Monthly Notices of the RAS 420
February(III) 2012

Radial mixing in galactic discs: the effects of disc structure and satellite bombardment
Bird, Jonathan C. ; Kazantzidis, Stelios ; Weinberg, David H.
2012MNRAS.420..926F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/420/926)
Morphology of galaxies in the WINGS clusters
Fasano, G. ; Vanzella, E. ; Dressler, A. ; Poggianti, B.M. ; Moles, M. ; Bettoni, D. ; Valentinuzzi, T. ; Moretti, A. ; D'Onofrio, M. ; Varela, J. ; Couch, W.J. ; Kjaergaard, P. ; Fritz, J. ; Omizzolo, A. ; Cava, A.
Thermoresistive instability in magnetar crusts
Price, Steve ; Link, Bennett ; Epstein, Richard I. ; Li, Hui
Deep 1.1 mm-wavelength imaging of the GOODS-S field by AzTEC/ASTE – II. Redshift distribution and nature of the submillimetre galaxy population
Yun, Min S. ; Scott, K.S. ; Guo, Yicheng ; Aretxaga, I. ; Giavalisco, M. ; Austermann, J.E. ; Capak, P. ; Chen, Yuxi ; Ezawa, H. ; Hatsukade, B. ; Hughes, D.H. ; Iono, D. ; Johnson, S. ; Kawabe, R. ; Kohno, K. ; Lowenthal, J. ; Miller, N. ; Morrison, G. ; Oshima, T. ; Perera, T.A. ; Salvato, M. ; Silverman, J. ; Tamura, Y. ; Williams, C.C. ; Wilson, G.W.
Testing pre-main-sequence models: the power of a Bayesian approach
Gennaro, M. ; Prada Moroni, P.G. ; Tognelli, E.
AMI-LA radio continuum observations of Spitzer c2d small clouds and cores: Serpens region
AMI Consortium; Scaife, Anna M.M. ; Hatchell, Jennifer ; Ainsworth, Rachael E. ; Buckle, Jane V. ; Davies, Matthew ; Franzen, Thomas M.O. ; Grainge, Keith J.B. ; Hobson, Michael P. ; Hurley-Walker, Natasha ; Lasenby, Anthony N. ; Olamaie, Malak ; Perrott, Yvette C. ; Pooley, Guy G. ; Richer, John S. ; Rodrìguez-Gonzálvez, Carmen ; Saunders, Richard D.E. ; Schammel, Michel P. ; Scott, Paul F. ; Shimwell, Timothy ; Titterington, David ; Waldram, Elizabeth
Angular momentum transport through magnetic accretion curtains inside disrupted discs
Campbell, C.G.
The needle in the haystack: searching for transiting extrasolar planets in CoRoT stellar light curves
Grziwa, S. ; Pätzold, M. ; Carone, L.
The filling factor of intergalactic metals at redshift z= 3
Booth, C.M. ; Schaye, Joop ; Delgado, J.D. ; Dalla Vecchia, Claudio
Hα star formation rates in massive galaxies at z ∼ 1
Twite, Jonathan W. ; Conselice, Christopher J. ; Buitrago, Fernando ; Noeske, Kai ; Weiner, Benjamin J. ; Acosta-Pulido, Jose A. ; Bauer, Amanda E.
Testing dark energy using pairs of galaxies in redshift space
Jennings, E. ; Baugh, C.M. ; Pascoli, S.
Constraining the formation of inner bars: photometry, kinematics and stellar populations in NGC 357
de Lorenzo-Cáceres, A. ; Vazdekis, A. ; Aguerri, J.A.L. ; Corsini, E.M. ; Debattista, Victor P.
X-ray spectral states and metallicity in the ultraluminous X-ray sources NGC 1313 X-1 and X-2
Pintore, Fabio ; Zampieri, Luca
2012MNRAS.420.1115V – (Tables: J/MNRAS/420/1115)
A first catalogue of automatically selected ultraviolet-excess sources from the UVEX survey
Verbeek, Kars ; de Groot, Eelco ; Groot, Paul J. ; Scaringi, Simone ; Drew, Janet ; Greimel, Robert ; Irwin, Mike ; González-Solares, Eduardo ; Gänsicke, Boris T. ; Casares, Jorge ; Corral-Santana, Jesus M. ; Deacon, Niall ; Steeghs, Danny
SN 2010jp (PTF10aaxi): a jet in a Type II supernova
Smith, Nathan ; Cenko, S.Bradley ; Butler, Nat ; Bloom, Joshua S. ; Kasliwal, Mansi M. ; Horesh, Assaf ; Kulkarni, Shrinivas R. ; Law, Nicholas M. ; Nugent, Peter E. ; Ofek, Eran O. ; Poznanski, Dovi ; Quimby, Robert M. ; Sesar, Branimir ; Ben-Ami, Sagi ; Arcavi, Iair ; Gal-Yam, Avishay ; Polishook, David ; Xu, Dong ; Yaron, Ofer ; Frail, Dale A. ; Sullivan, Mark
Ionized X-ray reverberation mapping: testing a light-bending model for 1H0707-495
Chainakun, P. ; Young, A.J.
Ring galaxies from off-centre collisions
Mapelli, M. ; Mayer, L.
Bayesian cluster finder: clusters in the CFHTLS Archive Research Survey
Ascaso, B. ; Wittman, D. ; Benìtez, N.
Probabilistic distributions of M/L values for ultrafaint dwarf spheroidal galaxies: stochastic samplings of the initial mass function
Hernandez, X.
Cyanide/isocyanide abundances in the interstellar medium – I. Theoretical spectroscopic characterization
Senent, M.L. ; Dumouchel, F. ; Lique, F.
General relativistic model of hot accretion flows with global Compton cooling
Niedzwiecki, Andrzej ; Xie, Fu-Guo ; Zdziarski, Andrzej A.
Abundance analysis of Am binaries and search for tidally driven abundance anomalies – III. HD 116657, HD 138213, HD 155375, HD 159560, HD 196544 and HD 204188
Stateva, I. ; Iliev, I.Kh. ; Budaj, J.
A high-resolution atlas of composite Sloan Digital Sky Survey galaxy spectra
Dobos, Laszlo ; Csabai, István ; Yip, Ching-Wa ; Budavari, Tamás ; Wild, Vivienne ; Szalay, Alexander S.
Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): ugriz galaxy luminosity functions
Loveday, J. ; Norberg, P. ; Baldry, I.K. ; Driver, S.P. ; Hopkins, A.M. ; Peacock, J.A. ; Bamford, S.P. ; Liske, J. ; Bland-Hawthorn, J. ; Brough, S. ; Brown, M.J.I. ; Cameron, E. ; Conselice, C.J. ; Croom, S.M. ; Frenk, C.S. ; Gunawardhana, M. ; Hill, D.T. ; Jones, D.H. ; Kelvin, L.S. ; Kuijken, K. ; Nichol, R.C. ; Parkinson, H.R. ; Phillipps, S. ; Pimbblet, K.A. ; Popescu, C.C. ; Prescott, M. ; Robotham, A.S.G. ; Sharp, R.G. ; Sutherland, W.J. ; Taylor, E.N. ; Thomas, D. ; Tuffs, R.J. ; van Kampen, E. ; Wijesinghe, D.
Hydromagnetic equilibrium in non-barotropic multifluid neutron stars
Glampedakis, K. ; Andersson, N. ; Lander, S.K.
An estimate of the temporal fraction of cloud cover at San Pedro Mártir Observatory
Carrasco, E. ; Carraminana, A. ; Sánchez, L.J. ; Avila, R. ; Cruz-González, I.
The detection and treatment of distance errors in kinematic analyses of stars
Schönrich, Ralph ; Binney, James ; Asplund, Martin
Evolution of star-forming dwarf galaxies: characterizing the star formation scenarios
Martìn-Manjón, M.L. ; Mollá, M. ; Dìaz, A.I. ; Terlevich, R.
Constraining thawing quintessence
Gupta, Gaveshna ; Majumdar, Subhabrata ; Sen, Anjan A.
2012MNRAS.420.1317G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/420/1317)
New insights into the star formation histories of candidate intermediate-age early-type galaxies from K'-band imaging of globular clusters
Georgiev, Iskren Y. ; Goudfrooij, Paul ; Puzia, Thomas H.
2012MNRAS.420.1333A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/420/1333)
The unusually large population of Blazhko variables in the globular cluster NGC 5024 (M53)
Arellano Ferro, A. ; Bramich, D.M. ; Figuera Jaimes, R. ; Giridhar, Sunetra ; Kuppuswamy, K.
A physical model of FeLoBALs: implications for quasar feedback
Faucher-Giguère, Claude-André ; Quataert, Eliot ; Murray, Norman
The distribution of interplanetary dust between 0.96 and 1.04 au as inferred from impacts on the STEREO spacecraft observed by the heliospheric imagers
Davis, C.J. ; Davies, J.A. ; St Cyr, O.C. ; Campbell-Brown, M. ; Skelt, A. ; Kaiser, M. ; Meyer-Vernet, Nicole ; Crothers, S. ; Lintott, C. ; Smith, A. ; Bamford, S. ; Baeten, E.M.L.
Observations of HCN hyperfine line anomalies towards low- and high-mass star-forming cores
Loughnane, R.M. ; Redman, M.P. ; Thompson, M.A. ; Lo, N. ; O'Dwyer, B. ; Cunningham, M.R.
Weak-lensing mass estimates of galaxy groups and the line-of-sight contamination
Spinelli, P.F. ; Seitz, S. ; Lerchster, M. ; Brimioulle, F. ; Finoguenov, A.
Quasi-biennial variations in helioseismic frequencies: can the source of the variation be localized?
Broomhall, A.-M. ; Chaplin, W.J. ; Elsworth, Y. ; Simoniello, R.
A disc–corona model for a rotating black hole
Gong, Xiao-Long ; Li, Li-Xin ; Ma, Ren-Yi
Local (thick-disc) white dwarfs and the Galactic mass budget
Fuhrmann, K. ; Chini, R. ; Hoffmeister, V.H. ; Bernkopf, J.
Halo abundances and counts-in-cells: the excursion set approach with correlated steps
Paranjape, Aseem ; Lam, Tsz Yan ; Sheth, Ravi K.
The transition from carbon dust to silicate production in low-metallicity asymptotic giant branch and super-asymptotic giant branch stars
Ventura, P. ; Di Criscienzo, M. ; Schneider, R. ; Carini, R. ; Valiante, R. ; D'Antona, F. ; Gallerani, S. ; Maiolino, R. ; Tornambé, A.
Rapid star formation and global gravitational collapse
Hartmann, Lee ; Ballesteros-Paredes, Javier ; Heitsch, Fabian
Toward ensemble asteroseismology of ZZ Ceti stars with fully evolutionary models
Romero, A.D. ; Córsico, A.H. ; Althaus, L.G. ; Kepler, S.O. ; Castanheira, B.G. ; Miller Bertolami, M.M.
The importance of the local density in shaping the galaxy stellar mass functions
Vulcani, Benedetta ; Poggianti, Bianca M. ; Fasano, Giovanni ; Desai, Vandana ; Dressler, Alan ; \namesuffix Jr Oemler, August ; Calvi, Rosa ; D'Onofrio, Mauro ; Moretti, Alessia
The frequency of large variations in the near-infrared fluxes of T Tauri stars
Scholz, Alexander
The evolution of embedded star clusters
Pelupessy, F.I. ; Portegies Zwart, S.
Precision simulation of ground-based lensing data using observations from space
Mandelbaum, Rachel ; Hirata, Christopher M. ; Leauthaud, Alexie ; Massey, Richard J. ; Rhodes, Jason
Inner dusty regions of protoplanetary discs – I. High-resolution temperature structure
Vinkovic, Dejan
A generalized porosity formalism for isotropic and anisotropic effective opacity and its effects on X-ray line attenuation in clumped O star winds
Sundqvist, Jon O. ; Owocki, Stanley P. ; Cohen, David H. ; Leutenegger, Maurice A. ; Townsend, Richard H.D.
Trans-Alfvénic motions in the Taurus molecular cloud
Heyer, M.H. ; Brunt, C.M.
Wavelengths of Fe II lines for studies of time variation of the fine-structure constant
Nave, Gillian
Characterizing X-ray binary long-term variability
Kotze, M.M. ; Charles, P.A.
2012MNRAS.420.1590A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/420/1590)
Galactic restrictions on iron production by various types of supernovae
Acharova, I.A. ; Mishurov, Yu.N. ; Kovtyukh, V.V.
Steep faint-end slopes of galaxy mass and luminosity functions at z ≥ 6 and the implications for reionization
Jaacks, Jason ; Choi, Jun-Hwan ; Nagamine, Kentaro ; Thompson, Robert ; Varghese, Saju
Cluster–cluster lensing and the case of Abell 383
Zitrin, Adi ; Rephaeli, Yoel ; Sadeh, Sharon ; Medezinski, Elinor ; Umetsu, Keiichi ; Sayers, Jack ; Nonino, Mario ; Morandi, Andrea ; Molino, Alberto ; Czakon, Nicole ; Golwala, Sunil R.
Light-curve modelling for mutual transits
Pál, András
The FERRUM project: metastable lifetimes in Cr II
Bäckström, E. ; Gurell, J. ; Royen, P. ; Mannervik, S. ; Norlin, L. ; Blackwell-Whitehead, R. ; Hartman, H. ; Nilsson, H.
Convergence of smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations of self-gravitating accretion discs: sensitivity to the implementation of radiative cooling
Rice, W.K.M. ; Forgan, D.H. ; Armitage, P.J.
A hierarchy of voids: more ado about nothing
Paranjape, Aseem ; Lam, Tsz Yan ; Sheth, Ravi K.
2012MNRAS.420.1656U – (Tables: J/MNRAS/420/1656)
The RMS survey: resolving kinematic distance ambiguities towards a sample of compact H II regions using H I absorption
Urquhart, J.S. ; Hoare, M.G. ; Lumsden, S.L. ; Oudmaijer, R.D. ; Moore, T.J.T. ; Mottram, J.C. ; Cooper, H.D.B. ; Mottram, M. ; Rogers, H.C.
Pair production induced by quantum electrodynamic vacuum polarization in pulsars
Luo, Yuee ; Ji, Peiyong
2012MNRAS.420.1684W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/420/1684)
Galaxy Zoo: building the low-mass end of the red sequence with local post-starburst galaxies
Wong, O.I. ; Schawinski, K. ; Kaviraj, S. ; Masters, K.L. ; Nichol, R.C. ; Lintott, C. ; Keel, W.C. ; Darg, D. ; Bamford, S.P. ; Andreescu, D. ; Murray, P. ; Raddick, M.J. ; Szalay, A. ; Thomas, D. ; VandenBerg, J.
Spherically averaging ellipsoidal galaxy clusters in X-ray and Sunyaev–Zel'dovich studies – I. Analytical relations
Buote, David A. ; Humphrey, Philip J.
Time evolution of the probability density function of a gamma-ray burst: a possible indication of the turbulent origin of gamma-ray bursts
Bhatt, Nilay ; Bhattacharyya, Subir
Local Group dwarf galaxies: nature and nurture
Sawala, Till ; Scannapieco, Cecilia ; White, Simon
Observable signatures of the low-z circumgalactic and intergalactic media: ultraviolet line emission in simulations
Frank, S. ; Rasera, Y. ; Vibert, D. ; Milliard, B. ; Popping, A. ; Blaizot, J. ; Courty, S. ; Deharveng, J.-M. ; Péroux, C. ; Teyssier, R. ; Martin, C.D.
An application of extreme value statistics to the most massive galaxy clusters at low and high redshifts
Waizmann, J.-C. ; Ettori, S. ; Moscardini, L.
Detecting the highest redshift (z > 8) quasi-stellar objects in a wide, near-infrared slitless spectroscopic survey
Roche, Nathan ; Franzetti, Paolo ; Garilli, Bianca ; Zamorani, Giovanni ; Cimatti, Andrea ; Rossetti, Emanuel
Secular dynamics and family identification among highly inclined asteroids in the Euphrosyne region
Machuca, J.F. ; Carruba, V.
Tidal mass loss in star clusters and treatment of escapers in Fokker–Planck models
Takahashi, K. ; Baumgardt, H.
Reconstructing the cosmic velocity and tidal fields with galaxy groups selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Wang, Huiyuan ; Mo, H.J. ; Yang, Xiaohu ; van den Bosch, Frank C.
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