Monthly Notices of the RAS 388
August(II) 2008
- 2008MNRAS.388..945B
- On the galaxy stellar mass function, the mass-metallicity relation and the implied baryonic mass function
- Baldry, I.K.; Glazebrook, K. ; Driver, S.P.
- 2008MNRAS.388..960L
- Cosmological radar ranging in an expanding universe
- Lewis, Geraint F.; Francis, Matthew J. ; Barnes, Luke A. ; Kwan, Juliana ; James, J.Berian
- 2008MNRAS.388..965L
- Mapping the three-body system - decay time and reversibility
- Lehto, H.J.; Kotiranta, S.; Valtonen, M.J. ; Heinämäki, P. ; Mikkola, S. ; Chernin, A.D.
- 2008MNRAS.388..971P
- Optical and infrared observations of SN 2002dj: some possible common properties of fast-expanding Type Ia supernovae
- Pignata, G.; Benetti, S. ; Mazzali, P.A. ; Kotak, R. ; Patat, F. ; Meikle, P. ; Stehle, M. ; Leibundgut, B. ; Suntzeff, N.B. ; Buson, L.M. ; Cappellaro, E. ; Clocchiatti, A. ; Hamuy, M. ; Maza, J. ; Mendez, J. ; Ruiz-Lapuente, P. ; Salvo, M. ; Schmidt, B.P. ; Turatto, M. ; Hillebrandt, W.
- 2008MNRAS.388..991S
- Sources of contamination to weak lensing three-point statistics: constraints from N-body simulations
- Semboloni, Elisabetta; Heymans, Catherine ; van Waerbeke, Ludovic ; Schneider, Peter
- 2008MNRAS.388.1001S
- A classification of the X-ray and radio states of Cyg X-3 and their long-term correlations
- Szostek, Anna; Zdziarski, Andrzej A.; McCollough, Michael L.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1011M
- A synthesis model for AGN evolution: supermassive black holes growth and feedback modes
- Merloni, Andrea; Heinz, Sebastian
- 2008MNRAS.388.1031N
- Probing the centre of the large circumstellar disc in M17
- Nielbock, M.; Chini, R. ; Hoffmeister, V.H. ; Nürnberger, D.E.A. ; Scheyda, C.M. ; Steinacker, J.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1037L
- Exploring the disc/jet interaction in the radio-loud quasar 4C+74.26 with Suzaku
- Larsson, J.; Fabian, A.C. ; Ballantyne, D.R. ; Miniutti, G.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1047P
- A 3D dynamical model of the colliding winds in binary systems
- Parkin, E.R.; Pittard, J.M.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1062C
- Measuring the non-thermal pressure in early-type galaxy atmospheres: a comparison of X-ray and optical potential profiles in M87 and NGC 1399
- Churazov, E.; Forman, W. ; Vikhlinin, A. ; Tremaine, S. ; Gerhard, O. ; Jones, C.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1079I
- Hydrodynamical adaptive mesh refinement simulations of turbulent flows - I. Substructure in a wind
- Iapichino, L.; Adamek, J. ; Schmidt, W. ; Niemeyer, J.C.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1089I
- Hydrodynamical adaptive mesh refinement simulations of turbulent flows - II. Cosmological simulations of galaxy clusters
- Iapichino, L.; Niemeyer, J.C.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1101M
- Probing the neutral fraction of the IGM with GRBs during the epoch of reionization
- McQuinn, Matthew; Lidz, Adam ; Zaldarriaga, Matias ; Hernquist, Lars ; Dutta, Suvendra
- 2008MNRAS.388.1111P
- Cluster AgeS Experiment (CASE): deficiency of observed dwarf novae in globular clusters
- Pietrukowicz, P.; Kaluzny, J. ; Schwarzenberg-Czerny, A. ; Thompson, I.B. ; Pych, W. ; Krzeminski, W. ; Mazur, B.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1127H
- The blue supergiant Sher 25 and its intriguing hourglass nebula
- Hendry, M.A. ; Smartt, S.J.; Skillman, E.D. ; Evans, C.J. ; Trundle, C. ; Lennon, D.J. ; Crowther, P.A. ; Hunter, I.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1143Y
- On the structure of the Sun and α Centauri A and B in the light of seismic and non-seismic constraints
- Yildiz, M.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1152P
- Star formation in galaxies falling into clusters along supercluster-scale filaments
- Porter, Scott C. ; Raychaudhury, Somak; Pimbblet, Kevin A. ; Drinkwater, Michael J.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1161N
- Hydrostatic equilibrium of causally consistent and dynamically stable neutron star models
- Negi, P.S.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1171C
- Accretion-driven core collapse and the collisional formation of massive stars
- Clarke, C.J.; Bonnell, I.A.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1175H
- Radial mixing and the transition between the thick and thin Galactic discs
- Haywood, M.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1185G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/388/1185)
- The evolved stars of LeoII dSph galaxy from near-infrared UKIRT/WFCAM observations
- Gullieuszik, M.; Held, E.V. ; Rizzi, L. ; Girardi, L. ; Marigo, P. ; Momany, Y.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1198M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/388/1198)
- Spectral distribution of Be/X-ray binaries in the Small Magellanic Cloud
- McBride, V.A.; Coe, M.J. ; Negueruela, I. ; Schurch, M.P.E. ; McGowan, K.E.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1205G
- A new method for determining the sensitivity of X-ray imaging observations and the X-ray number counts
- Georgakakis, A.; Nandra, K. ; Laird, E.S. ; Aird, J. ; Trichas, M.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1214W
- Interstellar holography
- Walker, M.A.; Koopmans, L.V.E. ; Stinebring, D.R. ; van Straten, W.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1223S
- Magnetorotational instability in protoplanetary discs: the effect of dust grains
- Salmeron, Raquel; Wardle, Mark
- 2008MNRAS.388.1239S
- The period and amplitude changes of Polaris (α UMi) from 2003 to 2007 measured with SMEI
- Spreckley, S.A.; Stevens, I.R.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1245R
- Galaxy evolution in Hickson compact groups: the role of ram-pressure stripping and strangulation
- Rasmussen, Jesper; Ponman, Trevor J. ; Verdes-Montenegro, Lourdes ; Yun, Min S. ; Borthakur, Sanchayeeta
- 2008MNRAS.388.1265R
- The prospects for constraining dark energy with future X-ray cluster gas mass fraction measurements
- Rapetti, David; Allen, Steven W. ; Mantz, Adam
- 2008MNRAS.388.1279I
- A new independent limit on the cosmological constant/dark energy from the relativistic bending of light by Galaxies and clusters of Galaxies
- Ishak, M.; Rindler, W.; Dossett, J. ; Moldenhauer, J. ; Allison, C.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1284R
- Testing the Ep,i-Lp,iso-T0.45 correlation on a BeppoSAX and Swift sample of gamma-ray bursts
- Rossi, F. ; Guidorzi, C.; Amati, L. ; Frontera, F. ; Romano, P. ; Campana, S. ; Chincarini, G. ; Montanari, E. ; Moretti, A. ; Tagliaferri, G.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1293C
- Finding how many isolating integrals of motion an orbit obeys
- Carpintero, D.D.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1305V
- A potential new method for determining the temperature of cool stars
- Viti, S.; Jones, H.R.A. ; Richter, M.J. ; Barber, R.J. ; Tennyson, J. ; Lacy, J.H.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1314E
- Limitations of Bayesian Evidence applied to cosmology
- Efstathiou, G.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1321P
- The shapes of galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- Padilla, Nelson D.; Strauss, Michael A.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1335W
- A semi-empirical simulation of the extragalactic radio continuum sky for next generation radio telescopes
- Wilman, R.J.; Miller, L. ; Jarvis, M.J. ; Mauch, T. ; Levrier, F. ; Abdalla, F.B. ; Rawlings, S. ; Klöckner, H.-R. ; Obreschkow, D. ; Olteanu, D. ; Young, S.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1349E
- A search for damped Lyman α systems towards radio-loud quasars I: the optical survey
- Ellison, Sara L.; York, Brian A. ; Pettini, Max ; Kanekar, Nissim
- 2008MNRAS.388.1361B
- Constraining cold dark matter halo merger rates using the coagulation equations
- Benson, Andrew J.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1372O
- 3D eccentric discs around Be stars
- Ogilvie, Gordon I.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1381N
- Exploring disc galaxy dynamics using integral field unit data
- Noordermeer, E. ; Merrifield, M.R.; Aragón-Salamanca, A.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1394S
- Mixed three-point correlation functions of the non-linear integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect and their detectability
- Schäfer, B.M.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1403S
- The integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect in cosmologies with coupled dark matter and dark energy
- Schäfer, B.M.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1409Z
- Self-similar structure of magnetized advection-dominated accretion flows and convection-dominated accretion flows
- Zhang, Dong; Dai, Z.G.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1419O
- High resolution infrared spectra of NGC 6440 and NGC 6441: two massive bulge globular clusters
- Origlia, L.; Valenti, E.; Rich, R.M.
- 2008MNRAS.388.1426K
- Formation of intermediate-mass black holes as primordial black holes in the inflationary cosmology with running spectral index
- Kawaguchi, Toshihiro ; Kawasaki, Masahiro; Takayama, Tsutomu; Yamaguchi, Masahide ; Yokoyama, Jun'ichi
- 2008MNRAS.388.1433R
- Intragroup diffuse light in compact groups of galaxies - II. HCG 15, 35 and 51
- Rocha, C.Da; Ziegler, B.L.; de Oliveira, C.Mendes
- 2008MNRAS.388.1444H
- The pulsating DA white dwarf star EC14012-1446: results from four epochs of time-resolved photometry
- Handler, G.; Romero-Colmenero, E. ; Provencal, J.L. ; Sanchawala, K. ; Wood, M.A. ; Silver, I. ; Chen, W.-P.
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