Monthly Notices of the RAS 406
August(II) 2010

Evidence for episodic warm outflowing CO gas from the intermediate-mass young stellar object IRAS 08470-4321
Thi, W.-F.; van Dishoeck, E.F. ; Pontoppidan, K.M. ; Dartois, E.
No evidence for black hole spin powering of jets in X-ray binaries
Fender, R.P.; Gallo, E. ; Russell, D.
The nature of proximate damped Lyman α systems
Ellison, Sara L.; Prochaska, J.Xavier ; Hennawi, Joseph ; Lopez, Sebastian ; Usher, Christopher ; Wolfe, Arthur M. ; Russell, David M. ; Benn, Chris R.
Synthetic Hi observations of a simulated spiral galaxy
Acreman, David M.; Douglas, Kevin A. ; Dobbs, Clare L. ; Brunt, Christopher M.
Investigating the disc-jet coupling in accreting compact objects using the black hole candidate Swift J1753.5-0127
Soleri, P.; Fender, R. ; Tudose, V. ; Maitra, D. ; Bell, M. ; Linares, M. ; Altamirano, D. ; Wijnands, R. ; Belloni, T. ; Casella, P. ; Miller-Jones, J.C.A. ; Muxlow, T. ; Klein-Wolt, M. ; Garrett, M. ; van der Klis, M.
Water masers accompanying OH and methanol masers in star formation regions
Breen, S.L.; Caswell, J.L. ; Ellingsen, S.P. ; Phillips, C.J.
A semi-analytic model comparison - gas cooling and galaxy mergers
De Lucia, Gabriella; Boylan-Kolchin, Michael ; Benson, Andrew J. ; Fontanot, Fabio ; Monaco, Pierluigi
Theoretical spectra of photoevaporating protoplanetary discs: an atlas of atomic and low-ionization emission lines
Ercolano, Barbara; Owen, James E.
Revisiting ΔYZ from multiple main sequences in globular clusters: insight from nearby stars
Portinari, Laura; Casagrande, Luca; Flynn, Chris
2010MNRAS.406.1583W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/406/1583)
Quasar candidate selection and photometric redshift estimation based on SDSS and UKIDSS data
Wu, Xue-Bing; Jia, Zhendong
2010MNRAS.406.1595F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/406/1595)
Scalelength of disc galaxies
Fathi, Kambiz; Allen, Mark ; Boch, Thomas ; Hatziminaoglou, Evanthia ; Peletier, Reynier F.
Crawling the cosmic network: exploring the morphology of structure in the galaxy distribution
Bond, Nicholas A.; Strauss, Michael A. ; Cen, Renyue
A 33-GHz Very Small Array survey of the Galactic plane from ℓ = 27° to 46°
Todorovic, Magdolna; Davies, Rodney D. ; Dickinson, Clive ; Davis, Richard J. ; Cleary, Kieran A. ; Génova-Santos, Ricardo ; Grainge, Keith J.B. ; Hafez, Yaser A. ; Hobson, Michael P. ; Jones, Michael E. ; Lancaster, Katy ; Rebolo, Rafael ; Reich, Wolfgang ; Rubiño-Martín, José Alberto ; Saunders, Richard D.E. ; Savage, Richard S. ; Scott, Paul F. ; Slosar, Anze ; Taylor, Angela C. ; Watson, Robert A.
Correlated component analysis for diffuse component separation with error estimation on simulated Planck polarization data
Ricciardi, S.; Bonaldi, A. ; Natoli, P. ; Polenta, G. ; Baccigalupi, C. ; Salerno, E. ; Kayabol, K. ; Bedini, L. ; De Zotti, G.
A comparison between grid and particle methods on the statistics of driven, supersonic, isothermal turbulence
Price, Daniel J.; Federrath, Christoph
Subarcsecond radio continuum mapping in and around the spiral galaxy NGC3351 using MERLIN
Hägele, Guillermo F.; Ascasibar, Yago ; Richards, Anita M.S. ; Cardaci, Mónica V. ; Vásquez, Javier ; Díaz, Ángeles I. ; González, Daniel Rosa ; Terlevich, Roberto; Terlevich, Elena
Further calibration of the Swift ultraviolet/optical telescope
Breeveld, A.A.; Curran, P.A. ; Hoversten, E.A. ; Koch, S. ; Landsman, W. ; Marshall, F.E. ; Page, M.J. ; Poole, T.S. ; Roming, P. ; Smith, P.J. ; Still, M. ; Yershov, V. ; Blustin, A.J. ; Brown, P.J. ; Gronwall, C. ; Holland, S.T. ; Kuin, N.P.M. ; McGowan, K. ; Rosen, S. ; Boyd, P. ; Broos, P. ; Carter, M. ; Chester, M.M. ; Hancock, B. ; Huckle, H. ; Immler, S. ; Ivanushkina, M. ; Kennedy, T. ; Mason, K.O. ; Morgan, A.N. ; Oates, S. ; De Pasquale, M. ; Schady, P. ; Siegel, M. ; Vanden Berk, D.
A multiscale approach to environment and its influence on the colour distribution of galaxies
Wilman, D.J.; Zibetti, S. ; Budavári, T.
Chandra observation of two shock fronts in the merging galaxy cluster Abell 2146
Russell, H.R.; Sanders, J.S. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Baum, S.A. ; Donahue, M. ; Edge, A.C. ; McNamara, B.R. ; O'Dea, C.P.
An investigation of the absolute proper motions of the XPM catalogue
Fedorov, P.N.; Akhmetov, V.S.; Bobylev, V.V.; Bajkova, A.T.
2010MNRAS.406.1745F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/406/1745)
Excitation and emission of H2, CO and H2 O molecules in interstellar shock waves
Flower, D.R.; Pineau des Forêts, G.
The observed growth of massive galaxy clusters - I. Statistical methods and cosmological constraints
Mantz, A.; Allen, S.W. ; Rapetti, D. ; Ebeling, H.
The observed growth of massive galaxy clusters - II. X-ray scaling relations
Mantz, A.; Allen, S.W. ; Ebeling, H. ; Rapetti, D. ; Drlica-Wagner, A.
The observed growth of massive galaxy clusters - III. Testing general relativity on cosmological scales
Rapetti, David; Allen, Steven W. ; Mantz, Adam ; Ebeling, Harald
The observed growth of massive galaxy clusters - IV. Robust constraints on neutrino properties
Mantz, A.; Allen, S.W. ; Rapetti, D.
On the impact of intergalactic dust on cosmology with Type Ia supernovae
Ménard, Brice; Kilbinger, Martin ; Scranton, Ryan
The Milky Way rotation curve in Horava-Lifshitz theory
Cardone, V.F.; Radicella, N. ; Ruggiero, M.L. ; Capone, M.
Constructing a bivariate distribution function with given marginals and correlation: application to the galaxy luminosity function
Takeuchi, Tsutomu T.
Evidence of different star formation histories for high- and low-luminosity radio galaxies
Herbert, Peter D.; Jarvis, Matt J. ; Willott, Chris J. ; McLure, Ross J. ; Mitchell, Ewan ; Rawlings, Steve ; Hill, Gary J. ; Dunlop, James S.
A search for the binary companion to PSRJ1740-3052
Tam, C.R.; Stairs, I.H. ; Wagner, S. ; Kramer, M. ; Manchester, R.N. ; Lyne, A.G. ; Camilo, F. ; D'Amico, N.
2010MNRAS.406.1853G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/406/1853)
30 GHz observations of sources in the Very Small Array fields
Gawronski, M.P.; Peel, M.W. ; Lancaster, K. ; Battye, R.A. ; Birkinshaw, M. ; Browne, I.W.A. ; Davies, M.L. ; Davis, R.J. ; Feiler, R. ; Franzen, T.M.O. ; Génova-Santos, R. ; Kus, A.J. ; Lowe, S.R. ; Pazderska, B.M. ; Pazderski, E. ; Pooley, G.G. ; Roukema, B.F. ; Waldram, E.M. ; Wilkinson, P.N.
Spherical collapse model in dark-energy cosmologies
Pace, F.; Waizmann, J.-C. ; Bartelmann, M.
Dependence of the star formation efficiency on global parameters of molecular clouds
Rosas-Guevara, Yetli; Vázquez-Semadeni, Enrique; Gómez, Gilberto C.; Jappsen, A.-Katharina
47 new T dwarfs from the UKIDSS Large Area Survey
Burningham, Ben; Pinfield, D.J. ; Lucas, P.W. ; Leggett, S.K. ; Deacon, N.R. ; Tamura, M. ; Tinney, C.G. ; Lodieu, N. ; Zhang, Z.H. ; Huelamo, N. ; Jones, H.R.A. ; Murray, D.N. ; Mortlock, D.J. ; Patel, M. ; Barrado y Navascués, D.; Zapatero Osorio, M.R.; Ishii, M. ; Kuzuhara, M. ; Smart, R.L.
Observations of microglitches in Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory radio pulsars
Chukwude, A.E.; Urama, J.O.
The Hill stability of the possible moons of extrasolar planets
Donnison, J.R.
Planet formation: statistics of spin rates and obliquities of extrasolar planets
Miguel, Y.; Brunini, A.
The luminosity function and the rate of Swift's gamma-ray bursts
Wanderman, David; Piran, Tsvi
Constraints on black hole duty cycles and the black hole-halo relation from SDSS quasar clustering
Shankar, Francesco; Weinberg, David H. ; Shen, Yue
Globular cluster systems in nearby dwarf galaxies - III. Formation efficiencies of old globular clusters
Georgiev, Iskren Y.; Puzia, Thomas H. ; Goudfrooij, Paul ; Hilker, Michael
Effects of the integrated galactic IMF on the chemical evolution of the solar neighbourhood
Calura, F.; Recchi, S. ; Matteucci, F. ; Kroupa, P.
Initial conditions for globular clusters and assembly of the old globular cluster population of the Milky Way
Marks, Michael; Kroupa, Pavel
Final verdict from XMM-Newton: the X-ray obscured Seyfert galaxy NGC 5506 has a broad Fe Kαline
Guainazzi, M.; Bianchi, S. ; Matt, G. ; Dadina, M. ; Kaastra, J. ; Malzac, J. ; Risaliti, G.
Mass transport by buoyant bubbles in galaxy clusters
Pope, Edward C.D.; Babul, Arif ; Pavlovski, Georgi ; Bower, Richard G. ; Dotter, Aaron
Methods for exomoon characterization: combining transit photometry and the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect
Simon, A.E.; Szabó, Gy.M.; Szatmáry, K.; Kiss, L.L.
Misconceptions about general relativity in theoretical black hole astrophysics
Garofalo, D.; Meier, D.L.
Axisymmetric modes in vertically stratified self-gravitating discs
Mamatsashvili, G.R.; Rice, W.K.M.
Physical properties of giant molecular clouds in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Hughes, A.; Wong, T. ; Ott, J. ; Muller, E. ; Pineda, J.L.; Mizuno, Y. ; Bernard, J.-P. ; Paradis, D. ; Maddison, S. ; Reach, W.T. ; Staveley-Smith, L. ; Kawamura, A. ; Meixner, M. ; Kim, S. ; Onishi, T. ; Mizuno, N. ; Fukui, Y.
Large amplitude variability from the persistent ultracompact X-ray binary in NGC1851
Maccarone, Thomas J.; Long, Knox S. ; Knigge, Christian ; Dieball, Andrea ; Zurek, David R.
Searching for the signature of radiative line driving: on the absence of Lyα-Nv line-locking features in a large sample of BALQSOs
Cottis, C.E.; Goad, M.R. ; Knigge, C. ; Scaringi, S.
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