Monthly Notices of the RAS 440
May(III) 2014

On the lack of X-ray bright Type IIP supernovae
Dwarkadas, V.V.
Using the Cn2 and wind profiler method with wide-field laser-guide-stars adaptive optics to quantify the frozen-flow decay
Guesalaga, Andrés ; Neichel, Benoit (2) ; Cortés, Angela ; Béchet, Clémentine ; Guzmán, Dani
Quenching star formation in cluster galaxies
Taranu, Dan S. (1) ; Hudson, Michael J. (2) ; Balogh, Michael L. (2) ; Smith, Russell J. ; Power, Chris (6) ; Oman, Kyle A. (2) ; Krane, Brad
A novel method to bracket the corotation radius in galaxy discs: vertex deviation maps
Roca-Fàbrega, Santi ; Antoja, Teresa (2) ; Figueras, Francesca ; Valenzuela, Octavio ; Romero-Gómez, Mercè ; Pichardo, Bárbara
Weather Research and Forecasting prevision model as a tool to search for the best sites for astronomy: application to La Palma, Canary Islands
Giordano, C. ; Vernin, J. ; Trinquet, H. ; Muñoz-Tuñón, C. (3)
Bending and breathing modes of the Galactic disc
Widrow, Lawrence M.; Barber, Jarrett; Chequers, Matthew H.; Cheng, Edward
2014MNRAS.440.1982H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/1982)
Transiting hot Jupiters from WASP-South, Euler and TRAPPIST: WASP-95b to WASP-101b
Hellier, Coel ; Anderson, D.R. ; Cameron, A.Collier ; Delrez, L. ; Gillon, M. ; Jehin, E. ; Lendl, M. ; Maxted, P.F.L. ; Pepe, F. ; Pollacco, D. ; Queloz, D. (4) ; Ségransan, D. ; Smalley, B. ; Smith, A.M.S. (1) ; Southworth, J. ; Triaud, A.H.M.J. (4) ; Udry, S. ; West, R.G.
Very long baseline interferometry and observations of gravitational lenses using intensity fluctuations: an analysis based on intensity autocorrelation
Borra, Ermanno F.
Herschel -ATLAS: deep HST/WFC3 imaging of strongly lensed submillimetre galaxies
Negrello, M. ; Hopwood, R. ; Dye, S. ; Cunha, E.da ; Serjeant, S. ; Fritz, J. ; Rowlands, K. ; Fleuren, S. ; Bussmann, R.S. (9) ; Cooray, A. ; Dannerbauer, H. ; Gonzalez-Nuevo, J. ; Lapi, A. (14) ; Omont, A. (16) ; Amber, S. ; Auld, R. ; Baes, M. ; Buttiglione, S. ; Cava, A. ; Danese, L. ; Dariush, A. ; De Zotti, G. (1) ; Dunne, L. ; Eales, S. ; Ibar, E. ; Ivison, R.J. (22) ; Kim, S. ; Leeuw, L. ; Maddox, S. ; Michalowski, M.J. ; Massardi, M. ; Pascale, E. ; Pohlen, M. ; Rigby, E. ; Smith, D.J.B. ; Sutherland, W. ; Temi, P. ; Wardlow, J.
Herschel-ATLAS: modelling the first strong gravitational lenses
Dye, S. ; Negrello, M. ; Hopwood, R. ; Nightingale, J.W. ; Bussmann, R.S. (4) ; Amber, S. ; Bourne, N. (1) ; Cooray, A. ; Dariush, A. ; Dunne, L. ; Eales, S.A. ; Gonzalez-Nuevo, J. ; Ibar, E. ; Ivison, R.J. ; Maddox, S. ; Valiante, E. ; Smith, M.
2014MNRAS.440.2026V – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/2026)
On calibration of some distance scales in astrophysics
Vukotic, B. ; Jurkovic, M. ; Urosevic, D. (2) ; Arbutina, B.
2014MNRAS.440.2036D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/2036)
The VST Photometric Hα Survey of the Southern Galactic Plane and Bulge (VPHAS+)
Drew, J.E. ; Gonzalez-Solares, E. ; Greimel, R. ; Irwin, M.J. ; Küpcü Yoldas, A. ; Lewis, J. ; Barentsen, G. ; Eislöffel, J. ; Farnhill, H.J. ; Martin, W.E. ; Walsh, J.R. ; Walton, N.A. ; Mohr-Smith, M. ; Raddi, R. ; Sale, S.E. ; Wright, N.J. ; Groot, P. ; Barlow, M.J. ; Corradi, R.L.M. ; Drake, J.J. ; Fabregat, J. ; Frew, D.J. ; Gänsicke, B.T. ; Knigge, C. ; Mampaso, A. ; Morris, R.A.H. ; Naylor, T. ; Parker, Q.A. ; Phillipps, S. ; Ruhland, C. ; Steeghs, D. ; Unruh, Y.C. ; Vink, J.S. ; Wesson, R. ; Zijlstra, A.A.
Probing the bright radio flare and afterglow of GRB 130427A with the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager
Anderson, G.E. (1) ; van der Horst, A.J. ; Staley, T.D. (1) ; Fender, R.P. (1) ; Wijers, R.A.M.J. ; Scaife, A.M.M. ; Rumsey, C. ; Titterington, D.J. ; Rowlinson, A. ; Saunders, R.D.E.
The ages of stellar populations in a warm dark matter universe
Calura, F. ; Menci, N. ; Gallazzi, A. (3)
Cosmology and astrophysics from relaxed galaxy clusters - II. Cosmological constraints
Mantz, A.B. (1) ; Allen, S.W. (3) (4) ; Morris, R.G. (3) ; Rapetti, D.A. ; Applegate, D.E. ; Kelly, P.L. ; von der Linden, A. (3) (4) ; Schmidt, R.W.
Extreme-value modelling for the significance assessment of periodogram peaks
Süveges, M.
N-body dark matter haloes with simple hierarchical histories
Jiang, Lilian; Helly, John C.; Cole, Shaun; Frenk, Carlos S.
Dusty gas with one fluid
Laibe, Guillaume (1) ; Price, Daniel J.
Dusty gas with one fluid in smoothed particle hydrodynamics
Laibe, Guillaume (1) ; Price, Daniel J.
Characterizing distant worlds with asterodensity profiling
Kipping, David M.
Transient jet formation and state transitions from large-scale magnetic reconnection in black hole accretion discs
Dexter, Jason ; McKinney, Jonathan C. ; Markoff, Sera ; Tchekhovskoy, Alexander
Density mapping with weak lensing and phase information
Szepietowski, Rafal M. (1) ; Bacon, David J. ; Dietrich, Jörg P. (3) ; Busha, Michael ; Wechsler, Risa (6) (7) ; Melchior, Peter (9)
The physical nature of the 8 o'clock arc based on near-IR IFU spectroscopy with SINFONI
Shirazi, M. ; Vegetti, S. (2) ; Nesvadba, N. ; Allam, S. (5) ; Brinchmann, J. ; Tucker, D.
The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: galaxy clustering measurements in the low-redshift sample of Data Release 11
Tojeiro, Rita ; Ross, Ashley J. ; Burden, Angela ; Samushia, Lado ; Manera, Marc ; Percival, Will J. ; Beutler, Florian ; Brinkmann, J. ; Brownstein, Joel R. ; Cuesta, Antonio J. (6) ; Dawson, Kyle ; Eisenstein, Daniel J. ; Ho, Shirley ; Howlett, Cullan ; McBride, Cameron K. ; Montesano, Francisco ; Olmstead, Matthew D. ; Parejko, John K. ; Reid, Beth (3) ; Sánchez, Ariel G. ; Schlegel, David J. ; Schneider, Donald P. (12) ; Tinker, Jeremy L. ; Magaña, Mariana Vargas ; White, Martin (3)
Jet models for black hole binaries in the hard spectral state
Zdziarski, Andrzej A. ; Stawarz, Lukasz (2) ; Pjanka, Patryk ; Sikora, Marek
Dynamical instability of spherical collapse in f(T) gravity
Sharif, M.; Rani, Shamaila
2014MNRAS.440.2265M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/2265)
Ionizing stellar population in the disc of NGC 3310 - I. The impact of a minor merger on galaxy evolution
Miralles-Caballero, D. ; Díaz, A.I. ; Rosales-Ortega, F.F. ; Pérez-Montero, E. ; Sánchez, S.F. (3)
The biasing of baryons on the cluster mass function and cosmological parameter estimation
Martizzi, Davide (1) ; Mohammed, Irshad ; Teyssier, Romain ; Moore, Ben
The mass-metallicity-star formation rate relation at z \gtrsim 2 with 3D Hubble Space Telescope
Cullen, F. ; Cirasuolo, M. (1) ; McLure, R.J. ; Dunlop, J.S. ; Bowler, R.A.A.
The bias of DLAs at z ∼ 2.3: evidence for very strong stellar feedback in shallow potential wells
Barnes, Luke A. ; Haehnelt, Martin G.
Evolution in the bias of faint radio sources to z ∼ 2.2
Lindsay, S.N. ; Jarvis, M.J. (2) ; McAlpine, K.
Black hole evolution - II. Spinning black holes in a supernova-driven turbulent interstellar medium
Dubois, Yohan (1) ; Volonteri, Marta (1) ; Silk, Joseph (1) (2) ; Devriendt, Julien (2) ; Slyz, Adrianne
Simultaneous NuSTAR and XMM-Newton 0.5-80keV spectroscopy of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy SWIFT J2127.4+5654
Marinucci, A. ; Matt, G. ; Kara, E. ; Miniutti, G. ; Elvis, M. ; Arevalo, P. ; Ballantyne, D.R. ; Balokovic, M. ; Bauer, F. ; Brenneman, L. ; Boggs, S.E. ; Cappi, M. ; Christensen, F.E. ; Craig, W.W. (10) ; Fabian, A.C. ; Fuerst, F. ; Hailey, C.J. ; Harrison, F.A. ; Risaliti, G. (4) ; Reynolds, C.S. ; Stern, D.K. ; Walton, D.J. ; Zhang, W.
Testing assumptions and predictions of star formation theories
González-Samaniego, Alejandro ; Vázquez-Semadeni, Enrique ; González, Ricardo F. ; Kim, Jongsoo
A 10 deg2 Lyman α survey at z=8.8 with spectroscopic follow-up: strong constraints on the luminosity function and implications for other surveys
Matthee, Jorryt J.A. ; Sobral, David ; Swinbank, A.M. ; Smail, Ian ; Best, P.N. ; Kim, Jae-Woo ; Franx, Marijn ; Milvang-Jensen, Bo ; Fynbo, Johan
Quasi-periodical components in the radial distributions of cosmologically remote objects
Ryabinkov, A.I. ; Kaminker, A.D. (1)
The contribution of CHONS particles to the diffuse high-Galactic-latitude IR emission
Papoular, R.
The case against large intensity fluctuations in the z ∼ 2.5 Heii Lyα forest
McQuinn, Matthew ; Worseck, Gabor
Integral field unit spectroscopy of 10 early-type galactic nuclei - I. Principal component analysis Tomography and nuclear activity
Ricci, T.V.; Steiner, J.E.; Menezes, R.B.
IFU spectroscopy of 10 early-type galactic nuclei - II. Nuclear emission line properties
Ricci, T.V.; Steiner, J.E.; Menezes, R.B.
Chemical abundances of the high-latitude Herbig Ae Star PDS2
Cowley, C.R. ; Hubrig, S. ; Przybilla, N.
Impact of thermal diffusion and other abundance anomalies on cosmological uses of galaxy clusters
Medvedev, P. ; Gilfanov, M. (1) ; Sazonov, S. (1) ; Shtykovskiy, P.
Broad absorption line variability in radio-loud quasars
Welling, C.A. ; Miller, B.P. (2) ; Brandt, W.N. (4) ; Capellupo, D.M. (6) ; Gibson, R.R.
Simulating cosmic metal enrichment by the first galaxies
Pallottini, A. ; Ferrara, A. (1) ; Gallerani, S. ; Salvadori, S. ; D'Odorico, V.
Stokes tomography of a radio pulsar with an offset magnetic dipole
Burnett, C.R.; Melatos, A.
Probing cosmic ray ion acceleration with radio-submm and gamma-ray emission from interaction-powered supernovae
Murase, Kohta ; Thompson, Todd A. (2) ; Ofek, Eran O.
Refined approximations for the distortion visibility function and µ-type spectral distortions
Chluba, J.
Radial and vertical flows induced by galactic spiral arms: likely contributors to our `wobbly Galaxy'
Faure, Carole; Siebert, Arnaud; Famaey, Benoit
Strange pulsation modes in luminous red giants
Wood, P.R. ; Olivier, E.A. (2)
The continuum emission spectrum of Hf 2-2 near the Balmer limit and the ORL versus CEL abundance and temperature discrepancy
Storey, P.J.; Sochi, Taha
The galactic habitable zone of the Milky Way and M31 from chemical evolution models with gas radial flows
Spitoni, E. ; Matteucci, F. (1) (2) ; Sozzetti, A.
Non-parametric 3D map of the intergalactic medium using the Lyman-alpha forest
Cisewski, Jessi ; Croft, Rupert A.C. ; Freeman, Peter E. ; Genovese, Christopher R. ; Khandai, Nishikanta ; Ozbek, Melih ; Wasserman, Larry
Constraints on the CMB temperature evolution using multiband measurements of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect with the South Pole Telescope
Saro, A. (1) ; Liu, J. (1) ; Mohr, J.J. (1) (2) ; Aird, K.A. ; Ashby, M.L.N. ; Bayliss, M. (5) ; Benson, B.A. (7) (8) ; Bleem, L.E. (8) (10) ; Bocquet, S. (1) ; Brodwin, M. ; Carlstrom, J.E. (8) (9) (10) (11) ; Chang, C.L. (8) (9) ; Chiu, I. (1) ; Cho, H.M. ; Clocchiatti, A. ; Crawford, T.M. (8) ; Crites, A.T. (8) ; de Haan, T. ; Desai, S. (1) ; Dietrich, J.P. (1) ; Dobbs, M.A. ; Dolag, K. (1) ; Dudley, J.P. ; Foley, R.J. (17) ; Gangkofner, D. (1) ; George, E.M. ; Gladders, M.D. (8) ; Gonzalez, A.H. ; Halverson, N.W. ; Hennig, C. (1) ; Hlavacek-Larrondo, J. (22) ; Holzapfel, W.L. ; Hrubes, J.D. ; Jones, C. ; Keisler, R. (8) ; Lee, A.T. (19) ; Leitch, E.M. (8) ; Lueker, M. (19) ; Luong-Van, D. ; Mantz, A. ; Marrone, D.P. ; McDonald, M. ; McMahon, J.J. ; Mehl, J. (8) ; Meyer, S.S. (8) (9) (10) ; Mocanu, L. (8) ; Montroy, T.E. ; Murray, S.S. ; Nurgaliev, D. ; Padin, S. (8) (13) ; Patej, A. ; Pryke, C. ; Reichardt, C.L. ; Rest, A. ; Ruel, J. ; Ruhl, J.E. ; Saliwanchik, B.R. ; Sayre, J.T. ; Schaffer, K.K. (8) (9) ; Shirokoff, E. (19) ; Spieler, H.G. ; Stalder, B. ; Staniszewski, Z. ; Stark, A.A. ; Story, K. (16) ; van Engelen, A. ; Vanderlinde, K. (33) ; Vieira, J.D. (17) ; Vikhlinin, A. ; Williamson, R. (8) ; Zahn, O. ; Zenteno, A. (1)
Chemistry and radiative transfer of water in cold, dense clouds
Keto, Eric ; Rawlings, Jonathan ; Caselli, Paola
Energy- and momentum-conserving AGN feedback outflows
Zubovas, Kastytis ; Nayakshin, Sergei
The double-power approach to spherically symmetric astrophysical systems
Lingam, Manasvi ; Nguyen, Phuc H.
2014MNRAS.440.2665R – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/2665)
Detailed abundance analysis of the brightest star in Segue 2, the least massive galaxy
Roederer, Ian U. ; Kirby, Evan N. (2)
Spectroscopic orbital elements for the helium-rich subdwarf binary PG 1544+488
Sener, H.T. ; Jeffery, C.S. (1)
Rummaging inside the Eskimo's parka: variable asymmetric planetary nebula fast wind and a binary nucleus ?
Prinja, R.K. ; Urbaneja, M.A. (2)
The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: cosmological implications of the full shape of the clustering wedges in the data release 10 and 11 galaxy samples
Sánchez, Ariel G. ; Montesano, Francesco ; Kazin, Eyal A. (2) ; Aubourg, Eric ; Beutler, Florian ; Brinkmann, Jon ; Brownstein, Joel R. ; Cuesta, Antonio J. (8) ; Dawson, Kyle S. ; Eisenstein, Daniel J. ; Ho, Shirley (11) ; Honscheid, Klaus ; Manera, Marc (14) ; Maraston, Claudia ; McBride, Cameron K. ; Percival, Will J. ; Ross, Ashley J. ; Samushia, Lado (15) ; Schlegel, David J. ; Schneider, Donald P. (17) ; Skibba, Ramin ; Thomas, Daniel ; Tinker, Jeremy L. ; Tojeiro, Rita ; Wake, David A. (21) ; Weaver, Benjamin A. ; White, Martin (5) ; Zehavi, Idit
Compact binaries ejected from globular clusters as gravitational wave sources
Bae, Yeong-Bok ; Kim, Chunglee ; Lee, Hyung Mok (1)
Multiscale analysis of Galactic dust emission using complex wavelet transforms - I. Separation of Gaussian and non-Gaussian fluctuations in Herschel observations
Robitaille, J.-F. ; Joncas, G. ; Miville-Deschênes, M.-A. (2)
Lensed Type Ia supernovae as probes of cluster mass models
Nordin, J. (1) ; Rubin, D. ; Richard, J. ; Rykoff, E. ; Aldering, G. ; Amanullah, R. (6) ; Atek, H. ; Barbary, K. ; Deustua, S. ; Fakhouri, H.K. (1) ; Fruchter, A.S. ; Goobar, A. (6) ; Hook, I. (12) ; Hsiao, E.Y. ; Huang, X. (11) ; Kneib, J.-P. (8) ; Lidman, C. ; Meyers, J. ; Perlmutter, S. (1) ; Saunders, C. (1) ; Spadafora, A.L. ; Suzuki, N. ; Project, The Supernova Cosmology
Neutron star glitches have a substantial minimum size
Espinoza, C.M. (1) ; Antonopoulou, D. ; Stappers, B.W. ; Watts, A. ; Lyne, A.G.
Characterizing SASI- and convection-dominated core-collapse supernova explosions in two dimensions
Fernández, Rodrigo (1) (2) ; Müller, Bernhard ; Foglizzo, Thierry ; Janka, Hans-Thomas
Artificial neural networks for centroiding elongated spots in Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors
Mello, A.T. ; Kanaan, A. ; Guzman, D. ; Guesalaga, A.
Deep 3 GHz number counts from a P(D) fluctuation analysis
Vernstrom, T. ; Scott, Douglas ; Wall, J.V. ; Condon, J.J. ; Cotton, W.D. ; Fomalont, E.B. ; Kellermann, K.I. ; Miller, N. ; Perley, R.A.
2014MNRAS.440.2810B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/2810)
The bright end of the galaxy luminosity function at z ≃ 7: before the onset of mass quenching ?
Bowler, R.A.A. ; Dunlop, J.S. ; McLure, R.J. ; Rogers, A.B. ; McCracken, H.J. ; Milvang-Jensen, B. ; Furusawa, H. ; Fynbo, J.P.U. ; Taniguchi, Y. ; Afonso, J. (6) ; Bremer, M.N. ; Le Fèvre, O.
The effect of models of the interstellar media on the central mass distribution of galaxies
Christensen, C.R. ; Governato, F. ; Quinn, T. ; Brooks, A.M. ; Shen, S. ; McCleary, J. ; Fisher, D.B. ; Wadsley, J.
The dynamical properties of dense filaments in the infrared dark cloud G035.39-00.33
Henshaw, J.D. ; Caselli, P. ; Fontani, F. ; Jiménez-Serra, I. ; Tan, J.C.
Evolution of the hot flow of MAXI J1543-564
Rapisarda, S.; Ingram, A.; van der Klis, M.
Numerical solutions of the modified Lane-Emden equation in f(R)-gravity
Farinelli, R. (1) ; De Laurentis, M. (3) ; Capozziello, S. (3) (4) ; Odintsov, S.D. (6) (7)
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