Monthly Notices of the RAS 388
August(II) 2008

On the galaxy stellar mass function, the mass-metallicity relation and the implied baryonic mass function
Baldry, I.K.; Glazebrook, K. ; Driver, S.P.
Cosmological radar ranging in an expanding universe
Lewis, Geraint F.; Francis, Matthew J. ; Barnes, Luke A. ; Kwan, Juliana ; James, J.Berian
Mapping the three-body system - decay time and reversibility
Lehto, H.J.; Kotiranta, S.; Valtonen, M.J. ; Heinämäki, P. ; Mikkola, S. ; Chernin, A.D.
Optical and infrared observations of SN 2002dj: some possible common properties of fast-expanding Type Ia supernovae
Pignata, G.; Benetti, S. ; Mazzali, P.A. ; Kotak, R. ; Patat, F. ; Meikle, P. ; Stehle, M. ; Leibundgut, B. ; Suntzeff, N.B. ; Buson, L.M. ; Cappellaro, E. ; Clocchiatti, A. ; Hamuy, M. ; Maza, J. ; Mendez, J. ; Ruiz-Lapuente, P. ; Salvo, M. ; Schmidt, B.P. ; Turatto, M. ; Hillebrandt, W.
Sources of contamination to weak lensing three-point statistics: constraints from N-body simulations
Semboloni, Elisabetta; Heymans, Catherine ; van Waerbeke, Ludovic ; Schneider, Peter
A classification of the X-ray and radio states of Cyg X-3 and their long-term correlations
Szostek, Anna; Zdziarski, Andrzej A.; McCollough, Michael L.
A synthesis model for AGN evolution: supermassive black holes growth and feedback modes
Merloni, Andrea; Heinz, Sebastian
Probing the centre of the large circumstellar disc in M17
Nielbock, M.; Chini, R. ; Hoffmeister, V.H. ; Nürnberger, D.E.A. ; Scheyda, C.M. ; Steinacker, J.
Exploring the disc/jet interaction in the radio-loud quasar 4C+74.26 with Suzaku
Larsson, J.; Fabian, A.C. ; Ballantyne, D.R. ; Miniutti, G.
A 3D dynamical model of the colliding winds in binary systems
Parkin, E.R.; Pittard, J.M.
Measuring the non-thermal pressure in early-type galaxy atmospheres: a comparison of X-ray and optical potential profiles in M87 and NGC 1399
Churazov, E.; Forman, W. ; Vikhlinin, A. ; Tremaine, S. ; Gerhard, O. ; Jones, C.
Hydrodynamical adaptive mesh refinement simulations of turbulent flows - I. Substructure in a wind
Iapichino, L.; Adamek, J. ; Schmidt, W. ; Niemeyer, J.C.
Hydrodynamical adaptive mesh refinement simulations of turbulent flows - II. Cosmological simulations of galaxy clusters
Iapichino, L.; Niemeyer, J.C.
Probing the neutral fraction of the IGM with GRBs during the epoch of reionization
McQuinn, Matthew; Lidz, Adam ; Zaldarriaga, Matias ; Hernquist, Lars ; Dutta, Suvendra
Cluster AgeS Experiment (CASE): deficiency of observed dwarf novae in globular clusters
Pietrukowicz, P.; Kaluzny, J. ; Schwarzenberg-Czerny, A. ; Thompson, I.B. ; Pych, W. ; Krzeminski, W. ; Mazur, B.
The blue supergiant Sher 25 and its intriguing hourglass nebula
Hendry, M.A. ; Smartt, S.J.; Skillman, E.D. ; Evans, C.J. ; Trundle, C. ; Lennon, D.J. ; Crowther, P.A. ; Hunter, I.
On the structure of the Sun and α Centauri A and B in the light of seismic and non-seismic constraints
Yildiz, M.
Star formation in galaxies falling into clusters along supercluster-scale filaments
Porter, Scott C. ; Raychaudhury, Somak; Pimbblet, Kevin A. ; Drinkwater, Michael J.
Hydrostatic equilibrium of causally consistent and dynamically stable neutron star models
Negi, P.S.
Accretion-driven core collapse and the collisional formation of massive stars
Clarke, C.J.; Bonnell, I.A.
Radial mixing and the transition between the thick and thin Galactic discs
Haywood, M.
2008MNRAS.388.1185G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/388/1185)
The evolved stars of LeoII dSph galaxy from near-infrared UKIRT/WFCAM observations
Gullieuszik, M.; Held, E.V. ; Rizzi, L. ; Girardi, L. ; Marigo, P. ; Momany, Y.
2008MNRAS.388.1198M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/388/1198)
Spectral distribution of Be/X-ray binaries in the Small Magellanic Cloud
McBride, V.A.; Coe, M.J. ; Negueruela, I. ; Schurch, M.P.E. ; McGowan, K.E.
A new method for determining the sensitivity of X-ray imaging observations and the X-ray number counts
Georgakakis, A.; Nandra, K. ; Laird, E.S. ; Aird, J. ; Trichas, M.
Interstellar holography
Walker, M.A.; Koopmans, L.V.E. ; Stinebring, D.R. ; van Straten, W.
Magnetorotational instability in protoplanetary discs: the effect of dust grains
Salmeron, Raquel; Wardle, Mark
The period and amplitude changes of Polaris (α UMi) from 2003 to 2007 measured with SMEI
Spreckley, S.A.; Stevens, I.R.
Galaxy evolution in Hickson compact groups: the role of ram-pressure stripping and strangulation
Rasmussen, Jesper; Ponman, Trevor J. ; Verdes-Montenegro, Lourdes ; Yun, Min S. ; Borthakur, Sanchayeeta
The prospects for constraining dark energy with future X-ray cluster gas mass fraction measurements
Rapetti, David; Allen, Steven W. ; Mantz, Adam
A new independent limit on the cosmological constant/dark energy from the relativistic bending of light by Galaxies and clusters of Galaxies
Ishak, M.; Rindler, W.; Dossett, J. ; Moldenhauer, J. ; Allison, C.
Testing the Ep,i-Lp,iso-T0.45 correlation on a BeppoSAX and Swift sample of gamma-ray bursts
Rossi, F. ; Guidorzi, C.; Amati, L. ; Frontera, F. ; Romano, P. ; Campana, S. ; Chincarini, G. ; Montanari, E. ; Moretti, A. ; Tagliaferri, G.
Finding how many isolating integrals of motion an orbit obeys
Carpintero, D.D.
A potential new method for determining the temperature of cool stars
Viti, S.; Jones, H.R.A. ; Richter, M.J. ; Barber, R.J. ; Tennyson, J. ; Lacy, J.H.
Limitations of Bayesian Evidence applied to cosmology
Efstathiou, G.
The shapes of galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Padilla, Nelson D.; Strauss, Michael A.
A semi-empirical simulation of the extragalactic radio continuum sky for next generation radio telescopes
Wilman, R.J.; Miller, L. ; Jarvis, M.J. ; Mauch, T. ; Levrier, F. ; Abdalla, F.B. ; Rawlings, S. ; Klöckner, H.-R. ; Obreschkow, D. ; Olteanu, D. ; Young, S.
A search for damped Lyman α systems towards radio-loud quasars I: the optical survey
Ellison, Sara L.; York, Brian A. ; Pettini, Max ; Kanekar, Nissim
Constraining cold dark matter halo merger rates using the coagulation equations
Benson, Andrew J.
3D eccentric discs around Be stars
Ogilvie, Gordon I.
Exploring disc galaxy dynamics using integral field unit data
Noordermeer, E. ; Merrifield, M.R.; Aragón-Salamanca, A.
Mixed three-point correlation functions of the non-linear integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect and their detectability
Schäfer, B.M.
The integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect in cosmologies with coupled dark matter and dark energy
Schäfer, B.M.
Self-similar structure of magnetized advection-dominated accretion flows and convection-dominated accretion flows
Zhang, Dong; Dai, Z.G.
High resolution infrared spectra of NGC 6440 and NGC 6441: two massive bulge globular clusters
Origlia, L.; Valenti, E.; Rich, R.M.
Formation of intermediate-mass black holes as primordial black holes in the inflationary cosmology with running spectral index
Kawaguchi, Toshihiro ; Kawasaki, Masahiro; Takayama, Tsutomu; Yamaguchi, Masahide ; Yokoyama, Jun'ichi
Intragroup diffuse light in compact groups of galaxies - II. HCG 15, 35 and 51
Rocha, C.Da; Ziegler, B.L.; de Oliveira, C.Mendes
The pulsating DA white dwarf star EC14012-1446: results from four epochs of time-resolved photometry
Handler, G.; Romero-Colmenero, E. ; Provencal, J.L. ; Sanchawala, K. ; Wood, M.A. ; Silver, I. ; Chen, W.-P.
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