The Astrophysical Journal 807
July(II) 2015

Kepler Rapidly Rotating Giant Stars
Costa, A.D.; Canto Martins, B.L.; Bravo, J.P.; Paz-Chinchón, F.; das Chagas, M.L.; Leão, I.C.; Pereira de Oliveira, G.; Rodrigues da Silva, R.; Roque, S.; de Oliveira, L.L.A.; Freire da Silva, D.; De Medeiros, J.R.
Temporal Evolution of Multiple Evaporating Ribbon Sources in a Solar Flare
Graham, D.R.; Cauzzi, G.
A Highly Eccentric 3.9 Millisecond Binary Pulsar in the Globular Cluster NGC 6652
DeCesar, Megan E. ; Ransom, Scott M. ; Kaplan, David L. ; Ray, Paul S. ; Geller, Aaron M.
Neutron Stars versus Black Holes: Probing the Mass Gap with LIGO/Virgo
Littenberg, Tyson B. ; Farr, Ben ; Coughlin, Scott ; Kalogera, Vicky ; Holz, Daniel E.
Tracing Embedded Stellar Populations in Clusters and Galaxies Using Molecular Emission: Methanol as a Signature of the Low-mass End of the IMF
Kristensen, Lars E. ; Bergin, Edwin A.
Physical Dust Models for the Extinction toward Supernova 2014J in M82
Gao, Jian ; Jiang, B.W. ; Li, Aigen ; Li, Jun ; Wang, Xiaofeng
Discovery of a Spin-down State Change in the LMC Pulsar B0540-69
Marshall, F.E. ; Guillemot, L. ; Harding, A.K. ; Martin, P. ; Smith, D.A.
Confirmation of Wide-field Signatures in Redshifted 21 cm Power Spectra
Thyagarajan, Nithyanandan ; Jacobs, Daniel C. ; Bowman, Judd D. ; Barry, N. ; Beardsley, A.P. ; Bernardi, G. ; Briggs, F. ; Cappallo, R.J. ; Carroll, P. ; Deshpande, A.A. ; de Oliveira-Costa, A. ; Dillon, Joshua S. ; Ewall-Wice, A. ; Feng, L. ; Greenhill, L.J. ; Hazelton, B.J. ; Hernquist, L. ; Hewitt, J.N. ; Hurley-Walker, N. ; Johnston-Hollitt, M. ; Kaplan, D.L. ; Kim, Han-Seek ; Kittiwisit, P. ; Lenc, E. ; Line, J. ; Loeb, A. ; Lonsdale, C.J. ; McKinley, B. ; McWhirter, S.R. ; Mitchell, D.A. ; Morales, M.F. ; Morgan, E. ; Neben, A.R. ; Oberoi, D. ; Offringa, A.R. ; Ord, S.M. ; Paul, Sourabh ; Pindor, B. ; Pober, J.C. ; Prabu, T. ; Procopio, P. ; Riding, J. ; Udaya Shankar, N. ; Sethi, Shiv K. ; Srivani, K.S. ; Subrahmanyan, R. ; Sullivan, I.S. ; Tegmark, M. ; Tingay, S.J. ; Trott, C.M. ; Wayth, R.B. ; Webster, R.L. ; Williams, A. ; Williams, C.L. ; Wyithe, J.S.B.
Water Formation in the Upper Atmosphere of the Early Earth
Fleury, Benjamin ; Carrasco, Nathalie ; Marcq, Emmanuel ; Vettier, Ludovic ; Määttänen, Anni
Unambiguous Detection of Reflection in Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables: Joint NuSTAR-XMM-Newton Observations of Three Intermediate Polars
Mukai, K. ; Rana, V. ; Bernardini, F. ; de Martino, D.
Three-dimensional Core-collapse Supernova Simulated Using a 15 MProgenitor
Lentz, Eric J. ; Bruenn, Stephen W. ; Hix, W.Raphael ; Mezzacappa, Anthony ; Messer, O.E.Bronson ; Endeve, Eirik ; Blondin, John M. ; Harris, J.Austin ; Marronetti, Pedro ; Yakunin, Konstantin N.
Volatile depletion in the TW Hydrae disk atmosphere
Du, Fujun ; Bergin, Edwin A. ; Hogerheijde, Michiel R.
Erratum: "Fermi-LAT Detection of Pulsed Gamma-Rays above 50 GeV from the Vela Pulsar" (2014, ApJL, 797, L13)
Leung, Gene C.K. ; Takata, J. ; Ng, C.W. ; Kong, A.K.H. ; Tam, P.H.T. ; Hui, C.Y. ; Cheng, K.S.
The History of R-Process Enrichment in the Milky Way
Shen, Sijing ; Cooke, Ryan J. ; Ramirez-Ruiz, Enrico ; Madau, Piero ; Mayer, Lucio ; Guedes, Javiera
A Universal SFDM Halo Mass for the Andromeda and Milky Way's dSphs?
Lora, V.
Molecular and Ionized Hydrogen in 30 Doradus. I. Imaging Observations
Yeh, Sherry C.C. ; Seaquist, Ernest R. ; Matzner, Christopher D. ; Pellegrini, Eric W.
Stout: Cloudy's Atomic and Molecular Database
Lykins, M.L. ; Ferland, G.J. ; Kisielius, R. ; Chatzikos, M. ; Porter, R.L. ; van Hoof, P.A.M. ; Williams, R.J.R. ; Keenan, F.P. ; Stancil, P.C.
Internal and Relative Motions of the Taurus and Ophiuchus Star-forming Regions
Rivera, Juana L. ; Loinard, Laurent ; Dzib, Sergio A. ; Ortiz-León, Gisela N. ; Rodríguez, Luis F. ; Torres, Rosa M.
Analytical Formulae of Molecular Ion Abundances and the N2H+ Ring in Protoplanetary Disks
Aikawa, Yuri ; Furuya, Kenji ; Nomura, Hideko ; Qi, Chunhua
Galaxy Cluster Pressure Profiles, as Determined by Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect Observations with MUSTANG and Bolocam. I. Joint Analysis Technique
Romero, Charles E. ; Mason, Brian S. ; Sayers, Jack ; Young, Alexander H. ; Mroczkowski, Tony ; Clarke, Tracy E. ; Sarazin, Craig ; Sievers, Jonathon ; Dicker, Simon R. ; Reese, Erik D. ; Czakon, Nicole ; Devlin, Mark ; Korngut, Phillip M. ; Golwala, Sunil
A New Dynamical Mass Measurement for the VIRGO Cluster Using the Radial Velocity Profile of the Filament Galaxies
Lee, Jounghun ; Kim, Suk ; Rey, Soo-Chang
Imaging and Spectroscopic Observations of a Transient Coronal Loop: Evidence for the Non-Maxwellian K Distributions
Dudík, Jaroslav ; Mackovjak, Šimon ; Dzifcáková, Elena ; Del Zanna, Giulio ; Williams, David R. ; Karlicky, Marian ; Mason, Helen E. ; Lörincík, Juraj ; Kotrc, Pavel ; Fárník, František ; Zemanová, Alena
Observation of the 2011-02-15 X2.2 Flare in the Hard X-Ray and Microwave
Kuroda, Natsuha; Wang, Haimin; Gary, Dale E.
Evolution of Near-surface Flows Inferred from High-resolution Ring-diagram Analysis
Bogart, Richard S. ; Baldner, Charles S. ; Basu, Sarbani
Scatttering of High-energy Particles at a Collisionless Shock Front: Dependence on the Shock Angle
Gedalin, M. ; Dröge, W. ; Kartavykh, Y.Y.
2015ApJ...807..127M – (Tables: J/ApJ/807/127)
New Near-infrared Period-Luminosity-Metallicity Relations for RR Lyrae Stars and the Outlook for Gaia
Muraveva, T. ; Palmer, M. ; Clementini, G. ; Luri, X. ; Cioni, M.-R.L. ; Moretti, M.I. ; Marconi, M. ; Ripepi, V. ; Rubele, S.
The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: ALMA Resolves the Bright-end of the Sub-millimeter Number Counts
Simpson, J.M. ; Smail, Ian ; Swinbank, A.M. ; Chapman, S.C. ; Geach, J.E. ; Ivison, R.J. ; Thomson, A.P. ; Aretxaga, I. ; Blain, A.W. ; Cowley, W.I. ; Chen, Chian-Chou ; Coppin, K.E.K. ; Dunlop, J.S. ; Edge, A.C. ; Farrah, D. ; Ibar, E. ; Karim, A. ; Knudsen, K.K. ; Meijerink, R. ; Michalowski, M.J. ; Scott, D. ; Spaans, M. ; van der Werf, P.P.
2015ApJ...807..129S – (Tables: J/ApJ/807/129)
The X-Ray to Mid-infrared Relation of AGNs at High Luminosity
Stern, Daniel
Cosmic-ray Positrons from Millisecond Pulsars
Venter, C. ; Kopp, A. ; Harding, A.K. ; Gonthier, P.L. ; Büsching, I.
Three-dimensional MHD Simulation of Circumbinary Accretion Disks. II. Net Accretion Rate
Shi, Ji-Ming ; Krolik, Julian H.
Persistent Gravitational Radiation from Glitching Pulsars
Melatos, A. ; Douglass, J.A. ; Simula, T.P.
The Tip of the Red Giant Branch Distances to Type Ia Supernova Host Galaxies. III. NGC 4038/39 and NGC 5584
Jang, In Sung; Lee, Myung Gyoon
Nearby Clumpy, Gas Rich, Star-forming Galaxies: Local Analogs of High-redshift Clumpy Galaxies
Garland, C.A. ; Pisano, D.J. ; Mac Low, M.-M. ; Kreckel, K. ; Rabidoux, K. ; Guzmán, R.
Nearby Stars as Gravitational Wave Detectors
Lopes, Ilídio ; Silk, Joseph
Too Big to Be Real? No Depleted Core in Holm 15A
Bonfini, Paolo; Dullo, Bililign T.; Graham, Alister W.
Turbulent General Magnetic Reconnection
Eyink, G.L.
Chitah: Strong-gravitational-lens Hunter in Imaging Surveys
Chan, James H.H. ; Suyu, Sherry H. ; Chiueh, Tzihong ; More, Anupreeta ; Marshall, Philip J. ; Coupon, Jean ; Oguri, Masamune ; Price, Paul
2015ApJ...807..139F – (Tables: J/ApJ/807/139)
Physical Properties of Compact Star-forming Galaxies at z ∼ 2-3
Fang, Guanwen ; Ma, Zhongyang ; Kong, Xu ; Fan, Lulu
AKARI Observation of the Sub-degree Scale Fluctuation of the Near-infrared Background
Seo, H.J. ; Lee, Hyung Mok ; Matsumoto, T. ; Jeong, W.-S. ; Lee, Myung Gyoon ; Pyo, J.
GOODS-Herschel: Star Formation, Dust Attenuation, and the FIR-radio Correlation on the Main Sequence of Star-forming Galaxies up to z ~=4
Pannella, M. ; Elbaz, D. ; Daddi, E. ; Dickinson, M. ; Hwang, H.S. ; Schreiber, C. ; Strazzullo, V. ; Aussel, H. ; Bethermin, M. ; Buat, V. ; Charmandaris, V. ; Cibinel, A. ; Juneau, S. ; Ivison, R.J. ; Le Borgne, D. ; Le Floc'h, E. ; Leiton, R. ; Lin, L. ; Magdis, G. ; Morrison, G.E. ; Mullaney, J. ; Onodera, M. ; Renzini, A. ; Salim, S. ; Sargent, M.T. ; Scott, D. ; Shu, X. ; Wang, T.
Coronal Rain in Magnetic Arcades: Rebound Shocks, Limit Cycles, and Shear Flows
Fang, X.; Xia, C.; Keppens, R.; Van Doorsselaere, T.
Thermal Diagnostics with the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory: A Validated Method for Differential Emission Measure Inversions
Cheung, Mark C.M. ; Boerner, P. ; Schrijver, C.J. ; Testa, P. ; Chen, F. ; Peter, H. ; Malanushenko, A.
Magnetic Structure and Dynamics of the Erupting Solar Polar Crown Prominence on 2012 March 12
Su, Yingna ; van Ballegooijen, Adriaan ; McCauley, Patrick ; Ji, Haisheng ; Reeves, Katharine K. ; DeLuca, Edward E.
Relative Abundance Measurements in Plumes and Interplumes
Guennou, C. ; Hahn, M. ; Savin, D.W.
Modeling of Hot Plasma in the Solar Active Region Core
Asgari-Targhi, M. ; Schmelz, J.T. ; Imada, S. ; Pathak, S. ; Christian, G.M.
A Unified Energy-reservoir Model Containing Contributions from 56Ni and Neutron Stars and Its Implication for Luminous Type Ic Supernovae
Wang, S.Q. ; Wang, L.J. ; Dai, Z.G. ; Wu, X.F.
Toward a Better Understanding of the GRB Phenomenon: a New Model for GRB Prompt Emission and its Effects on the New LiNT- Epeak,irest,NT Relation
Guiriec, S. ; Kouveliotou, C. ; Daigne, F. ; Zhang, B. ; Hascoët, R. ; Nemmen, R.S. ; Thompson, D.J. ; Bhat, P.N. ; Gehrels, N. ; Gonzalez, M.M. ; Kaneko, Y. ; McEnery, J. ; Mochkovitch, R. ; Racusin, J.L. ; Ryde, F. ; Sacahui, J.R. ; Ünsal, A.M.
Broadband Observations of the Compton-thick Nucleus of NGC 3393
Koss, Michael J. ; Romero-Cañizales, C. ; Baronchelli, L. ; Teng, S.H. ; Balokovic, M. ; Puccetti, S. ; Bauer, F.E. ; Arévalo, P. ; Assef, R. ; Ballantyne, D.R. ; Brandt, W.N. ; Brightman, M. ; Comastri, A. ; Gandhi, P. ; Harrison, F.A. ; Luo, B. ; Schawinski, K. ; Stern, D. ; Treister, E.
2015ApJ...807..150A – (Tables: J/ApJ/807/150)
230 GHz VLBI Observations of M87: Event-horizon-scale Structure during an Enhanced Very-high-energy gamma-ray State in 2012
Akiyama, Kazunori ; Lu, Ru-Sen ; Fish, Vincent L. ; Doeleman, Sheperd S. ; Broderick, Avery E. ; Dexter, Jason ; Hada, Kazuhiro ; Kino, Motoki ; Nagai, Hiroshi ; Honma, Mareki ; Johnson, Michael D. ; Algaba, Juan C. ; Asada, Keiichi ; Brinkerink, Christiaan ; Blundell, Ray ; Bower, Geoffrey C. ; Cappallo, Roger ; Crew, Geoffrey B. ; Dexter, Matt ; Dzib, Sergio A. ; Freund, Robert ; Friberg, Per ; Gurwell, Mark ; Ho, Paul T.P. ; Inoue, Makoto ; Krichbaum, Thomas P. ; Loinard, Laurent ; MacMahon, David ; Marrone, Daniel P. ; Moran, James M. ; Nakamura, Masanori ; Nagar, Neil M. ; Ortiz-Leon, Gisela ; Plambeck, Richard ; Pradel, Nicolas ; Primiani, Rurik A. ; Rogers, Alan E.E. ; Roy, Alan L. ; SooHoo, Jason ; Tavares, Jonathan-León ; Tilanus, Remo P.J. ; Titus, Michael ; Wagner, Jan ; Weintroub, Jonathan ; Yamaguchi, Paul ; Young, Ken H. ; Zensus, Anton ; Ziurys, Lucy M.
Measurements of Sub-degree B-mode Polarization in the Cosmic Microwave Background from 100 Square Degrees of SPTpol Data
Keisler, R. ; Hoover, S. ; Harrington, N. ; Henning, J.W. ; Ade, P.A.R. ; Aird, K.A. ; Austermann, J.E. ; Beall, J.A. ; Bender, A.N. ; Benson, B.A. ; Bleem, L.E. ; Carlstrom, J.E. ; Chang, C.L. ; Chiang, H.C. ; Cho, H-M. ; Citron, R. ; Crawford, T.M. ; Crites, A.T. ; de Haan, T. ; Dobbs, M.A. ; Everett, W. ; Gallicchio, J. ; Gao, J. ; George, E.M. ; Gilbert, A. ; Halverson, N.W. ; Hanson, D. ; Hilton, G.C. ; Holder, G.P. ; Holzapfel, W.L. ; Hou, Z. ; Hrubes, J.D. ; Huang, N. ; Hubmayr, J. ; Irwin, K.D. ; Knox, L. ; Lee, A.T. ; Leitch, E.M. ; Li, D. ; Luong-Van, D. ; Marrone, D.P. ; McMahon, J.J. ; Mehl, J. ; Meyer, S.S. ; Mocanu, L. ; Natoli, T. ; Nibarger, J.P. ; Novosad, V. ; Padin, S. ; Pryke, C. ; Reichardt, C.L. ; Ruhl, J.E. ; Saliwanchik, B.R. ; Sayre, J.T. ; Schaffer, K.K. ; Shirokoff, E. ; Smecher, G. ; Stark, A.A. ; Story, K.T. ; Tucker, C. ; Vanderlinde, K. ; Vieira, J.D. ; Wang, G. ; Whitehorn, N. ; Yefremenko, V. ; Zahn, O.
Dark Matter Halo Models of Stellar Mass-dependent Galaxy Clustering in PRIMUS+DEEP2 at 0.2>z>1.2
Skibba, Ramin A. ; Coil, Alison L. ; Mendez, Alexander J. ; Blanton, Michael R. ; Bray, Aaron D. ; Cool, Richard J. ; Eisenstein, Daniel J. ; Guo, Hong ; Miyaji, Takamitsu ; Moustakas, John ; Zhu, Guangtun
A Detection of Gas Associated with the M31 Stellar Stream
Koch, Andreas ; Danforth, Charles W. ; Rich, R.Michael ; Ibata, Rodrigo ; Keeney, Brian A.
Ultrafaint Dwarf Galaxies–the Lowest-mass Relics from Before Reionization
Bland-Hawthorn, Joss ; Sutherland, Ralph ; Webster, David
Energy Dissipation in Magnetic Null Points at Kinetic Scales
Olshevsky, Vyacheslav ; Divin, Andrey ; Eriksson, Elin ; Markidis, Stefano ; Lapenta, Giovanni
The Transitional Disk around IRAS 04125+2902
Espaillat, C. ; Andrews, S. ; Powell, D. ; Feldman, D. ; Qi, C. ; Wilner, D. ; D'Alessio, P.
The Statistical Mechanics of Planet Orbits
Tremaine, Scott
Evidence for Evaporation-incomplete Condensation Cycles in Warm Solar Coronal Loops
Froment, C. ; Auchère, F. ; Bocchialini, K. ; Buchlin, E. ; Guennou, C. ; Solomon, J.
A Theoretical Model of a Thinning Current Sheet in the Low-β Plasmas
Takeshige, Satoshi ; Takasao, Shinsuke ; Shibata, Kazunari
Formation of Pores Associated with the Inflow of Moving Magnetic Features
Li, Xiaobo ; Yang, Zhiliang ; Zhang, Hongqi
Fermi-LAT Observations of High- and Intermediate-velocity Clouds: Tracing Cosmic Rays in the Halo of the Milky Way
Tibaldo, L. ; Digel, S.W. ; Casandjian, J.M. ; Franckowiak, A. ; Grenier, I.A. ; Jóhannesson, G. ; Marshall, D.J. ; Moskalenko, I.V. ; Negro, M. ; Orlando, E. ; Porter, T.A. ; Reimer, O. ; Strong, A.W.
The Interstellar Medium in the Kepler Search Volume
Johnson, Marshall C. ; Redfield, Seth ; Jensen, Adam G.
GRB 080503 Late Afterglow Re-brightening: Signature of a Magnetar-powered Merger-nova
Gao, He ; Ding, Xuan ; Wu, Xue-Feng ; Dai, Zi-Gao ; Zhang, Bing
Properties of Cyclotron Lines in a Line-forming Region Injected by an Anisotropic Continuum in Accreting X-ray Pulsars
Nishimura, Osamu
Destruction and Observational Signatures of Sun-impacting Comets
Brown, John C. ; Carlson, Robert W. ; Toner, Mark P.
Prospects for Delensing the Cosmic Microwave Background for Studying Inflation
Simard, Gabrielle; Hanson, Duncan; Holder, Gil
NuSTAR and Multifrequency Study of the Two High-redshift Blazars S5 0836+710 and PKS 2149-306
Tagliaferri, G. ; Ghisellini, G. ; Perri, M. ; Hayashida, M. ; Balokovic', M. ; Covino, S. ; Giommi, P. ; Madejski, G.M. ; Puccetti, S. ; Sbarrato, T. ; Boggs, S.E. ; Chiang, J. ; Christensen, F.E. ; Craig, W.W. ; Hailey, C.J. ; Harrison, F.A. ; Stern, D. ; Zhang, W.W.
Non-thermal Radiation from Collisions of Compact Objects with Intermediate-scale Jets in Active Galaxies
Bednarek, W.; Banasinski, P.
2015ApJ...807..169A – (Tables: J/ApJ/807/169)
Search for Early Gamma-ray Production in Supernovae Located in a Dense Circumstellar Medium with the Fermi LAT
Ackermann, M. ; Arcavi, I. ; Baldini, L. ; Ballet, J. ; Barbiellini, G. ; Bastieri, D. ; Bellazzini, R. ; Bissaldi, E. ; Blandford, R.D. ; Bonino, R. ; Bottacini, E. ; Brandt, T.J. ; Bregeon, J. ; Bruel, P. ; Buehler, R. ; Buson, S. ; Caliandro, G.A. ; Cameron, R.A. ; Caragiulo, M. ; Caraveo, P.A. ; Cavazzuti, E. ; Cecchi, C. ; Charles, E. ; Chekhtman, A. ; Chiang, J. ; Chiaro, G. ; Ciprini, S. ; Claus, R. ; Cohen-Tanugi, J. ; Cutini, S. ; D'Ammando, F. ; de Angelis, A. ; de Palma, F. ; Desiante, R. ; Di Venere, L. ; Drell, P.S. ; Favuzzi, C. ; Fegan, S.J. ; Franckowiak, A. ; Funk, S. ; Fusco, P. ; Gal-Yam, A. ; Gargano, F. ; Gasparrini, D. ; Giglietto, N. ; Giordano, F. ; Giroletti, M. ; Glanzman, T. ; Godfrey, G. ; Grenier, I.A. ; Grove, J.E. ; Guiriec, S. ; Harding, A.K. ; Hayashi, K. ; Hewitt, J.W. ; Hill, A.B. ; Horan, D. ; Jogler, T. ; Jóhannesson, G. ; Kocevski, D. ; Kuss, M. ; Larsson, S. ; Lashner, J. ; Latronico, L. ; Li, J. ; Li, L. ; Longo, F. ; Loparco, F. ; Lovellette, M.N. ; Lubrano, P. ; Malyshev, D. ; Mayer, M. ; Mazziotta, M.N. ; McEnery, J.E. ; Michelson, P.F. ; Mizuno, T. ; Monzani, M.E. ; Morselli, A. ; Murase, K. ; Nugent, P. ; Nuss, E. ; Ofek, E. ; Ohsugi, T. ; Orienti, M. ; Orlando, E. ; Ormes, J.F. ; Paneque, D. ; Pesce-Rollins, M. ; Piron, F. ; Pivato, G. ; Rainò, S. ; Rando, R. ; Razzano, M. ; Reimer, A. ; Reimer, O. ; Schulz, A. ; Sgrò, C. ; Siskind, E.J. ; Spada, F. ; Spandre, G. ; Spinelli, P. ; Suson, D.J. ; Takahashi, H. ; Thayer, J.B. ; Tibaldo, L. ; Torres, D.F. ; Troja, E. ; Vianello, G. ; Werner, M. ; Wood, K.S. ; Wood, M.
2015ApJ...807..170H – (Tables: J/ApJ/807/170)
Time Variation of Kepler Transits Induced by Stellar Spots–A Way to Distinguish between Prograde and Retrograde Motion. II. Application to KOIs
Holczer, Tomer ; Shporer, Avi ; Mazeh, Tsevi ; Fabrycky, Daniel ; Nachmani, Gil ; McQuillan, Amy ; Sanchis-Ojeda, Roberto ; Orosz, Jerome A. ; Welsh, William F. ; Ford, Eric B. ; Jontof-Hutter, Daniel
2015ApJ...807..171J – (Tables: J/ApJ/807/171)
High-Resolution Spectroscopic Study of Extremely Metal-Poor Star Candidates from the SkyMapper Survey
Jacobson, Heather R. ; Keller, Stefan ; Frebel, Anna ; Casey, Andrew R. ; Asplund, Martin ; Bessell, Michael S. ; Da Costa, Gary S. ; Lind, Karin ; Marino, Anna F. ; Norris, John E. ; Peña, José M. ; Schmidt, Brian P. ; Tisserand, Patrick ; Walsh, Jennifer M. ; Yong, David ; Yu, Qinsi
A Unified Picture for Low-luminosity and Long Gamma-Ray Bursts Based on the Extended Progenitor of llGRB 060218/SN 2006aj
Nakar, Ehud
An Elemental Assay of Very, Extremely, and Ultra-metal-poor Stars
Hansen, T. ; Hansen, C.J. ; Christlieb, N. ; Beers, T.C. ; Yong, D. ; Bessell, M.S. ; Frebel, A. ; García Pérez, A.E. ; Placco, V.M. ; Norris, J.E. ; Asplund, M.
Older and Colder: The Impact of Starspots on Pre-main-sequence Stellar Evolution
Somers, Garrett; Pinsonneault, Marc H.
Statistical Properties of Solar Coronal Bright Points
Alipour, N.; Safari, H.
Periodic Density Structures and the Origin of the Slow Solar Wind
Viall, Nicholeen M. ; Vourlidas, Angelos
Radial Evolution of a Magnetic Cloud: MESSENGER, STEREO, and Venus Express Observations
Good, S.W. ; Forsyth, R.J. ; Raines, J.M. ; Gershman, D.J. ; Slavin, J.A. ; Zurbuchen, T.H.
2015ApJ...807..178W – (Tables: J/ApJ/807/178)
Calibration of the Optical Mass Proxy for Clusters of Galaxies and an Update of the WHL12 Cluster Catalog
Wen, Z.L.; Han, J.L.
Local Circumnuclear Magnetar Solution to Extragalactic Fast Radio Bursts
Pen, Ue-Li ; Connor, Liam
Star Formation and the Interstellar Medium in z > 6 UV-luminous Lyman-break Galaxies
Willott, Chris J. ; Carilli, Chris L. ; Wagg, Jeff ; Wang, Ran
The Chemistry of Planetary Nebulae in the Outer Regions of M31
Corradi, R.L.M. ; Kwitter, K.B. ; Balick, B. ; Henry, R.B.C. ; Hensley, K.
Impact of Atmospheric Chromatic Effects on Weak Lensing Measurements
Meyers, Joshua E.; Burchat, Patricia R.
Uniform Atmospheric Retrieval Analysis of Ultracool Dwarfs. I. Characterizing Benchmarks, Gl 570D and HD 3651B
Line, Michael R. ; Teske, Johanna ; Burningham, Ben ; Fortney, Jonathan J. ; Marley, Mark S.
On Carbon Burning in Super Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars
Farmer, R. ; Fields, C.E. ; Timmes, F.X.
A Luminous X-Ray Flare from the Nucleus of the Dormant Bulgeless Spiral Galaxy NGC 247
Feng, Hua ; Ho, Luis C. ; Kaaret, Philip ; Tao, Lian ; Yamaoka, Kazutaka ; Zhang, Shuo ; Grisé, Fabien
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