Monthly Notices of the RAS 496
August(I) 2020

A NICER look at the state transitions of the black hole candidate MAXI J1535-571 during its reflares.
Cuneo, V.A.; Alabarta, K.; Zhang, L.; Altamirano, D.; Mendez, M.; Armas Padilla, M.; Remillard, R.; Homan, J.; Steiner, J.F.; Combi, J.A.; Munoz-Darias, T.; Gendreau, K.C.; Arzoumanian, Z.; Stevens, A.L.; Loewenstein, M.; Tombesi, F.; Bult, P.; Fabian, A.C.; Buisson, D.J.K.; Neilsen, J.; Basak, A.
MUSEQuBES: calibrating the redshifts of Ly α emitters using stacked circumgalactic medium absorption profiles.
Muzahid, S.; Schaye, J.; Marino, R.A.; Cantalupo, S.; Brinchmann, J.; Contini, T.; Wendt, M.; Wisotzki, L.; Zabl, J.; Bouche, N.; Akhlaghi, M.; Chen, H.-W.; Claeyssens, A.; Johnson, S.; Leclercq, F.; Maseda, M.; Matthee, J.; Richard, J.; Urrutia, T.; Verhamme, A.
A new class of discontinuous solar wind solutions.
Shergelashvili, B.M.; Melnik, V.N.; Dididze, G.; Fichtner, H.; Brenn, G.; Poedts, S.; Foysi, H.; Khodachenko, M.L.; Zaqarashvili, T.V.
An [O III] search for extended emission around AGN with H I mapping: a distant cloud ionized by Mkn 1.
Knese, E.D.; Keel, W.C.; Knese, G.; Bennert, V.N.; Moiseev, A.; Grokhovskaya, A.; Dodonov, S.N.
The Galactic radial abundance gradients of C, N, O, Ne, S, Cl, and Ar from deep spectra of H II regions.
Arellano-Cordova, K.Z.; Esteban, C.; Garcia-Rojas, J.; Mendez-Delgado, J.E.
A method for discriminating between dark matter models and MOND modified inertia via galactic rotation curves.
Petersen, J.; Frandsen, M.T.
Uncovering the orbit of the hercules dwarf galaxy.
Gregory, A.L.; Collins, M.L.M.; Erkal, D.; Tollerud, E.; Delorme, M.; Hill, L.; Sand, D.J.; Strader, J.; Willman, B.
Confirmation of monoperiodicity above 20 s for two blue large-amplitude pulsators.
McWhirter, P.R.; Lam, M.C.; Steele, I.A.
Accretion disc luminosity for black holes surrounded by dark matter.
Boshkayev, K.; Idrissov, A.; Luongo, O.; Malafarina, D.
New empirical constraints on the cosmological evolution of gas and stars in galaxies.
Padmanabhan, H.; Loeb, A.
Observations of the low-luminosity Type Iax supernova 2019gsc: a fainter clone of SN 2008ha?
Tomasella, L.; Stritzinger, M.; Benetti, S.; Elias-Rosa, N.; Cappellaro, E.; Kankare, E.; Lundqvist, P.; Magee, M.; Maguire, K.; Pastorello, A.; Prentice, S.; Reguitti, A.
Swarm of fragments from the Tunguska event.
Gladysheva, O.G.
Flyby encounters between two planetary systems II: exploring the interactions of diverse planetary system architectures.
Li, D.; Mustill, A.J.; Davies, M.B.
Atmosphere loss in planet-planet collisions.
Denman, T.R.; Leinhardt, Z.M.; Carter, P.J.; Mordasini, C.
The manifestation of secondary bias on the galaxy population from IllustrisTNG300.
Montero-Dorta, A.D.; Artale, M.C.; Abramo, L.R.; Tucci, B.; Padilla, N.; Sato-Polito, G.; Lacerna, I.; Rodriguez, F.; Angulo, R.E.
2020MNRAS.496.1197B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/496/1197)
A search for young exoplanets in Sectors 1-5 of the TESS full-frame images.
Battley, M.P.; Pollacco, D.; Armstrong, D.J.
Modified Hermite integrators of arbitrary order.
Dittmann, A.J.
The final fate of supermassive M ∼ 5 x 104 M Pop III stars: explosion or collapse?
Nagele, C.; Umeda, H.; Takahashi, K.; Yoshida, T.; Sumiyoshi, K.
Contribution of Galactic free-free emission to the foreground for EoR signal in SKA experiments.
Lian, X.; Xu, H.; Zhu, Z.; Hu, D.
Spectroscopic and photometric periods of six ultracompact accreting binaries.
Green, M.J.; Marsh, T.R.; Carter, P.J.; Steeghs, D.; Breedt, E.; Dhillon, V.S.; Littlefair, S.P.; Parsons, S.G.; Kerry, P.; Gentile Fusillo, N.P.; Ashley, R.P.; Bours, M.C.P.; Cunningham, T.; Dyer, M.J.; Gansicke, B.T.; Izquierdo, P.; Pala, A.F.; Pattama, C.; Outmani, S.; Sahman, D.I.; Sukaum, B.; Wild, J.
Upper boundaries of active galactic nucleus regions in optical diagnostic diagrams.
Ji, X.; Yan, R.; Riffel, R.; Drory, N.; Zhang, K.
Uncovering distinct environments in an extended physical system around the W33 complex.
Dewangan, L.K.; Baug, T.; Ojha, D.K.
Constraining X-ray emission in HBL blazars using multiwavelength observations.
Wierzcholska, A.; Wagner, S.J.
Testing the reliability of fast methods for weak lensing simulations: WL-MOKA on PINOCCHIO.
Giocoli, C.; Monaco, P.; Moscardini, L.; Castro, T.; Meneghetti, M.; Metcalf, R.B.; Baldi, M.
Progenitors of early-time interacting supernovae.
Boian, I.; Groh, J.H.
Study of the effects of magnetic braking on the lithium abundances of the Sun and solar-type stars.
Caballero Navarro, R.; Garcia Hernandez, A.; Ayala, A.; Suarez, J.C.
2020MNRAS.496.1355H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/496/1355)
Masses of the components of SB2 binaries observed with Gaia - V. Accurate SB2 orbits for 10 binaries and masses of the components of 5 binaries.
Halbwachs, J.-L.; Kiefer, F.; Lebreton, Y.; Boffin, H.M.J.; Arenou, F.; Le Bouquin, J.-B.; Famaey, B.; Pourbaix, D.; Guillout, P.; Salomon, J.-B.; Mazeh, T.
Systematic opacity calculations for kilonovae.
Tanaka, M.; Kato, D.; Gaigalas, G.; Kawaguchi, K.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon excitation in nearby spiral galaxies.
Bendo, G.J.; Lu, N.; Zijlstra, A.
Pulsar polarimetry with the Parkes ultra-wideband receiver.
Oswald, L.; Karastergiou, A.; Johnston, S.
Optical variability of three extreme TeV blazars.
Pandey, A.; Gupta, A.C.; Damljanovic, G.; Wiita, P.J.; Vince, O.; Jovanovic, M.D.
A hint on the metal-free star formation rate density from 21-cm-EDGES data.
Chatterjee, A.; Dayal, P.; Choudhury, T.R.; Schneider, R.
Planetary architectures in interacting stellar environments.
Wang, Y.-H.; Perna, R.; Leigh, N.W.C.
Evidence of AGN feedback and sloshing in the X-ray luminous NGC 1550 galaxy group.
Kolokythas, K.; O'Sullivan, E.; Giacintucci, S.; Worrall, D.M.; Birkinshaw, M.; Raychaudhury, S.; Horellou, C.; Intema, H.; Loubser, I.
The nuclear architecture of NGC 4151: on the path toward a universal outflow mechanism in light of NGC 1068.
May, D.; Steiner, J.E.; Menezes, R.B.; Williams, D.R.A.; Wang, J.
Deep learning assisted data inspection for radio astronomy.
Mesarcik, M.; Boonstra, A.-J.; Meijer, C.; Jansen, W.; Ranguelova, E.; van Nieuwpoort, R.V.
High-redshift long gamma-ray bursts Hubble diagram as a test of basic cosmological relations.
Shirokov, S.I.; Sokolov, I.V.; Lovyagin, N.Y.; Amati, L.; Baryshev, Y. V.; Sokolov, V.V.; Gorokhov, V.L.
The fate of binary stars hosting planets upon interaction with Sgr A* black hole.
Capuzzo-Dolcetta, R.; Davari, N.
Deep XMM-Newton observations of the most distant SPT-SZ galaxy cluster.
Mantz, A.B.; Allen, S.W.; Morris, R.G.; Canning, R.E.A.; Bayliss, M.; Bleem, L.E.; Floyd, B.T.; McDonald, M.
Cold molecular gas and free-free emission from hot, dust-obscured galaxies at z ∼ 3.
Penney, J.I.; Blain, A.W.; Assef, R.J.; Diaz-Santos, T.; Gonzalez-Lopez, J.; Tsai, C.-W.; Aravena, M.; Eisenhardt, P.R.M.; Jones, S.F.; Jun, H.D.; Kim, M.; Stern, D.; Wu, J.
Disentangling the formation history of galaxies via population-orbit superposition: method validation.
Zhu, L.; van de Ven, G.; Leaman, R.; Grand, R.J.J.; Falcon-Barroso, J.; Jethwa, P.; Watkins, L.L.; Mao, S.; Poci, A.; McDermid, R.M.; Nelson, D.
Planet migration in self-gravitating discs: survival of planets.
Rowther, S.; Meru, F.
Determining the co-rotation radii of spiral galaxies using spiral arm pitch angle measurements at multiple wavelengths.
Abdeen, S.; Kennefick, D.; Kennefick, J.; Miller, R.; Shields, D.W.; Monson, E.B.; Davis, B.L.
Swirls of FIRE: spatially resolved gas velocity dispersions and star formation rates in FIRE-2 disc environments.
Orr, M.E.; Hayward, C.C.; Medling, A.M.; Gurvich, A.B.; Hopkins, P.F.; Murray, N.; Pineda, J.L.; Faucher-Giguere, C.-A.; Keres, D.; Wetzel, A.; Su, K.-Y.
Confirmation of water emission in the dayside spectrum of the ultrahot Jupiter WASP-121b.
Mikal-Evans, T.; Sing, D.K.; Kataria, T.; Wakeford, H.R.; Mayne, N.J.; Lewis, N.K.; Barstow, J.K.; Spake, J.J.
Analysis of the orbital stability close to the binary asteroid (90) Antiope.
Aljbaae, S.; Prado, A.F.B.A.; Sanchez, D.M.; Hussmann, H.
Analytical solutions of radiative transfer equations in accretion discs with finite optical depth.
Samadi, M.; Habibi, F.; Abbassi, S.
The tensile strength of dust aggregates consisting of small elastic grains: constraints on the size of condensates in protoplanetary discs.
Kimura, H.; Wada, K.; Yoshida, F.; Hong, P.K.; Senshu, H.; Arai, T.; Hirai, T.; Kobayashi, M.; Ishibashi, K.; Yamada, M.
Testing the relativistic Doppler boost hypothesis for the binary candidate quasar PG1302-102 with multiband Swift data.
Xin, C.; Charisi, M.; Haiman, Z.; Schiminovich, D.; Graham, M.J.; Stern, D.; D'Orazio, D.J.
A non-linear mathematical model for the X-ray variability classes of the microquasar GRS 1915+105 - II. Transition and swaying classes.
Massaro, E.; Capitanio, F.; Feroci, M.; Mineo, T.; Ardito, A.; Ricciardi, P.
The duty cycle of radio galaxies revealed by LOFAR: remnant and restarted radio source populations in the Lockman Hole.
Shabala, S.S.; Jurlin, N.; Morganti, R.; Brienza, M.; Hardcastle, M.J.; Godfrey, L.E.H.; Krause, M.G.H.; Turner, R.J.
Systematic errors in strong gravitational lensing reconstructions, a numerical simulation perspective.
Enzi, W.; Vegetti, S.; Despali, G.; Hsueh, J.-W.; Benton Metcalf, R.
The VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea infrared variability catalogue (VIVA-I).
Ferreira Lopes, C.E.; Cross, N.J.G.; Catelan, M.; Minniti, D.; Hempel, M.; Lucas, P.W.; Angeloni, R.; Jablonsky, F.; Braga, V.F.; Leao, I.C.; Herpich, F.R.; Alonso-Garcia, J.; Papageorgiou, A.; Pichara, K.; Saito, R.K.; Bradley, A.J.; Beamin, J.C.; Cortes, C.; De Medeiros, J.R.; Russell, C.M.P.
The radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0323+342 in a galaxy merger.
Doi, A.; Kino, M.; Kawakatu, N.; Hada, K.
Erratum: Lyman continuum leakage versus quenching with the james webb space telescope: the spectral signatures of quenched star formation activity in reionization-epoch galaxies.
Binggeli, C.; Zackrisson, E.; Pelckmans, K.; Cubo, R.; Jensen, H.; Shimizu, I.
Comprehensive analysis of the transient X-ray pulsar MAXI J1409-619.
Donmez, C.K.; Serim, M.M.; Inam, S.C.; Sahiner, S.; Serim, D.; Baykal, A.
Relativistic accretion disc in tidal disruption events.
Mageshwaran, T.; Bhattacharyya, S.
Evidence of large-scale energy cascade in the spiral galaxy NGC 5236.
Nandakumar, M.; Dutta, P.
J1110+4817 - a compact symmetric object candidate revisited.
Krezinger, M.; Frey, S.; An, T.; Jaiswal, S.; Zhang, Y.
Mergers of equal-mass binaries with compact object companions from mass transfer in triple star systems.
Leigh, N.W.C.; Toonen, S.; Portegies Zwart, S.F.; Perna, R.
Atacama Compact Array observations of the pulsar-wind nebula of SNR 0540-69.3.
Lundqvist, P.; Lundqvist, N.; Vlahakis, C.; Bjornsson, C.-I.; Dickel, J.R.; Matsuura, M.; Shibanov, Yu A.; Zyuzin, D.A.; Olofsson, G.
The imprint of arms and bars on rotation curves: in-plane and off-plane.
Martinez-Medina, L.A.; Pichardo, B.; Peimbert, A.
Dynamical masses of brightest cluster galaxies I: stellar velocity anisotropy and mass-to-light ratios.
Loubser, S.I.; Babul, A.; Hoekstra, H.; Bahe, Y.M.; O'Sullivan, E.; Donahue, M.
2020MNRAS.496.1881B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/496/1881)
Magnesium abundances in cool metal-polluted white dwarfs.
Blouin, S.
Turbulent mixing of r-process elements in the Milky Way.
Beniamini, P.; Hotokezaka, K.
The possible disappearance of a massive star in the low-metallicity galaxy PHL 293B.
Allan, A.P.; Groh, J.H.; Mehner, A.; Smith, N.; Boian, I.; Farrell, E.J.; Andrews, J.E.
Gaseous dynamical friction under radiative feedback: do intermediate-mass black holes speed up or down?
Toyouchi, D.; Hosokawa, T.; Sugimura, K.; Kuiper, R.
Unresolved stellar companions with Gaia DR2 astrometry.
Belokurov, V.; Penoyre, Z.; Oh, S.; Iorio, G.; Hodgkin, S.; Evans, N.W.; Everall, A.; Koposov, S.E.; Tout, C.A.; Izzard, R.; Clarke, C.J.; Brown, A.G.A.
The C-Band All-Sky Survey: total intensity point-source detection over the northern sky.
Grumitt, R.D.P.; Taylor, A.C.; Jew, L.; Jones, M.E.; Dickinson, C.; Barr, A.; Cepeda-Arroita, R.; Chiang, H.C.; Harper, S.E.; Heilgendorff, H.M.; Jonas, J.L.; Leahy, J.P.; Leech, J.; Pearson, T.J.; Peel, M.W.; Readhead, A.C.S.; Sievers, J.
Prospects for cosmic magnification measurements using H I intensity mapping.
Witzemann, A.; Pourtsidou, A.; Santos, M.G.
Relative importance of convective uncertainties in massive stars.
Kaiser, E.A.; Hirschi, R.; Arnett, W.D.; Georgy, C.; Scott, L.J.A.; Cristini, A.
DC3N observations towards high-mass star-forming regions.
Rivilla, V.M.; Colzi, L.; Fontani, F.; Melosso, M.; Caselli, P.; Bizzocchi, L.; Tamassia, F.; Dore, L.
A Novel multidimensional Boltzmann neutrino transport scheme for core-collapse supernovae.
Chan, C.; Muller, B.
2020MNRAS.496.2021F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/496/2021)
Discovery and astrophysical properties of Galactic open clusters in dense stellar fields using Gaia DR2.
Ferreira, F.A.; Corradi, W.J.B.; Maia, F.F.S.; Angelo, M.S.; Santos, J.F.C.
Three-dimensional models of core-collapse supernovae from low-mass progenitors with implications for Crab.
Stockinger, G.; Janka, H.-T.; Kresse, D.; Melson, T.; Ertl, T.; Gabler, M.; Gessner, A.; Wongwathanarat, A.; Tolstov, A.; Leung, S.-C.; Nomoto, K.; Heger, A.
Perturbation Maps and the ring of Haumea.
Sanchez, D.M.; Deienno, R.; Prado, A.F.B.A.; Howell, K.C.
Waves in thin oceans on oblate neutron stars.
van Baal, B.F.A.; Chambers, F.R.N.; Watts, A.L.
On testing CDM and geometry-driven Milky Way rotation curve models with Gaia DR2.
Crosta, M.; Giammaria, M.; Lattanzi, M.G.; Poggio, E.
Simulating diverse instabilities of dust in magnetized gas.
Hopkins, P.F.; Squire, J.; Seligman, D.
AlFoCS + Fornax3D: resolved star formation in the Fornax cluster with ALMA and MUSE.
Zabel, N.; Davis, T.A.; Sarzi, M.; Nedelchev, B.; Chevance, M.; Kruijssen, J.M.D.; Iodice, E.; Baes, M.; Bendo, G.J.; Corsini, E.M.; De Looze, I.; de Zeeuw, P.T.; Gadotti, D.A.; Grossi, M.; Peletier, R.; Pinna, F.; Serra, P.; van de Voort, F.; Venhola, A.; Viaene, S.; Vlahakis, C.
The initial evolution of millisecond magnetars: an analytical solution.
Cikintoglu, S.; Sasmaz Mus, S.; Eksi, K.Y.
Chemical abundances in active galaxies.
Flury, S.R.; Moran, E.C.
Low optical polarization at the core of the optically thin jet of M87.
Fresco, A.Y.; Fernandez-Ontiveros, J.A.; Prieto, M.A.; Acosta-Pulido, J.A.; Merloni, A.
Gamma-ray-emitting narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies: the Swift view.
D'Ammando, F.
Erratum: Dynamics of Dusty Vortices I: Extensions and limitations of the terminal velocity approximation.
Lovascio, F.; Paardekooper, S.-J.
The well correlated diffuse interstellar bands at λλ 6196, 6614 Å and their possible companions.
Bondar, A.
Environment from cross-correlations: connecting hot gas and the quenching of galaxies.
Kukstas, E.; McCarthy, I.G.; Baldry, I.K.; Font, A.S.
Imaging systematics and clustering of DESI main targets.
Kitanidis, E.; White, M.; Feng, Y.; Schlegel, D.; Guy, J.; Dey, A.; Landriau, M.; Brooks, D.; Levi, M.; Moustakas, J.; Prada, F.; Tarle, G.; Weaver, B.A.
The lifetimes of planetary debris discs around white dwarfs.
Veras, D.; Heng, K.
A thirty-four billion solar mass black hole in SMSS J2157-3602, the most luminous known quasar.
Onken, C.A.; Bian, F.; Fan, X.; Wang, F.; Wolf, C.; Yang, J.
The nature of 500 micron risers I: SMA observations.
Greenslade, J.; Clements, D.L.; Petitpas, G.; Asboth, V.; Conley, A.; Perez-Fournon, I.; Riechers, D.
Quiet Sun electron densities and their uncertainties derived from spectral emission line intensities.
Dere, K.P.
Detecting outliers in astronomical images with deep generative networks.
Margalef-Bentabol, B.; Huertas-Company, M.; Charnock, T.; Margalef-Bentabol, C.; Bernardi, M.; Dubois, Y.; Storey-Fisher, K.; Zanisi, L.
Binary-induced spiral arms inside the disc cavity of AB Aurigae.
Poblete, P.P.; Calcino, J.; Cuello, N.; Macias, E.; Ribas, A.; Price, D.J.; Cuadra, J.; Pinte, C.
IRAM 30-m-EMIR redshift search of z = 3-4 lensed dusty starbursts selected from the HerBS sample.
Bakx, T.J.L.C.; Dannerbauer, H.; Frayer, D.; Eales, S.A.; Perez-Fournon, I.; Cai, Z.-Y.; Clements, D.L.; De Zotti, G.; Gonzalez-Nuevo, J.; Ivison, R.J.; Lapi, A.; Michalowski, M.J.; Negrello, M.; Serjeant, S.; Smith, M.W.L.; Temi, P.; Urquhart, S.; van der Werf, P.
BRITE-Constellation photometry of π5 Orionis, an ellipsoidal SPB variable.
Jerzykiewicz, M.; Pigulski, A.; Handler, G.; Moffat, A.F.J.; Popowicz, A.; Wade, G.A.; Zwintz, K.; Pablo, H.
Blue straggler populations of seven open clusters with Gaia DR2.
Vaidya, K.; Rao, K.K.; Agarwal, M.; Bhattacharya, S.
2020MNRAS.496.2422H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/496/2422)
The chemical nature of the young 120-Myr-old nearby Pisces-Eridanus stellar stream flowing through the Galactic disc.
Hawkins, K.; Lucey, M.; Curtis, J.
Evolution of α Centauri b's protoplanetary disc.
Martin, R.G.; Lissauer, J.J.; Quarles, B.
Constraining the coherence scale of the interstellar magnetic field using TeV gamma-ray observations of supernova remnants.
Pais, M.; Pfrommer, C.; Ehlert, K.; Werhahn, M.; Winner, G.
Study of the departures from LTE in the unevolved stars infrared spectra.
Korotin, S.A.; Andrievsky, S.M.; Caffau, E.; Bonifacio, P.; Oliva, E.
High-energy processes in starburst-driven winds.
Muller, A.L.; Romero, G.E.; Roth, M.
Number of sunspot groups from the Galileo-Scheiner controversy revisited.
Carrasco, V.M.S.; Gallego, M.C.; Vaquero, J.M.
On the development of a rotated-hybrid HLL/HLLC approximate Riemann solver for relativistic hydrodynamics.
Townsend, J.F.; Konozsy, L.; Jenkins, K.W.
The 2016 Vela glitch: a key to neutron star internal structure and dynamics.
Gugercinoglu, E.; Alpar, M.A.
2020MNRAS.496.2516M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/496/2516)
The influence of angular momentum and environment on the H I gas of late-type galaxies.
Murugeshan, C.; Kilborn, V.; Jarrett, T.; Wong, O.I.; Obreschkow, D.; Glazebrook, K.; Cluver, M.E.; Fluke, C.J.
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