Monthly Notices of the RAS 499
December(III) 2020

The first shear measurements from precision weak lensing.
Gurri, P.; Taylor, E.N.; Fluke, C.J.
Modelling the atmosphere of lava planet K2-141b: implications for low- and high-resolution spectroscopy.
Nguyen, T.G.; Cowan, N.B.; Banerjee, A.; Moores, J.E.
HIR4: cosmological signatures imprinted on the cross-correlation between a 21-cm map and galaxy clustering.
Shi, F.; Song, Y.-S.; Asorey, J.; Parkinson, D.; Ahn, K.; Yao, J.; Zhang, L.; Zuo, S.
Water transport throughout the TRAPPIST-1 system: the role of planetesimals.
Dosovic, V.; Novakovic, B.; Vukotic, B.; Cirkovic, M.M.
Concordance cosmology?
Park, Y.; Rozo, E.
Dynamical modelling of globular clusters: challenges for the robust determination of IMBH candidates.
Aros, F.I.; Sippel, A.C.; Mastrobuono-Battisti, A.; Askar, A.; Bianchini, P.; van de Ven, G.
Systematic errors in dust mass determinations: insights from laboratory opacity measurements.
Fanciullo, L.; Kemper, F.; Scicluna, P.; Dharmawardena, T.E.; Srinivasan, S.
From solar-like to mira stars: a unifying description of stellar pulsators in the presence of stochastic noise.
Cunha, M.S.; Avelino, P.P.; Chaplin, W.J.
Deep model simulation of polar vortices in gas giant atmospheres.
Garcia, F.; Chambers, F.R.N.; Watts, A.L.
A bright, high rotation-measure FRB that skewers the M33 halo.
Connor, L.; van Leeuwen, J.; Oostrum, L.C.; Petroff, E.; Maan, Y.; Adams, E.A.K.; Attema, J.J.; Bast, J.E.; Boersma, O.M.; Denes, H.; Gardenier, D.W.; Hargreaves, J.E.; Kooistra, E.; Pastor-Marazuela, I.; Schulz, R.; Sclocco, A.; Smits, R.; Straal, S.M.; van der Schuur, D.; Vohl, D.; Adebahr, B.; de Blok, W.J.G.; van Cappellen, W.A.; Coolen, A.H.W.M.; Damstra, S.; van Diepen, G.N.J.; Frank, B.S.; Hess, K.M.; Hut, B.; Kutkin, A.; Loose, G.M.; Lucero, D.M.; Mika, A.; Moss, V.A.; Mulder, H.; Oosterloo, T.A.; Ruiter, M.; Vedantham, H.; Vermaas, N.J.; Wijnholds, S.J.; Ziemke, J.
Sub-Chandrasekhar-mass detonations are in tension with the observed t0-MNi56 relation of type Ia supernovae.
Kushnir, D.; Wygoda, N.; Sharon, A.
EMERGE - empirical constraints on the formation of passive galaxies.
Moster, B.P.; Naab, T.; White, S.D.M.
Cosmological constraints from CODEX galaxy clusters spectroscopically confirmed by SDSS-IV/SPIDERS DR16.
Ider Chitham, J.; Comparat, J.; Finoguenov, A.; Clerc, N.; Kirkpatrick, C.; Damsted, S.; Kukkola, A.; Capasso, R.; Nandra, K.; Merloni, A.; Bulbul, E.; Rykoff, E.S.; Schneider, D.P.; Brownstein, J.R.
The relative orientation between the magnetic field and gas density structures in non-gravitating turbulent media.
Kortgen, B.; Soler, J.D.
Models of distorted and evolving dark matter haloes.
Sanders, J.L.; Lilley, E.J.; Vasiliev, E.; Evans, N.W.; Erkal, D.
The 2019 eruption of recurrent nova V3890 Sgr: observations by Swift, NICER, and SMARTS.
Page, K.L.; Kuin, N.P.M.; Beardmore, A.P.; Walter, F.M.; Osborne, J.P.; Markwardt, C.B.; Ness, J.-U.; Orio, M.; Sokolovsky, K.V.
The nature of the Schonberg-Chandrasekhar limit.
Ziolkowski, J.; Zdziarski, A.A.
The stellar metallicity distribution function of galaxies in the CALIFA survey.
Mejia-Narvaez, A.; Sanchez, S.F.; Lacerda, E.A.D.; Carigi, L.; Galbany, L.; Husemann, B.; Garcia-Benito, R.
Dark matter simulations with primordial black holes in the early Universe.
Tkachev, M.V.; Pilipenko, S.V.; Yepes, G.
Predicting accreted satellite galaxy masses and accretion redshifts based on globular cluster orbits in the E-MOSAICS simulations.
Pfeffer, J.L.; Trujillo-Gomez, S.; Kruijssen, J.M.D.; Crain, R.A.; Hughes, M.E.; Reina-Campos, M.; Bastian, N.
Detection and analysis of cluster-cluster filaments.
Pereyra, L.A.; Sgro, M.A.; Merchan, M.E.; Stasyszyn, F.A.; Paz, D.J.
Multiharmonic Hamiltonian models with applications to first-order resonances.
Lei, H.; Li, J.
3 per cent-accurate predictions for the clustering of dark matter, haloes, and subhaloes, over a wide range of cosmologies and scales.
Contreras, S.; Angulo, R.E.; Zennaro, M.; Arico, G.; Pellejero-Ibanez, M.
Structure and kinematics of shocked gas in Sgr B2: further evidence of a cloud-cloud collision from SiO emission maps.
Armijos-Abendano, J.; Banda-Barragan, W.E.; Martin-Pintado, J.; Denes, H.; Federrath, C.; Requena-Torres, M.A.
Unravelling the enigmatic ISM conditions in Minkowski's object.
Zovaro, H.R.M.; Sharp, R.; Nesvadba, N.P.H.; Kewley, L.; Sutherland, R.; Taylor, P.; Groves, B.; Wagner, A.Y.; Mukherjee, D.; Bicknell, G.V.
Monte Carlo simulations of fast Newtonian and mildly relativistic shock breakout from a stellar wind.
Ito, H.; Levinson, A.; Nakar, E.
Power-law spectra from stochastic acceleration.
Lemoine, M.; Malkov, M.A.
Coupled day-night models of exoplanetary atmospheres.
Gandhi, S.; Jermyn, A.S.
2020MNRAS.499.5004M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/499/5004)
K2-111: an old system with two planets in near-resonance+.
Mortier, A.; Zapatero Osorio, M.R.; Malavolta, L.; Alibert, Y.; Rice, K.; Lillo-Box, J.; Vanderburg, A.; Oshagh, M.; Buchhave, L.; Adibekyan, V.; Delgado Mena, E.; Lopez-Morales, M.; Charbonneau, D.; Sousa, S.G.; Lovis, C.; Affer, L.; Allende Prieto, C.; Barros, S.C.C.; Benatti, S.; Bonomo, A.S.; Boschin, W.; Bouchy, F.; Cabral, A.; Collier Cameron, A.; Cosentino, R.; Cristiani, S.; Demangeon, O.D.S.; Di Marcantonio, P.; D'Odorico, V.; Dumusque, X.; Ehrenreich, D.; Figueira, P.; Fiorenzano, A.; Ghedina, A.; Gonzalez Hernandez, J.I.; Haldemann, J.; Harutyunyan, A.; Haywood, R.D.; Latham, D.W.; Lavie, B.; Lo Curto, G.; Maldonado, J.; Manescau, A.; Martins, C.J.A.P.; Mayor, M.; Megevand, D.; Mehner, A.; Micela, G.; Molaro, P.; Molinari, E.; Nunes, N.J.; Pepe, F.A.; Palle, E.; Phillips, D.; Piotto, G.; Pinamonti, M.; Poretti, E.; Riva, M.; Rebolo, R.; Santos, N.C.; Sasselov, D.; Sozzetti, A.; Suarez Mascareno, A.; Udry, S.; West, R.G.; Watson, C.A.; Wilson, T.G.
2020MNRAS.499.5022D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/499/5022)
MUSE Analysis of Gas around Galaxies (MAGG) - II: metal-enriched halo gas around z ∼ 1 galaxies.
Dutta, R.; Fumagalli, M.; Fossati, M.; Lofthouse, E.K.; Prochaska, J.X.; Arrigoni Battaia, F.; Bielby, R.M.; Cantalupo, S.; Cooke, R.J.; Murphy, M.T.; O'Meara, J.M.
Properties of flares and CMEs on EV Lac: possible erupting filament.
Muheki, P.; Guenther, E.W.; Mutabazi, T.; Jurua, E.
Mutual inclinations between giant planets and their debris discs in HD 113337 and HD 38529.
Xuan, J.W.; Kennedy, G.M.; Wyatt, M.C.; Yelverton, B.
Satellite measurements of artificial light at night: aerosol effects.
Cavazzani, S.; Ortolani, S.; Bertolo, A.; Binotto, R.; Fiorentin, P.; Carraro, G.; Zitelli, V.
Redshifted 21-cm bispectrum - I. Impact of the redshift space distortions on the signal from the Epoch of Reionization.
Majumdar, S.; Kamran, M.; Pritchard, J.R.; Mondal, R.; Mazumdar, A.; Bharadwaj, S.; Mellema, G.
On the origin of X-ray oxygen emission lines in obscured AGN.
Reynaldi, V.; Guainazzi, M.; Bianchi, S.; Andruchow, I.; Garcia, F.; Salerno, N.; Lopez, I.E.
The dependence of Type Ia Supernovae SALT2 light-curve parameters on host galaxy morphology.
Pruzhinskaya, M.V.; Novinskaya, A.K.; Pauna, N.; Rosnet, P.
Missing [C II] emission from early galaxies.
Carniani, S.; Ferrara, A.; Maiolino, R.; Castellano, M.; Gallerani, S.; Fontana, A.; Kohandel, M.; Lupi, A.; Pallottini, A.; Pentericci, L.; Vallini, L.; Vanzella, E.
Eigenspectra: a framework for identifying spectra from 3D eclipse mapping.
Mansfield, M.; Schlawin, E.; Lustig-Yaeger, J.; Adams, A.D.; Rauscher, E.; Arcangeli, J.; Feng, Y.K.; Gupta, P.; Keating, D.; Stevenson, K.B.; Beatty, T.G.
Hot gaseous atmospheres of rotating galaxies observed with XMM-Newton.
Juranova, A.; Werner, N.; Nulsen, P.E.J.; Gaspari, M.; Lakhchaura, K.; Canning, R.E.A.; Donahue, M.; Hroch, F.; Voit, G.M.
On the origin of low escape fractions of ionizing radiation from massive star-forming galaxies at high redshift.
Yoo, T.; Kimm, T.; Rosdahl, J.
MAGRITTE, a modern software library for 3D radiative transfer - II. Adaptive ray-tracing, mesh construction, and reduction.
De Ceuster, F.; Bolte, J.; Homan, W.; Maes, S.; Malfait, J.; Decin, L.; Yates, J.; Boyle, P.; Hetherington, J.
Global H I asymmetries in IllustrisTNG: a diversity of physical processes disturb the cold gas in galaxies.
Watts, A.B.; Power, C.; Catinella, B.; Cortese, L.; Stevens, A.R.H.
Constraining delay time distribution of binary neutron star mergers from host galaxy properties.
McCarthy, K.S.; Zheng, Z.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.
Tracing the 107 K warm-hot intergalactic medium with UV absorption lines.
Fresco, A.Y.; Peroux, C.; Merloni, A.; Hamanowicz, A.; Szakacs, R.
A kpc-scale-resolved study of unobscured and obscured star formation activity in normal galaxies at z = 1.5 and 2.2 from ALMA and HiZELS.
Cheng, C.; Ibar, E.; Smail, I.; Molina, J.; Sobral, D.; Escala, A.; Best, P.; Cochrane, R.; Gillman, S.; Swinbank, M.; Ivison, R.J.; Huang, J.-S.; Hughes, T.M.; Villard, E.; Cirasuolo, M.
Cosmological parameter estimation via iterative emulation of likelihoods.
Pellejero-Ibanez, M.; Angulo, R.E.; Arico, G.; Zennaro, M.; Contreras, S.; Stucker, J.
Eta carinae and the homunculus: far infrared/submillimetre spectral lines detected with the Herschel Space Observatory.
Gull, T.R.; Morris, P.W.; Black, J.H.; Nielsen, K.E.; Barlow, M.J.; Royer, P.; Swinyard, B.M.
2020MNRAS.499.5302D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/499/5302)
Increasing the census of ultracool dwarfs in wide binary and multiple systems using Dark Energy Survey DR1 and Gaia DR2 data.
dal Ponte, M.; Santiago, B.; Carnero Rosell, A.; Burningham, B.; Yanny, B.; Marshall, J.L.; Bechtol, K.; Martini, P.; Li, T.S.; De Paris, L.; Abbott, T.M.C.; Aguena, M.; Allam, S.; Avila, S.; Bertin, E.; Bhargava, S.; Brooks, D.; Buckley-Geer, E.; Carrasco Kind, M.; Carretero, J.; da Costa, L.N.; De Vicente, J.; Diehl, H.T.; Doel, P.; Eifler, T.F.; Everett, S.; Flaugher, B.; Fosalba, P.; Frieman, J.; Garcia-Bellido, J.; Gaztanaga, E.; Gerdes, D.W.; Gruen, D.; Gruendl, R.A.; Gschwend, J.; Gutierrez, G.; Hinton, S.R.; Hollowood, D.L.; Honscheid, K.; James, D.J.; Kuehn, K.; Kuropatkin, N.; Maia, M.A.G.; March, M.; Menanteau, F.; Miquel, R.; Palmese, A.; Paz-Chinchon, F.; Plazas, A.A.; Sanchez, E.; Scarpine, V.; Serrano, S.; Sevilla-Noarbe, I.; Smith, M.; Suchyta, E.; Swanson, M.E.C.; Tarle, G.; Thomas, D.; Varga, T.N.; Walker, A.R.; (The DES Collaboration)
NLTT5306B: an inflated, weakly irradiated brown dwarf.
Casewell, S.L.; Debes, J.; Braker, I.P.; Cushing, M.C.; Mace, G.; Marley, M.S.; Kirkpatrick, J.D.
Distribution of Si II λ6355 velocities of Type Ia supernovae and implications for asymmetric explosions.
Zhang, K.D.; Zheng, W.; de Jaeger, T.; Stahl, B.E.; Brink, T.G.; Han, X.; Kasen, D.; Shen, K.J.; Tang, K.; Filippenko, A.V.
Evolution of the Earth's atmosphere during Late Veneer accretion.
Sinclair, C.A.; Wyatt, M.C.; Morbidelli, A.; Nesvorny, D.
Interpretation of the power spectrum of the quiet Sun photospheric turbulence.
Goldman, I.
How the breakout-limited mass in B-star centrifugal magnetospheres controls their circumstellar H α emission.
Owocki, S.P.; Shultz, M.E.; ud-Doula, A.; Sundqvist, J.O.; Townsend, R.H.D.; Cranmer, S.R.
2020MNRAS.499.5379S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/499/5379)
The magnetic early B-type stars - IV. Breakout or leakage? H α emission as a diagnostic of plasma transport in centrifugal magnetospheres.
Shultz, M.E.; Owocki, S.; Rivinius, T.; Wade, G.A.; Neiner, C.; Alecian, E.; Kochukhov, O.; Bohlender, D.; ud-Doula, A.; Landstreet, J.D.; Sikora, J.; David-Uraz, A.; Petit, V.; Cerrahoglu, P.; Fine, R.; Henson, G.; (The MiMeS and BinaMIcS Collaborations)
Probing the nuclear and circumnuclear properties of NGC 6300 using X-ray observations.
Jana, A.; Chatterjee, A.; Kumari, N.; Nandi, P.; Naik, S.; Patra, D.
First 3D morpho-kinematic model of supernova remnants. The case of VRO 42.05.01 (G166.0+4.3).
Derlopa, S.; Boumis, P.; Chiotellis, A.; Steffen, W.; Akras, S.
Planetary candidates transiting cool dwarf stars from campaigns 12 to 15 of K2.
Castro Gonzalez, A.; Diez Alonso, E.; Menendez Blanco, J.; Livingston, J.H.; de Leon, J.P.; Suarez Gomez, S.L.; Gonzalez Gutierrez, C.; Garcia Riesgo, F.; Bonavera, L.; Iglesias Rodriguez, F.J.; Muniz, R.; Everett, M.E.; Scott, N.J.; Howell, S.B.; Ciardi, D.R.; Gonzales, E.J.; Schlieder, J.E.; de Cos Juez, F.J.
Evidence of a strong relationship between hemispheric asymmetry in solar coronal rotation and solar activity during solar cycle 24.
Sharma, J.; Malik, A.K.; Kumar, B.; Vats, H.O.
Stellar parameter determination from photometry using invertible neural networks.
Ksoll, V.F.; Ardizzone, L.; Klessen, R.; Koethe, U.; Sabbi, E.; Robberto, M.; Gouliermis, D.; Rother, C.; Zeidler, P.; Gennaro, M.
The Completed SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: exploring the halo occupation distribution model for emission line galaxies.
Avila, S.; Gonzalez-Perez, V.; Mohammad, F.G.; de Mattia, A.; Zhao, C.; Raichoor, A.; Tamone, A.; Alam, S.; Bautista, J.; Bianchi, D.; Burtin, E.; Chapman, M.J.; Chuang, C.-H.; Comparat, J.; Dawson, K.; Divers, T.; du Mas des Bourboux, H.; Gil-Marin, H.; Mueller, E.M.; Habib, S.; Heitmann, K.; Ruhlmann-Kleider, V.; Padilla, N.; Percival, W.J.; Ross, A.J.; Seo, H.J.; Schneider, D.P.; Zhao, G.
2020MNRAS.499.5508S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/499/5508)
A search for variable subdwarf B stars in TESS full frame images - I. Variable objects in the southern ecliptic hemisphere.
Sahoo, S.K.; Baran, A.S.; Sanjayan, S.; Ostrowski, J.
The completed SDSS-IV extended baryon oscillation spectroscopic survey: growth rate of structure measurement from anisotropic clustering analysis in configuration space between redshift 0.6 and 1.1 for the emission-line galaxy sample.
Tamone, A.; Raichoor, A.; Zhao, C.; de Mattia, A.; Gorgoni, C.; Burtin, E.; Ruhlmann-Kleider, V.; Ross, A.J.; Alam, S.; Percival, W.J.; Avila, S.; Chapman, M.J.; Chuang, C.-H.; Comparat, J.; Dawson, K.S.; de la Torre, S.; du Mas des Bourboux, H.; Escoffier, S.; Gonzalez-Perez, V.; Hou, J.; Kneib, J.-P.; Mohammad, F.G.; Mueller, E.-M.; Paviot, R.; Rossi, G.; Schneider, D.P.; Wang, Y.; Zhao, G.-B.
Gas-phase formation of acetaldehyde: review and new theoretical computations.
Vazart, F.; Ceccarelli, C.; Balucani, N.; Bianchi, E.; Skouteris, D.
Eccentric tidal disruption event discs around supermassive black holes: dynamics and thermal emission.
Zanazzi, J.J.; Ogilvie, G.I.
Gravitoviscous protoplanetary discs with a dust component - IV. Disc outer edges, spectral indices, and opacity gaps.
Akimkin, V.; Vorobyov, E.; Pavlyuchenkov, Y.; Stoyanovskaya, O.
Bayesian analysis of running holographic Ricci dark energy.
George, P.; Mathew, T.K.
A phylogenetic analysis of galaxies in the Coma Cluster and the field: a new approach to galaxy evolution.
Martinez-Marin, M.; Demarco, R.; Cabrera-Vives, G.; Cerulo, P.; Leigh, N.W.C.; Herrera-Camus, R.
Birth sites of young stellar associations and recent star formation in a flocculent corrugated disc.
Quillen, A.C.; Pettitt, A.R.; Chakrabarti, S.; Zhang, Y.; Gagne, J.; Minchev, I.
Quantifying the structure of strong gravitational lens potentials with uncertainty-aware deep neural networks.
Vernardos, G.; Tsagkatakis, G.; Pantazis, Y.
Primordial nucleosynthesis constraints on high-z energy releases.
De Zotti, G.; Bonato, M.
From lenticulars to blue compact dwarfs: the stellar mass fraction is regulated by disc gravitational instability.
Romeo, A.B.; Agertz, O.; Renaud, F.
A Galactic dust devil: far-infrared observations of the Tornado supernova remnant candidate.
Chawner, H.; Howard, A.D.P.; Gomez, H.L.; Matsuura, M.; Priestley, F.; Barlow, M.J.; De Looze, I.; Papageorgiou, A.; Marsh, K.; Smith, M.W.L.; Noriega-Crespo, A.; Rho, J.; Dunne, L.
Erratum: XMM-Newton large program on SN1006 - I. Methods and initial results of spatially resolved spectroscopy.
Li, J.-T.; Decourchelle, A.; Miceli, M.; Vink, J.; Bocchino, F.
Identification of a new ultraluminous X-ray source in NGC 1316.
Allak, S.; Akyuz, A.; Aksaker, N.; Ozdogan Ela, M.; Avdan, S.; Soydugan, F.
Dynamical modelling of disc vertical structure in superthin galaxy 'UGC 7321' in braneworld gravity: an MCMC study.
Komanduri, A.; Banerjee, I.; Banerjee, A.; Sengupta, S.
The Universe at z > 10: predictions for JWST from the UNIVERSEMACHINE DR1.
Behroozi, P.; Conroy, C.; Wechsler, R.H.; Hearin, A.; Williams, C.C.; Moster, B.P.; Yung, L.Y.A.; Somerville, R.S.; Gottlober, S.; Yepes, G.; Endsley, R.
The AGN fuelling/feedback cycle in nearby radio galaxies - III. 3D relative orientations of radio jets and CO discs and their interaction.
Ruffa, I.; Laing, R.A.; Prandoni, I.; Paladino, R.; Parma, P.; Davis, T.A.; Bureau, M.
Simulating the interstellar medium of galaxies with radiative transfer, non-equilibrium thermochemistry, and dust.
Kannan, R.; Marinacci, F.; Vogelsberger, M.; Sales, L.V.; Torrey, P.; Springel, V.; Hernquist, L.
Constraining photoionization models with a reprojected optical diagnostic diagram.
Ji, X.; Yan, R.
3D hydrodynamic simulations of large-scale precessing jets: radio morphology.
Horton, M.A.; Krause, M.G.H.; Hardcastle, M.J.
A catalogue of over 10 million variable source candidates in ZTF Data Release 1.
Ofek, E.O.; Soumagnac, M.; Nir, G.; Gal-Yam, A.; Nugent, P.; Masci, F.; Kulkarni, S.R.
High-resolution VLA low radio frequency observations of the Perseus cluster: radio lobes, mini-halo, and bent-jet radio galaxies.
Gendron-Marsolais, M.; Hlavacek-Larrondo, J.; van Weeren, R.J.; Rudnick, L.; Clarke, T.E.; Sebastian, B.; Mroczkowski, T.; Fabian, A.C.; Blundell, K.M.; Sheldahl, E.; Nyland, K.; Sanders, J.S.; Peters, W.M.; Intema, H.T.
Near-Gaussian distributions for modelling discrete stellar velocity data with heteroskedastic uncertainties.
Sanders, J.L.; Evans, N.W.
Probing the origin of low-frequency radio emission in PG quasars with the uGMRT - I.
Silpa, S.; Kharb, P.; Ho, L.C.; Ishwara-Chandra, C.H.; Jarvis, M.E.; Harrison, C.
Redundant-baseline calibration of the hydrogen epoch of reionization array.
Dillon, J.S.; Lee, M.; Ali, Z.S.; Parsons, A.R.; Orosz, N.; Nunhokee, C.D.; La Plante, P.; Beardsley, A.P.; Kern, N.S.; Abdurashidova, Z.; Aguirre, J.E.; Alexander, P.; Balfour, Y.; Bernardi, G.; Billings, T.S.; Bowman, J.D.; Bradley, R.F.; Bull, P.; Burba, J.; Carey, S.; Carilli, C.L.; Cheng, C.; DeBoer, D.R.; Dexter, M.; de Lera Acedo, E.; Ely, J.; Ewall-Wice, A.; Fagnoni, N.; Fritz, R.; Furlanetto, S.R.; Gale-Sides, K.; Glendenning, B.; Gorthi, D.; Greig, B.; Grobbelaar, J.; Halday, Z.; Hazelton, B.J.; Hewitt, J.N.; Hickish, J.; Jacobs, D.C.; Julius, A.; Kerrigan, J.; Kittiwisit, P.; Kohn, S.A.; Kolopanis, M.; Lanman, A.; Lekalake, T.; Lewis, D.; Liu, A.; Ma, Y.-Z.; MacMahon, D.; Malan, L.; Malgas, C.; Maree, M.; Martinot, Z.E.; Matsetela, E.; Mesinger, A.; Molewa, M.; Morales, M.F.; Mosiane, T.; Murray, S.; Neben, A.R.; Nikolic, B.; Pascua, R.; Patra, N.; Pieterse, S.; Pober, J.C.; Razavi-Ghods, N.; Ringuette, J.; Robnett, J.; Rosie, K.; Santos, M.G.; Sims, P.; Smith, C.; Syce, A.; Tegmark, M.; Thyagarajan, N.; Williams, P.K.G.; Zheng, H.
The effects of subgrid models on the properties of giant molecular clouds in galaxy formation simulations.
Li, H.; Vogelsberger, M.; Marinacci, F.; Sales, L.V.; Torrey, P.
Hydrodynamic simulations of an isolated star-forming gas cloud in the Virgo cluster.
Calura, F.; Bellazzini, M.; D'Ercole, A.
AstroSat view of GRS 1915+105 during the soft state: detection of HFQPOs and estimation of mass and spin.
Sreehari, H.; Nandi, A.; Das, S.; Agrawal, V.K.; Mandal, S.; Ramadevi, M.C.; Katoch, T.
A new approach to observational cosmology using the scattering transform.
Cheng, S.; Ting, Y.-S.; Menard, B.; Bruna, J.
Polarimetric and radiative transfer modelling of HD 172555.
Marshall, J.P.; Cotton, D.V.; Scicluna, P.; Bailey, J.; Kedziora-Chudczer, L.; Bott, K.
Associations of dwarf galaxies in a ΛCDM Universe.
Yaryura, C.Y.; Abadi, M.G.; Gottlober, S.; Libeskind, N.I.; Cora, S.A.; Ruiz, A.N.; Vega-Martinez, C.A.; Yepes, G.; Behroozi, P.
Cosmic rates of black hole mergers and pair-instability supernovae from chemically homogeneous binary evolution.
du Buisson, L.; Marchant, P.; Podsiadlowski, P.; Kobayashi, C.; Abdalla, F.B.; Taylor, P.; Mandel, I.; de Mink, S.E.; Moriya, T.J.; Langer, N.
Radiative feedback for supermassive star formation in a massive cloud with H2 molecules in an atomic-cooling halo.
Sakurai, Y.; Haiman, Z.; Inayoshi, K.
A scalable random forest regressor for combining neutron-star equation of state measurements: a case study with GW170817 and GW190425.
Hernandez Vivanco, F.; Smith, R.; Thrane, E.; Lasky, P.D.
Mocking faint black holes during reionization.
Eide, M.B.; Ciardi, B.; Feng, Y.; Di Matteo, T.
Interpreting the X-ray afterglows of gamma-ray bursts with radiative losses and millisecond magnetars.
Sarin, N.; Lasky, P.D.; Ashton, G.
High-redshift radio galaxies: a potential new source of 21-cm fluctuations.
Reis, I.; Fialkov, A.; Barkana, R.
Machine learning for transient recognition in difference imaging with minimum sampling effort.
Mong, Y.-L.; Ackley, K.; Galloway, D.K.; Killestein, T.; Lyman, J.; Steeghs, D.; Dhillon, V.; O'Brien, P.T.; Ramsay, G.; Poshyachinda, S.; Kotak, R.; Nuttall, L.; Palle, E.; Pollacco, D.; Thrane, E.; Dyer, M.J.; Ulaczyk, K.; Cutter, R.; McCormac, J.; Chote, P.; Levan, A.J.; Marsh, T.; Stanway, E.; Gompertz, B.; Wiersema, K.; Chrimes, A.; Obradovic, A.; Mullaney, J.; Daw, E.; Littlefair, S.; Maund, J.; Makrygianni, L.; Burhanudin, U.; Starling, R.L.C.; Eyles-Ferris, R.A.J.; Tooke, S.; Duffy, C.; Aukkaravittayapun, S.; Sawangwit, U.; Awiphan, S.; Mkrtichian, D.; Irawati, P.; Mattila, S.; Heikkila, T.; Breton, R.; Kennedy, M.; Mata Sanchez, D.; Rol, E.
2020MNRAS.499.6018Z – (Tables: J/MNRAS/499/6018)
Searching for shocks in high-mass starless clump candidates.
Zhu, F.-Y.; Wang, J.-Z.; Liu, T.; Kim, K.-T.; Zhu, Q.-F.; Li, F.
On the grain-sized distribution of turbulent dust growth.
Mattsson, L.
Chandra spectral measurements of the O supergiant ζ Puppis indicate a surprising increase in the wind mass-loss rate over 18 yr.
Cohen, D.H.; Wang, J.; Petit, V.; Leutenegger, M.A.; Dakir, L.; Mayhue, C.; David-Uraz, A.
2020MNRAS.499.6053L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/499/6053)
Individual optical variability of active galactic nuclei from the MEXSAS2 sample.
Laurenti, M.; Vagnetti, F.; Middei, R.; Paolillo, M.
Dissociative single and double photoionization of biphenyl (C12H10) by soft X-rays in planetary nebulae.
Quitian-Lara, H.M.; Fantuzzi, F.; Oliveira, R.R.; Nascimento, M.A.C.; Wolff, W.; Boechat-Roberty, H.M.
Robust asteroseismic properties of the bright planet host HD 38529.
Ball, W.H.; Chaplin, W.J.; Nielsen, M.B.; Gonzalez-Cuesta, L.; Mathur, S.; Santos, A.R.G.; Garcia, R.; Buzasi, D.; Mosser, B.; Deal, M.; Stokholm, A.; Mosumgaard, J.R.; Silva Aguirre, V.; Nsamba, B.; Campante, T.; Cunha, M.S.; Ong, J.; Basu, S.; Ortel, S.; Celik Orhan, Z.; Yildiz, M.; Stassun, K.; Kane, S.R.; Huber, D.
Cosmological consequences of intrinsic alignments supersample covariance.
Ansarifard, S.; Movahed, S.M.S.
The hyper-stable disc of UGC 8839.
Young, J.E.; Eleazer, M.
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