Monthly Notices of the RAS 378
July(I) 2007

Comprehensive simulations of superhumps
Smith, Amanda J.; Haswell, Carole A. ; Murray, James R. ; Truss, Michael R. ; Foulkes, Stephen B.
Coincident, 100 kpc scale damped Lyα absorption towards a binary QSO: how large are galaxies at z ∼ 3quest
Ellison, Sara L.; Hennawi, Joseph F.; Martin, Crystal L.; Sommer-Larsen, Jesper
Forecasting the Bayes factor of a future observation
Trotta, Roberto
ULTRACAM: an ultrafast, triple-beam CCD camera for high-speed astrophysics
Dhillon, V.S.; Marsh, T.R.; Stevenson, M.J. ; Atkinson, D.C. ; Kerry, P. ; Peacocke, P.T. ; Vick, A.J.A. ; Beard, S.M. ; Ives, D.J. ; Lunney, D.W. ; McLay, S.A. ; Tierney, C.J. ; Kelly, J. ; Littlefair, S.P. ; Nicholson, R. ; Pashley, R. ; Harlaftis, E.T. ; O'Brien, K.
Iron line profiles and self-shadowing from relativistic thick accretion discs
Wu, Sheng-Miao; Wang, Ting-Gui
The clustering of luminous red galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey imaging data
Padmanabhan, Nikhil; Schlegel, David J. ; Seljak, Uros ; Makarov, Alexey ; Bahcall, Neta A. ; Blanton, Michael R. ; Brinkmann, Jonathan ; Eisenstein, Daniel J. ; Finkbeiner, Douglas P. ; Gunn, James E. ; Hogg, David W. ; Ivezic, Zeljko ; Knapp, Gillian R. ; Loveday, Jon ; Lupton, Robert H. ; Nichol, Robert C. ; Schneider, Donald P. ; Strauss, Michael A. ; Tegmark, Max ; York, Donald G.
A longer XMM-Newton look at IZwicky1: physical conditions and variability of the ionized absorbers
Costantini, E.; Gallo, L.C. ; Brandt, W.N. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Boller, T.
Broad-band optical polarimetric study of IC 1805
Medhi, Biman J.; Maheswar, G. ; Brijesh, K. ; Pandey, J.C. ; Kumar, T.S. ; Sagar, R.
Spatially resolved mid-infrared spectroscopy of IC5063
Young, S.; Packham, C. ; Mason, R.E. ; Radomski, J.T. ; Telesco, C.M.
CaFe interstellar clouds
Bondar, A.; Kozak, M.; Gnacinski, P.; Galazutdinov, G.A.; Beletsky, Y.; Krelowski, J.
Discovery of a nearby L-T transition object in the Southern Galactic plane
Folkes, S.L.; Pinfield, D.J. ; Kendall, T.R. ; Jones, H.R.A.
Radiative torques: analytical model and basic properties
Lazarian, A.; Hoang, Thiem
Observations towards early-type stars in the ESO-POP Survey - II. Searches for intermediate- and high-velocity clouds
Smoker, J.V.; Hunter, I. ; Kalberla, P.M.W. ; Keenan, F.P. ; Morras, R. ; Hanuschik, R. ; Thompson, H.M.A. ; Silva, D. ; Bajaja, E. ; Poppel, W.G.L. ; Arnal, M.
Detection of superhumps in the VY Scl-type nova-like variable KR Aur
Kozhevnikov, V.P.
A model of AW UMa
Paczynski, B.; Sienkiewicz, R.; Szczygiel, D.M.
The formation of an eccentric gap in a gas disc by a planet in an eccentric orbit
Hosseinbor, A.Pasha; Edgar, Richard G.; Quillen, Alice C.; LaPage, Amanda
Dust formation and survival in supernova ejecta
Bianchi, Simone; Schneider, Raffaella
Molecular line intensities as measures of cloud masses - II. Conversion factors for specific galaxy types
Bell, T.A.; Viti, S. ; Williams, D.A.
2007MNRAS.378..995M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/378/995)
A deep Giant Metre-wave Radio Telescope 610-MHz survey of the 1H XMM-Newton/Chandra survey field
Moss, D.; Seymour, N. ; McHardy, I.M. ; Dwelly, T. ; Page, M.J. ; Loaring, N.S.
The Nai D resonance lines in main-sequence late-type stars
Díaz, Rodrigo F.; Cincunegui, Carolina ; Mauas, Pablo J.D.
Particle distributions and X-ray spectra in single or multiple solar current sheets
Gontikakis, C.; Anastasiadis, A.; Efthymiopoulos, C.
OPserver: interactive online computations of opacities and radiative accelerations
Mendoza, C.; Seaton, M.J. ; Buerger, P. ; Bellorín, A. ; Meléndez, M.; González, J. ; Rodríguez, L.S. ; Delahaye, F. ; Palacios, E. ; Pradhan, A.K. ; Zeippen, C.J.
Searches for ultracompact dwarf galaxies in galaxy groups
Evstigneeva, E.A.; Drinkwater, M.J. ; Jurek, R. ; Firth, P. ; Jones, J.B. ; Gregg, M.D. ; Phillipps, S.
GRB 060418 and 060607A: the medium surrounding the progenitor and the weak reverse shock emission
Jin, Z.P. ; Fan, Y.Z.
Resolving the pulsations of subdwarf B stars: HS 0039+4302, HS 0444+0458 and an examination of the group properties of resolved pulsators
Reed, M.D.; Terndrup, D.M. ; Zhou, A.-Y. ; Unterborn, C.T. ; An, D. ; Eggen, J.R.
Modelling the Galactic bar using OGLE-II red clump giant stars
Rattenbury, Nicholas J.; Mao, Shude; Sumi, Takahiro; Smith, Martin C.
Photometric, spectroscopic and polarimetric variability of the weak-emission T Tauri star HD 288313
Mekkaden, M.V.; Muneer, S.; Raveendran, A.V.
Abundances in intermediate-mass AGB stars undergoing third dredge-up and hot-bottom burning
McSaveney, J.A. ; Wood, P.R.; Scholz, M. ; Lattanzio, J.C. ; Hinkle, K.H.
Dynamics of magnetized relativistic tori oscillating around black holes
Montero, P.J.; Zanotti, O. ; Font, J.A. ; Rezzolla, L.
A highly polarized radio jet during the 1998 outburst of the black hole transient XTE J1748-288
Brocksopp, C.; Miller-Jones, J.C.A. ; Fender, R.P. ; Stappers, B.W.
Equation of state in relativistic magnetohydrodynamics: variable versus constant adiabatic index
Mignone, A.; McKinney, Jonathan C.
Proper motion L and T dwarf candidate members of the Pleiades
Casewell, S.L.; Dobbie, P.D. ; Hodgkin, S.T. ; Moraux, E. ; Jameson, R.F. ; Hambly, N.C. ; Irwin, J. ; Lodieu, N.
2007MNRAS.378.1141G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/378/1141)
Parent stars of extrasolar planets - VIII. Chemical abundances for 18 elements in 31 stars
Gonzalez, Guillermo; Laws, Chris
The dynamical stability of a Kuiper Belt-like region
Celletti, A.; Kotoulas, T.; Voyatzis, G.; Hadjidemetriou, J.
Proper motion dispersions of red clump giants in the galactic bulge: observations and model comparisons
Rattenbury, Nicholas J.; Mao, Shude; Debattista, Victor P.; Sumi, Takahiro; Gerhard, Ortwin; De Lorenzi, Flavio
Modelling the optical turbulence boiling and its effect on finite-exposure differential image motion
Berdja, A.; Borgnino, J.
Detection of a 1258-Hz high-amplitude kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillation in the ultracompact X-ray binary 1A 1246-588
Jonker, P.G.; Zand,'t ; Méndez, M. ; van der Klis, M.
Dynamical friction force exerted on spherical bodies
Esquivel, O.; Fuchs, B.
The three-point correlation function of luminous red galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Kulkarni, Gauri V. ; Nichol, Robert C.; Sheth, Ravi K. ; Seo, Hee-Jong ; Eisenstein, Daniel J. ; Gray, Alexander
Close encounters in young stellar clusters: implications for planetary systems in the solar neighbourhood
Malmberg, Daniel; De Angeli, Francesca ; Davies, Melvyn B. ; Church, Ross P. ; Mackey, Dougal ; Wilkinson, Mark I.
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