Monthly Notices of the RAS 511
March(III) 2022
- 2022MNRAS.511L...1P
- First evidence of a collision between two unrelated open clusters in the Milky Way.
- Piatti, A.E.; Malhan, K.
- 2022MNRAS.511L...8K
- Rapid turn-on of a luminous X-ray source in the candidate Lyman continuum emitting galaxy Tol 0440-381.
- Kaaret, P.; Bluem, J.; Prestwich, A.H.
- 2022MNRAS.511L..13C
- Intranight variability of ultraviolet emission from powerful blazars.
- Chand, K.; Omar, A.; Chand, H.; Mishra, S.; Bisht, P.S.; Britzen, S.
- 2022MNRAS.511L..19Z
- XMM-Newton detection of soft time lags in the TDE candidate AT 2018fyk.
- Zhang, W.
- 2022MNRAS.511L..24E
- NGC 1850 BH1 is another stripped-star binary masquerading as a black hole.
- El-Badry, K.; Burdge, K.B.
- 2022MNRAS.511L..30Z
- The effect of selection - a tale of cluster mass measurement bias induced by correlation and projection.
- Zhang, Y.; Annis, J.
- 2022MNRAS.511L..35A
- What does lie at the Milky Way centre? Insights from the S2-star orbit precession.
- Arguelles, C.R.; Mestre, M.F.; Becerra-Vergara, E.A.; Crespi, V.; Krut, A.; Rueda, J.A.; Ruffini, R.
- 2022MNRAS.511L..40C
- Is 2021 PH27 an active asteroid with a meteor shower detectable on Venus?
- Carbognani, A.; Tanga, P.; Bernardi, F.
- 2022MNRAS.511L..45D
- Catalogues of voids as antihaloes in the local Universe.
- Desmond, H.; Hutt, M.L.; Devriendt, J.; Slyz, A.
- 2022MNRAS.511L..50R
- First CH3D detection in Class 0/I proto-brown dwarfs: constraints on CH4 abundances.
- Riaz, B.; Thi, W.-F.
- 2022MNRAS.511L..55G
- Dark matter annihilation and the Galactic Centre Excess.
- Grand, R.J.J.; White, S.D.M.
- 2022MNRAS.511L..60M
- An evolutionary channel for CO-rich and pulsating He-rich subdwarfs.
- Miller Bertolami, M.M.; Battich, T.; Corsico, A.H.; Althaus, L.G.; Wachlin, F.C.
- 2022MNRAS.511L..66W
- Discovery of hot subdwarfs covered with helium-burning ash.
- Werner, K.; Reindl, N.; Geier, S.; Pritzkuleit, M.
- 2022MNRAS.511L..72P
- A genuine Large Magellanic Cloud age gap star cluster.
- Piatti, A.E.
- 2022MNRAS.511L..77S
- To be or not to be a black hole: detailed binary population models as a sanity check.
- Stevance, H.F.; Parsons, S.G.; Eldridge, J.J.
- 2022MNRAS.511L..82Y
- Surface tension of cosmic voids as a possible source for dark energy.
- Yusofi, E.; Khanpour, M.; Khanpour, B.; Ramzanpour, M.A.; Mohsenzadeh, M.
- 2022MNRAS.511....1S
- Catching a grown-up starfish planetary nebula - II. Plasma analysis and central star properties of PC 22.
- Sabin, L.; Gomez-Llanos, V.; Morisset, C.; Gomez-Gonzalez, V.M.A.; Guerrero, M.A.; Todt, H.; Fang, X.
- 2022MNRAS.511...20K
- On accretion in the eclipsing polar BS Tri.
- Kolbin, A.I.; Borisov, N.V.; Serebriakova, N.A.; Shimansky, V.V.; Katysheva, N.A.; Gabdeev, M.M.; Shugarov, S.Y.
- 2022MNRAS.511...31B
- On the synthesis of N-O bearing species in astrophysical ices - an infrared spectroscopic study using heavy-ion irradiation of solid N2:CO samples.
- Bergantini, A.; de Barros, A.L.F.; Domaracka, A.; Rothard, H.; Boduch, P.; da Silveira, E.F.
- 2022MNRAS.511...42Z
- Cosmic age problem in holographic and ghost dark energy models.
- Zarandi, H.R.M.; Ebrahimi, E.
- 2022MNRAS.511...54H
- SkyMapper colours of Seyfert galaxies and changing-look AGN - II. Newly discovered changing-look AGN.
- Hon, W.J.; Wolf, C.; Onken, C.A.; Webster, R.; Auchettl, K.
- 2022MNRAS.511...71H
- Spectral analysis of cool white dwarfs accreting from planetary systems: from the ultraviolet to the optical.
- Hollands, M.A.; Tremblay, P.-E.; Gansicke, B.T.; Koester, D.
- 2022MNRAS.511...83G
- TOI-530b: a giant planet transiting an M-dwarf detected by TESS.
- Gan, T.; Lin, Z.; Wang, S.X.; Mao, S.; Fouque, P.; Fan, J.; Bedell, M.; Stassun, K.G.; Giacalone, S.; Fukui, A.; Murgas, F.; Ciardi, D.R.; Howell, S.B.; Collins, K.A.; Shporer, A.; Arnold, L.; Barclay, T.; Charbonneau, D.; Christiansen, J.; Crossfield, I.J.M.; Dressing, C.D.; Elliott, A.; Esparza-Borges, E.; Evans, P.; Gnilka, C.L.; Gonzales, E.J.; Howard, A.W.; Isogai, K.; Kawauchi, K.; Kurita, S.; Liu, B.; Livingston, J.H.; Matson, R.A.; Narita, N.; Palle, E.; Parviainen, H.; Rackham, B.V.; Rodriguez, D.R.; Rose, M.; Rudat, A.; Schlieder, J.E.; Scott, N.J.; Vezie, M.; Ricker, G.R.; Vanderspek, R.; Latham, D.W.; Seager, S.; Winn, J.N.; Jenkins, J.M.
- 2022MNRAS.511..100B
- The combined and respective roles of imaging and stellar kinematics in identifying galaxy merger remnants.
- Bottrell, C.; Hani, M.H.; Teimoorinia, H.; Patton, D.R.; Ellison, S.L.
- 2022MNRAS.511..120S
- No strong dependence of Lyman continuum leakage on physical properties of star-forming galaxies at <= z <= 3.5.
- Saxena, A.; Pentericci, L.; Ellis, R.S.; Guaita, L.; Calabro, A.; Schaerer, D.; Vanzella, E.; Amorin, R.; Bolzonella, M.; Castellano, M.; Fontanot, F.; Hathi, N.P.; Hibon, P.; Llerena, M.; Mannucci, F.; Saldana-Lopez, A.; Talia, M.; Zamorani, G.
- 2022MNRAS.511..139B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/511/139)
- SDSS-IV MaNGA: integral-field kinematics and stellar population of a sample of galaxies with counter-rotating stellar discs selected from about 4000 galaxies.
- Bevacqua, D.; Cappellari, M.; Pellegrini, S.
- 2022MNRAS.511..158M
- Effects of pebble accretion on the growth and composition of planetesimals in the inner Solar system.
- Mah, J.; Brasser, R.; Bouvier, A.; Mojzsis, S.J.
- 2022MNRAS.511..176A
- Numerical simulations of the random angular momentum in convection: Implications for supergiant collapse to form black holes.
- Antoni, A.; Quataert, E.
- 2022MNRAS.511..198L
- Addendum: Precision in high resolution absorption line modelling, analytic Voigt derivatives, and optimization methods.
- Lee, C.-C.; Webb, J.K.; Carswell, R.F.
- 2022MNRAS.511..201P
- Radial stellar populations, kinematics, and photometry of the cD galaxy NGC 6086 in Abell 2162.
- Perez-Hernandez, E.; Kemp, S.N.; Ramirez-Siordia, V.H.; Nigoche-Netro, A.
- 2022MNRAS.511..214N – (Tables: J/MNRAS/511/214)
- Optical properties of Peaked Spectrum radio sources.
- Nascimento, R.S.; Rodriguez-Ardila, A.; Dahmer-Hahn, L.; Fonseca-Faria, M.A.; Riffel, R.; Marinello, M.; Beuchert, T.; Callingham, J.R.
- 2022MNRAS.511..231S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/511/231)
- Lithium abundances as a tracer of asymptotic giant branch star pollution in the globular cluster NGC 6752.
- Schiappacasse-Ulloa, J.; Lucatello, S.; Rain, M.J.; Pietrinferni, A.
- 2022MNRAS.511..241G
- Supernova siblings and their parent galaxies in the Zwicky Transient Facility Bright Transient Survey.
- Graham, M.L.; Fremling, C.; Perley, D.A.; Biswas, R.; Phillips, C.A.; Sollerman, J.; Nugent, P.E.; Nance, S.; Dhawan, S.; Nordin, J.; Goobar, A.; Miller, A.; Neill, J.D.; Hall, X.J.; Hankins, M.J.; Duev, D.A.; Kasliwal, M.M.; Rigault, M.; Bellm, E.C.; Hale, D.; Mroz, P.; Kulkarni, S.R.
- 2022MNRAS.511..255N
- Phase-resolved spectroscopy of a quasi-periodic oscillation in the black hole X-ray binary GRS 1915+105 with NICER and NuSTAR.
- Nathan, E.; Ingram, A.; Homan, J.; Huppenkothen, D.; Uttley, P.; van der Klis, M.; Motta, S.; Altamirano, D.; Middleton, M.
- 2022MNRAS.511..280Y
- Structural and spectral properties of Galactic plane variable radio sources.
- Yang, J.; Chen, Y.; Gurvits, L.I.; Paragi, Z.; Yang, A.; Yang, X.; Shen, Z.
- 2022MNRAS.511..295H
- The generation and transformation of polarization signals in molecular lines through collective anisotropic resonant scattering.
- Houde, M.; Lankhaar, B.; Rajabi, F.; Chamma, M.A.
- 2022MNRAS.511..316D
- Clump survival and migration in VDI galaxies: an analytical model versus simulations and observations.
- Dekel, A.; Mandelker, N.; Bournaud, F.; Ceverino, D.; Guo, Y.; Primack, J.
- 2022MNRAS.511..341C
- Deriving ages and horizontal branch properties of integrated stellar populations.
- Cabrera-Ziri, I.; Conroy, C.
- 2022MNRAS.511..356P
- Proto-neutron star evolution with improved charged-current neutrino-nucleon interactions.
- Pascal, A.; Novak, J.; Oertel, M.
- 2022MNRAS.511..371E
- Investigating the origin of observed central dips in radial metallicity profiles.
- Easeman, B.; Schady, P.; Wuyts, S.; Yates, R.M.
- 2022MNRAS.511..393E
- The complex globular cluster system of the S0 galaxy NGC 4382 in the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster.
- Escudero, C.G.; Cortesi, A.; Faifer, F.R.; Sesto, L.A.; Smith Castelli, A.V.; Johnston, E.J.; Reynaldi, V.; Chies-Santos, A.L.; Salinas, R.; Menendez-Delmestre, K.; Goncalves, T.S.; Grossi, M.; Mendes de Oliveira, C.
- 2022MNRAS.511..413L
- Probing the electron-to-proton mass ratio gradient in the Milky Way with Class I methanol masers.
- Levshakov, S.A.; Agafonova, I.I.; Henkel, C.; Kim, K.-T.; Kozlov, M.G.; Lankhaar, B.; Yang, W.
- 2022MNRAS.511..425G
- Glitches in four gamma-ray pulsars and inferences on the neutron star structure.
- Gugercinoglu, E.; Ge, M.Y.; Yuan, J.P.; Zhou, S.Q.
- 2022MNRAS.511..440T
- Mapping the surface of partially cloudy exoplanets is hard.
- Teinturier, L.; Vieira, N.; Jacquet, E.; Geoffrion, J.; Bestavros, Y.; Keating, D.; Cowan, N.B.
- 2022MNRAS.511..448B
- Echoes of the past: ultra-high-energy cosmic rays accelerated by radio galaxies, scattered by starburst galaxies.
- Bell, A.R.; Matthews, J.H.
- 2022MNRAS.511..457C
- Binary companions triggering fragmentation in self-gravitating discs.
- Cadman, J.; Hall, C.; Fontanive, C.; Rice, K.
- 2022MNRAS.511..472D
- Is the hemispheric asymmetry of sunspot cycle caused by an irregular process with long-term memory?
- Das, R.; Ghosh, A.; Karak, B.B.
- 2022MNRAS.511..480K
- Magnetic field sustained by the elastic force in neutron star crusts.
- Kojima, Y.; Kisaka, S.; Fujisawa, K.
- 2022MNRAS.511..488W
- Evolutionary inference and statistical constraints on Algols including SD2-type near contact binaries.
- Wang, Z.H.; Zhu, L.Y.; Yue,Y.F.
- 2022MNRAS.511..501L
- Erratum: ATOMS: ALMA three-millimeter observations of massive star-forming regions - III. Catalogues of candidate hot molecular cores and hyper/ultra compact H II regions.
- Liu, H.-L.; Liu, T.; Evans II, N.J.; Wang, K.; Garay, G.; Qin, S.-L.; Li, S.; Stutz, A.; Goldsmith, P.F.; Liu, S.-Y.; Tej, A.; Zhang, Q.; Juvela, M.; Li, D.; Wang, J.-Z.; Bronfman, L.; Ren, Z.; Wu, Y.-F.; Kim, K.-T.; Lee, C.-W.; Tatematsu, K.; Cunningham, M.R.; Liu, X.-C.; Wu, J.-W.; Hirota, T.; Lee, J.-E.; Li, P.-S.; Kang, S.-J.; Mardones, D.; Ristorcelli, I.; Zhang, Y.; Luo, Q.-Y.; Toth, L.V.; Yi, H.-W.; Yun, H.-S.; Peng, Y.-P.; Li, J.; Zhu, F.-Y.; Shen, Z.-Q.; Baug, T.; Dewangan, L.K.; Chakali, E.; Liu, R.; Xu, F.-W.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, C.; Li, J.; Zhang, C.; Zhou, J.; Tang, M.; Xue, Q.; Issac, N.; Soam, A.; Alvarez-Gutierrez, R.H.
- 2022MNRAS.511..506C
- Black hole-galaxy scaling relations in FIRE: the importance of black hole location and mergers.
- Catmabacak, O.; Feldmann, R.; Angles-Alcazar, D.; Faucher-Giguere, C.-A.; Hopkins, P.F.; Keres, D.
- 2022MNRAS.511..536K
- A full spectral-timing model to map the accretion flow in black hole binaries: the low/hard state of MAXI J1820+070.
- Kawamura, T.; Axelsson, M.; Done, C.; Takahashi, T.
- 2022MNRAS.511..553Z
- Photometric study of the supersoft X-ray source V Sge based on TESS data.
- Zang, L.; Qian, S.; Zhu, L.; Liu, L.
- 2022MNRAS.511..560S
- Stellar rotation rates in Kepler eccentric (heartbeat) binaries obtained from r-mode signatures.
- Saio, H.; Kurtz, D.W.
- 2022MNRAS.511..572O – (Tables: J/MNRAS/511/572)
- Ultraluminous high-redshift quasars from SkyMapper - II. New quasars and the bright end of the luminosity function.
- Onken, C.A.; Wolf, C.; Bian, F.; Fan, X.; Hon, W.J.; Raithel, D.; Tisserand, P.; Lai, S.
- 2022MNRAS.511..595Z
- Can phantom transition at z ∼ 1 restore the Cosmic concordance?
- Zhou, Z.; Liu, G.; Mu, Y.; Xu, L.
- 2022MNRAS.511..607J
- Extremely massive disc galaxies in the nearby Universe form through gas-rich minor mergers.
- Jackson, R.A.; Kaviraj, S.; Martin, G.; Devriendt, J.E.G.; Noakes-Kettel, E.A.; Silk, J.; Ogle, P.; Dubois, Y.
- 2022MNRAS.511..616T
- The low-end of the black hole mass function at cosmic dawn.
- Trinca, A.; Schneider, R.; Valiante, R.; Graziani, L.; Zappacosta, L.; Shankar, F.
- 2022MNRAS.511..641S
- An accurate comprehensive approach to substructure: III. Masses and formation times of the host haloes.
- Salvador-Sole, E.; Manrique, A.; Canales, D.; Botella, I.
- 2022MNRAS.511..654L
- The pre-He white dwarfs in eclipsing binaries - III. WASP 1625-04.
- Lee, J.W.; Hong, K.; Park, J.-H.
- 2022MNRAS.511..662H
- A new measurement of the Hubble constant using fast radio bursts.
- Hagstotz, S.; Reischke, R.; Lilow, R.
- 2022MNRAS.511..668L
- High-resolution imaging of a black hole shadow with Millimetron orbit around lagrange point l2.
- Likhachev, S.F.; Rudnitskiy, A.G.; Shchurov, M.A.; Andrianov, A.S.; Baryshev, A.M.; Chernov, S.V.; Kostenko, V.I.
- 2022MNRAS.511..683T
- Adaboost-DSNN: an adaptive boosting algorithm based on deep self normalized neural network for pulsar identification.
- Tariq, I.; Meng, Q.; Yao, S.; Liu, W.; Zhou, C.; Ahmed, A.; Spanakis-Misirlis, A.
- 2022MNRAS.511..691G
- How much hydrogen is in Type Ib and IIb supernova progenitors?
- Gilkis, A.; Arcavi, I.
- 2022MNRAS.511..713E
- V4334 Sgr (Sakurai's Object): still churning out the dust.
- Evans, A.; Banerjee, D.P.K.; Geballe, T.R.; Gehrz, R.D.; Woodward, C.E.; Hinkle, K.; Joyce, R.R.; Shahbandeh, M.
- 2022MNRAS.511..723N
- Forecasting Geomagnetic activity (Dst Index) using the ensemble kalman filter.
- Nilam, B.; Ram, S.T.
- 2022MNRAS.511..732B
- Evolution of random initial magnetic fields in stably stratified and barotropic stars.
- Becerra, L.; Reisenegger, A.; Valdivia, J.A.; Gusakov, M.E.
- 2022MNRAS.511..746W
- On the origin of magnetic fields in stars - II. The effect of numerical resolution.
- Wurster, J.; Bate, M.R.; Price, D.J.; Bonnell, I.A.
- 2022MNRAS.511..765Q
- Systematic biases in determining dust attenuation curves through galaxy SED fitting.
- Qin, J.; Zheng, X.Z.; Fang, M.; Pan, Z.; Wuyts, S.; Shi, Y.; Peng, Y.; Gonzalez, V.; Bian, F.; Huang, J.-S.; Gu, Q.-S.; Liu, W.; Tan, Q.; Shi, D.D.; Ren, J.; Zhang, Y.; Qiao, M.; Wen, R.; Liu, S.
- 2022MNRAS.511..784G
- Age dissection of the vertical breathing motions in Gaia DR2: evidence for spiral driving.
- Ghosh, S.; Debattista, V.P.; Khachaturyants, T.
- 2022MNRAS.511..800A
- Investigation of the Prompt SNe Ia progenitor nature through the analysis of the chemical composition of globular clusters and circumgalactic clouds.
- Acharova, I.A.; Sharina, M.E.; Kazakov, E.A.
- 2022MNRAS.511..814G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/511/814)
- H-band temperature and metallicity indicators for cool giants empirical relations in bayesian framework.
- Ghosh, S.; Ninan, J.P.; Ojha, D.K.
- 2022MNRAS.511..829H
- Multiscale magnetic fields in the central molecular zone: inference from the gradient technique.
- Hu, Y.; Lazarian, A.; Wang, Q.D.
- 2022MNRAS.511..843M
- Constraining density and metallicity of the Milky Way's hot gas halo from O VII spectra and ram-pressure stripping.
- Martynenko, N.
- 2022MNRAS.511..859G
- Survival and mass growth of cold gas in a turbulent, multiphase medium.
- Gronke, M.; Oh, S.P.; Ji, S.; Norman, C.
- 2022MNRAS.511..877M
- Subterahertz radius and limb brightening of the Sun derived from SST and ALMA.
- Menezes, F.; Selhorst, C.L.; Gimenez de Castro, C.G.; Valio, A.
- 2022MNRAS.511..886L
- Radioactive nuclei in the early Solar system: analysis of the 15 isotopes produced by core-collapse supernovae.
- Lawson, T.V.; Pignatari, M.; Stancliffe, R.J.; den Hartogh, J.; Jones, S.; Fryer, C.L.; Gibson, B.K.; Lugaro, M.
- 2022MNRAS.511..903P
- Comparing compact object distributions from mass- and presupernova core structure-based prescriptions.
- Patton, R.A.; Sukhbold, T.; Eldridge, J.J.
- 2022MNRAS.511..914S
- An INTEGRAL/SPI view of reticulum II: particle dark matter and primordial black holes limits in the MeV range.
- Siegert, T.; Boehm, C.; Calore, F.; Diehl, R.; Krause, M.G.H.; Serpico, P.D.; Vincent, A.C.
- 2022MNRAS.511..925M
- Relativistic oblique shocks with ordered or random magnetic fields: tangential field governs.
- Ma, J.-Z.; Zhang, B.
- 2022MNRAS.511..938Z
- A spectral hardening in the Fermi-LAT Data of 1ES 0502+675.
- Zeng, Y.; Yan, D.; Hu, W.; Wang, J.
- 2022MNRAS.511..943C
- The diversity of core-halo structure in the fuzzy dark matter model.
- Chan, H.Y.J.; Ferreira, E.G.M.; May, S.; Hayashi, K.; Chiba, M.
- 2022MNRAS.511..953C
- Negative and positive feedback from a supernova remnant with SHREC: a detailed study of the shocked gas in IC443.
- Cosentino, G.; Jimenez-Serra, I.; Tan, J.C.; Henshaw, J.D.; Barnes, A.T.; Law, C.-Y.; Zeng, S.; Fontani, F.; Caselli, P.; Viti, S.; Zahorecz, S.; Rico-Villas, F.; Megias, A.; Miceli, M.; Orlando, S.; Ustamujic, S.; Greco, E.; Peres, G.; Bocchino, F.; Fedriani, R.; Gorai, P.; Testi, L.; Martin-Pintado, J.
- 2022MNRAS.511..964X
- On-ground and on-orbit time calibrations of GECAM.
- Xiao, S.; Liu, Y.Q.; Peng, W.X.; An, Z.H.; Xiong, S.L.; Tuo, Y.L.; Gong, K.; Zhang, P.; Zhang, K.; Zheng, S.J.; Li, C.Y.; Gao, M.; Guo, D.Y.; Li, X.Q.; Liang, X.H.; Liu, X.J.; Qiao, R.; Sun, X.L.; Wang, J.Z.; Wen, X.Y.; Xu, Y.B.; Yang, S.; Zhang, D.L.; Zhang, F.; Zhao, X.Y.; Qi, J.L.; Han, X.B.; Li, Z.D.; Huang, J.; Song, L.M.; Cai, C.; Yi, Q.B.; Zhao, Y.; Song, X.Y.; Huang, Y.; Ge, M.Y.; Ma, X.; Li, X.B.; Li, B.; Wang, P.; Wang, J.; Zhang, Y.Q.; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, X.L.; Zhao, H.Y.; Guo, Z.W.; Chen, C.; Xie, S.L.; Zhang, S.N.
- 2022MNRAS.511..972Q
- Neutrino emission from fast radio burst-emitting magnetars.
- Qu, Y.; Zhang, B.
- 2022MNRAS.511..980S
- FGC 1287 and its enigmatic 250 kpc long HI tail in the outskirts of Abell 1367.
- Scott, T.C.; Cortese, L.; Lagos, P.; Brinks, E.; Finoguenov, A.; Coccato, L.
- 2022MNRAS.511..994M
- Model-independent redshift estimation of BL Lac objects through very-high-energy observations.
- Malik, Z.; Sahayanathan, S.; Shah, Z.; Iqbal, N.; Manzoor, A.; Bhatt, N.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1004L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/511/1004)
- The Pristine survey - XV. A CFHT ESPaDOnS view on the Milky Way halo and disc populations.
- Lucchesi, R.; Lardo, C.; Jablonka, P.; Sestito, F.; Mashonkina, L.; Arentsen, A.; Suter, W.; Venn, K.; Martin, N.; Starkenburg, E.; Aguado, D.; Hill, V.; Kordopatis, G.; Navarro, J.F.; Gonzalez Hernandez, J.I.; Malhan, K.; Yuan, Z.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1022D
- 3D spatio-kinematic modelling of Abell 48, a planetary nebula around a Wolf-Rayet [WN] star.
- Danehkar, A.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1029H
- The impact of tomographic redshift bin width errors on cosmological probes.
- Hasan, I.S.; Schmidt, S.J.; Schneider, M.D.; Tyson, J.A.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1043W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/511/1043)
- A pair of sub-Neptunes transiting the bright K-dwarf TOI-1064 characterized with CHEOPS.
- Wilson, T.G.; Goffo, E.; Alibert, Y.; Gandolfi, D.; Bonfanti, A.; Persson, C.M.; Collier Cameron, A.; Fridlund, M.; Fossati, L.; Korth, J.; Benz, W.; Deline, A.; Floren, H.-G.; Guterman, P.; Adibekyan, V.; Hooton, M.J.; Hoyer, S.; Leleu, A.; Mustill, A.J.; Salmon, S.; Sousa, S.G.; Suarez, O.; Abe, L.; Agabi, A.; Alonso, R.; Anglada, G.; Asquier, J.; Barczy, T.; Barrado Navascues, D.; Barros, S.C.C.; Baumjohann, W.; Beck, M.; Beck, T.; Billot, N.; Bonfils, X.; Brandeker, A.; Broeg, C.; Bryant, E.M.; Burleigh, M.R.; Buttu, M.; Cabrera, J.; Charnoz, S.; Ciardi, D.R.; Cloutier, R.; Cochran, W.D.; Collins, K.A.; Colon, K.D.; Crouzet, N.; Csizmadia, S.; Davies, M.B.; Deleuil, M.; Delrez, L.; Demangeon, O.; Demory, B.-O.; Dragomir, D.; Dransfield, G.; Ehrenreich, D.; Erikson, A.; Fortier, A.; Gan, T.; Gill, S.; Gillon, M.; Gnilka, C.L.; Grieves, N.; Grziwa, S.; Gudel, M.; Guillot, T.; Haldemann, J.; Heng, K.; Horne, K.; Howell, S.B.; Isaak, K.G.; Jenkins, J.M.; Jensen, E.L.N.; Kiss, L.; Lacedelli, G.; Lam, K.; Laskar, J.; Latham, D.W.; Lecavelier des Etangs, A.; Lendl, M.; Lester, K.V.; Levine, A.M.; Livingston, J.; Lovis, C.; Luque, R.; Magrin, D.; Marie-Sainte, W.; Maxted, P.F.L.; Mayo, A.W.; McLean, B.; Mecina, M.; Mekarnia, D.; Nascimbeni, V.; Nielsen, L.D.; Olofsson, G.; Osborn, H.P.; Osborne, H.L.M.; Ottensamer, R.; Pagano, I.; Palle, E.; Peter, G.; Piotto, G.; Pollacco, D.; Queloz, D.; Ragazzoni, R.; Rando, N.; Rauer, H.; Redfield, S.; Ribas, I.; Ricker, G.R.; Rieder, M.; Santos, N.C.; Scandariato, G.; Schmider, F.-X.; Schwarz, R.P.; Scott, N.J.; Seager, S.; Segransan, D.; Serrano, L.M.; Simon, A.E.; Smith, A.M.S.; Steller, M.; Stockdale, C.; Szabo, G.; Thomas, N.; Ting, E.B.; Triaud, A.H.M.J.; Udry, S.; Van Eylen, V.; Van Grootel, V.; Vanderspek, R.K.; Viotto, V.; Walton, N.; Winn, J.N.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1072P
- The age gradients of galaxies in EAGLE: outside-in quenching as the origin of young bulges in cluster galaxies.
- Pfeffer, J.; Bekki, K.; Couch, W.J.; Koribalski, B.S.; Forbes, D.A.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1085Z
- Role of the companion lensing galaxy in the CLASS gravitational lens B1152+199.
- Zhang, M.; Yuan, Q.; Liu, J.-Y.; Zhang, L.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1104M
- Modelling annual scintillation arc variations in PSR J1643-1224 using the Large European Array for Pulsars.
- Mall, G.; Main, R.A.; Antoniadis, J.; Bassa, C.G.; Burgay, M.; Chen, S.; Cognard, I.; Concu, R.; Corongiu, A.; Gaikwad, M.; Hu, H.; Janssen, G.H.; Karuppusamy, R.; Kramer, M.; Lee, K.J.; Liu, K.; McKee, J.W.; Melis, A.; Mickaliger, M.B.; Perrodin, D.; Pilia, M.; Possenti, A.; Reardon, D.J.; Sanidas, S.A.; Sprenger, T.; Stappers, B.W.; Wang, L.; Wucknitz, O.; Zhu, W.W.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1115G
- The impact of faculae on the radius determination of exoplanets: the case of the M-star GJ 1214.
- Guenther, E.W.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1121M
- Study of timing and spectral properties of the X-ray pulsar 1A 0535+262 during the giant outburst in 2020 November-December.
- Mandal, M.; Pal, S.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1131O
- Mock catalogues of emission-line galaxies based on the local mass density in dark-matter only simulations.
- Osato, K.; Nishimichi, T.; Takada, M.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1141Z
- Constraints on the abundance of primordial black holes with different mass distributions from lensing of fast radio bursts.
- Zhou, H.; Li, Z.; Huang, Z.; Gao, H.; Huang, L.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1153P
- Secular evolution of resonant small bodies: semi-analytical approach for arbitrary eccentricities in the coplanar case.
- Pons, J.; Gallardo, T.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1167G
- SORA: Stellar occultation reduction and analysis.
- Gomes-Junior, A.R.; Morgado, B.E.; Benedetti-Rossi, G.; Boufleur, R.C.; Rommel, F.L.; Banda-Huarca, M.V.; Kilic, Y.; Braga-Ribas, F.; Sicardy, B.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1182L
- The vertical shear instability in poorly ionized, magnetized protoplanetary discs.
- Latter, H.N.; Kunz, M.W.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1201G
- Forward modelling the O3(a+b) GW transient mass distributions with BPASS by varying compact remnant mass and SNe kick prescriptions.
- Ghodla, S.; van Zeist, W.G.J.; Eldridge, J.J.; Stevance, H.F.; Stanway, E.R.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1210D
- Out of one, many: distinguishing time delays from lensed supernovae.
- Denissenya, M.; Bag, S.; Kim, A.G.; Linder, E.V.; Shafieloo, A.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1218M
- Notes on primordial black hole origin for thermal gamma-ray bursts.
- McMaken, T.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1224Q
- Erratum: Revisiting the Cygnus OB associations.
- Quintana, A.L.; Wright, N.J.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1227G
- The XXL Survey. XLII. The LX - σv relation of galaxy groups and clusters detected in the XXL and GAMA surveys.
- Giles, P.A.; Robotham, A.; Ramos-Ceja, M.E.; Maughan, B.J.; Sereno, M.; McGee, S.; Phillipps, S.; Iovino, A.; Turner, D.J.; Adami, C.; Brough, S.; Chiappetti, L.; Driver, S.P.; Evrard, A.E.; Farahi, A.; Gastaldello, F.; Holwerda, B.W.; Hopkins, A.M.; Koulouridis, E.; Pacaud, F.; Pierre, M.; Pimbblet, K.A.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1247R
- Momentum deposition of supernovae with cosmic rays.
- Rodriguez Montero, F.; Martin-Alvarez, S.; Sijacki, D.; Slyz, A.; Devriendt, J.; Dubois, Y.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1265B
- Coherent search for binary pulsars across all Five Keplerian parameters in radio observations using the template-bank algorithm.
- Balakrishnan, V.; Champion, D.; Barr, E.; Kramer, M.; Venkatraman Krishnan, V.; Eatough, R.P.; Sengar, R.; Bailes, M.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1285Y – (Tables: J/MNRAS/511/1285)
- A new photometric study of M14 (NGC 6402): an interpretation of the horizontal branch and beyond.
- Yepez, M.A.; Arellano Ferro, A.; Deras, D.; Bustos Fierro, I.; Muneer, S.; Schroder, K.-P.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1303V
- The ALPINE-ALMA [C II] survey: Investigation of 10 galaxies at z ∼ 4.5 with [O II] and [C II] line emission - ISM properties and [O II]-SFR relation.
- Vanderhoof, B.N.; Faisst, A.L.; Shen, L.; Lemaux, B.C.; Bethermin, M.; Capak, P.L.; Cassata, P.; Le Fevre, O.; Schaerer, D.; Silverman, J.; Yan, L.; Boquien, M.; Gal, R.; Kartaltepe, J.; Lubin, L.M.; Dessauges-Zavadsky, M.; Fudamoto, Y.; Ginolfi, M.; Hathi, N.P.; Jones, G.C.; Koekemoer, A.M.; Narayanan, D.; Romano, M.; Talia, M.; Vergani, D.; Zamorani, G.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1317C
- Dust distributions in the magellanic clouds.
- Chen, B.-Q.; Guo, H.-L.; Gao, J.; Yang, M.; Liu, Y.-L.; Jiang, B.-W.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1330G
- Faint intermediate luminosity optical transients (ILOTs) from engulfing exoplanets on the Hertzsprung gap.
- Gurevich, O.; Bear, E.; Soker, N.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1336P
- Particle acceleration and multimessenger emission from starburst-driven galactic winds.
- Peretti, E.; Morlino, G.; Blasi, P.; Cristofari, P.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1349P
- Transverse oscillations of the incompressible MHD mode in the visco-resistive plasmas: an explanation of Alfvenic to Landau-type characteristics.
- Pandey, V.S.; Kumar, A.; Nayak, M.K.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1362T
- Compact object mergers in hierarchical triples from low-mass young star clusters.
- Trani, A.A.; Rastello, S.; Di Carlo, U.N.; Santoliquido, F.; Tanikawa, A.; Mapelli, M.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1373G
- Cosmological forecasts on thermal axions, relic neutrinos, and light elements.
- Giare, W.; Renzi, F.; Melchiorri, A.; Mena, O.; Di Valentino, E.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1383R
- The centre-to-limb variation of non-thermal velocities using IRIS Si IV.
- Rao, Y.K.; Del Zanna, G.; Mason, H.E.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1401C
- Stable solar periodicities: the time stability.
- Chol-jun, K.; Kyong-phyong, J.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1408G
- The far-infrared/radio correlation for a sample of strongly lensed dusty star-forming galaxies detected by Herschel.
- Giulietti, M.; Massardi, M.; Lapi, A.; Bonato, M.; Enia, A.F.M.; Negrello, M.; D'Amato, Q.; Behiri, M.; De Zotti, G.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1420T
- Tracking X-ray outflows with optical/infrared footprint lines.
- Trindade Falcao, A.; Kraemer, S.B.; Crenshaw, D.M.; Melendez, M.; Revalski, M.; Fischer, T.C.; Schmitt, H.R.; Turner, T.J.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1431H
- High-precision star-formation efficiency measurements in nearby clouds.
- Hu, Z.; Krumholz, M.R.; Pokhrel, R.; Gutermuth, R.A.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1439F
- Modelling the γ-ray pulsar wind nebulae population in our galaxy.
- Fiori, M.; Olmi, B.; Amato, E.; Bandiera, R.; Bucciantini, N.; Zampieri, L.; Burtovoi, A.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1454G
- Constraints on compact binary merger evolution from spin-orbit misalignment in gravitational-wave observations.
- Gompertz, B.P.; Nicholl, M.; Schmidt, P.; Pratten, G.; Vecchio, A.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1462M
- APEX at the QSO MUSEUM: molecular gas reservoirs associated with z ∼ 3 quasars and their link to the extended Ly α emission.
- Munoz-Elgueta, N.; Arrigoni Battaia, F.; Kauffmann, G.; De Breuck, C.; Garcia-Vergara, C.; Zanella, A.; Farina, E.P.; Decarli, R.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1484I
- AMICO galaxy clusters in KiDS-DR3: measurement of the halo bias and power spectrum normalization from a stacked weak lensing analysis.
- Ingoglia, L.; Covone, G.; Sereno, M.; Giocoli, C.; Bardelli, S.; Bellagamba, F.; Castignani, G.; Farrens, S.; Hildebrandt, H.; Joudaki, S.; Jullo, E.; Lanzieri, D.; Lesci, G.F.; Marulli, F.; Maturi, M.; Moscardini, L.; Nanni, L.; Puddu, E.; Radovich, M.; Roncarelli, M.; Sapio, F.; Schimd, C.
- 2022MNRAS.511.1502M
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- 2022MNRAS.511.1518L
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- Quenching of satellite galaxies of Milky Way analogues: reconciling theory and observations.
- Font, A.S.; McCarthy, I.G.; Belokurov, V.; Brown, S.T.; Stafford, S.G.
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