Monthly Notices of the RAS 334
July(III) 2002

On the association of G343.1-2.3 and PSR B1706-44.
Dodson, R.; Golap, K.
Spatially resolved STIS spectra of the gravitationally lensed broad absorption line quasar APM08279+5255: the nature of component C and evidence for microlensing.
Lewis, Geraint F.; Ibata, Rodrigo A.; Ellison, Sara L.; Aracil, Bastien; Petitjean, Patrick; Pettini, Max; Srianand, Raghunathan
Experimental and theoretical studies of Dyiii: radiative lifetimes and oscillator strengths of astrophysical interest.
Zhang, Z.G.; Svanberg, S.; Palmeri, P.; Quinet, P.; Biémont, E.
Frequentist estimation of cosmological parameters from the MAXIMA-1 cosmic microwave background anisotropy data.
Abroe, M.E.; Balbi, A.; Borrill, J.; Bunn, E.F.; Hanany, S.; Ferreira, P.G.; Jaffe, A.H.; Lee, A.T.; Olive, K.A.; Rabii, B.; Richards, P.L.; Smoot, G.F.; Stompor, R.; Winant, C.D.; Wu, J.H.P.
2002MNRAS.334...20K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/334/20)
UBV (RI)C photometry of Hipparcos red stars.
Koen, C.; Kilkenny, D.; van Wyk, F.; Cooper, D.; Marang, F.
2016+112: a gravitationally lensed type II quasar.
Koopmans, L.V.E.; Garrett, M.A.; Blandford, R.D.; Lawrence, C.R.; Patnaik, A.R.; Porcas, R.W.
Measurements of hyperfine structure in Taii.
Zilio, V.O.; Pickering, J.C.
All-sky astrophysical component separation with Fast Independent Component Analysis (FastICA).
Maino, D.; Farusi, A.; Baccigalupi, C.; Perrotta, F.; Banday, A.J.; Bedini, L.; Burigana, C.; De Zotti, G.; Górski, K.M.; Salerno, E.
Galactic models and white dwarf populations.
Castellani, V.; Cignoni, M.; Degl'Innocenti, S.; Petroni, S.; Prada Moroni, P.G.
Orbital migrations in planetesimal discs: N -body simulations and the resonant dynamical friction.
Cionco, R.G.; Brunini, A.
Superhumps in the helium dwarf nova KL Draconis.
Wood, Matt A.; Casey, Matthew J.; Garnavich, Peter M.; Haag, Brooke
A mineralogy of extrasolar silicate dust from 10-µm spectra.
Bowey, J.E.; Adamson, A.J.
Matter power spectrum from the Lyman-alpha forest: myth or reality.
Gnedin, Nickolay Y.; Hamilton, Andrew J.S.
Chemical evolution models of local dwarf spheroidal galaxies.
Carigi, Leticia; Hernandez, Xavier; Gilmore, Gerard
High-resolution spectroscopy of QY Sge: an obscured RV Tauri variable.
Rao, Kameswara N.; Goswami, Aruna; Lambert, David L.
The primordial baryonic clouds and their contribution to the cosmic microwave background anisotropy and polarization formation.
Naselsky, Pavel; Novikov, Igor
Dust structure around the Wolf-Rayet star WR104 from lunar occultation observations at 2.2µm.
Mondal, Soumen; Chandrasekhar, T.
Gravitational radiation damping and the three-body problem.
Wardell, Zachary E.
Primordial substructure in the Orion Nebula Cluster.
Scally, Aylwyn; Clarke, Cathie
Fast parameter estimation from the cosmic microwave background power spectrum.
Gupta, Sujata; Heavens, Alan F.
Gamma-ray bursts from the first stars: neutrino signals.
Schneider, Raffaella; Guetta, Dafne; Ferrara, Andrea
A Chandra observation of the X-ray environment and jet of 3C 31.
Hardcastle, M.J.; Worrall, D.M.; Birkinshaw, M.; Laing, R.A.; Bridle, A.H.
Hipparcos open clusters and stellar evolution.
Castellani, V.; Degl'Innocenti, S.; Prada Moroni, P.G.; Tordiglione, V.
Spectral mapping of the spiral structures in IP Pegasi on the decline from an outburst.
Baptista, Raymundo; Haswell, Carole A.; Thomas, Gino
Spectroscopic detection of quasars in the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey.
Madgwick, Darren S.; Hewett, Paul C.; Mortlock, Daniel J.; Lahav, Ofer
The detection and X-ray evolution of galaxy groups at high redshift.
Jones, L.R.; McHardy, I.; Newsam, A.; Mason, K.
Relationship between horizontal flow velocity and cell size for supergranulation using SOHO Dopplergrams.
Krishan, V.; Paniveni, U.; Singh, Jagdev; Srikanth, R.
Rotational broadening and Doppler tomography of the quiescent X-ray nova Centaurus X-4.
Torres, M.A.P.; Casares, J.; Martínez-Pais, I.G.; Charles, P.A.
The role of secular resonances on trojans of the terrestrial planets.
Brasser, R.; Lehto, H.J.
Predictions for the frequency and orbital radii of massive extrasolar planets.
Armitage, Philip J.; Livio, Mario; Lubow, S.H.; Pringle, J.E.
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