Monthly Notices of the RAS 324
July(I) 2001

Late superhumps and the stream-disc impact in IY UMa.
Rolfe, Daniel J. ; Haswell, Carole A. ; Patterson, Joseph
Sunyaev-Zel'dovich distortion from early galactic winds.
Majumdar, Subhabrata ; Nath, Biman B. ; Chiba, Masashi
Gravitational lensing in eclipsing binary stars.
Marsh, T.R.
An analysis of the spectra and light curve of Nova Centauri 1995.
Yan Tse, James ; Hearnshaw, J.B. ; Rosenzweig, P. ; Guzman, E. ; Escalona, O. ; Gilmore, A.C. ; Kilmartin, P.M. ; Watson, L.C.
Cosmological parameters from complementary observations of the Universe.
Durrer, R. ; Novosyadlyj, B.
Accretion in stellar clusters and the initial mass function.
Bonnell, I.A. ; Clarke, C.J. ; Bate, M.R. ; Pringle, J.E.
2001MNRAS.324..580D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/324/580)
FAUST observations of ultraviolet sources in the directions of NGC 4038-39 and 6752.
Daniels, Julian ; Brosch, Noah ; Almoznino, Elchanan ; Shemmer, Ohad ; Bowyer, Stuart ; Lampton, Michael
Changes in the structure of the accretion disc of EX Draconis through the outburst cycle.
Baptista, Raymundo ; Catalán, M.S.
Planets in 47 Tuc.
Davies, Melvyn B. ; Sigurdsson, Steinn
The impact of element diffusion on the formation and evolution of helium white dwarf stars.
Althaus, L.G.; Serenelli, A.M.; Benvenuto, O.G.
Optical studies of two Large Magellanic Cloud X-ray transients: RX J0544.1-7100 and RX J0520.5-6932.
Coe, M.J. ; Negueruela, I. ; Buckley, D.A.H. ; Haigh, N.J. ; Laycock, S.G.T.
The blazar GB 1428+4217: a warm absorber at z=4.72.
Fabian, A.C. ; Celotti, A. ; Iwasawa, K. ; Ghisellini, G.
A comparison of the anelastic and subseismic approximations for low-frequency gravity modes in stars.
Dintrans, B. ; Rieutord, M.
Co-propagation of maser emission at 1720 and 4765 MHz.
Gray, M.D. ; Cohen, R.J. ; Richards, A.M.S. ; Yates, J.A. ; Field, D.
Detecting the first objects in the mid-infrared with the Next Generation Space Telescope.
Ciardi, Benedetta ; Ferrara, Andrea
The relationship between X-ray variability and the central black hole mass.
Lu, Youjun ; Yu, Qingjuan
Stability analyses of two-temperature radiative shocks: formulation, eigenfunctions, luminosity response and boundary conditions.
Saxton, Curtis J. ; Wu, Kinwah
BVRI imaging of M51-type interacting galaxy pairs - III. Analysis of the photometric parameters.
Laurikainen, E.; Salo, H.
Extrasolar planets and the rotation and axisymmetric mass-loss of evolved stars.
Soker, Noam
Episodic accretion in magnetically layered protoplanetary discs.
Armitage, Philip J. ; Livio, Mario ; Pringle, J.E.
Bumpy power spectra and ΔT/T.
Griffiths, Louise M. ; Silk, Joseph ; Zaroubi, Saleem
A robust method for measuring the Hubble parameter.
Hendry, M.A. ; Rauzy, S. ; Goodwin, S.P. ; Gribbin, J.
Thermal relaxation in young neutron stars.
Gnedin, Oleg Y. ; Yakovlev, Dmitry G. ; Potekhin, Alexander Y.
Do LINER 2 galaxies harbour low-luminosity active galactic nuclei.
Roberts, T.P.; Schurch, N.J.; Warwick, R.S.
Model atmosphere and kinematical analyses of early-type stars from the Edinburgh-Cape Survey.
Magee, H.R.M. ; Dufton, P.L. ; Keenan, F.P. ; Rolleston, W.R.J. ; Kilkenny, D. ; O'Donoghue, D. ; Koen, C. ; Stobie, R.S.
Joint formation of QSOs and spheroids: QSOs as clocks of star formation in spheroids.
Granato, G.L. ; Silva, L. ; Monaco, P. ; Panuzzo, P. ; Salucci, P. ; De Zotti, G. ; Danese, L.
The effect of reionization on the COBE normalization.
Griffiths, Louise M. ; Liddle, Andrew R.
Multifrequency studies of the enigmatic gamma-ray source 3EG J1835+5918.
Reimer, O. ; Brazier, K.T.S. ; Carramiñana, A. ; Kanbach, G. ; Nolan, P.L. ; Thompson, D.J.
Electric charge and magnetic flux on rotating black holes in a force-free magnetosphere.
Lee, Hyun Kyu ; Lee, Chul H. ; van Putten, Maurice H.P.M.
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