Monthly Notices of the RAS 440
May(I) 2014

A new cold sub-Saturnian candidate planet orbiting GJ 221
Tuomi, Mikko (1)
The magnetic field in HD 161701, the only binary system identified to consist of an HgMn primary and an Ap secondary
Hubrig, S. ; Carroll, T.A. ; González, J.F. ; Schöller, M. ; Ilyin, I. ; Saffe, C. ; Castelli, F. ; Leone, F. ; Giarrusso, M. (5)
No universal minimum-mass extrasolar nebula: evidence against in situ accretion of systems of hot super-Earths
Raymond, Sean N. (1) ; Cossou, Christophe (1)
Using kinematic properties of pre-planetary nebulae to constrain engine paradigms
Blackman, Eric G.; Lucchini, Scott
On the formation of warped gas discs in galaxies
Haan, S. ; Braun, R.
X-ray luminous binaries, metallicity, and the early Universe
Kaaret, Philip
Star formation in the ultraluminous infrared galaxy F00183-7111
Mao, Minnie Y. ; Norris, Ray P. ; Emonts, Bjorn (2) ; Sharp, Rob ; Feain, Ilana ; Chow, Kate ; Lenc, Emil (5) ; Stevens, Jamie
50 picoarcsec astrometry of pulsar emission
Pen, Ue-Li (1) ; Macquart, Jean-Pierre (3) ; Deller, Adam T. ; Brisken, Walter (5)
Dynamo action in thick discs around Kerr black holes: high-order resistive GRMHD simulations
Bugli, M. (1) ; Del Zanna, L. (2) (3) ; Bucciantini, N. (3)
The hierarchical nature of the spin alignment of dark matter haloes in filaments
Aragon-Calvo, M.A. (1) ; Yang, Lin Forrest
Simulating disc galaxy bulges that are consistent with observed scaling relations
Christensen, C.R. ; Brooks, A.M. ; Fisher, D.B. (3) ; Governato, F. ; McCleary, J. ; Quinn, T.R. ; Shen, S. ; Wadsley, J.
Spectropolarimetric constraints on the nature of interstellar grains
Li, Qi (1) ; Liang, S.L. ; Li, Aigen
Determination of the masses of the components of the HDE 226868/Cyg X-1 binary system
Ziólkowski, J.
The signature of dissipation in the mass-size relation: are bulges simply spheroids wrapped in a disc ?
Berg, Trystyn A.M. ; Simard, Luc ; Mendel Trevor, J. ; Ellison, Sara L.
The connection between the cusp-to-core transformation and observational universalities of DM haloes
Ogiya, Go ; Mori, Masao (1) ; Ishiyama, Tomoaki ; Burkert, Andreas (3)
Formation of the first low-mass stars from cosmological initial conditions
Safranek-Shrader, Chalence ; Milosavljevic, Milos ; Bromm, Volker
An alternative accurate tracer of molecular clouds: the `XCi-factor'
Offner, Stella S.R. ; Bisbas, Thomas G. ; Bell, Tom A. ; Viti, Serena
The Galactic Centre pulsar population
Chennamangalam, Jayanth ; Lorimer, D.R. (1)
X-rays from the redshift 7.1 quasar ULAS J1120+0641
Page, M.J. ; Simpson, C. ; Mortlock, D.J. (3) ; Warren, S.J. ; Hewett, P.C. ; Venemans, B.P. ; McMahon, R.G.
2014MNRAS.440L..96K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/L96)
Mid-infrared period-luminosity relations of RR Lyrae stars derived from the AllWISE Data Release
Klein, C.R. ; Richards, J.W. ; Butler, N.R. ; Bloom, J.S.
The effect of helium accretion efficiency on rates of Type Ia supernovae: double detonations in accreting binaries
Ruiter, A.J. ; Belczynski, K. (2) ; Sim, S.A. ; Seitenzahl, I.R. (1) ; Kwiatkowski, D.
Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): fine filaments of galaxies detected within voids
Alpaslan, Mehmet (1) ; Robotham, Aaron S.G. ; Obreschkow, Danail ; Penny, Samantha ; Driver, Simon (1) ; Norberg, Peder ; Brough, Sarah ; Brown, Michael ; Cluver, Michelle ; Holwerda, Benne ; Hopkins, Andrew M. ; van Kampen, Eelco ; Kelvin, Lee S. ; Lara-Lopez, Maritza A. ; Liske, Jochen ; Loveday, Jon ; Mahajan, Smriti ; Pimbblet, Kevin (3) (12)
SDSS J114657.79+403708.6: the third most distant blazar at z = 5.0
Ghisellini, G. ; Sbarrato, T. (1) (2) ; Tagliaferri, G. ; Foschini, L. ; Tavecchio, F. ; Ghirlanda, G. ; Braito, V. ; Gehrels, N.
The age distribution of stellar clusters in M83
Silva-Villa, E. ; Adamo, A. ; Bastian, N. ; Fouesneau, M. ; Zackrisson, E.
Implementation of two-component advective flow solution in xspec
Debnath, Dipak ; Chakrabarti, Sandip K. (1) ; Mondal, Santanu
On the origin of variable structures in the winds of hot luminous stars
Michaux, Yannick J.L. (1) ; Moffat, Anthony F.J. ; Chené, André-Nicolas (3) (4) ; St-Louis, Nicole
Measuring the transition to homogeneity with photometric redshift surveys
Alonso, D. ; Bueno Belloso, A. ; Sánchez, F.J. ; García-Bellido, J. ; Sánchez, E.
Supernova explosions in magnetized, primordial dark matter haloes
Seifried, D. ; Banerjee, R. ; Schleicher, D.
Milliarcsecond properties of 10C sources in the Lockman Hole
Whittam, I.H.; Riley, J.M.; Green, D.A.
Dwarf spheroidal satellite formation in a reionized Local Group
Milosavljevic, Milos; Bromm, Volker
pdm13: a new graphical interfaced program for frequency analysis
Zalian, C. ; Chadid, M. ; Stellingwerf, R.F.
Cosmic degeneracies - I. Joint N-body simulations of modified gravity and massive neutrinos
Baldi, Marco (1) (2) ; Villaescusa-Navarro, Francisco ; Viel, Matteo (4) ; Puchwein, Ewald (6) ; Springel, Volker (7) ; Moscardini, Lauro (1) (2)
Accretion in giant planet circumplanetary discs
Keith, Sarah L. (1) ; Wardle, Mark
The XMM-Newton view of the radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy PMN J0948+0022
Bhattacharyya, Subir; Bhatt, Himali; Bhatt, Nilay; Singh, Krishna Kumar
The effect of primordial antibiasing on the local measurement of the key cosmological parameters
Lee, Jounghun
A demonstration of wavefront sensing and mirror phasing from the image domain
Pope, Benjamin (1) ; Cvetojevic, Nick (1) (3) ; Cheetham, Anthony ; Martinache, Frantz ; Norris, Barnaby ; Tuthill, Peter
Evolution of extinction curves in galaxies
Asano, Ryosuke S. ; Takeuchi, Tsutomu T. ; Hirashita, Hiroyuki ; Nozawa, Takaya
Peak luminosity correlated low-frequency oscillations in black holes
Li, Z.B. ; Gao, H.Q. (2) ; Zhang, Z. (2) ; Zhang, S. ; Qu, J.L. ; Zhang, C.M. ; Song, L.M.
A panchromatic analysis of starburst galaxy M82: probing the dust properties
Hutton, Susan; Ferreras, Ignacio; Wu, Kinwah; Kuin, Paul; Breeveld, Alice; Yershov, Vladimir; Cropper, Mark; Page, Mat
Strong RR Lyrae excess in the Hercules-Aquila Cloud
Simion, Iulia T. ; Belokurov, Vasily ; Irwin, Mike ; Koposov, Sergey E. (1)
A new HCN maser in IRAS 15082-4808
Smith, C.L.; Zijlstra, A.A.; Fuller, G.A.
Stokes IQUV magnetic Doppler imaging of Ap stars - II. Next generation magnetic Doppler imaging of α2 CVn
Silvester, J. (1) ; Kochukhov, O. ; Wade, G.A.
Generating merger trees for dark matter haloes: a comparison of methods
Jiang, Fangzhou; van den Bosch, Frank C.
Gaseous spiral structure and mass drift in spiral galaxies
Kim, Yonghwi ; Kim, Woong-Tae (1)
Molecular hydrogen absorption systems in Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Balashev, S.A. (1) ; Klimenko, V.V. (1) ; Ivanchik, A.V. (1) ; Varshalovich, D.A. (1) ; Petitjean, P. ; Noterdaeme, P.
Robust PCA and MIC statistics of baryons in early minihaloes
de Souza, R.S. (1) ; Maio, U. (3) ; Biffi, V. ; Ciardi, B.
Precision cosmology in muddy waters: cosmological constraints and N-body codes
Smith, Robert E. (1) (2) ; Reed, Darren S. ; Potter, Doug ; Marian, Laura ; Crocce, Martin ; Moore, Ben
2014MNRAS.440..269M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/269)
An X-ray survey of the 2 Jy sample - I. Is there an accretion mode dichotomy in radio-loud AGN ?
Mingo, B. (1) ; Hardcastle, M.J. ; Croston, J.H. ; Dicken, D. ; Evans, D.A. ; Morganti, R. (6) ; Tadhunter, C.
Stars and reionization: the cross-correlation of the 21cm line and the near-infrared background
Fernandez, Elizabeth R. ; Zaroubi, Saleem ; Iliev, Ilian T. ; Mellema, Garrelt ; Jelic, Vibor (1)
A study of low-metallicity DLAs at high redshift and C ii* as a probe of their physical conditions
Dutta, R. ; Srianand, R. ; Rahmani, H. (1) ; Petitjean, P. ; Noterdaeme, P. ; Ledoux, C.
2014MNRAS.440..327L – (Tables: VIII/97)
The Very Large Array Low-frequency Sky Survey Redux (VLSSr)
Lane, W.M. ; Cotton, W.D. ; van Velzen, S. ; Clarke, T.E. ; Kassim, N.E. ; Helmboldt, J.F. ; Lazio, T.J.W. ; Cohen, A.S.
Investigating evidence for different black hole accretion modes since redshift z ∼ 1
Georgakakis, A. (1) ; Pérez-González, P.G. (3) ; Fanidakis, N. ; Salvato, M. ; Aird, J. ; Messias, H. ; Lotz, J.M. ; Barro, G. ; Hsu, Li-Ting ; Nandra, K. ; Rosario, D. ; Cooper, M.C. ; Kocevski, D.D. ; Newman, J.A.
A Galactic origin for the fast radio burst FRB010621
Bannister, K.W. ; Madsen, G.J. (2)
The discovery of a T6.5 subdwarf
Burningham, Ben ; Smith, L. ; Cardoso, C.V. (1) ; Lucas, P.W. ; Burgasser, A.J. ; Jones, H.R.A. ; Smart, R.L.
2014MNRAS.440..365T – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/365)
Identification of 23 accreting binaries in the Galactic Bulge Survey
Torres, M.A.P. ; Jonker, P.G. (1) (2) ; Britt, C.T. (4) ; Johnson, C.B. ; Hynes, R.I. ; Greiss, S. ; Steeghs, D. ; Maccarone, T.J. ; Özel, F. ; Bassa, C. ; Nelemans, G. (3)
A spectral synthesis code for rapid modelling of supernovae
Kerzendorf, Wolfgang E. ; Sim, Stuart A.
2014MNRAS.440..405M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/405)
A Council of Giants
McCall, Marshall L.
A Herschel and BIMA study of the sequential star formation near the W 48A Hii region
Rygl, K.L.J. (1) ; Goedhart, S. (3) (4) ; Polychroni, D. (1) ; Wyrowski, F. ; Motte, F. ; Elia, D. ; Nguyen-Luong, Q. ; Didelon, P. ; Pestalozzi, M. ; Benedettini, M. ; Molinari, S. ; André, Ph. ; Fallscheer, C. (9) ; Gibb, A. ; di Giorgio, A.M. ; Hill, T. (7) ; Könyves, V. (7) ; Marston, A. ; Pezzuto, S. ; Rivera-Ingraham, A. (15) ; Schisano, E. ; Schneider, N. ; Spinoglio, L. ; Ward-Thompson, D. ; White, G.J. (20)
DNC/HNC and N2D+/N2H+ ratios in high-mass star-forming cores
Fontani, F. ; Sakai, T. ; Furuya, K. ; Sakai, N. ; Aikawa, Y. ; Yamamoto, S.
Analysis of single pulse radio flux measurements of PSR B1133+16 at 4.85 and 8.35GHz
Krzeszowski, K. ; Maron, O. ; Slowikowska, A. ; Dyks, J. ; Jessner, A.
Principal component analysis of molecular clouds: can CO reveal the dynamics ?
Bertram, Erik ; Shetty, Rahul ; Glover, Simon C.O. ; Klessen, Ralf S. ; Roman-Duval, Julia ; Federrath, Christoph
2014MNRAS.440..476F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/476)
Low-redshift quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe 82. The host galaxies
Falomo, R. ; Bettoni, D. ; Karhunen, K. ; Kotilainen, J.K. ; Uslenghi, M.
Interstellar condensed (icy) amino acids and precursors: theoretical absorption and circular dichroism under UV and soft X-ray irradiation
Da Pieve, F. ; Avendaño-Franco, G. ; De Proft, F. ; Geerlings, P.
The spotty donor star in the X-ray transient Cen X-4
Shahbaz, T. (1) ; Watson, C.A. ; Dhillon, V.S.
Acoustic instability in the neutral precursor region of collisionless shocks propagating into partially ionized plasmas
Ohira, Yutaka
Variability in spectropolarimetric properties of Sy 1.5 galaxy Mrk 6
Afanasiev, V.L. ; Popovic, L.C. (2) (3) ; Shapovalova, A.I. ; Borisov, N.V. ; Ilic, D. (3)
Search for very high energy gamma-rays from the z = 0.896 quasar 4C +55.17 with the MAGIC telescopes
Aleksic, J. ; Ansoldi, S. ; Antonelli, L.A. ; Antoranz, P. ; Babic, A. ; Bangale, P. ; de Almeida, U.Barres ; Barrio, J.A. ; González, J.Becerra ; Bednarek, W. ; Berger, K. ; Bernardini, E. ; Biland, A. ; Blanch, O. ; Bock, R.K. ; Bonnefoy, S. ; Bonnoli, G. ; Borracci, F. ; Bretz, T. ; Carmona, E. ; Carosi, A. ; Fidalgo, D.Carreto ; Colin, P. ; Colombo, E. ; Contreras, J.L. ; Cortina, J. ; Covino, S. ; Da Vela, P. ; Dazzi, F. ; De Angelis, A. ; De Caneva, G. ; De Lotto, B. ; Mendez, C.Delgado ; Doert, M. ; Domínguez, A. ; Prester, D.Dominis ; Dorner, D. ; Doro, M. ; Einecke, S. ; Eisenacher, D. ; Elsaesser, D. ; Farina, E. ; Ferenc, D. ; Fonseca, M.V. ; Font, L. ; Frantzen, K. ; Fruck, C. ; López, R.J.García ; Garczarczyk, M. ; Terrats, D.Garrido ; Gaug, M. ; Giavitto, G. ; Godinovic, N. ; Muñoz, A.González ; Gozzini, S.R. ; Hadasch, D. ; Hayashida, M. ; Herrero, A. ; Hildebrand, D. ; Hose, J. ; Hrupec, D. ; Idec, W. ; Kadenius, V. ; Kellermann, H. ; Knoetig, M.L. ; Kodani, K. ; Konno, Y. ; Krause, J. ; Kubo, H. ; Kushida, J. ; Barbera, A.La ; Lelas, D. ; Lewandowska, N. ; Lindfors, E. ; Lombardi, S. ; López, M. ; López-Coto, R. ; López-Oramas, A. ; Lorenz, E. ; Lozano, I. ; Makariev, M. ; Mallot, K. ; Maneva, G. ; Mankuzhiyil, N. ; Mannheim, K. ; Maraschi, L. ; Marcote, B. ; Mariotti, M. ; Martínez, M. ; Mazin, D. ; Menzel, U. ; Meucci, M. ; Miranda, J.M. ; Mirzoyan, R. ; Moralejo, A. ; Munar-Adrover, P. ; Nakajima, D. ; Niedzwiecki, A. ; Nilsson, K. ; Nishijima, K. ; Nowak, N. ; Orito, R. ; Overkemping, A. ; Paiano, S. ; Palatiello, M. ; Paneque, D. ; Paoletti, R. ; Paredes, J.M. ; Paredes-Fortuny, X. ; Partini, S. ; Persic, M. ; Prada, F. (16) ; Moroni, P.G.Prada ; Prandini, E. ; Preziuso, S. ; Puljak, I. ; Reinthal, R. ; Rhode, W. ; Ribó, M. ; Rico, J. ; Garcia, J.Rodriguez ; Rügamer, S. ; Saggion, A. ; Saito, T. ; Saito, K. ; Salvati, M. ; Satalecka, K. ; Scalzotto, V. ; Scapin, V. ; Schultz, C. ; Schweizer, T. ; Shore, S.N. ; Sillanpää, A. ; Sitarek, J. ; Snidaric, I. ; Sobczynska, D. ; Spanier, F. ; Stamatescu, V. ; Stamerra, A. ; Steinbring, T. ; Storz, J. ; Sun, S. ; Suric, T. ; Takalo, L. ; Takami, H. ; Tavecchio, F. ; Temnikov, P. ; Terzic, T. ; Tescaro, D. ; Teshima, M. ; Thaele, J. ; Tibolla, O. ; Torres, D.F. ; Toyama, T. ; Treves, A. ; Vogler, P. ; Wagner, R.M. ; Zandanel, F. ; Zanin, R.
Ionization correction factors for planetary nebulae - I. Using optical spectra
Delgado-Inglada, Gloria ; Morisset, Christophe ; Stasinska, Grazyna
A new method to measure galaxy bias
Pollack, Jennifer E. ; Smith, Robert E. (2) ; Porciani, Cristiano
Faulty actuator tolerance in deformable mirrors for Extremely Large Telescope multi-object adaptive optics
Basden, A.G.
Limits on core-driven ILOT outbursts of asymptotic giant branch stars
Mcley, Liron; Soker, Noam
Multiwavelength investigations of co-evolution of bright cluster galaxies and their host clusters
Hashimoto, Yasuhiro ; Henry, J.Patrick (2) ; Boehringer, Hans
On the universality of void density profiles
Ricciardelli, E. ; Quilis, V. ; Varela, J.
The imprint of dark matter haloes on the size and velocity dispersion evolution of early-type galaxies
Posti, Lorenzo (1) ; Nipoti, Carlo ; Stiavelli, Massimo ; Ciotti, Luca
The reference frame for the XPM2
Fedorov, P.N. ; Akhmetov, V.S. ; Shulga, V.M.
2014MNRAS.440..631J – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/631)
Modelling the alumina abundance of oxygen-rich evolved stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Jones, O.C. ; Kemper, F. ; Srinivasan, S. ; McDonald, I. ; Sloan, G.C. ; Zijlstra, A.A.
Merger criteria of multiple massive black holes and the impact on the host galaxy
Tanikawa, A. (1) (2) ; Umemura, M.
Constraints on diffuse gamma-ray emission from structure formation processes in the Coma cluster
Zandanel, Fabio; Ando, Shin'ichiro
A study of the variation of geometry of accretion flows of compact objects through timing and spectral analysis of their outbursts
Pal, P.S.; Chakrabarti, S.K.
Migration of Earth-sized planets in 3D radiative discs
Lega, E.; Crida, A.; Bitsch, B.; Morbidelli, A.
2014MNRAS.440..696A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/696)
A search for Hi absorption in nearby radio galaxies using HIPASS
Allison, J.R. (1) ; Sadler, E.M. (1) ; Meekin, A.M.
A Keplerian-based Hamiltonian splitting for gravitational N-body simulations
Gonçalves Ferrari, G. (1) ; Boekholt, T. ; Portegies Zwart, S.F.
Physical properties of UDF12 galaxies in cosmological simulations
Shimizu, Ikkoh (1) ; Inoue, Akio K. ; Okamoto, Takashi ; Yoshida, Naoki (4)
N-body simulations of the Carina dSph in MOND
Angus, G.W. (1) ; Gentile, G. (1) ; Diaferio, A. (4) ; Famaey, B. ; van der Heyden, K.J.
Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): testing galaxy formation models through the most massive galaxies in the Universe
Oliva-Altamirano, P. (1) ; Brough, S. ; Lidman, C. ; Couch, W.J. (1) ; Hopkins, A.M. ; Colless, M. ; Taylor, E. ; Robotham, A.S.G. (5) ; Gunawardhana, M.L.P. (2) (7) ; Ponman, T. ; Baldry, I. ; Bauer, A.E. ; Bland-Hawthorn, J. ; Cluver, M. (2) ; Cameron, E. ; Conselice, C.J. ; Driver, S. (5) ; Edge, A.C. ; Graham, A.W. ; van Kampen, E. ; Lara-López, M.A. ; Liske, J. ; López-Sánchez, A.R. ; Loveday, J. ; Mahajan, S. ; Peacock, J. ; Phillipps, S. ; Pimbblet, K.A. (20) (21) ; Sharp, R.G.
Escape of Lyα and continuum photons from star-forming galaxies
Yajima, Hidenobu (1) (2) ; Li, Yuexing (2) ; Zhu, Qirong (2) ; Abel, Tom ; Gronwall, Caryl (2) ; Ciardullo, Robin (2)
Self-consistent flattened isochrones
Binney, James
2014MNRAS.440..799V – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/799)
Variability in Low Ionization Broad Absorption Line outflows
Vivek, M. ; Srianand, R. ; Petitjean, P. ; Mohan, V. ; Mahabal, A. ; Samui, S.
Radio limits on off-axis GRB afterglows and VLBI observations of SN 2003gk
Bietenholz, M.F. (1) ; De Colle, F. ; Granot, J. ; Bartel, N. ; Soderberg, A.M.
Scaling relations and mass bias in hydrodynamical f(R) gravity simulations of galaxy clusters
Arnold, Christian ; Puchwein, Ewald (1) ; Springel, Volker (1)
2014MNRAS.440..843O – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/843)
The connection between galaxy structure and quenching efficiency
Omand, Conor M.B. (1) ; Balogh, Michael L. (1) ; Poggianti, Bianca M.
Chandra survey of nearby highly inclined disc galaxies - III. Comparison with hydrodynamical simulations of circumgalactic coronae
Li, Jiang-Tao (1) (2) ; Crain, Robert A. ; Wang, Q.Daniel
Weak lensing by intergalactic ministructures in quadruple lens systems: simulation and detection
Takahashi, Ryuichi ; Inoue, Kaiki Taro
The green valley is a red herring: Galaxy Zoo reveals two evolutionary pathways towards quenching of star formation in early- and late-type galaxies
Schawinski, Kevin ; Urry, C.Megan (2) (3) ; Simmons, Brooke D. ; Fortson, Lucy ; Kaviraj, Sugata ; Keel, William C. ; Lintott, Chris J. (5) ; Masters, Karen L. (10) ; Nichol, Robert C. (10) ; Sarzi, Marc ; Skibba, Ramin ; Treister, Ezequiel ; Willett, Kyle W. ; Wong, O.Ivy ; Yi, Sukyoung K.
Perseus I and the NGC 3109 association in the context of the Local Group dwarf galaxy structures
Pawlowski, Marcel S.; McGaugh, Stacy S.
Which galaxies dominate the neutral gas content of the Universe ?
Lagos, C.D.P. ; Baugh, C.M. ; Zwaan, M.A. ; Lacey, C.G. ; Gonzalez-Perez, V. ; Power, C. ; Swinbank, A.M. ; van Kampen, E.
2014MNRAS.440..942C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/440/942)
PACS photometry of the Herschel Reference Survey - far-infrared/submillimetre colours as tracers of dust properties in nearby galaxies
Cortese, L. (1) ; Fritz, J. ; Bianchi, S. ; Boselli, A. ; Ciesla, L. ; Bendo, G.J. ; Boquien, M. (5) ; Roussel, H. ; Baes, M. ; Buat, V. ; Clemens, M. ; Cooray, A. ; Cormier, D. ; Davies, J.I. ; De Looze, I. ; Eales, S.A. ; Fuller, C. ; Hunt, L.K. ; Madden, S. ; Munoz-Mateos, J. ; Pappalardo, C. ; Pierini, D. ; Rémy-Ruyer, A. ; Sauvage, M. ; di Serego Alighieri, S. ; Smith, M.W.L. ; Spinoglio, L. ; Vaccari, M. ; Vlahakis, C.
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