Monthly Notices of the RAS 324
July(II) 2001

No evidence for coherent diffractive radiation patterns in the millisecond pulsar PSR J0437-4715.
Vivekanand, M.
The BL Lac heart of Centaurus A.
Chiaberge, M. ; Capetti, A. ; Celotti, A.
The globular cluster system of the young elliptical NGC 6702.
Georgakakis, Antonis E. ; Forbes, Duncan A. ; Brodie, Jean P.
Low-frequency gravitational waves from cosmological compact binaries.
Schneider, R. ; Ferrari, V. ; Matarrese, S. ; Portegies Zwart, S.F.
Freely precessing neutron stars: model and observations.
Jones, D.I. ; Andersson, N.
The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the number and luminosity density of galaxies.
Cross, Nicholas ; Driver, Simon P. ; Couch, Warrick ; Baugh, Carlton M. ; Bland-Hawthorn, Joss ; Bridges, Terry ; Cannon, Russell ; Cole, Shaun ; Colless, Matthew ; Collins, Chris ; Dalton, Gavin ; Deeley, Kathryn ; De Propris, Roberto ; Efstathiou, George ; Ellis, Richard S. ; Frenk, Carlos S. ; Glazebrook, Karl ; Jackson, Carole ; Lahav, Ofer ; Lewis, Ian ; Lumsden, Stuart ; Maddox, Steve ; Madgwick, Darren ; Moody, Stephen ; Norberg, Peder ; Peacock, John A. ; Peterson, Bruce A. ; Price, Ian ; Seaborne, Mark ; Sutherland, Will ; Tadros, Helen ; Taylor, Keith
Chandra X-ray observations of the 3C 295 cluster core.
Allen, S.W. ; Taylor, G.B. ; Nulsen, P.E.J. ; Johnstone, R.M. ; David, L.P. ; Ettori, S. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Forman, W. ; Jones, C. ; McNamara, B.
A study of neutral hydrogen in five small galaxy groups.
Barnes, D.G. ; Webster, R.L.
Chandra measurements of the distribution of mass in the luminous lensing cluster Abell 2390.
Allen, S.W.; Ettori, S.; Fabian, A.C.
Circumnuclear kinematics in NGC 5248: the origin of nuclear spiral arms.
Laine, S. ; Knapen, J.H. ; Pérez-Ramírez, D. ; Englmaier, P. ; Matthias, M.
High-speed energy-resolved STJ photometry of the eclipsing binary UZ For.
Perryman, M.A.C. ; Cropper, M. ; Ramsay, G. ; Favata, F. ; Peacock, A. ; Rando, N. ; Reynolds, A.
The phenomenology of solar-cycle-induced acoustic eigenfrequency variations: a comparative and complementary analysis of GONG, BiSON and VIRGO/LOI data.
Chaplin, W.J. ; Appourchaux, T. ; Elsworth, Y. ; Isaak, G.R. ; New, R.
Crust-core coupling and r-mode damping in neutron stars: a toy model.
Levin, Yuri ; Ushomirsky, Greg
On the peak radio and X-ray emission from neutron star and black hole candidate X-ray transients.
Fender, R.P. ; Kuulkers, E.
The influence of magnetospheric refraction on the apparent spatial structure of a pulsar emission region.
Petrova, S.A.
Abundance analyses of cool extreme helium stars.
Pandey, Gajendra ; Kameswara Rao, N. ; Lambert, David L. ; Simon Jeffery, C. ; Asplund, Martin
Full-sky correlations of peaks in the microwave background.
Heavens, Alan F.; Gupta, Sujata
The formation of voids in a universe with cold dark matter and a cosmological constant.
Miranda, Oswaldo D. ; de Araujo, José C.N.
On the APM power spectrum and the CMB anisotropy: evidence for a phase transition during inflation.
Barriga, J. ; Gaztañaga, E. ; Santos, M.G. ; Sarkar, S.
The effects of anticorrelation on gravitational clustering.
Kanekar, Nissim ; Padmanabhan, T.
ASTRO-F: the next generation of mid-infrared surveys.
Pearson, C.P. ; Matsuhara, H. ; Onaka, T. ; Watarai, H. ; Matsumoto, T.
The stochastic background of gravitational waves from neutron star formation at cosmological distances.
Coward, David M.; Burman, Ronald R.; Blair, David G.
On the radio spectrum of CI Cygni: a test of popular models for symbiotic stars.
Mikolajewska, J. ; Ivison, R.J.
Power spectrum analysis of the ESO Slice Project galaxy redshift survey.
Carretti, E. ; Bertoni, C. ; Messina, A. ; Zucca, E. ; Guzzo, L.
Short-period line profile variations in the Be star µ Centauri.
Balona, L.A. ; James, D.J. ; Lawson, W.A. ; Shobbrook, R.R.
New models of interstellar gas-grain chemistry - III. Solid CO2.
Ruffle, Deborah P. ; Herbst, Eric
Models of rapidly rotating neutron stars: remnants of accretion-induced collapse.
Liu, Yuk Tung; Lindblom, Lee
Radially truncated galactic discs.
de Grijs, Richard ; Kregel, Michiel ; Wesson, Karen H.
Stellar population gradients in normal and active galaxies.
Raimann, D. ; Storchi-Bergmann, T. ; Bica, E. ; Alloin, D.
Discovery of molecular hydrogen line emission associated with methanol maser emission.
Lee, J.-K.; Walsh, A.J.; Burton, M.G.; Ashley, M.C.B.
Some properties of a two-body system under the influence of the Galactic tidal field.
Brasser, R.
100-yr mass-loss modulations on the asymptotic giant branch.
Marengo, Massimo ; Ivezic, Zeljko ; Knapp, Gillian R.
2001MNRAS.324.1131V – (Tables: J/MNRAS/324/1131)
Radio properties of the Shapley Concentration - IV.The A3528 cluster complex.
Venturi, T. ; Bardelli, S. ; Zambelli, G. ; Morganti, R. ; Hunstead, R.W.
Quiescent times in gamma-ray bursts - II. Dormant periods in the central engine.
Ramirez-Ruiz, Enrico; Merloni, Andrea; Rees, Martin J.
Effects of a gap-filling method on p-mode parameters.
Fierry Fraillon, D.; Appourchaux, T.
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