Monthly Notices of the RAS 420
February(II) 2012
- 2012MNRAS.420L...1G
- Plasma flow versus magnetic feature-tracking speeds in the Sun
- Guerrero, G. ; Rheinhardt, M. ; Brandenburg, A. ; Dikpati, M.
- 2012MNRAS.420L...6K
- Radius and magnetic field from synchrotron self-absorbed radio and inverse-Compton X-ray observations of supernovae
- Katz, Boaz
- 2012MNRAS.420L...8H
- Dynamical delays between starburst and AGN activity in galaxy nuclei
- Hopkins, Philip F.
- 2012MNRAS.420L..13H
- Discovery of a Be/X-ray pulsar binary and associated supernova remnant in the Wing of the Small Magellanic Cloud
- Hénault-Brunet, V. ; Oskinova, L.M. ; Guerrero, M.A. ; Sun, W. ; Chu, Y.-H. ; Evans, C.J. ; Gallagher III, J.S. ; Gruendl, R.A. ; Reyes-Iturbide, J.
- 2012MNRAS.420L..18H
- Galaxy cluster strong lensing: image deflections from density fluctuations along the line of sight
- Host, Ole
- 2012MNRAS.420L..23V – (Tables: J/MNRAS/420/L23)
- Identifying non-resonant Kepler planetary systems
- Veras, Dimitri ; Ford, Eric B.
- 2012MNRAS.420L..28T
- An optimal Earth Trojan asteroid search strategy
- Todd, M. ; Tanga, P. ; Coward, D.M. ; Zadnik, M.G.
- 2012MNRAS.420L..33P
- Resolving high Reynolds numbers in smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations of subsonic turbulence
- Price, Daniel J.
- 2012MNRAS.420L..38G
- Massive black hole binary plane reorientation in rotating stellar systems
- Gualandris, Alessia ; Dotti, Massimo ; Sesana, Alberto
- 2012MNRAS.420L..43G
- Testing the cosmic distance duality with X-ray gas mass fraction and supernovae data
- Gonçalves, R.S. ; Holanda, R.F.L. ; Alcaniz, J.S.
- 2012MNRAS.420L..48N
- Dissipation efficiency of reconfinement shocks in relativistic jets
- Nalewajko, Krzysztof
- 2012MNRAS.420L..53O
- Observing turbulent fragmentation in simulations: predictions for CARMA and ALMA
- Offner, Stella S.R. ; Capodilupo, John ; Schnee, Scott ; Goodman, Alyssa A.
- 2012MNRAS.420....2S
- H I in Arp 72 and similarities with M51-type systems
- Sengupta, Chandreyee ; Saikia, D.J. ; Dwarakanath, K.S.
- 2012MNRAS.420...10M
- A cluster of outflows in the Vulpecula Rift
- Mottram, J.C. ; Brunt, C.M.
- 2012MNRAS.420...20H
- On the effects of clouds and hazes in the atmospheres of hot Jupiters: semi-analytical temperature-pressure profiles
- Heng, Kevin ; Hayek, Wolfgang ; Pont, Frédéric ; Sing, David K.
- 2012MNRAS.420...37B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/420/37)
- Wide-field imaging of NGC 4365's globular cluster system: the third subpopulation revisited
- Blom, Christina ; Spitler, Lee R. ; Forbes, Duncan A.
- 2012MNRAS.420...61K
- Multiscale inference of matter fields and baryon acoustic oscillations from the Lyα forest
- Kitaura, Francisco-Shu ; Gallerani, Simona ; Ferrara, Andrea
- 2012MNRAS.420...75R
- Optical spectroscopy of the quiescent counterpart to EXO 0748-676: a black widow scenario?
- Ratti, E.M. ; Steeghs, D.T.H. ; Jonker, P.G. ; Torres, M.A.P. ; Bassa, C.G. ; Verbunt, F.
- 2012MNRAS.420...84Z
- A new ordering parameter of spectral energy distributions from synchrotron self-Compton emitting blazars
- Zacharias, M. ; Schlickeiser, R.
- 2012MNRAS.420..103B
- Monotonic and cyclic components of radio pulsar spin-down
- Biryukov, A. ; Beskin, G. ; Karpov, S.
- 2012MNRAS.420..118F
- Dynamics of hot accretion flow with thermal conduction
- Faghei, Kazem
- 2012MNRAS.420..126L
- CFHT Legacy Ultraviolet Extension (CLUE): witnessing galaxy transformations up to 7 Mpc from rich cluster cores
- Lu, Ting ; Gilbank, David G. ; McGee, Sean L. ; Balogh, Michael L. ; Gallagher, Sarah
- 2012MNRAS.420..141E
- Synthetic observations of simulated Pillars of Creation
- Ercolano, Barbara ; Dale, James E. ; Gritschneder, Matthias ; Westmoquette, Mark
- 2012MNRAS.420..147D
- The infrared spectrum of ortho-enstatite from reflectance experiments and first-principle simulations
- Demichelis, Raffaella ; Suto, Hiroshi ; Noël, Yves ; Sogawa, Hisato ; Naoi, Takahiro ; Koike, Chiyoe ; Chihara, Hiroki ; Shimobayashi, Norimasa ; Ferrabone, Matteo ; Dovesi, Roberto
- 2012MNRAS.420..155K
- Gravitational lensing with three-dimensional ray tracing
- Killedar, M. ; Lasky, P.D. ; Lewis, G.F. ; Fluke, C.J.
- 2012MNRAS.420..170L
- Optimal estimation retrievals of the atmospheric structure and composition of HD 189733b from secondary eclipse spectroscopy
- Lee, J.-M. ; Fletcher, L.N. ; Irwin, P.G.J.
- 2012MNRAS.420..183V
- The implications of particle rotation on the effect of photophoresis
- van Eymeren, Janine ; Wurm, Gerhard
- 2012MNRAS.420..187T
- The X-ray properties of high-z Fanaroff-Riley type I candidates in the COSMOS field
- Tundo, E. ; Tozzi, P. ; Chiaberge, M.
- 2012MNRAS.420..197G
- Beyond the fibre: resolved properties of Sloan Digital Sky Survey galaxies
- Gerssen, J. ; Wilman, D.J. ; Christensen, L.
- 2012MNRAS.420..216S
- Theory of quasi-spherical accretion in X-ray pulsars
- Shakura, N. ; Postnov, K. ; Kochetkova, A. ; Hjalmarsdotter, L.
- 2012MNRAS.420..237A
- Magnetic bubbles and magnetic towers - I. General properties and simple analytical models
- Aly, J.-J. ; Amari, T.
- 2012MNRAS.420..255T
- Chemical signatures of formation processes in the stellar populations of simulated galaxies
- Tissera, Patricia B. ; White, Simon D.M. ; Scannapieco, Cecilia
- 2012MNRAS.420..271K
- Enhanced pulsar and single pulse detection via automated radio frequency interference detection in multipixel feeds
- Kocz, J. ; Bailes, M. ; Barnes, D. ; Burke-Spolaor, S. ; Levin, L.
- 2012MNRAS.420..279R
- The magnetic field of the H II region NGC 6334A from Faraday rotation
- Rodrìguez, L.F. ; Gómez, Y. ; Tafoya, D.
- 2012MNRAS.420..283S
- Pulsation models for the roAp star HD 134214
- Saio, H. ; Gruberbauer, M. ; Weiss, W.W. ; Matthews, J.M. ; Ryabchikova, T.
- 2012MNRAS.420..291G
- New slowly pulsating B stars in the field of the young open cluster NGC 2244 discovered by the MOST photometric satellite
- Gruber, D. ; Saio, H. ; Kuschnig, R. ; Fossati, L. ; Handler, G. ; Zwintz, K. ; Weiss, W.W. ; Matthews, J.M. ; Guenther, D.B. ; Moffat, A.F.J. ; Rucinski, S.M. ; Sasselov, D.
- 2012MNRAS.420..299F
- A lower angular momentum limit for self-gravitating protostellar disc fragmentation
- Forgan, Duncan ; Rice, Ken
- 2012MNRAS.420..309B
- Gravothermal oscillations in two-component models of star clusters
- Breen, Philip G. ; Heggie, Douglas C.
- 2012MNRAS.420..320H
- The origins of active galactic nuclei obscuration: the `torus' as a dynamical, unstable driver of accretion
- Hopkins, Philip F. ; Hayward, Christopher C. ; Narayanan, Desika ; Hernquist, Lars
- 2012MNRAS.420..340K
- The initial mass spectrum of old globular clusters in dwarf galaxies
- Kruijssen, J.M.Diederik ; Cooper, Andrew P.
- 2012MNRAS.420..346G
- Stellar velocity dispersion of luminous compact galaxies at intermediate redshift
- Gruel, N. ; Guzmán, R. ; Cristóbal-Hornillos, D. ; Sánchez-Blázquez, P.
- 2012MNRAS.420..352B
- Deriving reliable fundamental parameters of pre-main-sequence-rich star clusters affected by differential reddening
- Bonatto, C. ; Bica, E. ; Lima, E.F.
- 2012MNRAS.420..361L
- Profile-shape stability and phase-jitter analyses of millisecond pulsars
- Liu, K. ; Keane, E.F. ; Lee, K.J. ; Kramer, M. ; Cordes, J.M. ; Purver, M.B.
- 2012MNRAS.420..369M
- Non-Gaussian halo abundances in the excursion set approach with correlated steps
- Musso, Marcello ; Paranjape, Aseem
- 2012MNRAS.420..379U
- Two new accreting, pulsating white dwarfs: SDSS J1457+51 and BW Sculptoris
- Uthas, Helena ; Patterson, Joseph ; Kemp, Jonathan ; Knigge, Christian ; Monard, Berto ; Rea, Robert ; Bolt, Greg ; McCormick, Jennie ; Christie, Grant ; Retter, Alon ; Liu, Alex
- 2012MNRAS.420..388S
- Coronal radiation of a cusp of spun-up stars and the X-ray luminosity of Sgr A*
- Sazonov, S. ; Sunyaev, R. ; Revnivtsev, M.
- 2012MNRAS.420..405K
- On multiple classes of gamma-ray bursts, as deduced from autocorrelation functions or bivariate duration/hardness ratio distributions
- Koen, C. ; Bere, A.
- 2012MNRAS.420..416D
- Accretion discs trapped near corotation
- D'Angelo, Caroline R. ; Spruit, Hendrik C.
- 2012MNRAS.420..430B
- Early massive clusters and the bouncing coupled dark energy
- Baldi, Marco
- 2012MNRAS.420..441T
- Ionized bubble number count as a probe of non-Gaussianity
- Tashiro, Hiroyuki ; Sugiyama, Naoshi
- 2012MNRAS.420..447T
- Cosmic flows in the nearby universe from Type Ia supernovae
- Turnbull, Stephen J. ; Hudson, Michael J. ; Feldman, Hume A. ; Hicken, Malcolm ; Kirshner, Robert P. ; Watkins, Richard
- 2012MNRAS.420..455S
- On the validity of the Born approximation for weak cosmic flexions
- Schäfer, Björn Malte ; Heisenberg, Lavinia ; Kalovidouris, Angelos F. ; Bacon, David J.
- 2012MNRAS.420..468P
- The connection between thermal and non-thermal emission in gamma-ray bursts: general considerations and GRB 090902B as a case study
- Pe'er, Asaf ; Zhang, Bin-Bin ; Ryde, Felix ; McGlynn, Sinéad ; Zhang, Bing ; Preece, Robert D. ; Kouveliotou, Chryssa
- 2012MNRAS.420..483G
- Gamma-ray bursts in the comoving frame
- Ghirlanda, G. ; Nava, L. ; Ghisellini, G. ; Celotti, A. ; Burlon, D. ; Covino, S. ; Melandri, A.
- 2012MNRAS.420..495A
- Solving light curves of WR+O binaries by Tikhonov's regularization method
- Antokhin, I.I.
- 2012MNRAS.420..505G
- Dynamics of rising magnetized cavities and ultrahigh energy cosmic ray acceleration in clusters of galaxies
- Gourgouliatos, Konstantinos N. ; Lyutikov, Maxim
- 2012MNRAS.420..514M
- The clustering of X-ray-selected active galactic nuclei at z= 0.1
- Mountrichas, G. ; Georgakakis, A.
- 2012MNRAS.420..526M
- Hot graphite dust and the infrared spectral energy distribution of active galactic nuclei
- Mor, Rivay ; Netzer, Hagai
- 2012MNRAS.420..542A
- Search for correlations between the optical and radio polarization of active galactic nuclei - II. VLBA polarization data at 12+15+22+24+43 GHz
- Algaba, J.C. ; Gabuzda, D.C. ; Smith, P.S.
- 2012MNRAS.420..554S
- The XMM-Newton view of supergiant fast X-ray transients: the case of IGR J16418-4532
- Sidoli, L. ; Mereghetti, S. ; Sguera, V. ; Pizzolato, F.
- 2012MNRAS.420..562H
- Radiation hydrodynamics of triggered star formation: the effect of the diffuse radiation field
- Haworth, Thomas J. ; Harries, Tim J.
- 2012MNRAS.420..579G
- Rotational relaxation and excitation rates of hydrogen fluoride in collision with ortho- and para-H2
- Guillon, G. ; Stoecklin, T.
- 2012MNRAS.420..585N – (Tables: J/MNRAS/420/585)
- Period-luminosity relations for Small Magellanic Cloud Cepheid based on AKARI archival data
- Ngeow, Chow-Choong ; Citro, Danielle M. ; Kanbur, Shashi M.
- 2012MNRAS.420..590B
- Interaction of clumpy dark matter with interstellar medium in astrophysical systems
- Baushev, A.N.
- 2012MNRAS.420..596F
- Weak lensing by triaxial galaxy clusters
- Feroz, F. ; Hobson, M.P.
- 2012MNRAS.420..604N
- Variability in blazars: clues from PKS 2155-304
- Narayan, Ramesh ; Piran, Tsvi
- 2012MNRAS.420..613G
- Importance of the initial conditions for star formation - II. Fragmentation-induced starvation and accretion shielding
- Girichidis, Philipp ; Federrath, Christoph ; Banerjee, Robi ; Klessen, Ralf S.
- 2012MNRAS.420..627S
- Supersolar metal abundances in two galaxies at z ∼ 3.57 revealed by the GRB 090323 afterglow spectrum
- Savaglio, S. ; Rau, A. ; Greiner, J. ; Krühler, T. ; McBreen, S. ; Hartmann, D.H. ; Updike, A.C. ; Filgas, R. ; Klose, S. ; Afonso, P. ; Clemens, C. ; Küpcü Yoldas, A. ; Olivares E., F. ; Sudilovsky, V. ; Szokoly, G.
- 2012MNRAS.420..637H
- Meteorological profiles and optical turbulence in the free atmosphere with NCEP/NCAR data at Oukaïmeden - I. Meteorological parameters analysis and tropospheric wind regimes
- Hach, Y. ; Jabiri, A. ; Ziad, A. ; Bounhir, A. ; Sabil, M. ; Abahamid, A. ; Benkhaldoun, Z.
- 2012MNRAS.420..651S
- The effect of stellar metallicity on the sizes of star clusters
- Schulman, Rafael D. ; Glebbeek, vert ; Sills, Alison
- 2012MNRAS.420..658H
- Modelling pulsar glitches with realistic pinning forces: a hydrodynamical approach
- Haskell, B. ; Pizzochero, P.M. ; Sidery, T.
- 2012MNRAS.420..672S
- From star-forming spirals to passive spheroids: integral field spectroscopy of E+A galaxies
- Swinbank, A.M. ; Balogh, M.L. ; Bower, R.G. ; Zabludoff, A.I. ; Lucey, J.R. ; McGee, S.L. ; Miller, C.J. ; Nichol, R.C.
- 2012MNRAS.420..684P
- Thin-disc theory with a non-zero-torque boundary condition and comparisons with simulations
- Penna, Robert F. ; Sadowski, Aleksander ; McKinney, Jonathan C.
- 2012MNRAS.420..699F
- Rotational excitation of mono- and doubly-deuterated water by hydrogen molecules
- Faure, A. ; Wiesenfeld, L. ; Scribano, Y. ; Ceccarelli, C.
- 2012MNRAS.420..705T
- Electromagnetic counterparts of supermassive black hole binaries resolved by pulsar timing arrays
- Tanaka, Takamitsu ; Menou, Kristen ; Haiman, Zoltán
- 2012MNRAS.420..720M
- A phase-dependent view of cyclotron lines from model accretion mounds on neutron stars
- Mukherjee, Dipanjan ; Bhattacharya, Dipankar
- 2012MNRAS.420..732P
- On the cosmological evolution of the black hole-host galaxy relation in quasars
- Portinari, Laura ; Kotilainen, Jari ; Falomo, Renato ; Decarli, Roberto
- 2012MNRAS.420..745C
- TreeCol: a novel approach to estimating column densities in astrophysical simulations
- Clark, Paul C. ; Glover, Simon C.O. ; Klessen, Ralf S.
- 2012MNRAS.420..757W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/420/757)
- A photometric study of chemically peculiar stars with the STEREO satellites - I. Magnetic chemically peculiar stars
- Wraight, K.T. ; Fossati, L. ; Netopil, M. ; Paunzen, E. ; Rode-Paunzen, M. ; Bewsher, D. ; Norton, A.J. ; White, Glenn J.
- 2012MNRAS.420..773P
- Stellar magnetic field parameters from a Bayesian analysis of high-resolution spectropolarimetric observations
- Petit, V. ; Wade, G.A.
- 2012MNRAS.420..792M
- Lensing by a singular isothermal sphere and a black hole
- Mao, Shude ; Witt, Hans J.
- 2012MNRAS.420..800G
- Constraining the near-infrared background light from Population III stars using high-redshift gamma-ray sources
- Gilmore, Rudy C.
- 2012MNRAS.420..810T
- Bondi-Hoyle accretion on to a magnetized neutron star
- Toropina, O.D. ; Romanova, M.M. ; Lovelace, R.V.E.
- 2012MNRAS.420..817J
- The Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in weakly ionized plasmas - II. Multifluid effects in molecular clouds
- Jones, A.C. ; Downes, T.P.
- 2012MNRAS.420..829O
- The intergalactic medium over the last 10 billion years - II. Metal-line absorption and physical conditions
- Oppenheimer, Benjamin D. ; Davé, Romeel ; Katz, Neal ; Kollmeier, Juna A. ; Weinberg, David H.
- 2012MNRAS.420..860S
- Multimessenger astronomy with pulsar timing and X-ray observations of massive black hole binaries
- Sesana, A. ; Roedig, C. ; Reynolds, M.T. ; Dotti, M.
- 2012MNRAS.420..878K
- The Galaxy Zoo survey for giant AGN-ionized clouds: past and present black hole accretion events
- Keel, William C. ; Chojnowski, S.Drew ; Bennert, Vardha N. ; Schawinski, Kevin ; Lintott, Chris J. ; Lynn, Stuart ; Pancoast, Anna ; Harris, Chelsea ; Nierenberg, A.M. ; Sonnenfeld, Alessandro ; Proctor, Richard
- 2012MNRAS.420..901D
- A critical analysis of the ultraviolet continuum slopes (β) of high-redshift galaxies: no evidence (yet) for extreme stellar populations at z > 6
- Dunlop, J.S. ; McLure, R.J. ; Robertson, B.E. ; Ellis, R.S. ; Stark, D.P. ; Cirasuolo, M. ; de Ravel, L.
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