Monthly Notices of the RAS 459
June(III) 2016

Supermassive star formation via episodic accretion: protostellar disc instability and radiative feedback efficiency.
Sakurai, Y. ; Vorobyov, E.I. (2) ; Hosokawa, T. (1) ; Yoshida, N. (1) ; Omukai, K. ; Yorke, H.W.
On the observability of bow shocks of Galactic runaway OB stars.
Meyer, D.M.-A. ; van Marle, A.-J. (2) ; Kuiper, R. ; Kley, W.
3D modelling of stellar auroral radio emission.
Leto, P. ; Trigilio, C. ; Buemi, C.S. ; Umana, G. ; Ingallinera, A. ; Cerrigone, L.
2016MNRAS.459.1170S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/459/1170)
The Carnegie Chicago Hubble Program: the mid-infrared colours of Cepheids and the effect of metallicity on the CO band-head at 4.6 µm.
Scowcroft, Victoria ; Seibert, Mark ; Freedman, Wendy L. ; Beaton, Rachael L. ; Madore, Barry F. ; Monson, Andrew J. ; Rich, Jeffrey A. ; Rigby, Jane R.
The 2QDES Pilot: the luminosity and redshift dependence of quasar clustering.
Chehade, Ben ; Shanks, T. ; Findlay, J. (1) ; Metcalfe, N. ; Sawangwit, U. ; Irwin, M. ; Gonzalez-Solares, E. ; Fine, S. ; Drinkwater, M.J. ; Croom, S. (6) ; Jurek, R.J. ; Parkinson, D. ; Bielby, R.
Near-uniform internal rotation of the main-sequence γ Doradus pulsator KIC 7661054.
Murphy, Simon J. (1) ; Fossati, Luca ; Bedding, Timothy R. (1) ; Saio, Hideyuki ; Kurtz, Donald W. ; Grassitelli, Luca ; Wang, Edric S.
Hubble-Lemaître fragmentation and the path to equilibrium of merger-driven cluster formation.
Dorval, J. ; Boily, C.M. (1) ; Moraux, E. (3) ; Maschberger, T. (3) ; Becker, C. (3)
A cloaking device for transiting planets.
Kipping, David M.; Teachey, Alex
When does a star cluster become a multiple star system? - I. Lifetimes of equal-mass small-N systems.
Leigh, Nathan W.C. ; Shara, Michael M. ; Geller, Aaron M. (2)
GMRT detections of low-mass young stars at 323 and 608 MHz.
Ainsworth, Rachael E. ; Scaife, Anna M.M. ; Green, David A. ; Coughlan, Colm P. ; Ray, Tom P.
Fast and slow magnetic deflagration fronts in type I X-ray bursts.
Cavecchi, Yuri ; Levin, Yuri (2) ; Watts, Anna L. ; Braithwaite, Jonathan
Quantifying the (X/peanut)-shaped structure in edge-on disc galaxies: length, strength, and nested peanuts.
Ciambur, Bogdan C.; Graham, Alister W.
Galaxy clustering with photometric surveys using PDF redshift information.
Asorey, J. ; Carrasco Kind, M. (2) ; Sevilla-Noarbe, I. (2) ; Brunner, R.J. (1) (2) ; Thaler, J. (1)
A GMRT study of Seyfert galaxies NGC 4235 and NGC 4594: evidence of episodic activity?
Kharb, P. ; Srivastava, S. (2) ; Singh, V. (2) ; Gallimore, J.F. ; Ishwara-Chandra, C.H. ; Ananda, Hota
The theory of secondary resonances in the spin-orbit problem.
Gkolias, Ioannis ; Celletti, Alessandra ; Efthymiopoulos, Christos ; Pucacco, Giuseppe
Timing of the accreting millisecond pulsar SAX J1748.9−2021 during its 2015 outburst.
Sanna, A. ; Burderi, L. ; Riggio, A. ; Pintore, F. (2) ; Di Salvo, T. ; Gambino, A.F. ; Iaria, R. ; Matranga, M. ; Scarano, F.
Experience with wavefront sensor and deformable mirror interfaces for wide-field adaptive optics systems.
Basden, A.G. ; Atkinson, D. ; Bharmal, N.A. ; Bitenc, U. ; Brangier, M. ; Buey, T. ; Butterley, T. ; Cano, D. ; Chemla, F. ; Clark, P. ; Cohen, M. ; Conan, J.-M. ; de Cos, F.J. ; Dickson, C. ; Dipper, N.A. ; Dunlop, C.N. ; Feautrier, P. ; Fusco, T. (6) ; Gach, J.L. ; Gendron, E. ; Geng, D. ; Goodsell, S.J. ; Gratadour, D. ; Greenaway, A.H. ; Guesalaga, A. ; Guzman, C.D. ; Henry, D. ; Holck, D. ; Hubert, Z. ; Huet, J.M. ; Kellerer, A. ; Kulcsar, C. ; Laporte, P. ; Le Roux, B. ; Looker, N. ; Longmore, A.J. ; Marteaud, M. ; Martin, O. ; Meimon, S. ; Morel, C. ; Morris, T.J. ; Myers, R.M. ; Osborn, J. ; Perret, D. ; Petit, C. ; Raynaud, H. ; Reeves, A.P. ; Rousset, G. ; Sanchez Lasheras, F. ; Sanchez-Rodriguez, M. ; Santos, J.D. ; Sevin, A. ; Sivo, G. ; Stadler, E. ; Stobie, B. ; Talbot, G. ; Todd, S. ; Vidal, F. ; Younger, E.J.
Classifying RRATs and FRBs.
Keane, E.F.
Fundamental stellar parameters for selected T-Tauri stars in the Chamaeleon and Rho Ophiuchus star-forming regions★.
James, D.J. ; Aarnio, A.N. ; Richert, A.J.W. ; Cargile, P.A. ; Santos, N.C. (5) ; Melo, C.H.F. ; Bouvier, J.
2016MNRAS.459.1393M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/459/1393)
An optical transmission spectrum of the giant planet WASP-36 b.
Mancini, L. (1) ; Kemmer, J. ; Southworth, J. ; Bott, K. ; Molliere, P. ; Ciceri, S. ; Chen, G. (5) ; Henning, T.
2016MNRAS.459.1403R – (Tables: J/MNRAS/459/1403)
The extended disc and halo of the Andromeda galaxy observed with Spitzer-IRAC.
Rafiei Ravandi, Masoud ; Barmby, Pauline (1) ; Ashby, Matthew L.N. ; Laine, Seppo ; Davidge, T.J. ; Zhang, Jenna ; Bianchi, Luciana ; Babul, Arif ; Chapman, S.C.
2016MNRAS.459.1415B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/459/1415)
Remnant planetary systems around bright white dwarfs.
Barber, Sara D. ; Belardi, Claudia (1) ; Kilic, Mukremin ; Gianninas, A.
Radially dependent large-scale dynamos in global cylindrical shear flows and the local cartesian limit.
Ebrahimi, F. ; Blackman, E.G. (2)
First identification of direct collapse black hole candidates in the early Universe in CANDELS/GOODS-S.
Pacucci, Fabio ; Ferrara, Andrea (1) ; Grazian, Andrea ; Fiore, Fabrizio ; Giallongo, Emanuele ; Puccetti, Simonetta
Continuum observations of M 51 and M 83 at 1.1 mm with AzTEC.
Wall, W.F. ; Puerari, I. ; Tilanus, R. ; Israel, F.P. ; Austermann, J.E. ; Aretxaga, I. ; Wilson, G. ; Yun, M. ; Scott, K.S. ; Perera, T.A. ; Roberts, C.M. ; Hughes, D.H.
Accurate halo-model matter power spectra with dark energy, massive neutrinos and modified gravitational forces.
Mead, A.J. (1) (2) ; Heymans, C. ; Lombriser, L. ; Peacock, J.A. ; Steele, O.I. ; Winther, H.A.
Resonant sterile neutrino dark matter in the local and high-z Universe.
Bozek, Brandon ; Boylan-Kolchin, Michael ; Horiuchi, Shunsaku ; Garrison-Kimmel, Shea ; Abazajian, Kevork ; Bullock, James S.
Helium stars: towards an understanding of Wolf-Rayet evolution.
McClelland, L.A.S.; Eldridge, J.J.
Detection of dispersed radio pulses: a machine learning approach to candidate identification and classification.
Devine, Thomas Ryan ; Goseva-Popstojanova, Katerina ; McLaughlin, Maura
The magnetic field vector of the Sun-as-a-star.
Vidotto, A.A. (1)
Hot accretion flow with radiative cooling: state transitions in black hole X-ray binaries.
Wu, Mao-Chun ; Xie, Fu-Guo ; Yuan, Ye-Fei ; Gan, Zhaoming
Sussing merger trees: stability and convergence.
Wang, Yang (1) (2) (3) ; Pearce, Frazer R. ; Knebe, Alexander (5) ; Schneider, Aurel (7) ; Srisawat, Chaichalit ; Tweed, Dylan (9) ; Jung, Intae ; Han, Jiaxin ; Helly, John ; Onions, Julian ; Elahi, Pascal J. ; Thomas, Peter A. ; Behroozi, Peter (14) ; Yi, Sukyoung K. ; Rodriguez-Gomez, Vicente ; Mao, Yao-Yuan (14) ; Jing, Yipeng ; Lin, Weipeng (1)
Diffusive heat blanketing envelopes of neutron stars.
Beznogov, M.V. ; Potekhin, A.Y. (2) (3) ; Yakovlev, D.G.
Improved orbits and parallaxes for eight visual binaries with unrealistic previous masses using the Hipparcos parallax.
Docobo, J.A. ; Tamazian, V.S. ; Malkov, O.Y. ; Campo, P.P. ; Chulkov, D.A.
The cross-correlation between 3D cosmic shear and the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect.
Zieser, Britta; Merkel, Philipp M.
Grid noise in moving mesh codes: fixing the volume inconsistency problem.
Steinberg, Elad; Yalinewich, Almog; Sari, Re'em
2016MNRAS.459.1602L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/459/1602)
X-ray spectral properties of the AGN sample in the northern XMM-XXL field.
Liu, Zhu (1) (2) ; Merloni, Andrea ; Georgakakis, Antonis (3) ; Menzel, Marie-Luise ; Buchner, Johannes ; Nandra, Kirpal ; Salvato, Mara ; Shen, Yue (5) ; Brusa, Marcella (3) (7) ; Streblyanska, Alina (9)
2016MNRAS.459.1626R – (Tables: J/MNRAS/459/1626)
A complete census of Herschel-detected infrared sources within the HST Frontier Fields.
Rawle, T.D. (1) ; Altieri, B. ; Egami, E. ; Perez-Gonzalez, P.G. ; Boone, F. ; Clement, B. ; Ivison, R.J. (7) ; Richard, J. ; Rujopakarn, W. (9) ; Valtchanov, I. ; Walth, G. ; Weiner, B.J. ; Blain, A.W. ; Dessauges-Zavadsky, M. ; Kneib, J.-P. ; Lutz, D. ; Rodighiero, G. ; Schaerer, D. (5) ; Smail, I.
An empirical determination of the dust mass absorption coefficient, κd, using the Herschel Reference Survey.
Clark, Christopher J.R.; Schofield, Simon P.; Gomez, Haley L.; Davies, Jonathan I.
Insights into quasar UV spectra using unsupervised clustering analysis.
Tammour, A. ; Gallagher, S.C. (1) ; Daley, M. ; Richards, G.T.
Evidence for very nearby hidden white dwarfs.
Fuhrmann, K. (1) ; Chini, R. (1) ; Kaderhandt, L. ; Chen, Z. (1) ; Lachaume, R. (5)
2016MNRAS.459.1687M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/459/1687)
The VMC survey - XX. Identification of new Cepheids in the Small Magellanic Cloud.
Moretti, M.I. (1) (2) ; Clementini, G. ; Ripepi, V. ; Marconi, M. ; Rubele, S. (5) ; Cioni, M.-R.L. (7) (8) ; Muraveva, T. ; Groenewegen, M.A.T. ; Cross, N.J.G. ; Ivanov, V.D. (12) ; Piatti, A.E. (14) ; de Grijs, R. (16) (17)
Quantifying substructures in Hubble Frontier Field clusters: comparison with ΛCDM simulations.
Mohammed, Irshad (1) (2) ; Saha, Prasenjit (2) ; Williams, Liliya L.R. ; Liesenborgs, Jori ; Sebesta, Kevin
Modelling dust scattering in our Galaxy.
Murthy, Jayant
The inner cavity of the circumnuclear disc.
Blank, M. ; Morris, M.R. ; Frank, A. ; Carroll-Nellenback, J.J. ; Duschl, W.J. (1)
Constraints on individual supermassive black hole binaries from pulsar timing array limits on continuous gravitational waves.
Schutz, Katelin ; Ma, Chung-Pei
Baryon cycling in the low-redshift circumgalactic medium: a comparison of simulations to the COS-Halos survey.
Ford, Amanda Brady ; Werk, Jessica K. ; Dave, Romeel (3) (4) ; Tumlinson, Jason ; Bordoloi, Rongmon ; Katz, Neal ; Kollmeier, Juna A. ; Oppenheimer, Benjamin D. ; Peeples, Molly S. ; Prochaska, Jason X. ; Weinberg, David H.
Next generation cosmology: constraints from the Euclid galaxy cluster survey.
Sartoris, B. (1) ; Biviano, A. ; Fedeli, C. (3) ; Bartlett, J.G. ; Borgani, S. (1) (2) ; Costanzi, M. ; Giocoli, C. (3) (4) (8) ; Moscardini, L. (3) (4) ; Weller, J. (7) (10) ; Ascaso, B. (5) ; Bardelli, S. ; Maurogordato, S. ; Viana, P.T.P. (14)
Constraining the progenitor of the Type Ia Supernova SN 2012cg.
Liu, Zheng-Wei; Stancliffe, Richard J.
Bulk Comptonization by turbulence in accretion discs.
Kaufman, J.; Blaes, O.M.
Magnetohydrodynamical simulation of the formation of clumps and filaments in quiescent diffuse medium by thermal instability.
Wareing, C.J. ; Pittard, J.M. ; Falle, S.A.E.G. ; Van Loo, S.
Sampling the probability distribution of Type Ia Supernova lightcurve parameters in cosmological analysis.
Dai, Mi ; Wang, Yun (1)
Local Volume TiNy Titans: gaseous dwarf-dwarf interactions in the Local Universe.
Pearson, Sarah ; Besla, Gurtina ; Putman, Mary E. ; Lutz, Katharina A. (3) ; Fernandez, Ximena ; Stierwalt, Sabrina ; Patton, David R. ; Kim, Jinhyub ; Kallivayalil, Nitya ; Johnson, Kelsey ; Sung, Eon-Chang
Cyclotron line formation in the magnetized atmospheres of compact stars - I. The transfer equations for polarized radiation.
Garasev, M.A. (1) ; Derishev, E.V. ; Kocharovsky, V.V. ; Kocharovsky, V.V. (1)
Roche tomography of cataclysmic variables - VII. The long-term magnetic activity of AE Aqr.
Hill, C.A. (1) ; Watson, C.A. ; Steeghs, D. ; Dhillon, V.S. (4) ; Shahbaz, T. (5)
Spitzer observations of extragalactic H ii regions - III. NGC 6822 and the hot star, H ii region connection.
Rubin, Robert H. (1) ; Simpson, Janet P. ; Colgan, Sean W.J. ; Dufour, Reginald J. ; Kader, Justin (1) ; McNabb, Ian A. (1) ; Pauldrach, Adalbert W.A. ; Weber, Johann A.
Revealing the dynamics of Class 0 protostellar discs with ALMA.
Seifried, D. (1) ; Sanchez-Monge, A. ; Walch, S. ; Banerjee, R.
Temporal variability of the wind from the star τ Boötis.
Nicholson, B.A. (1) ; Vidotto, A.A. (3) ; Mengel, M. ; Brookshaw, L. ; Carter, B. ; Petit, P. (5) ; Marsden, S.C. ; Jeffers, S.V. ; Fares, R. ; ,
Gaussianization for fast and accurate inference from cosmological data.
Schuhmann, Robert L.; Joachimi, Benjamin; Peiris, Hiranya V.
The diversity of growth histories of Milky Way-mass galaxies.
Terrazas, Bryan A. ; Bell, Eric F. ; Henriques, Bruno M.B. ; White, Simon D.M.
The complex high-mass star-forming region IRAS 15507-5359.
Persi, P. ; Tapia, M. ; Roth, M. (3) ; Elia, D. ; Lopez-Vazquez, J.A. (5)
Variability of GeV gamma-ray emission in QSO B0218+357 due to microlensing on intermediate size structures.
Sitarek, J.; Bednarek, W.
Higher order explicit symmetric integrators for inseparable forms of coordinates and momenta.
Liu, Lei ; Wu, Xin ; Huang, Guoqing ; Liu, Fuyao
A possible answer to the mysterious non-detection of hydroxylamine in space: the thermal desorption mechanism.
Jonusas, Mindaugas (1) ; Krim, Lahouari (1)
Star formation in Galactic flows.
Smilgys, Romas; Bonnell, Ian A.
The magnetic properties of the star Kepler-78.
Moutou, C. (1) ; Donati, J.-F. ; Lin, D. ; Laine, R.O. ; Hatzes, A.
How speed-of-sound measurements could bring constraints on the composition of Titan's seas.
Cordier, D.
General polytropic self-gravitating cylinder free-fall and accreting mass string with a chain of collapsed objects.
Lou, Yu-Qing ; Hu, Xu-Yao
On the hydrodynamic model of thermal escape from planetary atmospheres and its comparison with kinetic simulations.
Volkov, A.N.
Global dust attenuation in disc galaxies: strong variation with specific star formation and stellar mass, and the importance of sample selection.
Devour, Brian M.; Bell, Eric F.
Second derivative in the model of classical binary system.
Abubekerov, M.K.; Gostev, N.Y.
AGN coronal emission models - I. The predicted radio emission.
Raginski, I.; Laor, Ari
Evidence for variable, correlated X-ray and optical/IR extinction towards the nearby, pre-main-sequence binary TWA 30.
Principe, David A. (1) (2) ; Sacco, G. ; Kastner, J.H. ; Stelzer, B. ; Alcala, J.M.
Dark-ages reionization and galaxy formation simulation - II. Spin and concentration parameters for dark matter haloes during the epoch of reionization.
Angel, Paul W. ; Poole, Gregory B. ; Ludlow, Aaron D. ; Duffy, Alan R. ; Geil, Paul M. ; Mutch, Simon J. ; Mesinger, Andrei ; Stuart Wyithe, J.B.
Fast and accurate mock catalogue generation for low-mass galaxies.
Koda, Jun (1) (2) ; Blake, Chris ; Beutler, Florian ; Kazin, Eyal (2) ; Marin, Felipe (2)
Measures of three-dimensional anisotropy and intermittency in strong Alfvénic turbulence.
Mallet, A. (1) ; Schekochihin, A.A. (2) ; Chandran, B.D.G. (1) ; Chen, C.H.K. ; Horbury, T.S. ; Wicks, R.T. ; Greenan, C.C.
Inner engine shutdown from transitions in the angular momentum distribution in collapsars.
Batta, Aldo (1) (2) ; Lee, William H.
Stellar mass functions: methods, systematics and results for the local Universe.
Weigel, Anna K.; Schawinski, Kevin; Bruderer, Claudio
On physical and numerical instabilities arising in simulations of non-stationary radiatively cooling shocks.
Badjin, D.A. (1) ; Glazyrin, S.I. (1) (2) ; Manukovskiy, K.V. ; Blinnikov, S.I. (1) (2)
Galaxy evolution in nearby galaxy groups - III. A GALEX view of NGC 5846, the largest group in the local universe.
Marino, Antonietta ; Mazzei, Paola ; Rampazzo, Roberto ; Bianchi, Luciana
Dynamical history of the Local Group in ΛCDM.
Banik, Indranil; Zhao, Hongsheng
2016MNRAS.459.2262D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/459/2262)
High-resolution mapping of dust via extinction in the M31 bulge.
Dong, Hui (1) ; Li, Zhiyuan (3) ; Wang, Q.D. (5) ; Lauer, Tod R. ; Olsen, Knut A.G. ; Saha, Abhijit ; Dalcanton, Julianne J. ; Groves, Brent A.
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