Monthly Notices of the RAS 440
June(I) 2014
- 2014MNRAS.440.2901S
- Deep radio observations of the radio halo of the bullet cluster 1E 0657-55.8
- Shimwell, Timothy W. ; Brown, Shea ; Feain, Ilana J. ; Feretti, Luigina ; Gaensler, B.M. ; Lage, Craig
- 2014MNRAS.440.2916S
- A glitch and an anti-glitch in the anomalous X-ray pulsar 1E 1841-045
- Sasmaz Mus, Sinem; Aydin, Berk; Gögüs, Ersin
- 2014MNRAS.440.2922M
- First measurement of gravitational lensing by cosmic voids in SDSS
- Melchior, Peter (1) ; Sutter, P.M. (1) (3) (4) ; Sheldon, Erin S. ; Krause, Elisabeth ; Wandelt, Benjamin D. (3) (4) (5)
- 2014MNRAS.440.2928Z
- Dust in Comet C/1975 V1 (West)
- Zubko, Evgenij ; Muinonen, Karri (2) ; Videen, Gorden (4) ; Kiselev, Nikolai N.
- 2014MNRAS.440.2944K
- The importance of minor-merger-driven star formation and black hole growth in disc galaxies
- Kaviraj, Sugata (1)
- 2014MNRAS.440.2953B
- Validation of optimized population synthesis through mock spectra and Galactic globular clusters
- Barber, Christopher ; Courteau, Stéphane ; Roediger, Joel C. ; Schiavon, Ricardo P.
- 2014MNRAS.440.2969L
- Impact of baryonic streaming velocities on the formation of supermassive black holes via direct collapse
- Latif, M.A.; Niemeyer, J.C.; Schleicher, D.R.G.
- 2014MNRAS.440.2976K
- Very Large Baseline Array observations of Mrk 6: probing the jet-lobe connection
- Kharb, P. ; O'Dea, C.P. ; Baum, S.A. ; Hardcastle, M.J. ; Dicken, D. ; Croston, J.H. ; Mingo, B. (4) ; Noel-Storr, J.
- 2014MNRAS.440.2988G
- A quantum mechanical approach to establishing the magnetic field orientation from a maser Zeeman profile
- Green, J.A. (1) ; Gray, M.D. ; Robishaw, T. ; Caswell, J.L. ; McClure-Griffiths, N.M.
- 2014MNRAS.440.2997V
- The impact of baryonic processes on the two-point correlation functions of galaxies, subhaloes and matter
- van Daalen, Marcel P. (1) ; Schaye, Joop ; McCarthy, Ian G. ; Booth, C.M. ; Vecchia, Claudio Dalla
- 2014MNRAS.440.3011O
- The 2:3:6 quasi-periodic oscillation structure in GRS 1915+105 and cubic subharmonics in the context of relativistic discoseismology
- Ortega-Rodríguez, M. (1) (2) ; Solís-Sánchez, H. (1) ; López-Barquero, V. (1) ; Matamoros-Alvarado, B. (1) ; Venegas-Li, A. (1)
- 2014MNRAS.440.3016M
- Chemical abundance analysis of symbiotic giants - I. RW Hya and SY Mus
- Mikolajewska, Joanna ; Galan, Cezary ; Hinkle, Kenneth H. ; Gromadzki, Mariusz ; Schmidt, Miroslaw R.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3027B
- Photoionization and heating of a supernova-driven turbulent interstellar medium
- Barnes, J.E. ; Wood, Kenneth ; Hill, Alex S. ; Haffner, L.M. (3)
- 2014MNRAS.440.3036O
- It takes a village to raise a tide: non-linear multiple-mode coupling and mode identification in KOI-54
- O'Leary, Ryan M. ; Burkart, Joshua (1)
- 2014MNRAS.440.3051S
- Cosmological fluid mechanics with adaptively refined large eddy simulations
- Schmidt, W. ; Almgren, A.S. ; Braun, H. ; Engels, J.F. ; Niemeyer, J.C. ; Schulz, J. ; Mekuria, R.R. (1) ; Aspden, A.J. (2) ; Bell, J.B.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3078V
- Star formation activity in the southern Galactic Hii region G351.63-1.25
- Vig, S. (1) ; Ghosh, S.K. (2) ; Ojha, D.K. ; Verma, R.P. ; Tamura, M.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3091P
- Disentangling the physical reality of star cluster candidates projected towards the inner disc of the Large Magellanic Cloud
- Piatti, Andrés E. (1)
- 2014MNRAS.440.3100W
- Radiative cooling II: effects of density and metallicity
- Wang, Ye ; Ferland, G.J. ; Lykins, M.L. ; Porter, R.L. ; van Hoof, P.A.M. ; Williams, R.J.R.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3113H
- ATLAS 1.4GHz data release 2 - II. Properties of the faint polarized sky
- Hales, C.A. (1) ; Norris, R.P. (2) ; Gaensler, B.M. (1) ; Middelberg, E.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3140G
- Multiple mean motion resonances in the HR 8799 planetary system
- Gozdziewski, Krzysztof; Migaszewski, Cezary
- 2014MNRAS.440.3172Z
- Direct N-body simulations of globular clusters - II. Palomar 4
- Zonoozi, Akram Hasani ; Haghi, Hosein ; Küpper, Andreas H.W. ; Baumgardt, Holger ; Frank, Matthias J. ; Kroupa, Pavel
- 2014MNRAS.440.3184B
- Component masses of young, wide, non-magnetic white dwarf binaries in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7
- Baxter, R.B. ; Dobbie, P.D. ; Parker, Q.A. (1) (3) ; Casewell, S.L. ; Lodieu, N. (6) ; Burleigh, M.R. ; Lawrie, K.A. ; Külebi, B. ; Koester, D. ; Holland, B.R.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3202V
- The triggering mechanism and properties of ionized outflows in the nearest obscured quasars
- Villar Martín, M. ; Emonts, B. ; Humphrey, A. ; Cabrera Lavers, A. ; Binette, L.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3220B
- Radio-continuum study of Large Magellanic Cloud supernova remnant J0509-6731
- Bozzetto, L.M. ; Filipovic, M.D. ; Urosevic, D. (2) ; Kothes, R. ; Crawford, E.J.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3226M
- Models of magnetic field evolution and effective viscosity in weakly collisional extragalactic plasmas
- Mogavero, Federico (1) (2) ; Schekochihin, Alexander A. (2)
- 2014MNRAS.440.3243P
- The formation of entropy cores in non-radiative galaxy cluster simulations: smoothed particle hydrodynamics versus adaptive mesh refinement
- Power, C. ; Read, J.I. ; Hobbs, A.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3257G
- High-z Type Ia supernova data: non-Gaussianity and direction dependence
- Gupta, Shashikant ; Singh, Meghendra
- 2014MNRAS.440.3262C
- A z = 2.5 protocluster associated with the radio galaxy MRC 2104-242: star formation and differing mass functions in dense environments
- Cooke, E.A. ; Hatch, N.A. ; Muldrew, S.I. ; Rigby, E.E. ; Kurk, J.D.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3275S
- Broad iron emission line and kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations in the neutron star system 4U 1636-53
- Sanna, Andrea (1) ; Méndez, Mariano ; Altamirano, Diego (3) ; Belloni, Tomaso ; Hiemstra, Beike ; Linares, Manuel (6)
- 2014MNRAS.440.3285B
- Interferometer predictions with triangulated images: solving the multiscale problem
- Brinch, C. ; Dullemond, C.P. (2)
- 2014MNRAS.440.3292L
- Polarization properties of photospheric emission from relativistic, collimated outflows
- Lundman, C. (1) ; Pe'er, A. ; Ryde, F. (1)
- 2014MNRAS.440.3309D
- Evolution in the escape fraction of ionizing photons and the decline in strong Lyα emission from z > 6 galaxies
- Dijkstra, Mark (1) ; Wyithe, Stuart (3) ; Haiman, Zoltán ; Mesinger, Andrei ; Pentericci, Laura
- 2014MNRAS.440.3317F
- A compact, metal-rich, kpc-scale outflow in FBQS J0209-0438: detailed diagnostics from HST/COS extreme UV observations
- Finn, Charles W. (1) ; Morris, Simon L. ; Crighton, Neil H.M. (3) ; Hamann, Fred ; Done, Chris ; Theuns, Tom (2) ; Fumagalli, Michele (7) ; Tejos, Nicolas (1) ; Worseck, Gabor
- 2014MNRAS.440.3341C
- A fast and accurate method to compute the mass return from multiple stellar populations
- Calura, F. ; Ciotti, L. ; Nipoti, C.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3349R
- Non-equilibrium chemistry and cooling in the diffuse interstellar medium - I. Optically thin regime
- Richings, A.J. ; Schaye, J. ; Oppenheimer, B.D.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3370K
- What controls star formation in the central 500 pc of the Galaxy ?
- Kruijssen, J.M.Diederik ; Longmore, Steven N. (2) ; Elmegreen, Bruce G. ; Murray, Norman ; Bally, John ; Testi, Leonardo (3) ; Kennicutt, Robert C.Jr
- 2014MNRAS.440.3392B
- A window on exoplanet dynamical histories: Rossiter-McLaughlin observations of WASP-13b and WASP-32b
- Brothwell, R.D. ; Watson, C.A. ; Hébrard, G. (2) ; Triaud, A.H.M.J. (4) ; Cegla, H.M. ; Santerne, A. ; Hébrard, E. ; Anderson, D.R. ; Pollacco, D. ; Simpson, E.K. ; Bouchy, F. (2) ; Brown, D.J.A. ; Gómez Maqueo Chew, Y. ; Cameron, A.Collier ; Armstrong, D.J. ; Barros, S.C.C. ; Bento, J. (9) ; Bochinski, J. ; Burwitz, V. ; Busuttil, R. ; Delrez, L. ; Doyle, A.P. ; Faedi, F. ; Fumel, A. ; Gillon, M. ; Haswell, C.A. ; Hellier, C. ; Jehin, E. ; Kolb, U. ; Lendl, M. ; Liebig, C. ; Maxted, P.F.L. ; McCormac, J. (9) ; Miller, G.R.M. ; Norton, A.J. ; Pepe, F. ; Queloz, D. ; Rodríguez, J. ; Ségransan, D. ; Skillen, I. ; Smalley, B. ; Stassun, K.G. (19) ; Udry, S. ; West, R.G. ; Wheatley, P.J.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3402M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/3402)
- Study of three 2013 novae: V1830 Aql, V556 Ser and V809 Cep
- Munari, U. ; Ochner, P. ; Dallaporta, S. ; Valisa, P. ; Graziani, M. ; Righetti, G.L. ; Cherini, G. ; Castellani, F. ; Cetrulo, G. ; Englaro, A.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3416O
- Multiple density discontinuities in the merging galaxy cluster CIZA J2242.8+5301
- Ogrean, G.A. ; Brüggen, M. ; van Weeren, R. ; Röttgering, H. ; Simionescu, A. ; Hoeft, M. ; Croston, J.H.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3426M
- A possible mechanism for forming the radio emission spectrum of the Crab pulsar
- Machabeli, G.; Chkheidze, N.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3430D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/3430)
- The SDSS-2MASS-WISE 10-dimensional stellar colour locus
- Davenport, James R.A. ; Ivezic, Zeljko ; Becker, Andrew C. ; Ruan, John J. ; Hunt-Walker, Nicholas M. ; Covey, Kevin R. ; Lewis, Alexia R. ; AlSayyad, Yusra ; Anderson, Lauren M.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3439N
- Advanced ab initio relativistic calculations of transition probabilities for some Oi and Oiii emission lines
- Nguyen, T.V.B. ; Chantler, C.T. ; Lowe, J.A. ; Grant, I.P.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3444C
- Temperaments of young stars: rapid mass accretion rate changes in T Tauri and Herbig Ae stars
- Costigan, G. (1) (2) ; Vink, Jorick S. ; Scholz, A. (1) ; Ray, T. ; Testi, L. (3) (5)
- 2014MNRAS.440.3462U – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/3462)
- AzTEC/ASTE 1.1-mm survey of SSA22: Counterpart identification and photometric redshift survey of submillimetre galaxies
- Umehata, H. ; Tamura, Y. ; Kohno, K. (1) ; Hatsukade, B. ; Scott, K.S. ; Kubo, M. ; Yamada, T. ; Ivison, R.J. (6) ; Cybulski, R. ; Aretxaga, I. ; Austermann, J. ; Hughes, D.H. ; Ezawa, H. ; Hayashino, T. ; Ikarashi, S. ; Iono, D. (3) ; Kawabe, R. (3) ; Matsuda, Y. ; Matsuo, H. ; Nakanishi, K. (3) (12) ; Oshima, T. ; Perera, T. ; Takata, T. ; Wilson, G.W. ; Yun, M.S.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3479S
- Stability analysis of cylindrically symmetric self-gravitating systems in R + εR2 gravity
- Sharif, M.; Yousaf, Z.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3491J
- Ionized gas discs in elliptical and S0 galaxies at z < 1
- Jaffé, Yara L. ; Aragón-Salamanca, Alfonso ; Ziegler, Bodo ; Kuntschner, Harald ; Zaritsky, Dennis ; Rudnick, Gregory ; Poggianti, Bianca M. ; Hoyos, Carlos ; Halliday, Claire ; Demarco, Ricardo
- 2014MNRAS.440.3503C
- Long-term wind-driven X-ray spectral variability of NGC 1365 with Swift
- Connolly, S.D. ; McHardy, I.M. ; Dwelly, T. (1)
- 2014MNRAS.440.3511T
- M31 satellite masses compared to ΛCDM subhaloes
- Tollerud, Erik J. ; Boylan-Kolchin, Michael ; Bullock, James S.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3520S
- The MUSIC of Galaxy Clusters - III. Properties, evolution and Y-M scaling relation of protoclusters of galaxies
- Sembolini, Federico (1) ; De Petris, Marco ; Yepes, Gustavo ; Foschi, Emma ; Lamagna, Luca ; Gottlöber, Stefan
- 2014MNRAS.440.3532L
- Star-disc-binary interactions in protoplanetary disc systems and primordial spin-orbit misalignments
- Lai, Dong
- 2014MNRAS.440.3545H
- The circulation of dust in protoplanetary discs and the initial conditions of planet formation
- Hansen, Bradley M.S.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3557R
- Grain-surface reactions in molecular clouds: the effect of cosmic rays and quantum tunnelling
- Reboussin, L. (1) ; Wakelam, V. (1) ; Guilloteau, S. (1) ; Hersant, F. (1)
- 2014MNRAS.440.3568W
- The James Clerk Maxwell Telescope dense gas survey of the Perseus molecular cloud
- Walker-Smith, S.L. ; Richer, J.S. (1) ; Buckle, J.V. (1) ; Hatchell, J. ; Drabek-Maunder, E. (3)
- 2014MNRAS.440.3588T
- The pros and cons of the inversion method approach to derive 3D dust emission properties in the ISM: the Hi-GAL field centred on (l, b) = (30°, 0°)
- Traficante, A. (1) (2) ; Paladini, R. ; Compiegne, M. (3) ; Alves, M.I.R. (1) ; Cambrésy, L. ; Gibson, S.J. ; Tibbs, C.T. ; Noriega-Crespo, A. ; Molinari, S. ; Carey, S.J. ; Ingalls, J.G. ; Natoli, P. (9) (10) ; Davies, R.D. ; Davis, R.J. ; Dickinson, C. ; Fuller, G.A.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3613H
- Inference of dispersion measure from incoherent time-steady sources
- Hirata, Christopher M. ; McQuinn, Matthew
- 2014MNRAS.440.3630R
- Evidence for two modes of black hole accretion in massive galaxies at z ∼ 2
- Rangel, C. ; Nandra, K. ; Barro, G. ; Brightman, M. ; Hsu, L. ; Salvato, M. ; Koekemoer, A.M. ; Brusa, M. ; Laird, E.S. ; Trump, J.R. ; Croton, D.J. ; Koo, D.C. ; Kocevski, D. ; Donley, J.L. ; Hathi, N.P. ; Peth, M. ; Faber, S.M. ; Mozena, M. ; Grogin, N.A. ; Ferguson, H.C. ; Lai, K.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3645M
- The thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect power spectrum in light of Planck
- McCarthy, I.G. ; Le Brun, A.M.C. ; Schaye, J. ; Holder, G.P.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3658S
- Calibration of the Herschel SPIRE Fourier Transform Spectrometer
- Swinyard, B.M. (1) ; Polehampton, E.T. (2) ; Hopwood, R. ; Valtchanov, I. ; Lu, N. ; Fulton, T. (3) ; Benielli, D. ; Imhof, P. (7) ; Marchili, N. ; Baluteau, J.-P. ; Bendo, G.J. ; Ferlet, M. ; Griffin, M.J. ; Lim, T.L. ; Makiwa, G. ; Naylor, D.A. ; Orton, G.S. ; Papageorgiou, A. ; Pearson, C.P. (2) ; Schulz, B. ; Sidher, S.D. ; Spencer, L.D. ; van der Wiel, M.H.D. ; Wu, R.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3675S
- A signature of chromospheric activity in brown dwarfs revealed by 2.5-5.0µm AKARI spectra
- Sorahana, S. ; Suzuki, T.K. ; Yamamura, I.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3685B
- A dynamical study on the habitability of terrestrial exoplanets - II The super-Earth HD 40307 g
- Brasser, R. ; Ida, S. ; Kokubo, E.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3701B
- Magnification of photometric LRGs by foreground LRGs and clusters in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- Bauer, Anne H. ; Gaztañaga, Enrique ; Martí, Pol ; Miquel, Ramon (2)
- 2014MNRAS.440.3714R
- The colour distribution of galaxies at redshift five
- Rogers, A.B. ; McLure, R.J. ; Dunlop, J.S. ; Bowler, R.A.A. ; Curtis-Lake, E.F. ; Dayal, P. ; Faber, S.M. ; Ferguson, H.C. ; Finkelstein, S.L. ; Grogin, N.A. ; Hathi, N.P. ; Kocevski, D. ; Koekemoer, A.M. ; Kurczynski, P.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3726W
- Cross-correlations between soft and hard light curves depending on luminosity in the transient neutron star XTE J1701-462
- Wang, Y.N. (1) (2) ; Lei, Y.J. ; Ding, G.Q. ; Qu, J.L. ; Ge, M.Y. ; Zhang, C.M. ; Chen, L. ; Ma, X.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3738L
- Starbursts and high-redshift galaxies are radioactive: high abundances of 26Al and other short-lived radionuclides
- Lacki, Brian C.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3749Q
- New astrometric observations of Triton in 2007-2009
- Qiao, R.C. ; Zhang, H.Y. (1) ; Dourneau, G. (3) ; Yu, Y. ; Yan, D. (1) ; Shen, K.X. ; Cheng, X. (1) ; Xi, X.J. (1) ; Hu, X.Y. ; Wang, S.H.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3757J
- Debris froms giant impacts between planetary embryos at large orbital radii
- Jackson, Alan P. ; Wyatt, Mark C. ; Bonsor, Amy (2) ; Veras, Dimitri (1)
- 2014MNRAS.440.3778J
- Radiative feedback from high-mass X-ray binaries on the formation of the first galaxies and early reionization
- Jeon, Myoungwon ; Pawlik, Andreas H. ; Bromm, Volker ; Milosavljevic, Milos
- 2014MNRAS.440.3797N
- Core-assisted gas capture instability: a new mode of giant planet formation by gravitationally unstable discs
- Nayakshin, Sergei ; Helled, Ravit ; Boley, Aaron C.
- 2014MNRAS.440.3809R – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/3809)
- Analysis of the rich frequency spectrum of KIC 10670103 revealing the most slowly rotating subdwarf B star in the Kepler field
- Reed, M.D. ; Foster, H. ; Telting, J.H. ; Ostensen, R.H. ; Farris, L.H. ; Oreiro, R. (4) ; Baran, A.S. (1)
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