Monthly Notices of the RAS 388
July(III) 2008

PSR J1410-6132: a young, energetic pulsar associated with the EGRET source 3EG J1410-6147
O'Brien, J.T.; Johnston, S. ; Kramer, M. ; Lyne, A.G. ; Bailes, M. ; Possenti, A. ; Burgay, M. ; Lorimer, D.R. ; McLaughlin, M.A. ; Hobbs, G. ; Parent, D. ; Guillemot, L.
Short Gamma-ray bursts: a bimodal origin ?
Salvaterra, R.; Cerutti, A. ; Chincarini, G. ; Colpi, M. ; Guidorzi, C. ; Romano, P.
Formation of blue compact dwarf galaxies from merging and interacting gas-rich dwarfs
Bekki, Kenji
X-ray flares, neutrino-cooled discs and the dynamics of late accretion in gamma-ray burst engines
Lazzati, Davide; Perna, Rosalba ; Begelman, Mitchell C.
A mechanism for short-lived cometary outbursts at sunrise as observed by Deep Impact on 9P/Tempel 1
Prialnik, D.; A'Hearn, M.F. ; Meech, K.J.
Discovery of a massive variable star with Z = Z/36 in the galaxy DDO 68
Pustilnik, S.A.; Tepliakova, A.L.; Kniazev, A.Y.; Burenkov, A.N.
The scattered debris of the Magellanic Stream
Westmeier, T.; Koribalski, B.S.
The radial alignment of dark matter subhaloes: from simulations to observations
Knebe, Alexander; Yahagi, Hideki; Kase, Hiroyuki; Lewis, Geraint ; Gibson, Brad K.
Modelling the RXTE light curve of η Carinae from a 3D SPH simulation of its binary wind collision
Okazaki, A.T.; Owocki, S.P.; Russell, C.M.P.; Corcoran, M.F.
Millisecond dip events in the 2007 RXTE/PCA data of Sco X-1 and the trans-Neptunian object size distribution
Liu, Chih-Yuan ; Chang, Hsiang-Kuang; Liang, Jau-Shian ; King, Sun-Kun
A two-zone synchrotron model for the knots in the M87 jet
Sahayanathan, S.
Bulk Compton motion in the luminous quasar 4C04.42 ?
De Rosa, A.; Bassani, L. ; Ubertini, P. ; Malizia, A. ; Dean, A.J.
On active galactic nuclei as sources of ultra-high energy cosmic rays
George, M.R.; Fabian, A.C. ; Baumgartner, W.H. ; Mushotzky, R.F. ; Tueller, J.
Stellar dynamical evidence against a cold disc origin for stars in the Galactic Centre
Cuadra, Jorge; Armitage, Philip J. ; Alexander, Richard D.
Self-consistent simulations of nuclear cluster formation through globular cluster orbital decay and merging
Capuzzo-Dolcetta, R.; Miocchi, P.
The radial distribution of Type Ia supernovae in early-type galaxies: implications for progenitor scenarios
Förster, Francisco; Schawinski, Kevin
Spectral energy distributions and high-energy emission of BL Lac type objects
Troitsky, Sergey
Testing reionization with gamma-ray burst absorption spectra
Gallerani, S.; Salvaterra, R. ; Ferrara, A. ; Choudhury, T.Roy
Ram pressure stripping in a viscous intracluster medium
Roediger, Elke; Brüggen, Marcus
Understanding the halo-mass and galaxy-mass cross-correlation functions
Hayashi, Eric ; White, Simon D.M.
Orbit characteristics of the tristatic EISCAT UHF meteors
Szasz, C.; Kero, J.; Meisel, D.D. ; Pellinen-Wannberg, A. ; Wannberg, G. ; Westman, A.
Occurrence of metal-free galaxies in the early Universe
Johnson, Jarrett L.; Greif, Thomas H.; Bromm, Volker
Chemical evolution of galaxies - I. A composition-dependent SPH model for chemical evolution and cooling
Martínez-Serrano, F.J.; Serna, A. ; Domínguez-Tenreiro, R. ; Mollá, M.
Unresolved emission and ionized gas in the bulge of M31
Bogdán, Á.; Gilfanov, M.
The UV colours of high-redshift early-type galaxies: evidence for recent star formation and stellar mass assembly over the last 8 billion years
Kaviraj, S.; Khochfar, S. ; Schawinski, K. ; Yi, S.K. ; Gawiser, E. ; Silk, J. ; Virani, S.N. ; Cardamone, C.N. ; van Dokkum, P.G. ; Urry, C.M.
Toroidal versus poloidal magnetic fields in Sun-like stars: a rotation threshold
Petit, P.; Dintrans, B.; Solanki, S.K.; Donati, J.-F.; Aurière, M.; Lignières, F.; Morin, J.; Paletou, F.; Ramirez, J.; Catala, C.; Fares, R.
Initial data release from the INT Photometric Hα Survey of the Northern Galactic Plane (IPHAS)
González-Solares, E.A.; Walton, N.A. ; Greimel, R. ; Drew, J.E. ; Irwin, M.J. ; Sale, S.E. ; Andrews, K. ; Aungwerojwit, A. ; Barlow, M.J. ; van den Besselaar, E.; Corradi, R.L.M. ; Gänsicke, B.T. ; Groot, P.J. ; Hales, A.S. ; Hopewell, E.C. ; Hu, H. ; Irwin, J. ; Knigge, C. ; Lagadec, E. ; Leisy, P. ; Lewis, J.R. ; Mampaso, A. ; Matsuura, M. ; Moont, B. ; Morales-Rueda, L. ; Morris, R.A.H. ; Naylor, T. ; Parker, Q.A. ; Prema, P. ; Pyrzas, S. ; Rixon, G.T. ; Rodríguez-Gil, P. ; Roelofs, G. ; Sabin, L. ; Skillen, I. ; Suso, J. ; Tata, R. ; Viironen, K. ; Vink, J.S. ; Witham, A. ; Wright, N.J. ; Zijlstra, A.A. ; Zurita, A. ; Drake, J. ; Fabregat, J. ; Lennon, D.J. ; Lucas, P.W. ; Martín, E.L. ; Phillipps, S. ; Steeghs, D. ; Unruh, Y.C.
Optical polarimetric study of open clusters: distribution of interstellar matter towards NGC 654
Medhi, Biman J.; Maheswar, G. ; Pandey, J.C. ; Kumar, T.S. ; Sagar, Ram
Radiative torque alignment: essential physical processes
Hoang, Thiem; Lazarian, A.
Hard electron energy distribution in the relativistic shocks of gamma-ray burst afterglows
Resmi, L.; Bhattacharya, D.
The disc mass of spiral galaxies
Salucci, Paolo; Yegorova, Irina A. ; Drory, Niv
Galactic Hi on the 50-au scale in the direction of three extragalactic sources observed with MERLIN
Goss, W.M.; Richards, A.M.S. ; Muxlow, T.W.B. ; Thomasson, P.
The properties of powerful radio sources at 90 GHz
Hardcastle, M.J.; Looney, L.W.
Newtonian non-linear hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics
Spyrou, Nicolaos K.; Tsagas, Christos G.
Observational constraints on the braneworld model with brane-bulk energy exchange
Movahed, M.Sadegh; Sheykhi, Ahmad
X-ray variability of the Seyfert 1 Markarian 335: power spectrum and time lags
Arévalo, P.; McHardy, I.M. ; Summons, D.P.
Gravitational wave emission from a companion black hole in the presence of an accretion disc around a super-massive Kerr black hole
Basu, Prasad ; Mondal, S. ; Chakrabarti, Sandip K.
Narrow associated quasi-stellar object absorbers: clustering, outflows and the line-of-sight proximity effect
Wild, Vivienne; Kauffmann, Guinevere ; White, Simon ; York, Donald ; Lehnert, Matthew ; Heckman, Timothy ; Hall, Patrick B. ; Khare, Pushpa ; Lundgren, Britt ; Schneider, Donald P. ; Vanden Berk, Daniel
Direction dependence and non-Gaussianity in the high-redshift supernova data
Gupta, Shashikant; Saini, Tarun Deep; Laskar, Tanmoy
A model of diffuse Galactic radio emission from 10 MHz to 100 GHz
de Oliveira-Costa, Angélica; Tegmark, Max ; Gaensler, B.M. ; Jonas, Justin ; Landecker, T.L. ; Reich, Patricia
Multifrequency integrated profiles of pulsars
Johnston, Simon; Karastergiou, Aris ; Mitra, Dipanjan ; Gupta, Yashwant
Revisiting the parametrization of equation of state of dark energy via SNIa data
Liu, Dao-Jun; Li, Xin-Zhou; Hao, Jiangang; Jin, Xing-Hua
The relation between Lyman α absorbers and gas-rich galaxies in the local Universe
Pierleoni, Marco; Branchini, Enzo ; Viel, Matteo
Confined chaotic motion in three-body resonances: trapping of trans-Neptunian material induced by gas-drag
de la Fuente Marcos, R.; de la Fuente Marcos, C.
The evolution of the binary population in globular clusters: a full analytical computation
Sollima, A.
Spatial and temporal variations in interstellar absorption towards HD 72127AB
Welty, Daniel E.; Simon, Thuso; Hobbs, L.M.
On the contribution of nearby sources to the observed cosmic ray nuclei
Thoudam, Satyendra
The complex light curve of the afterglow of GRB071010A
Covino, S.; D'Avanzo, P. ; Klotz, A. ; Perley, D.A. ; Amati, L. ; Campana, S. ; Chincarini, G. ; Cucchiara, A. ; D'Elia, V. ; Guetta, D. ; Guidorzi, C. ; Kann, D.A. ; Küpcü Yoldas, A. ; Misra, K. ; Olofsson, G. ; Tagliaferri, G. ; Antonelli, L.A. ; Berger, E. ; Bloom, J.S. ; Böer, M. ; Clemens, C. ; D'Alessio, F. ; Valle, M.Della ; Alighieri, S.di Serego ; Filippenko, A.V. ; Foley, R.J. ; Fox, D.B. ; Fugazza, D. ; Fynbo, J. ; Gendre, B. ; Goldoni, P. ; Greiner, J. ; Kocevksi, D. ; Maiorano, E. ; Masetti, N. ; Meurs, E. ; Modjaz, M. ; Molinari, E. ; Moretti, A. ; Palazzi, E. ; Pandey, S.B. ; Piranomonte, S. ; Poznanski, D. ; Primak, N. ; Romano, P. ; Rossi, E. ; Roy, R. ; Silverman, J.M. ; Stella, L. ; Stratta, G. ; Testa, V. ; Vergani, S.D. ; Vitali, F. ; Zerbi, F.
Oscillations of magnetohydrodynamic shock waves on the surfaces of T Tauri stars
Koldoba, A.V.; Ustyugova, G.V. ; Romanova, M.M. ; Lovelace, R.V.E.
Closure tests for mean field magnetohydrodynamics using a self-consistent reduced model
Pipin, V.V.; Proctor, M.R.E.
Perturbative signature of substructures in strong gravitational lenses
Alard, C.
Models of the Cosmic Horseshoe gravitational lens J1004+4112
Dye, S.; Evans, N.W. ; Belokurov, V. ; Warren, S.J. ; Hewett, P.
Populating the Galaxy with pulsars - I. Stellar and binary evolution
Kiel, Paul D.; Hurley, Jarrod R. ; Bailes, Matthew ; Murray, James R.
What can we hope to know about the symmetry properties of stellar magnetic fields ?
Moss, David; Saar, Steven H.; Sokoloff, Dmitry
A search for the progenitors of two TypeIa Supernovae in NGC 1316
Maoz, Dan; Mannucci, Filippo
Monte Carlo simulations of star clusters - IV. Calibration of the Monte Carlo code and comparison with observations for the open cluster M67
Giersz, Mirek; Heggie, Douglas C.; Hurley, Jarrod R.
2008MNRAS.388..444T – (Tables: J/MNRAS/388/444)
Galactic clusters with associated Cepheid variables - VII. Berkeley 58 and CG Cassiopeiae
Turner, D.G.; Forbes, D.; English, D.; Leonard, P.J.T. ; Scrimger, J.N. ; Wehlau, A.W. ; Phelps, R.L.; Berdnikov, L.N.; Pastukhova, E.N.
The screening of the 11.3-µm silicon carbide feature by carbonaceous mantles in circumstellar shells
Papoular, R.
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