Monthly Notices of the RAS 459
July(II) 2016

Analytical forms of chaotic spiral arms.
Harsoula, M.; Efthymiopoulos, C.; Contopoulos, G.
Massive black hole binaries from runaway collisions: the impact of metallicity.
Mapelli, Michela (1)
A free-form mass model of the Hubble Frontier Fields cluster AS1063 (RXC J2248.7-4431) with over one hundred constraints.
Diego, Jose M. ; Broadhurst, Tom (2) ; Wong, Jess ; Silk, Joseph (5) (6) (7) ; Lim, Jeremy (4) ; Zheng, Wei ; Lam, Daniel ; Ford, Holland
Supernova feedback in molecular clouds: global evolution and dynamics.
Kortgen, Bastian ; Seifried, Daniel ; Banerjee, Robi ; Vazquez-Semadeni, Enrique ; Zamora-Aviles, Manuel
The probability distribution functions of emission line flux measurements and their ratios.
Wesson, R. ; Stock, D.J. ; Scicluna, P.
The effects of a magnetic field on planetary migration in laminar and turbulent discs.
Comins, Megan L. ; Romanova, Marina M. ; Koldoba, Alexander V. ; Ustyugova, Galina V. ; Blinova, Alisa A. ; Lovelace, Richard V.E. (1)
H, He-like recombination spectra - I. l-changing collisions for hydrogen.
Guzman, F. ; Badnell, N.R. ; Williams, R.J.R. ; van Hoof, P.A.M. ; Chatzikos, M. ; Ferland, G.J.
Constraining neutrino mass using the large-scale H i distribution in the post-reionization epoch.
Pal, Ashis Kumar; Guha Sarkar, Tapomoy
'Grandeur in this view of life': N-body simulation models of the Galactic habitable zone.
Vukotic, B. ; Steinhauser, D. ; Martinez-Aviles, G. ; Cirkovic, M.M. ; Micic, M. ; Schindler, S.
Limits on the validity of the thin-layer model of the ionosphere for radio interferometric calibration.
Martin, Poppy L. (1) ; Bray, Justin D. ; Scaife, Anna M.M.
Statistical study of spatio-temporal distribution of precursor solar flares associated with major flares.
Gyenge, N. (1) ; Ballai, I. ; Baranyi, T.
Can we distinguish early dark energy from a cosmological constant?
Shi, Difu; Baugh, Carlton M.
High-cadence spectroscopy of M dwarfs - I. Analysis of systematic effects in HARPS-N line profile measurements on the bright binary GJ 725A+B.
Berdinas, Z.M. (1) ; Amado, P.J. ; Anglada-Escude, G. (3) ; Rodriguez-Lopez, C. ; Barnes, J.
Radial velocity planet detection biases at the stellar rotational period.
Vanderburg, Andrew ; Plavchan, Peter ; Johnson, John Asher ; Ciardi, David R. ; Swift, Jonathan ; Kane, Stephen R.
The selective effect of environment on the atomic and molecular gas-to-dust ratio of nearby galaxies in the Herschel Reference Survey.
Cortese, L. ; Bekki, K. ; Boselli, A. ; Catinella, B. ; Ciesla, L. ; Hughes, T.M. ; Baes, M. ; Bendo, G.J. ; Boquien, M. ; de Looze, I. ; Smith, M.W.L. ; Spinoglio, L. ; Viaene, S.
Polarized thermal emission from X-ray dim isolated neutron stars: the case of RX J1856.5-3754.
Gonzalez Caniulef, D. ; Zane, S. ; Taverna, R. ; Turolla, R. (1) ; Wu, K.
Kepler K2 observations of Sco X-1: orbital modulations and correlations with Fermi GBM and MAXI.
Hynes, Robert I. ; Schaefer, Bradley E. ; Baum, Zachary A. ; Hsu, Ching-Cheng ; Cherry, Michael L. ; Scaringi, Simone
Binary stars can provide the 'missing photons' needed for reionization.
Ma, Xiangcheng ; Hopkins, Philip F. ; Kasen, Daniel (2) ; Quataert, Eliot ; Faucher-Giguere, Claude-Andre ; Keres, Dusan ; Murray, Norman ; Strom, Allison
ERRATUM: 'The variable spin-down rate of the transient magnetar XTE J1810-197'.
Pintore, Fabio ; Bernardini, Federico (2) ; Mereghetti, Sandro ; Esposito, Paolo ; Turolla, Roberto (4) ; Rea, Nanda (6) ; Coti Zelati, Francesco (6) (8) ; Israel, Gian Luca ; Tiengo, Andrea (1) (11) ; Zane, Silvia
Kepler K2 observations of the intermediate polar FO Aquarii.
Kennedy, M.R. (1) ; Garnavich, P. ; Breedt, E. ; Marsh, T.R. ; Gansicke, B.T. ; Steeghs, D. ; Szkody, P. ; Dai, Z. (5)
ALMA observations of the submillimetre hydrogen recombination line from the type 2 active nucleus of NGC 1068.
Izumi, Takuma ; Nakanishi, Kouichiro (2) ; Imanishi, Masatoshi (2) (3) ; Kohno, Kotaro (1)
Properties of GRB light curves from magnetic reconnection.
Beniamini, Paz ; Granot, Jonathan
Statistical properties of quasi-periodic pulsations in white-light flares observed with Kepler.
Pugh, C.E. ; Armstrong, D.J. (1) ; Nakariakov, V.M. (1) ; Broomhall, A.-M. (1)
Strong gravitational lensing and the stellar IMF of early-type galaxies.
Leier, Dominik ; Ferreras, Ignacio ; Saha, Prasenjit ; Charlot, Stephane ; Bruzual, Gustavo ; La Barbera, Francesco
Improving lognormal models for cosmological fields.
Xavier, Henrique S. (1) ; Abdalla, Filipe B. (2) ; Joachimi, Benjamin
The outer profile of dark matter haloes: an analytical approach.
Shi, Xun
Supervised ensemble classification of Kepler variable stars.
Bass, G. ; Borne, K.
Hyper-Eddington accretion flows on to massive black holes.
Inayoshi, Kohei ; Haiman, Zoltan ; Ostriker, Jeremiah P. (1)
Gas and grain chemical composition in cold cores as predicted by the Nautilus three-phase model.
Ruaud, Maxime (1) ; Wakelam, Valentine (1) ; Hersant, Franck (1)
Semi-empirical determination of radiative parameters for Ag ii.
Ruczkowski, J. ; Elantkowska, M. ; Dembczynski, J.
Simulated gamma-ray pulse profile of the Crab pulsar with the Cherenkov Telescope Array.
Burtovoi, A. (1) ; Zampieri, L.
Estimation of mass outflow rates from viscous relativistic accretion discs around black holes.
Chattopadhyay, Indranil; Kumar, Rajiv
The z = 9-10 galaxy population in the Hubble Frontier Fields and CLASH surveys: the z = 9 luminosity function and further evidence for a smooth decline in ultraviolet luminosity density at z≥ 8.
McLeod, D.J.; McLure, R.J.; Dunlop, J.S.
Mosaic tile model to compute gravitational field for infinitely thin non-axisymmetric objects and its application to preliminary analysis of gravitational field of M74.
Fukushima, Toshio
Boxy Hα emission profiles in star-forming galaxies.
Chen, Yan-Mei (1) (2) ; Gu, Qiu-Sheng (1) (2) ; Tremonti, Christy A. ; Shi, Yong (1) (2) ; Jin, Yifei (1) (2)
Molecular environment, reverberation, and radiation from the pulsar wind nebula in CTA 1.
Martin, Jonatan ; Torres, Diego F. (1) ; Pedaletti, Giovanna
Testing Hu-Sawicki f(R) gravity with the effective field theory approach.
Hu, Bin (1) ; Raveri, Marco (3) (4) ; Rizzato, Matteo ; Silvestri, Alessandra
2016MNRAS.459.3890U – (Tables: J/MNRAS/459/3890)
ExoMol molecular line lists - XIV. The rotation-vibration spectrum of hot SO2.
Underwood, Daniel S. ; Tennyson, Jonathan ; Yurchenko, Sergei N. ; Huang, Xinchuan ; Schwenke, David W. ; Lee, Timothy J. ; Clausen, Sonnik ; Fateev, Alexander
The interstellar medium in Andromeda's dwarf spheroidal galaxies - I. Content and origin of the interstellar dust.
De Looze, Ilse (1) (2) ; Baes, Maarten ; Bendo, George J. ; Fritz, Jacopo (2) ; Boquien, Mederic (3) ; Cormier, Diane ; Gentile, Gianfranco (2) ; Kennicutt, Robert C. ; Madden, Suzanne C. ; Smith, Matthew W.L. ; Young, Lisa (11)
Background and imaging simulations for the hard X-ray camera of the MIRAX mission.
Castro, M. ; Braga, J. ; Penacchioni, A. ; D'Amico, F. ; Sacahui, R. (1)
GW Librae: a unique laboratory for pulsations in an accreting white dwarf.
Toloza, O. ; Gansicke, B.T. ; Hermes, J.J. ; Townsley, D.M. ; Schreiber, M.R. ; Szkody, P. ; Pala, A. ; Beuermann, K. ; Bildsten, L. ; Breedt, E. ; Cook, M. (8) ; Godon, P. ; Henden, A.A. ; Hubeny, I. ; Knigge, C. ; Long, K.S. ; Marsh, T.R. ; de Martino, D. ; Mukadam, A.S. (5) ; Myers, G. ; Nelson, P. ; Oksanen, A. (9) ; Patterson, J. ; Sion, E.M. ; Zorotovic, M.
2016MNRAS.459.3939V – (Tables: J/MNRAS/459/3939)
The diversity of Type II supernova versus the similarity in their progenitors.
Valenti, S. ; Howell, D.A. (2) ; Stritzinger, M.D. ; Graham, M.L. ; Hosseinzadeh, G. (2) ; Arcavi, I. (2) ; Bildsten, L. ; Jerkstrand, A. ; McCully, C. (2) ; Pastorello, A. ; Piro, A.L. ; Sand, D. ; Smartt, S.J. ; Terreran, G. (7) ; Baltay, C. ; Benetti, S. ; Brown, P. ; Filippenko, A.V. ; Fraser, M. ; Rabinowitz, D. ; Sullivan, M. ; Yuan, F. (15)
Long-term X-ray spectral variability in AGN from the Palomar sample observed by Swift.
Connolly, S.D. ; McHardy, I.M. ; Skipper, C.J. (1) ; Emmanoulopoulos, D.
A study of the asteroid (367943) Duende at Pulkovo Observatory.
Devyatkin, A.V. ; Gorshanov, D.L. ; Yershov, V.N. (1) ; Melnikov, A.V. ; Martyusheva, A.A. ; Petrova, S.N. ; L'vov, V.N. ; Tsekmeister, S.D. ; Naumov, K.N.
The galaxy luminosity function in groups and clusters: the faint-end upturn and the connection to the field luminosity function.
Lan, Ting-Wen ; Menard, Brice (1) ; Mo, Houjun
Measuring baryon acoustic oscillations from the clustering of voids.
Liang, Yu ; Zhao, Cheng ; Chuang, Chia-Hsun ; Kitaura, Francisco-Shu ; Tao, Charling (1)
The reconstruction of inflationary potentials.
Lin, Jianmang ; Gao, Qing (1) ; Gong, Yungui
The 2015 hard-state only outburst of GS 1354-64.
Stiele, H.; Kong, A.K.H.
Turbulent reconnection of magnetic bipoles in stratified turbulence.
Jabbari, S. (1) ; Brandenburg, A. (1) (2) (3) ; Mitra, Dhrubaditya ; Kleeorin, N. (1) ; Rogachevskii, I. (1)
Dynamical effect of gas on spiral pattern speed in galaxies.
Ghosh, Soumavo; Jog, Chanda J.
12.2-GHz methanol maser MMB follow-up catalogue - IV. Longitude range 20deg-60deg.
Breen, S.L. ; Ellingsen, S.P. ; Caswell, J.L. ; Green, J.A. (1) ; Voronkov, M.A. ; Avison, A. (4) ; Fuller, G.A. (4) ; Quinn, L.J. (4)
Habitability of terrestrial-mass planets in the HZ of M Dwarfs - I. H/He-dominated atmospheres.
Owen, James E. ; Mohanty, Subhanjoy
The growth of discs and bulges during hierarchical galaxy formation - I. Fast evolution versus secular processes.
Tonini, C. ; Mutch, S.J. ; Croton, D.J. ; Wyithe, J.S.B.
Detection of a turbulent gas component associated with a starless core with subthermal turbulence in the Orion A cloud.
Ohashi, Satoshi ; Tatematsu, Ken'ichi (2) ; Sanhueza, Patricio ; , ; Hirota, Tomoya (2) ; Choi, Minho ; Mizuno, Norikazu (1)
A correlation between the H i 21-cm absorption strength and impact parameter in external galaxies.
Curran, S.J. ; Reeves, S.N. (2) (3) ; Allison, J.R. ; Sadler, E.M. (3)
Electromagnetic fields in the exterior of an oscillating relativistic star - II. Electromagnetic damping.
Rezzolla, Luciano (1) ; Ahmedov, Bobomurat J. (3) (4)
The apparent synchronization of V1500 Cygni.
Harrison, Thomas E. ; Campbell, Ryan K.
Solar r-process-constrained actinide production in neutrino-driven winds of supernovae.
Goriely, S. ; Janka, H.-Th.
High-resolution optical spectroscopy of the yellow hypergiant V1302 Aql (=IRC+10420) in 2001-2014.
Klochkova, V.G. ; Chentsov, E.L. ; Miroshnichenko, A.S. ; Panchuk, V.E. ; Yushkin, M.V.
A non-parametric method for measuring the local dark matter density.
Silverwood, H. ; Sivertsson, S. (1) ; Steger, P. ; Read, J.I. ; Bertone, G.
New constraints on direct collapse black hole formation in the early Universe.
Agarwal, Bhaskar (1) ; Smith, Britton ; Glover, Simon ; Natarajan, Priyamvada ; Khochfar, Sadegh (2)
No evidence for younger stellar generations within the intermediate-age massive clusters NGC 1783, NGC 1806 and NGC 411.
Cabrera-Ziri, I. (1) ; Niederhofer, F. (3) (4) ; Bastian, N. ; Rejkuba, M. (1) ; Balbinot, E. ; Kerzendorf, W.E. ; Larsen, S.S. ; Mackey, A.D. ; Dalessandro, E. ; Mucciarelli, A. ; Charbonnel, C. (10) ; Hilker, M. ; Gieles, M. ; Henault-Brunet, V.
Detailed study of the microwave emission of the supernova remnant 3C 396.
Cruciani, A. ; Battistelli, E.S. ; Carretti, E. (2) ; de Bernardis, P. ; Genova-Santos, R. (4) ; Masi, S. ; Mason, B. ; Perera, D. ; Piacentini, F. ; Reach, B. ; Rubino-Martin, J.A. (4)
The extreme ultraviolet spectra of low-redshift radio-loud quasars.
Punsly, Brian (1) ; Reynolds, Cormac ; Marziani, Paola ; O'Dea, Christopher P. (5)
A giant radio halo in a low-mass SZ-selected galaxy cluster: ACT-CL J0256.5+0006.
Knowles, K. ; Intema, H.T. ; Baker, A.J. ; Bharadwaj, V. ; Bond, J.R. ; Cress, C. (5) ; Gupta, N. ; Hajian, A. ; Hilton, M. ; Hincks, A.D. ; Hlozek, R. ; Hughes, J.P. ; Lindner, R.R. (3) ; Marriage, T.A. ; Menanteau, F. (12) ; Moodley, K. ; Niemack, M.D. ; Reese, E.D. ; Sievers, J. (16) ; Sifon, C. ; Srianand, R. ; Wollack, E.J.
MUSE three-dimensional spectroscopy and kinematics of the gigahertz peaked spectrum radio galaxy PKS 1934-63: interaction, recently triggered active galactic nucleus and star formation.
Roche, Nathan ; Humphrey, Andrew ; Lagos, Patricio ; Papaderos, Polychronis ; Silva, Marckelson (1) ; Cardoso, Leandro S.M. (1) ; Gomes, Jean Michel
KELT-10b: the first transiting exoplanet from the KELT-South survey - a hot sub-Jupiter transiting a V = 10.7 early G-star.
Kuhn, Rudolf B. ; Rodriguez, Joseph E. ; Collins, Karen A. (2) ; Lund, Michael B. ; Siverd, Robert J. ; Colon, Knicole D. (5) (6) ; Pepper, Joshua ; Stassun, Keivan G. (2) ; Cargile, Phillip A. ; James, David J. ; Penev, Kaloyan ; Zhou, George ; Bayliss, Daniel (13) ; Tan, T.G. ; Curtis, Ivan A. ; Udry, Stephane ; Segransan, Damien ; Mawet, Dimitri (17) ; Dhital, Saurav ; Soutter, Jack ; Hart, Rhodes ; Carter, Brad ; Gaudi, B. Scott ; Myers, Gordon (22) ; Beatty, Thomas G. (24) ; Eastman, Jason D. ; Reichart, Daniel E. ; Haislip, Joshua B. ; Kielkopf, John ; Bieryla, Allyson ; Latham, David W. ; Jensen, Eric L.N. ; Oberst, Thomas E. ; Stevens, Daniel J.
2016MNRAS.459.4299D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/459/4299)
Chemical abundances and kinematics of barium stars.
de Castro, D.B. ; Pereira, C.B. ; Roig, F. ; Jilinski, E. (1) ; Drake, N.A. (1) ; Chavero, C. (1) (4) ; Sales Silva, J.V.
The evolving magnetic topology of τ Bootis.
Mengel, M.W. ; Fares, R. ; Marsden, S.C. ; Carter, B.D. ; Jeffers, S.V. ; Petit, P. (4) ; Donati, J.-F. (4) ; Folsom, C.P. (6) ; ,
2016MNRAS.459.4343K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/459/4343)
The Edinburgh-Cape Blue Object Survey - V. The end: Partial Zones 4-6: Galactic latitudes -50deg > b > -90deg.
Kilkenny, D. ; Worters, H.L. ; O'Donoghue, D. (2) ; Koen, C. ; Koen, T. ; Hambly, N. ; MacGillivray, H. ; Stobie, R.S.
Dynamo model for grand maxima of solar activity: can superflares occur on the Sun?
Kitchatinov, L.L. (1) ; Olemskoy, S.V.
2016MNRAS.459.4360L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/459/4360)
Cyclic variations in O-C diagrams of field RR Lyrae stars as a result of LiTE.
Liska, J. ; Skarka, M. (1) ; Zejda, M. ; Mikulasek, Z. ; de Villiers, S.N.
Low-mass neutron stars: universal relations, the nuclear symmetry energy and gravitational radiation.
Silva, Hector O. ; Sotani, Hajime ; Berti, Emanuele (1)
Imprints of a high-velocity wind on the soft X-ray spectrum of PG1211+143.
Pounds, K.A. ; Lobban, A. ; Reeves, J.N. ; Vaughan, S. ; Costa, M.
Thin accretion discs are stabilized by a strong magnetic field.
Sadowski, Aleksander
Rhapsody-G simulations - II. Baryonic growth and metal enrichment in massive galaxy clusters.
Martizzi, Davide ; Hahn, Oliver (2) ; Wu, Hao-Yi (4) ; Evrard, August E. ; Teyssier, Romain ; Wechsler, Risa H. (7)
The peculiar Type Ia supernova iPTF14atg: Chandrasekhar-mass explosion or violent merger?
Kromer, M. ; Fremling, C. ; Pakmor, R. ; Taubenberger, S. (3) ; Amanullah, R. ; Cenko, S.B. ; Fransson, C. ; Goobar, A. ; Leloudas, G. (7) ; Taddia, F. ; Ropke, F.K. (2) ; Seitenzahl, I.R. (10) ; Sim, S.A. (11) ; Sollerman, J.
Effect of Be disc evolution on global one-armed oscillations.
Oktariani, F. ; Okazaki, A.T. ; Kunjaya, C. (3) ; Aprilia,
2016MNRAS.459.4450W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/459/4450)
Peculiar compact stellar systems in the Fornax cluster.
Wittmann, Carolin ; Lisker, Thorsten ; Pasquali, Anna ; Hilker, Michael ; Grebel, Eva K.
An accurate and practical method for inference of weak gravitational lensing from galaxy images.
Bernstein, Gary M. ; Armstrong, Robert ; Krawiec, Christina ; March, Marisa C.
Ionized gas kinematics within the inner kiloparsec of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 1365.
Lena, Davide (1) (2) ; Robinson, Andrew ; Storchi-Bergmann, Thaisa ; Couto, Guilherme S. ; Schnorr-Muller, Allan (5) ; Riffel, Rogemar A.
The crucial role of higher order multiplicity in wide binary formation: a case study using the β-Pictoris moving group.
Elliott, P. (1) ; Bayo, A.
Buoyancy-driven inflow to a relic cold core: the gas belt in radio galaxy 3C 386.
Duffy, R.T. ; Worrall, D.M. ; Birkinshaw, M. ; Kraft, R.P.
The detection of dust around NN Ser.
Hardy, Adam (1) ; Schreiber, Matthias R. (1) ; Parsons, Steven G. ; Caceres, Claudio (1) ; Brinkworth, Carolyn (3) ; Veras, Dimitri ; Gansicke, Boris T. ; Marsh, Thomas R. ; Cieza, Lucas (2)
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