Monthly Notices of the RAS 406
August(I) 2010

Magnetohydrodynamic relaxation of AGN ejecta: radio bubbles in the intracluster medium
Braithwaite, Jonathan
Hyperluminous infrared galaxies from IIFSCz
Rowan-Robinson, Michael; Wang, Lingyu
Gas cooling in semi-analytic models and smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations: are results consistent ?
Saro, A.; De Lucia, G.; Borgani, S.; Dolag, K.
Galactic stellar haloes in the CDM model
Cooper, A.P.; Cole, S. ; Frenk, C.S. ; White, S.D.M. ; Helly, J. ; Benson, A.J. ; De Lucia, G. ; Helmi, A. ; Jenkins, A. ; Navarro, J.F. ; Springel, V. ; Wang, J.
A comparison of frequentist and Bayesian inference: searching for low-frequency p modes and g modes in Sun-as-a-star data
Broomhall, A.-M.; Chaplin, W.J. ; Elsworth, Y. ; Appourchaux, T. ; New, R.
2010MNRAS.406..782S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/406/782)
The dependence of Type Ia Supernovae luminosities on their host galaxies
Sullivan, M.; Conley, A. ; Howell, D.A. ; Neill, J.D. ; Astier, P. ; Balland, C. ; Basa, S. ; Carlberg, R.G. ; Fouchez, D. ; Guy, J. ; Hardin, D. ; Hook, I.M. ; Pain, R. ; Palanque-Delabrouille, N. ; Perrett, K.M. ; Pritchet, C.J. ; Regnault, N. ; Rich, J. ; Ruhlmann-Kleider, V. ; Baumont, S. ; Hsiao, E. ; Kronborg, T. ; Lidman, C. ; Perlmutter, S. ; Walker, E.S.
The WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey: the selection function and z = 0.6 galaxy power spectrum
Blake, Chris; Brough, Sarah ; Colless, Matthew ; Couch, Warrick ; Croom, Scott ; Davis, Tamara ; Drinkwater, Michael J. ; Forster, Karl ; Glazebrook, Karl ; Jelliffe, Ben ; Jurek, Russell J. ; Li, I-hui ; Madore, Barry ; Martin, Chris ; Pimbblet, Kevin ; Poole, Gregory B. ; Pracy, Michael ; Sharp, Rob ; Wisnioski, Emily ; Woods, David ; Wyder, Ted
The case for AGN feedback in galaxy groups
McCarthy, I.G.; Schaye, J. ; Ponman, T.J. ; Bower, R.G. ; Booth, C.M. ; Dalla Vecchia, C. ; Crain, R.A. ; Springel, V. ; Theuns, T. ; Wiersma, R.P.C.
Explosive common-envelope ejection: implications for gamma-ray bursts and low-mass black-hole binaries
Podsiadlowski, Philipp; Ivanova, Natasha ; Justham, Stephen ; Rappaport, Saul
MRI channel flows in vertically stratified models of accretion discs
Latter, Henrik N.; Fromang, Sebastien; Gressel, Oliver
The end of the rainbow: what can we say about the extragalactic sub-megahertz radio sky ?
Lacki, Brian C.
Photo-z performance for precision cosmology
Bordoloi, R.; Lilly, S.J. ; Amara, A.
There's no place like home ? Statistics of Milky Way-mass dark matter haloes
Boylan-Kolchin, Michael; Springel, Volker ; White, Simon D.M. ; Jenkins, Adrian
Two types of Lyman α emitters envisaged from hierarchical galaxy formation
Shimizu, Ikkoh; Umemura, Masayuki
Dark matter response to galaxy formation
Tissera, Patricia B.; White, Simon D.M. ; Pedrosa, Susana ; Scannapieco, Cecilia
Intracluster stars in simulations with active galactic nucleus feedback
Puchwein, Ewald; Springel, Volker ; Sijacki, Debora ; Dolag, Klaus
Spitzer Space Telescope observations of the Carina nebula: the steady march of feedback-driven star formation
Smith, Nathan; Povich, Matthew S.; Whitney, Barbara A. ; Churchwell, Ed ; Babler, Brian L. ; Meade, Marilyn R. ; Bally, John ; Gehrz, Robert D. ; Robitaille, Thomas P.; Stassun, Keivan G.
The evolution of radio-loud active galactic nuclei as a function of black hole spin
Garofalo, D.; Evans, D.A. ; Sambruna, R.M.
Large-scale HI in nearby radio galaxies - II. The nature of classical low-power radio sources
Emonts, B.H.C.; Morganti, R. ; Struve, C. ; Oosterloo, T.A. ; van Moorsel, G. ; Tadhunter, C.N. ; van der Hulst, J.M.; Brogt, E. ; Holt, J. ; Mirabal, N.
Precision constrained simulation of the local Universe
Lavaux, G.
The matter bispectrum in N-body simulations with non-Gaussian initial conditions
Sefusatti, E.; Crocce, M.; Desjacques, V.
Understanding the effects of geometry and rotation on pulsar intensity profiles
Thomas, R.M.C.; Gupta, Y.; Gangadhara, R.T.
Radio observations of NGC 6388: an upper limit on the mass of its central black hole
Cseh, D.; Kaaret, P. ; Corbel, S. ; Körding, E. ; Coriat, M. ; Tzioumis, A. ; Lanzoni, B.
Cosmic equation of state from strong gravitational lensing systems
Biesiada, Marek; Piórkowska, Aleksandra; Malec, Beata
Profiles of spectral lines from failed and decelerated winds from neutron stars and black holes
Dorodnitsyn, A.V.
Spin angular momentum evolution of the long-period Algols
Dervisoglu, A.; Tout, Christopher A. ; Ibanoglu, C.
A far-ultraviolet variability survey of the globular cluster M80
Thomson, G.S.; Dieball, A. ; Knigge, C. ; Long, K.S. ; Zurek, D.R.
Giant HII regions in NGC7479 and NGC6070
Firpo, V.; Bosch, G.; Hägele, G.F. ; Morrell, N.
The deuterium abundance in the local interstellar medium
Prodanovic, Tijana; Steigman, Gary; Fields, Brian D.
Chandra observations of the ULX N10 in the Cartwheel galaxy
Pizzolato, Fabio; Wolter, Anna ; Trinchieri, Ginevra
The first gigayear of bulge star formation in Virgo ellipticals: constraints from their globular cluster systems
Spitler, Lee R.
Offset between dark matter and ordinary matter: evidence from a sample of 38 lensing clusters of galaxies
Shan, HuanYuan; Qin, Bo; Fort, Bernard ; Tao, Charling ; Wu, Xiang-Ping ; Zhao, HongSheng
Application of Double Beltrami states to solar eruptions
Kagan, D.; Mahajan, S.M.
An ingress and a complete transit of HD80606 b
Hidas, M.G.; Tsapras, Y.; Mislis, D. ; Ramaprakash, A.N. ; Barros, S.C.C. ; Street, R.A. ; Schmitt, J.H.M.M. ; Steele, I. ; Pollacco, D. ; Ayiomamitis, A. ; Antoniadis, J. ; Nitsos, A. ; Seiradakis, J.H. ; Urakawa, S.
Star formation history of KDG61 and KDG64 from spectroscopy and colour-magnitude diagrams
Makarova, Lidia; Koleva, Mina ; Makarov, Dmitry ; Prugniel, Philippe
Calibration of a full-disc longitudinal magnetogram at the Huairou Solar Observing Station
Wang, Xiaofan; Su, Jiangtao ; Zhang, Hongqi
Efficient cosmological parameter sampling using sparse grids
Frommert, M.; Pflüger, D.; Riller, T. ; Reinecke, M. ; Bungartz, H.-J. ; Ensslin, T.A.
Unbiased fitting of B335 dust continuum observations: approach and evidence for variation of grain properties with position
Doty, S.D.; Tidman, R. ; Shirley, Y. ; Jackson, A.
Direct evidence for two-fluid effects in molecular clouds
Tilley, David A.; Balsara, Dinshaw S.
Episodic accretion on to strongly magnetic stars
D'Angelo, Caroline R.; Spruit, Hendrik C.
Accurate masses for dispersion-supported galaxies
Wolf, Joe; Martinez, Gregory D. ; Bullock, James S. ; Kaplinghat, Manoj ; Geha, Marla ; Muñoz, Ricardo R. ; Simon, Joshua D. ; Avedo, Frank F.
When are extremely metal-deficient galaxies extremely metal deficient ?
Ekta, B.; Chengalur, Jayaram N.
On the offset of short gamma-ray bursts
Salvaterra, R.; Devecchi, B. ; Colpi, M. ; D'Avanzo, P.
The future of low-mass condensations in the core of a molecular cloud
Nejad-Asghar, Mohsen
Shock-triggered formation of magnetically dominated clouds - II. Weak shock-cloud interaction in three dimensions
Van Loo, S.; Falle, S.A.E.G. ; Hartquist, T.W.
Mgii absorption systems and their neighbouring galaxies from a background-subtraction technique
Caler, Michelle A.; Sheth, Ravi K.; Jain, Bhuvnesh
The impact of dark matter cusps and cores on the satellite galaxy population around spiral galaxies
Peñarrubia, Jorge; Benson, Andrew J. ; Walker, Matthew G. ; Gilmore, Gerard ; McConnachie, Alan W. ; Mayer, Lucio
The VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey: evolution in the halo occupation number since z ∼ 1
Abbas, U.; de la Torre, S. ; Fèvre, O.Le ; Guzzo, L. ; Marinoni, C. ; Meneux, B. ; Pollo, A. ; Zamorani, G. ; Bottini, D. ; Garilli, B. ; Le Brun, V. ; Maccagni, D. ; Scaramella, R. ; Scodeggio, M. ; Tresse, L. ; Vettolani, G. ; Zanichelli, A. ; Adami, C. ; Arnouts, S. ; Bardelli, S. ; Bolzonella, M. ; Cappi, A. ; Charlot, S. ; Ciliegi, P. ; Contini, T. ; Foucaud, S. ; Franzetti, P. ; Gavignaud, I. ; Ilbert, O. ; Iovino, A. ; Lamareille, F. ; McCracken, H.J. ; Marano, B. ; Mazure, A. ; Merighi, R. ; Paltani, S. ; Pellò, R. ; Pozzetti, L. ; Radovich, M. ; Vergani, D. ; Zucca, E. ; Bondi, M. ; Bongiorno, A. ; Brinchmann, J. ; Cucciati, O. ; de Ravel, L. ; Gregorini, L. ; Perez-Montero, E. ; Mellier, Y. ; Merluzzi, P.
2010MNRAS.406.1318H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/406/1318)
The lensing efficiencies of MACS X-ray-selected versus RCS optically selected galaxy clusters
Horesh, Assaf; Maoz, Dan ; Ebeling, Harald ; Seidel, Gregor ; Bartelmann, Matthias
Stochastic electron acceleration in the TeV supernova remnant RX J1713.7-3946: the high-energy cut-off
Fan, Zhonghui; Liu, Siming; Fryer, Christopher L.
The structure of molecular clouds - II. Column density and mass distributions
Froebrich, Dirk; Rowles, Jonathan
Influence of the Local Void on measurements of the clustering dipole
Bilicki, Maciej; Chodorowski, Michal J.
A CO(3-2) survey of a merging sequence of luminous infrared galaxies
Leech, J.; Isaak, K.G. ; Papadopoulos, P.P. ; Gao, Y. ; Davis, G.R.
Pair cascades in the magnetospheres of strongly magnetized neutron stars
Medin, Zach; Lai, Dong
Profiling the surface layer of optical turbulence with SLODAR
Osborn, James; Wilson, Richard ; Butterley, Timothy ; Shepherd, Harry ; Sarazin, Marc
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