The Astrophysical Journal 808
July(III) 2015

The 2014 ALMA Long Baseline Campaign: An Overview
ALMA Partnership; Fomalont, E.B. ; Vlahakis, C. ; Corder, S. ; Remijan, A. ; Barkats, D. ; Lucas, R. ; Hunter, T.R. ; Brogan, C.L. ; Asaki, Y. ; Matsushita, S. ; Dent, W.R.F. ; Hills, R.E. ; Phillips, N. ; Richards, A.M.S. ; Cox, P. ; Amestica, R. ; Broguiere, D. ; Cotton, W. ; Hales, A.S. ; Hiriart, R. ; Hirota, A. ; Hodge, J.A. ; Impellizzeri, C.M.V. ; Kern, J. ; Kneissl, R. ; Liuzzo, E. ; Marcelino, N. ; Marson, R. ; Mignano, A. ; Nakanishi, K. ; Nikolic, B. ; Perez, J.E. ; Pérez, L.M. ; Toledo, I. ; Aladro, R. ; Butler, B. ; Cortes, J. ; Cortes, P. ; Dhawan, V. ; Di Francesco, J. ; Espada, D. ; Galarza, F. ; Garcia-Appadoo, D. ; Guzman-Ramirez, L. ; Humphreys, E.M. ; Jung, T. ; Kameno, S. ; Laing, R.A. ; Leon, S. ; Mangum, J. ; Marconi, G. ; Nagai, H. ; Nyman, L.-A. ; Radiszcz, M. ; Rodón, J.A. ; Sawada, T. ; Takahashi, S. ; Tilanus, R.P.J. ; van Kempen, T. ; Vila Vilaro, B. ; Watson, L.C. ; Wiklind, T. ; Gueth, F. ; Tatematsu, K. ; Wootten, A. ; Castro-Carrizo, A. ; Chapillon, E. ; Dumas, G. ; de Gregorio-Monsalvo, I. ; Francke, H. ; Gallardo, J. ; Garcia, J. ; Gonzalez, S. ; Hibbard, J.E. ; Hill, T. ; Kaminski, T. ; Karim, A. ; Krips, M. ; Kurono, Y. ; Lopez, C. ; Martin, S. ; Maud, L. ; Morales, F. ; Pietu, V. ; Plarre, K. ; Schieven, G. ; Testi, L. ; Videla, L. ; Villard, E. ; Whyborn, N. ; Zwaan, M.A. ; Alves, F. ; Andreani, P. ; Avison, A. ; Barta, M. ; Bedosti, F. ; Bendo, G.J. ; Bertoldi, F. ; Bethermin, M. ; Biggs, A. ; Boissier, J. ; Brand, J. ; Burkutean, S. ; Casasola, V. ; Conway, J. ; Cortese, L. ; Dabrowski, B. ; Davis, T.A. ; Diaz Trigo, M. ; Fontani, F. ; Franco-Hernandez, R. ; Fuller, G. ; Galvan Madrid, R. ; Giannetti, A. ; Ginsburg, A. ; Graves, S.F. ; Hatziminaoglou, E. ; Hogerheijde, M. ; Jachym, P. ; Jimenez Serra, I. ; Karlicky, M. ; Klaasen, P. ; Kraus, M. ; Kunneriath, D. ; Lagos, C. ; Longmore, S. ; Leurini, S. ; Maercker, M. ; Magnelli, B. ; Marti Vidal, I. ; Massardi, M. ; Maury, A. ; Muehle, S. ; Muller, S. ; Muxlow, T. ; O'Gorman, E. ; Paladino, R. ; Petry, D. ; Pineda, J. ; Randall, S. ; Richer, J.S. ; Rossetti, A. ; Rushton, A. ; Rygl, K. ; Sanchez Monge, A. ; Schaaf, R. ; Schilke, P. ; Stanke, T. ; Schmalzl, M. ; Stoehr, F. ; Urban, S. ; van Kampen, E. ; Vlemmings, W. ; Wang, K. ; Wild, W. ; Yang, Y. ; Iguchi, S. ; Hasegawa, T. ; Saito, M. ; Inatani, J. ; Mizuno, N. ; Asayama, S. ; Kosugi, G. ; Morita, K.-I. ; Chiba, K. ; Kawashima, S. ; Okumura, S.K. ; Ohashi, N. ; Ogasawara, R. ; Sakamoto, S. ; Noguchi, T. ; Huang, Y.-D. ; Liu, S.-Y. ; Kemper, F. ; Koch, P.M. ; Chen, M.-T. ; Chikada, Y. ; Hiramatsu, M. ; Iono, D. ; Shimojo, M. ; Komugi, S. ; Kim, J. ; Lyo, A.-R. ; Muller, E. ; Herrera, C. ; Miura, R.E. ; Ueda, J. ; Chibueze, J. ; Su, Y.-N. ; Trejo-Cruz, A. ; Wang, K.-S. ; Kiuchi, H. ; Ukita, N. ; Sugimoto, M. ; Kawabe, R. ; Hayashi, M. ; Miyama, S. ; Ho, P.T.P. ; Kaifu, N. ; Ishiguro, M. ; Beasley, A.J. ; Bhatnagar, S. ; Bratz III, J.A. ; Brisbin, D.G. ; Brunetti, N. ; Carilli, C. ; Crossley, J.H. ; D'Addario, L. ; Donovan Meyer, J.L. ; Emerson, D.T. ; Evans, A.S. ; Fisher, P. ; Golap, K. ; Griffith, D.M. ; Hale, A.E. ; Halstead, D. ; Hardy, E.J. ; Hatz, M.C. ; Holdaway, M.; Indebetouw, R. ; Jewell, P.R. ; Kepley, A.A. ; Kim, D.-C. ; Lacy, M.D. ; Leroy, A.K. ; Liszt, H.S. ; Lonsdale, C.J. ; Matthews, B. ; McKinnon, M. ; Mason, B.S. ; Moellenbrock, G. ; Moullet, A. ; Myers, S.T. ; Ott, J. ; Peck, A.B. ; Pisano, J. ; Radford, S.J.E. ; Randolph, W.T. ; Venkata, U.Rao ; Rawlings, M.G. ; Rosen, R. ; Schnee, S.L. ; Scott, K.S. ; Sharp, N.K. ; Sheth, K. ; Simon, R.S. ; Tsutsumi, T. ; Wood, S.J.
The 2014 ALMA Long Baseline Campaign: Observations of Asteroid 3 Juno at 60 Kilometer Resolution
ALMA Partnership; Hunter, T.R. ; Kneissl, R. ; Moullet, A. ; Brogan, C.L. ; Fomalont, E.B. ; Vlahakis, C. ; Asaki, Y. ; Barkats, D. ; Dent, W.R.F. ; Hills, R.E. ; Hirota, A. ; Hodge, J.A. ; Impellizzeri, C.M.V. ; Liuzzo, E. ; Lucas, R. ; Marcelino, N. ; Matsushita, S. ; Nakanishi, K. ; Pérez, L.M. ; Phillips, N. ; Richards, A.M.S. ; Toledo, I. ; Aladro, R. ; Broguiere, D. ; Cortes, J.R. ; Cortes, P.C. ; Espada, D. ; Galarza, F. ; Garcia-Appadoo, D. ; Guzman-Ramirez, L. ; Hales, A.S. ; Humphreys, E.M. ; Jung, T. ; Kameno, S. ; Laing, R.A. ; Leon, S. ; Marconi, G. ; Mignano, A. ; Nikolic, B. ; Nyman, L.-A. ; Radiszcz, M. ; Remijan, A. ; Rodón, J.A. ; Sawada, T. ; Takahashi, S. ; Tilanus, R.P.J. ; Vila Vilaro, B. ; Watson, L.C. ; Wiklind, T. ; De Gregorio-Monsalvo, I. ; Di Francesco, J. ; Mangum, J. ; Francke, H. ; Gallardo, J. ; Garcia, J. ; Gonzalez, S. ; Hill, T. ; Kaminski, T. ; Kurono, Y. ; Lopez, C. ; Morales, F. ; Plarre, K. ; Randall, S. ; van kempen, T. ; Videla, L. ; Villard, E. ; Andreani, P. ; Hibbard, J.E. ; Tatematsu, K.
The 2014 ALMA Long Baseline Campaign: First Results from High Angular Resolution Observations toward the HL Tau Region
ALMA Partnership; Brogan, C.L. ; Pérez, L.M. ; Hunter, T.R. ; Dent, W.R.F. ; Hales, A.S. ; Hills, R.E. ; Corder, S. ; Fomalont, E.B. ; Vlahakis, C. ; Asaki, Y. ; Barkats, D. ; Hirota, A. ; Hodge, J.A. ; Impellizzeri, C.M.V. ; Kneissl, R. ; Liuzzo, E. ; Lucas, R. ; Marcelino, N. ; Matsushita, S. ; Nakanishi, K. ; Phillips, N. ; Richards, A.M.S. ; Toledo, I. ; Aladro, R. ; Broguiere, D. ; Cortes, J.R. ; Cortes, P.C. ; Espada, D. ; Galarza, F. ; Garcia-Appadoo, D. ; Guzman-Ramirez, L. ; Humphreys, E.M. ; Jung, T. ; Kameno, S. ; Laing, R.A. ; Leon, S. ; Marconi, G. ; Mignano, A. ; Nikolic, B. ; Nyman, L.-A. ; Radiszcz, M. ; Remijan, A. ; Rodón, J.A. ; Sawada, T. ; Takahashi, S. ; Tilanus, R.P.J. ; Vila Vilaro, B. ; Watson, L.C. ; Wiklind, T. ; Akiyama, E. ; Chapillon, E. ; de Gregorio-Monsalvo, I. ; Di Francesco, J. ; Gueth, F. ; Kawamura, A. ; Lee, C.-F. ; Nguyen Luong, Q. ; Mangum, J. ; Pietu, V. ; Sanhueza, P. ; Saigo, K. ; Takakuwa, S. ; Ubach, C. ; van Kempen, T. ; Wootten, A. ; Castro-Carrizo, A. ; Francke, H. ; Gallardo, J. ; Garcia, J. ; Gonzalez, S. ; Hill, T. ; Kaminski, T. ; Kurono, Y. ; Liu, H.-Y. ; Lopez, C. ; Morales, F. ; Plarre, K. ; Schieven, G. ; Testi, L. ; Videla, L. ; Villard, E. ; Andreani, P. ; Hibbard, J.E. ; Tatematsu, K.
The 2014 ALMA Long Baseline Campaign: Observations of the Strongly Lensed Submillimeter Galaxy HATLAS J090311.6+003906 at z = 3.042
ALMA Partnership; Vlahakis, C. ; Hunter, T.R. ; Hodge, J.A. ; Pérez, L.M. ; Andreani, P. ; Brogan, C.L. ; Cox, P. ; Martin, S. ; Zwaan, M. ; Matsushita, S. ; Dent, W.R.F. ; Impellizzeri, C.M.V. ; Fomalont, E.B. ; Asaki, Y. ; Barkats, D. ; Hills, R.E. ; Hirota, A. ; Kneissl, R. ; Liuzzo, E. ; Lucas, R. ; Marcelino, N. ; Nakanishi, K. ; Phillips, N. ; Richards, A.M.S. ; Toledo, I. ; Aladro, R. ; Broguiere, D. ; Cortes, J.R. ; Cortes, P.C. ; Espada, D. ; Galarza, F. ; Garcia-Appadoo, D. ; Guzman-Ramirez, L. ; Hales, A.S. ; Humphreys, E.M. ; Jung, T. ; Kameno, S. ; Laing, R.A. ; Leon, S. ; Marconi, G. ; Mignano, A. ; Nikolic, B. ; Nyman, L.-A. ; Radiszcz, M. ; Remijan, A. ; Rodón, J.A. ; Sawada, T. ; Takahashi, S. ; Tilanus, R.P.J. ; Vilaro, B.Vila ; Watson, L.C. ; Wiklind, T. ; Ao, Y. ; Di Francesco, J. ; Hatsukade, B. ; Hatziminaoglou, E. ; Mangum, J. ; Matsuda, Y. ; van Kampen, E. ; Wootten, A. ; de Gregorio-Monsalvo, I. ; Dumas, G. ; Francke, H. ; Gallardo, J. ; Garcia, J. ; Gonzalez, S. ; Hill, T. ; Iono, D. ; Kaminski, T. ; Karim, A. ; Krips, M. ; Kurono, Y. ; Lonsdale, C. ; Lopez, C. ; Morales, F. ; Plarre, K. ; Videla, L. ; Villard, E. ; Hibbard, J.E. ; Tatematsu, K.
Suppression of Stellar Tidal Disruption Rates by Anisotropic Initial Conditions
Lezhnin, Kirill ; Vasiliev, Eugene
Resolving the Merging Planck Cluster PLCK G147.3-16.6 with GISMO
Mroczkowski, T. ; Kovács, A. ; Bulbul, E. ; Staguhn, J. ; Benford, D.J. ; Clarke, T.E. ; van Weeren, R.J. ; Intema, H.T. ; Randall, S.
Anomalous Relative Ar/Ca Coronal Abundances Observed by the Hinode/EUV Imaging Spectrometer Near Sunspots
Doschek, G.A. ; Warren, H.P. ; Feldman, U.
Disk-stability Constraints on the Number of Arms in Spiral Galaxies
D'Onghia, Elena
New Constraints on the Abundances of Silicate and Oxide Stardust from Supernovae in the Acfer 094 Meteorite
Hoppe, Peter; Leitner, Jan; Kodolányi, János
A Comparative Study of Two 47 Tuc Giant Stars with Different s-process Enrichment
Cordero, M.J. ; Hansen, C.J. ; Johnson, C.I. ; Pilachowski, C.A.
Variability in Tidal Disruption Events: Gravitationally Unstable Streams
Coughlin, Eric R. ; Nixon, Chris
A High-velocity Bulge RR Lyrae Variable on a Halo-like Orbit
Kunder, Andrea ; Rich, R.M. ; Hawkins, K. ; Poleski, R. ; Storm, J. ; Johnson, C.I. ; Shen, J. ; Li, Z.-Y. ; Cordero, M.J. ; Nataf, D.M. ; Bono, G. ; Walker, A.R. ; Koch, A. ; De Propris, R. ; Udalski, A. ; Szyman'ski, M.K. ; Soszyn'ski, I. ; Pietrzyn'ski, G. ; Ulaczyk, K. ; Wyrzykowski, L. ; Pietrukowicz, P. ; Skowron, J. ; Kozlowski, S. ; Mróz, P.
Chromospheric Polarization in the Photospheric Solar Oxygen Infrared Triplet
Del Pino Alemán, Tanausú ; Trujillo Bueno, Javier
Early Optical Spectra of Nova V1369 Cen Show the Presence of Lithium
Izzo, Luca ; Della Valle, Massimo ; Mason, Elena ; Matteucci, Francesca ; Romano, Donatella ; Pasquini, Luca ; Vanzi, Leonardo ; Jordan, Andres ; Fernandez, José Miguel ; Bluhm, Paz ; Brahm, Rafael ; Espinoza, Nestor ; Williams, Robert
Evidence of the Solar EUV Hot Channel as a Magnetic Flux Rope from Remote-sensing and In Situ Observations
SONG, H.Q. ; CHEN, Y. ; ZHANG, J. ; CHENG, X. ; Wang, B. ; HU, Q. ; LI, G. ; WANG, Y.M.
Faint Luminescent Ring over Saturn's Polar Hexagon
Adriani, Alberto ; Moriconi, Maria Luisa ; D'Aversa, Emiliano ; Oliva, Fabrizio ; Filacchione, Gianrico
The Formation of Milky Way-mass Disk Galaxies in the First 500 Million Years of a Cold Dark Matter Universe
Feng, Yu ; Di Matteo, Tiziana ; Croft, Rupert ; Tenneti, Ananth ; Bird, Simeon ; Battaglia, Nicholas ; Wilkins, Stephen
The Most Intensive Gamma-Ray Flare of Quasar 3C 279 with the Second-order Fermi Acceleration
Asano, Katsuaki; Hayashida, Masaaki
Magnesium-rich Ejecta in the SNR G284.3-1.8 Around the High-mass Gamma-Ray Binary 1FGL J1018.6-5856
Williams, Brian J. ; Rangelov, Blagoy ; Kargaltsev, Oleg ; Pavlov, George G.
SDSS J111010.01+011613.1: A New Planetary-mass T Dwarf Member of the AB Doradus Moving Group
Gagné, Jonathan ; Burgasser, Adam J. ; Faherty, Jacqueline K. ; Lafreniére, David ; Doyon, René ; Filippazzo, Joseph C. ; Bowsher, Emily ; Nicholls, Christine P.
The Three-dimensional Evolution to Core Collapse of a Massive Star
Couch, Sean M. ; Chatzopoulos, Emmanouil ; David Arnett, W. ; Timmes, F.X.
SOFIA Observations of SN 2010jl: Another Non-Detection of the 9.7 µm Silicate Dust Feature
Williams, Brian J. ; Fox, Ori D.
Are Tornado-like Magnetic Structures Able to Support Solar Prominence Plasma?
Luna, M. ; Moreno-Insertis, F. ; Priest, E.
Confined Flares in Solar Active Region 12192 from 2014 October 18 to 29
Chen, Huadong ; Zhang, Jun ; Ma, Suli ; Yang, Shuhong ; Li, Leping ; Huang, Xin ; Xiao, Junmin
Interrupted Stellar Encounters in Star Clusters
Geller, Aaron M. ; Leigh, Nathan W.C.
First Detection of 350 Micron Polarization from a Radio-loud AGN
Lee, Sang-Sung ; Kang, Sincheol ; Byun, Do-Young ; Chapman, Nicholas ; Novak, Giles ; Trippe, Sascha ; Algaba, Juan Carlos ; Kino, Motoki
Rapid Environmental Quenching of Satellite Dwarf Galaxies in the Local Group
Wetzel, Andrew R. ; Tollerud, Erik J. ; Weisz, Daniel R.
The Cause of the Weak Solar Cycle 24
Jiang, J. ; Cameron, R.H. ; Schüssler, M.
The Sizes of Massive Quiescent and Star-forming Galaxies at z ∼ 4 with ZFOURGE and CANDELS
Straatman, Caroline M.S. ; Labbé, Ivo ; Spitler, Lee R. ; Glazebrook, Karl ; Tomczak, Adam ; Allen, Rebecca ; Brammer, Gabriel B. ; Cowley, Michael ; van Dokkum, Pieter ; Kacprzak, Glenn G. ; Kawinwanichakij, Lalit ; Mehrtens, Nicola ; Nanayakkara, Themiya ; Papovich, Casey ; Persson, S.Eric ; Quadri, Ryan F. ; Rees, Glen ; Tilvi, Vithal ; Tran, Kim-Vy H. ; Whitaker, Katherine E.
Precipitation-regulated Star Formation in Galaxies
Voit, G.M. ; Bryan, Greg L. ; O'Shea, Brian W. ; Donahue, Megan
Observational Consequences of Turbulent Pressure in the Envelopes of Massive Stars
Grassitelli, L. ; Fossati, L. ; Simón-Diáz, S. ; Langer, N. ; Castro, N. ; Sanyal, D.
Hiding in Plain Sight: Record-breaking Compact Stellar Systems in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Sandoval, Michael A. ; Vo, Richard P. ; Romanowsky, Aaron J. ; Strader, Jay ; Choi, Jieun ; Jennings, Zachary G. ; Conroy, Charlie ; Brodie, Jean P. ; Foster, Caroline ; Villaume, Alexa ; Norris, Mark A. ; Janz, Joachim ; Forbes, Duncan A.
The Volatile Composition of Comet C/2003 K4 (LINEAR) at Near-IR Wavelengths–Comparisons with Results from the NanCay Radio Telescope and from the Odin, Spitzer, and SOHO Space Observatories
Paganini, L. ; Mumma, M.J. ; Villanueva, G.L. ; DiSanti, M.A. ; Bonev, B.P.
The Role of Large Amplitude Upstream Low-frequency Waves in the Generation of Superthermal Ions at a Quasi-parallel Collisionless Shock: Cluster Observations
Wu, Mingyu ; Hao, Yufei ; Lu, Quanming ; Huang, Can ; Guo, Fan ; Wang, Shui
Study of Solar Energetic Particle Associations with Coronal Extreme-ultraviolet Waves
Park, Jinhye ; Innes, D.E. ; Bucik, R. ; Moon, Y.-J. ; Kahler, S.W.
On the Constancy of the Diameter of the Sun during the Rising Phase of Solar Cycle 24
Meftah, M. ; Hauchecorne, A. ; Irbah, A. ; Corbard, T. ; Ikhlef, R. ; Morand, F. ; Renaud, C. ; Riguet, F. ; Pradal, F.
Multi-shell Magnetic Twisters as a New Mechanism for Coronal Heating and Solar Wind Acceleration
Murawski, K. ; Srivastava, A.K. ; Musielak, Z.E. ; Dwivedi, B.N.
The Sizes of Candidate z∼9-10 Galaxies: Confirmation of the Bright CANDELS Sample and Relation with Luminosity and Mass.
Holwerda, B.W. ; Bouwens, R. ; Oesch, P. ; Smit, R. ; Illingworth, G. ; Labbe, I.
The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Lensing of CMB Temperature and Polarization Derived from Cosmic Infrared Background Cross-correlation
van Engelen, Alexander ; Sherwin, Blake D. ; Sehgal, Neelima ; Addison, Graeme E. ; Allison, Rupert ; Battaglia, Nick ; de Bernardis, Francesco ; Bond, J.R. ; Calabrese, Erminia ; Coughlin, Kevin ; Crichton, Devin ; Datta, Rahul ; Devlin, Mark J. ; Dunkley, Joanna ; Dünner, Rolando ; Gallardo, Patricio ; Grace, Emily ; Gralla, Megan ; Hajian, Amir ; Hasselfield, Matthew ; Henderson, Shawn ; Hill, J.Colin ; Hilton, Matt ; Hincks, Adam D. ; Hlozek, Renée ; Huffenberger, Kevin M. ; Hughes, John P. ; Koopman, Brian ; Kosowsky, Arthur ; Louis, Thibaut ; Lungu, Marius ; Madhavacheril, Mathew ; Maurin, Loïc ; McMahon, Jeff ; Moodley, Kavilan ; Munson, Charles ; Naess, Sigurd ; Nati, Federico ; Newburgh, Laura ; Niemack, Michael D. ; Nolta, Michael R. ; Page, Lyman A. ; Pappas, Christine ; Partridge, Bruce ; Schmitt, Benjamin L. ; Sievers, Jonathan L. ; Simon, Sara ; Spergel, David N. ; Staggs, Suzanne T. ; Switzer, Eric R. ; Ward, Jonathan T. ; Wollack, Edward J.
Many-body Forces in the Equation of State of Hyperonic Matter
Gomes, R.O. ; Dexheimer, V. ; Schramm, S. ; Vasconcellos, C.A.Z.
NuSTAR and Suzaku Observations of the Hard State in Cygnus X-1: Locating the Inner Accretion Disk
Parker, M.L. ; Tomsick, J.A. ; Miller, J.M. ; Yamaoka, K. ; Lohfink, A. ; Nowak, M. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Alston, W.N. ; Boggs, S.E. ; Christensen, F.E. ; Craig, W.W. ; Fürst, F. ; Gandhi, P. ; Grefenstette, B.W. ; Grinberg, V. ; Hailey, C.J. ; Harrison, F.A. ; Kara, E. ; King, A.L. ; Stern, D. ; Walton, D.J. ; Wilms, J. ; Zhang, W.W.
On the IMF in a Triggered Star Formation Context
Zhou, Tingtao ; Huang, Chelsea X. ; Lin, D.N.C. ; Gritschneder, Matthias ; Lau, Herbert
2015ApJ...808...11N – (Tables: J/ApJ/808/11)
On the Distance of the Globular Cluster M4 (NGC 6121) Using RR Lyrae Stars. II. Mid-infrared Period-luminosity Relations.
Neeley, J.R. ; Marengo, M. ; Bono, G. ; Braga, V.F. ; Dall'Ora, M. ; Stetson, P.B. ; Buonanno, R. ; Ferraro, I. ; Freedman, W.L. ; Iannicola, G. ; Madore, B.F. ; Matsunaga, N. ; Monson, A. ; Persson, S.E. ; Scowcroft, V. ; Seibert, M.
Radial Velocity Variability of Field Brown Dwarfs
Prato, L. ; Mace, G.N. ; Rice, E.L. ; McLean, I.S. ; Kirkpatrick, J.Davy ; Burgasser, A.J. ; Kim, Sungsoo S.
2015ApJ...808...13R – (Tables: J/ApJ/808/13)
The Dissimilar Chemical Composition of the Planet-hosting Stars of the XO-2 Binary System
Ramírez, I. ; Khanal, S. ; Aleo, P. ; Sobotka, A. ; Liu, F. ; Casagrande, L. ; Meléndez, J. ; Yong, D. ; Lambert, D.L. ; Asplund, M.
The Destruction of Inner Planetary Systems during High-eccentricity Migration of Gas Giants
Mustill, Alexander J.; Davies, Melvyn B.; Johansen, Anders
Star Streams in Triaxial Isochrone Potentials with Sub-halos
Carlberg, R.G.
2015ApJ...808...16N – (Tables: J/ApJ/808/16)
The Cannon: A Data-driven Approach to Stellar Label Determination
Ness, M. ; Hogg, David W. ; Rix, H.-W. ; Ho, Anna.Y.Q. ; Zasowski, G.
Fermi Observation of the Transitional Pulsar Binary XSS J12270-4859
Xing, Yi; Wang, Zhongxiang
Thermal Absorption as the Cause of Gigahertz-peaked Spectra in Pulsars and Magnetars
Lewandowski, Wojciech ; Ro{dot}zko, Karolina ; Kijak, Jaroslaw ; Melikidze, George I.
2015ApJ...808...19L – (Tables: J/ApJ/808/19)
The Megasecond Chandra X-Ray Visionary Project Observation of NGC 3115. II. Properties of Point Sources
Lin, Dacheng ; Irwin, Jimmy A. ; Wong, Ka-Wah ; Jennings, Zachary G. ; Homan, Jeroen ; Romanowsky, Aaron J. ; Strader, Jay ; Sivakoff, Gregory R. ; Brodie, Jean P. ; Remillard, Ronald A.
The Megasecond Chandra X-Ray Visionary Project Observation of NGC 3115. III. Luminosity Functions of LMXBs and Dependence on Stellar Environments
Lin, Dacheng ; Irwin, Jimmy A. ; Wong, Ka-Wah ; Jennings, Zachary G. ; Homan, Jeroen ; Romanowsky, Aaron J. ; Strader, Jay ; Brodie, Jean P. ; Sivakoff, Gregory R. ; Remillard, Ronald A.
2015ApJ...808...21D – (Tables: J/ApJ/808/21)
Methyl Acetate and Its Singly Deuterated Isotopomers in the Interstellar Medium
Das, Ankan ; Majumdar, Liton ; Sahu, Dipen ; Gorai, Prasanta ; Sivaraman, B ; Chakrabarti, Sandip K.
XMM-Newton and Suzaku X-Ray Shadowing Measurements of the Solar Wind Charge Exchange, Local Bubble, and Galactic Halo Emission
Henley, David B.; Shelton, Robin L.
Empirical Isochrones for Low Mass Stars in Nearby Young Associations
Herczeg, Gregory J. ; Hillenbrand, Lynne A.
Cosmic History of the Integrated Galactic Stellar Initial Mass Function: A Simulation Study
Chattopadhyay, Tanuka ; De, Tuli ; Warlu, Bharat ; Chattopadhyay, Asis Kumar
On the Mass-Metallicity-Star Formation Rate Relation for Galaxies at z∼2
Salim, Samir ; Lee, Janice C. ; Davé, Romeel ; Dickinson, Mark
Stellar Metallicity Gradients in SDSS Galaxies
Roig, Benjamin ; Blanton, Michael R. ; Yan, Renbin
The Molecular H2 Emission and the Stellar Kinematics in the Nuclear Region of the Sombrero Galaxy
Menezes, R.B.; Steiner, J.E.
Non-linear Galactic Dynamos and the Magnetic Pitch Angle
Chamandy, Luke; Taylor, A.Russ
Coronal Sources of the Solar F10.7 Radio Flux
Schonfeld, S.J. ; White, S.M. ; Henney, C.J. ; Arge, C.N. ; McAteer, R.T.J.
The Role of Fission in Neutron Star Mergers and Its Impact on the r-Process Peaks
Eichler, M. ; Arcones, A. ; Kelic, A. ; Korobkin, O. ; Langanke, K. ; Marketin, T. ; Martinez-Pinedo, G. ; Panov, I. ; Rauscher, T. ; Rosswog, S. ; Winteler, C. ; Zinner, N.T. ; Thielemann, F.-K.
Determining Neutron Star Properties by Fitting Oblate-star Waveform Models to X-Ray Burst Oscillations
Miller, M.Coleman ; Lamb, Frederick K.
Phase-resolved NuSTAR and Swift-XRT Observations of Magnetar 4U 0142+61
Tendulkar, Shriharsh P. ; Hascöet, Romain ; Yang, Chengwei ; Kaspi, Victoria M. ; Beloborodov, Andrei M. ; An, Hongjun ; Bachetti, Matteo ; Boggs, Steven E. ; Christensen, Finn E. ; Craig, William W. ; Guiilot, Sebastien ; Hailey, Charles A. ; Harrison, Fiona A. ; Stern, Daniel ; Zhang, William
On the Curvature Effect of a Relativistic Spherical Shell
Uhm, Z.Lucas ; Zhang, Bing
Investigating the Nature of IGR J17454-2919 Using X-Ray and Near-infrared Observations
Paizis, A. ; Nowak, M.A. ; Rodriguez, J. ; Segreto, A. ; Chaty, S. ; Rau, A. ; Chenevez, J. ; Del Santo, M. ; Greiner, J. ; Schmidl, S.
Rotation of Giant Stars
Kissin, Yevgeni ; Thompson, Christopher
New Measurements of the Radio Photosphere of Mira Based on Data from the JVLA and ALMA
Matthews, L.D. ; Reid, M.J. ; Menten, K.M.
Surveying Galaxy Proto-clusters in Emission: A Large-scale Structure at z = 2.44 and the Outlook for HETDEX
Chiang, Yi-Kuan ; Overzier, Roderik A. ; Gebhardt, Karl ; Finkelstein, Steven L. ; Chiang, Chi-Ting ; Hill, Gary J. ; Blanc, Guillermo A. ; Drory, Niv ; Chonis, Taylor S. ; Zeimann, Gregory R. ; Hagen, Alex ; Schneider, Donald P. ; Jogee, Shardha ; Ciardullo, Robin ; Gronwall, Caryl
Dissecting the Gaseous Halos of z ∼ Damped Lyα Systems with Close Quasar Pairs
Rubin, Kate H.R. ; Hennawi, Joseph F. ; Prochaska, J.Xavier ; Simcoe, Robert A. ; Myers, Adam ; Lau, Marie Wingyee
Probing Cosmological Isotropy with Type Ia Supernovae
Bengaly, C.A.P. Jr; Bernui, A.; Alcaniz, J.S.
The Physical Nature of the Cosmic Accretion of Baryons and Dark Matter into Halos and Their Galaxies
Wetzel, Andrew R. ; Nagai, Daisuke
First Detection of HCO+ Absorption in the Magellanic System
Murray, Claire E. ; Stanimirovic', Snezana ; McClure-Griffiths, N.M. ; Putman, M.E. ; Liszt, H.S. ; Wong, Tony ; Richter, P. ; Dawson, J.R. ; Dickey, John M. ; Lindner, Robert R. ; Babler, Brian L. ; Allison, J.R.
2015ApJ...808...42C – (Tables: J/ApJ/808/42)
CHAOS II. Gas-phase Abundances in NGC 5194
Croxall, Kevin V. ; Pogge, Richard W. ; Berg, Danielle A. ; Skillman, Evan D. ; Moustakas, John
Growth and Evolution of Thermal Instabilities in Idealized Galaxy Cluster Cores
Meece, Gregory R. ; O'Shea, Brian W. ; Voit, G.Mark
Spatial and Spectral Modeling of the Gamma-Ray Distribution in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Foreman, Gary ; Chu, You-Hua ; Gruendl, Robert ; Hughes, Annie ; Fields, Brian ; Ricker, Paul
A New Method for Deriving the Stellar Birth Function of Resolved Stellar Populations.
Gennaro, M. ; Tchernyshyov, K. ; Brown, T.M. ; Gordon, K.D.
A Hydrochemical Hybrid Code for Astrophysical Problems. I. Code Verification and Benchmarks for a Photon-dominated Region (PDR)
Motoyama, Kazutaka ; Morata, Oscar ; Shang, Hsien ; Krasnopolsky, Ruben ; Hasegawa, Tatsuhiko
Constraints on Gravity and Dark Energy from the Pairwise Kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect
Mueller, Eva-Maria ; de Bernardis, Francesco ; Bean, Rachel ; Niemack, Michael D.
Observational Diagnostics of Self-gravitating MHD Turbulence in Giant Molecular Clouds
Burkhart, Blakesley ; Collins, David C. ; Lazarian, Alex
Kepler's Supernova: An Overluminous Type Ia Event Interacting with a Massive Circumstellar Medium at a Very Late Phase
Katsuda, Satoru ; Mori, Koji ; Maeda, Keiichi ; Tanaka, Masaomi ; Koyama, Katsuji ; Tsunemi, Hiroshi ; Nakajima, Hiroshi ; Maeda, Yoshitomo ; Ozaki, Masanobu ; Petre, Robert
On a New Theoretical Framework for RR Lyrae Stars. I. The Metallicity Dependence
Marconi, M. ; Coppola, G. ; Bono, G. ; Braga, V. ; Pietrinferni, A. ; Buonanno, R. ; Castellani, M. ; Musella, I. ; Ripepi, V. ; Stellingwerf, R.F.
The Hubble Space Telescope UV Legacy Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters. III. A Quintuple Stellar Population in NGC 2808
Milone, A.P. ; Marino, A.F. ; Piotto, G. ; Renzini, A. ; Bedin, L.R. ; Anderson, J. ; Cassisi, S. ; D'Antona, F. ; Bellini, A. ; Jerjen, H. ; Pietrinferni, A. ; Ventura, P.
Multi-wavelength Light Curve Model of the One-year Recurrence Period Nova M31N 2008-12A
Kato, Mariko ; Saio, Hideyuki ; Hachisu, Izumi
CD -24°17504: A New Comprehensive Element Abundance Analysis
Jacobson, Heather R.; Frebel, Anna
Dependence of the Saturation Level of Magnetorotational Instability on Gas Pressure and Magnetic Prandtl Number
Minoshima, Takashi ; Hirose, Shigenobu ; Sano, Takayoshi
Circumstellar Magnetite from the LAP 031117 CO3.0 Chondrite
Zega, Thomas J. ; Haenecour, Pierre ; Floss, Christine ; Stroud, Rhonda M.
A Blind Method to Detrend Instrumental Systematics in Exoplanetary Light Curves
Morello, G.
Radial Velocity Eclipse Mapping of Exoplanets
Nikolov, Nikolay; Sainsbury-Martinez, Felix
Birth Locations of the Kepler Circumbinary Planets
Silsbee, Kedron; Rafikov, Roman R.
Using Realistic MHD Simulations for Modeling and Interpretation of Quiet-Sun Observations with the Solar Dynamics Observatory Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager
Kitiashvili, I.N. ; Couvidat, S. ; Lagg, A.
Divergent Horizontal Sub-surface Flows within Active Region 11158
Jain, Kiran; Tripathy, S.C.; Hill, F.
Study of Calibration of Solar Radio Spectrometers and the Quiet-Sun Radio Emission
Tan, Chengming ; Yan, Yihua ; Tan, Baolin ; Fu, Qijun ; Liu, Yuying ; Xu, Guirong
Drift-induced Deceleration of Solar Energetic Particles
Dalla, S. ; Marsh, M.S. ; Laitinen, T.
Internal Structure of Asteroids Having Surface Shedding Due to Rotational Instability
Hirabayashi, Masatoshi ; Sánchez, Diego Paul ; Scheeres, Daniel J.
A Hard X-Ray Study of the Ultraluminous X-Ray Source NGC 5204 X-1 with NuSTAR and XMM-Newton
Mukherjee, E.S. ; Walton, D.J. ; Bachetti, M. ; Harrison, F.A. ; Barret, D. ; Bellm, E. ; Boggs, S.E. ; Christensen, F.E. ; Craig, W.W. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Fuerst, F. ; Grefenstette, B.W. ; Hailey, C.J. ; Madsen, K.K. ; Middleton, M.J. ; Miller, J.M. ; Rana, V. ; Stern, D. ; Zhang, W.
Fast Magnetic Field Amplification in the Early Universe: Growth of Collisionless Plasma Instabilities in Turbulent Media
Falceta-Gonçalves, D. ; Kowal, G.
From H I to Stars: H I Depletion in Starbursts and Star-forming Galaxies in the ALFALFA Hα Survey
Jaskot, A.E. ; Oey, M.S. ; Salzer, J.J. ; Van Sistine, A. ; Bell, E.F. ; Haynes, M.P.
Period-Luminosity Relations Derived from the OGLE-III Fundamental Mode Cepheids. II. the Small Magellanic Cloud Cepheids
Ngeow, Chow-Choong ; Kanbur, Shashi M. ; Bhardwaj, Anupam ; Singh, Harinder P.
A Simple Calculation in Service of Constraining the Rate of FU Orionis Outburst Events from Photometric Monitoring Surveys
Hillenbrand, Lynne A. ; Findeisen, Krzysztof P.
ALMA Observations of the Largest Proto-Planetary Disk in the Orion Nebula, 114-426: A CO Silhouette
Bally, John ; Mann, Rita K. ; Eisner, Josh ; Andrews, Sean M. ; Di Francesco, James ; Hughes, Meredith ; Johnstone, Doug ; Matthews, Brenda ; Ricci, Luca ; Williams, Jonathan P.
Neutrino-driven Turbulent Convection and Standing Accretion Shock Instability in Three-dimensional Core-collapse Supernovae
Abdikamalov, Ernazar ; Ott, Christian D. ; Radice, David ; Roberts, Luke F. ; Haas, Roland ; Reisswig, Christian ; Mösta, Philipp ; Klion, Hannah ; Schnetter, Erik
The Mass Distribution Function of Planets
Malhotra, Renu
Dynamics of Electric Currents, Magnetic Field Topology, and Helioseismic Response of a Solar Flare
Sharykin, I.N. ; Kosovichev, A.G.
The Optically Unbiased GRB Host (TOUGH) Survey. VII. The Host Galaxy Luminosity Function: Probing the Relationship between GRBs and Star Formation to Redshift ∼ 6
Schulze, S. ; Chapman, R. ; Hjorth, J. ; Levan, A.J. ; Jakobsson, P. ; Björnsson, G. ; Perley, D.A. ; Krühler, T. ; Gorosabel, J. ; Tanvir, N.R. ; de Ugarte Postigo, A. ; Fynbo, J.P.U. ; Milvang-Jensen, B. ; Moller, P. ; Watson, D.J.
Discovery of γ-ray Emission from the Strongly Lobe-dominated Quasar 3C 275.1
Liao, Neng-Hui ; Xin, Yu-Liang ; Li, Shang ; Jiang, Wei ; Liang, Yun-Feng ; Li, Xiang ; Zhang, Peng-Fei ; Chen, Liang ; Bai, Jin-Ming ; Fan, Yi-Zhong
Kinematics of the X-shaped Milky Way Bulge: Expectations from a Self-consistent N-body Model
Qin, Yujing ; Shen, Juntai ; Li, Zhao-Yu ; Mao, Shude ; Smith, Martin C. ; Rich, R.Michael ; Kunder, Andrea ; Liu, Chao
Origin of the Diffuse, Far Ultraviolet Emission in the Interarm Regions of M101
Crocker, Alison F. ; Chandar, Rupali ; Calzetti, Daniela ; Holwerda, Benne Willem ; Leitherer, Claus ; Popescu, Cristina ; Tuffs, R.J.
N49: The First Robust Discovery of Recombining Plasma in an Extra-galactic Supernova Remnant
Uchida, Hiroyuki ; Koyama, Katsuji ; Yamaguchi, Hiroya
Constraints on the Lorentz Invariance Violation with Gamma-Ray Bursts via a Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approach
Pan, Yu ; Gong, Yungui ; Cao, Shuo ; Gao, He ; Zhu, Zong-Hong
Massive Relic Galaxies Challenge the Co-evolution of Super-massive Black Holes and Their Host Galaxies
Ferré-Mateu, Anna ; Mezcua, Mar ; Trujillo, Ignacio ; Balcells, Marc ; van den Bosch, Remco C.E.
A FWHM-K2 Correlation in Black Hole Transients
Casares, J.
Simultaneous Multi-band Radio and X-Ray Observations of the Galactic Center Magnetar SGR 1745-2900
Pennucci, T.T. ; Possenti, A. ; Esposito, P. ; Rea, N. ; Haggard, D. ; Baganoff, F.K. ; Burgay, M. ; Coti Zelati, F. ; Israel, G.L. ; Minter, A.
A Numerical Simulation of Cosmic-Ray Modulation Near the Heliopause
Luo, Xi ; Zhang, Ming ; Potgieter, Marius ; Feng, Xueshang ; Pogorelov, N.V.
A Statistical Survey of Dynamic Pressure Pulses in the Solar Wind Based on WIND Observations
Zuo, Pingbing ; Feng, Xueshang ; Xie, Yanqiong ; Wang, Yi ; Xu, Xiaojun
High Spatial Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy of the IC 443 Pulsar Wind Nebula and Environs
Swartz, Douglas A. ; Pavlov, George G. ; Clarke, Tracy ; Castelletti, Gabriela ; Zavlin, Vyacheslav E. ; Bucciantini, Niccolò ; Karovska, Margarita ; van der Horst, Alexander J. ; Yukita, Mihoko ; Weisskopf, Martin C.
The Accreting Black Hole Swift J1753.5-0127 from Radio to Hard X-Ray
Tomsick, John A. ; Rahoui, Farid ; Kolehmainen, Mari ; Miller-Jones, James ; Fürst, Felix ; Yamaoka, Kazutaka ; Akitaya, Hiroshi ; Corbel, Stéphane ; Coriat, Mickael ; Done, Chris ; Gandhi, Poshak ; Harrison, Fiona A. ; Huang, Kuiyun ; Kaaret, Philip ; Kalemci, Emrah ; Kanda, Yuka ; Migliari, Simone ; Miller, Jon M. ; Moritani, Yuki ; Stern, Daniel ; Uemura, Makoto ; Urata, Yuji
SiO Emission in the Galactic Center
Minh, Young Chol ; Liu, Hauyu Baobab ; Su, Yu-Nung ; Hsieh, Pei-Ying ; Liu, Sheng-Yuan ; Kim, Sungsoo S. ; Wright, Melvyn ; Ho, Paul T.P.
Zombie Vortex Instability. I. A Purely Hydrodynamic Instability to Resurrect the Dead Zones of Protoplanetary Disks
Marcus, Philip S. ; Pei, Suyang ; Jiang, Chung-Hsiang ; Barranco, Joseph A. ; Hassanzadeh, Pedram ; Lecoanet, Daniel
HST/STIS Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Components of the Massive Triple Star δ Ori A
Richardson, Noel D. ; Moffat, Anthony F.J. ; Gull, Theodore R. ; Lindler, Don J. ; Gies, Douglas R. ; Corcoran, Michael F. ; Chené, André-Nicolas
Excitation of Gravity Waves by Fingering Convection, and the Formation of Compositional Staircases in Stellar Interiors
Garaud, P. ; Medrano, M. ; Brown, J.M. ; Mankovich, C. ; Moore, K.
The Odd Offset between the Galactic Disk and Its Bar in NGC∼3906
de Swardt, Bonita ; Sheth, Kartik ; Kim, Taehyun ; Pardy, Stephen ; Onghia, Elena D' ; Wilcots, Eric ; Hinz, Joannah ; Muñoz-Mateos, Juan-Carlos ; Regan, Michael W. ; Athanassoula, E. ; Bosma, Albert ; Buta, Ronald J. ; Cisternas, Mauricio ; Comerón, Sébastien ; Gadotti, Dimitri A. ; de Paz, Armando Gil ; Jarrett, Thomas H. ; Elmegreen, Bruce G. ; Erroz-Ferrer, Santiago ; Ho, Luis C. ; Knapen, Johan H. ; Laine, Jarkko ; Laurikainen, Eija ; Madore, Barry F. ; Meidt, Sharon ; Menéndez-Delmestre, Karín ; Peng, Chien Y. ; Salo, Heikki ; Schinnerer, Eva ; Zaritsky, Dennis
Measuring Infrared Surface Brightness Fluctuation Distances with HST WFC3: Calibration and Advice
Jensen, Joseph B. ; Blakeslee, John P. ; Gibson, Zachary ; Lee, Hyun-chul ; Cantiello, Michele ; Raimondo, Gabriella ; Boyer, Nathan ; Cho, Hyejeon
Optical Detection of the Pictor A Jet and Tidal Tail: Evidence against an IC/CMB jet
Gentry, Eric S. ; Marshall, Herman L. ; Hardcastle, Martin J. ; Perlman, Eric S. ; Birkinshaw, Mark ; Worrall, Diana M. ; Lenc, Emil ; Siemiginowska, Aneta ; Urry, C.Megan
Composition of Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (214869) 2007 PA8: An H Chondrite from the Outer Asteroid Belt
Sanchez, Juan A. ; Reddy, Vishnu ; Dykhuis, Melissa ; Lindsay, Sean ; Le Corre, Lucille
Determining the Locations of Dust Sources in FeLoBAL Quasars
Dunn, Jay P. ; Wasik, Branden ; Holtzclaw, Christin L. ; Yenerall, David ; Bautista, Manuel ; Arav, Nahum ; Hayes, Daniel ; Moe, Max ; Ho, Luis C. ; Dutton, S.Harper
2015ApJ...808...95S – (Tables: J/ApJ/808/95)
Stellar Kinematics and Metallicities in the Ultra-faint Dwarf Galaxy Reticulum II
Simon, J.D. ; Drlica-Wagner, A. ; Li, T.S. ; Nord, B. ; Geha, M. ; Bechtol, K. ; Balbinot, E. ; Buckley-Geer, E. ; Lin, H. ; Marshall, J. ; Santiago, B. ; Strigari, L. ; Wang, M. ; Wechsler, R.H. ; Yanny, B. ; Abbott, T. ; Bauer, A.H. ; Bernstein, G.M. ; Bertin, E. ; Brooks, D. ; Burke, D.L. ; Capozzi, D. ; Carnero Rosell, A. ; Carrasco Kind, M. ; D'Andrea, C.B. ; da Costa, L.N. ; DePoy, D.L. ; Desai, S. ; Diehl, H.T. ; Dodelson, S. ; Cunha, C.E. ; Estrada, J. ; Evrard, A.E. ; Fausti Neto, A. ; Fernandez, E. ; Finley, D.A. ; Flaugher, B. ; Frieman, J. ; Gaztanaga, E. ; Gerdes, D. ; Gruen, D. ; Gruendl, R.A. ; Honscheid, K. ; James, D. ; Kent, S. ; Kuehn, K. ; Kuropatkin, N. ; Lahav, O. ; Maia, M.A.G. ; March, M. ; Martini, P. ; Miller, C.J. ; Miquel, R. ; Ogando, R. ; Romer, A.K. ; Roodman, A. ; Rykoff, E.S. ; Sako, M. ; Sanchez, E. ; Schubnell, M. ; Sevilla, I. ; Smith, R.C. ; Soares-Santos, M. ; Sobreira, F. ; Suchyta, E. ; Swanson, M.E.C. ; Tarle, G. ; Thaler, J. ; Tucker, D. ; Vikram, V. ; Walker, A.R. ; Wester, W. ; (The DES Collaboration)
Host Galaxy Properties and Black Hole Mass of Swift J164449.3+573451 from Multi-wavelength Long-term Monitoring and HST Data
Yoon, Yongmin ; Im, Myungshin ; Jeon, Yiseul ; Lee, Seong-Kook ; Choi, Philip ; Gehrels, Neil ; Pak, Soojong ; Sakamoto, Takanori ; Urata, Yuji
Signatures of Young Star Formation Activity within Two Parsecs of Sgr A*
Yusef-Zadeh, F. ; Wardle, M. ; Sewilo, M. ; Roberts, D.A. ; Smith, I. ; Arendt, R. ; Cotton, W. ; Lacy, J. ; Martin, S. ; Pound, M.W. ; Rickert, M. ; Royster, M.
Near-infrared Extinction due to Cool Supernova Dust in Cassiopeia A
Lee, Yong-Hyun ; Koo, Bon-Chul ; Moon, Dae-Sik ; Lee, Jae-Joon
Scaling Relations of the Properties for CO Resolved Structures in Nearby Spiral Galaxies
Rebolledo, David ; Wong, Tony ; Xue, Rui ; Leroy, Adam ; Koda, Jin ; Meyer, Jennifer Donovan
Late-Time Evolution of Composite Supernova Remnants: Deep Chandra Observations and Hydrodynamical Modeling of a Crushed Pulsar Wind Nebula in SNR G327.1-1.1
Temim, Tea ; Slane, Patrick ; Kolb, Christopher ; Blondin, John ; Hughes, John P. ; Bucciantini, Niccoló
A Critical Assessment of Stellar Mass Measurement Methods
Mobasher, Bahram ; Dahlen, Tomas ; Ferguson, Henry C. ; Acquaviva, Viviana ; Barro, Guillermo ; Finkelstein, Steven L. ; Fontana, Adriano ; Gruetzbauch, Ruth ; Johnson, Seth ; Lu, Yu ; Papovich, Casey J. ; Pforr, Janine ; Salvato, Mara ; Somerville, Rachel S. ; Wiklind, Tommy ; Wuyts, Stijn ; Ashby, Matthew L.N. ; Bell, Eric ; Conselice, Christopher J. ; Dickinson, Mark E. ; Faber, Sandra M. ; Fazio, Giovanni ; Finlator, Kristian ; Galametz, Audrey ; Gawiser, Eric ; Giavalisco, Mauro ; Grazian, Andrea ; Grogin, Norman A. ; Guo, Yicheng ; Hathi, Nimish ; Kocevski, Dale ; Koekemoer, Anton M. ; Koo, David C. ; Newman, Jeffrey A. ; Reddy, Naveen ; Santini, Paola ; Wechsler, Risa H.
Resolving Protoplanetary Disks at Millimeter Wavelengths with CARMA
Kwon, Woojin ; Looney, Leslie W. ; Mundy, Lee G. ; Welch, William J.
2015ApJ...808..103N – (Tables: J/ApJ/808/103)
The Kapteyn Moving Group Is Not Tidal Debris From ω Centauri
Navarrete, Camila ; Chanamé, Julio ; Ramírez, Iván ; Meza, Andrés ; Anglada-Escudé, Guillem ; Shkolnik, Evgenya
First Frontier Field Constraints on the Cosmic Star Formation Rate Density at z ∼ 10–The Impact of Lensing Shear on Completeness of High-redshift Galaxy Samples
Oesch, P.A. ; Bouwens, R.J. ; Illingworth, G.D. ; Franx, M. ; Ammons, S.M. ; van Dokkum, P.G. ; Trenti, M. ; Labbé, I.
Erratum: ''The Free-fall Time of Finite Sheets and Filaments'' (2012, ApJ, 744, 190)
Toalá, Jesús A. ; Vázquez-Semadeni, Enrique ; Gómez, Gilberto C.
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