The Astrophysical Journal 809
August(II) 2015

A Hyper Suprime-Cam View of the Interacting Galaxies of the M81 Group
Okamoto, Sakurako ; Arimoto, Nobuo ; Ferguson, Annette M.N. ; Bernard, Edouard J. ; Irwin, Mike J. ; Yamada, Yoshihiko ; Utsumi, Yousuke
PSR J1906+0722: An Elusive Gamma-Ray Pulsar
Clark, C.J. ; Pletsch, H.J. ; Wu, J. ; Guillemot, L. ; Ackermann, M. ; Allen, B. ; de Angelis, A. ; Aulbert, C. ; Baldini, L. ; Ballet, J. ; Barbiellini, G. ; Bastieri, D. ; Bellazzini, R. ; Bissaldi, E. ; Bock, O. ; Bonino, R. ; Bottacini, E. ; Brandt, T.J. ; Bregeon, J. ; Bruel, P. ; Buson, S. ; Caliandro, G.A. ; Cameron, R.A. ; Caragiulo, M. ; Caraveo, P.A. ; Cecchi, C. ; Champion, D.J. ; Charles, E. ; Chekhtman, A. ; Chiang, J. ; Chiaro, G. ; Ciprini, S. ; Claus, R. ; Cohen-Tanugi, J. ; Cuéllar, A. ; Cutini, S. ; D'Ammando, F. ; Desiante, R. ; Drell, P.S. ; Eggenstein, H.B. ; Favuzzi, C. ; Fehrmann, H. ; Ferrara, E.C. ; Focke, W.B. ; Franckowiak, A. ; Fusco, P. ; Gargano, F. ; Gasparrini, D. ; Giglietto, N. ; Giordano, F. ; Glanzman, T. ; Godfrey, G. ; Grenier, I.A. ; Grove, J.E. ; Guiriec, S. ; Harding, A.K. ; Hays, E. ; Hewitt, J.W. ; Hill, A.B. ; Horan, D. ; Hou, X. ; Jogler, T. ; Johnson, A.S. ; Jóhannesson, G. ; Kramer, M. ; Krauss, F. ; Kuss, M. ; Laffon, H. ; Larsson, S. ; Latronico, L. ; Li, J. ; Li, L. ; Longo, F. ; Loparco, F. ; Lovellette, M.N. ; Lubrano, P. ; Machenschalk, B. ; Manfreda, A. ; Marelli, M. ; Mayer, M. ; Mazziotta, M.N. ; Michelson, P.F. ; Mizuno, T. ; Monzani, M.E. ; Morselli, A. ; Moskalenko, I.V. ; Murgia, S. ; Nuss, E. ; Ohsugi, T. ; Orienti, M. ; Orlando, E. ; de Palma, F. ; Paneque, D. ; Pesce-Rollins, M. ; Piron, F. ; Pivato, G. ; Rainò, S. ; Rando, R. ; Razzano, M. ; Reimer, A. ; Saz Parkinson, P.M.; Schaal, M. ; Schulz, A. ; Sgrò, C. ; Siskind, E.J. ; Spada, F. ; Spandre, G. ; Spinelli, P. ; Suson, D.J. ; Takahashi, H. ; Thayer, J.B. ; Tibaldo, L. ; Torne, P. ; Torres, D.F. ; Tosti, G. ; Troja, E. ; Vianello, G. ; Wood, K.S. ; Wood, M. ; Yassine, M.
Oscillating Red Giants Observed during Campaign 1 of the Kepler K2 Mission: New Prospects for Galactic Archaeology
Stello, Dennis ; Huber, Daniel ; Sharma, Sanjib ; Johnson, Jennifer ; Lund, Mikkel N. ; Handberg, Rasmus ; Buzasi, Derek L. ; Silva Aguirre, Victor ; Chaplin, William J. ; Miglio, Andrea ; Pinsonneault, Marc ; Basu, Sarbani ; Bedding, Tim R. ; Bland-Hawthorn, Joss ; Casagrande, Luca ; Davies, Guy ; Elsworth, Yvonne ; Garcia, Rafael A. ; Mathur, Savita ; Di Mauro, Maria Pia ; Mosser, Benoit ; Schneider, Donald P. ; Serenelli, Aldo ; Valentini, Marica
Search for Gamma-Ray Emission from DES Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy Candidates with Fermi-LAT Data
Drlica-Wagner, A. ; Albert, A. ; Bechtol, K. ; Wood, M. ; Strigari, L. ; Sánchez-Conde, M. ; Baldini, L. ; Essig, R. ; Cohen-Tanugi, J. ; Anderson, B. ; Bellazzini, R. ; Bloom, E.D. ; Caputo, R. ; Cecchi, C. ; Charles, E. ; Chiang, J. ; de Angelis, A. ; Funk, S. ; Fusco, P. ; Gargano, F. ; Giglietto, N. ; Giordano, F. ; Guiriec, S. ; Gustafsson, M. ; Kuss, M. ; Loparco, F. ; Lubrano, P. ; Mirabal, N. ; Mizuno, T. ; Morselli, A. ; Ohsugi, T. ; Orlando, E. ; Persic, M. ; Rainò, S. ; Sehgal, N. ; Spada, F. ; Suson, D.J. ; Zaharijas, G. ; Zimmer, S. ; (The Fermi-LAT Collaboration); Abbott, T. ; Allam, S. ; Balbinot, E. ; Bauer, A.H. ; Benoit-Lévy, A. ; Bernstein, R.A. ; Bernstein, G.M. ; Bertin, E. ; Brooks, D. ; Buckley-Geer, E. ; Burke, D.L. ; Carnero Rosell, A. ; Castander, F.J. ; Covarrubias, R. ; D'Andrea, C.B. ; da Costa, L.N. ; DePoy, D.L. ; Desai, S. ; Diehl, H.T. ; Cunha, C.E. ; Eifler, T.F. ; Estrada, J. ; Evrard, A.E. ; Fausti Neto, A. ; Fernandez, E. ; Finley, D.A. ; Flaugher, B. ; Frieman, J. ; Gaztanaga, E. ; Gerdes, D. ; Gruen, D. ; Gruendl, R.A. ; Gutierrez, G. ; Honscheid, K. ; Jain, B. ; James, D. ; Jeltema, T. ; Kent, S. ; Kron, R. ; Kuehn, K. ; Kuropatkin, N. ; Lahav, O. ; Li, T.S. ; Luque, E. ; Maia, M.A.G. ; Makler, M. ; March, M. ; Marshall, J. ; Martini, P. ; Merritt, K.W. ; Miller, C. ; Miquel, R. ; Mohr, J. ; Neilsen, E. ; Nord, B. ; Ogando, R. ; Peoples, J. ; Petravick, D. ; Pieres, A. ; Plazas, A.A. ; Queiroz, A. ; Romer, A.K. ; Roodman, A. ; Rykoff, E.S. ; Sako, M. ; Sanchez, E. ; Santiago, B. ; Scarpine, V. ; Schubnell, M. ; Sevilla, I. ; Smith, R.C. ; Soares-Santos, M. ; Sobreira, F. ; Suchyta, E. ; Swanson, M.E.C. ; Tarle, G. ; Thaler, J. ; Thomas, D. ; Tucker, D. ; Walker, A.R. ; Wechsler, R.H. ; Wester, W. ; Williams, P. ; Yanny, B. ; Zuntz, J. ; (The DES Collaboration)
Observational Signatures of Planets in Protoplanetary Disks II: Spiral Arms Observed in Scattered Light Imaging Can be Induced by Planets
Dong, Ruobing ; Zhu, Zhaohuan ; Rafikov, Roman R. ; Stone, James M.
Final Evolution and Delayed Explosions of Spinning White Dwarfs in Single Degenerate Models for Type Ia Supernovae
Benvenuto, Omar G. ; Panei, Jorge A. ; Nomoto, Ken'ichi ; Kitamura, Hikaru ; Hachisu, Izumi
Discovery of Massive, Mostly Star Formation Quenched Galaxies with Extremely Large Lyα Equivalent Widths at z ∼ 3
Taniguchi, Yoshiaki ; Kajisawa, Masaru ; Kobayashi, Masakazu A.R. ; Nagao, Tohru ; Shioya, Yasuhiro ; Scoville, Nick Z. ; Sanders, David B. ; Capak, Peter L. ; Koekemoer, Anton M. ; Toft, Sune ; McCracken, Henry J. ; Le Fèvre, Olivier ; Tasca, Lidia ; Sheth, Kartik ; Renzini, Alvio ; Lilly, Simon ; Carollo, Marcella ; Kovac, Katarina ; Ilbert, Olivier ; Schinnerer, Eva ; Fu, Hai ; Tresse, Laurence ; Griffiths, Richard E. ; Civano, Francesca
Isotropic Detectable X-Ray Counterparts to Gravitational Waves from Neutron Star Binary Mergers
Kisaka, Shota ; Ioka, Kunihito ; Nakamura, Takashi
"Slimplectic" Integrators: Variational Integrators for General Nonconservative Systems
Tsang, David ; Galley, Chad R. ; Stein, Leo C. ; Turner, Alec
Keck Spectroscopy of Millisecond Pulsar J2215+5135: A Moderate-MNS, High-inclination Binary
Romani, Roger W. ; Graham, Melissa L. ; Filippenko, Alexei V. ; Kerr, Matthew
Limits on Planet Formation Around Young Pulsars and Implications for Supernova Fallback Disks
Kerr, M.; Johnston, S.; Hobbs, G.; Shannon, R.M.
Murchison Widefield Array Observations of Anomalous Variability: A Serendipitous Night-time Detection of Interplanetary Scintillation
Kaplan, D.L. ; Tingay, S.J. ; Manoharan, P.K. ; Macquart, J.P. ; Hancock, P. ; Morgan, J. ; Mitchell, D.A. ; Ekers, R.D. ; Wayth, R.B. ; Trott, C. ; Murphy, T. ; Oberoi, D. ; Cairns, I.H. ; Feng, L. ; Kudryavtseva, N. ; Bernardi, G. ; Bowman, J.D. ; Briggs, F. ; Cappallo, R.J. ; Deshpande, A.A. ; Gaensler, B.M. ; Greenhill, L.J. ; Hurley Walker, N. ; Hazelton, B.J. ; Johnston Hollitt, M. ; Lonsdale, C.J. ; McWhirter, S.R. ; Morales, M.F. ; Morgan, E. ; Ord, S.M. ; Prabu, T. ; Udaya Shankar, N. ; Srivani, K.S. ; Subrahmanyan, R. ; Webster, R.L. ; Williams, A. ; Williams, C.L.
Variable Reddening and Broad Absorption Lines in the Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxy WPVS 007: An Origin in the Torus
Leighly, Karen M. ; Cooper, Erin ; Grupe, Dirk ; Terndrup, Donald M. ; Komossa, S.
A ∼50,000 M Solar Mass Black Hole in the Nucleus of RGG 118
Baldassare, Vivienne F. ; Reines, Amy E. ; Gallo, Elena ; Greene, Jenny E.
Detection of Fast-moving Waves Propagating Outward along Sunspots' Radial Direction in the Photosphere
Zhao, Junwei ; Chen, Ruizhu ; Hartlep, Thomas ; Kosovichev, Alexander G.
Globular Cluster Formation Efficiencies from Black Hole X-Ray Binary Feedback
Justham, Stephen ; Peng, Eric W. ; Schawinski, Kevin
Sources of Quasi-periodic Propagating Disturbances above a Solar Polar Coronal Hole
Jiao, Fangran ; Xia, Lidong ; Li, Bo ; Huang, Zhenghua ; Li, Xing ; Chandrashekhar, Kalugodu ; Mou, Chaozhou ; Fu, Hui
Viscous Boundary Layers of Radiation-dominated, Relativistic Jets. I. The Two-stream Model
Coughlin, Eric R. ; Begelman, Mitchell C.
Viscous Boundary Layers of Radiation-dominated, Relativistic Jets. II. The Free-streaming Jet Model
Coughlin, Eric R. ; Begelman, Mitchell C.
NEOWISE: Observations of the Irregular Satellites of Jupiter and Saturn
Grav, T. ; Bauer, J.M. ; Mainzer, A.K. ; Masiero, J.R. ; Nugent, C.R. ; Cutri, R.M. ; Sonnett, S. ; Kramer, E.
Radiation from Electron Phase Space Holes as a Possible Source of Jovian S-bursts
Goodrich, K.A. ; Ergun, R.E.
Evidence for Newly Initiated Reconnection in the Solar Wind at 1 AU
Xu, Xiaojun ; Wong, Hon-Cheng ; Ma, Yonghui ; Wang, Yi ; Zhou, Meng ; Zuo, Pingbing ; Wei, Fengsi ; Feng, Xueshang ; Deng, Xiaohua
Nature's Starships. II. Simulating the Synthesis of Amino Acids in Meteorite Parent Bodies
Cobb, Alyssa K. ; Pudritz, Ralph E. ; Pearce, Ben K.D.
The Five Planets in the Kepler-296 Binary System All Orbit the Primary: A Statistical and Analytical Analysis
Barclay, Thomas ; Quintana, Elisa V. ; Adams, Fred C. ; Ciardi, David R. ; Huber, Daniel ; Foreman-Mackey, Daniel ; Montet, Benjamin T. ; Caldwell, Douglas
2015ApJ...809....8B – (Tables: J/ApJ/809/8)
Terrestrial Planet Occurrence Rates for the Kepler GK Dwarf Sample
Burke, Christopher J. ; Christiansen, Jessie L. ; Mullally, F. ; Seader, Shawn ; Huber, Daniel ; Rowe, Jason F. ; Coughlin, Jeffrey L. ; Thompson, Susan E. ; Catanzarite, Joseph ; Clarke, Bruce D. ; Morton, Timothy D. ; Caldwell, Douglas A. ; Bryson, Stephen T. ; Haas, Michael R. ; Batalha, Natalie M. ; Jenkins, Jon M. ; Tenenbaum, Peter ; Twicken, Joseph D. ; Li, Jie ; Quintana, Elisa ; Barclay, Thomas ; Henze, Christopher E. ; Borucki, William J. ; Howell, Steve B. ; Still, Martin
The Case for a Low Mass Black Hole in the Low Mass X-Ray Binary V1408 Aquilae (= 4U 1957+115)
Gomez, Sebastian ; Mason, Paul A. ; Robinson, Edward L.
2015ApJ...809...10Y – (Tables: J/ApJ/809/10)
Compact Radio Sources within 30" of Sgr A*: Proper Motions,Stellar Winds, and the Accretion Rate onto Sgr A*
Yusef-Zadeh, F. ; Bushouse, H. ; Schödel, R. ; Wardle, M. ; Cotton, W. ; Roberts, D.A. ; Nogueras-Lara, F. ; Gallego-Cano, E.
Resolving the Delta Andromedae Spectroscopic Binary with Direct Imaging
Bottom, Michael ; Kuhn, Jonas ; Mennesson, Bertrand ; Mawet, Dimitri ; Shelton, Jean C. ; Wallace, J.K ; Serabyn, Eugene
On the Origin of Wind Line Variability in O Stars
Massa, D. ; Prinja, R.K.
Radio Imaging Observations of PSR J1023+0038 in an LMXB State
Deller, A.T. ; Moldon, J. ; Miller-Jones, J.C.A. ; Patruno, A. ; Hessels, J.W.T. ; Archibald, A.M. ; Paragi, Z. ; Heald, G. ; Vilchez, N.
KIC 4552982: Outbursts and Asteroseismology from the Longest Pseudo-continuous Light Curve of a ZZ Ceti
Bell, Keaton J. ; Hermes, J.J. ; Bischoff-Kim, A. ; Moorhead, Sean ; Montgomery, M.H. ; Ostensen, Roy ; Castanheira, Barbara G. ; Winget, D.E.
Do Magnetic Fields Destroy Black Hole Accretion Disk g-Modes?
Ortega-Rodríguez, Manuel ; Solís-Sánchez, Hugo ; Arguedas-Leiva, J.Agustín ; Wagoner, Robert V. ; Levine, Adam
MHD Modeling of the Outer Heliospheric Structures around the Heliopause
Washimi, H. ; Zank, G.P. ; Hu, Q. ; Tanaka, T. ; Munakata, K.
Herschel Dust Emission as a Probe of Starless Cores Mass: MCLD 123.5+24.9 of the Polaris Flare
Wagle, Gururaj A. ; Troland, Thomas H. ; Ferland, Gary J. ; Abel, Nicholas P.
Measuring the Cosmological 21 cm Monopole with an Interferometer
Presley, Morgan E. ; Liu, Adrian ; Parsons, Aaron R.
Lyα Emission from Green Peas: The Role of Circumgalactic Gas Density, Covering, and Kinematics
Henry, Alaina ; Scarlata, Claudia ; Martin, Crystal L. ; Erb, Dawn
2015ApJ...809...20B – (Tables: J/ApJ/809/20)
A Local Baseline of the Black Hole Mass Scaling Relations for Active Galaxies. III.The MBH-σ Relation
Bennert, Vardha N. ; Treu, Tommaso ; Auger, Matthew W. ; Cosens, Maren ; Park, Daeseong ; Rosen, Rebecca ; Harris, Chelsea E. ; Malkan, Matthew A. ; Woo, Jong-Hak
On the Emergence of a 1/k Spectrum in the Sub-inertial Domains of Turbulent Media
Consolini, Giuseppe ; De Marco, Rossana ; Carbone, Vincenzo
Dust and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon in the HD 34700 Debris Disk
Seok, Ji Yeon; Li, Aigen
Blazar Flares from Compton Dragged Shells
Golan, Omri; Levinson, Amir
Fast Radio Bursts: Collisions between Neutron Stars and Asteroids/Comets
Geng, J.J. ; Huang, Y.F.
2015ApJ...809...25M – (Tables: J/ApJ/809/25)
Stellar and Planetary Properties of K2 Campaign 1 Candidates and Validation of 17 Planets, Including a Planet Receiving Earth-like Insolation
Montet, Benjamin T. ; Morton, Timothy D. ; Foreman-Mackey, Daniel ; Johnson, John Asher ; Hogg, David W. ; Bowler, Brendan P. ; Latham, David W. ; Bieryla, Allyson ; Mann, Andrew W.
Kepler 453 b–The 10th Kepler Transiting Circumbinary Planet
Welsh, William F. ; Orosz, Jerome A. ; Short, Donald R. ; Cochran, William D. ; Endl, Michael ; Brugamyer, Erik ; Haghighipour, Nader ; Buchhave, Lars A. ; Doyle, Laurance R. ; Fabrycky, Daniel C. ; Hinse, Tobias Cornelius ; Kane, Stephen R. ; Kostov, Veselin ; Mazeh, Tsevi ; Mills, Sean M. ; Müller, Tobias W.A. ; Quarles, Billy ; Quinn, Samuel N. ; Ragozzine, Darin ; Shporer, Avi ; Steffen, Jason H. ; Tal-Or, Lev ; Torres, Guillermo ; Windmiller, Gur ; Borucki, William J.
A Method to Search for Bulk Motions in the ICM with Chandra CCD Spectra: Application to the Bullet Cluster
Liu, Ang ; Yu, Heng ; Tozzi, Paolo ; Zhu, Zong-Hong
Impact of Pickup Ions on the Shock Front Nonstationarity and Energy Dissipation of the Heliospheric Termination Shock: Two-dimensional Full Particle Simulations and Comparison with Voyager 2 Observations
Yang, Zhongwei ; Liu, Ying D. ; Richardson, John D. ; Lu, Quanming ; Huang, Can ; Wang, Rui
Rapid Cosmic-ray Acceleration at Perpendicular Shocks in Supernova Remnants
Takamoto, Makoto ; Kirk, John G.
Beyond Mixing-length Theory: A Step Toward 321D
Arnett, W.David ; Meakin, Casey ; Viallet, Maxime ; Campbell, Simon W. ; Lattanzio, John C. ; Mocák, Miroslav
Inferred Initial 26Al/27Al Ratios in Presolar Stardust Grains from Supernovae are Higher than Previously Estimated
Groopman, Evan ; Zinner, Ernst ; Amari, Sachiko ; Gyngard, Frank ; Hoppe, Peter ; Jadhav, Manavi ; Lin, Yangting ; Xu, Yuchen ; Marhas, Kuljeet ; Nittler, Larry R.
Analytical Expressions for Light Curves of Ordinary and Superluminous Type Ia Supernovae
Dado, Shlomo; Dar, Arnon
Wiggle Instability of Galactic Spiral Shocks: Effects of Magnetic Fields
Kim, Yonghwi ; Kim, Woong-Tae ; Elmegreen, Bruce G.
Formation of Magnetic Flux Ropes during a Confined Flaring Well before the Onset of a Pair of Major Coronal Mass Ejections
Chintzoglou, Georgios ; Patsourakos, Spiros ; Vourlidas, Angelos
Collisional Relaxation of Electrons in a Warm Plasma and Accelerated Nonthermal Electron Spectra in Solar Flares
Kontar, Eduard P. ; Jeffrey, Natasha L.S. ; Gordon Emslie, A. ; Bian, N.H.
The Southern Argentina Agile MEteor Radar Orbital System (SAAMER-OS): An Initial Sporadic Meteoroid Orbital Survey in the Southern Sky
Janches, D. ; Close, S. ; Hormaechea, J.L. ; Swarnalingam, N. ; Murphy, A. ; O'Connor, D. ; Vandepeer, B. ; Fuller, B. ; Fritts, D.C. ; Brunini, C.
Theoretical Clues to the Ultraviolet Diversity of Type Ia Supernovae
Brown, Peter J. ; Baron, E. ; Milne, Peter ; Roming, Peter W.A. ; Wang, Lifan
Recollimation Shocks in Magnetized Relativistic Jets
Mizuno, Yosuke ; Gómez, Jose L. ; Nishikawa, Ken-Ichi ; Meli, Athina ; Hardee, Philip E. ; Rezzolla, Luciano
Producing Magnetar Magnetic Fields in the Merger of Binary Neutron Stars
Giacomazzo, Bruno ; Zrake, Jonathan ; Duffell, Paul C. ; MacFadyen, Andrew I. ; Perna, Rosalba
Classifying X-Ray Binaries: A Probabilistic Approach
Gopalan, Giri ; Vrtilek, Saeqa Dil ; Bornn, Luke
Testing Theories of Gravitation Using 21-Year Timing of Pulsar Binary J1713+0747
Zhu, W.W. ; Stairs, I.H. ; Demorest, P.B. ; Nice, D.J. ; Ellis, J.A. ; Ransom, S.M. ; Arzoumanian, Z. ; Crowter, K. ; Dolch, T. ; Ferdman, R.D. ; Fonseca, E. ; Gonzalez, M.E. ; Jones, G. ; Jones, M.L. ; Lam, M.T. ; Levin, L. ; McLaughlin, M.A. ; Pennucci, T. ; Stovall, K. ; Swiggum, J.
2015ApJ...809...42C – (Tables: J/ApJ/809/42)
Follow-up Observations of PTFO 8-8695: A 3 Myr Old T-Tauri Star Hosting a Jupiter-mass Planetary Candidate
Ciardi, David R. ; van Eyken, Julian C. ; Barnes, Jason W. ; Beichman, Charles A. ; Carey, Sean J. ; Crockett, Christopher J. ; Eastman, Jason ; Johns-Krull, Christopher M. ; Howell, Steve B. ; Kane, Stephen R. ; Mclane, Jacob N. ; Plavchan, Peter ; Prato, L. ; Stauffer, John ; van Belle, Gerard T. ; von Braun, Kaspar
Volatile Loss and Classification of Kuiper Belt Objects
Johnson, R.E. ; Oza, A. ; Young, L.A. ; Volkov, A.N. ; Schmidt, C.
Influence of a CME's Initial Parameters on the Arrival of the Associated Interplanetary Shock at Earth and the Shock Propagational Model Version 3
Zhao, X.H.; Feng, X.S.
Semicircular-like Secondary Flare Ribbons Associated with a Failed Eruption
Zheng, R. ; Korsós, M.B. ; Erdélyi, R.
A Two-ribbon White-light Flare Associated with a Failed Solar Eruption Observed by ONSET, SDO, and IRIS
Cheng, X. ; Hao, Q. ; Ding, M.D. ; Liu, K. ; Chen, P.F. ; Fang, C. ; Liu, Y.D.
The Epsilon Eridani System Resolved by Millimeter Interferometry
MacGregor, Meredith A. ; Wilner, David J. ; Andrews, Sean M. ; Lestrade, Jean-François ; Maddison, Sarah
Spectrum of Relativistic and Subrelativistic Cosmic Rays in the 100 pc Central Region
Dogiel, V.A. ; Chernyshov, D.O. ; Kiselev, A.M. ; Nobukawa, M. ; Cheng, K.S. ; Hui, C.Y. ; Ko, C.M. ; Nobukawa, K.K. ; Tsuru, T.G.
Evidence for Early Filamentary Accretion from the Andromeda Galaxy's Thin Plane of Satellites
Buck, Tobias; Macciò, Andrea V.; Dutton, Aaron A.
The X-Ray Line Feature at 3.5 KeV in Galaxy Cluster Spectra
Phillips, K.J.H. ; Sylwester, B. ; Sylwester, J.
Simultaneous Observations of Giant Pulses from the Crab Pulsar, with the Murchison Widefield Array and Parkes Radio Telescope: Implications for the Giant Pulse Emission Mechanism.
Oronsaye, S.I. ; Ord, S.M. ; Bhat, N.D.R. ; Tremblay, S.E. ; McSweeney, S.J. ; Tingay, S.J. ; van Straten, W. ; Jameson, A. ; Bernardi, G. ; Bowman, J.D. ; Briggs, F. ; Cappallo, R.J. ; Deshpande, A.A. ; Greenhill, L.J. ; Hazelton, B.J. ; Johnston-Hollitt, M. ; Kaplan, D.L. ; Lonsdale, C.J. ; McWhirter, S.R. ; Mitchell, D.A. ; Morales, M.F. ; Morgan, E. ; Oberoi, D. ; Prabu, T. ; Udaya Shankar, N. ; Srivani, K.S. ; Subrahmanyan, R. ; Wayth, R.B. ; Webster, R.L. ; Williams, A. ; Williams, C.L.
Common Patterns in the Evolution between the Luminous Neutron Star Low-Mass X-ray Binary Subclasses
Fridriksson, Joel K. ; Homan, Jeroen ; Remillard, Ronald A.
Prospects for Joint Gravitational Wave and Short Gamma-Ray Burst Observations
Clark, J. ; Evans, H. ; Fairhurst, S. ; Harry, I.W. ; Macdonald, E. ; Macleod, D. ; Sutton, P.J. ; Williamson, A.R.
Vertical Structure of Advection-dominated Accretion Flows
Zeraatgari, Fateme Zahra ; Abbassi, Shahram
Magnetohydrodynamic-particle-in-cell Method for Coupling Cosmic Rays with a Thermal Plasma: Application to Non-relativistic Shocks
Bai, Xue-Ning ; Caprioli, Damiano ; Sironi, Lorenzo ; Spitkovsky, Anatoly
Cold and Warm Atomic Gas around the Perseus Molecular Cloud. II. The Impact of High Optical Depth on the HI Column Density Distribution and Its Implication for the HI-to-H2Transition
Lee, Min-Young ; Stanimirovic, Snezana ; Murray, Claire E. ; Heiles, Carl ; Miller, Jesse
Effect of UV Radiation on the Spectral Fingerprints of Earth-like Planets Orbiting M Stars
Rugheimer, S. ; Kaltenegger, L. ; Segura, A. ; Linsky, J. ; Mohanty, S.
Plasma Physical Parameters along CME-driven Shocks. II. Observation-Simulation Comparison
Bacchini, F. ; Susino, R. ; Bemporad, A. ; Lapenta, G.
2015ApJ...809...59S – (Tables: J/ApJ/809/59)
The Nature and Orbit of the Ophiuchus Stream
Sesar, Branimir ; Bovy, Jo ; Bernard, Edouard J. ; Caldwell, Nelson ; Cohen, Judith G. ; Fouesneau, Morgan ; Johnson, Christian I. ; Ness, Melissa ; Ferguson, Annette M.N. ; Martin, Nicolas F. ; Price-Whelan, Adrian M. ; Rix, Hans-Walter ; Schlafly, Edward F. ; Burgett, William S. ; Chambers, Kenneth C. ; Flewelling, Heather ; Hodapp, Klaus W. ; Kaiser, Nick ; Magnier, Eugene A. ; Platais, Imants ; Tonry, John L. ; Waters, Christopher ; Wyse, Rosemary F.G.
On the Angular Resolution of the AGILE Gamma-Ray Imaging Detector
Sabatini, S. ; Donnarumma, I. ; Tavani, M. ; Trois, A. ; Bulgarelli, A. ; Argan, A. ; Barbiellini, G. ; Cattaneo, P.W. ; Chen, A. ; Del Monte, E. ; Fioretti, V. ; Gianotti, F. ; Giuliani, A. ; Longo, F. ; Lucarelli, F. ; Morselli, A. ; Pittori, C. ; Verrecchia, F. ; Caraveo, P.
PAPER-64 Constraints on Reionization: The 21 cm Power Spectrum at z = 8.4
Ali, Zaki S. ; Parsons, Aaron R. ; Zheng, Haoxuan ; Pober, Jonathan C. ; Liu, Adrian ; Aguirre, James E. ; Bradley, Richard F. ; Bernardi, Gianni ; Carilli, Chris L. ; Cheng, Carina ; DeBoer, David R. ; Dexter, Matthew R. ; Grobbelaar, Jasper ; Horrell, Jasper ; Jacobs, Daniel C. ; Klima, Pat ; MacMahon, David H.E. ; Maree, Matthys ; Moore, David F. ; Razavi, Nima ; Stefan, Irina I. ; Walbrugh, William P. ; Walker, Andre
PAPER-64 Constraints On Reionization. II. The Temperature of the z =8.4 Intergalactic Medium
Pober, Jonathan C. ; Ali, Zaki S. ; Parsons, Aaron R. ; McQuinn, Matthew ; Aguirre, James E. ; Bernardi, Gianni ; Bradley, Richard F. ; Carilli, Chris L. ; Cheng, Carina ; DeBoer, David R. ; Dexter, Matthew R. ; Furlanetto, Steven R. ; Grobbelaar, Jasper ; Horrell, Jasper ; Jacobs, Daniel C. ; Klima, Patricia J. ; Kohn, Saul A. ; Liu, Adrian ; MacMahon, David H.E. ; Maree, Matthys ; Mesinger, Andrei ; Moore, David F. ; Razavi-Ghods, Nima ; Stefan, Irina I. ; Walbrugh, William P. ; Walker, Andre ; Zheng, Haoxuan
Modeling Atmospheric Emission for CMB Ground-based Observations
Errard, J. ; Ade, P.A.R. ; Akiba, Y. ; Arnold, K. ; Atlas, M. ; Baccigalupi, C. ; Barron, D. ; Boettger, D. ; Borrill, J. ; Chapman, S. ; Chinone, Y. ; Cukierman, A. ; Delabrouille, J. ; Dobbs, M. ; Ducout, A. ; Elleflot, T. ; Fabbian, G. ; Feng, C. ; Feeney, S. ; Gilbert, A. ; Goeckner-Wald, N. ; Halverson, N.W. ; Hasegawa, M. ; Hattori, K. ; Hazumi, M. ; Hill, C. ; Holzapfel, W.L. ; Hori, Y. ; Inoue, Y. ; Jaehnig, G.C. ; Jaffe, A.H. ; Jeong, O. ; Katayama, N. ; Kaufman, J. ; Keating, B. ; Kermish, Z. ; Keskitalo, R. ; Kisner, T. ; Le Jeune, M. ; Lee, A.T. ; Leitch, E.M. ; Leon, D. ; Linder, E. ; Matsuda, F. ; Matsumura, T. ; Miller, N.J. ; Myers, M.J. ; Navaroli, M. ; Nishino, H. ; Okamura, T. ; Paar, H. ; Peloton, J. ; Poletti, D. ; Puglisi, G. ; Rebeiz, G. ; Reichardt, C.L. ; Richards, P.L. ; Ross, C. ; Rotermund, K.M. ; Schenck, D.E. ; Sherwin, B.D. ; Siritanasak, P. ; Smecher, G. ; Stebor, N. ; Steinbach, B. ; Stompor, R. ; Suzuki, A. ; Tajima, O. ; Takakura, S. ; Tikhomirov, A. ; Tomaru, T. ; Whitehorn, N. ; Wilson, B. ; Yadav, A. ; Zahn, O.
Angular Momentum-Mass Relation for Dark Matter Halos
Liao, Shihong; Cheng, Dalong; Chu, M.-C.; Tang, Jiayu
Better Alternatives to "Astronomical Silicate": Laboratory-based Optical Functions of Chondritic/Solar Abundance Glass with Application to HD 161796
Speck, A.K. ; Pitman, K.M. ; Hofmeister, A.M.
Interstellar Dust Properties from a Survey of X-Ray Halos
Valencic, Lynne A. ; Smith, Randall K.
Discovery and Follow-up of Rotating Radio Transients with the Green Bank and LOFAR Telescopes
Karako-Argaman, C. ; Kaspi, V.M. ; Lynch, R.S. ; Hessels, J.W.T. ; Kondratiev, V.I. ; McLaughlin, M.A. ; Ransom, S.M. ; Archibald, A.M. ; Boyles, J. ; Jenet, F.A. ; Kaplan, D.L. ; Levin, L. ; Lorimer, D.R. ; Madsen, E.C. ; Roberts, M.S.E. ; Siemens, X. ; Stairs, I.H. ; Stovall, K. ; Swiggum, J.K. ; van Leeuwen, J.
Searches for Millisecond Pulsar Candidates among the Unidentified Fermi Objects
Hui, C.Y. ; Park, S.M. ; Hu, C.P. ; Lin, L.C.C. ; Li, K.L. ; Kong, A.K.H. ; Tam, P.H.T. ; Takata, J. ; Cheng, K.S. ; Jin, Ruolan ; Yen, T.-C. ; Kim, Chunglee
Kinetic Energy from Supernova Feedback in High-resolution Galaxy Simulations
Simpson, Christine M. ; Bryan, Greg L. ; Hummels, Cameron ; Ostriker, Jeremiah P.
High-speed Imaging and Wavefront Sensing with an Infrared Avalanche Photodiode Array
Baranec, Christoph ; Atkinson, Dani ; Riddle, Reed ; Hall, Donald ; Jacobson, Shane ; Law, Nicholas M. ; Chun, Mark
Resonant Absorption of Transverse Oscillations and Associated Heating in a Solar Prominence. I. Observational Aspects
Okamoto, Takenori J. ; Antolin, Patrick ; De Pontieu, Bart ; Uitenbroek, Han ; Van Doorsselaere, Tom ; Yokoyama, Takaaki
Resonant Absorption of Transverse Oscillations and Associated Heating in a Solar Prominence. II. Numerical Aspects
Antolin, P. ; Okamoto, T.J. ; De Pontieu, B. ; Uitenbroek, H. ; Van Doorsselaere, T. ; Yokoyama, T.
Parallel Evolution of Quasi-separatrix Layers and Active Region Upflows
Mandrini, C.H. ; Baker, D. ; Démoulin, P. ; Cristiani, G.D. ; van Driel-Gesztelyi, L. ; Vargas Domínguez, S. ; Nuevo, F.A. ; Vásquez, A.M. ; Pick, M.
OGLE-2012-BLG-0563Lb: A Saturn-mass Planet around an M Dwarf with the Mass Constrained by Subaru AO Imaging
Fukui, A. ; Gould, A. ; Sumi, T. ; Bennett, D.P. ; Bond, I.A. ; Han, C. ; Suzuki, D. ; Beaulieu, J.-P. ; Batista, V. ; Udalski, A. ; Street, R.A. ; Tsapras, Y. ; Hundertmark, M. ; Abe, F. ; Bhattacharya, A. ; Freeman, M. ; Itow, Y. ; Ling, C.H. ; Koshimoto, N. ; Masuda, K. ; Matsubara, Y. ; Muraki, Y. ; Ohnishi, K. ; Philpott, L.C. ; Rattenbury, N. ; Saito, T. ; Sullivan, D.J. ; Tristram, P.J. ; Yonehara, A. ; (The MOA Collaboration); Choi, J.-Y. ; Christie, G.W. ; DePoy, D.L. ; Dong, Subo ; Drummond, J. ; Gaudi, B.S. ; Hwang, K.-H. ; Kavka, A. ; Lee, C.-U. ; McCormick, J. ; Natusch, T. ; Ngan, H. ; Park, H. ; Pogge, R.W. ; Shin, I-G. ; Tan, T.-G. ; Yee, J.C. ; (The µFUN Collaboration); Szyman'ski, M.K. ; Pietrzyn'ski, G. ; Soszyn'ski, I. ; Poleski, R. ; Kozlowski, S. ; Pietrukowicz, P. ; Ulaczyk, K. ; Wyrzykowski, L. ; (The OGLE Collaboration); Bramich, D.M. ; Browne, P. ; Dominik, M. ; Horne, K. ; Ipatov, S. ; Kains, N. ; Snodgrass, C. ; Steele, I.A. ; (The RoboNet Collaboration)
Solar-wind Ion-driven X-Ray Emission from Cometary and Planetary Atmospheres: Measurements and Theoretical Predictions of Charge-Exchange Cross-sections and Emission Spectra for O6+ + H2O, Co, Co2, Ch4, N2, NO, N2O, and Ar
Machacek, J.R. ; Mahapatra, D.P. ; Schultz, D.R. ; Ralchenko, Y. ; Moradmand, A. ; El Ghazaly, M.O.A. ; Chutjian, A.
Gamma-Ray Bursts Trace UV Metrics of Star Formation over 3 > z ∼ 5
Greiner, J. ; Fox, D.B. ; Schady, P. ; Krühler, T. ; Trenti, M. ; Cikota, A. ; Bolmer, J. ; Elliott, J. ; Delvaux, C. ; Perna, R. ; Afonso, P. ; Kann, D.A. ; Klose, S. ; Savaglio, S. ; Schmidl, S. ; Schweyer, T. ; Tanga, M. ; Varela, K.
2015ApJ...809...77S – (Tables: J/ApJ/809/77)
The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite: Simulations of Planet Detections and Astrophysical False Positives
Sullivan, Peter W. ; Winn, Joshua N. ; Berta-Thompson, Zachory K. ; Charbonneau, David ; Deming, Drake ; Dressing, Courtney D. ; Latham, David W. ; Levine, Alan M. ; McCullough, Peter R. ; Morton, Timothy ; Ricker, George R. ; Vanderspek, Roland ; Woods, Deborah
Millimeter-wave Polarization of Protoplanetary Disks due to Dust Scattering
Kataoka, Akimasa ; Muto, Takayuki ; Momose, Munetake ; Tsukagoshi, Takashi ; Fukagawa, Misato ; Shibai, Hiroshi ; Hanawa, Tomoyuki ; Murakawa, Koji ; Dullemond, Cornelis P
Connecting Flares and Transient Mass-loss Events in Magnetically Active Stars
Osten, Rachel A. ; Wolk, Scott J.
Population Synthesis of Cataclysmic Variables. I. Inclusion of Detailed Nuclear Evolution
Goliasch, Jonas; Nelson, Lorne
Herschel Observations of the W3 GMC (II): Clues to the Formation of Clusters of High-mass Stars
Rivera-Ingraham, A. ; Martin, P.G. ; Polychroni, D. ; Schneider, N. ; Motte, F. ; Bontemps, S. ; Hennemann, M. ; Men'shchikov, A. ; Nguyen Luong, Q. ; Zavagno, A. ; André, P. ; Bernard, J.-P. ; Di Francesco, J. ; Fallscheer, C. ; Hill, T. ; Könyves, V. ; Marston, A. ; Pezzuto, S. ; Rygl, K.L.J. ; Spinoglio, L. ; White, G.J.
IRIS and SDO Observations of Recurrent Explosive Events
Gupta, G.R.; Tripathi, Durgesh
Formation and Eruption of a Small Flux Rope in the Chromosphere Observed by NST, IRIS, and SDO
Kumar, Pankaj ; Yurchyshyn, Vasyl ; Wang, Haimin ; Cho, Kyung-Suk
Realistic Modeling of Local Dynamo Processes on the Sun
Kitiashvili, I.N. ; Kosovichev, A.G. ; Mansour, N.N. ; Wray, A.A.
Fourier Analysis of Blazar Variability: Klein-Nishina Effects and the Jet Scattering Environment
Finke, Justin D. ; Becker, Peter A.
Millimeter Source 13 S in R CrA:Observations of a Proto-Herbig Ae System Candidate
Saul, M.
Evolution of a Ring around the Pluto-Charon Binary
Bromley, Benjamin C. ; Kenyon, Scott J.
The Spectroscopic Properties of Lyα-Emitters at z ∼2.7: Escaping Gas and Photons from Faint Galaxies
Trainor, Ryan F. ; Steidel, Charles C. ; Strom, Allison L. ; Rudie, Gwen C.
ARGO-YBJ Observation of the Large-scale Cosmic Ray Anisotropy During the Solar Minimum between Cycles 23 and 24
Bartoli, B. ; Bernardini, P. ; Bi, X.J. ; Cao, Z. ; Catalanotti, S. ; Chen, S.Z. ; Chen, T.L. ; Cui, S.W. ; Dai, B.Z. ; D'Amone, A. ; Danzengluobu ; De Mitri, I. ; D'Ettorre Piazzoli, B. ; Di Girolamo, T. ; Di Sciascio, G. ; Feng, C.F. ; Feng, Z. ; Gao, W. ; Gou, Q.B. ; Guo, Y.Q. ; He, H.H. ; Hu, H. ; Iacovacci, M. ; Iuppa, R. ; Jia, H.Y. ; Labaciren ; Li, H.J. ; Liu, C. ; Liu, J. ; Liu, M.Y. ; Lu, H. ; Ma, L.L. ; Ma, X.H. ; Mancarella, G. ; Mari, S.M. ; Marsella, G. ; Mastroianni, S. ; Montini, P. ; Ning, C.C. ; Perrone, L. ; Pistilli, P. ; Salvini, P. ; Santonico, R. ; Shen, P.R. ; Sheng, X.D. ; Shi, F. ; Surdo, A. ; Tan, Y.H. ; Vallania, P. ; Vernetto, S. ; Vigorito, C. ; Wang, H. ; Wu, C.Y. ; Wu, H.R. ; Xue, L. ; Yang, Q.Y. ; Yang, X.C. ; Yao, Z.G. ; Yuan, A.F. ; Zha, M. ; Zhang, H.M. ; Zhang, L. ; Zhang, X.Y. ; Zhang, Y. ; Zhao, J. ; Zhaxiciren ; Zhaxisangzhu ; Zhou, X.X. ; Zhu, F.R. ; Zhu, Q.Q. ; (The ARGO-YBJ Collaboration)
2015ApJ...809...91P – (Tables: J/ApJ/809/91)
Outflows in Sodium Excess Objects
Park, Jongwon ; Jeong, Hyunjin ; Yi, Sukyoung K.
2015ApJ...809...92W – (Tables: J/ApJ/809/92)
Asteroids in GALEX: Near-ultraviolet Photometry of the Major Taxonomic Groups
Waszczak, Adam ; Ofek, Eran O. ; Kulkarni, Shrinivas R.
Observational Signatures of Planets in Protoplanetary Disks I. Gaps Opened by Single and Multiple Young Planets in Disks
Dong, Ruobing ; Zhu, Zhaohuan ; Whitney, Barbara
Building Massive Compact Planetesimal Disks from the Accretion of Pebbles
Moriarty, John ; Fischer, Debra
The Morphologies of Massive Galaxies from z ∼ 3–Witnessing the Two Channels of Bulge Growth
Huertas-Company, M. ; Pérez-González, P.G. ; Mei, S. ; Shankar, F. ; Bernardi, M. ; Daddi, E. ; Barro, G. ; Cabrera-Vives, G. ; Cattaneo, A. ; Dimauro, P. ; Gravet, R.
Unveiling the Milky Way: A New Technique for Determining the Optical Color and Luminosity of Our Galaxy
Licquia, Timothy C. ; Newman, Jeffrey A. ; Brinchmann, Jarle
Horizon-scale Lepton Acceleration in Jets: Explaining the Compact Radio Emission in M87
Broderick, Avery E. ; Tchekhovskoy, Alexander
A Combined Maximum-likelihood Analysis of the High-energy Astrophysical Neutrino Flux Measured with IceCube
Aartsen, M.G. ; Abraham, K. ; Ackermann, M. ; Adams, J. ; Aguilar, J.A. ; Ahlers, M. ; Ahrens, M. ; Altmann, D. ; Anderson, T. ; Archinger, M. ; Arguelles, C. ; Arlen, T.C. ; Auffenberg, J. ; Bai, X. ; Barwick, S.W. ; Baum, V. ; Bay, R. ; Beatty, J.J. ; Becker Tjus, J. ; Becker, K.-H. ; Beiser, E. ; BenZvi, S. ; Berghaus, P. ; Berley, D. ; Bernardini, E. ; Bernhard, A. ; Besson, D.Z. ; Binder, G. ; Bindig, D. ; Bissok, M. ; Blaufuss, E. ; Blumenthal, J. ; Boersma, D.J. ; Bohm, C. ; Börner, M. ; Bos, F. ; Bose, D. ; Böser, S. ; Botner, O. ; Braun, J. ; Brayeur, L. ; Bretz, H.-P. ; Brown, A.M. ; Buzinsky, N. ; Casey, J. ; Casier, M. ; Cheung, E. ; Chirkin, D. ; Christov, A. ; Christy, B. ; Clark, K. ; Classen, L. ; Coenders, S. ; Cowen, D.F. ; Cruz Silva, A.H. ; Daughhetee, J. ; Davis, J.C. ; Day, M. ; de André, J.P.A.M. ; De Clercq, C. ; Dembinski, H. ; De Ridder, S. ; Desiati, P. ; de Vries, K.D. ; de Wasseige, G. ; de With, M. ; DeYoung, T. ; Díaz-Vélez, J.C. ; Dumm, J.P. ; Dunkman, M. ; Eagan, R. ; Eberhardt, B. ; Ehrhardt, T. ; Eichmann, B. ; Euler, S. ; Evenson, P.A. ; Fadiran, O. ; Fahey, S. ; Fazely, A.R. ; Fedynitch, A. ; Feintzeig, J. ; Felde, J. ; Filimonov, K. ; Finley, C. ; Fischer-Wasels, T. ; Flis, S. ; Fuchs, T. ; Gaisser, T.K. ; Gaior, R. ; Gallagher, J. ; Gerhardt, L. ; Ghorbani, K. ; Gier, D. ; Gladstone, L. ; Glagla, M. ; Glüsenkamp, T. ; Goldschmidt, A. ; Golup, G. ; Gonzalez, J.G. ; Goodman, J.A. ; Góra, D. ; Grant, D. ; Gretskov, P. ; Groh, J.C. ; Gross, A. ; Ha, C. ; Haack, C. ; Ismail, A.Haj ; Hallgren, A. ; Halzen, F. ; Hansmann, B. ; Hanson, K. ; Hebecker, D. ; Heereman, D. ; Helbing, K. ; Hellauer, R. ; Hellwig, D. ; Hickford, S. ; Hignight, J. ; Hill, G.C. ; Hoffman, K.D. ; Hoffmann, R. ; Holzapfel, K. ; Homeier, A. ; Hoshina, K. ; Huang, F. ; Huber, M. ; Huelsnitz, W. ; Hulth, P.O. ; Hultqvist, K. ; In, S. ; Ishihara, A. ; Jacobi, E. ; Japaridze, G.S. ; Jero, K. ; Jurkovic, M. ; Kaminsky, B. ; Kappes, A. ; Karg, T. ; Karle, A. ; Kauer, M. ; Keivani, A. ; Kelley, J.L. ; Kemp, J. ; Kheirandish, A. ; Kiryluk, J. ; Kläs, J. ; Klein, S.R. ; Kohnen, G. ; Kolanoski, H. ; Konietz, R. ; Koob, A. ; Köpke, L. ; Kopper, C. ; Kopper, S. ; Koskinen, D.J. ; Kowalski, M. ; Krings, K. ; Kroll, G. ; Kroll, M. ; Kunnen, J. ; Kurahashi, N. ; Kuwabara, T. ; Labare, M. ; Lanfranchi, J.L. ; Larson, M.J. ; Lesiak-Bzdak, M. ; Leuermann, M. ; Leuner, J. ; Lünemann, J. ; Madsen, J. ; Maggi, G. ; Mahn, K.B.M. ; Maruyama, R. ; Mase, K. ; Matis, H.S. ; Maunu, R. ; McNally, F. ; Meagher, K. ; Medici, M. ; Meli, A. ; Menne, T. ; Merino, G. ; Meures, T. ; Miarecki, S. ; Middell, E. ; Middlemas, E. ; Miller, J. ; Mohrmann, L. ; Montaruli, T. ; Morse, R. ; Nahnhauer, R. ; Naumann, U. ; Niederhausen, H. ; Nowicki, S.C. ; Nygren, D.R. ; Obertacke, A. ; Olivas, A. ; Omairat, A. ; O'Murchadha, A. ; Palczewski, T. ; Paul, L. ; Pepper, J.A. ; Pérez de los Heros, C. ; Pfendner, C. ; Pieloth, D. ; Pinat, E. ; Posselt, J. ; Price, P.B. ; Przybylski, G.T. ; Pütz, J. ; Quinnan, M. ; Rädel, L. ; Rameez, M. ; Rawlins, K. ; Redl, P. ; Reimann, R. ; Relich, M. ; Resconi, E. ; Rhode, W. ; Richman, M. ; Richter, S. ; Riedel, B. ; Robertson, S. ; Rongen, M. ; Rott, C. ; Ruhe, T. ; Ruzybayev, B. ; Ryckbosch, D. ; Saba, S.M. ; Sabbatini, L. ; Sander, H.-G. ; Sandrock, A. ; Sandroos, J. ; Sarkar, S. ; Schatto, K. ; Scheriau, F. ; Schimp, M. ; Schmidt, T. ; Schmitz, M. ; Schoenen, S. ; Schöneberg, S. ; Schönwald, A. ; Schukraft, A. ; Schulte, L. ; Seckel, D. ; Seunarine, S. ; Shanidze, R. ; Smith, M.W.E. ; Soldin, D. ; Spiczak, G.M. ; Spiering, C. ; Stahlberg, M. ; Stamatikos, M. ; Stanev, T. ; Stanisha, N.A. ; Stasik, A. ; Stezelberger, T. ; Stokstad, R.G. ; Stössl, A. ; Strahler, E.A. ; Ström, R. ; Strotjohann, N.L. ; Sullivan, G.W. ; Sutherland, M. ; Taavola, H. ; Taboada, I. ; Ter-Antonyan, S. ; Terliuk, A. ; Tešic, G. ; Tilav, S. ; Toale, P.A. ; Tobin, M.N. ; Tosi, D. ; Tselengidou, M. ; Unger, E. ; Usner, M. ; Vallecorsa, S. ; Vandenbroucke, J. ; van Eijndhoven, N. ; Vanheule, S. ; van Santen, J. ; Veenkamp, J. ; Vehring, M. ; Voge, M. ; Vraeghe, M. ; Walck, C. ; Wallace, A. ; Wallraff, M. ; Wandkowsky, N. ; Weaver, Ch. ; Wendt, C. ; Westerhoff, S. ; Whelan, B.J. ; Whitehorn, N. ; Wichary, C. ; Wiebe, K. ; Wiebusch, C.H. ; Wille, L. ; Williams, D.R. ; Wissing, H. ; Wolf, M. ; Wood, T.R. ; Woschnagg, K. ; Xu, D.L. ; Xu, X.W. ; Xu, Y. ; Yanez, J.P. ; Yodh, G. ; Yoshida, S. ; Zarzhitsky, P. ; Zoll, M. ; (The IceCube Collaboration)
Formation and Evolution of Galactic Intermediate/Low-Mass X-ray Binaries
Shao, Yong ; Li, Xiang-Dong
Resolving the High-energy Universe with Strong Gravitational Lensing: The Case of PKS 1830-211
Barnacka, Anna ; Geller, Margaret J. ; Dell'Antonio, Ian P. ; Benbow, Wystan
Measuring the Mass of the Central Black Hole in the Bulgeless Galaxy NGC 4395 from Gas Dynamical Modeling
den Brok, Mark ; Seth, Anil C. ; Barth, Aaron J. ; Carson, Daniel J. ; Neumayer, Nadine ; Cappellari, Michele ; Debattista, Victor P. ; Ho, Luis C. ; Hood, Carol E. ; McDermid, Richard M.
GeV γ-ray Emission Detected by Fermi-LAT Probably Associated with the Thermal Composite Supernova Remnant Kesteven 41 in a Molecular Environment
Liu, Bing ; Chen, Yang ; Zhang, Xiao ; Zhang, Gao-Yuan ; Xing, Yi ; Pannuti, Thomas G.
Triggering Collapse of the Presolar Dense Cloud Core and Injecting Short-lived Radioisotopes with a Shock Wave. IV. Effects of Rotational Axis Orientation
Boss, Alan P.; Keiser, Sandra A.
A Unified Computational Model for Solar and Stellar Flares
Allred, Joel C. ; Kowalski, Adam F. ; Carlsson, Mats
Type II and Type III Radio Bursts and their Correlation with Solar Energetic Proton Events
Winter, L.M. ; Ledbetter, K.
Kinematic and Energetic Properties of the 2012 March 12 Polar Coronal Mass Ejection
Gopalswamy, N. ; Yashiro, S. ; Akiyama, S.
Multiplicity among F-type Stars. II.
Fuhrmann, K. ; Chini, R.
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