Monthly Notices of the RAS 388
August(I) 2008
- 2008MNRAS.388..465R
- Ram-pressure stripping of disc galaxies orbiting in clusters - II. Galactic wakes
- Roediger, Elke; Brüggen, Marcus
- 2008MNRAS.388..487N
- Limits on the X-ray and optical luminosity of the progenitor of the Type Ia supernova 2007sr
- Nelemans, Gijs; Voss, Rasmus ; Roelofs, Gijs ; Bassa, Cees
- 2008MNRAS.388..495H
- L dwarfs in the Hyades
- Hogan, E. ; Jameson, R.F. ; Casewell, S.L. ; Osbourne, S.L. ; Hambly, N.C.
- 2008MNRAS.388..500E – (Tables: J/MNRAS/388/500)
- GHASP: an Hα kinematic survey of spiral and irregular galaxies - VI. New Hα data cubes for 108 galaxies
- Epinat, B.; Amram, P. ; Marcelin, M. ; Balkowski, C. ; Daigle, O. ; Hernandez, O. ; Chemin, L. ; Carignan, C. ; Gach, J.-L. ; Balard, P.
- 2008MNRAS.388..551T
- Simulations of ultrarelativistic magnetodynamic jets from gamma-ray burst engines
- Tchekhovskoy, Alexander; McKinney, Jonathan C.; Narayan, Ramesh
- 2008MNRAS.388..573M
- Hydrodynamical simulations of Galactic fountains - I. Evolution of single fountains
- Melioli, C.; Brighenti, F.; D'Ercole, A.; de Gouveia Dal Pino, E.M.
- 2008MNRAS.388..587L
- Effects of AGN feedback on ΛCDM galaxies
- Lagos, Claudia del P.; Cora, Sofía A. ; Padilla, Nelson D.
- 2008MNRAS.388..603L
- The X-ray transient 080109 in NGC 2770: an X-ray flash associated with a normal core-collapse supernova
- Li, Li-Xin
- 2008MNRAS.388..611S
- Multidimensional modelling of X-ray spectra for AGN accretion disc outflows
- Sim, S.A.; Long, K.S. ; Miller, L. ; Turner, T.J.
- 2008MNRAS.388..625S
- The duty cycle of local radio galaxies
- Shabala, S.S.; Ash, S. ; Alexander, P. ; Riley, J.M.
- 2008MNRAS.388..638D
- Environmental dependence in the ellipsoidal collapse model
- Desjacques, Vincent
- 2008MNRAS.388..659M
- A high-significance detection of non-Gaussianity in the WMAP 5-yr data using directional spherical wavelets
- McEwen, J.D.; Hobson, M.P. ; Lasenby, A.N. ; Mortlock, D.J.
- 2008MNRAS.388..663A
- The effects of thermal conduction on the ADAF with a toroidal magnetic field
- Abbassi, S.; Ghanbari, J.; Najjar, S.
- 2008MNRAS.388..669T
- Covariance of dark energy parameters and sound speed constraints from large HI surveys
- Torres-Rodríguez, A.; Cress, C.M. ; Moodley, K.
- 2008MNRAS.388..677W
- Cosmological evolution of the Fanaroff-Riley type II source population
- Wang, Yang; Kaiser, Christian R.
- 2008MNRAS.388..697M
- Lopsided galaxies: the case of NGC 891
- Mapelli, M.; Moore, B. ; Bland-Hawthorn, J.
- 2008MNRAS.388..709S
- Orbital periods of cataclysmic variables identified by the SDSS - IV. SDSSJ220553.98+115553.7 has stopped pulsating
- Southworth, John; Townsley, D.M. ; Gänsicke, B.T.
- 2008MNRAS.388..716N
- Towards a spectral technique for determining material geometry around evolved stars: application to HD 179821
- Nordhaus, J.; Minchev, I. ; Sargent, B. ; Forrest, W. ; Blackman, E.G. ; De Marco, O. ; Kastner, J. ; Balick, B. ; Frank, A.
- 2008MNRAS.388..723O
- The old metal-poor open cluster ESO 92-SC05: accreted from a dwarf galaxy ?
- Ortolani, S.; Bica, E.; Barbuy, B.
- 2008MNRAS.388..729K
- Star formation around the HII region Sh2-235
- Kirsanova, M.S.; Sobolev, A.M. ; Thomasson, M. ; Wiebe, D.S. ; Johansson, L.E.B. ; Seleznev, A.F.
- 2008MNRAS.388..737C
- Two-fluid models of superfluid neutron star cores
- Chamel, N.
- 2008MNRAS.388..753G
- X-ray irradiation in XTE J1817-330 and the inner radius of the truncated disc in the hard state
- Gierlinski, Marek; Done, Chris ; Page, Kim
- 2008MNRAS.388..761V
- On the peculiar properties of the narrow-line quasar PG 1543+489
- Vignali, Cristian; Piconcelli, Enrico; Bianchi, Stefano; Miniutti, Giovanni
- 2008MNRAS.388..770W
- Exact reconstruction with directional wavelets on the sphere
- Wiaux, Y.; McEwen, J.D.; Vandergheynst, P.; Blanc, O.
- 2008MNRAS.388..789M
- A secular theory of coplanar, non-resonant planetary system
- Migaszewski, Cezary; Gozdziewski, Krzysztof
- 2008MNRAS.388..803R
- The stellar populations of starburst galaxies through near-infrared spectroscopy
- Riffel, R.; Pastoriza, M.G. ; Rodríguez-Ardila, A.; Maraston, C.
- 2008MNRAS.388..815W
- The distribution function of dark matter in massive haloes
- Wojtak, Radoslaw; Lokas, Ewa L. ; Mamon, Gary A. ; Gottlöber, Stefan ; Klypin, Anatoly ; Hoffman, Yehuda
- 2008MNRAS.388..829G
- Rates, progenitors and cosmic mix of Type Ia supernovae
- Greggio, Laura; Renzini, Alvio; Daddi, Emanuele
- 2008MNRAS.388..838D
- Discovery of a widely separated ultracool dwarf-white dwarf binary
- Day-Jones, A.C.; Pinfield, D.J. ; Napiwotzki, R. ; Burningham, B. ; Jenkins, J.S. ; Jones, H.R.A. ; Folkes, S.L. ; Weights, D.J. ; Clarke, J.R.A.
- 2008MNRAS.388..849B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/388/849)
- A multi-coloured survey of NGC253 with XMM-Newton: testing the methods used for creating luminosity functions from low-count data
- Barnard, R.; Greening, L.Shaw ; Kolb, U.
- 2008MNRAS.388..863C
- Environment and mass dependencies of galactic λ spin parameter: cosmological simulations and observed galaxies compared
- Cervantes-Sodi, B.; Hernandez, X.; Park, Changbom ; Kim, Juhan
- 2008MNRAS.388..873A
- Mechanism of generation of the emission bands in the dynamic spectrum of the Crab pulsar
- Ardavan, Houshang ; Ardavan, Arzhang ; Singleton, John; Perez, Mario R.
- 2008MNRAS.388..884Z
- A new method of measuring the cluster peculiar velocity power spectrum
- Zhang, Pengjie; Feldman, Hume A.; Juszkiewicz, Roman; Stebbins, Albert
- 2008MNRAS.388..889U
- GD 552: a cataclysmic variable with a brown dwarf companion ?
- Unda-Sanzana, E.; Marsh, T.R.; Gänsicke, B.T.; Maxted, P.F.L.; Morales-Rueda, L.; Dhillon, V.S.; Thoroughgood, T.D. ; Tremou, E.; Watson, C.A.; Hinojosa-Goñi, R.
- 2008MNRAS.388..898T
- Molecular line profiles as diagnostics of protostellar collapse: modelling the `blue asymmetry' in inside-out infall
- Tsamis, Y.G.; Rawlings, J.M.C. ; Yates, J.A. ; Viti, S.
- 2008MNRAS.388..913T
- Abundances of lithium, sodium and potassium in Vega
- Takeda, Y.
- 2008MNRAS.388..921P
- RR Pic (1925): a Chandra X-ray view
- Pekön, Y.; Balman, S.
- 2008MNRAS.388..927B
- YORP torque as the function of shape harmonics
- Breiter, Slawomir; Michalska, Hanna
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