Monthly Notices of the RAS 499
December(II) 2020

The H α star formation main sequence in cluster and field galaxies at z ∼ 1.6.
Nantais, J.; Wilson, G.; Muzzin, A.; Old, L.J.; Demarco, R.; Cerulo, P.; Balogh, M.; Rudnick, G.; Chan, J.; Cooper, M.C.; Forrest, B.; Hayden, B.; Lidman, C.; Noble, A.; Perlmutter, S.; Rhea, C.; Surace, J.; van der Burg, R.; van Kampen, E.
Eclipse time variations in the post-common envelope binary V470 Cam.
Sale, O.; Bogensberger, D.; Clarke, F.; Lynas-Gray, A.E.
A pilot search for extragalactic OH absorption with FAST.
Zheng, Z.; Li, D.; Sadler, E.M.; Allison, J.R.; Tang, N.
Search for intrinsic NALs in BAL/mini-BAL quasar spectra.
Itoh, D.; Misawa, T.; Horiuchi, T.; Aoki, K.
XMM-Newton study of X-ray sources in the field of Willman 1 dwarf spheroidal galaxy.
Saeedi, S.; Sasaki, M.
Classifying image sequences of astronomical transients with deep neural networks.
Gomez, C.; Neira, M.; Hernandez Hoyos, M.; Arbelaez, P.; Forero-Romero, J.E.
NGTS-12b: A sub-Saturn mass transiting exoplanet in a 7.53 day orbit.
Bryant, E.M.; Bayliss, D.; Nielsen, L.D.; Veras, D.; Acton, J.S.; Anderson, D.R.; Armstrong, D.J.; Bouchy, F.; Briegal, J.T.; Burleigh, M.R.; Cabrera, J.; Casewell, S.L.; Chaushev, A.; Cooke, B.F.; Csizmadia, S.; Eigmuller, P.; Erikson, A.; Gill, S.; Gillen, E.; Goad, M.R.; Grieves, N.; Gunther, M.N.; Henderson, B.; Hogan, A.; Jenkins, J.S.; Lendl, M.; McCormac, J.; Moyano, M.; Queloz, D.; Rauer, H.; Raynard, L.; Smith, A.M.S.; Tilbrook, R.H.; Udry, S.; Vines, J.I.; Watson, C.A.; West, R.G.; Wheatley, P.J.
The radio structure of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 Mrk 783 with VLBA and e-MERLIN.
Congiu, E.; Kharb, P.; Tarchi, A.; Berton, M.; Caccianiga, A.; Chen, S.; Crepaldi, L.; Di Mille, F.; Jarvela, E.; Jarvis, M.E.; La Mura, G.; Vietri, A.
Structured, relativistic jets driven by radiation.
Coughlin, E.R.; Begelman, M.C.
Spectral and imaging properties of Sgr A* from high-resolution 3D GRMHD simulations with radiative cooling.
Yoon, D.; Chatterjee, K.; Markoff, S.B.; van Eijnatten, D.; Younsi, Z.; Liska, M.; Tchekhovskoy, A.
H I study of isolated and paired galaxies: the MIR SFR-M sequence.
Bok, J.; Skelton, R.E.; Cluver, M.E.; Jarrett, T.H.; Jones, M.G.; Verdes-Montenegro, L.
Simple recipes for compact remnant masses and natal kicks.
Mandel, I.; Muller, B.
Clustering of the resonant triads induced by vertical-shear instability in astrophysical discs.
Shtemler, Y.; Mond, M.
H I deficiencies and asymmetries in HIPASS galaxies.
Reynolds, T.N.; Westmeier, T.; Staveley-Smith, L.
Recycled pulsars with multipolar magnetospheres from accretion-induced magnetic burial.
Suvorov, A.G.; Melatos, A.
The imprint of dark subhaloes on the circumgalactic medium.
McCarthy, I.G.; Font, A.S.
Star cluster formation in the most extreme environments: insights from the HiPEEC survey.
Adamo, A.; Hollyhead, K.; Messa, M.; Ryon, J.E.; Bajaj, V.; Runnholm, A.; Aalto, S.; Calzetti, D.; Gallagher, J.S.; Hayes, M.J.; Kruijssen, J.M.D.; Konig, S.; Larsen, S.S.; Melinder, J.; Sabbi, E.; Smith, L.J.; Ostlin, G.
Bayesian inference for compact binary coalescences with BILBY: validation and application to the first LIGO-Virgo gravitational-wave transient catalogue.
Romero-Shaw, I.M.; Talbot, C.; Biscoveanu, S.; D'Emilio, V.; Ashton, G.; Berry, C.P.L.; Coughlin, S.; Galaudage, S.; Hoy, C.; Hubner, M.; Phukon, K.S.; Pitkin, M.; Rizzo, M.; Sarin, N.; Smith, R.; Stevenson, S.; Vajpeyi, A.; Arene, M.; Athar, K.; Banagiri, S.; Bose, N.; Carney, M.; Chatziioannou, K.; Clark, J.A.; Colleoni, M.; Cotesta, R.; Edelman, B.; Estelles, H.; Garcia-Quiros, C.; Ghosh, A.; Green, R.; Haster, C.-J.; Husa, S.; Keitel, D.; Kim, A.X.; Hernandez-Vivanco, F.; Magana Hernandez, I.; Karathanasis, C.; Lasky, P.D.; De Lillo, N.; Lower, M.E.; Macleod, D.; Mateu-Lucena, M.; Miller, A.; Millhouse, M.; Morisaki, S.; Oh, S.H.; Ossokine, S.; Payne, E.; Powell, J.; Pratten, G.; Purrer, M.; Ramos-Buades, A.; Raymond, V.; Thrane, E.; Veitch, J.; Williams, D.; Williams, M.J.; Xiao, L.
J-factor estimation of Draco, Sculptor, and Ursa Minor dwarf spheroidal galaxies with the member/foreground mixture model.
Horigome, S.-I.; Hayashi, K.; Ibe, M.; Ishigaki, M.N.; Matsumoto, S.; Sugai, H.
A deep Chandra survey for faint X-ray sources in the Galactic globular cluster M30, and searches for optical and radio counterparts.
Zhao, Y.; Heinke, C.O.; Cohn, H.N.; Lugger, P.M.; Guillot, S.; Echiburu, C.; Shishkovsky, L.; Strader, J.; Chomiuk, L.; Bahramian, A.; Miller-Jones, J.C.A.; Maccarone, T.J.; Tremou, E.; Sivakoff, G.R.
Going back to basics: accelerating exoplanet transit modelling using Taylor-series expansion of the orbital motion.
Parviainen, H.; Korth, J.
The evolution of large cavities and disc eccentricity in circumbinary discs.
Ragusa, E.; Alexander, R.; Calcino, J.; Hirsh, K.; Price, D.J.
Tensorial solution of the Poisson equation and the dark matter amount and distribution of UGC 8490 and UGC 9753.
Repetto, P.
2020MNRAS.499.3399R – (Tables: J/MNRAS/499/3399)
Long tidal tails in merging galaxies and their implications.
Ren, J.; Zheng, X.Z.; Valls-Gabaud, D.; Duc, P.-A.; Bell, E.F.; Pan, Z.; Qin, J.; Shi, D.D.; Qiao, M.; He, Y.; Wen, R.
Understanding parameter differences between analyses employing nested data subsets.
Gratton, S.; Challinor, A.
An analytic model for [O III] fine structure emission from high redshift galaxies.
Yang, S.; Lidz, A.
Pre-selection of the candidate fields for deep imaging of the epoch of reionization with SKA1-low.
Zheng, Q.; Wu, X.-P.; Guo, Q.; Johnston-Hollitt, M.; Shan, H.; Duchesne, S.W.; Li, W.
Galaxy cluster mass estimation with deep learning and hydrodynamical simulations.
Yan, Z.; Mead, A.J.; Van Waerbeke, L.; Hinshaw, G.; McCarthy, I.G.
Swift-XRT follow-up of gravitational wave triggers during the third aLIGO/Virgo observing run.
Page, K.L.; Evans, P.A.; Tohuvavohu, A.; Kennea, J.A.; Klingler, N.J.; Cenko, S.B.; Oates, S.R.; Ambrosi, E.; Barthelmy, S.D.; Beardmore, A.P.; Bernardini, M.G.; Breeveld, A.A.; Brown, P.J.; Burrows, D.N.; Campana, S.; Caputo, R.; Cusumano, G.; D'Ai, A.; D'Avanzo, P.; D'Elia, V.; De Pasquale, M.; Emery, S.W.K.; Giommi, P.; Gronwall, C.; Hartmann, D.H.; Krimm, H.A.; Kuin, N.P.M.; Malesani, D.B.; Marshall, F.E.; Melandri, A.; Nousek, J.A.; O'Brien, P.T.; Osborne, J.P.; Pagani, C.; Page, M.J.; Palmer, D.M.; Perri, M.; Racusin, J.L.; Sakamoto, T.; Sbarufatti, B.; Schlieder, J.E.; Siegel, M.H.; Tagliaferri, G.; Troja, E.
2020MNRAS.499.3481A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/499/3481)
Evidence for metallicity-dependent spin evolution in the Kepler field.
Amard, L.; Roquette, J.; Matt, S.P.
Constraining models of the pulsar wind nebula in SNR G0.9+0.1 via simulation of its detection properties using the Cherenkov Telescope Array.
Fiori, M.; Zampieri, L.; Burtovoi, A.; Caraveo, P.; Tibaldo, L.
Planet formation and disc mass dependence in a pebble-driven scenario for low-mass stars.
Dash, S.; Miguel, Y.
Small-scale star formation as revealed by VVVX galactic cluster candidates.
Borissova, J.; Kurtev, R.; Amarinho, N.; Alonso-Garcia, J.; Ramirez Alegria, S.; Bernal, S.; Medina, N.; Chene, A.-N.; Ivanov, V.D.; Lucas, P.W.; Minniti, D.
How accurately can we detect the splashback radius of dark matter haloes and its correlation with accretion rate?
Xhakaj, E.; Diemer, B.; Leauthaud, A.; Wasserman, A.; Huang, S.; Luo, Y.; Adhikari, S.; Singh, S.
High-resolution spectroscopy of SN 2017hcc and its blueshifted line profiles from post-shock dust formation.
Smith, N.; Andrews, J.E.
Hemispherical variance anomaly and reionization optical depth.
O'Dwyer, M.; Copi, C.J.; Nagy, J.M.; Netterfield, C.B.; Ruhl, J.; Starkman, G.D.
Analytical model for the local vertical structure of thin accretion discs.
Fukue, J.
The dependence of the galaxy stellar-to-halo mass relation on galaxy morphology.
Correa, C.A.; Schaye, J.
SPRAI-II: multifrequency radiative transfer for variable gas densities.
Jaura, O.; Magg, M.; Glover, S.C.O.; Klessen, R.S.
2020MNRAS.499.3610C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/499/3610)
LESSER: a catalogue of spectroscopically selected sample of Lyman-α emitters lensed by galaxies.
Cao, X.; Li, R.; Shu, Y.; Mao, S.; Kneib, J.-P.; Gao, L.
G133.50+9.01: a likely cloud-cloud collision complex triggering the formation of filaments, cores, and a stellar cluster.
Issac, N.; Tej, A.; Liu, T.; Wu, Y.
A pair of Jovian Trojans at the L4 Lagrange point.
Holt, T.R.; Vokrouhlicky, D.; Nesvorny, D.; Broz, M.; Horner, J.
An eccentric wave in the circumstellar disc of the Be/X-ray binary X Persei.
Zamanov, R.K.; Stoyanov, K.A.; Wolter, U.; Marchev, D.; Tomov, N.A.; Bode, M.F.; Nikolov, Y.M.; Marchev, V.; Iliev, L.; Stateva, I.K.
RAiSERed: radio continuum redshifts for lobed active galactic nuclei.
Turner, R.J.; Drouart, G.; Seymour, N.; Shabala, S.S.
Helicity in the large-scale Galactic magnetic field.
West, J.L.; Henriksen, R.N.; Ferriere, K.; Woodfinden, A.; Jaffe, T.; Gaensler, B.M.; Irwin, J.A.
Superfluid vortex-mediated mutual friction in non-homogeneous neutron star interiors.
Antonelli, M.; Haskell, B.
Chemical diversity among A-B stars with low rotational velocities: non-LTE abundance analysis.
Mashonkina, L.; Ryabchikova, T.; Alexeeva, S.; Sitnova, T.; Zatsarinny, O.
Evidence of vertical abundance stratification in the SB1 star HD 161660: a new HgMn.
Catanzaro, G.; Giarrusso, M.; Munari, M.; Leone, F.
Synthetic line and continuum observations of simulated turbulent clouds: the apparent widths of filaments.
Priestley, F.D.; Whitworth, A.P.
PHL 417: a zirconium-rich pulsating hot subdwarf (V366 Aquarid) discovered in K2 data.
Ostensen, R.H.; Jeffery, C.S.; Saio, H.; Hermes, J.J.; Telting, J.H.; Vuckovic, M.; Vos, J.; Baran, A.S.; Reed, M.D.
On the significance of relativistically hot pairs in the jets of FR II radio galaxies.
Sikora, M.; Nalewajko, K.; Madejski, G.M.
An updated detailed characterization of planes of satellites in the MW and M31.
Santos-Santos, I.M.; Dominguez-Tenreiro, R.; Pawlowski, M.S.
An extreme-mass ratio, short-period eclipsing binary consisting of a B dwarf primary and a pre-main-sequence M star companion discovered by KELT.
Stevens, D.J.; Zhou, G.; Johnson, M.C.; Rizzuto, A.C.; Rodriguez, J.E.; Bieryla, A.; Collins, K.A.; Villanueva, S.; Wright, J.T.; Gaudi, B.S.; Latham, D.W.; Beatty, T.G.; Lund, M.B.; Siverd, R.J.; Kraus, A.L.; Wachiraphan, P.; Berlind, P.; Calkins, M.L.; Esquerdo, G.A.; Kielkopf, J.F.; Kuhn, R.B.; Manner, M.; Pepper, J.; Stassun, K.G.
The impact of disturbed galaxy clusters on the kinematics of active galactic nuclei.
Bilton, L.E.; Pimbblet, K.A.; Gordon, Y.A.
A smoothed particle hydrodynamics algorithm for multigrain dust with separate sets of particles.
Mentiplay, D.; Price, D.J.; Pinte, C.; Laibe, G.
The host galaxies of z = 7 quasars: predictions from the BLUETIDES simulation.
Marshall, M.A.; Ni, Y.; Di Matteo, T.; Wyithe, J.S.B.; Wilkins, S.; Croft, R.A.C.; Kuusisto, J.K.
Spirals, shadows, and precession in HD 100453 - I. The orbit of the binary.
Gonzalez, J.-F.; van der Plas, G.; Pinte, C.; Cuello, N.; Nealon, R.; Menard, F.; Revol, A.; Rodet, L.; Langlois, M.; Maire, A.-L.
Spirals, shadows & precession in HD 100453 - II. The hidden companion.
Nealon, R.; Cuello, N.; Gonzalez, J.-F.; van der Plas, G.; Pinte, C.; Alexander, R.; Menard, F.; Price, D.J.
A search for optical and near-infrared counterparts of the compact binary merger GW190814.
Thakur, A.L.; Dichiara, S.; Troja, E.; Chase, E.A.; Sanchez-Ramirez, R.; Piro, L.; Fryer, C.L.; Butler, N.R.; Watson, A.M.; Wollaeger, R.T.; Ambrosi, E.; Becerra Gonzalez, J.; Becerra, R.L.; Bruni, G.; Cenko, S.B.; Cusumano, G.; D'Ai, A.; Durbak, J.; Fontes, C.J.; Gatkine, P.; Hungerford, A.L.; Korobkin, O.; Kutyrev, A.S.; Lee, W.H.; Lotti, S.; Minervini, G.; Novara, G.; La Parola, V.; Pereyra, M.; Ricci, R.; Tiengo, A.; Veilleux, S.
Assessing the photometric redshift precision of the S-PLUS survey: the Stripe-82 as a test-case.
Molino, A.; Costa-Duarte, M.V.; Sampedro, L.; Herpich, F.R.; Sodre, L.; Mendes de Oliveira, C.; Schoenell, W.; Barbosa, C.E.; Queiroz, C.; Lima, E.V.R.; Azanha, L.; Munoz-Elgueta, N.; Ribeiro, T.; Kanaan, A.; Hernandez-Jimenez, J.A.; Cortesi, A.; Akras, S.; Lopes de Oliveira, R.; Torres-Flores, S.; Lima-Dias, C.; Castellon, J.L.N.; Damke, G.; Alvarez-Candal, A.; Jimenez-Teja, Y.; Coelho, P.; Pereira, E.; Montero-Dorta, A.D.; Benitez, N.; Goncalves, T.S.; Santana-Silva, L.; Werner, S.V.; Almeida, L.A.; Lopes, P.A.A.; Chies-Santos, A.L.; Telles, E.; Thom de Souza, R.C. ; Goncalves, D.R.; de Souza, R.S.; Makler, M.; Buzzo, M.L.; Placco, V.M.; Nakazono, L.M.I.; Saito, R.K.; Overzier, R.A.; Abramo, L.R.
Evidence for a jet and outflow from Sgr A*: a continuum and spectral line study.
Yusef-Zadeh, F.; Royster, M.; Wardle, M.; Cotton, W.; Kunneriath, D.; Heywood, I.; Michail, J.
Observability of dusty debris discs around M-stars.
Luppe, P.; Krivov, A.V.; Booth, M.; Lestrade, J.-F.
Removing imaging systematics from galaxy clustering measurements with Obiwan: application to the SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey emission-line galaxy sample.
Kong, H.; Burleigh, K.J.; Ross, A.; Moustakas, J.; Chuang, C.-H.; Comparat, J.; de Mattia, A.; du Mas des Bourboux, H.; Honscheid, K.; Lin, S.; Raichoor, A.; Rossi, G.; Zhao, C.
Probing GLIMPSE Extended Green Objects (EGOs) with hydroxyl masers.
Bayandina, O.S.; Colom, P.; Kurtz, S.E.; Rudnitskij, G.M.; Shakhvorostova, N.N.; Val'tts, I.E.
High-amplitude γ Doradus variables.
Paunzen, E.; Bernhard, K.; Hummerich, S.; Hambsch, F.-J.; Lloyd, C.; Otero, S.
LINESTACKER: a spectral line stacking tool for interferometric data.
Jolly, J.-B.; Knudsen, K.K.; Stanley, F.
2020MNRAS.499.4011C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/499/4011)
Hundreds of new periodic signals detected in the first year of TESS with the weirddetector.
Chakraborty, J.; Wheeler, A.; Kipping, D.
Erratum: Comparison of SEDs of very massive radio-loud and radio-quiet AGN.
Gupta, M.; Sikora, M.; Rusinek, K.
2020MNRAS.499.4026A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/499/4026)
The globular cluster M10: reassessment of stellar membership, distance, and age using its variable and HB stars.
Arellano Ferro, A.; Yepez, M.A.; Muneer, S.; Bustos Fierro, I.H.; Schroder, K.P.; Giridhar, S.; Calderon, J.H.
2020MNRAS.499.4040M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/499/4040)
A fresh look at the RR Lyrae population in the Draco dwarf spheroidal galaxy with Gaia.
Muraveva, T.; Clementini, G.; Garofalo, A.; Cusano, F.
The degeneracy between primordial non-Gaussianity and foregrounds in 21 cm intensity mapping experiments.
Cunnington, S.; Camera, S.; Pourtsidou, A.
Extinction-free Census of AGNs in the AKARI/IRC North Ecliptic Pole Field from 23-band infrared photometry from Space Telescopes.
Wang, T.-W.; Goto, T.; Kim, S.J.; Hashimoto, T.; Burgarella, D.; Toba, Y.; Shim, H.; Miyaji, T.; Hwang, Ho S.; Jeong, W.-S.; Kim, E.; Ikeda, H.; Pearson, C.; Malkan, M.; Oi, N.; Santos, D.J.D.; Malek, K.; Pollo, A.; Ho, S.C.-C.; Matsuhara, H.; On, A.Y.L.; Kim, H.K.; Hsiao, T.Y.-Y.; Huang, T.-C.
A precise mass measurement of PSR J2045 + 3633.
McKee, J.W.; Freire, P.C.C.; Berezina, M.; Champion, D.J.; Cognard, I.; Graikou, E.; Guillemot, L.; Keith, M.J.; Kramer, M.; Lyne, A.G.; Stappers, B.W.; Tauris, T.M.; Theureau, G.
Nuclear burning in collapsar accretion discs.
Zenati, Y.; Siegel, D.M.; Metzger, B.D.; Perets, H.B.
2020MNRAS.499.4114G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/499/4114)
A search for star clusters in the outskirts of the Large Magellanic Cloud: indication of clusters in the age gap.
Gatto, M.; Ripepi, V.; Bellazzini, M.; Cignoni, M.; Cioni, M.-R.L.; Dall'Ora, M.; Longo, G.; Marconi, M.; Schipani, P.; Tosi, M.
The completed SDSS-IV extended baryon oscillation spectroscopic survey: geometry and growth from the anisotropic void-galaxy correlation function in the luminous red galaxy sample.
Nadathur, S.; Woodfinden, A.; Percival, W.J.; Aubert, M.; Bautista, J.; Dawson, K.; Escoffier, S.; Fromenteau, S.; Gil-Marin, H.; Rich, J.; Ross, A.J.; Rossi, G.; Magana, M.V.; Brownstein, J.R.; Schneider, D.P.
The AARTFAAC Cosmic Explorer: observations of the 21-cm power spectrum in the EDGES absorption trough.
Gehlot, B.K.; Mertens, F.G.; Koopmans, L.V.E.; Offringa, A.R.; Shulevski, A.; Mevius, M.; Brentjens, M.A.; Kuiack, M.; Pandey, V.N.; Rowlinson, A.; Sardarabadi, A.M.; Vedantham, H.K.; Wijers, R.A.M.J.; Yatawatta, S.; Zaroubi, S.
2D numerical study for magnetic field dependence of neutrino-driven core-collapse supernova models.
Matsumoto, J.; Takiwaki, T.; Kotake, K.; Asahina, Y.; Takahashi, H.R.
The ominous fate of exomoons around hot Jupiters in the high-eccentricity migration scenario.
Trani, A.A.; Hamers, A.S.; Geller, A.; Spera, M.
The origin of (47171) Lempo-like Kuiper belt triple systems during binary-binary interactions.
Brunini, A.; Lopez, M.C.
Mixed-morphology supernova remnants: the case of SNR 0520-69.4 in the Large Magellanic Cloud.
Ramirez-Ballinas, I.; Reyes-Iturbide, J.; Ambrocio-Cruz, P.; Gabbasov, R.; Rosado, M.
Polydisperse streaming instability - I. Tightly coupled particles and the terminal velocity approximation.
Paardekooper, S.-J.; McNally, C.P.; Lovascio, F.
Investigating the growing population of massive quiescent galaxies at cosmic noon.
Sherman, S.; Jogee, S.; Florez, J.; Stevans, M.L.; Kawinwanichakij, L.; Wold, I.; Finkelstein, S.L.; Papovich, C.; Ciardullo, R.; Gronwall, C.; Cora, S.A.; Hough, T.; Vega-Martinez, C.A.
Interaction of a cold cloud with a hot wind: the regimes of cloud growth and destruction and the impact of magnetic fields.
Sparre, M.; Pfrommer, C.; Ehlert, K.
Line-drag damping of Alfven waves in radiatively driven winds of magnetic massive stars.
Driessen, F.A.; Kee, N.D.; Sundqvist, J.O.; Owocki, S.P.
A successful search for intervening 21 cm H I absorption in galaxies at 0.4 < z <1.0 with the Australian square kilometre array pathfinder (ASKAP).
Sadler, E.M.; Moss, V.A.; Allison, J.R.; Mahony, E.K.; Whiting, M.T.; Johnston, H.M.; Ellison, S.L.; del P Lagos, C.; Koribalski, B.S.
The influence of line opacity treatment in STELLA on supernova light curves.
Kozyreva, A.; Shingles, L.; Mironov, A.; Baklanov, P.; Blinnikov, S.
2020MNRAS.499.4325R – (Tables: J/MNRAS/499/4325)
The AGN contribution to the UV-FIR luminosities of interacting galaxies and its role in identifying the main sequence.
Ramos Padilla, A.F.; Ashby, M.L.N.; Smith, H.A.; Martinez-Galarza, J.R.; Beverage, A.G.; Dietrich, J.; Higuera-G., M.-A.; Weiner, A.S.
2020MNRAS.499.4370M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/499/4370)
Star formation in CALIFA survey perturbed galaxies - I. Effects of tidal interactions.
Morales-Vargas, A.; Torres-Papaqui, J.P.; Rosales-Ortega, F.F.; Sanchez, S.F.; Chow-Martinez, M.; Ortega-Minakata, R.A.; Trejo-Alonso, J.J.; Robleto-Orus, A.C.; Romero-Cruz, F.J.; Neri-Larios, D.M.; (The CALIFA Survey Collaboration)
ALMA observations of envelopes around first hydrostatic core candidates.
Maureira, M.J.; Arce, H.G.; Dunham, M.M.; Mardones, D.; Guzman, A.E.; Pineda, J.E.; Bourke, T.L.
Separate Universe calibration of the dependence of halo bias on cosmic web anisotropy.
Ramakrishnan, S.; Paranjape, A.
Hyperfine group ratio: a recipe for deriving kinetic temperature from the ammonia inversion lines.
Wang, S.; Ren, Z.; Li, D.; Kauffmann, J.; Zhang, Q.; Shi, H.
Magnetic quadri-dipolar stars rotating in vacuum.
Petri, J.
Simulations of the Milky Way's central molecular zone - I. Gas dynamics.
Tress, R.G.; Sormani, M.C.; Glover, S.C.O.; Klessen, R.S.; Battersby, C.D.; Clark, P.C.; Hatchfield, H.P.; Smith, R.J.
Cooling of accretion disc coronae by Type I X-ray bursts.
Speicher, J.; Ballantyne, D.R.; Malzac, J.
Failed and delayed protostellar outflows with high-mass accretion rates.
Machida, M.N.; Hosokawa, T.
A bias in VLBI measurements of the core shift effect in AGN jets.
Pashchenko, I.N.; Plavin, A.V.; Kutkin, A.M.; Kovalev,Y.Y.
What if the neutron star maximum mass is beyond ∼2.3 M?
Wu, X.H.; Du, S.; Xu, R.X.
Prospects for distinguishing galaxy evolution models with surveys at redshifts z >= 4.
Mirocha, J.
Volume uncertainty of (7) Iris shape models from disc-resolved images.
Dudzinski, G.; Podlewska-Gaca, E.; Bartczak, P.; Benseguane, S.; Ferrais, M.; Jorda, L.; Hanus, J.; Vernazza, P.; Rambaux, N.; Carry, B.; Marchis, F.; Marsset, M.; Viikinkoski, M.; Broz, M.; Fetick, R.; Drouard, A.; Fusco, T.; Birlan, M.; Jehin, E.; Berthier, J.; Castillo-Rogez, J.; Cipriani, F.; Colas, F.; Dumas, C.; Kryszczynska, A.; Lamy, P.; Le Coroller, H.; Marciniak, A.; Michalowski, T.; Michel, P.; Santana-Ros, T.; Tanga, P.; Vachier, F.; Vigan, A.; Witasse, O.; Yang, B.
Magnetic field evolution time-scales in superconducting neutron stars.
Gusakov, M.E.; Kantor, E.M.; Ofengeim, D.D.
Precise astrometry and diameters of asteroids from occultations - a data set of observations and their interpretation.
Herald, D.; Gault, D.; Anderson, R.; Dunham, D.; Frappa, E.; Hayamizu, T.; Kerr, S.; Miyashita, K.; Moore, J.; Pavlov, H.; Preston, S.; Talbot, J.; Timerson, B.
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