Monthly Notices of the RAS 440
May(II) 2014

A comparison of CMB angular power spectrum estimators at large scales: the TT case
Molinari, D. (1) ; Gruppuso, A. (2) ; Polenta, G. (4) ; Burigana, C. (2) ; De Rosa, A. ; Natoli, P. (2) (4) (6) ; Finelli, F. (2) ; Paci, F.
Modelling the `outliers' track of the radio-X-ray correlation in X-ray binaries based on a disc-corona model
Huang, Chang-Yin (1) ; Wu, Qingwen ; Wang, Ding-Xiong
Connecting the Sun and the solar wind: the self-consistent transition of heating mechanisms
Matsumoto, T.; Suzuki, T.K.
Semi-numeric simulations of helium reionization and the fluctuating radiation background
Dixon, Keri L. (1) ; Furlanetto, Steven R. ; Mesinger, Andrei
Gemini multiconjugate adaptive optics system review - II. Commissioning, operation and overall performance
Neichel, Benoit (1) ; Rigaut, François ; Vidal, Fabrice ; van Dam, Marcos A. (1) ; Garrel, Vincent ; Carrasco, Eleazar Rodrigo ; Pessev, Peter ; Winge, Claudia ; Boccas, Maxime ; d'Orgeville, Céline ; Arriagada, Gustavo ; Serio, Andrew ; Fesquet, Vincent ; Rambold, William N. ; Lührs, Javier ; Moreno, Cristian ; Gausachs, Gaston ; Galvez, Ramon L. ; Montes, Vanessa ; Vucina, Tomislav B. ; Marin, Eduardo ; Urrutia, Cristian ; Lopez, Ariel ; Diggs, Sarah J. ; Marchant, Claudio ; Ebbers, Angelic W. ; Trujillo, Chadwick ; Bec, Matthieu ; Trancho, Gelys ; McGregor, Peter ; Young, Peter J. ; Colazo, Felipe ; Edwards, Michelle L.
HD 54272, a classical λ Bootis star and γ Doradus pulsator
Paunzen, E. ; Skarka, M. ; Holdsworth, D.L. ; Smalley, B. ; West, R.G.
A new library of theoretical stellar spectra with scaled-solar and α-enhanced mixtures
Coelho, P.R.T. (1)
Stirring N-body systems - II. Necessary conditions for the dark matter attractor
Barber, Jeremy A. ; Zhao, Hongsheng ; Hansen, Steen H.
The nature of supernovae 2010O and 2010P in Arp 299 - I. Near-infrared and optical evolution
Kankare, E. (1) ; Mattila, S. ; Ryder, S. ; Fraser, M. (4) ; Pastorello, A. ; Elias-Rosa, N. (6) ; Romero-Cañizales, C. (2) ; Alberdi, A. ; Hentunen, V.-P. ; Herrero-Illana, R. ; Kotilainen, J. ; Pérez-Torres, M.-A. ; Väisänen, P. (11)
The nature of supernovae 2010O and 2010P in Arp 299 - II. Radio emission
Romero-Cañizales, C. (1) ; Herrero-Illana, R. ; Pérez-Torres, M.A. ; Alberdi, A. ; Kankare, E. (2) ; Bauer, F.E. (1) ; Ryder, S.D. ; Mattila, S. ; Conway, J.E. ; Beswick, R.J. ; Muxlow, T.W.B.
2014MNRAS.440.1080F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/1080)
Flux calibration of the AAO/UKST SuperCOSMOS Hα Survey
Frew, David J. (1) ; Bojicic, Ivan S. (1) (2) ; Parker, Quentin A. (1) (2) ; Pierce, Mark J. (1) ; Gunawardhana, M.L.P. ; Reid, W.A. (1)
2014MNRAS.440.1095K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/1095)
Chemical analysis of CH stars - I. Atmospheric parameters and elemental abundances
Karinkuzhi, Drisya (1) ; Goswami, Aruna
Variations and correlations in cyclotron resonant scattering features of Vela X-1 studied by INTEGRAL
Wang, Wei
Simulating the effect of the Sgr A* accretion flow on the appearance of G2 after pericentre
Abarca, David; Sadowski, Aleksander; Sironi, Lorenzo
H0 revisited
Efstathiou, George
Suppression of local heat flux in a turbulent magnetized intracluster medium
Komarov, S.V. (1) (2) ; Churazov, E.M. (1) ; Schekochihin, A.A. ; ZuHone, J.A.
Iron-line and continuum variations in the XMM-Newton and Suzaku spectra of the neutron-star low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1636-53
Lyu, Ming ; Méndez, Mariano ; Sanna, Andrea ; Homan, Jeroen ; Belloni, Tomaso ; Hiemstra, Beike
Evolution of a disc-planet system with a binary companion on an inclined orbit
Xiang-Gruess, M.; Papaloizou, J.C.B.
Scenario Machine: fast radio bursts, short gamma-ray burst, dark energy and Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory silence
Lipunov, V.M. (1) ; Pruzhinskaya, M.V.
The puzzling X-ray continuum of the quasar MR 2251-178
Nardini, E. ; Reeves, J.N. (1) ; Porquet, D. ; Braito, V. ; Grosso, N. ; Gofford, J.
Molecular line study of massive star-forming regions from the Red MSX Source survey
Yu, Naiping (1) (2) ; Wang, Jun-Jie (1)
Binary satellite galaxies
Evslin, Jarah (1) (2)
Remapping dark matter halo catalogues between cosmological simulations
Mead, A.J.; Peacock, J.A.
2014MNRAS.440.1248N – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/1248)
A robust public catalogue of voids and superclusters in the SDSS Data Release 7 galaxy surveys
Nadathur, Seshadri (1) ; Hotchkiss, Shaun (2)
The brief era of direct collapse black hole formation
Yue, Bin ; Ferrara, Andrea (1) ; Salvaterra, Ruben ; Xu, Yidong ; Chen, Xuelei (4)
The dependence of the evolution of Type Ia SN progenitors on the C-burning rate uncertainty and parameters of convective boundary mixing
Chen, Michael C. ; Herwig, Falk (1) ; Denissenkov, Pavel A. (1) ; Paxton, Bill
GLIMPSE: accurate 3D weak lensing reconstructions using sparsity
Leonard, Adrienne; Lanusse, François; Starck, Jean-Luc
Erratum: The evolution of massive black holes and their spins in their galactic hosts
Barausse, Enrico
Seeing in the dark - I. Multi-epoch alchemy
Huff, Eric M. ; Hirata, Christopher M. ; Mandelbaum, Rachel (3) ; Schlegel, David ; Seljak, Uros (5) (6) (7) ; Lupton, Robert H.
Seeing in the dark - II. Cosmic shear in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Huff, Eric M. ; Eifler, Tim ; Hirata, Christopher M. ; Mandelbaum, Rachel (4) ; Schlegel, David ; Seljak, Uros (6) (7) (8)
The planetary nebula Abell 48 and its [WN] nucleus
Frew, David J. (1) ; Bojicic, I.S. (1) (2) ; Parker, Q.A. (1) (2) ; Stupar, M. (1) ; Wachter, S. ; DePew, K. (1) ; Danehkar, A. (1) ; Fitzgerald, M.T. (1) ; Douchin, D. (1)
Current-driven filamentation upstream of magnetized relativistic collisionless shocks
Lemoine, Martin ; Pelletier, Guy ; Gremillet, Laurent ; Plotnikov, Illya
Combining probes of large-scale structure with CosmoLike
Eifler, Tim (1) ; Krause, Elisabeth ; Schneider, Peter ; Honscheid, Klaus (2)
The candidate luminous blue variable G79.29+0.46: a comprehensive study of its ejecta through a multiwavelength analysis
Agliozzo, C. (1) ; Noriega-Crespo, A. ; Umana, G. ; Flagey, N. ; Buemi, C. ; Ingallinera, A. ; Trigilio, C. ; Leto, P.
Identification of new Galactic symbiotic stars with SALT - I. Initial discoveries and other emission line objects
Miszalski, Brent (1) ; Mikolajewska, Joanna
Cosmic-variance limited Baryon Acoustic Oscillations from the DEUS-FUR ΛCDM simulation
Rasera, Y.; Corasaniti, P.-S.; Alimi, J.-M.; Bouillot, V.; Reverdy, V.; Balmès, I.
How reliable are latitudinal energy balance models for habitability calculations when using Earth's radiative properties ?
Gilmore, James B.
Bayesian inference for pulsar-timing models
Vigeland, Sarah J.; Vallisneri, Michele
Identification of old tidal dwarfs near early-type galaxies from deep imaging and Hi observations
Duc, Pierre-Alain ; Paudel, Sanjaya ; McDermid, Richard M. ; Cuillandre, Jean-Charles ; Serra, Paolo ; Bournaud, Frédéric ; Cappellari, Michele ; Emsellem, Eric (6)
2014MNRAS.440.1470B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/1470)
WTS-2 b: a hot Jupiter orbiting near its tidal destruction radius around a K dwarf
Birkby, J.L. ; Cappetta, M. ; Cruz, P. ; Koppenhoefer, J. (2) ; Ivanyuk, O. ; Mustill, A.J. (6) ; Hodgkin, S.T. ; Pinfield, D.J. ; Sipocz, B. ; Kovács, G. ; Saglia, R. (2) ; Pavlenko, Y. (5) ; Barrado, D. ; Bayo, A. (10) ; Campbell, D. ; Catalan, S. (9) ; Fossati, L. ; Gálvez-Ortiz, M.-C. ; Kenworthy, M. ; Lillo-Box, J. ; Martín, E.L. ; Mislis, D. ; de Mooij, E.J.W. ; Nefs, S.V. ; Snellen, I.A.G. ; Stoev, H. ; Zendejas, J. ; del Burgo, C.; Barnes, J. ; Goulding, N. ; Haswell, C.A. ; Kuznetsov, M. (5) ; Lodieu, N. (17) ; Murgas, F. ; Palle, E. (17) ; Solano, E. (3) ; Steele, P. ; Tata, R. (17)
Puoko-nui: a flexible high-speed photometric system
Chote, P. ; Sullivan, D.J. ; Brown, R. ; Harrold, S.T. ; Winget, D.E. ; Chandler, D.W.
Type Ia supernova bolometric light curves and ejected mass estimates from the Nearby Supernova Factory
Scalzo, R. (1) ; Aldering, G. ; Antilogus, P. ; Aragon, C. ; Bailey, S. ; Baltay, C. ; Bongard, S. ; Buton, C. ; Cellier-Holzem, F. ; Childress, M. (1) ; Chotard, N. ; Copin, Y. ; Fakhouri, H.K. (3) ; Gangler, E. ; Guy, J. ; Kim, A.G. ; Kowalski, M. ; Kromer, M. ; Nordin, J. ; Nugent, P. (10) ; Paech, K. ; Pain, R. (2) ; Pecontal, E. ; Pereira, R. ; Perlmutter, S. (3) ; Rabinowitz, D. ; Rigault, M. ; Runge, K. ; Saunders, C. ; Sim, S.A. (1) (2) ; Smadja, G. ; Tao, C. (14) ; Taubenberger, S. ; Thomas, R.C. ; Weaver, B.A. ; Factory, The Nearby Supernova
On determining the kinetic content of ellipsoidal configurations
Rodrigues, Hilário
Galaxy and Mass Assembly: the evolution of bias in the radio source population to z ∼ 1.5
Lindsay, S.N. ; Jarvis, M.J. (2) ; Santos, M.G. (3) ; Brown, M.J.I. ; Croom, S.M. ; Driver, S.P. (7) ; Hopkins, A.M. ; Liske, J. ; Loveday, J. ; Norberg, P. ; Robotham, A.S.G. (7)
The diffuse radio emission around NGC 5580 and NGC 5588
de Gasperin, F. ; Intema, H.T. ; Williams, W. (3) ; Brüggen, M. ; Murgia, M. ; Beck, R. ; Bonafede, A.
Magnetic fields during the formation of supermassive black holes
Latif, M.A.; Schleicher, D.R.G.; Schmidt, W.
On the (in)variance of the dust-to-metals ratio in galaxies
Mattsson, Lars (1) ; De Cia, Annalisa ; Andersen, Anja C. ; Zafar, Tayyaba
2014MNRAS.440.1571F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/1571)
The Herschel Fornax Cluster Survey II: FIR properties of optically selected Fornax cluster galaxies
Fuller, C. ; Davies, J.I. ; Auld, R. ; Smith, M.W.L. ; Baes, M. ; Bianchi, S. ; Bocchio, M. ; Boselli, A. ; Clemens, M. ; Davis, T.A. ; De Looze, I. ; di Serego Alighieri, S. ; Grossi, M. ; Hughes, T.M. ; Viaene, S. ; Serra, P.
Black hole evolution - III. Statistical properties of mass growth and spin evolution using large-scale hydrodynamical cosmological simulations
Dubois, Yohan (1) ; Volonteri, Marta (1) ; Silk, Joseph (1) (2)
Evidence for an external origin of heavy elements in hot DA white dwarfs
Barstow, M.A. ; Barstow, J.K. (1) ; Casewell, S.L. ; Holberg, J.B. ; Hubeny, I.
High proper motion X-ray binaries from the Yale Southern Proper Motion Survey
Maccarone, Thomas J. ; Girard, Terrence M. ; Casetti-Dinescu, Dana I. (2)
The discrepancy between dynamical and stellar masses in massive compact galaxies traces non-homology
Peralta de Arriba, Luis (1) ; Balcells, Marc (1) (2) ; Falcón-Barroso, Jesús (1) ; Trujillo, Ignacio (1)
2014MNRAS.440.1649Y – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/1649)
ExoMol line lists - IV. The rotation-vibration spectrum of methane up to 1500 K
Yurchenko, Sergei N.; Tennyson, Jonathan
Inhomogeneous recombinations during cosmic reionization
Sobacchi, Emanuele; Mesinger, Andrei
Amplitude variability in satellite photometry of the non-radially pulsating O9.5 V star ζ Oph
Howarth, Ian D. ; Goss, K.J.F. ; Stevens, I.R. ; Chaplin, W.J. ; Elsworth, Y.
Plan β: core or cusp ?
Richardson, Thomas D. ; Spolyar, Douglas (2) ; Lehnert, Matthew D.
2014MNRAS.440.1690H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/1690)
Dissecting the red sequence: the bulge and disc colours of early-type galaxies in the Coma cluster
Head, Jacob T.C.G. ; Lucey, John R. ; Hudson, Michael J. (2) ; Smith, Russell J.
Using large galaxy surveys to distinguish z ≃ 0.5 quiescent galaxy models
Cohn, J.D. ; White, Martin
The correlation of dust and gas emission in star-forming environments
Morgan, L.K. ; Moore, T.J.T. ; Eden, D.J. ; Hatchell, J. ; Urquhart, J.S.
Stability boundaries for resonant migrating planet pairs
Bodman, Eva H.L.; Quillen, Alice C.
How well does the Friends-of-Friends algorithm recover group properties from galaxy catalogues limited in both distance and luminosity ?
Duarte, Manuel; Mamon, Gary A.
Short time-scale spectral variability in the A0 supergiant HD 92207 and the importance of line profile variations for the interpretation of FORS 2 spectropolarimetric observations
Hubrig, S. ; Schöller, M. ; Kholtygin, A.F. (3)
Is acetylene essential for carbon dust formation ?
Dhanoa, H. ; Rawlings, J.M.C.
Testing metallicity indicators at z ∼ 1.4 with the gravitationally lensed galaxy CASSOWARY 20
James, Bethan L. ; Pettini, Max ; Christensen, Lise ; Auger, Matthew W. ; Becker, George D. ; King, Lindsay J. ; Quider, Anna M. ; Shapley, Alice E. ; Steidel, Charles C.
Evidence for dust destruction from the early-time colour change of GRB 120119A
Morgan, Adam N. ; Perley, Daniel A. ; Cenko, S.Bradley ; Bloom, Joshua S. ; Cucchiara, Antonino ; Richards, Joseph W. (1) ; Filippenko, Alexei V. ; Haislip, Joshua B. ; LaCluyze, Aaron ; Corsi, Alessandra ; Melandri, Andrea (7) ; Cobb, Bethany E. ; Gomboc, Andreja (9) ; Horesh, Assaf ; James, Berian (1) ; Li, Weidong ; Mundell, Carole G. ; Reichart, Daniel E. ; Steele, Iain
Autocollimating compensator for controlling aspheric optical surfaces
Terebizh, V.Yu. (1)
Prospects for asteroseismic inference on the envelope helium abundance in red giant stars
Broomhall, A.-M. (1) (2) ; Miglio, A. (3) ; Montalbán, J. ; Eggenberger, P. ; Chaplin, W.J. (3) ; Elsworth, Y. (3) ; Scuflaire, R. ; Ventura, P. ; Verner, G.A.
Water and methanol in low-mass protostellar outflows: gas-phase synthesis, ice sputtering and destruction
Suutarinen, A.N. ; Kristensen, L.E. ; Mottram, J.C. ; Fraser, H.J. ; van Dishoeck, E.F. (3)
Type II Plateau supernovae as metallicity probes of the Universe
Dessart, L. ; Gutierrez, C.P. ; Hamuy, M. ; Hillier, D.J. ; Lanz, T. ; Anderson, J.P. (2) ; Folatelli, G. ; Freedman, W.L. ; Ley, F. ; Morrell, N. ; Persson, S.E. ; Phillips, M.M. ; Stritzinger, M. ; Suntzeff, N.B.
High-redshift supermassive black holes: accretion through cold flows
Feng, Yu ; Di Matteo, Tiziana ; Croft, Rupert ; Khandai, Nishikanta
A new method for classifying galaxy SEDs from multiwavelength photometry
Wild, Vivienne (1) ; Almaini, Omar ; Cirasuolo, Michele ; Dunlop, Jim ; McLure, Ross ; Bowler, Rebecca ; Ferreira, Joao ; Bradshaw, Emma ; Chuter, Robert ; Hartley, Will (3)
Mass and concentration estimates from weak and strong gravitational lensing: a systematic study
Giocoli, Carlo (1) (2) ; Meneghetti, Massimo (2) (3) ; Metcalf, R.Benton ; Ettori, Stefano (2) ; Moscardini, Lauro (1) (2)
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