Monthly Notices of the RAS 334
August(II) 2002

High-resolution calculations of merging neutron stars - I. Model description and hydrodynamic evolution.
Rosswog, Stephan; Davies, Melvyn B.
The evolution of the Mira variable R Hydrae.
Zijlstra, Albert A.; Bedding, T.R.; Mattei, J.A.
The radio galaxy 3C 356 and clues to the trigger mechanisms for powerful radio sources.
Simpson, Chris; Rawlings, Steve
High-resolution single-pulse studies of the Vela pulsar.
Kramer, M.; Johnston, S.; van Straten, W.
Point source detection and extraction from simulated Planck time-ordered data using optimal adaptive filters.
Herranz, D.; Gallegos, J.; Sanz, J.L.; Martínez-González, E.
Infrared light curves and absolute stellar parameters of the Algol system δ Librae: is δ Librae really an overmassive Algol binary.
Lazaro, C.; Arevalo, M.J.; Claret, A.
X-rays from isolated black holes in the Milky Way.
Agol, Eric; Kamionkowski, Marc
On the source of C(1D) atoms in cometary comae.
Saxena, P.P.; Bhatnagar, S.; Singh, M.
Maximum-likelihood estimation of the cosmic microwave background power spectrum from interferometer observations.
Hobson, M.P.; Maisinger, Klaus
Collisional processes in extrasolar planetesimal discs - dust clumps in Fomalhaut's debris disc.
Wyatt, M.C.; Dent, W.R.F.
Physical parameter eclipse mapping of the quiescent disc in V2051 Ophiuchi.
Vrielmann, Sonja; Stiening, Rae F.; Offutt, Warren
Dissecting a galaxy: mass distribution of 2237+0305.
Trott, Cathryn M.; Webster, Rachel L.
Thermal and non-thermal radio variations in WR 147.
Watson, S.K.; Davis, R.J.; Williams, P.M.; Bode, M.F.
Probing the dark side of gravitational clustering: weak lensing statistics at large smoothing angle.
Munshi, Dipak
Flattening and truncation of stellar discs in edge-on spiral galaxies.
Kregel, Michiel; van der Kruit, Pieter C.; Grijs, Richard de
Do red giant stars pulsate in high overtones.
Percy, John R.; Hosick, JoAnne
The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the environmental dependence of galaxy star formation rates near clusters.
Lewis, Ian; Balogh, Michael; De Propris, Roberto; Couch, Warrick; Bower, Richard; Offer, Alison; Bland-Hawthorn, Joss; Baldry, Ivan K.; Baugh, Carlton; Bridges, Terry; Cannon, Russell; Cole, Shaun; Colless, Matthew; Collins, Chris; Cross, Nicholas; Dalton, Gavin; Driver, Simon P.; Efstathiou, George; Ellis, Richard S.; Frenk, Carlos S.; Glazebrook, Karl; Hawkins, Edward; Jackson, Carole; Lahav, Ofer; Lumsden, Stuart; Maddox, Steve; Madgwick, Darren; Norberg, Peder; Peacock, John A.; Percival, Will; Peterson, Bruce A.; Sutherland, Will; Taylor, Keith
What regulates the velocity distribution of interstellar clouds.
Ricotti, Massimo; Ferrara, Andrea
Environmental dependences for star formation triggered by expanding shell collapse.
Elmegreen, B.G.; Palous, J.; Ehlerová, S.
The detection of the donor star in IY UMa.
Rolfe, Daniel J.; Abbott, Timothy M.C.; Haswell, Carole A.
Spherical cocoon models for the flat infrared spectrum of the T Tauri phenomenon.
Sorrell, Wilfred H.
A comparison between terrestrial, Cytherean and lunar impact cratering records.
Hughes, David W.
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