The Astrophysical Journal 808
August(I) 2015

A Massive, Distant Proto-cluster at z = 2.47 Caught in a Phase of Rapid Formation?
Casey, C.M. ; Cooray, A. ; Capak, P. ; Fu, H. ; Kovac, K. ; Lilly, S. ; Sanders, D.B. ; Scoville, N.Z. ; Treister, E.
Imprints of Expansion on the Local Anisotropy of Solar Wind Turbulence
Verdini, Andrea ; Grappin, Roland
The Relative and Absolute Ages of Old Globular Clusters in the LCDM Framework
Trenti, Michele ; Padoan, Paolo ; Jimenez, Raul
Dark Matter Annihilation and Decay Profiles for the Reticulum II Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy
Bonnivard, Vincent ; Combet, Céline ; Maurin, David ; Geringer-Sameth, Alex ; Koushiappas, Savvas M. ; Walker, Matthew G. ; Mateo, Mario ; Olszewski, Edward W. ; Bailey III, John I.
On Estimating the High-energy Cutoff in the X-Ray Spectra of Black Holes via Reflection Spectroscopy
García, Javier A. ; Dauser, Thomas ; Steiner, James F. ; McClintock, Jeffrey E. ; Keck, Mason L. ; Wilms, Jörn
Probable Spin-Orbit Aligned Super-Earth Planet Candidate KOI2138
Barnes, Jason W. ; Ahlers, Johnathon P. ; Seubert, Shayne A. ; Relles, Howard M.
Horologium II: A Second Ultra-faint Milky Way Satellite in the Horologium Constellation
Kim, Dongwon; Jerjen, Helmut
First Infrared Band Strengths for Amorphous CO2, an Overlooked Component of Interstellar Ices
Gerakines, Perry A.; Hudson, Reggie L.
Optical Imaging Polarimetry of the LkCa 15 Protoplanetary Disk with SPHERE ZIMPOL
Thalmann, C. ; Mulders, G.D. ; Janson, M. ; Olofsson, J. ; Benisty, M. ; Avenhaus, H. ; Quanz, S.P. ; Schmid, H.M. ; Henning, T. ; Buenzli, E. ; Ménard, F. ; Carson, J.C. ; Garufi, A. ; Messina, S. ; Dominik, C. ; Leisenring, J. ; Chauvin, G. ; Meyer, M.R.
Neutrino-driven Explosion of a 20 Solar-mass Star in Three Dimensions Enabled by Strange-quark Contributions to Neutrino-Nucleon Scattering
Melson, Tobias ; Janka, Hans-Thomas ; Bollig, Robert ; Hanke, Florian ; Marek, Andreas ; Müller, Bernhard
Carbon-rich Presolar Grains from Massive Stars: Subsolar 12C/13C and 14N/15N Ratios and the Mystery of 15N
Pignatari, M. ; Zinner, E. ; Hoppe, P. ; Jordan, C.J. ; Gibson, B.K. ; Trappitsch, R. ; Herwig, F. ; Fryer, C. ; Hirschi, R. ; Timmes, F.X.
A Model of the Heliosphere with Jets
Drake, J.F. ; Swisdak, M. ; Opher, M.
Frequency Dependence of Polarization of Zebra Pattern in Type-IV Solar Radio Bursts
Kaneda, Kazutaka ; Misawa, H. ; Iwai, K. ; Tsuchiya, F. ; Obara, T.
First Measurements of 15N Fractionation in N2H+ toward High-mass Star-forming Cores
Fontani, F. ; Caselli, P. ; Palau, A. ; Bizzocchi, L. ; Ceccarelli, C.
The Most Iron-deficient Stars as the Polluted Population III Stars
Komiya, Yutaka ; Suda, Takuma ; Fujimoto, Masayuki Y.
Fermi-Large Area Telescope Observations of the Exceptional Gamma-Ray Flare from 3C 279 in 2015 June
Paliya, Vaidehi S.
The Star Formation Main Sequence: The Dependence of Specific Star Formation Rate and Its Dispersion on Galaxy Stellar Mass
Guo, Kexin ; Zheng, Xian Zhong ; Wang, Tao ; Fu, Hai
On the Provenance of Pluto's Nitrogen (N2)
Singer, Kelsi N.; Stern, S.Alan
Using Double-peaked Supernova Light Curves to Study Extended Material
Piro, Anthony L.
2015ApJ...808..106S – (Tables: J/ApJ/808/106)
Mapping the Outer Edge of the Young Stellar Cluster in the Galactic Center
Stostad, M. ; Do, T. ; Murray, N. ; Lu, J.R. ; Yelda, S. ; Ghez, A.
A Unified Model of the Fermi Bubbles, Microwave Haze, and Polarized Radio Lobes: Reverse Shocks in the Galactic Center's Giant Outflows
Crocker, Roland M. ; Bicknell, Geoffrey V. ; Taylor, Andrew M. ; Carretti, Ettore
2015ApJ...808..108W – (Tables: J/ApJ/808/108)
Magellan/M2FS Spectroscopy of the Reticulum 2 Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy
Walker, Matthew G. ; Mateo, Mario ; Olszewski, Edward W. ; Bailey III, John I. ; Koposov, Sergey E. ; Belokurov, Vasily ; Evans, N.Wyn
Calibrating UV Star Formation Rates for Dwarf Galaxies from STARBIRDS
McQuinn, Kristen B.W. ; Skillman, Evan D. ; Dolphin, Andrew E. ; Mitchell, Noah P.
VERITAS Detection of γ-Ray Flaring Activity From the BL Lac Object 1ES 1727+502 During Bright Moonlight Observations
Archambault, S. ; Archer, A. ; Beilicke, M. ; Benbow, W. ; Bird, R. ; Biteau, J. ; Bouvier, A. ; Bugaev, V. ; Cardenzana, J.V ; Cerruti, M. ; Chen, X. ; Ciupik, L. ; Connolly, M.P. ; Cui, W. ; Dickinson, H.J. ; Dumm, J. ; Eisch, J.D. ; Errando, M. ; Falcone, A. ; Feng, Q. ; Finley, J.P. ; Fleischhack, H. ; Fortin, P. ; Fortson, L. ; Furniss, A. ; Gillanders, G.H. ; Griffin, S. ; Griffiths, S.T. ; Grube, J. ; Gyuk, G. ; Hakansson, N. ; Hanna, D. ; Holder, J. ; Humensky, T.B. ; Johnson, C.A. ; Kaaret, P. ; Kar, P. ; Kertzman, M. ; Khassen, Y. ; Kieda, D. ; Krause, M. ; Krennrich, F. ; Kumar, S. ; Lang, M.J. ; Maier, G. ; McArthur, S. ; McCann, A. ; Meagher, K. ; Millis, J. ; Moriarty, P. ; Mukherjee, R. ; Nieto, D. ; O'Faoláin de Bhróithe, A. ; Ong, R.A. ; Otte, A.N. ; Park, N. ; Pohl, M. ; Popkow, A. ; Prokoph, H. ; Pueschel, E. ; Quinn, J. ; Ragan, K. ; Reyes, L.C. ; Reynolds, P.T. ; Richards, G.T. ; Roache, E. ; Santander, M. ; Sembroski, G.H. ; Shahinyan, K. ; Smith, A.W. ; Staszak, D. ; Telezhinsky, I. ; Tucci, J.V. ; Tyler, J. ; Varlotta, A. ; Vincent, S. ; Wakely, S.P. ; Weinstein, A. ; Welsing, R. ; Wilhelm, A. ; Williams, D.A. ; Zitzer, B. ; ( The Veritas Collaboration); Hughes, Z.D.
Nested Shells Reveal the Rejuvenation of the Orion-Eridanus Superbubble
Ochsendorf, Bram B. ; Brown, Anthony G.A. ; Bally, John ; Tielens, Alexander G.G.M.
Lifetimes and Oscillator Strengths for Ultraviolet Transitions in Singly Ionized Lead
Heidarian, N. ; Irving, R.E. ; Ritchey, A.M. ; Federman, S.R. ; Ellis, D.G. ; Cheng, S. ; Curtis, L.J. ; Furman, W.A.
Pulsar Observations of Extreme Scattering Events
Coles, W.A. ; Kerr, M. ; Shannon, R.M. ; Hobbs, G.B. ; Manchester, R.N. ; You, X.-P. ; Bailes, M. ; Bhat, N.D.R. ; Burke-Spolaor, S. ; Dai, S. ; Keith, M.J. ; Levin, Y. ; Oslowski, S. ; Ravi, V. ; Reardon, D. ; Toomey, L. ; van Straten, W. ; Wang, J.B. ; Wen, L. ; Zhu, X.J.
SMA Observations of C2 H in High-mass Star-forming Regions
Jiang, Xue-Jian ; Liu, Hauyu Baobab ; Zhang, Qizhou ; Wang, Junzhi ; Zhang, Zhi-Yu ; Li, Juan ; Gao, Yu ; Gu, Qiusheng
High-resolution Imaging of NGC 2346 with GSAOI/GeMS: Disentangling the Planetary Nebula Molecular Structure to Understand Its Origin and Evolution
Manchado, Arturo ; Stanghellini, Letizia ; Villaver, Eva ; García-Segura, Guillermo ; Shaw, Richard A. ; García-Hernández, D.A.
UV Spectra, Bombs, and the Solar Atmosphere
Judge, Philip G.
How Common Are Hot Magnetic Flux Ropes in the Low Solar Corona? A Statistical Study of EUV Observations
Nindos, A. ; Patsourakos, S. ; Vourlidas, A. ; Tagikas, C.
Acoustic Waves Generated by Impulsive Disturbances in a Gravitationally Stratified Medium
Chae, Jongchul ; Goode, Philip R.
Kinetic Evolution of Coronal Hole Protons by Imbalanced Ion-cyclotron Waves: Implications for Measurements by Solar Probe Plus
Isenberg, Philip A.; Vasquez, Bernard J.
The Stability and Fates of Hierarchical Two-planet Systems
Petrovich, Cristobal
Extremely Bright Submillimeter Galaxies beyond the Lupus-I Star-forming Region
Tamura, Y. ; Kawabe, R. ; Shimajiri, Y. ; Tsukagoshi, T. ; Nakajima, Y. ; Oasa, Y. ; Wilner, D.J. ; Chandler, C.J. ; Saigo, K. ; Tomida, K. ; Yun, M.S. ; Taniguchi, A. ; Kohno, K. ; Hatsukade, B. ; Aretxaga, I. ; Austermann, J.E. ; Dickman, R. ; Ezawa, H. ; Goss, W.M. ; Hayashi, M. ; Hughes, D.H. ; Hiramatsu, M. ; Inutsuka, S. ; Ogasawara, R. ; Ohashi, N. ; Oshima, T. ; Scott, K.S. ; Wilson, G.W.
The Complex Accretion Geometry of GX 339-4 as Seen by NuSTAR and Swift
Fürst, F. ; Nowak, M.A. ; Tomsick, J.A. ; Miller, J.M. ; Corbel, S. ; Bachetti, M. ; Boggs, S.E. ; Christensen, F.E. ; Craig, W.W. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Gandhi, P. ; Grinberg, V. ; Hailey, C.J. ; Harrison, F.A. ; Kara, E. ; Kennea, J.A. ; Madsen, K.K. ; Pottschmidt, K. ; Stern, D. ; Walton, D.J. ; Wilms, J. ; Zhang, W.W.
Modeling the Asteroseismic Surface Term across the HR Diagram
Schmitt, Joseph R.; Basu, Sarbani
The 10830 Å Helium Line Among Evolved Stars in the Globular Cluster M4
Strader, Jay ; Dupree, A.K. ; Smith, Graeme H.
Quantum Optimality of Photon Counting for Temperature Measurement of Thermal Astronomical Sources
Nair, Ranjith ; Tsang, Mankei
Eccentricity from Transit Photometry: Small Planets in Kepler Multi-planet Systems Have Low Eccentricities
Van Eylen, Vincent ; Albrecht, Simon
Determining the Mass of Kepler-78b with Nonparametric Gaussian Process Estimation
Grunblatt, Samuel K. ; Howard, Andrew W. ; Haywood, Raphaëlle D.
Constraining the Redshift Evolution of the Cosmic Microwave Background Blackbody Temperature with PLANCK Data.
de Martino, I. ; Génova-Santos, R. ; Atrio-Barandela, F. ; Ebeling, H. ; Kashlinsky, A. ; Kocevski, D. ; Martins, C.J.A.P.
An Analytical Model for Galaxy Metallicity: What do Metallicity Relations Tell Us about Star Formation and Outflow?
Lu, Yu ; Blanc, Guillermo A. ; Benson, Andrew
Hunting for Orphaned Central Compact Objects among Radio Pulsars
Luo, J. ; Ng, C.-Y. ; Ho, W.C.G. ; Bogdanov, S. ; Kaspi, V.M. ; He, C.
Pressure Shift and Gravitational RedShift of Balmer Lines in White Dwarfs: Rediscussion
Halenka, Jacek ; Olchawa, Wieslaw ; Madej, Jerzy ; Grabowski, Boleslaw
Chemical Cartography with APOGEE: Metallicity Distribution Functions and the Chemical Structure of the Milky Way Disk
Hayden, Michael R. ; Bovy, Jo ; Holtzman, Jon A. ; Nidever, David L. ; Bird, Jonathan C. ; Weinberg, David H. ; Andrews, Brett H. ; Majewski, Steven R. ; Allende Prieto, Carlos ; Anders, Friedrich ; Beers, Timothy C. ; Bizyaev, Dmitry ; Chiappini, Cristina ; Cunha, Katia ; Frinchaboy, Peter ; García-Hernandez, D.A. ; García Pérez, Ana E. ; Girardi, Léo ; Harding, Paul ; Hearty, Fred R. ; Johnson, Jennifer A. ; Mészáros, Szabolcs ; Minchev, Ivan ; O'Connell, Robert ; Pan, Kaike ; Robin, Annie C. ; Schiavon, Ricardo P. ; Schneider, Donald P. ; Schultheis, Mathias ; Shetrone, Matthew ; Skrutskie, Michael ; Steinmetz, Matthias ; Smith, Verne ; Wilson, John C. ; Zamora, Olga ; Zasowski, Gail
Ellerman Bombs at High Resolution. IV. Visibility in Na I and Mg I
Rutten, R.J. ; Rouppe van der Voort, L.H.M. ; Vissers, G.J.M.
Magnetic Field Relaxation and Current Sheets in an Ideal Plasma
Candelaresi, S.; Pontin, D.I.; Hornig, G.
On the Statistics of Macrospicules
Bennett, S.M. ; Erdélyi, R.
2015ApJ...808..136D – (Tables: J/ApJ/808/136)
Finding Gas-rich Dwarf Galaxies Betrayed by their Ultraviolet Emission
Donovan Meyer, Jennifer ; Peek, J.E.G. ; Putman, Mary ; Grcevich, Jana
Disentangling Overlapping Astronomical Sources Using Spatial and Spectral Information
Jones, David E. ; Kashyap, Vinay L. ; van Dyk, David A.
Pre-explosion Companion Stars in Type Iax Supernovae
Liu, Zheng-Wei ; Stancliffe, Richard J. ; Abate, C. ; Wang, B.
Evidence for PopIII-like Stellar Populations in the Most Luminous Lyman-α Emitters at the Epoch of Reionization: Spectroscopic Confirmation
Sobral, David ; Matthee, Jorryt ; Darvish, Behnam ; Schaerer, Daniel ; Mobasher, Bahram ; Röttgering, Huub J.A. ; Santos, Sérgio ; Hemmati, Shoubaneh
Probing the Masses and Radii of Donor Stars in Eclipsing X-Ray Binaries with the Swift Burst Alert Telescope
Coley, Joel B. ; Corbet, Robin H.D. ; Krimm, Hans A.
Global Properties of Fully Convective Accretion Disks from Local Simulations
Bodo, G. ; Cattaneo, F. ; Mignone, A. ; Ponzo, F. ; Rossi, P.
BeppoSAX and RXTE Spectral Study of the Low-mass X-Ray Binary 4U 1705-44: Spectral Hardening during the Banana Branch
Seifina, Elena ; Titarchuk, Lev ; Shrader, Chris ; Shaposhnikov, Nikolai
The Solar Wind Charge-exchange Production Factor for Hydrogen
Kuntz, K.D. ; Collado-Vega, Y.M. ; Collier, M.R. ; Connor, H.K. ; Cravens, T.E. ; Koutroumpa, D. ; Porter, F.S. ; Robertson, I.P. ; Sibeck, D.G. ; Snowden, S.L. ; Thomas, N.E. ; Walsh, B.M.
2015ApJ...808..144K – (Tables: J/ApJ/808/144)
Swift X-Ray Telescope Study of the Black Hole Binary MAXI J1659-152: Variability from a Two Component Accretion Flow
Kalamkar, M. ; van der Klis, M. ; Heil, L. ; Homan, J.
A Tale of Three Galaxies: Deciphering the Infrared Emission of the Spectroscopically Anomalous Galaxies IRAS F10398+1455, IRAS F21013-0739, and SDSS J0808+3948
Xie, Yanxia ; Li, Aigen ; Hao, Lei ; Nikutta, Robert
Short- and Long-Term Radio Variability of Young Stars in The Orion Nebula Cluster and Molecular Cloud
Rivilla, V.M. ; Chandler, C.J. ; Sanz-Forcada, J. ; Jiménez-Serra, I. ; Forbrich, J. ; Martín-Pintado, J.
Structural Changes of the Sublimation Wall in Protoplanetary Disks Due to Varying Accretion Illumination: a Mechanism for Rapid Infrared Variability
Nagel, E. ; Flaherty, K.M. ; Muzerolle, J.
Systematic Non-LTE Study of the -2.6≤[Fe/H]≤0.2 F and G dwarfs in the Solar Neighborhood. I. Stellar Atmosphere Parameters
Sitnova, T. ; Zhao, G. ; Mashonkina, L. ; Chen, Y. ; Liu, F. ; Pakhomov, Y. ; Tan, K. ; Bolte, M. ; Alexeeva, S. ; Grupp, F. ; Shi, J.-R. ; Zhang, H.-W.
Lower Limits on Aperture Size for an ExoEarth Detecting Coronagraphic Mission
Stark, Christopher C. ; Roberge, Aki ; Mandell, Avi ; Clampin, Mark ; Domagal-Goldman, Shawn D. ; McElwain, Michael W. ; Stapelfeldt, Karl R.
Evolutionary Models of Super-Earths and Mini-Neptunes Incorporating Cooling and Mass Loss
Howe, Alex R.; Burrows, Adam
The Stacked Thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Signal of Locally Brightest Galaxies in Planck Full Mission Data: Evidence for Galaxy Feedback?
Greco, Johnny P. ; Hill, J.C. ; Spergel, David N. ; Battaglia, Nicholas
Bayesian Inference of CMB Gravitational Lensing
Anderes, Ethan ; Wandelt, Benjamin D. ; Lavaux, Guilhem
The H I Kinematics of NGC 4013: A Steep and Radially Shallowing Extra-planar Rotational Lag
Zschaechner, Laura K. ; Rand, Richard J.
NuSTAR Observations of the Powerful Radio Galaxy Cygnus A
Reynolds, Christopher S. ; Lohfink, Anne M. ; Ogle, Patrick M. ; Harrison, Fiona A. ; Madsen, Kristin K. ; Fabian, Andrew C. ; Wik, Daniel R. ; Madejski, Grzegorz ; Ballantyne, David R. ; Boggs, Steven E. ; Christensen, Finn E. ; Craig, William W. ; Fuerst, Felix ; Hailey, Charles J. ; Lanz, Lauranne ; Miller, Jon M. ; Saez, Cristian ; Stern, Daniel ; Walton, Dominic J. ; Zhang, William
The Distribution of Deuterated Formaldehyde within Orion-KL
Favre, Cécile ; Bergin, Edwin A. ; Neill, Justin L. ; Crockett, Nathan R. ; Zhang, Qizhou ; Lis, Dariusz C.
Pulsar Observations Using the First Station of the Long Wavelength Array and the LWA Pulsar Data Archive
Stovall, K. ; Ray, P.S. ; Blythe, J. ; Dowell, J. ; Eftekhari, T. ; Garcia, A. ; Lazio, T.J.W. ; McCrackan, M. ; Schinzel, F.K. ; Taylor, G.B.
Cosmic Ray Transport with Magnetic Focusing and the ''Telegraph" Model
Malkov, M.A. ; Sagdeev, R.Z.
The Structure and Dark Halo Core Properties of Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies
Burkert, A.
The Relation between Luminous AGNs and Star Formation in Their Host Galaxies
Xu, Lei ; Rieke, G.H. ; Egami, E. ; Haines, C.P. ; Pereira, M.J. ; Smith, G.P.
Physical Properties of a Pilot Sample of Spectroscopic Close Pair Galaxies at z ∼ 2
Law, David R. ; Shapley, Alice E. ; Checlair, Jade ; Steidel, Charles C.
The Ages, Metallicities, and Element Abundance Ratios of Massive Quenched Galaxies at z = 1.6
Onodera, M. ; Carollo, C.M. ; Renzini, A. ; Cappellari, M. ; Mancini, C. ; Arimoto, N. ; Daddi, E. ; Gobat, R. ; Strazzullo, V. ; Tacchella, S. ; Yamada, Y.
2015ApJ...808..162C – (Tables: J/ApJ/808/162)
The Connection between the Radio Jet and the Gamma-ray Emission in the Radio Galaxy 3C 120
Casadio, Carolina ; Gómez, José L. ; Grandi, Paola ; Jorstad, Svetlana G. ; Marscher, Alan P. ; Lister, Matthew L. ; Kovalev, Yuri Y. ; Savolainen, Tuomas ; Pushkarev, Alexander B.
On the Black Hole Mass—X-Ray Excess Variance Scaling Relation for Active Galactic Nuclei in the Low-mass Regime
Pan, Hai-Wu ; Yuan, Weimin ; Zhou, Xin-Lin ; Dong, Xiao-Bo ; Liu, Bifang
Matter Mixing in Core-collapse Supernova Ejecta: Large Density Perturbations in the Progenitor Star?
Mao, Jirong ; Ono, Masaomi ; Nagataki, Shigehiro ; Hashimoto, Masa-aki ; Ito, Hirotaka ; Matsumoto, Jin ; Dainotti, Maria G. ; Lee, Shiu-Hang
Infrared Two-Color Diagrams for AGB Stars, Post-AGB Stars, and Planetary Nebulae
Suh, Kyung-Won
Heartbeat Stars: Spectroscopic Orbital Solutions for Six Eccentric Binary Systems
Smullen, Rachel A. ; Kobulnicky, Henry A.
Spitzer IRS Spectra of Debris Disks in the Scorpius-Centaurus OB Association
Jang-Condell, Hannah ; Chen, Christine H. ; Mittal, Tushar ; Manoj, P. ; Watson, Dan ; Lisse, Carey M. ; Nesvold, Erika ; Kuchner, Marc
Pre-supernova Neutrino Emissions from ONe Cores in the Progenitors of Core-collapse Supernovae: Are They Distinguishable from Those of Fe Cores?
Kato, Chinami ; Azari, Milad Delfan ; Yamada, Shoichi ; Takahashi, Koh ; Umeda, Hideyuki ; Yoshida, Takashi ; Ishidoshiro, Koji
Confirmation of the Planetary Microlensing Signal and Star and Planet Mass Determinations for Event OGLE-2005-BLG-169
Bennett, D.P. ; Bhattacharya, A. ; Anderson, J. ; Bond, I.A. ; Anderson, N. ; Barry, R. ; Batista, V. ; Beaulieu, J.-P. ; DePoy, D.L. ; Dong, Subo ; Gaudi, B.S. ; Gilbert, E. ; Gould, A. ; Pfeifle, R. ; Pogge, R.W. ; Suzuki, D. ; Terry, S. ; Udalski, A.
Confirmation of the OGLE-2005-BLG-169 Planet Signature and Its Characteristics with Lens-Source Proper Motion Detection
Batista, V. ; Beaulieu, J.-P. ; Bennett, D.P. ; Gould, A. ; Marquette, J.-B. ; Fukui, A. ; Bhattacharya, A.
Characterization of a Spurious One-year Signal in HARPS Data
Dumusque, Xavier ; Pepe, Francesco ; Lovis, Christophe ; Latham, David W.
The Direct Detectability of Giant Exoplanets in the Optical
Greco, Johnny P.; Burrows, Adam
Simulated Photoevaporative Mass Loss from Hot Jupiters in 3D
Tripathi, Anjali ; Kratter, Kaitlin M. ; Murray-Clay, Ruth A. ; Krumholz, Mark R.
2015ApJ...808..174B – (Tables: J/ApJ/808/174)
Atomic Data and Spectral Model for Fe II
Bautista, Manuel A. ; Fivet, Vanessa ; Ballance, Connor ; Quinet, Pascal ; Ferland, Gary ; Mendoza, Claudio ; Kallman, Timothy R.
Broadening of H2 O Rotational Lines by Collisions with He Atoms at Low Temperature
Hernández, M.I. ; Fernández, J.M. ; Tejeda, G. ; Moreno, E. ; Montero, S.
Non-equilibrium Electrons in the Outskirts of Galaxy Clusters
Avestruz, Camille ; Nagai, Daisuke ; Lau, Erwin T. ; Nelson, Kaylea
Optimal Electron Energies for Driving Chromospheric Evaporation in Solar Flares
Reep, J.W. ; Bradshaw, S.J. ; Alexander, D.
The Evolution of the Far-UV Luminosity Function and Star Formation Rate Density of the Chandra Deep Field South from z = 0.2 to 1.2 with Swift/UVOT
Hagen, Lea M.Z. ; Hoversten, Erik A. ; Gronwall, Caryl ; Wolf, Christopher ; Siegel, Michael H. ; Page, Mathew ; Hagen, Alex
A New sdO+dM Binary with Extreme Eclipses and Reflection Effect
Derekas, A. ; Németh, P. ; Southworth, J. ; Borkovits, T. ; Sárneczky, K. ; Pál, A. ; Csák, B. ; Garcia-Alvarez, D. ; Maxted, P.F.L. ; Kiss, L.L. ; Vida, K. ; Szabó, Gy.M. ; Kriskovics, L.
Signatures of MRI-driven Turbulence in Protoplanetary Disks: Predictions for ALMA Observations
Simon, Jacob B. ; Hughes, A.Meredith ; Flaherty, Kevin M. ; Bai, Xue-Ning ; Armitage, Philip J.
Small-scale Magnetic Islands in the Solar Wind and Their Role in Particle Acceleration. I. Dynamics of Magnetic Islands Near the Heliospheric Current Sheet
Khabarova, O. ; Zank, G.P. ; Li, G. ; le Roux, J.A. ; Webb, G.M. ; Dosch, A. ; Malandraki, O.E.
HELIOS-K: An Ultrafast, Open-source Opacity Calculator for Radiative Transfer
Grimm, Simon L. ; Heng, Kevin
2015ApJ...808..183W – (Tables: J/ApJ/808/183)
The Black Hole in the Compact, High-dispersion Galaxy NGC 1271
Walsh, Jonelle L. ; van den Bosch, Remco C.E. ; Gebhardt, Karl ; Yildirim, Akin ; Gültekin, Kayhan ; Husemann, Bernd ; Richstone, Douglas O.
2015ApJ...808..184M – (Tables: J/ApJ/808/184)
The NuSTAR Extragalactic Surveys: Initial Results and Catalog from the Extended Chandra Deep Field South
Mullaney, J.R. ; Del-Moro, A. ; Aird, J. ; Alexander, D.M. ; Civano, F.M. ; Hickox, R.C. ; Lansbury, G.B. ; Ajello, M. ; Assef, R. ; Ballantyne, D.R. ; Balokovic', M. ; Bauer, F.E. ; Brandt, W.N. ; Boggs, S.E. ; Brightman, M. ; Christensen, F.E. ; Comastri, A. ; Craig, W.W. ; Elvis, M. ; Forster, K. ; Gandhi, P. ; Grefenstette, B.W. ; Hailey, C.J. ; Harrison, F.A. ; Koss, M. ; LaMassa, S.M. ; Luo, B. ; Madsen, K.K. ; Puccetti, S. ; Saez, C. ; Stern, D. ; Treister, E. ; Urry, C.M. ; Wik, D.R. ; Zappacosta, L. ; Zhang, W.
2015ApJ...808..185C – (Tables: J/ApJ/808/185)
The Nustar Extragalactic Surveys: Overview and Catalog from the COSMOS Field
Civano, F. ; Hickox, R.C. ; Puccetti, S. ; Comastri, A. ; Mullaney, J.R. ; Zappacosta, L. ; LaMassa, S.M. ; Aird, J. ; Alexander, D.M. ; Ballantyne, D.R. ; Bauer, F.E. ; Brandt, W.N. ; Boggs, S.E. ; Christensen, F.E. ; Craig, W.W. ; Del-Moro, A. ; Elvis, M. ; Forster, K. ; Gandhi, P. ; Grefenstette, B.W. ; Hailey, C.J. ; Harrison, F.A. ; Lansbury, G.B. ; Luo, B. ; Madsen, K. ; Saez, C. ; Stern, D. ; Treister, E. ; Urry, M.C. ; Wik, D.R. ; Zhang, W.
Lawrence, Scott ; Tervala, Justin G. ; Bedaque, Paulo F. ; Miller, M.Coleman
2015ApJ...808..187B – (Tables: J/ApJ/808/187)
The Metallicities of Stars with and without Transiting Planets
Buchhave, Lars A. ; Latham, David W.
Impact of Neutrino Flavor Oscillations on the Neutrino-Driven Wind Nucleosynthesis of an Electron-Capture Supernova
Pllumbi, Else ; Tamborra, Irene ; Wanajo, Shinya ; Janka, Hans-Thomas ; Hüdepohl, Lorenz
The Rotation Period and Magnetic Field of the T Dwarf 2MASSI J1047539+212423 Measured from Periodic Radio Bursts
Williams, P.K.G.; Berger, E.
GRB 140619B: a short GRB from a binary neutron star merger leading to black hole formation
Ruffini, R. ; Muccino, M. ; Kovacevic, M. ; Oliveira, F.G. ; Rueda, J.A. ; Bianco, C.L. ; Enderli, M. ; Penacchioni, A.V. ; Pisani, G.B. ; Wang, Y. ; Zaninoni, E.
Solar Micro-Type III Burst Storms and Long Dipolar Magnetic Field in the Outer Corona
Morioka, A. ; Miyoshi, Y. ; Iwai, K. ; Kasaba, Y. ; Masuda, S. ; Misawa, H. ; Obara, T.
Photometric Trends in the Visible Solar Continuum and Their Sensitivity to the Center-to-Limb Profile
Peck, C.L. ; Rast, M.P.
Correlation Analysis between Tibet AS-γ TeV Cosmic Ray and WMAP Nine-year Data
Yin, Qian-Qing ; Zhang, Shuang-Nan
2015ApJ...808..194L – (Tables: J/ApJ/808/194)
Impact of ηEarth on the Capabilities of Affordable Space Missions to Detect Biosignatures on Extrasolar Planets
Léger, Alain ; Defrère, Denis ; Malbet, Fabien ; Labadie, Lucas ; Absil, Olivier
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