Monthly Notices of the RAS 440
May(I) 2014
- 2014MNRAS.440L...1T
- A new cold sub-Saturnian candidate planet orbiting GJ 221
- Tuomi, Mikko (1)
- 2014MNRAS.440L...6H
- The magnetic field in HD 161701, the only binary system identified to consist of an HgMn primary and an Ap secondary
- Hubrig, S. ; Carroll, T.A. ; González, J.F. ; Schöller, M. ; Ilyin, I. ; Saffe, C. ; Castelli, F. ; Leone, F. ; Giarrusso, M. (5)
- 2014MNRAS.440L..11R
- No universal minimum-mass extrasolar nebula: evidence against in situ accretion of systems of hot super-Earths
- Raymond, Sean N. (1) ; Cossou, Christophe (1)
- 2014MNRAS.440L..16B
- Using kinematic properties of pre-planetary nebulae to constrain engine paradigms
- Blackman, Eric G.; Lucchini, Scott
- 2014MNRAS.440L..21H
- On the formation of warped gas discs in galaxies
- Haan, S. ; Braun, R.
- 2014MNRAS.440L..26K
- X-ray luminous binaries, metallicity, and the early Universe
- Kaaret, Philip
- 2014MNRAS.440L..31M
- Star formation in the ultraluminous infrared galaxy F00183-7111
- Mao, Minnie Y. ; Norris, Ray P. ; Emonts, Bjorn (2) ; Sharp, Rob ; Feain, Ilana ; Chow, Kate ; Lenc, Emil (5) ; Stevens, Jamie
- 2014MNRAS.440L..36P
- 50 picoarcsec astrometry of pulsar emission
- Pen, Ue-Li (1) ; Macquart, Jean-Pierre (3) ; Deller, Adam T. ; Brisken, Walter (5)
- 2014MNRAS.440L..41B
- Dynamo action in thick discs around Kerr black holes: high-order resistive GRMHD simulations
- Bugli, M. (1) ; Del Zanna, L. (2) (3) ; Bucciantini, N. (3)
- 2014MNRAS.440L..46A
- The hierarchical nature of the spin alignment of dark matter haloes in filaments
- Aragon-Calvo, M.A. (1) ; Yang, Lin Forrest
- 2014MNRAS.440L..51C
- Simulating disc galaxy bulges that are consistent with observed scaling relations
- Christensen, C.R. ; Brooks, A.M. ; Fisher, D.B. (3) ; Governato, F. ; McCleary, J. ; Quinn, T.R. ; Shen, S. ; Wadsley, J.
- 2014MNRAS.440L..56L
- Spectropolarimetric constraints on the nature of interstellar grains
- Li, Qi (1) ; Liang, S.L. ; Li, Aigen
- 2014MNRAS.440L..61Z
- Determination of the masses of the components of the HDE 226868/Cyg X-1 binary system
- Ziólkowski, J.
- 2014MNRAS.440L..66B
- The signature of dissipation in the mass-size relation: are bulges simply spheroids wrapped in a disc ?
- Berg, Trystyn A.M. ; Simard, Luc ; Mendel Trevor, J. ; Ellison, Sara L.
- 2014MNRAS.440L..71O
- The connection between the cusp-to-core transformation and observational universalities of DM haloes
- Ogiya, Go ; Mori, Masao (1) ; Ishiyama, Tomoaki ; Burkert, Andreas (3)
- 2014MNRAS.440L..76S
- Formation of the first low-mass stars from cosmological initial conditions
- Safranek-Shrader, Chalence ; Milosavljevic, Milos ; Bromm, Volker
- 2014MNRAS.440L..81O
- An alternative accurate tracer of molecular clouds: the `XCi-factor'
- Offner, Stella S.R. ; Bisbas, Thomas G. ; Bell, Tom A. ; Viti, Serena
- 2014MNRAS.440L..86C
- The Galactic Centre pulsar population
- Chennamangalam, Jayanth ; Lorimer, D.R. (1)
- 2014MNRAS.440L..91P
- X-rays from the redshift 7.1 quasar ULAS J1120+0641
- Page, M.J. ; Simpson, C. ; Mortlock, D.J. (3) ; Warren, S.J. ; Hewett, P.C. ; Venemans, B.P. ; McMahon, R.G.
- 2014MNRAS.440L..96K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/L96)
- Mid-infrared period-luminosity relations of RR Lyrae stars derived from the AllWISE Data Release
- Klein, C.R. ; Richards, J.W. ; Butler, N.R. ; Bloom, J.S.
- 2014MNRAS.440L.101R
- The effect of helium accretion efficiency on rates of Type Ia supernovae: double detonations in accreting binaries
- Ruiter, A.J. ; Belczynski, K. (2) ; Sim, S.A. ; Seitenzahl, I.R. (1) ; Kwiatkowski, D.
- 2014MNRAS.440L.106A
- Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): fine filaments of galaxies detected within voids
- Alpaslan, Mehmet (1) ; Robotham, Aaron S.G. ; Obreschkow, Danail ; Penny, Samantha ; Driver, Simon (1) ; Norberg, Peder ; Brough, Sarah ; Brown, Michael ; Cluver, Michelle ; Holwerda, Benne ; Hopkins, Andrew M. ; van Kampen, Eelco ; Kelvin, Lee S. ; Lara-Lopez, Maritza A. ; Liske, Jochen ; Loveday, Jon ; Mahajan, Smriti ; Pimbblet, Kevin (3) (12)
- 2014MNRAS.440L.111G
- SDSS J114657.79+403708.6: the third most distant blazar at z = 5.0
- Ghisellini, G. ; Sbarrato, T. (1) (2) ; Tagliaferri, G. ; Foschini, L. ; Tavecchio, F. ; Ghirlanda, G. ; Braito, V. ; Gehrels, N.
- 2014MNRAS.440L.116S
- The age distribution of stellar clusters in M83
- Silva-Villa, E. ; Adamo, A. ; Bastian, N. ; Fouesneau, M. ; Zackrisson, E.
- 2014MNRAS.440L.121D
- Implementation of two-component advective flow solution in xspec
- Debnath, Dipak ; Chakrabarti, Sandip K. (1) ; Mondal, Santanu
- 2014MNRAS.440....2M
- On the origin of variable structures in the winds of hot luminous stars
- Michaux, Yannick J.L. (1) ; Moffat, Anthony F.J. ; Chené, André-Nicolas (3) (4) ; St-Louis, Nicole
- 2014MNRAS.440...10A
- Measuring the transition to homogeneity with photometric redshift surveys
- Alonso, D. ; Bueno Belloso, A. ; Sánchez, F.J. ; García-Bellido, J. ; Sánchez, E.
- 2014MNRAS.440...24S
- Supernova explosions in magnetized, primordial dark matter haloes
- Seifried, D. ; Banerjee, R. ; Schleicher, D.
- 2014MNRAS.440...40W
- Milliarcsecond properties of 10C sources in the Lockman Hole
- Whittam, I.H.; Riley, J.M.; Green, D.A.
- 2014MNRAS.440...50M
- Dwarf spheroidal satellite formation in a reionized Local Group
- Milosavljevic, Milos; Bromm, Volker
- 2014MNRAS.440...68Z
- pdm13: a new graphical interfaced program for frequency analysis
- Zalian, C. ; Chadid, M. ; Stellingwerf, R.F.
- 2014MNRAS.440...75B
- Cosmic degeneracies - I. Joint N-body simulations of modified gravity and massive neutrinos
- Baldi, Marco (1) (2) ; Villaescusa-Navarro, Francisco ; Viel, Matteo (4) ; Puchwein, Ewald (6) ; Springel, Volker (7) ; Moscardini, Lauro (1) (2)
- 2014MNRAS.440...89K
- Accretion in giant planet circumplanetary discs
- Keith, Sarah L. (1) ; Wardle, Mark
- 2014MNRAS.440..106B
- The XMM-Newton view of the radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy PMN J0948+0022
- Bhattacharyya, Subir; Bhatt, Himali; Bhatt, Nilay; Singh, Krishna Kumar
- 2014MNRAS.440..119L
- The effect of primordial antibiasing on the local measurement of the key cosmological parameters
- Lee, Jounghun
- 2014MNRAS.440..125P
- A demonstration of wavefront sensing and mirror phasing from the image domain
- Pope, Benjamin (1) ; Cvetojevic, Nick (1) (3) ; Cheetham, Anthony ; Martinache, Frantz ; Norris, Barnaby ; Tuthill, Peter
- 2014MNRAS.440..134A
- Evolution of extinction curves in galaxies
- Asano, Ryosuke S. ; Takeuchi, Tsutomu T. ; Hirashita, Hiroyuki ; Nozawa, Takaya
- 2014MNRAS.440..143L
- Peak luminosity correlated low-frequency oscillations in black holes
- Li, Z.B. ; Gao, H.Q. (2) ; Zhang, Z. (2) ; Zhang, S. ; Qu, J.L. ; Zhang, C.M. ; Song, L.M.
- 2014MNRAS.440..150H
- A panchromatic analysis of starburst galaxy M82: probing the dust properties
- Hutton, Susan; Ferreras, Ignacio; Wu, Kinwah; Kuin, Paul; Breeveld, Alice; Yershov, Vladimir; Cropper, Mark; Page, Mat
- 2014MNRAS.440..161S
- Strong RR Lyrae excess in the Hercules-Aquila Cloud
- Simion, Iulia T. ; Belokurov, Vasily ; Irwin, Mike ; Koposov, Sergey E. (1)
- 2014MNRAS.440..172S
- A new HCN maser in IRAS 15082-4808
- Smith, C.L.; Zijlstra, A.A.; Fuller, G.A.
- 2014MNRAS.440..182S
- Stokes IQUV magnetic Doppler imaging of Ap stars - II. Next generation magnetic Doppler imaging of α2 CVn
- Silvester, J. (1) ; Kochukhov, O. ; Wade, G.A.
- 2014MNRAS.440..193J
- Generating merger trees for dark matter haloes: a comparison of methods
- Jiang, Fangzhou; van den Bosch, Frank C.
- 2014MNRAS.440..208K
- Gaseous spiral structure and mass drift in spiral galaxies
- Kim, Yonghwi ; Kim, Woong-Tae (1)
- 2014MNRAS.440..225B
- Molecular hydrogen absorption systems in Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- Balashev, S.A. (1) ; Klimenko, V.V. (1) ; Ivanchik, A.V. (1) ; Varshalovich, D.A. (1) ; Petitjean, P. ; Noterdaeme, P.
- 2014MNRAS.440..240D
- Robust PCA and MIC statistics of baryons in early minihaloes
- de Souza, R.S. (1) ; Maio, U. (3) ; Biffi, V. ; Ciardi, B.
- 2014MNRAS.440..249S
- Precision cosmology in muddy waters: cosmological constraints and N-body codes
- Smith, Robert E. (1) (2) ; Reed, Darren S. ; Potter, Doug ; Marian, Laura ; Crocce, Martin ; Moore, Ben
- 2014MNRAS.440..269M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/269)
- An X-ray survey of the 2 Jy sample - I. Is there an accretion mode dichotomy in radio-loud AGN ?
- Mingo, B. (1) ; Hardcastle, M.J. ; Croston, J.H. ; Dicken, D. ; Evans, D.A. ; Morganti, R. (6) ; Tadhunter, C.
- 2014MNRAS.440..298F
- Stars and reionization: the cross-correlation of the 21cm line and the near-infrared background
- Fernandez, Elizabeth R. ; Zaroubi, Saleem ; Iliev, Ilian T. ; Mellema, Garrelt ; Jelic, Vibor (1)
- 2014MNRAS.440..307D
- A study of low-metallicity DLAs at high redshift and C ii* as a probe of their physical conditions
- Dutta, R. ; Srianand, R. ; Rahmani, H. (1) ; Petitjean, P. ; Noterdaeme, P. ; Ledoux, C.
- 2014MNRAS.440..327L – (Tables: VIII/97)
- The Very Large Array Low-frequency Sky Survey Redux (VLSSr)
- Lane, W.M. ; Cotton, W.D. ; van Velzen, S. ; Clarke, T.E. ; Kassim, N.E. ; Helmboldt, J.F. ; Lazio, T.J.W. ; Cohen, A.S.
- 2014MNRAS.440..339G
- Investigating evidence for different black hole accretion modes since redshift z ∼ 1
- Georgakakis, A. (1) ; Pérez-González, P.G. (3) ; Fanidakis, N. ; Salvato, M. ; Aird, J. ; Messias, H. ; Lotz, J.M. ; Barro, G. ; Hsu, Li-Ting ; Nandra, K. ; Rosario, D. ; Cooper, M.C. ; Kocevski, D.D. ; Newman, J.A.
- 2014MNRAS.440..353B
- A Galactic origin for the fast radio burst FRB010621
- Bannister, K.W. ; Madsen, G.J. (2)
- 2014MNRAS.440..359B
- The discovery of a T6.5 subdwarf
- Burningham, Ben ; Smith, L. ; Cardoso, C.V. (1) ; Lucas, P.W. ; Burgasser, A.J. ; Jones, H.R.A. ; Smart, R.L.
- 2014MNRAS.440..365T – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/365)
- Identification of 23 accreting binaries in the Galactic Bulge Survey
- Torres, M.A.P. ; Jonker, P.G. (1) (2) ; Britt, C.T. (4) ; Johnson, C.B. ; Hynes, R.I. ; Greiss, S. ; Steeghs, D. ; Maccarone, T.J. ; Özel, F. ; Bassa, C. ; Nelemans, G. (3)
- 2014MNRAS.440..387K
- A spectral synthesis code for rapid modelling of supernovae
- Kerzendorf, Wolfgang E. ; Sim, Stuart A.
- 2014MNRAS.440..405M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/405)
- A Council of Giants
- McCall, Marshall L.
- 2014MNRAS.440..427R
- A Herschel and BIMA study of the sequential star formation near the W 48A Hii region
- Rygl, K.L.J. (1) ; Goedhart, S. (3) (4) ; Polychroni, D. (1) ; Wyrowski, F. ; Motte, F. ; Elia, D. ; Nguyen-Luong, Q. ; Didelon, P. ; Pestalozzi, M. ; Benedettini, M. ; Molinari, S. ; André, Ph. ; Fallscheer, C. (9) ; Gibb, A. ; di Giorgio, A.M. ; Hill, T. (7) ; Könyves, V. (7) ; Marston, A. ; Pezzuto, S. ; Rivera-Ingraham, A. (15) ; Schisano, E. ; Schneider, N. ; Spinoglio, L. ; Ward-Thompson, D. ; White, G.J. (20)
- 2014MNRAS.440..448F
- DNC/HNC and N2D+/N2H+ ratios in high-mass star-forming cores
- Fontani, F. ; Sakai, T. ; Furuya, K. ; Sakai, N. ; Aikawa, Y. ; Yamamoto, S.
- 2014MNRAS.440..457K
- Analysis of single pulse radio flux measurements of PSR B1133+16 at 4.85 and 8.35GHz
- Krzeszowski, K. ; Maron, O. ; Slowikowska, A. ; Dyks, J. ; Jessner, A.
- 2014MNRAS.440..465B
- Principal component analysis of molecular clouds: can CO reveal the dynamics ?
- Bertram, Erik ; Shetty, Rahul ; Glover, Simon C.O. ; Klessen, Ralf S. ; Roman-Duval, Julia ; Federrath, Christoph
- 2014MNRAS.440..476F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/476)
- Low-redshift quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe 82. The host galaxies
- Falomo, R. ; Bettoni, D. ; Karhunen, K. ; Kotilainen, J.K. ; Uslenghi, M.
- 2014MNRAS.440..494D
- Interstellar condensed (icy) amino acids and precursors: theoretical absorption and circular dichroism under UV and soft X-ray irradiation
- Da Pieve, F. ; Avendaño-Franco, G. ; De Proft, F. ; Geerlings, P.
- 2014MNRAS.440..504S
- The spotty donor star in the X-ray transient Cen X-4
- Shahbaz, T. (1) ; Watson, C.A. ; Dhillon, V.S.
- 2014MNRAS.440..514O
- Acoustic instability in the neutral precursor region of collisionless shocks propagating into partially ionized plasmas
- Ohira, Yutaka
- 2014MNRAS.440..519A
- Variability in spectropolarimetric properties of Sy 1.5 galaxy Mrk 6
- Afanasiev, V.L. ; Popovic, L.C. (2) (3) ; Shapovalova, A.I. ; Borisov, N.V. ; Ilic, D. (3)
- 2014MNRAS.440..530A
- Search for very high energy gamma-rays from the z = 0.896 quasar 4C +55.17 with the MAGIC telescopes
- Aleksic, J. ; Ansoldi, S. ; Antonelli, L.A. ; Antoranz, P. ; Babic, A. ; Bangale, P. ; de Almeida, U.Barres ; Barrio, J.A. ; González, J.Becerra ; Bednarek, W. ; Berger, K. ; Bernardini, E. ; Biland, A. ; Blanch, O. ; Bock, R.K. ; Bonnefoy, S. ; Bonnoli, G. ; Borracci, F. ; Bretz, T. ; Carmona, E. ; Carosi, A. ; Fidalgo, D.Carreto ; Colin, P. ; Colombo, E. ; Contreras, J.L. ; Cortina, J. ; Covino, S. ; Da Vela, P. ; Dazzi, F. ; De Angelis, A. ; De Caneva, G. ; De Lotto, B. ; Mendez, C.Delgado ; Doert, M. ; Domínguez, A. ; Prester, D.Dominis ; Dorner, D. ; Doro, M. ; Einecke, S. ; Eisenacher, D. ; Elsaesser, D. ; Farina, E. ; Ferenc, D. ; Fonseca, M.V. ; Font, L. ; Frantzen, K. ; Fruck, C. ; López, R.J.García ; Garczarczyk, M. ; Terrats, D.Garrido ; Gaug, M. ; Giavitto, G. ; Godinovic, N. ; Muñoz, A.González ; Gozzini, S.R. ; Hadasch, D. ; Hayashida, M. ; Herrero, A. ; Hildebrand, D. ; Hose, J. ; Hrupec, D. ; Idec, W. ; Kadenius, V. ; Kellermann, H. ; Knoetig, M.L. ; Kodani, K. ; Konno, Y. ; Krause, J. ; Kubo, H. ; Kushida, J. ; Barbera, A.La ; Lelas, D. ; Lewandowska, N. ; Lindfors, E. ; Lombardi, S. ; López, M. ; López-Coto, R. ; López-Oramas, A. ; Lorenz, E. ; Lozano, I. ; Makariev, M. ; Mallot, K. ; Maneva, G. ; Mankuzhiyil, N. ; Mannheim, K. ; Maraschi, L. ; Marcote, B. ; Mariotti, M. ; Martínez, M. ; Mazin, D. ; Menzel, U. ; Meucci, M. ; Miranda, J.M. ; Mirzoyan, R. ; Moralejo, A. ; Munar-Adrover, P. ; Nakajima, D. ; Niedzwiecki, A. ; Nilsson, K. ; Nishijima, K. ; Nowak, N. ; Orito, R. ; Overkemping, A. ; Paiano, S. ; Palatiello, M. ; Paneque, D. ; Paoletti, R. ; Paredes, J.M. ; Paredes-Fortuny, X. ; Partini, S. ; Persic, M. ; Prada, F. (16) ; Moroni, P.G.Prada ; Prandini, E. ; Preziuso, S. ; Puljak, I. ; Reinthal, R. ; Rhode, W. ; Ribó, M. ; Rico, J. ; Garcia, J.Rodriguez ; Rügamer, S. ; Saggion, A. ; Saito, T. ; Saito, K. ; Salvati, M. ; Satalecka, K. ; Scalzotto, V. ; Scapin, V. ; Schultz, C. ; Schweizer, T. ; Shore, S.N. ; Sillanpää, A. ; Sitarek, J. ; Snidaric, I. ; Sobczynska, D. ; Spanier, F. ; Stamatescu, V. ; Stamerra, A. ; Steinbring, T. ; Storz, J. ; Sun, S. ; Suric, T. ; Takalo, L. ; Takami, H. ; Tavecchio, F. ; Temnikov, P. ; Terzic, T. ; Tescaro, D. ; Teshima, M. ; Thaele, J. ; Tibolla, O. ; Torres, D.F. ; Toyama, T. ; Treves, A. ; Vogler, P. ; Wagner, R.M. ; Zandanel, F. ; Zanin, R.
- 2014MNRAS.440..536D
- Ionization correction factors for planetary nebulae - I. Using optical spectra
- Delgado-Inglada, Gloria ; Morisset, Christophe ; Stasinska, Grazyna
- 2014MNRAS.440..555P
- A new method to measure galaxy bias
- Pollack, Jennifer E. ; Smith, Robert E. (2) ; Porciani, Cristiano
- 2014MNRAS.440..577B
- Faulty actuator tolerance in deformable mirrors for Extremely Large Telescope multi-object adaptive optics
- Basden, A.G.
- 2014MNRAS.440..582M
- Limits on core-driven ILOT outbursts of asymptotic giant branch stars
- Mcley, Liron; Soker, Noam
- 2014MNRAS.440..588H
- Multiwavelength investigations of co-evolution of bright cluster galaxies and their host clusters
- Hashimoto, Yasuhiro ; Henry, J.Patrick (2) ; Boehringer, Hans
- 2014MNRAS.440..601R
- On the universality of void density profiles
- Ricciardelli, E. ; Quilis, V. ; Varela, J.
- 2014MNRAS.440..610P
- The imprint of dark matter haloes on the size and velocity dispersion evolution of early-type galaxies
- Posti, Lorenzo (1) ; Nipoti, Carlo ; Stiavelli, Massimo ; Ciotti, Luca
- 2014MNRAS.440..624F
- The reference frame for the XPM2
- Fedorov, P.N. ; Akhmetov, V.S. ; Shulga, V.M.
- 2014MNRAS.440..631J – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/631)
- Modelling the alumina abundance of oxygen-rich evolved stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud
- Jones, O.C. ; Kemper, F. ; Srinivasan, S. ; McDonald, I. ; Sloan, G.C. ; Zijlstra, A.A.
- 2014MNRAS.440..652T
- Merger criteria of multiple massive black holes and the impact on the host galaxy
- Tanikawa, A. (1) (2) ; Umemura, M.
- 2014MNRAS.440..663Z
- Constraints on diffuse gamma-ray emission from structure formation processes in the Coma cluster
- Zandanel, Fabio; Ando, Shin'ichiro
- 2014MNRAS.440..672P
- A study of the variation of geometry of accretion flows of compact objects through timing and spectral analysis of their outbursts
- Pal, P.S.; Chakrabarti, S.K.
- 2014MNRAS.440..683L
- Migration of Earth-sized planets in 3D radiative discs
- Lega, E.; Crida, A.; Bitsch, B.; Morbidelli, A.
- 2014MNRAS.440..696A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/696)
- A search for Hi absorption in nearby radio galaxies using HIPASS
- Allison, J.R. (1) ; Sadler, E.M. (1) ; Meekin, A.M.
- 2014MNRAS.440..719G
- A Keplerian-based Hamiltonian splitting for gravitational N-body simulations
- Gonçalves Ferrari, G. (1) ; Boekholt, T. ; Portegies Zwart, S.F.
- 2014MNRAS.440..731S
- Physical properties of UDF12 galaxies in cosmological simulations
- Shimizu, Ikkoh (1) ; Inoue, Akio K. ; Okamoto, Takashi ; Yoshida, Naoki (4)
- 2014MNRAS.440..746A
- N-body simulations of the Carina dSph in MOND
- Angus, G.W. (1) ; Gentile, G. (1) ; Diaferio, A. (4) ; Famaey, B. ; van der Heyden, K.J.
- 2014MNRAS.440..762O
- Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): testing galaxy formation models through the most massive galaxies in the Universe
- Oliva-Altamirano, P. (1) ; Brough, S. ; Lidman, C. ; Couch, W.J. (1) ; Hopkins, A.M. ; Colless, M. ; Taylor, E. ; Robotham, A.S.G. (5) ; Gunawardhana, M.L.P. (2) (7) ; Ponman, T. ; Baldry, I. ; Bauer, A.E. ; Bland-Hawthorn, J. ; Cluver, M. (2) ; Cameron, E. ; Conselice, C.J. ; Driver, S. (5) ; Edge, A.C. ; Graham, A.W. ; van Kampen, E. ; Lara-López, M.A. ; Liske, J. ; López-Sánchez, A.R. ; Loveday, J. ; Mahajan, S. ; Peacock, J. ; Phillipps, S. ; Pimbblet, K.A. (20) (21) ; Sharp, R.G.
- 2014MNRAS.440..776Y
- Escape of Lyα and continuum photons from star-forming galaxies
- Yajima, Hidenobu (1) (2) ; Li, Yuexing (2) ; Zhu, Qirong (2) ; Abel, Tom ; Gronwall, Caryl (2) ; Ciardullo, Robin (2)
- 2014MNRAS.440..787B
- Self-consistent flattened isochrones
- Binney, James
- 2014MNRAS.440..799V – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/799)
- Variability in Low Ionization Broad Absorption Line outflows
- Vivek, M. ; Srianand, R. ; Petitjean, P. ; Mohan, V. ; Mahabal, A. ; Samui, S.
- 2014MNRAS.440..821B
- Radio limits on off-axis GRB afterglows and VLBI observations of SN 2003gk
- Bietenholz, M.F. (1) ; De Colle, F. ; Granot, J. ; Bartel, N. ; Soderberg, A.M.
- 2014MNRAS.440..833A
- Scaling relations and mass bias in hydrodynamical f(R) gravity simulations of galaxy clusters
- Arnold, Christian ; Puchwein, Ewald (1) ; Springel, Volker (1)
- 2014MNRAS.440..843O – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/843)
- The connection between galaxy structure and quenching efficiency
- Omand, Conor M.B. (1) ; Balogh, Michael L. (1) ; Poggianti, Bianca M.
- 2014MNRAS.440..859L
- Chandra survey of nearby highly inclined disc galaxies - III. Comparison with hydrodynamical simulations of circumgalactic coronae
- Li, Jiang-Tao (1) (2) ; Crain, Robert A. ; Wang, Q.Daniel
- 2014MNRAS.440..870T
- Weak lensing by intergalactic ministructures in quadruple lens systems: simulation and detection
- Takahashi, Ryuichi ; Inoue, Kaiki Taro
- 2014MNRAS.440..889S
- The green valley is a red herring: Galaxy Zoo reveals two evolutionary pathways towards quenching of star formation in early- and late-type galaxies
- Schawinski, Kevin ; Urry, C.Megan (2) (3) ; Simmons, Brooke D. ; Fortson, Lucy ; Kaviraj, Sugata ; Keel, William C. ; Lintott, Chris J. (5) ; Masters, Karen L. (10) ; Nichol, Robert C. (10) ; Sarzi, Marc ; Skibba, Ramin ; Treister, Ezequiel ; Willett, Kyle W. ; Wong, O.Ivy ; Yi, Sukyoung K.
- 2014MNRAS.440..908P
- Perseus I and the NGC 3109 association in the context of the Local Group dwarf galaxy structures
- Pawlowski, Marcel S.; McGaugh, Stacy S.
- 2014MNRAS.440..920L
- Which galaxies dominate the neutral gas content of the Universe ?
- Lagos, C.D.P. ; Baugh, C.M. ; Zwaan, M.A. ; Lacey, C.G. ; Gonzalez-Perez, V. ; Power, C. ; Swinbank, A.M. ; van Kampen, E.
- 2014MNRAS.440..942C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/942)
- PACS photometry of the Herschel Reference Survey - far-infrared/submillimetre colours as tracers of dust properties in nearby galaxies
- Cortese, L. (1) ; Fritz, J. ; Bianchi, S. ; Boselli, A. ; Ciesla, L. ; Bendo, G.J. ; Boquien, M. (5) ; Roussel, H. ; Baes, M. ; Buat, V. ; Clemens, M. ; Cooray, A. ; Cormier, D. ; Davies, J.I. ; De Looze, I. ; Eales, S.A. ; Fuller, C. ; Hunt, L.K. ; Madden, S. ; Munoz-Mateos, J. ; Pappalardo, C. ; Pierini, D. ; Rémy-Ruyer, A. ; Sauvage, M. ; di Serego Alighieri, S. ; Smith, M.W.L. ; Spinoglio, L. ; Vaccari, M. ; Vlahakis, C.
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