Monthly Notices of the RAS 419
February(I) 2012

Global models of planetary system formation in radiatively-inefficient protoplanetary discs
Hellary, Phil ; Nelson, Richard P.
The Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey: SPIRE-mm photometric redshifts
Roseboom, I.G. ; Ivison, R.J. ; Greve, T.R. ; Amblard, A. ; Arumugam, V. ; Auld, R. ; Aussel, H. ; Bethermin, M. ; Blain, A. ; Bock, J. ; Boselli, A. ; Brisbin, D. ; Buat, V. ; Burgarella, D. ; Castro-Rodrìguez, N. ; Cava, A. ; Chanial, P. ; Chapin, E. ; Chapman, S. ; Clements, D.L. ; Conley, A. ; Conversi, L. ; Cooray, A. ; Dowell, C.D. ; Dunlop, J.S. ; Dwek, E. ; Eales, S. ; Elbaz, D. ; Farrah, D. ; Franceschini, A. ; Glenn, J. ; Griffin, M. ; Halpern, M. ; Hatziminaoglou, E. ; Ibar, E. ; Isaak, K. ; Lagache, G. ; Levenson, L. ; Lu, N. ; Madden, S. ; Maffei, B. ; Mainetti, G. ; Marchetti, L. ; Marsden, G. ; Morrison, G. ; Mortier, A.M.J. ; Nguyen, H.T. ; O'Halloran, B. ; Oliver, S.J. ; Omont, A. ; Page, M.J. ; Panuzzo, P. ; Papageorgiou, A. ; Pearson, C.P. ; Pérez-Fournon, I. ; Pohlen, M. ; Rawlings, J.I. ; Raymond, G. ; Rigopoulou, D. ; Rizzo, D. ; Rodighiero, G. ; Rowan-Robinson, M. ; Schulz, B. ; Scott, Douglas ; Seymour, N. ; Shupe, D.L. ; Smith, A.J. ; Stevens, J.A. ; Symeonidis, M. ; Trichas, M. ; Tugwell, K.E. ; Vaccari, M. ; Valtchanov, I. ; Vieira, J.D. ; Viero, M.P. ; Vigroux, L. ; Wardlow, J. ; Wang, L. ; Wright, G. ; Xu, C.K. ; Zemcov, M.
Fundamental parameters of RR Lyrae stars from multicolour photometry and Kurucz atmospheric models - II. Adaptation to double-mode stars
Barcza, S. ; Benkö, J.M.
Measuring expansion velocities in Type II-P supernovae
Takáts, K. ; Vinkó, J.
The evolution of active galactic nuclei across cosmic time: what is downsizing?
Fanidakis, N. ; Baugh, C.M. ; Benson, A.J. ; Bower, R.G. ; Cole, S. ; Done, C. ; Frenk, C.S. ; Hickox, R.C. ; Lacey, C. ; del P.Lagos, C.
The evolution of K* and the halo occupation distribution since z= 1.5: observations versus simulations
Capozzi, Diego ; Collins, Chris A. ; Stott, John P. ; Hilton, Matt
The long-term optical behaviour of helium-accreting AM CVn binaries
Ramsay, Gavin ; Barclay, Thomas ; Steeghs, Danny ; Wheatley, Peter J. ; Hakala, Pasi ; Kotko, Iwona ; Rosen, Simon
2012MNRAS.419.2844C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/419/2844)
Local stellar kinematics from RAVE data - II. Radial metallicity gradient
Coskunoglu, B. ; Ak, S. ; Bilir, S. ; Karaali, S. ; Önal, Ö. ; Yaz, E. ; Gilmore, G. ; Seabroke, G.M.
ARGOT: accelerated radiative transfer on grids using oct-tree
Okamoto, Takashi ; Yoshikawa, Kohji ; Umemura, Masayuki
Thermally pulsing asymptotic giant branch star models and globular cluster planetary nebulae - I. The model
Buell, James F.
Improved measurements of the intergalactic medium temperature around quasars: possible evidence for the initial stages of He II reionization at z ≃ 6
Bolton, James S. ; Becker, George D. ; Raskutti, Sudhir ; Wyithe, J.Stuart B. ; Haehnelt, Martin G. ; Sargent, Wallace L.W.
An r-mode in a magnetic rotating spherical layer: application to neutron stars
Abbassi, S. ; Rieutord, M. ; Rezania, V.
Planet Hunters: the first two planet candidates identified by the public using the Kepler public archive data
Fischer, Debra A. ; Schwamb, Megan E. ; Schawinski, Kevin ; Lintott, Chris ; Brewer, John ; Giguere, Matt ; Lynn, Stuart ; Parrish, Michael ; Sartori, Thibault ; Simpson, Robert ; Smith, Arfon ; Spronck, Julien ; Batalha, Natalie ; Rowe, Jason ; Jenkins, Jon ; Bryson, Steve ; Prsa, Andrej ; Tenenbaum, Peter ; Crepp, Justin ; Morton, Tim ; Howard, Andrew ; Beleu, Michele ; Kaplan, Zachary ; vanNispen, Nick ; Sharzer, Charlie ; DeFouw, Justin ; Hajduk, Agnieszka ; Neal, Joe P. ; Nemec, Adam ; Schuepbach, Nadine ; Zimmermann, Valerij
The recondite intricacies of Zeeman Doppler mapping
Stift, M.J. ; Leone, F. ; Cowley, C.R.
Bayesian analysis of weak gravitational lensing and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich data for six galaxy clusters
AMI Consortium; Hurley-Walker, Natasha ; Bridle, Sarah ; Cypriano, Eduardo S. ; Davies, Matthew L. ; Erben, Thomas ; Feroz, Farhan ; Franzen, Thomas M.O. ; Grainge, Keith ; Hobson, Michael P. ; Lasenby, Anthony ; Marshall, P.J. ; Olamaie, Malak ; Pooley, Guy ; Rodrìguez-Gonzálvez, Carmen ; Saunders, Richard D.E. ; Scaife, Anna M.M. ; Schammel, Michel P. ; Scott, Paul F. ; Shimwell, Timothy ; Titterington, David ; Waldram, Elizabeth ; Zwart, Jonathan T.L.
Millihertz quasi-periodic optical oscillations in 4U 0614+091
Zhang, Y. ; Hynes, R.I. ; Robinson, E.L.
Non-Gaussian errors of baryonic acoustic oscillations
Ngan, W. ; Harnois-Déraps, J. ; Pen, U.-L. ; McDonald, P. ; MacDonald, I.
Spectral imaging of the Central Molecular Zone in multiple 3-mm molecular lines
Jones, P.A. ; Burton, M.G. ; Cunningham, M.R. ; Requena-Torres, M.A. ; Menten, K.M. ; Schilke, P. ; Belloche, A. ; Leurini, S. ; Martìn-Pintado, J. ; Ott, J. ; Walsh, A.J.
Analytical approximations to numerical solutions of theoretical emission measure distributions
Jordan, C. ; Ness, J.-U. ; Sim, S.A.
The impact of CCD radiation damage on Gaia astrometry - I. Image location estimation in the presence of radiation damage
Prod'homme, T. ; Holl, B. ; Lindegren, L. ; Brown, A.G.A.
The DEEP3 Galaxy Redshift Survey: the impact of environment on the size evolution of massive early-type galaxies at intermediate redshift
Cooper, Michael C. ; Griffith, Roger L. ; Newman, Jeffrey A. ; Coil, Alison L. ; Davis, Marc ; Dutton, Aaron A. ; Faber, S.M. ; Guhathakurta, Puragra ; Koo, David C. ; Lotz, Jennifer M. ; Weiner, Benjamin J. ; Willmer, Christopher N.A. ; Yan, Renbin
Kepler observations of the high-amplitude δ Scuti star V2367 Cyg
Balona, L.A. ; Lenz, P. ; Antoci, V. ; Bernabei, S. ; Catanzaro, G. ; DaszyNska-Daszkiewicz, J. ; Di Criscienzo, M. ; Grigahcène, A. ; Handler, G. ; Kurtz, D.W. ; Marconi, M. ; Molenda-Zakowicz, J. ; Moya, A. ; Nemec, J.M. ; Pigulski, A. ; Pricopi, D. ; Ripepi, V. ; Smalley, B. ; Suárez, J.C. ; Suran, M. ; Hall, J.R. ; Kinemuchi, K. ; Klaus, T.C.
Near-infrared spectroscopy of gamma-ray burst host galaxies at z ≳ 1.5 : insights into host galaxy dynamics and interpretations of afterglow absorption spectra
Chen, Hsiao-Wen
Magnetic field structure of relativistic jets without current sheets
Gourgouliatos, K.N. ; Fendt, Ch. ; Clausen-Brown, E. ; Lyutikov, M.
A SINFONI integral field spectroscopy survey for galaxy counterparts to damped Lyman α systems - III. Three additional detections
Péroux, Céline ; Bouché, Nicolas ; Kulkarni, Varsha P. ; York, Donald G. ; Vladilo, Giovanni
Dependence of a planet's chaotic zone on particle eccentricity: the shape of debris disc inner edges
Mustill, Alexander J. ; Wyatt, Mark C.
Site testing at astronomical sites: evaluation of seeing using satellite-based data
Cavazzani, S. ; Ortolani, S. ; Zitelli, V.
Dark matter merging induced turbulence as an efficient engine for gas cooling
Prieto, Joaquin ; Jimenez, Raul ; Martì, Jose
RXTE timing analysis of the anomalous X-ray pulsar 1E 2259+586
Icdem, B. ; Baykal, A. ; Inam, S.C.
Stellar, brown dwarf and multiple star properties from a radiation hydrodynamical simulation of star cluster formation
Bate, Matthew R.
A simple method to estimate radial velocity variations due to stellar activity using photometry
Aigrain, S. ; Pont, F. ; Zucker, S.
The ionization mechanism of NGC 185: how to fake a Seyfert galaxy?
Martins, L.P. ; Lanfranchi, G. ; Goncalves, D.R. ; Magrini, L. ; Teodorescu, A.M. ; Quireza, C.
Environmental quenching and hierarchical cluster assembly: evidence from spectroscopic ages of red-sequence galaxies in Coma
Smith, Russell J. ; Lucey, John R. ; Price, James ; Hudson, Michael J. ; Phillipps, Steven
An empirical study of the relationship between Lyα and UV-selected galaxies: do theorists and observers `select' the same objects?
Dijkstra, Mark ; Wyithe, J.Stuart B.
A weak compact jet in a soft state of Cygnus X-1
Rushton, A. ; Miller-Jones, J.C.A. ; Campana, R. ; Evangelista, Y. ; Paragi, Z. ; Maccarone, T.J. ; Pooley, G.G. ; Tudose, V. ; Fender, R.P. ; Spencer, R.E. ; Dhawan, V.
Galaxy formation in semi-analytic models and cosmological hydrodynamic zoom simulations
Hirschmann, Michaela ; Naab, Thorsten ; Somerville, Rachel S. ; Burkert, Andreas ; Oser, Ludwig
Improving measurements of H(z) and DA(z) by analysing clustering anisotropies
Kazin, Eyal A. ; Sánchez, Ariel G. ; Blanton, Michael R.
Star cluster evolution in barred disc galaxies - I. Planar periodic orbits
Berentzen, I. ; Athanassoula, E.
Revisiting the proposed planetary system orbiting the eclipsing polar HU Aquarii
Wittenmyer, Robert A. ; Horner, J. ; Marshall, J.P. ; Butters, O.W. ; Tinney, C.G.
Chaotic mixing and the secular evolution of triaxial cuspy galaxy models built with Schwarzschild's method
Vasiliev, E. ; Athanassoula, E.
Triaxial strong-lensing analysis of the z > 0.5 MACS clusters: the mass-concentration relation
Sereno, Mauro ; Zitrin, Adi
The reliability of the Akaike information criterion method in cosmological model selection
Tan, M.Y.J. ; Biswas, Rahul
The baryons in the Milky Way satellites
Parry, O.H. ; Eke, V.R. ; Frenk, C.S. ; Okamoto, T.
Thermal instability in gravitationally stratified plasmas: implications for multiphase structure in clusters and galaxy haloes
McCourt, Michael ; Sharma, Prateek ; Quataert, Eliot ; Parrish, Ian J.
Dense gas and exciting sources of the molecular outflow in the AFGL 437 star-forming region
Manjarrez, G. ; Gómez, J.F. ; de Gregorio-Monsalvo, I.
2012MNRAS.419.3346G – (Tables: III/266)
Revised and updated catalogue of the First Byurakan Survey of late-type stars
Gigoyan, K.S. ; Mickaelian, A.M.
Selection constraints on high-redshift quasar searches in the VISTA Kilo-degree Infrared Galaxy survey
Findlay, J.R. ; Sutherland, W.J. ; Venemans, B.P. ; Reylé, C. ; Robin, A.C. ; Bonfield, D.G. ; Bruce, V.A. ; Jarvis, M.J.
Testing the accuracy of radiative cooling approximations in smoothed particle hydrodynamical simulations
Wilkins, Daniel R. ; Clarke, Cathie J.
Parity asymmetry in the CMBR temperature power spectrum
Aluri, Pavan K. ; Jain, Pankaj
δ Scuti light variations as a test for choosing the mechanism of cyclic orbital period changes in Algols
Khaliullin, Kh.F. ; Khaliullina, A.I.
Mining knowledge in One Night Stands data sets
Sansaturio, M.E. ; Arratia, O.
Atmospheric dispersion corrector for the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopic Telescope
Su, Ding-qiang ; Jia, Peng ; Liu, Genrong
Small-scale structures of dark matter and flux anomalies in quasar gravitational lenses
Metcalf, R.Benton ; Amara, Adam
Modelling the interaction between relativistic and non-relativistic winds in the binary system PSR B1259-63/SS2883- II. Impact of the magnetization and anisotropy of the pulsar wind
Bogovalov, S.V. ; Khangulyan, D. ; Koldoba, A.V. ; Ustyugova, G.V. ; Aharonian, F.A.
Probing spectral properties of radio-quiet quasars searched for optical microvariability - II
Joshi, Ravi ; Chand, Hum ; Wiita, Paul J. ; Gupta, Alok C. ; Srianand, Raghunathan
Precession due to a close binary system: an alternative explanation for ν-Octantis?
Morais, M.H.M. ; Correia, A.C.M.
Using galaxy-galaxy weak lensing measurements to correct the finger of God
Hikage, Chiaki ; Takada, Masahiro ; Spergel, David N.
Detected fluctuations in Sloan Digital Sky Survey luminous red galaxy magnitudes: bulk flow signature or systematic?
Abate, Alexandra ; Feldman, Hume A.
How well can we measure and understand foregrounds with 21-cm experiments?
Liu, Adrian ; Tegmark, Max
2012MNRAS.419.3505D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/419/3505)
The Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey - VIII. The Bright Galaxy Sample
Davies, J.I. ; Bianchi, S. ; Cortese, L. ; Auld, R. ; Baes, M. ; Bendo, G.J. ; Boselli, A. ; Ciesla, L. ; Clemens, M. ; Corbelli, E. ; De Looze, I. ; Alighieri, S.di Serego ; Fritz, J. ; Gavazzi, G. ; Pappalardo, C. ; Grossi, M. ; Hunt, L.K. ; Madden, S. ; Magrini, L. ; Pohlen, M. ; Smith, M.W.L. ; Verstappen, J. ; Vlahakis, C.
Variation of the area-to-mass ratio of high area-to-mass ratio space debris objects
Früh, C. ; Schildknecht, T.
Multipolar young planetary nebulae modelled as a precessing and orbiting jet with time-dependent ejection velocity
Velázquez, Pablo F. ; Raga, Alejandro C. ; Riera, Angels ; Steffen, Wolfgang ; Esquivel, Alejandro ; Cantó, Jorge ; Haro-Corzo, Sinhué
Orbital and stochastic far-ultraviolet variability in the nova-like system V3885 Sgr
Prinja, R.K. ; Long, K.S. ; Richards, M.T. ; Witherick, D.K. ; Peck, L.W.
The origin of peak-offsets in weak-lensing maps
Dietrich, J.P. ; Böhnert, A. ; Lombardi, M. ; Hilbert, S. ; Hartlap, J.
On the observed WMgii-L[O ii] correlation in Sloan Digital Sky Survey QSO spectra
López, Gilberto ; Chen, Hsiao-Wen
Pairwise velocities of dark matter haloes: a test for the Λ cold dark matter model using the bullet cluster
Thompson, Robert ; Nagamine, Kentaro
Magnetic field amplification and X-ray emission in galaxy minor mergers
Geng, Annette ; Kotarba, Hanna ; Bürzle, Florian ; Dolag, Klaus ; Stasyszyn, Federico ; Beck, Alexander ; Nielaba, Peter
Convergence of galaxy properties with merger tree temporal resolution
Benson, Andrew J. ; Borgani, Stefano ; De Lucia, Gabriella ; Boylan-Kolchin, Michael ; Monaco, Pierluigi
HD 210111: a new λ Bootis-type spectroscopic binary system
Paunzen, E. ; Heiter, U. ; Fraga, L. ; Pintado, O.
UBVI CCD photometry and star counts in nine inner disc Galactic star clusters
Carraro, Giovanni ; Seleznev, Anton F.
Phase lags of solar hemispheric cycles
Muraközy, J. ; Ludmány, A.
Second-generation microlensing planet surveys: a realistic simulation
Shvartzvald, Yossi ; Maoz, Dan
Thermal instability in a collisionally cooled gas
Vasiliev, Evgenii O.
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