Monthly Notices of the RAS 334
August(I) 2002
- 2002MNRAS.334L..11A
- Cosmological constraints from the X-ray gas mass fraction in relaxed lensing clusters observed with Chandra
- Allen, S.W.; Schmidt, R.W.; Fabian, A.C.
- 2002MNRAS.334L..16L
- Observational evidence for `punctuated equilibria' in the evolution of Leonid dust trail widths and implications for meteor rate predictions.
- Langbroek, Marco
- 2002MNRAS.334L..21D
- The complex iron line in NGC 7469 observed by BeppoSAX
- De Rosa, A.; Fabian, A.C.; Piro, L.
- 2002MNRAS.334L..27S
- Dynamical instability of differentially rotating stars.
- Shibata, Masaru; Karino, Shigeyuki; Eriguchi, Yoshiharu
- 2002MNRAS.334L..33C
- Detection of Cai and CH absorption at the velocity of the variable interstellar component towards κ Velorum
- Crawford, I.A.
- 2002MNRAS.334..257H
- A laboratory plasma experiment for studying magnetic dynamics of accretion discs and jets.
- Hsu, S.C.; Bellan, P.M.
- 2002MNRAS.334..262H
- Deep optical imaging of the field of PC 1643+4631A&B - I. Spatial distributions and the counts of faint galaxies.
- Haynes, Toby; Cotter, Garret; Baker, Joanne C.; Eales, Steve; Jones, Michael E.; Rawlings, Steve; Saunders, Richard
- 2002MNRAS.334..283C
- Deep optical imaging of the field of PC 1643+4631A&B - II. Estimating the colours and redshifts of faint galaxies
- Cotter, Garret; Haynes, Toby; Baker, Joanne C.; Jones, Michael E.; Saunders, Richard
- 2002MNRAS.334..297B
- Angular and three-dimensional correlation functions determined from the Muenster Red Sky Survey.
- Boschán, Peter
- 2002MNRAS.334..310K
- Dynamical evolution of rotating stellar systems - II. Post-collapse, equal-mass system.
- Kim, E.; Einsel, C.; Lee, H.M.; Spurzem, R.; Lee, M.G.
- 2002MNRAS.334..323C
- Observations of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect in the z =0.78 cluster MS 1137.5+6625
- Cotter, Garret; Buttery, Helen J.; Das, Rhiju; Jones, Michael E.; Grainge, Keith; Pooley, G.G.; Saunders, Richard
- 2002MNRAS.334..327A
- Ultra-high-resolution observations of CH in Southern Molecular Cloud envelopes.
- Andersson, B-G.; Wannier, P.G.; Crawford, I.A.
- 2002MNRAS.334..338B
- Model of ejection of matter from non-stationary dense stellar clusters and chaotic motion of gravitating shells.
- Barkov, M.V.; Belinski, V.A.; Bisnovatyi-Kogan, G.S.
- 2002MNRAS.334..345Z
- Timing analysis of the isolated neutron star RX J0720.4-3125.
- Zane, Silvia; Haberl, Frank; Cropper, Mark; Zavlin, Vyacheslav E.; Lumb, David; Sembay, Steve; Motch, Christian
- 2002MNRAS.334..355D
- The pattern speed of the OH/IR stars in the Milky Way.
- Debattista, Victor P.; Gerhard, Ortwin; Sevenster, Maartje N.
- 2002MNRAS.334..369Y
- On the periodicity hypothesis of the ages of large impact craters.
- Yabushita, Shin
- 2002MNRAS.334..374P
- Differential rotation of cool active stars: the case of intermediate rotators.
- Petit, P.; Donati, J.-F.; Collier Cameron, A.
- 2002MNRAS.334..383F
- The runaway instability of thick discs around black holes - I. The constant angular momentum case.
- Font, José A.; Daigne, Frédéric
- 2002MNRAS.334..401R
- Radiation from the first forming stars
- Ripamonti, E.; Haardt, F.; Ferrara, A.; Colpi, M.
- 2002MNRAS.334..419M
- Non-emission-line young stars of intermediate mass.
- Manoj, P.; Maheswar, G.; Bhatt, H.C.
- 2002MNRAS.334..426O
- Echoes in X-ray binaries.
- O'Brien, K.; Horne, Keith; Hynes, R.I.; Chen, W.; Haswell, C.A.; Still, M.D.
- 2002MNRAS.334..435D
- Study of corrections to the dust model via perturbation theory.
- Domínguez, Alvaro
- 2002MNRAS.334..444R
- Chemical evolution in a model for the joint formation of quasars and spheroids.
- Romano, Donatella; Silva, Laura; Matteucci, Francesca; Danese, Luigi
- 2002MNRAS.334..459X
- Photometry of three gamma-ray-loud quasars and implications for supermassive black holes
- Xie, G.Z.; Liang, E.W.; Zhou, S.B.; Li, K.H.; Dai, B.Z.; Ma, L.
- 2002MNRAS.334..471O
- Time-series spectroscopy of pulsating sdB stars - II. Velocity analysis of PG1605+072
- O'Toole, S.J.; Bedding, T.R.; Kjeldsen, H.; Dall, T.H.; Stello, D.
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