Monthly Notices of the RAS 334
August(I) 2002

Cosmological constraints from the X-ray gas mass fraction in relaxed lensing clusters observed with Chandra
Allen, S.W.; Schmidt, R.W.; Fabian, A.C.
Observational evidence for `punctuated equilibria' in the evolution of Leonid dust trail widths and implications for meteor rate predictions.
Langbroek, Marco
The complex iron line in NGC 7469 observed by BeppoSAX
De Rosa, A.; Fabian, A.C.; Piro, L.
Dynamical instability of differentially rotating stars.
Shibata, Masaru; Karino, Shigeyuki; Eriguchi, Yoshiharu
Detection of Cai and CH absorption at the velocity of the variable interstellar component towards κ Velorum
Crawford, I.A.
A laboratory plasma experiment for studying magnetic dynamics of accretion discs and jets.
Hsu, S.C.; Bellan, P.M.
Deep optical imaging of the field of PC 1643+4631A&B - I. Spatial distributions and the counts of faint galaxies.
Haynes, Toby; Cotter, Garret; Baker, Joanne C.; Eales, Steve; Jones, Michael E.; Rawlings, Steve; Saunders, Richard
Deep optical imaging of the field of PC 1643+4631A&B - II. Estimating the colours and redshifts of faint galaxies
Cotter, Garret; Haynes, Toby; Baker, Joanne C.; Jones, Michael E.; Saunders, Richard
Angular and three-dimensional correlation functions determined from the Muenster Red Sky Survey.
Boschán, Peter
Dynamical evolution of rotating stellar systems - II. Post-collapse, equal-mass system.
Kim, E.; Einsel, C.; Lee, H.M.; Spurzem, R.; Lee, M.G.
Observations of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect in the z =0.78 cluster MS 1137.5+6625
Cotter, Garret; Buttery, Helen J.; Das, Rhiju; Jones, Michael E.; Grainge, Keith; Pooley, G.G.; Saunders, Richard
Ultra-high-resolution observations of CH in Southern Molecular Cloud envelopes.
Andersson, B-G.; Wannier, P.G.; Crawford, I.A.
Model of ejection of matter from non-stationary dense stellar clusters and chaotic motion of gravitating shells.
Barkov, M.V.; Belinski, V.A.; Bisnovatyi-Kogan, G.S.
Timing analysis of the isolated neutron star RX J0720.4-3125.
Zane, Silvia; Haberl, Frank; Cropper, Mark; Zavlin, Vyacheslav E.; Lumb, David; Sembay, Steve; Motch, Christian
The pattern speed of the OH/IR stars in the Milky Way.
Debattista, Victor P.; Gerhard, Ortwin; Sevenster, Maartje N.
On the periodicity hypothesis of the ages of large impact craters.
Yabushita, Shin
Differential rotation of cool active stars: the case of intermediate rotators.
Petit, P.; Donati, J.-F.; Collier Cameron, A.
The runaway instability of thick discs around black holes - I. The constant angular momentum case.
Font, José A.; Daigne, Frédéric
Radiation from the first forming stars
Ripamonti, E.; Haardt, F.; Ferrara, A.; Colpi, M.
Non-emission-line young stars of intermediate mass.
Manoj, P.; Maheswar, G.; Bhatt, H.C.
Echoes in X-ray binaries.
O'Brien, K.; Horne, Keith; Hynes, R.I.; Chen, W.; Haswell, C.A.; Still, M.D.
Study of corrections to the dust model via perturbation theory.
Domínguez, Alvaro
Chemical evolution in a model for the joint formation of quasars and spheroids.
Romano, Donatella; Silva, Laura; Matteucci, Francesca; Danese, Luigi
Photometry of three gamma-ray-loud quasars and implications for supermassive black holes
Xie, G.Z.; Liang, E.W.; Zhou, S.B.; Li, K.H.; Dai, B.Z.; Ma, L.
Time-series spectroscopy of pulsating sdB stars - II. Velocity analysis of PG1605+072
O'Toole, S.J.; Bedding, T.R.; Kjeldsen, H.; Dall, T.H.; Stello, D.
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