Monthly Notices of the RAS 325
July(III) 2001
- 2001MNRAS.325....1C
- Wind-driven gas networks and star formation in galaxies: reaction-advection hydrodynamic simulations.
- Chappell, David; Scalo, John
- 2001MNRAS.325...34M
- Chemical evolution using smooth particle hydrodynamical cosmological simulations - I. Implementation, tests and first results.
- Mosconi, M.B. ; Tissera, P.B. ; Lambas, D.G. ; Cora, S.A.
- 2001MNRAS.325...49F
- The anisotropy of galaxy orientation in the Coma/A1367 supercluster.
- Flin, Piotr
- 2001MNRAS.325...55S
- A search for Ca ii emission enhancement in stars resulting from nearby giant planets.
- Saar, S.H. ; Cuntz, M.
- 2001MNRAS.325...60C
- A probabilistic formulation for empirical population synthesis: sampling methods and tests.
- Cid Fernandes, Roberto ; Sodré, Laerte Jr ; Schmitt, Henrique R. ; Leão, João R.S.
- 2001MNRAS.325...77P
- Power-spectrum normalization from the local abundance of rich clusters of galaxies.
- Pierpaoli, Elena ; Scott, Douglas ; White, Martin
- 2001MNRAS.325...89C
- Cataclysmic variables in the Edinburgh-Cape Blue Object Survey.
- Chen, A. ; O'Donoghue, D. ; Stobie, R.S. ; Kilkenny, D. ; Warner, B.
- 2001MNRAS.325..111G
- Infrared constraints on the dark mass concentration observed in the cluster Abell 1942.
- Gray, Meghan E. ; Ellis, Richard S. ; Lewis, James R. ; McMahon, Richard G. ; Firth, Andrew E.
- 2001MNRAS.325..119S
- Disc-like objects in hierarchical hydrodynamical simulations: comparison with observations.
- Sáiz, A. ; Domínguez-Tenreiro, R. ; Tissera, P.B. ; Courteau, S.
- 2001MNRAS.325..133O
- The intrinsic shapes of galaxy groups.
- Orlov, V.V.; Petrova, A.V.; Tarantaev, V.G.
- 2001MNRAS.325..138R
- On the comoving distance as an arc-length in four dimensions.
- Roukema, Boudewijn F.
- 2001MNRAS.325..143W
- HD 9770, a southern active-chromosphere system.
- Watson, L.C.; Pritchard, J.D.; Hearnshaw, J.B.; Kilmartin, P.M.; Gilmore, A.C.
- 2001MNRAS.325..151B
- A MERLIN neutral hydrogen absorption study of the luminous infrared merger NGC 6240.
- Beswick, R.J. ; Pedlar, A. ; Mundell, C.G. ; Gallimore, J.F.
- 2001MNRAS.325..159W
- Effective collision strengths for fine-structure forbidden transitions among the 3s23p3 levels of K v.
- Wilson, N.J.; Bell, K.L.
- 2001MNRAS.325..167W
- Mapping the inner accretion disc of the Galactic black hole J1550-564 through its rise to outburst.
- Wilson, Colin D.; Done, Chris
- 2001MNRAS.325..178S
- Adaptive binning of X-ray galaxy cluster images.
- Sanders, J.S.; Fabian, A.C.
- 2001MNRAS.325..187L
- Cyclotron absorption of radio emission within pulsar magnetospheres.
- Luo, Qinghuan; Melrose, D.B.
- 2001MNRAS.325..197Z
- Testing a model of variability of X-ray reprocessing features in active galactic nuclei.
- Zycki, Piotr T.; Rózanska, Agata
- 2001MNRAS.325..208S
- The influence of gravitational acceleration on the supernova-driven Parker instability.
- Steinacker, Adriane; Shchekinov, Yuri A.
- 2001MNRAS.325..221P
- Dynamical relaxation and massive extrasolar planets.
- Papaloizou, John C.B. ; Terquem, Caroline
- 2001MNRAS.325..231O
- Non-linear fluid dynamics of eccentric discs.
- Ogilvie, G.I.
- 2001MNRAS.325..249B
- Magnetically collimated jets with high mass flux.
- Bogovalov, S. ; Tsinganos, K.
- 2001MNRAS.325..257S
- Chemical abundances and winds of massive stars in M31: a B-type supergiant and a WC star in OB 10.
- Smartt, S.J. ; Crowther, P.A. ; Dufton, P.L. ; Lennon, D.J. ; Kudritzki, R.P. ; Herrero, A. ; McCarthy, J.K. ; Bresolin, F.
- 2001MNRAS.325..273X
- IRAM observations of JVAS/CLASS gravitational lenses.
- Xanthopoulos, E. ; Combes, F. ; Wiklind, T.
- 2001MNRAS.325..278G
- Galaxy-QSO correlation induced by weak gravitational lensing arising from large-scale structure.
- Guimarães, Antonio C.C. ; van De Bruck, Carsten ; Brandenberger, Robert H.
- 2001MNRAS.325..287W
- Multifibre spectroscopy of the supernova remnant candidate RCW 114.
- Walker, A.J.; Zealey, W.J.
- 2001MNRAS.325..293W
- Magnetic ionization fronts - III. Internal structures.
- Williams, R.J.R. ; Dyson, J.E.
- 2001MNRAS.325..305A
- Gravitational microlensing of planets: the influence of planetary phase and caustic orientation.
- Ashton, Ceri E. ; Lewis, Geraint F.
- 2001MNRAS.325..312F
- Hydrostatic equilibrium in a magnetized, warped Galactic disc.
- Fletcher, Andrew; Shukurov, Anvar
- 2001MNRAS.325..321B
- Chemo-spectrophotometric evolution of spiral galaxies - V. Properties of galactic discs at high redshift.
- Boissier, S.; Prantzos, N.
- 2001MNRAS.325..335F
- The cosmological evolution of colour gradients in spheroids.
- Friaça, A.C.S. ; Terlevich, R.J.
- 2001MNRAS.325..343M
- Studies of multiple stellar systems - IV. The triple-lined spectroscopic system Gliese 644.
- Mazeh, Tsevi ; Latham, David W. ; Goldberg, Elad ; Torres, Guillermo ; Stefanik, Robert P. ; Henry, Todd J. ; Zucker, Shay ; Gnat, Orly ; Ofek, Eran O.
- 2001MNRAS.325..358P
- Fast and accurate computational tools for gravitational waveforms from binary stars with any orbital eccentricity.
- Pierro, V. ; Pinto, I.M. ; Spallicci, A.D. ; Laserra, E. ; Recano, F.
- 2001MNRAS.325..373C
- The sixth frequency of roAp star HR 1217.
- Cunha, Margarida S.
- 2001MNRAS.325..379M
- The ejection velocity of meteoroids from cometary nuclei deduced from observations of meteor shower outbursts.
- Ma, Yuehua ; Williams, I.P.
- 2001MNRAS.325..385T
- The Ursa Major cluster of galaxies - III. Optical observations of dwarf galaxies and the luminosity function down to MR=-11.
- Trentham, Neil ; Tully, R.Brent ; Verheijen, Marc A.W.
- 2001MNRAS.325..405C
- The importance of Fourier phases for the morphology of gravitational clustering.
- Chiang, Lung-Yih
- 2001MNRAS.325..412V
- Tests for primordial non-Gaussianity.
- Verde, Licia ; Jimenez, Raul ; Kamionkowski, Marc ; Matarrese, Sabino
- 2001MNRAS.325..419G
- Accretion column eclipses in the X-ray pulsars GX 1+4 and RX J0812.4-3114.
- Galloway, D.K. ; Giles, A.B. ; Wu, K. ; Greenhill, J.G.
- 2001MNRAS.325..426K
- The evolution of the core and surface magnetic fields in isolated neutron stars.
- Konenkov, D. ; Geppert, U.
- 2001MNRAS.325..435M
- Giant cluster arcs as a constraint on the scattering cross-section of dark matter.
- Meneghetti, Massimo ; Yoshida, Naoki ; Bartelmann, Matthias ; Moscardini, Lauro ; Springel, Volker ; Tormen, Giuseppe ; White, Simon D.M.
- 2001MNRAS.325..443F
- Electron-impact rotational excitation of linear molecular ions.
- Faure, Alexandre; Tennyson, Jonathan
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