Dave, Romeel (4) (5) ; Zackrisson, E. ; Thompson, Robert ; Huang, Shuiyao
- 2016MNRAS.459.2311M
- Supernova feedback in a local vertically stratified medium: interstellar turbulence and galactic winds.
- Martizzi, Davide ; Fielding, Drummond ; Faucher-Giguere, Claude-Andre ; Quataert, Eliot
- 2016MNRAS.459.2327I
- ICE-COLA: towards fast and accurate synthetic galaxy catalogues optimizing a quasi-N-body method.
- Izard, Albert; Crocce, Martin; Fosalba, Pablo
- 2016MNRAS.459.2342M
- The Evolution of 21 cm Structure (EOS): public, large-scale simulations of Cosmic Dawn and reionization.
- Mesinger, Andrei; Greig, Bradley; Sobacchi, Emanuele
- 2016MNRAS.459.2354B
- Boundary between stable and unstable regimes of accretion. Ordered and chaotic unstable regimes.
- Blinova, A.A.; Romanova, M.M.; Lovelace, R.V.E.
- 2016MNRAS.459.2370T
- The feeble giant. Discovery of a large and diffuse Milky Way dwarf galaxy in the constellation of Crater.
- Torrealba, G.; Koposov, S.E.; Belokurov, V.; Irwin, M.
- 2016MNRAS.459.2379D
- A transition in circumbinary accretion discs at a binary mass ratio of 1:25.
- D'Orazio, Daniel J. ; Haiman, Zoltan ; Duffell, Paul ; MacFadyen, Andrew ; Farris, Brian (1)
- 2016MNRAS.459.2394Q
- A new VLA/e-MERLIN limit on central images in the gravitational lens system CLASS B1030+074.
- Quinn, Jonathan ; Jackson, Neal ; Tagore, Amitpal ; Biggs, Andrew ; Birkinshaw, Mark ; Chapman, Scott ; De Zotti, Gianfranco (5) ; McKean, John (7) ; Perez-Fournon, Ismael (9) ; Scott, Douglas ; Serjeant, Stephen
- 2016MNRAS.459.2408A
- K2SC: flexible systematics correction and detrending of K2 light curves using Gaussian process regression.
- Aigrain, S.; Parviainen, H.; Pope, B.J.S.
- 2016MNRAS.459.2420C
- Modelling accretion disc and stellar wind interactions: the case of Sgr A*.
- Christie, I.M. ; Petropoulou, M. ; Mimica, P. ; Giannios, D.
- 2016MNRAS.459.2432V
- Modelling the structure of molecular clouds - I. A multiscale energy equipartition.
- Veltchev, Todor V. (1) ; Donkov, Sava ; Klessen, Ralf S.
- 2016MNRAS.459.2444R
- Stability and chaos in Kustaanheimo-Stiefel space induced by the Hopf fibration.
- Roa, Javier ; Urrutxua, Hodei (2) ; Pelaez, Jesus
- 2016MNRAS.459.2455C
- What are the megahertz peaked-spectrum sources?
- Coppejans, Rocco ; Cseh, David ; van Velzen, Sjoert ; Falcke, Heino (1) ; Intema, Huib T. ; Paragi, Zsolt ; Muller, Cornelia ; Williams, Wendy L. (6) (4) ; Frey, Sandor ; Gurvits, Leonid I. (5) ; Kording, Elmar G.
- 2016MNRAS.459.2472R
- Vanishing absorption and blueshifted emission in FeLoBAL quasars.
- Rafiee, Alireza ; Pirkola, Patrik ; Hall, Patrick B. ; Galati, Natalee ; Rogerson, Jesse ; Ameri, Abtin (1)
- 2016MNRAS.459.2486M
- Day time flight of micrometeoroid in upper earth atmosphere.
- Misra, Shikha ; Mishra, S.K. (2)
- 2016MNRAS.459.2501L
- Effect of gamma-ray burst (GRB) spectra on the empirical luminosity correlations and the GRB Hubble diagram.
- Lin, Hai-Nan ; Li, Xin (1) ; Chang, Zhe
- 2016MNRAS.459.2513P
- Cosmic microwave background acoustic peak locations.
- Pan, Z. ; Knox, L. ; Mulroe, B. ; Narimani, A.
- 2016MNRAS.459.2525S
- The ATCA REXCESS Diffuse Emission Survey (ARDES) - I. Detection of a giant radio halo and a likely radio relic.
- Shakouri, S. ; Johnston-Hollitt, M. ; Pratt, G.W.
- 2016MNRAS.459.2539C
- Dissecting galaxy triplets in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 10 - I. Stellar populations and emission line analysis.
- Costa-Duarte, M.V. ; O'Mill, A.L. (2) ; Duplancic, F. (3) ; Sodre, L. ; Lambas, D.G. (2)
- 2016MNRAS.459.2550A
- VERITAS and multiwavelength observations of the BL Lacertae object 1ES 1741+196.
- Abeysekara, A.U. ; Archambault, S. ; Archer, A. ; Benbow, W. ; Bird, R. ; Biteau, J. ; Buchovecky, M. ; Buckley, J.H. ; Bugaev, V. ; Byrum, K. ; Cardenzana, J.V. ; Cerruti, M. ; Chen, X. (10) ; Christiansen, J.L. ; Ciupik, L. ; Connolly, M.P. ; Cui, W. ; Dickinson, H.J. ; Dumm, J. ; Eisch, J.D. ; Errando, M. ; Falcone, A. ; Feng, Q. ; Finley, J.P. ; Fleischhack, H. ; Flinders, A. ; Fortin, P. ; Fortson, L. ; Furniss, A. ; Gillanders, G.H. ; Griffin, S. ; Grube, J. ; Gyuk, G. ; Huetten, M. ; Hanna, D. ; Holder, J. ; Humensky, T.B. ; Johnson, C.A. ; Kaaret, P. ; Kar, P. ; Kelley-Hoskins, N. ; Kertzman, M. ; Kieda, D. ; Krause, M. ; Krennrich, F. ; Lang, M.J. ; Maier, G. ; McArthur, S. ; McCann, A. ; Meagher, K. ; Moriarty, P. ; Mukherjee, R. ; Nieto, D. ; O'Brien, S. ; O'Faolain de Bhroithe, A. ; Ong, R.A. ; Otte, A.N. ; Park, N. ; Pelassa, V. ; Petrashyk, A. ; Petry, D. ; Pohl, M. (10) ; Popkow, A. ; Pueschel, E. ; Quinn, J. ; Ragan, K. ; Ratliff, G. ; Reyes, L.C. ; Reynolds, P.T. ; Reynolds, K. ; Richards, G.T. ; Roache, E. ; Rulten, C. ; Santander, M. ; Sembroski, G.H. ; Shahinyan, K. ; Smith, A.W. ; Staszak, D. ; Telezhinsky, I. (10) ; Tucci, J.V. ; Tyler, J. ; Vincent, S. ; Wakely, S.P. ; Weiner, O.M. ; Weinstein, A. ; Wilhelm, A. (10) ; Williams, D.A. ; Zitzer, B.
- 2016MNRAS.459.2558S – (Tables: VI/149)
- Collision strengths and transition probabilities for Co iii forbidden lines.
- Storey, P.J.; Sochi, Taha
- 2016MNRAS.459.2566M
- Numerical simulations of magnetic Kelvin-Helmholtz instability at a twisted solar flux tube.
- Murawski, K. ; Chmielewski, P. (1) ; Zaqarashvili, T.V. (3) (4) ; Khomenko, E.
- 2016MNRAS.459.2573R
- Dark matter cores all the way down.
- Read, J.I. ; Agertz, O. ; Collins, M.L.M. (1) (2★)
- 2016MNRAS.459.2591G
- Physical properties of local star-forming analogues to z ∼ 5 Lyman-break galaxies.
- Greis, Stephanie M.L. ; Stanway, Elizabeth R. ; Davies, Luke J.M. ; Levan, Andrew J.
- 2016MNRAS.459.2603B
- Black hole starvation and bulge evolution in a Milky Way-like galaxy.
- Bonoli, Silvia ; Mayer, Lucio ; Kazantzidis, Stelios ; Madau, Piero ; Bellovary, Jillian (5) (6) ; Governato, Fabio
- 2016MNRAS.459.2618H
- The galaxy-halo connection in the VIDEO survey at 0.5 < z < 1.7.
- Hatfield, P.W. ; Lindsay, S.N. ; Jarvis, M.J. (1) ; Haussler, B. (1) (3) ; Vaccari, M. ; Verma, A.
- 2016MNRAS.459.2632D
- The Fundamental Plane of star formation in galaxies revealed by the EAGLE hydrodynamical simulations.
- del Lagos, Claudia P. (1) ; Theuns, Tom ; Schaye, Joop ; Furlong, Michelle ; Bower, Richard G. ; Schaller, Matthieu ; Crain, Robert A. ; Trayford, James W. ; Matthee, Jorryt
- 2016MNRAS.459.2651P
- An analytical model for the evolution of starless cores - I. The constant-mass case.
- Pattle, K.
- 2016MNRAS.459.2670Z
- dive in the cosmic web: voids with Delaunay triangulation from discrete matter tracer distributions.
- Zhao, Cheng ; Tao, Charling (1) ; Liang, Yu ; Kitaura, Francisco-Shu ; Chuang, Chia-Hsun
- 2016MNRAS.459.2681B
- Low-radio-frequency eclipses of the redback pulsar J2215+5135 observed in the image plane with LOFAR.
- Broderick, J.W. (1) (2) ; Fender, R.P. (1) ; Breton, R.P. (4) ; Stewart, A.J. (1) ; Rowlinson, A. (3) ; Swinbank, J.D. (6) ; Hessels, J.W.T. (3) ; Staley, T.D. (1) ; van der Horst, A.J. ; Bell, M.E. (8) ; Carbone, D. ; Cendes, Y. ; Corbel, S. (10) ; Eisloffel, J. ; Falcke, H. (13) ; Griessmeier, J.-M. (14) ; Hassall, T.E. (1) ; Jonker, P. (15) ; Kramer, M. (16) ; Kuniyoshi, M. ; Law, C.J. ; Markoff, S. ; Molenaar, G.J. (5) ; Pietka, M. (1) ; Scheers, L.H.A. (20) ; Serylak, M. (21) ; Stappers, B.W. ; ter Veen, S. ; van Leeuwen, J. (3) ; Wijers, R.A.M.J. ; Wijnands, R. ; Wise, M.W. (3) ; Zarka, P. (23)
- 2016MNRAS.459.2690H
- Discriminating topology in galaxy distributions using network analysis.
- Hong, Sungryong (1) ; Coutinho, Bruno C. ; Dey, Arjun ; Barabasi, Albert -L. (3) (4) ; Vogelsberger, Mark ; Hernquist, Lars ; Gebhardt, Karl
- 2016MNRAS.459.2701M
- Pressure-anisotropy-driven microturbulence and magnetic-field evolution in shearing, collisionless plasma.
- Melville, Scott (1) (2) (3) ; Schekochihin, Alexander A. (1) ; Kunz, Matthew W. (6)
- 2016MNRAS.459.2721I
- On Type IIn/Ia-CSM supernovae as exemplified by SN 2012ca*.
- Inserra, C. ; Fraser, M. ; Smartt, S.J. ; Benetti, S. ; Chen, T.-W. ; Childress, M. ; Gal-Yam, A. ; Howell, D.A. (7) ; Kangas, T. ; Pignata, G. (10) ; Polshaw, J. ; Sullivan, M. ; Smith, K.W. ; Valenti, S. (7) ; Young, D.R. ; Parker, S. ; Seccull, T. ; McCrum, M.
- 2016MNRAS.459.2741S
- Cross-correlation of the cosmic 21-cm signal and Lyman α emitters during reionization.
- Sobacchi, Emanuele; Mesinger, Andrei; Greig, Bradley
- 2016MNRAS.459.2751K
- On the photoelectric quantum yield of small dust particles.
- Kimura, Hiroshi
- 2016MNRAS.459.2762H
- The imprint of f(R) gravity on weak gravitational lensing - I. Connection between observables and large-scale structure.
- Higuchi, Yuichi ; Shirasaki, Masato
- 2016MNRAS.459.2777R
- Modelling long GRBs using a single shock with relativistic radiation hydrodynamics.
- Rivera-Paleo, F.J.; Guzman, F.S.
- 2016MNRAS.459.2787K
- A degeneracy in DRW modelling of AGN light curves.
- Kozlowski, Szymon
- 2016MNRAS.459.2790R
- The minimum mass of detectable planets in protoplanetary discs and the derivation of planetary masses from high-resolution observations.
- Rosotti, Giovanni P.; Juhasz, Attila; Booth, Richard A.; Clarke, Cathie J.
- 2016MNRAS.459.2806A
- Searching for FUV line emission from 107 K gas in massive elliptical galaxies and galaxy clusters as a tracer of turbulent velocities.
- Anderson, Michael E. ; Sunyaev, Rashid (1)
- 2016MNRAS.459.2822M
- Revisiting the OH-CH correlation in diffuse clouds.
- Mookerjea, Bhaswati
- 2016MNRAS.459.2827H
- Secular dynamics of hierarchical multiple systems composed of nested binaries, with an arbitrary number of bodies and arbitrary hierarchical structure. First applications to multiplanet and multistar systems.
- Hamers, Adrian S.; Portegies Zwart, Simon F.
- 2016MNRAS.459.2875R
- Eclipsing negative-parity image of gravitational microlensing by a giant-lens star.
- Rahvar, Sohrab
- 2016MNRAS.459.2882M
- Radiative transfer of HCN: interpreting observations of hyperfine anomalies.
- Mullins, A.M. ; Loughnane, R.M. (1) ; Redman, M.P. ; Wiles, B. ; Guegan, N. ; Barrett, J. ; Keto, E.R. (3)
- 2016MNRAS.459.2893M
- Far-infrared and sub-millimetre imaging of HD 76582's circumstellar disc.
- Marshall, Jonathan P. (1) ; Booth, Mark ; Holland, Wayne (4) ; Matthews, Brenda C. (6) ; Greaves, Jane S. ; Zuckerman, Ben
- 2016MNRAS.459.2905M
- Impact of cosmological satellites on the vertical heating of the Milky Way disc.
- Moetazedian, R.; Just, A.
- 2016MNRAS.459.2925X
- Disruption of planetary orbits through evection resonance with an external companion: circumbinary planets and multiplanet systems.
- Xu, Wenrui; Lai, Dong
- 2016MNRAS.459.2940K
- How unusual is the cool-core radio halo cluster CL1821+643?
- Kale, Ruta ; Parekh, Viral
- 2016MNRAS.459.2948L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/459/2948)
- The ultraviolet and infrared star formation rates of compact group galaxies: an expanded sample.
- Lenkic, Laura ; Tzanavaris, Panayiotis (2) (3) ; Gallagher, Sarah C. (1) ; Desjardins, Tyler D. (1) ; Walker, Lisa May (7) ; Johnson, Kelsey E. ; Fedotov, Konstantin ; Charlton, Jane ; Hornschemeier, Ann E. ; Durrell, Pat R. ; Gronwall, Caryl
- 2016MNRAS.459.2964M
- Brightness variation distributions among main belt asteroids from sparse light-curve sampling with Pan-STARRS 1.
- McNeill, A. ; Fitzsimmons, A. ; Jedicke, R. ; Wainscoat, R. ; Denneau, L. ; Veres, P. (2) ; Magnier, E. ; Chambers, K.C. ; Kaiser, N. ; Waters, C.
- 2016MNRAS.459.2973S
- nIFTy galaxy cluster simulations - II. Radiative models.
- Sembolini, Federico (1) ; Elahi, Pascal Jahan ; Pearce, Frazer R. ; Power, Chris (5) ; Knebe, Alexander (1) ; Kay, Scott T. ; Cui, Weiguang (5) ; Yepes, Gustavo (1) ; Beck, Alexander M. ; Borgani, Stefano (9) (10) ; Cunnama, Daniel ; Dave, Romeel (13) (14) ; February, Sean ; Huang, Shuiyao ; Katz, Neal ; McCarthy, Ian G. ; Murante, Giuseppe ; Newton, Richard D.A. ; Perret, Valentin ; Puchwein, Ewald ; Saro, Alexandro (7) ; Schaye, Joop ; Teyssier, Romain
- 2016MNRAS.459.2992K
- Spatially resolved integral field spectroscopy of the ionized gas in IZw18★.
- Kehrig, C. ; Vilchez, J.M. ; Perez-Montero, E. ; Iglesias-Paramo, J. (1) ; Hernandez-Fernandez, J.D. ; Duarte Puertas, S. ; Brinchmann, J. (4) ; Durret, F. ; Kunth, D.
- 2016MNRAS.459.3005S
- Radio polarimetry of Galactic Centre pulsars.
- Schnitzeler, D.H.F.M. ; Eatough, R.P. ; Ferriere, K. ; Kramer, M. ; Lee, K.J. ; Noutsos, A. ; Shannon, R.M. (4)
- 2016MNRAS.459.3012K
- Identifying multiple periodicities in sparse photon event time series.
- Koen, Chris
- 2016MNRAS.459.3025P
- Dark-ages Reionization and Galaxy formation simulation - I. The dynamical lives of high-redshift galaxies.
- Poole, Gregory B. ; Angel, Paul W. ; Mutch, Simon J. ; Power, Chris ; Duffy, Alan R. (1) ; Geil, Paul M. ; Mesinger, Andrei ; Wyithe, Stuart B.
- 2016MNRAS.459.3040G
- Modelling galaxy clustering: halo occupation distribution versus subhalo matching.
- Guo, Hong (1) ; Zheng, Zheng ; Behroozi, Peter S. ; Zehavi, Idit (4) ; Chuang, Chia-Hsun ; Comparat, Johan (6) ; Favole, Ginevra (6) ; Gottloeber, Stefan ; Klypin, Anatoly (10) ; Prada, Francisco (6) (8) ; Rodriguez-Torres, Sergio A. (6) (7) ; Weinberg, David H. (13) ; Yepes, Gustavo
- 2016MNRAS.459.3059S
- Stability of rotating self-gravitating filaments: effects of magnetic field.
- Sadhukhan, Shubhadeep ; Mondal, Surajit ; Chakraborty, Sagar (1)
- 2016MNRAS.459.3068K
- MN48: a new Galactic bona fide luminous blue variable revealed by Spitzer and SALT.
- Kniazev, A.Y. (1) (2) ; Gvaramadze, V.V. (3) (4) ; Berdnikov, L.N. (3) (5)
- 2016MNRAS.459.3078D
- DNF - Galaxy photometric redshift by Directional Neighbourhood Fitting.
- De Vicente, J.; Sanchez, E.; Sevilla-Noarbe, I.
- 2016MNRAS.459.3089C
- On the structure of tidally disrupted stellar debris streams.
- Coughlin, Eric R. (1) ; Nixon, Chris ; Begelman, Mitchell C. (1) ; Armitage, Philip J. (1)
- 2016MNRAS.459.3104S
- Characterizing the rotational irregularities of the Vela pulsar from 21 yr of phase-coherent timing.
- Shannon, R.M. (1) ; Lentati, L.T. ; Kerr, M. ; Johnston, S. ; Hobbs, G. ; Manchester, R.N.
- 2016MNRAS.459.3112K
- LO Peg: surface differential rotation, flares, and spot-topographic evolution.
- Karmakar, Subhajeet ; Pandey, J.C. ; Savanov, I.S. ; Tas, G. ; Pandey, S.B. ; Misra, K. ; Joshi, S. ; Dmitrienko, E.S. ; Sakamoto, T. ; Gehrels, N. ; Okajima, T.
- 2016MNRAS.459.3130A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/459/3130)
- Supernovae and their host galaxies - IV. The distribution of supernovae relative to spiral arms.
- Aramyan, L.S. ; Hakobyan, A.A. ; Petrosian, A.R. ; de Lapparent, V. ; Bertin, E. ; Mamon, G.A. ; Kunth, D. ; Nazaryan, T.A. ; Adibekyan, V. ; Turatto, M.
- 2016MNRAS.459.3144Z
- Discovery of extreme [O iii] λ5007 Å outflows in high-redshift red quasars★.
- Zakamska, Nadia L. (1) ; Hamann, Fred ; Paris, Isabelle ; Brandt, W.N. (5) (6) ; Greene, Jenny E. ; Strauss, Michael A. ; Villforth, Carolin (9) ; Wylezalek, Dominika ; Alexandroff, Rachael M. ; Ross, Nicholas P.
- 2016MNRAS.459.3161C
- New methods to constrain the radio transient rate: results from a survey of four fields with LOFAR.
- Carbone, D. ; van der Horst, A.J. (1) ; Wijers, R.A.M.J. ; Swinbank, J.D. (1) ; Rowlinson, A. (1) (4) ; Broderick, J.W. (5) (6) ; Cendes, Y.N. ; Stewart, A.J. ; Bell, M.E. (4) ; Breton, R.P. ; Corbel, S. (10) ; Eisloffel, J. ; Fender, R.P. ; Griessmeier, J.-M. (11) ; Hessels, J.W.T. (1) ; Jonker, P. (14) ; Kramer, M. (9) ; Law, C.J. ; Miller-Jones, J.C.A. ; Pietka, M. ; Scheers, L.H.A. (1) ; Stappers, B.W. ; van Leeuwen, J. (1) ; Wijnands, R. ; Wise, M. (1) ; Zarka, P.
- 2016MNRAS.459.3175Y
- Formation of very hard electron and gamma-ray spectra of flat-spectrum radio quasars in the fast-cooling regime.
- Yan, Dahai (1) ; Zhang, Li ; Zhang, Shuang-Nan
- 2016MNRAS.459.3182P
- Theory of stellar convection - II. First stellar models.
- Pasetto, S. ; Chiosi, C. ; Chiosi, E. ; Cropper, M. ; Weiss, A.
- 2016MNRAS.459.3203C
- Galaxy bias from the Dark Energy Survey Science Verification data: combining galaxy density maps and weak lensing maps.
- Chang, C. ; Pujol, A. ; Gaztanaga, E. ; Amara, A. ; Refregier, A. ; Bacon, D. ; Becker, M.R. (4) ; Bonnett, C. ; Carretero, J. (2) ; Castander, F.J. ; Crocce, M. ; Fosalba, P. ; Giannantonio, T. (7) (8) ; Hartley, W. ; Jarvis, M. ; Kacprzak, T. ; Ross, A.J. ; Sheldon, E. ; Troxel, M.A. ; Vikram, V. ; Zuntz, J. ; Abbott, T.M.C. ; Abdalla, F.B. (16) ; Allam, S. ; Annis, J. ; Benoit-Levy, A. (16) (19) ; Bertin, E. (19) ; Brooks, D. ; Buckley-Geer, E. ; Burke, D.L. (5) ; Capozzi, D. ; Carnero Rosell, A. (22) ; Carrasco Kind, M. (24) ; Cunha, C.E. ; D'Andrea, C.B. (3) ; da Costa, L.N. (22) ; Desai, S. (27) ; Diehl, H.T. ; Dietrich, J.P. (27) ; Doel, P. ; Eifler, T.F. (10) ; Estrada, J. ; Evrard, A.E. (30) ; Flaugher, B. ; Frieman, J. (18) ; Goldstein, D.A. (33) ; Gruen, D. (5) (21) (27) ; Gruendl, R.A. (24) ; Gutierrez, G. ; Honscheid, K. (11) ; Jain, B. ; James, D.J. ; Kuehn, K. ; Kuropatkin, N. ; Lahav, O. ; Li, T.S. ; Lima, M. (22) ; Marshall, J.L. ; Martini, P. (11) ; Melchior, P. ; Miller, C.J. (30) ; Miquel, R. (6) ; Mohr, J.J. (27) (28) ; Nichol, R.C. ; Nord, B. ; Ogando, R. (22) ; Plazas, A.A. ; Reil, K. ; Romer, A.K. ; Roodman, A. (5) ; Rykoff, E.S. (5) ; Sanchez, E. ; Scarpine, V. ; Schubnell, M. ; Sevilla-Noarbe, I. (24) ; Smith, R.C. ; Soares-Santos, M. ; Sobreira, F. (18) ; Suchyta, E. ; Swanson, M.E.C. ; Tarle, G. ; Thomas, D. ; Walker, A.R.
- 2016MNRAS.459.3217L
- Direct collapse to supermassive black hole seeds: comparing the AMR and SPH approaches.
- Luo, Yang ; Nagamine, Kentaro (1) ; Shlosman, Isaac (1)
- 2016MNRAS.459.3234S
- Physical conditions in three high-z H2-bearing DLAs: implications for grain size.
- Shaw, Gargi ; Rawlins, Katherine ; Srianand, Raghunathan
- 2016MNRAS.459.3251V
- The stellar-to-halo mass relation of GAMA galaxies from 100 deg2 of KiDS weak lensing data.
- van Uitert, Edo (1) ; Cacciato, Marcello ; Hoekstra, Henk ; Brouwer, Margot ; Sifon, Cristobal ; Viola, Massimo ; Baldry, Ivan ; Bland-Hawthorn, Joss ; Brough, Sarah ; Brown, M.J.I. ; Choi, Ami ; Driver, Simon P. (9) ; Erben, Thomas ; Heymans, Catherine ; Hildebrandt, Hendrik ; Joachimi, Benjamin ; Kuijken, Konrad ; Liske, Jochen ; Loveday, Jon ; McFarland, John ; Miller, Lance ; Nakajima, Reiko ; Peacock, John ; Radovich, Mario ; Robotham, A.S.G. ; Schneider, Peter ; Sikkema, Gert ; Taylor, Edward N. ; Verdoes Kleijn, Gijs
- 2016MNRAS.459.3271A
- Investigating the peculiar emission from the new VHE gamma-ray source H1722+119.
- Ahnen, M.L. ; Ansoldi, S. ; Antonelli, L.A. ; Antoranz, P. ; Babic, A. ; Banerjee, B. ; Bangale, P. ; Barres de Almeida, U. (7) ; Barrio, J.A. ; Becerra Gonzalez, J. (10) ; Bednarek, W. ; Bernardini, E. (13) ; Biasuzzi, B. ; Biland, A. ; Blanch, O. ; Bonnefoy, S. ; Bonnoli, G. ; Borracci, F. ; Bretz, T. (16) ; Buson, S. ; Carosi, A. ; Chatterjee, A. ; Clavero, R. ; Colin, P. ; Colombo, E. ; Contreras, J.L. ; Cortina, J. ; Covino, S. ; Da Vela, P. ; Dazzi, F. ; De Angelis, A. ; De Lotto, B. ; de Ona Wilhelmi, E. ; Di Pierro, F. ; Doert, M. ; Dominguez, A. ; Dominis Prester, D. ; Dorner, D. ; Doro, M. ; Einecke, S. ; Eisenacher Glawion, D. ; Elsaesser, D. ; Fallah Ramazani, V. ; Fernandez-Barral, A. ; Fidalgo, D. ; Fonseca, M.V. ; Font, L. ; Frantzen, K. ; Fruck, C. ; Galindo, D. ; Garcia Lopez, R.J. ; Garczarczyk, M. ; Garrido Terrats, D. ; Gaug, M. ; Giammaria, P. ; Godinovic, N. ; Gonzalez Munoz, A. ; Gora, D. ; Guberman, D. ; Hadasch, D. ; Hahn, A. ; Hanabata, Y. ; Hayashida, M. ; Herrera, J. ; Hose, J. ; Hrupec, D. ; Hughes, G. ; Idec, W. ; Kodani, K. ; Konno, Y. ; Kubo, H. ; Kushida, J. ; La Barbera, A. ; Lelas, D. ; Lindfors, E. ; Lombardi, S. ; Longo, F. ; Lopez, M. ; Lopez-Coto, R. ; Majumdar, P. ; Makariev, M. ; Mallot, K. ; Maneva, G. ; Manganaro, M. ; Mannheim, K. ; Maraschi, L. ; Marcote, B. ; Mariotti, M. ; Martinez, M. ; Mazin, D. (7) ; Menzel, U. ; Miranda, J.M. ; Mirzoyan, R. ; Moralejo, A. ; Moretti, E. ; Nakajima, D. ; Neustroev, V. ; Niedzwiecki, A. ; Nievas Rosillo, M. ; Nilsson, K. (21) ; Nishijima, K. ; Noda, K. ; Nogues, L. ; Orito, R. ; Overkemping, A. ; Paiano, S. ; Palacio, J. ; Palatiello, M. ; Paneque, D. ; Paoletti, R. ; Paredes, J.M. ; Paredes-Fortuny, X. ; Pedaletti, G. ; Perri, L. ; Persic, M. (2) ; Poutanen, J. ; Prada Moroni, P.G. ; Prandini, E. (1) ; Puljak, I. ; Rhode, W. ; Ribo, M. ; Rico, J. ; Rodriguez Garcia, J. ; Saito, T. ; Satalecka, K. ; Schultz, C. ; Schweizer, T. ; Sillanpaa, A. ; Sitarek, J. ; Snidaric, I. ; Sobczynska, D. ; Stamerra, A. ; Steinbring, T. ; Strzys, M. ; Takalo, L. ; Takami, H. ; Tavecchio, F. ; Temnikov, P. ; Terzic, T. ; Tescaro, D. ; Teshima, M. (7) ; Thaele, J. ; Torres, D.F. ; Toyama, T. ; Treves, A. ; Verguilov, V. ; Vovk, I. ; Ward, J.E. ; Will, M. ; Wu, M.H. ; Zanin, R. ; , ; D'Ammando, F. (31) ; , ; Berdyugin, A. ; Hovatta, T. (34) ; Max-Moerbeck, W. ; Raiteri, C.M. ; Readhead, A.C.S. ; Reinthal, R. ; Richards, J.L. ; Verrecchia, F. (39) ; Villata, M.
- 2016MNRAS.459.3282W
- Carbon to oxygen ratios in extrasolar planetesimals.
- Wilson, David J. ; Gansicke, Boris T. ; Farihi, Jay ; Koester, Detlev
- 2016MNRAS.459.3287C
- Early Science with the Large Millimeter Telescope: COOL BUDHIES I - a pilot study of molecular and atomic gas at z ≃ 0.2.
- Cybulski, Ryan ; Yun, Min S. ; Erickson, Neal ; De la Luz, Victor ; Narayanan, Gopal ; Montana, Alfredo (3) ; Sanchez, David ; Zavala, Jorge A. ; Zeballos, Milagros ; Chung, Aeree ; Fernandez, Ximena (6) ; van Gorkom, Jacqueline ; Haines, Chris P. ; Jaffe, Yara L. (9) ; Montero-Castano, Maria ; Poggianti, Bianca M. ; Verheijen, Marc A.W. ; Yoon, Hyein ; Deshev, Boris Z. (13) (14) ; Harrington, Kevin ; Hughes, David H. ; Morrison, Glenn E. (16) ; Peter Schloerb, F. ; Velazquez, Miguel
- 2016MNRAS.459.3307J
- Ion-proton pulsars.
- Jones, P.B.
- 2016MNRAS.459.3314F
- The 154 MHz radio sky observed by the Murchison Widefield Array: noise, confusion, and first source count analyses.
- Franzen, T.M.O. ; Jackson, C.A. (1) ; Offringa, A.R. ; Ekers, R.D. (1) ; Wayth, R.B. (1) ; Bernardi, G. (4) (5) ; Bowman, J.D. ; Briggs, F. (2) ; Cappallo, R.J. ; Deshpande, A.A. ; Gaensler, B.M. (11) (2) ; Greenhill, L.J. ; Hazelton, B.J. ; Johnston-Hollitt, M. ; Kaplan, D.L. ; Lonsdale, C.J. ; McWhirter, S.R. ; Mitchell, D.A. (16) ; Morales, M.F. ; Morgan, E. ; Morgan, J. ; Oberoi, D. ; Ord, S.M. (1) ; Prabu, T. ; Seymour, N. ; Udaya Shankar, N. ; Srivani, K.S. ; Subrahmanyan, R. (2) ; Tingay, S.J. (1) ; Trott, C.M. (1) ; Webster, R.L. (2) ; Williams, A. ; Williams, C.L.
- 2016MNRAS.459.3326A
- The quiescent phase of galactic disc growth.
- Aumer, Michael; Binney, James; Schonrich, Ralph
- 2016MNRAS.459.3349R
- An efficient positive potential-density pair expansion for modelling galaxies.
- Rojas-Nino, A. ; Read, J.I. ; Aguilar, L. ; Delorme, M.
- 2016MNRAS.459.3356B
- Gamma-ray bursts from massive Population-III stars: clues from the radio band.
- Burlon, D. ; Murphy, T. ; Ghirlanda, G. ; Hancock, P.J. (3) ; Parry, R. ; Salvaterra, R.
- 2016MNRAS.459.3363Q
- Spectropolarimetric capabilities of Ca ii 8542 Å line.
- Quintero Noda, C. ; Shimizu, T. ; de la Cruz Rodriguez, J. ; Katsukawa, Y. ; Ichimoto, K. ; Anan, T. ; Suematsu, Y.
- 2016MNRAS.459.3377R
- Forming supermassive black hole seeds under the influence of a nearby anisotropic multifrequency source.
- Regan, John A. (1) ; Johansson, Peter H. ; Wise, John H.
- 2016MNRAS.459.3395P
- Energetic particle transport in the presence of magnetic turbulence: influence of spectral extension and intermittency.
- Pucci, F. (1) ; Malara, F. ; Perri, S. ; Zimbardo, G. ; Sorriso-Valvo, L. ; Valentini, F.
- 2016MNRAS.459.3407S
- Gravitational radiation from neutron stars deformed by crustal Hall drift.
- Suvorov, A.G. ; Mastrano, A. ; Geppert, U. (2)
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