Monthly Notices of the RAS 406
July(III) 2010

The quasar mass-luminosity plane - III. Smaller errors on virial mass estimates
Steinhardt, Charles L.; Elvis, Martin
On the anomalous silicate absorption feature of the prototypical Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC1068
Köhler, M.; Li, Aigen
H2 reformation in post-shock regions
Cuppen, H.M.; Kristensen, L.E. ; Gavardi, E.
The Swift-BAT hard X-ray sky monitoring unveils the orbital period of the HMXB IGR J16493-4348
Cusumano, G.; Parola, V.La ; Romano, P. ; Segreto, A. ; Vercellone, S. ; Chincarini, G.
Chandra monitoring of UGC 4203: the structure of the X-ray absorber
Risaliti, G.; Elvis, M. ; Bianchi, S. ; Matt, G.
Cosmic rays from pulsars and magnetars
Heyl, Jeremy S.; Gill, Ramandeep ; Hernquist, Lars
The effect of the w-term on the visibility correlation and power spectrum estimation
Dutta, Prasun; Sarkar, Tapomoy Guha; Khastgir, S.Pratik
The evolution of M*/MBH between z = 2 and z = 0
Trakhtenbrot, Benny; Netzer, Hagai
Tracing the history of recent bulge star formation in Active Galactic Nuclei
Liu, Xin
Microwave observations of spinning dust emission in NGC6946 AMI Consortium:
Scaife, Anna M.M.; Nikolic, Bojan ; Green, David A. ; Beck, Rainer ; Davies, Matthew L. ; Franzen, Thomas M.O. ; Grainge, Keith J.B. ; Hobson, Michael P. ; Hurley-Walker, Natasha ; Lasenby, Anthony N. ; Olamaie, Malak ; Pooley, Guy G. ; Rodríguez-Gonzálvez, Carmen ; Saunders, Richard D.E. ; Scott, Paul F. ; Shimwell, Timothy W. ; Titterington, David J. ; Waldram, Elizabeth M. ; Zwart, Jonathan T.L.
First detection of a low-mass stellar halo around the young open cluster η Chamaeleontis
Murphy, Simon J.; Lawson, Warrick A.; Bessell, Michael S.
Self-regulated black hole growth via momentum deposition in galaxy merger simulations
DeBuhr, Jackson; Quataert, Eliot ; Ma, Chung-Pei ; Hopkins, Philip
The generalized spectral kurtosis estimator
Nita, G.M.; Gary, D.E.
Thin discs, thick dwarfs and the effects of stellar feedback
Sánchez-Janssen, R.; Méndez-Abreu, J. ; Aguerri, J.A.L.
The intergalactic magnetic field constrained by Fermi/Large Area Telescope observations of the TeV blazar 1ES0229+200
Tavecchio, F.; Ghisellini, G. ; Foschini, L. ; Bonnoli, G. ; Ghirlanda, G. ; Coppi, P.
The orbital period in the supergiant fast X-ray transient IGR J16465-4507
Clark, D.J.; Sguera, V. ; Bird, A.J. ; McBride, V.A. ; Hill, A.B. ; Scaringi, S. ; Drave, S. ; Bazzano, A. ; Dean, A.J.
New limits on the population of normal and millisecond pulsars in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds
Ridley, J.P.; Lorimer, D.R.
The peculiar dust shell of Nova DZ Cru (2003)
Evans, A.; Gehrz, R.D. ; Woodward, C.E. ; Helton, L.A. ; Rushton, M.T. ; Bode, M.F. ; Krautter, J. ; Lyke, J. ; Lynch, D.K. ; Ness, J.-U. ; Starrfield, S. ; Truran, J.W. ; Wagner, R.M.
Malin1: interacting galaxy pair ?
Reshetnikov, V.P.; Moiseev, A.V. ; Sotnikova, N.Ya.
A proposal on the galaxy intrinsic alignment self-calibration in weak lensing surveys
Zhang, Pengjie
Erratum: North-south asymmetry in solar activity: predicting the amplitude of the next solar cycle by
Javaraiah, J.
Integrated Sachs-Wolfe measurements with photometric redshift surveys: 2MASS results and future prospects
Francis, Caroline L. ; Peacock, John A.
An estimate of the local integrated Sachs-Wolfe signal and its impact on cosmic microwave background anomalies
Francis, Caroline L. ; Peacock, John A.
The rates of type Ia supernovae - II. Diversity of events at low and high redshifts
Greggio, Laura
The redshift evolution of the mass function of cold gas in hierarchical galaxy formation models
Power, C.; Baugh, C.M. ; Lacey, C.G.
Bayesian power-spectrum inference for large-scale structure data
Jasche, Jens; Kitaura, Francisco S. ; Wandelt, Benjamin D. ; Ensslin, Torsten A.
Asymptotic giant branch stars in the Leo I dwarf spheroidal galaxy
Menzies, John W. ; Whitelock, Patricia A.; Feast, Michael W. ; Matsunaga, Noriyuki
The rotational excitation of methanol by molecular hydrogen
Rabli, Djamal ; Flower, D.R.
The standard model of star formation applied to massive stars: accretion discs and envelopes in molecular lines
Keto, Eric; Zhang, Qizhou
Survival of star-forming giant clumps in high-redshift galaxies
Krumholz, Mark R.; Dekel, Avishai
The impact of a major cluster merger on galaxy evolution in MACSJ0025.4-1225
Ma, C.-J.; Ebeling, H. ; Marshall, P. ; Schrabback, T.
Secondary infall and the pseudo-phase-space density profiles of cold dark matter haloes
Ludlow, Aaron D.; Navarro, Julio F. ; Springel, Volker ; Vogelsberger, Mark ; Wang, Jie ; White, Simon D.M. ; Jenkins, Adrian ; Frenk, Carlos S.
Clustering properties of galaxies selected in stellar mass: breaking down the link between luminous and dark matter in massive galaxies from z = 0 to z = 2
Foucaud, S.; Conselice, C.J. ; Hartley, W.G. ; Lane, K.P. ; Bamford, S.P. ; Almaini, O. ; Bundy, K.
2010MNRAS.406..165J – (Tables: J/MNRAS/406/165)
Empirical calibrations of optical absorption-line indices based on the stellar library MILES
Johansson, Jonas; Thomas, Daniel ; Maraston, Claudia
Blasts and shocks in the disc of NGC 4258
Jiménez-Vicente, J.; Mediavilla, E. ; Castillo-Morales, A. ; Battaner, E.
Parsec-scale SiO emission in an infrared dark cloud
Jiménez-Serra, I.; Caselli, P. ; Tan, J.C. ; Hernandez, A.K. ; Fontani, F. ; Butler, M.J. ; van Loo, S.
2010MNRAS.406..197B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/406/197)
Radio galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: spectral index-environment correlations
Bornancini, Carlos G.; O'Mill, Ana Laura ; Gurovich, Sebastián ; Lambas, Diego García
The properties of satellite galaxies in simulations of galaxy formation
Okamoto, Takashi; Frenk, Carlos S. ; Jenkins, Adrian ; Theuns, Tom
The origin of the X-ray-emitting plasma in the eastern edge of the Cygnus Loop
Zhou, Xin; Bocchino, Fabrizio ; Miceli, Marco ; Orlando, Salvatore ; Chen, Yang
The evolutionary sequence of submillimetre galaxies: from diffuse discs to massive compact ellipticals ?
Ricciardelli, E.; Trujillo, I. ; Buitrago, F. ; Conselice, C.J.
Subpulse modulation, moding and nulling of the five-component pulsar B1737+13
Force, Megan M.; Rankin, Joanna M.
Thermal instability in rotating galactic coronae
Nipoti, Carlo
The masses of the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies
Watkins, Laura L. ; Evans, N.Wyn; An, Jin H.
Stellar motion induced by gravitational instabilities in protoplanetary discs
Michael, Scott; Durisen, R.H.
Chemical composition of A-F type post-AGB candidates
Giridhar, Sunetra; Molina, R.; Ferro, A.Arellano; Selvakumar, G.
2010MNRAS.406..307K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/406/307)
The hardness-intensity diagram of Cygnus X-3: revisiting the radio/X-ray states
Koljonen, K.I.I.; Hannikainen, D.C. ; McCollough, M.L. ; Pooley, G.G. ; Trushkin, S.A.
Tracing the filamentary structure of the galaxy distribution at z0.8
Choi, Ena; Bond, Nicholas A. ; Strauss, Michael A.; Coil, Alison L. ; Davis, Marc ; Willmer, Christopher N.A.
2010MNRAS.406..329S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/406/329)
The population of variable stars in M54 (NGC6715)
Sollima, A.; Cacciari, C. ; Bellazzini, M. ; Colucci, S.
Galaxy Zoo: reproducing galaxy morphologies via machine learning
Banerji, Manda; Lahav, Ofer ; Lintott, Chris J. ; Abdalla, Filipe B. ; Schawinski, Kevin; Bamford, Steven P. ; Andreescu, Dan ; Murray, Phil ; Raddick, M.Jordan ; Slosar, Anze ; Szalay, Alex ; Thomas, Daniel ; Vandenberg, Jan
Central galaxy growth and feedback in the most massive nearby cool core cluster
Ogrean, G.A.; Hatch, N.A. ; Simionescu, A. ; Böhringer, H. ; Brüggen, M. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Werner, N.
An environmental Butcher-Oemler effect in intermediate-redshift X-ray clusters
Urquhart, S.A.; Willis, J.P. ; Hoekstra, H.; Pierre, M.
2010MNRAS.406..382K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/406/382)
Peculiar early-type galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe82
Kaviraj, Sugata
Kinematics of the v=1, J=1⟶0 SiO masers at 43 GHz towards TX Cam - a new 73-frame movie
Gonidakis, I.; Diamond, P.J. ; Kemball, A.J.
Searching for star-planet interactions within the magnetosphere of HD189733
Fares, R.; Donati, J.-F.; Moutou, C.; Jardine, M.M.; Griessmeier, J.-M.; Zarka, P.; Shkolnik, E.L.; Bohlender, D.; Catala, C.; Cameron, A.C.
2010MNRAS.406..420G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/406/420)
Infrared Excess sources: Compton thick QSOs, low-luminosity Seyferts or starbursts ?
Georgakakis, A.; Rowan-Robinson, M. ; Nandra, K. ; Digby-North, J. ; Pérez-González, P.G. ; Barro, G.
The impact of AGN feedback and baryonic cooling on galaxy clusters as gravitational lenses
Mead, James M.G.; King, Lindsay J.; Sijacki, Debora ; Leonard, Adrienne ; Puchwein, Ewald ; McCarthy, Ian G.
Galaxy group at z = 0.3 associated with the damped Lyman α system towards quasar Q1127-145
Kacprzak, Glenn G.; Murphy, Michael T. ; Churchill, Christopher W.
2010MNRAS.406..460P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/406/460)
Infrared laboratory absorbance spectra of olivine: using classical dispersion analysis to extract peak parameters
Pitman, K.M.; Dijkstra, C.; Hofmeister, A.M.; Speck, A.K.
Suppression of small baryonic structures due to a primordial magnetic field
Rodrigues, Luiz Felippe S.; de Souza, Rafael S.; Opher, Reuven
Fundamental parameters of RR Lyrae stars from multicolour photometry and Kurucz atmospheric models - I. Theory and practical implementation
Barcza, S.
A new radio loudness diagnostic for active galaxies: a radio-to-mid-infrared parameter
Meléndez, M.; Kraemer, S.B. ; Schmitt, H.R.
A near-infrared variability study in the cloud IC1396W: low star-forming efficiency and two new eclipsing binaries
Scholz, Alexander; Froebrich, Dirk ; Davis, Chris J. ; Meusinger, Helmut
Non-exponential hydrodynamical growth in density-stratified thin Keplerian discs
Shtemler, Yu.M.; Mond, M.; Rüdiger, G.; Regev, O. ; Umurhan, O.M.
Proper motion and apparent contraction in J0650+6001
Orienti, M.; Dallacasa, D.
Clumpy galaxies at z0.6: kinematics, stability and comparison with analogues at other redshifts
Puech, M.
An analytical approach for the determination of the luminosity distance in a flat universe with dark energy
Wickramasinghe, T. ; Ukwatta, T.N.
Linear transport in fully stratified discs
Volponi, Francesco
Simulations on high-z long gamma-ray burst rate
Qin, Shu-Fu ; Liang, En-Wei; Lu, Rui-Jing ; Wei, Jian-Yan ; Zhang, Shuang-Nan
The planetary system host HR8799: on its λ Bootis nature
Moya, A.; Amado, P.J. ; Barrado, D. ; Hernández, A.García ; Aberasturi, M. ; Montesinos, B. ; Aceituno, F.
Response of a galactic disc to vertical perturbations: strong dependence on density distribution
Pranav, Pratyush; Jog, Chanda J.
On the large-scale cosmic microwave background polarization
Cea, Paolo
Electrical conductivity of plasmas of DB white dwarf atmospheres
Sreckovic, V.A. ; Ignjatovic, Lj.M.; Mihajlov, A.A. ; Dimitrijevic, M.S.
Towards a complete census of active galactic nuclei in nearby galaxies: the incidence of growing black holes
Goulding, A.D.; Alexander, D.M. ; Lehmer, B.D. ; Mullaney, J.R.
A first direct measurement of the intergalactic medium temperature around a quasar at z = 6
Bolton, James S.; Becker, George D. ; Wyithe, J.Stuart B. ; Haehnelt, Martin G. ; Sargent, Wallace L.W.
Binary [WR] and wels central stars of planetary nebulae
Hajduk, M.; Zijlstra, A.A. ; Gesicki, K.
Influence of spectral anisotropy on the random walk of magnetic field lines
Weinhorst, B. ; Shalchi, A.
Gamma-ray burst spectral parameters within the fireball model
Fleishman, G.D.; Urtiev, F.A.
The long and the short of it: modelling double neutron star and collapsar Galactic dynamics
Kiel, Paul D.; Hurley, Jarrod R. ; Bailes, Matthew
3D-Matched-Filter galaxy cluster finder - I. Selection functions and CFHTLS Deep clusters
Milkeraitis, M.; Van Waerbeke, L. ; Heymans, C. ; Hildebrandt, H. ; Dietrich, J.P. ; Erben, T.
On the possibility of sub-TeV -ray emission from Cyg X-3
Bednarek, W.
Erratum: Probing the Galaxys bars via the Hercules stream by
Gardner, Esko; Flynn, Chris
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