Monthly Notices of the RAS 378
June(III) 2007

Simulating cosmic rays in clusters of galaxies - I. Effects on the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect and the X-ray emission
Pfrommer, C.; Ensslin, T.A.; Springel, V.; Jubelgas, M.; Dolag, K.
Electromagnetic fields in jets
Sherwin, B.D.; Lynden-Bell, D.
VIMOS-VLT spectroscopy of the giant Lyα nebulae associated with three z ∼ 2.5 radio galaxies
Villar-Martín, M.; Sánchez, S.F. ; Humphrey, A. ; Dijkstra, M. ; Alighieri, S.di Serego ; De Breuck, C. ; Delgado, R.González
The Munich Near-Infrared Cluster Survey - IX. Galaxy evolution to z ∼ 2 from optically selected catalogues
Feulner, Georg; Goranova, Yuliana; Hopp, Ulrich ; Gabasch, Armin; Bender, Ralf ; Botzler, Christine S. ; Drory, Niv
The first generation of stars in the Λ cold dark matter cosmology
Gao, L.; Yoshida, N. ; Abel, T. ; Frenk, C.S. ; Jenkins, A. ; Springel, V.
Properties of wide-separation lensed quasars by clusters of galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Li, G.L.; Mao, S. ; Jing, Y.P. ; Lin, W.P. ; Oguri, M.
Fibre modal power distributions in astronomy and their application to OH-suppression fibres
Corbett, J.; Butterley, T. ; Allington-Smith, J.R.
Dispersion measure variations and their effect on precision pulsar timing
You, X.P.; Hobbs, G. ; Coles, W.A. ; Manchester, R.N. ; Edwards, R. ; Bailes, M. ; Sarkissian, J. ; Verbiest, J.P.W. ; van Straten, W. ; Hotan, A. ; Ord, S. ; Jenet, F. ; Bhat, N.D.R. ; Teoh, A.
High-resolution simulations of clump-clump collisions using SPH with particle splitting
Kitsionas, S.; Whitworth, A.P.
The missing metals problem - III. How many metals are expelled from galaxiesquest
Bouché, Nicolas; Lehnert, Matthew D. ; Aguirre, Anthony ; Péroux, Céline ; Bergeron, Jacqueline
Initial conditions for disc galaxies
McMillan, Paul J.; Dehnen, Walter
Imaging and spectroscopy of ultrasteep spectrum radio sources
Bornancini, Carlos G.; De Breuck, Carlos ; de Vries, Wim ; Croft, Steve ; van Breugel, Wil ; Röttgering, Huub ; Minniti, Dante
Carbon-rich extremely metal poor stars: signatures of Population III asymptotic giant branch stars in binary systems
Lau, Herbert H.B.; Stancliffe, Richard J. ; Tout, Christopher A.
Field galaxies at intermediate redshift (0.2 < z < 0.8) in the direction of the galaxy cluster LCDCS-S001
Krabbe, A.C.; Rembold, S.B. ; Pastoriza, M.G.
Connecting the primordial and Galactic deuterium abundances
Steigman, Gary ; Romano, Donatella; Tosi, Monica
Intermittent jet activity in the radio galaxy 4C29.30quest
Jamrozy, M.; Konar, C.; Saikia, D.J.; Stawarz, L.; Mack, K.-H.; Siemiginowska, A.
On the three-dimensional structure of edge-on disc galaxies
Pohlen, Michael; Zaroubi, Saleem ; Peletier, Reynier F. ; Dettmar, Ralf-Jürgen
High-precision effective temperatures of 161 FGK supergiants from line-depth ratios
Kovtyukh, V.V.
Radiative losses and cut-offs of energetic particles at relativistic shocks
Dempsey, Paul; Duffy, Peter
SDSSJ233325.92+152222.1 and the evolution of intermediate polars
Southworth, John; Gänsicke, B.T.; Marsh, T.R.; de Martino, D. ; Aungwerojwit, A.
Strong clustering of underdense regions and the environmental dependence of clustering from Gaussian initial conditions
Abbas, Ummi ; Sheth, Ravi K.
Timing evidence in determining the accretion state of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 3783
Summons, D.P.; Arévalo, P. ; McHardy, I.M. ; Uttley, P. ; Bhaskar, A.
On some aspects of the stirring rate of planetesimal velocities by a protoplanet
Brunini, Adrián; Santamaría, Pablo
Impact of tangled magnetic fields on fossil radio bubbles
Ruszkowski, M.; Ensslin, T.A. ; Brüggen, M. ; Heinz, S. ; Pfrommer, C.
Preliminary Sunyaev-Zel'dovich observations of galaxy clusters with OCRA-p
Lancaster, Katy; Birkinshaw, Mark ; Gawronski, Marcin P. ; Browne, Ian ; Feiler, Roman ; Kus, Andrzej ; Lowe, Stuart ; Pazderski, Eugeniusz ; Wilkinson, Peter
A tenuous X-ray corona enveloping AE Aquarii
Venter, L.A. ; Meintjes, P.J.
Hydrodynamic simulations of rotating molecular jets
Smith, Michael D.; Rosen, Alexander
Testing turbulence model at metric scales with mid-infrared VISIR images at the VLT
Tokovinin, A.; Sarazin, M. ; Smette, A.
On estimating redshift and luminosity distributions in photometric redshift surveys
Sheth, Ravi K.
Galaxy morphologies and environment in the Abell 901/902 supercluster from COMBO-17
Lane, K.P.; Gray, M.E. ; Aragón-Salamanca, A. ; Wolf, C. ; Meisenheimer, K.
A Parkes radio telescope study of giant pulses from PSR J1823-3021A
Knight, H.S.
The old open clusters Berkeley 32 and King 11
Tosi, Monica; Bragaglia, Angela; Cignoni, Michele
On the potential of transit surveys in star clusters: impact of correlated noise and radial velocity follow-up
Aigrain, Suzanne; Pont, Frédéric
Increase of brightness and radiation temperature in a non-inverted medium: does this work in astrophysical masersquest
Shepelev, A.V.
All-Sky Automated Survey eclipsing binaries with observed high period change rates
Pilecki, B.; Fabrycky, D.; Poleski, R.
Displacement of the Sun from the Galactic plane
Joshi, Y.C.
The age dependence of galaxy clustering
Reed, Darren S.; Governato, Fabio ; Quinn, Thomas ; Stadel, Joachim ; Lake, George
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