Monthly Notices of the RAS 378
June(II) 2007
- 2007MNRAS.378L...1G
- Predicting the frequencies of diverse exo-planetary systems
- Greaves, J.S.; Fischer, D.A. ; Wyatt, M.C. ; Beichman, C.A. ; Bryden, G.
- 2007MNRAS.378L...6B
- The sizes of disc galaxies in intermediate-redshift clusters
- Bamford, S.P.; Milvang-Jensen, B. ; Aragón-Salamanca, A.
- 2007MNRAS.378L..11C
- On the evolution of the Fe abundance and of the Type Ia supernova rate in clusters of galaxies
- Calura, F.; Matteucci, F. ; Tozzi, P.
- 2007MNRAS.378L..16H
- Two new chemically peculiar stars with resolved, magnetically split lines
- Hubrig, S.; Nesvacil, N.
- 2007MNRAS.378L..20W
- A search for 22-GHz H2 O masers in supernova remnants
- Woodall, J.M. ; Gray, M.D.
- 2007MNRAS.378L..24B
- L and T dwarfs in the Hyades and Ursa Major moving groups
- Bannister, N.P.; Jameson, R.F.
- 2007MNRAS.378L..29P
- The present day mass function in the central region of the Arches cluster
- Portegies Zwart, Simon; Gaburov, Evghenii; Chen, Hui-Chen; Gürkan, M.Atakan
- 2007MNRAS.378L..34R
- On spherically symmetrical accretion in fractal media
- Roy, Nirupam
- 2007MNRAS.378L..39K
- Rapid HeII⟶Hei recombination and radiation arising from this process
- Kholupenko, E.E.; Ivanchik, A.V. ; Varshalovich, D.A.
- 2007MNRAS.378L..44M
- Exciting the magnetosphere of the magnetar CXOU J164710.2-455216 in Westerlund 1
- Muno, M.P. ; Gaensler, B.M.; Clark, J.S. ; de Grijs, R. ; Pooley, D.; Stevens, I.R. ; Portegies Zwart, S.F.
- 2007MNRAS.378L..49S
- Evidence for cold accretion onto a massive galaxy at high redshiftquest
- Smith, Daniel J.B.; Jarvis, Matt J.
- 2007MNRAS.378L..54L
- Magnetohydrodynamic rebound shocks of supernovae
- Lou, Yu-Qing; Wang, Wei-Gang
- 2007MNRAS.378L..59R
- Contrasting copper evolution in ω Centauri and the Milky Way
- Romano, Donatella; Matteucci, Francesca
- 2007MNRAS.378L..64J
- Are Complex A and the Orphan stream relatedquest
- Jin, Shoko; Lynden-Bell, D.
- 2007MNRAS.378....2S
- Light curves for off-centre ignition models of Type Ia supernovae
- Sim, S.A.; Sauer, D.N. ; Röpke, F.K. ; Hillebrandt, W.
- 2007MNRAS.378...13G
- Analysing the atolls: X-ray spectral transitions of accreting neutron stars
- Gladstone, Jeanette; Done, Chris ; Gierlinski, Marek
- 2007MNRAS.378...23J
- Spatial decomposition of on-nucleus spectra of quasar host galaxies
- Jahnke, K.; Wisotzki, L. ; Courbin, F. ; Letawe, G.
- 2007MNRAS.378...41S
- The universal rotation curve of spiral galaxies - II. The dark matter distribution out to the virial radius
- Salucci, P.; Lapi, A. ; Tonini, C. ; Gentile, G. ; Yegorova, I. ; Klein, U.
- 2007MNRAS.378...48T
- Effect of nearby supernova remnants on local cosmic rays
- Thoudam, Satyendra
- 2007MNRAS.378...55M
- Concentration, spin and shape of dark matter haloes: scatter and the dependence on mass and environment
- Macciò, Andrea V.; Dutton, Aaron A. ; Bosch, Frank C.van den ; Moore, Ben ; Potter, Doug ; Stadel, Joachim
- 2007MNRAS.378...72T
- Applications of Bayesian model selection to cosmological parameters
- Trotta, Roberto
- 2007MNRAS.378...83L
- On-axis spectroscopy of the host galaxies of 20 optically luminous quasars at z ∼ 0.3
- Letawe, G.; Magain, P. ; Courbin, F. ; Jablonka, P. ; Jahnke, K. ; Meylan, G. ; Wisotzki, L.
- 2007MNRAS.378..109M
- High-resolution imaging of the anomalous flux ratio gravitational lens system CLASS B2045+265: dark or luminous satellitesquest
- McKean, J.P.; Koopmans, L.V.E. ; Flack, C.E. ; Fassnacht, C.D. ; Thompson, D. ; Matthews, K. ; Blandford, R.D. ; Readhead, A.C.S. ; Soifer, B.T.
- 2007MNRAS.378..119D
- The multifrequency angular power spectrum of the epoch of reionization 21-cm signal
- Datta, Kanan K.; Choudhury, T.Roy; Bharadwaj, Somnath
- 2007MNRAS.378..129H
- Gravitational wave bursts from the Galactic massive black hole
- Hopman, Clovis; Freitag, Marc ; Larson, Shane L.
- 2007MNRAS.378..137S
- HI imaging of galaxies in X-ray bright groups
- Sengupta, Chandreyee; Balasubramanyam, Ramesh; Dwarakanath, K.S.
- 2007MNRAS.378..148D
- 3.8-µm photometry during the secondary eclipse of the extrasolar planet HD209458b
- Deming, Drake; Richardson, L.Jeremy; Harrington, Joseph
- 2007MNRAS.378..153L
- The Axis of Evil revisited
- Land, Kate; Magueijo, João
- 2007MNRAS.378..159P
- The physics of strong magnetic fields in neutron stars
- Peng, Qiu-he; Tong, Hao
- 2007MNRAS.378..163H
- Kinematics of gas and stars in the circumnuclear star-forming ring of NGC3351
- Hägele, Guillermo F.; Díaz, Ángeles I.; Cardaci, Mónica V.; Terlevich, Elena; Terlevich, Roberto
- 2007MNRAS.378..179B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/378/179)
- A new catalogue of eclipsing binary stars with eccentric orbits
- Bulut, I.; Demircan, O.
- 2007MNRAS.378..182R
- RXTE observations of the low/hard state X-ray outburst of the new X-ray transient SWIFT J1753.5-0127
- Ramadevi, M.C.; Seetha, S.
- 2007MNRAS.378..189G
- The effect of dust on Tremaine-Weinberg measurements
- Gerssen, Joris; Debattista, Victor P.
- 2007MNRAS.378..198G
- The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: the local supermassive black hole mass function in early- and late-type galaxies
- Graham, Alister W.; Driver, Simon P. ; Allen, Paul D. ; Liske, Jochen
- 2007MNRAS.378..211M
- Spectroscopic observations of the intermediate polar EX Hydrae in quiescence
- Mhlahlo, N.; Buckley, D.A.H. ; Dhillon, V.S. ; Potter, S.B. ; Warner, B. ; Woudt, P.A.
- 2007MNRAS.378..221M
- Selection of ThAr lines for wavelength calibration of echelle spectra and implications for variations in the fine-structure constant
- Murphy, M.T.; Tzanavaris, P. ; Webb, J.K. ; Lovis, C.
- 2007MNRAS.378..231P
- Density gradients in Galactic planetary nebulae
- Phillips, J.P.
- 2007MNRAS.378..239C
- A direct consequence of the Expansion of Spacequest
- Chodorowski, Michal J.
- 2007MNRAS.378..245B
- Compressible turbulence in galaxy clusters: physics and stochastic particle re-acceleration
- Brunetti, G.; Lazarian, A.
- 2007MNRAS.378..276A
- Spatial and kinematical lopsidedness of atomic hydrogen in the Ursa Major group of galaxies
- Angiras, R.A.; Jog, C.J.; Dwarakanath, K.S.; Verheijen, M.A.W.
- 2007MNRAS.378..285A
- Post-Newtonian N-body simulations
- Aarseth, Sverre J.
- 2007MNRAS.378..293A
- Missing thermal energy of the intracluster medium
- Afshordi, Niayesh; Lin, Yen-Ting ; Nagai, Daisuke ; Sanderson, Alastair J.R.
- 2007MNRAS.378..301B
- Large-scale structure in the HI Parkes All-Sky Survey: filling the voids with HI galaxiesquest
- Basilakos, S.; Plionis, M. ; Kovac, K. ; Voglis, N.
- 2007MNRAS.378..309A
- Wind-wind collision in the η Carinae binary system - III. The HeII λ4686 line profile
- Abraham, Z.; Falceta-Gonçalves, D.
- 2007MNRAS.378..318B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/378/318)
- The chemical abundances of the stellar populations in the Leo I and II dSph galaxies
- Bosler, Tammy L.; Smecker-Hane, Tammy A. ; Stetson, Peter B.
- 2007MNRAS.378..339S
- The spherical collapse model with shell-crossing
- Sánchez-Conde, M.A.; Betancort-Rijo, J. ; Prada, F.
- 2007MNRAS.378..353K
- Mass modelling of dwarf spheroidal galaxies: the effect of unbound stars from tidal tails and the Milky Way
- Klimentowski, Jaroslaw; Lokas, Ewa L. ; Kazantzidis, Stelios ; Prada, Francisco ; Mayer, Lucio ; Mamon, Gary A.
- 2007MNRAS.378..369N
- Demographics of transition objects
- Najita, Joan R.; Strom, Stephen E. ; Muzerolle, James
- 2007MNRAS.378..379J
- Improved opacities and pulsation stability in subluminous B and O stars
- Jeffery, C.S.; Saio, H.
- 2007MNRAS.378..384J
- Erratum: Active galactic nuclei heating in the centres of galaxy groups: a statistical study by
- Jetha, N.N.; Ponman, T.J.; Hardcastle, M.J.; Croston J.H.
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