Monthly Notices of the RAS 510
March(II) 2022
- 2022MNRAS.510.4669S
- Characterizing epochs of star formation across the Milky Way disc using age-metallicity distributions of GALAH stars.
- Sahlholdt, C.L.; Feltzing, S.; Feuillet, D.K.
- 2022MNRAS.510.4689V
- The collapse and three-dimensional explosion of three-dimensional massive-star supernova progenitor models.
- Vartanyan, D.; Coleman, M.S.B.; Burrows, A.
- 2022MNRAS.510.4706L
- Modelling the stellar halo with RR-Lyrae stars.
- Li, C.; Binney, J.
- 2022MNRAS.510.4723P
- Spectral and polarization properties of reflected X-ray emission from black hole accretion discs.
- Podgorny, J.; Dovciak, M.; Marin, F.; Goosmann, R.; Rozanska, A.
- 2022MNRAS.510.4736K
- Eclipse mapping of EXO 0748-676: evidence for a massive neutron star.
- Knight, A.H.; Ingram, A.; Middleton, M.; Drake, J.
- 2022MNRAS.510.4757D
- Orbital precession of the S2 star in Scalar-Tensor-Vector Gravity.
- Della Monica, R.; de Martino, I.; de Laurentis, M.
- 2022MNRAS.510.4767L
- Less wrong: a more realistic initial condition for simulations of turbulent molecular clouds.
- Lane, H.B.; Grudic, M.Y.; Guszejnov, D.; Offner, S.S.R.; Faucher-Giguere, C.-A.; Rosen, A.L.
- 2022MNRAS.510.4779S
- Type Ia supernova magnitude step from the local dark matter environment.
- Steigerwald, H.; Rodrigues, D.; Profumo, S.; Marra, V.
- 2022MNRAS.510.4796K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/510/4796)
- INTEGRAL/IBIS 17-yr hard X-ray all-sky survey.
- Krivonos, R.A.; Sazonov, S.Y.; Kuznetsova, E.A.; Lutovinov, A.A.; Mereminskiy, I.A.; Tsygankov, S.S.
- 2022MNRAS.510.4808Z
- Radiative lifetimes, branching fractions, and oscillator strengths for highly excited levels in singly ionized tantalum (Ta II).
- Zhang, L.; Wu, Y.; Liu, M.; Ma, H.; Quinet, P.; Dai, Z.
- 2022MNRAS.510.4819S
- Haro 11 - Untying the knots of the nuclear starburst.
- Sirressi, M.; Adamo, A.; Hayes, M.; Bik, A.; Strandanger, M.; Runnholm, A.; Oey, M.S.; Ostlin, G.; Menacho, V.; Smith, L.J.
- 2022MNRAS.510.4837L
- Tidal modulations and the habitability of exoplanetary systems.
- Lingam, M.; Pryor, S.; Ginsburg, I.
- 2022MNRAS.510.4844T
- A framework for simultaneously measuring field densities and the high-z luminosity function.
- Trapp, A.C.; Furlanetto, S.R.; Yang, J.
- 2022MNRAS.510.4857A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/510/4857)
- LRG-BEASTS: Sodium absorption and Rayleigh scattering in the atmosphere of WASP-94A b using NTT/EFOSC2.
- Ahrer, E.; Wheatley, P.J.; Kirk, J.; Gandhi, S.; King, G.W.; Louden, T.
- 2022MNRAS.510.4872E
- Erratum: Birth of the ELMs: a ZTF survey for evolved cataclysmic variables turning into extremely low-mass white dwarfs.
- El-Badry, K.; Rix, H.-W.; Quataert, E.; Kupfer, T.; Shen, K.J.
- 2022MNRAS.510.4873A
- The International Pulsar Timing Array second data release: Search for an isotropic gravitational wave background.
- Antoniadis, J.; Arzoumanian, Z.; Babak, S.; Bailes, M.; Bak Nielsen, A.-S.; Baker, P.T.; Bassa, C.G.; Becsy, B.; Berthereau, A.; Bonetti, M.; Brazier, A.; Brook, P.R.; Burgay, M.; Burke-Spolaor, S.; Caballero, R.N.; Casey-Clyde, J.A.; Chalumeau, A.; Champion, D.J.; Charisi, M.; Chatterjee, S.; Chen, S.; Cognard, I.; Cordes, J.M.; Cornish, N.J.; Crawford, F.; Cromartie, H.T.; Crowter, K.; Dai, S.; DeCesar, M.E.; Demorest, P.B.; Desvignes, G.; Dolch, T.; Drachler, B.; Falxa, M.; Ferrara, E.C.; Fiore, W.; Fonseca, E.; Gair, J.R.; Garver-Daniels, N.; Goncharov, B.; Good, D.C.; Graikou, E.; Guillemot, L.; Guo, Y.J.; Hazboun, J.S.; Hobbs, G.; Hu, H.; Islo, K.; Janssen, G.H.; Jennings, R.J.; Johnson, A.D.; Jones, M.L.; Kaiser, A.R.; Kaplan, D.L.; Karuppusamy, R.; Keith, M.J.; Kelley, L.Z.; Kerr, M.; Key, J.S.; Kramer, M.; Lam, M.T.; Lamb, W.G.; Lazio, T.J.W.; Lee, K.J.; Lentati, L.; Liu, K.; Luo, J.; Lynch, R.S.; Lyne, A.G.; Madison, D.R.; Main, R.A.; Manchester, R.N.; McEwen, A.; McKee, J.W.; McLaughlin, M.A.; Mickaliger, M.B.; Mingarelli, C.M.F.; Ng, C.; Nice, D.J.; Oslowski, S.; Parthasarathy, A.; Pennucci, T.T.; Perera, B.B.P.; Perrodin, D.; Petiteau, A.; Pol, N.S.; Porayko, N.K.; Possenti, A.; Ransom, S.M.; Ray, P.S.; Reardon, D.J.; Russell, C.J.; Samajdar, A.; Sampson, L.M.; Sanidas, S.; Sarkissian, J.M.; Schmitz, K.; Schult, L.; Sesana, A.; Shaifullah, G.; Shannon, R.M.; Shapiro-Albert, B.J.; Siemens, X.; Simon, J.; Smith, T.L.; Speri, L.; Spiewak, R.; Stairs, I.H.; Stappers, B.W.; Stinebring, D.R.; Swiggum, J.K.; Taylor, S.R.; Theureau, G.; Tiburzi, C.; Vallisneri, M.; van der Wateren, E.; Vecchio, A.; Verbiest, J.P.W.; Vigeland, S.J.; Wahl, H.; Wang, J.B.; Wang, J.; Wang, L.; Witt, C.A.; Zhang, S.; Zhu, X.J.
- 2022MNRAS.510.4888K
- Characterizing spatial variations of PAH emission in the reflection nebula NGC 1333.
- Knight, C.; Peeters, E.; Wolfire, M.; Stock, D.J.
- 2022MNRAS.510.4909W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/510/4909)
- LeMMINGs - IV. The X-ray properties of a statistically complete sample of the nuclei in active and inactive galaxies from the Palomar sample.
- Williams, D.R.A.; Pahari, M.; Baldi, R.D.; McHardy, I.M.; Mathur, S.; Beswick, R.J.; Beri, A.; Boorman, P.; Aalto, S.; Alberdi, A.; Argo, M.K.; Dullo, B.T.; Fenech, D.M.; Green, D.A.; Knapen, J.H.; Marti-Vidal, I.; Moldon, J.; Mundell, C.G.; Muxlow, T.W.B.; Panessa, F.; Perez-Torres, M.; Saikia, P.; Shankar, F.; Stevens, I.R.; Uttley, P.
- 2022MNRAS.510.4929P
- Carnegie Supernova Project: kinky i-band light curves of Type Ia supernovae.
- Pessi, P.J.; Hsiao, E.Y.; Folatelli, G.; Anderson, J.P.; Burns, C.R.; Uddin, S.; Galbany, L.; Phillips, M.M.; Morrell, N.; Ashall, C.; Baron, E.; Contreras, C.; Hamuy, M.; Hoeflich, P.; Krisciunas, K.; Kumar, S.; Lu, J.; Martinez, L.; Piro, A.L.; Shahbandeh, M.; Stritzinger, M.D.; Suntzeff, N.B.
- 2022MNRAS.510.4943S
- Dynamical tides in eccentric binaries containing massive main-sequence stars: analytical expressions.
- Su, Y.; Lai, D.
- 2022MNRAS.510.4952L
- Velocity gradients: magnetic field tomography towards the supernova remnant W44.
- Liu, M.; Hu, Y.; Lazarian, A.
- 2022MNRAS.510.4962G
- Black hole to breakout: 3D GRMHD simulations of collapsar jets reveal a wide range of transients.
- Gottlieb, O.; Lalakos, A.; Bromberg, O.; Liska, M.; Tchekhovskoy, A.
- 2022MNRAS.510.4976A
- The nature of sub-millimetre galaxies II: an ALMA comparison of SMG dust heating mechanisms.
- Ansarinejad, B.; Shanks, T.; Bielby, R.M.; Metcalfe, N.; Infante, L.; Murphy, D.N.A.; Rosario, D.J.; Stach, S.M.
- 2022MNRAS.510.4992M
- Background of radio photons from primordial black holes.
- Mittal, S.; Kulkarni, G.
- 2022MNRAS.510.4998Z – (Tables: J/MNRAS/510/4998)
- ATOMS: ALMA Three-millimeter Observations of Massive Star-forming regions - IV. Radio recombination lines and evolution of star formation efficiencies.
- Zhang, C.; Evans, N.J.; Liu, T.; Wu, J.-W.; Wang, K.; Liu, H.-L.; Zhu, F.-Y.; Ren, Z.-Y.; Dewangan, L.K.; Lee, C.W.; Li, S.; Bronfman, L.; Tej, A.; Li, D.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5009L
- ATOMS: ALMA Three-millimeter Observations of Massive Star-forming regions - V. Hierarchical fragmentation and gas dynamics in IRDC G034.43+00.24.
- Liu, H.-L.; Tej, A.; Liu, T.; Issac, N.; Saha, A.; Goldsmith, P.F.; Wang, J.-Z.; Zhang, Q.; Qin, S.-L.; Wang, K.; Li, S.; Soam, A.; Dewangan, L.; Lee, C.W.; Li, P.-S.; Liu, X.-C.; Zhang, Y.; Ren, Z.; Juvela, M.; Bronfman, L.; Wu, Y.-F.; Tatematsu, K.; Chen, X.; Li, D.; Stutz, A.; Zhang, S.; Toth, L.V.; Luo, Q.-Y.; Xu, F.-W.; Li, J.; Liu, R.; Zhou, J.; Zhang, C.; Tang, M.; Zhang, C.; Baug, T.; Mannfors, E.; Chakali, E.; Dutta, S.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5023W
- Exploring the consequences of chromatic data excision in 21-cm epoch of reionization power spectrum observations.
- Wilensky, M.J.; Hazelton, B.J.; Morales, M.F.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5035S
- K2-99 revisited: a non-inflated warm Jupiter, and a temperate giant planet on a 522-d orbit around a subgiant.
- Smith, A.M.S.; Breton, S.N.; Csizmadia, S.; Dai, F.; Gandolfi, D.; Garcia, R.A.; Howard, A.W.; Isaacson, H.; Korth, J.; Lam, K.W.F.; Mathur, S.; Nowak, G.; Perez Hernandez, F.; Persson, C.M.; Albrecht, S.H.; Barragan, O.; Cabrera, J.; Cochran, W.D.; Deeg, H.J.; Fridlund, M.; Georgieva, I.Y.; Goffo, E.; Guenther, E.W.; Hatzes, A.P.; Kabath, P.; Livingston, J.H.; Luque, R.; Palle, E.; Redfield, S.; Rodler, F.; Serrano, L.M.; Van Eylen, V.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5050M
- Planet-planet scattering in presence of a companion star.
- Marzari, F.; Nagasawa, M.; Gozdziewski, K.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5062G
- A resolution criterion based on characteristic time-scales for MHD simulations of molecular clouds.
- Granda-Munoz, G.; Vazquez-Semadeni, E.; Gomez, G.C.; Zamora-Aviles, M.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5069F
- The PDF perspective on the tracer-matter connection: Lagrangian bias and non-Poissonian shot noise.
- Friedrich, O.; Halder, A.; Boyle, A.; Uhlemann, C.; Britt, D.; Codis, S.; Gruen, D.; Hahn, C.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5088B
- The discovery of rest-frame UV colour gradients and a diversity of dust morphologies in bright z ≃ 7 Lyman-break galaxies.
- Bowler, R.A.A.; Cullen, F.; McLure, R.J.; Dunlop, J.S.; Avison, A.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5102O
- Observational hints on the torus obscuring gas behaviour through X-rays with NuSTAR data.
- Osorio-Clavijo, N.; Gonzalez-Martin, O; Sanchez, S.F.; Esparza-Arredondo, D.; Masegosa, J.; Victoria-Ceballos, C.; Hernandez-Garcia, L.; Diaz, Y.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5119L
- The kinematic properties of Milky Way stellar halo populations.
- Lane, J.M.M.; Bovy, J.; Mackereth, J.T.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5142M
- Dynamics of irregularly shaped cometary particles subjected to outflowing gas and solar radiative forces and torques.
- Moreno, F.; Guirado, D.; Munoz, O.; Zakharov, V.; Ivanovski, S.; Fulle, M.; Rotundi, A.; Frattin, E.; Bertini, I.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5154B
- When leaving the Solar system: Dark matter makes a difference.
- Belbruno, E.; Green, J.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5164C
- The evolution of barred galaxies in the EAGLE simulations.
- Cavanagh, M.K.; Bekki, K.; Groves, B.A.; Pfeffer, J.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5179Q
- Optical turbulence in the atmospheric surface layer at the Ali Observatory, Tibet.
- Qian, X.; Yao, Y.; Zou, L.; Wang, H.; Li, J.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5187K
- The prototype X-ray binary GX 339-4: using TeV γ-rays to assess LMXBs as Galactic cosmic ray accelerators.
- Kantzas, D.; Markoff, S.; Lucchini, M.; Ceccobello, C.; Grinberg, V.; Connors, R.M.T.; Uttley, P.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5199C
- Disc fragmentation and oligarchic growth of protostellar systems in low-metallicity gas clouds.
- Chiaki, G.; Yoshida, N.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5220L
- On the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy condition for numerical solvers of the coagulation equation.
- Laibe, G.; Lombart, M.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5226E
- The winds of young Solar-type stars in Coma Berenices and Hercules-Lyra.
- Evensberget, D.; Carter, B.D.; Marsden, S.C.; Brookshaw, L.; Folsom, C.P.; Salmeron, R.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5246L
- Dust accumulation near the magnetospheric truncation of protoplanetary discs around T Tauri stars.
- Li, R.; Chen, Y.-X.; Lin, D.N.C.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5266B
- FLASH-light on the RING: hydrodynamic simulations of expanding supernova shells near supermassive black holes.
- Barna, B.; Palous, J.; Ehlerova, S.; Wunsch, R.; Morris, M.R.; Vermot, P.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5280M
- X-ray timing and spectral variability properties of blazars S5 0716 + 714, OJ 287, Mrk 501, and RBS 2070.
- Mohorian, M.; Bhatta, G.; Adhikari, T.P.; Dhital, N.; Panis, R.; Dinesh, A.; Chaudhary, S.C.; Bachchan, R.K.; Stuchlik, Z.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5302I
- Detection of 7Be II in the Small Magellanic Cloud.
- Izzo, L.; Molaro, P.; Cescutti, G.; Aydi, E.; Selvelli, P.; Harvey, E.; Agnello, A.; Bonifacio, P.; Della Valle, M.; Guido, E.; Hernanz, M.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5315P
- Investigation of the orbital period and mass relations for W UMa-type contact systems.
- Poro, A.; Sarabi, S.; Zamanpour, S.; Fotouhi, S.; Davoudi, F.; Khakpash, S.; Salehian, S.R.; Madayen, T.; Foroutanfar, A.; Bakhshi, E.; Mahdavi, N.S.; Alicavus, F.; Farahani, A.M.; Sabbaghian, G.; Hosseini, R.S.; Aryaeefar, A.; Hemati, M.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5330L
- Assessment of the accuracy of measures in the 1829 southern double star catalogue of James Dunlop.
- Letchford, R.R.; White, G.L.; Brown, C.J.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5348Z
- Dynamo activity of the K dwarf KOI-883 from transit photometry mapping.
- Zaleski, S.M.; Valio, A.; Carter, B.D.; Marsden, S.C.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5362E
- Be, V, and Cu in the halo star CS 31082-001 from near-UV spectroscopy.
- Ernandes, H.; Barbuy, B.; Friaca, A.; Hill, V.; Spite, M.; Spite, F.; Castilho, B.V.; Evans, C.J.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5376S
- Exploiting non-linear scales in galaxy-galaxy lensing and galaxy clustering: A forecast for the dark energy survey.
- Salcedo, A.N.; Weinberg, D.H.; Wu, H.-Y.; Wibking, B.D.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5392K
- UNITSIM-Galaxies: data release and clustering of emission-line galaxies.
- Knebe, A.; Lopez-Cano, D.; Avila, S.; Favole, G.; Stevens, A.R.H.; Gonzalez-Perez, V.; Reyes-Peraza, G.; Yepes, G.; Chuang, C.-H.; Kitaura, F.-S.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5408R
- The Subaru HSC weak lensing mass-observable scaling relations of spectroscopic galaxy groups from the GAMA survey.
- Rana, D.; More, S.; Miyatake, H.; Nishimichi, T.; Takada, M.; Robotham, A.S.G.; Hopkins, A.M.; Holwerda, B.W.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5426P
- Optical line spectra of tidal disruption events from reprocessing in optically thick outflows.
- Parkinson, E.J.; Knigge, C.; Matthews, J.H.; Long, K.S.; Higginbottom, N.; Sim, S.A.; Mangham, S.W.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5444G
- MUSE spectroscopy of planetary nebulae with high abundance discrepancies.
- Garcia-Rojas, J.; Morisset, C.; Jones, D.; Wesson, R.; Boffin, H.M.J.; Monteiro, H.; Corradi, R.L.M.; Rodriguez-Gil, P.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5464K
- Transit timings variations in the three-planet system: TOI-270.
- Kaye, L.; Vissapragada, S.; Gunther, M.N.; Aigrain, S.; Mikal-Evans, T.; Jensen, E.L.N.; Parviainen, H.; Pozuelos, F.J.; Abe, L.; Acton, J.S.; Agabi, A.; Alves, D.R.; Anderson, D.R.; Armstrong, D.J.; Barkaoui, K.; Barragan, O.; Benneke, B.; Boyd, P.T.; Brahm, R.; Bruni, I.; Bryant, E.M.; Burleigh, M.R.; Casewell, S.L.; Ciardi, D.; Cloutier, R.; Collins, K.A.; Collins, K.I.; Conti, D.M.; Crossfield, I.J.M.; Crouzet, N.; Daylan, T.; Dragomir, D.; Dransfield, G.; Fabrycky, D.; Fausnaugh, M.; Fuuresz, G.; Gan, T.; Gill, S.; Gillon, M.; Goad, M.R.; Gorjian, V.; Greklek-McKeon, M.; Guerrero, N.; Guillot, T.; Jehin, E.; Jenkins, J.S.; Lendl, M.; Kamler, J.; Kane, S.R.; Kielkopf, J.F.; Kunimoto, M.; Marie-Sainte, W.; McCormac, J.; Mekarnia, D.; Morales, F.Y.; Moyano, M.; Palle, E.; Parmentier, V.; Relles, H.M.; Schmider, F.-X.; Schwarz, R.P.; Seager, S.; Smith, A.M.S.; Tan, T.-G.; Taylor, J.; Triaud, A.H.M.J.; Twicken, J.D.; Udry, S.; Vines, J.I.; Wang, G.; Wheatley, P.J.; Winn, J.N.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5486C
- Inside-out planet formation: VI. oligarchic coagulation of planetesimals from a pebble ring?
- Cai, M.X.; Tan, J.C.; Portegies Zwart, S.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5500G
- Halo merger tree comparison: impact on galaxy formation models.
- Gomez, J.S.; Padilla, N.D.; Helly, J.C.; Lacey, C.G.; Baugh, C.M.; Lagos, C.D.P.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5520S
- The effect of hierarchical structure of the surface dust layer on the modelling of comet gas production.
- Skorov, Y.; Reshetnyk, V.; Bentley, M.S.; Rezac, L.; Hartogh, P.; Blum, J.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5535J
- Gravitational wave signals from 2D core-collapse supernova models with rotation and magnetic fields.
- Jardine, R.; Powell, J.; Muller, B.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5553S
- Running vacuum model versus ΛCDM - a Bayesian analysis.
- Sarath, N.; Mathew, T.K.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5560S
- High-redshift predictions from IllustrisTNG - III. Infrared luminosity functions, obscured star formation, and dust temperature of high-redshift galaxies.
- Shen, X.; Vogelsberger, M.; Nelson, D.; Tacchella, S.; Hernquist, L.; Springel, V.; Marinacci, F.; Torrey, P.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5579B
- Cosmic rays from massive star clusters: a close look at Westerlund 1.
- Bhadra, S.; Gupta, S.; Nath, B.B.; Sharma, P.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5592A
- Stellar winds and photoionization in a spiral arm.
- Ali, A.A.; Bending, T.J.R.; Dobbs, C.L.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5603K
- The nature of high [O III]_88 µ m_/[C II]_158 µm_ galaxies in the epoch of reionization: Low carbon abundance and a top-heavy IMF?
- Katz, H.; Rosdahl, J.; Kimm, T.; Garel, T.; Blaizot, J.; Haehnelt, M.G.; Michel-Dansac, L.; Martin-Alvarez, S.; Devriendt, J.; Slyz, A.; Teyssier, R.; Ocvirk, P.; Laporte, N.; Ellis, R.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5623M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/510/5623)
- Inferring the rotation period distribution of stars from their projected rotation velocities and radii: Application to late-F/early-G Kepler stars.
- Masuda, K.; Petigura, E.A.; Hall, O.J.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5639M
- The weak dependence of velocity dispersion on disc fractions, mass-to-light ratio, and redshift: implications for galaxy and black hole evolution.
- Marsden, C.; Shankar, F.; Bernardi, M.; Sheth, R.K.; Fu, H.; Lapi, A.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5661P
- The impact of black hole feedback on the UV luminosity and stellar mass assembly of high-redshift galaxies.
- Piana, O.; Dayal, P.; Choudhury, T.R.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5676I
- The differences between mass- and light-derived structural parameters over time for MaNGA elliptical galaxies.
- Ibarra-Medel, H.; Avila-Reese, V.; Lacerna, I.; Rodriguez-Puebla, A.; Vazquez-Mata, J.A.; Hernandez-Toledo, H.M.; Sanchez, S.F.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5695A
- Investigating Galactic binary cluster candidates with Gaia EDR3.
- Angelo, M.S.; Santos, J.F.C.; Maia, F.F.S.; Corradi, W.J.B.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5725D
- Scaling relations for globular cluster systems in early-type galaxies - II. Is there an environmental dependence?
- De Bortoli, B.J.; Caso, J.P.; Ennis, A.I.; Bassino, L.P.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5743B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/510/5743)
- Rapidly oscillating TESS A-F main-sequence stars: are the roAp stars a distinct class?
- Balona, L.A.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5760L
- High-redshift quasars and their host galaxies - II. Multiphase gas and stellar kinematics.
- Lupi, A.; Volonteri, M.; Decarli, R.; Bovino, S.; Silk, J.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5780S
- The DIVING3D survey - Deep Integral Field Spectrograph View of Nuclei of Galaxies - I. Definition and sample presentation.
- Steiner, J.E.; Menezes, R.B.; Ricci, T.V.; da Silva, P.; Cid Fernandes, R.; Vale Asari, N.; Carvalho, M.S.; May, D.; Coelho, P.R.T.; de Amorim, A.L.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5796C
- Probing the physicochemical properties of the Leo Ring and the Leo I group.
- Charlton, J.C.; Kacprzak, G.G.; Narayanan, A.; Sankar, S.; Richter, P.; Wakker, B.P.; Nielsen, N.M.; Churchill, C.W.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5821K
- Magnetic field topology, chemical spot distributions, and photometric variability of the Ap star φ Draconis.
- Kochukhov, O.; Papakonstantinou, N.; Neiner, C.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5834O
- Multiwavelength emission from leptonic processes in ageing galaxy bubbles.
- Owen, E.R.; Yang, H.-Y.K.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5854J
- Study of chemically peculiar stars - I. High-resolution spectroscopy and K2 photometry of Am stars in the region of M44.
- Joshi, S.; Trust, O.; Semenko, E.; Williams, P.E.; Lampens, P.; De Cat, P.; Vermeylen, L.; Holdsworth, D.L.; Garcia, R.A.; Mathur, S.; Santos, A.R.G.; Mkrtichian, D.; Goswami, A.; Cuntz, M.; Yadav, A.P.; Sarkar, M.; Bhatt, B.C.; Kahraman Alicavus, F.; Nhlapo, M.D.; Lund, M.N.; Goswami, P.P.; Savanov, I.; Jorissen, A.; Jurua, E.; Avvakumova, E.; Dmitrienko, E.S.; Chakradhari, N.K.; Das, M.K.; Chowdhury, S.; Abedigamba, O.P.; Yakunin, I.; Letarte, B.; Karinkuzhi, D.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5872S
- Gaussian Process Regression for foreground removal in H I Intensity Mapping experiments.
- Soares, P.S.; Watkinson, C.A.; Cunnington, S.; Pourtsidou, A.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5891R
- DECORAS: detection and characterization of radio-astronomical sources using deep learning.
- Rezaei, S.; McKean, J.P.; Biehl, M.; Javadpour, A.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5908M
- Mode changing in J1909 - 3744: the most precisely timed pulsar.
- Miles, M.T.; Shannon, R.M.; Bailes, M.; Reardon, D.J.; Buchner, S.; Middleton, H.; Spiewak, R.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5916C
- Detection of pairwise kSZ effect with DESI galaxy clusters and Planck.
- Chen, Z.; Zhang, P.; Yang, X.; Zheng, Y.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5929C
- Multimessenger time-domain signatures of supermassive black hole binaries.
- Charisi, M.; Taylor, S.R.; Runnoe, J.; Bogdanovic, T.; Trump, J.R.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5945M
- Orbits of globular clusters computed with dynamical friction in the Galactic anisotropic velocity dispersion field.
- Moreno, E.; Fernandez-Trincado, J.G.; Perez-Villegas, A.; Chaves-Velasquez, L.; Schuster, W.J.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5963W
- Binary AGNs simulations with radiation pressure reveal a new duty cycle, and a reduction of gravitational torque, through 'minitori' structures.
- Williamson, D.J.; Bosch, L.H.; Honig, S.F.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5974T
- Extremely strong DLAs at high redshift: gas cooling and H2 formation.
- Telikova, K.N.; Balashev, S.A.; Noterdaeme, P.; Krogager, J.-K.; Ranjan, A.
- 2022MNRAS.510.5984R
- Abundance discrepancy factors in high-density planetary nebulae.
- Ruiz-Escobedo, F.; Pena, M.
- 2022MNRAS.510.6001B
- Stellar evolution and tidal dissipation in REBOUNDx.
- Baronett, S.A.; Ferich, N.; Tamayo, D.; Steffen, J.H.
- 2022MNRAS.510.6010G
- Erratum: Clues from 4U 0142+61 on supernova fallback disc formation and precession.
- Grimani, C.
- 2022MNRAS.510.6011W
- Formation of millisecond pulsars with long orbital periods by accretion-induced collapse of white dwarfs.
- Wang, B.; Liu, D.; Chen, H.
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- Postulating exoplanetary habitability via a novel anomaly detection method.
- Sarkar, J.; Bhatia, K.; Saha, S.; Safonova, M.; Sarkar, S.
- 2022MNRAS.510.6033F
- Recent formation and likely cometary activity of near-Earth asteroid pair 2019 PR2-2019 QR6.
- Fatka, P.; Moskovitz, N.A.; Pravec, P.; Micheli, M.; Devogele, M.; Gustafsson, A.; Kueny, J.; Skiff, B.; Kusnirak, P.; Christensen, E.; Ries, J.; Brucker, M.; McMillan, R.; Larsen, J.; Mastaler, R.; Bressi, T.
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- Reanalysis of c-type RR Lyrae variable BE Dor, period modulations and possible mechanism.
- Li, L.-J.; Qian, S.-B.; Zhu, L.-Y.
- 2022MNRAS.510.6059S
- Turbulent disc viscosity and the bifurcation of planet formation histories.
- Speedie, J.; Pudritz, R.E.; Cridland, A.J.; Meru, F.; Booth, R.A.
- 2022MNRAS.510.6085L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/510/6085)
- Mapping the magnetic field in the Taurus/B211 filamentary cloud with SOFIA HAWC + and comparing with simulation.
- Li, P.S.; Lopez-Rodriguez, E.; Ajeddig, H.; Andre, P.; McKee, C.F.; Rho, J.; Klein, R.I.
- 2022MNRAS.510.6110P
- Constraining the evolution of cataclysmic variables via the masses and accretion rates of their underlying white dwarfs.
- Pala, A.F.; Gansicke, B.T.; Belloni, D.; Parsons, S.G.; Marsh, T.R.; Schreiber, M.R.; Breedt, E.; Knigge, C.; Sion, E.M.; Szkody, P.; Townsley, D.; Bildsten, L.; Boyd, D.; Cook, M.J.; De Martino, D.; Godon, P.; Kafka, S.; Kouprianov, V.; Long, K.S.; Monard, B.; Myers, G.; Nelson, P.; Nogami, D.; Oksanen, A.; Pickard, R.; Poyner, G.; Reichart, D.E.; Rodriguez Perez, D.; Shears, J.; Stubbings, R.; Toloza, O.
- 2022MNRAS.510.6133B
- Melnick 33Na: a very massive colliding-wind binary system in 30 Doradus.
- Bestenlehner, J.M.; Crowther, P.A.; Broos, P.S.; Pollock, A.M.T.; Townsley, L.K.
- 2022MNRAS.510.6150L
- Lensing without borders - I. A blind comparison of the amplitude of galaxy-galaxy lensing between independent imaging surveys.
- Leauthaud, A.; Amon, A.; Singh, S.; Gruen, D.; Lange, J.U.; Huang, S.; Robertson, N.C.; Varga, T.N.; Luo, Y.; Heymans, C.; Hildebrandt, H.; Blake, C.; Aguena, M.; Allam, S.; Andrade-Oliveira, F.; Annis, J.; Bertin, E.; Bhargava, S.; Blazek, J.; Bridle, S.L.; Brooks, D.; Burke, D.L.; Rosell, A.C.; Carrasco Kind, M.; Carretero, J.; Castander, F.J.; Cawthon, R.; Choi, A.; Costanzi, M.; da Costa, L.N.; Pereira, M.E.S.; Davis, C.; De Vicente, J.; DeRose, J.; Diehl, H.T.; Dietrich, J.P.; Doel, P.; Eckert, K.; Everett, S.; Evrard, A.E.; Ferrero, I.; Flaugher, B.; Fosalba, P.; Garcia-Bellido, J.; Gatti, M.; Gaztanaga, E.; Gruendl, R.A.; Gschwend, J.; Hartley, W.G.; Hollowood, D.L.; Honscheid, K.; Jain, B.; James, D.J.; Jarvis, M.; Joachimi, B.; Kannawadi, A.; Kim, A.G.; Krause, E.; Kuehn, K.; Kuijken, K.; Kuropatkin, N.; Lima, M.; MacCrann, N.; Maia, M.A.G.; Makler, M.; March, M.; Marshall, J.L.; Melchior, P.; Menanteau, F.; Miquel, R.; Miyatake, H.; Mohr, J.J.; Moraes, B.; More, S.; Surhud, M.; Morgan, R.; Myles, J.; Ogando, R.L.C.; Palmese, A.; Paz-Chinchon, F.; Plazas Malagon, A.A.; Prat, J.; Rau, M.M.; Rhodes, J.; Rodriguez-Monroy, M.; Roodman, A.; Ross, A.J.; Samuroff, S.; Sanchez, C.; Sanchez, E.; Scarpine, V.; Schlegel, D.J.; Schubnell, M.; Serrano, S.; Sevilla-Noarbe, I.; Sifon, C.; Smith, M.; Speagle, J.S.; Suchyta, E.; Tarle, G.; Thomas, D.; Tinker, J.; To, C.; Troxel, M.A.; Van Waerbeke, L.; Vielzeuf, P.; Wright, A.H.
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- Prospects of discovering subsolar primordial black holes using the stochastic gravitational wave background from third-generation detectors.
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