Monthly Notices of the RAS 496
July(III) 2020
- 2020MNRAS.496L...1D
- The formation of young massive clusters by colliding flows.
- Dobbs, C.L.; Liow, K.Y.; Rieder, S.
- 2020MNRAS.496L...6Y
- Galactic population of black holes in detached binaries with low-mass stripped helium stars: the case of LB-1 (LS V+22 25).
- Yungelson, L.R.; Kuranov, A.G.; Postnov, K.A.; Kolesnikov, D.A.
- 2020MNRAS.496L..11B
- WASP-4 transit timing variation from a comprehensive set of 129 transits.
- Baluev, R.V.; Sokov, E.N.; Hoyer, S.; Huitson, C.; da Silva, J.A.R.S.; Evans, P.; Sokova, I.A.; Knight, C.R.; Shaidulin, V.S.
- 2020MNRAS.496L..16M
- The heavier the better: how to constrain mass ratios and spins of high-mass neutron star mergers.
- Most, E.R.; Weih, L.R.; Rezzolla, L.
- 2020MNRAS.496L..22G
- A period-dependent spatial scatter of Galactic black hole transients.
- Gandhi, P.; Rao, A.; Charles, P.A.; Belczynski, K.; Maccarone, T.J.; Arur, K.; Corral-Santana, J.M.
- 2020MNRAS.496L..28L
- Cosmology-insensitive estimate of IGM baryon mass fraction from five localized fast radio bursts.
- Li, Z.; Gao, H.; Wei, J.-J.; Yang, Y.-P.; Zhang, B.; Zhu, Z.-H.
- 2020MNRAS.496L..33Z
- Correlations between mass, stellar kinematics, and gas metallicity in EAGLE galaxies.
- Zenocratti, L.J.; De Rossi, M.E.; Lara-Lopez, M.A.; Theuns, T.
- 2020MNRAS.496L..38D
- Weak CS emission in an extremely metal-poor galaxy DDO 70.
- Du, K.; Shi, Y.; Zhang, Z.-Y.; Wang, J.; Gao, Y.
- 2020MNRAS.496L..43C
- The structure of nearly isothermal, adiabatic shock waves.
- Coughlin, E.R.
- 2020MNRAS.496L..48L
- Discovering the most elusive radio relic in the sky: diffuse shock acceleration caught in the act?
- Locatelli, N.T.; Rajpurohit, K.; Vazza, F.; Gastaldello, F.; Dallacasa, D.; Bonafede, A.; Rossetti, M.; Stuardi, C.; Bonassieux, E.; Brunetti, G.; Bruggen, M.; Shimwell, T.
- 2020MNRAS.496L..54M
- Deep learning for intensity mapping observations: component extraction.
- Moriwaki, K.; Filippova, N.; Shirasaki, M.; Yoshida, N.
- 2020MNRAS.496L..59Y
- Galaxy optical variability of Virgo cluster: new tracer for environmental influences on galaxies.
- Yang, F.; Long, R.J.; Shan, S.-S.; Ge, J.-Q.; Guo, R.; Zhang, B.; Gao, J.-H.; Ji, X.; Liu, J.-F.
- 2020MNRAS.496L..64R
- On the origin of GW190425.
- Romero-Shaw, I.M.; Farrow, N.; Stevenson, S.; Thrane, E.; Zhu, X.-J.
- 2020MNRAS.496L..70W
- Formation of massive globular clusters with dark matter and its implication on dark matter annihilation.
- Wirth, H.; Bekki, K.; Hayashi, K.
- 2020MNRAS.496L..75K
- A low-mass stellar companion to the young variable star RZ Psc.
- Kennedy, G.M.; Ginski, C.; Kenworthy, M.A.; Benisty, M.; Henning, T.; van Holstein, R.G.; Kral, Q.; Menard, F.; Milli, J.; Quiroga-Nunez, L.H.; Rab, C.; Stolker, T.; Sturm, A.
- 2020MNRAS.496L..80M
- Electrostatic charging of permanently shadowed craters on the Moon.
- Mishra, S.K.; Bhardwaj, A.
- 2020MNRAS.496L..85S
- Scattered light may reveal the existence of ringed exoplanets.
- Sucerquia, M.; Alvarado-Montes, J.A.; Zuluaga, J.I.; Montesinos, M.; Bayo, A.
- 2020MNRAS.496L..91E
- The evidence for a spatially flat Universe.
- Efstathiou, G.; Gratton, S.
- 2020MNRAS.496L..96K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/496/L96)
- Disc and wind in black hole X-ray binary MAXI J1820+070 observed through polarized light during its 2018 outburst.
- Kosenkov, I.A.; Veledina, A.; Berdyugin, A.V.; Kravtsov, V.; Piirola, V.; Berdyugina, S.V.; Sakanoi, T.; Kagitani, M.; Poutanen, J.
- 2020MNRAS.496L.101M
- Abundance matching tested on small scales with galaxy dynamics.
- Maccio, A.V.; Courteau, S.; Ouellette, N.N.-Q.; Dutton, A.A.
- 2020MNRAS.496L.106K
- Exploring the dispersion measure of the Milky Way halo.
- Keating, L.C.; Pen, U.-L.
- 2020MNRAS.496L.111C
- Peter Pan discs: finding Neverland's parameters.
- Coleman, G.A.L.; Haworth, T.J.
- 2020MNRAS.496L.116L
- What has quenched the massive spiral galaxies?
- Luo, Y.; Li, Z.; Kang, X.; Li, Z.; Wang, P.
- 2020MNRAS.496L.122G
- Thermodynamics of dust condensation around the dimming Betelgeuse.
- Gupta, A.; Sahijpal, S.
- 2020MNRAS.496L.127G
- The universal acceleration scale from stellar feedback.
- Grudic, M.Y.; Boylan-Kolchin, M.; Faucher-Giguere, C.-A.; Hopkins, P.F.
- 2020MNRAS.496L.133S
- Stochastic ion and electron heating on drift instabilities at the bow shock.
- Stasiewicz, K.
- 2020MNRAS.496L.138K
- Are population-based models advantageous in estimating the lumen outputs from light-pollution sources?
- Kocifaj, M.; Komar, L.; Lamphar, H.; Wallner, S.
- 2020MNRAS.496L.142D
- 'On the red supergiant problem': a rebuttal, and a consensus on the upper mass cut-off for II-P progenitors.
- Davies, B.; Beasor, E.R.
- 2020MNRAS.496L.147V
- Unusually powerful flare activity of the H2O maser feature near a velocity of -60 km s–1 in W49N.
- Volvach, A.E.; Volvach, L.N.; Larionov, M.G.
- 2020MNRAS.496....1H
- The early growth of supermassive black holes in cosmological hydrodynamic simulations with constrained Gaussian realizations.
- Huang, K.-W.; Ni, Y.; Feng, Y.; Di Matteo, T.
- 2020MNRAS.496...13A
- Inertial oscillation modes of an inclined dipolar magnetosphere as a source of band-limited noise in X-ray pulsars.
- Abolmasov, P.; Biryukov, A.
- 2020MNRAS.496...19L
- OzDES multi-object fibre spectroscopy for the Dark Energy Survey: results and second data release.
- Lidman, C.; Tucker, B.E.; Davis, T.M.; Uddin, S.A.; Asorey, J.; Bolejko, K.; Brout, D.; Calcino, J.; Carollo, D.; Carr, A.; Childress, M.; Hoormann, J.K.; Foley, R.J.; Galbany, L.; Glazebrook, K.; Hinton, S.R.; Kessler, R.; Kim, A.G.; King, A.; Kremin, A.; Kuehn, K.; Lagattuta, D.; Lewis, G.F.; Macaulay, E.; Malik, U.; March, M.; Martini, P.; Moller, A.; Mudd, D.; Nichol, R.C.; Panther, F.; Parkinson, D.; Pursiainen, M.; Sako, M.; Swann, E.; Scalzo, R.; Scolnic, D.; Sharp, R.; Smith, M.; Sommer, N.E.; Sullivan, M.; Webb, S.; Wiseman, P.; Yu, Z.; Yuan, F.; Zhang, B.; Abbott, T.M.C.; Aguena, M.; Allam, S.; Annis, J.; Avila, S.; Bertin, E.; Bhargava, S.; Brooks, D.; Carnero Rosell, A.; Carrasco Kind, M.; Carretero, J.; Castander, F.J.; Costanzi, M.; da Costa, L.N.; De Vicente, J.; Doel, P.; Eifler, T.F.; Everett, S.; Fosalba, P.; Frieman, J.; Garcia-Bellido, J.; Gaztanaga, E.; Gruen, D.; Gruendl, R.A.; Gschwend, J.; Gutierrez, G.; Hartley, W.G.; Hollowood, D.L.; Honscheid, K.; James, D.J.; Kuropatkin, N.; Li, T.S.; Lima, M.; Lin, H.; Maia, M.A.G.; Marshall, J.L.; Melchior, P.; Menanteau, F.; Miquel, R.; Palmese, A.; Paz-Chinchon, F.; Plazas, A.A.; Roodman, A.; Rykoff, E.S.; Sanchez, E.; Santiago, B.; Scarpine, V.; Schubnell, M.; Serrano, S.; Sevilla-Noarbe, I.; Suchyta, E.; Swanson, M.E.C.; Tarle, G.; Tucker, D.L.; Varga, T.N.; Walker, A.R.; Wester, W.; Wilkinson, R.D.; (The DES Collaboration)
- 2020MNRAS.496...36P
- Diffuse LINER-type emission from extended disc regions of barred galaxies.
- Percival, S.M.; James, P.A.
- 2020MNRAS.496...49B
- Evolution of fractality and rotation in embedded star clusters.
- Ballone, A.; Mapelli, M.; Di Carlo, U.N.; Torniamenti, S.; Spera, M.; Rastello, S.
- 2020MNRAS.496...60S
- Stellar mass primordial black holes as cold dark matter.
- Sobrinho, J.L.G.; Augusto, P.
- 2020MNRAS.496...67B
- Resonant damping and instability of propagating kink waves in flowing and twisted magnetic flux tubes.
- Bahari, K.; Petrukhin, N.S.; Ruderman, M.S.
- 2020MNRAS.496...80V
- Stellar migrations and metal flows - Chemical evolution of the thin disc of a simulated Milky Way analogous galaxy.
- Vincenzo, F.; Kobayashi, C.
- 2020MNRAS.496...95G
- DES16C3cje: A low-luminosity, long-lived supernova.
- Gutierrez, C.P.; Sullivan, M.; Martinez, L.; Bersten, M.C.; Inserra, C.; Smith, M.; Anderson, J.P.; Pan, Y.-C.; Pastorello, A.; Galbany, L.; Nugent, P.; Angus, C.R.; Barbarino, C.; Carollo, D.; Chen, T.-W.; Davis, T.M.; Della Valle, M.; Foley, R.J.; Fraser, M.; Frohmaier, C.; Gonzalez-Gaitan, S.; Gromadzki, M.; Kankare, E.; Kokotanekova, R.; Kollmeier, J.; Lewis, G.F.; Magee, M.R.; Maguire, K.; Moller, A.; Morrell, N.; Nicholl, M.; Pursiainen, M.; Sollerman, J.; Sommer, N.E.; Swann, E.; Tucker, B.E.; Wiseman, P.; Aguena, M.; Allam, S.; Avila, S.; Bertin, E.; Brooks, D.; Buckley-Geer, E.; Burke, D.L.; Carnero Rosell, A.; Carrasco Kind, M.; Carretero, J.; Costanzi, M.; da Costa, L.N.; De Vicente, J.; Desai, S.; Diehl, H.T.; Doel, P.; Eifler, T.F.; Flaugher, B.; Fosalba, P.; Frieman, J.; Garcia-Bellido, J.; Gerdes, D.W.; Gruen, D.; Gruendl, R.A.; Gschwend, J.; Gutierrez, G.; Hinton, S.R.; Hollowood, D.L.; Honscheid, K.; James, D.J.; Kuehn, K.; Kuropatkin, N.; Lahav, O.; Lima, M.; Maia, M.A.G.; March, M.; Menanteau, F.; Miquel, R.; Morganson, E.; Palmese, A.; Paz-Chinchon, F.; Plazas, A.A.; Sako, M.; Sanchez, E.; Scarpine, V.; Schubnell, M.; Serrano, S.; Sevilla-Noarbe, I.; Soares-Santos, M.; Suchyta, E.; Swanson, M.E.C.; Tarle, G.; Thomas, D.; Varga, T.N.; Walker, A.R.; Wilkinson, R.; (The DES Collaboration)
- 2020MNRAS.496..111Z
- H I gas content of SDSS galaxies revealed by ALFALFA: implications for the mass-metallicity relation and the environmental dependence of H I in the local Universe.
- Zu, Y.
- 2020MNRAS.496..125L
- 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko's dust activity from pre- to post-perihelion as detected by Rosetta/GIADA.
- Longobardo, A.; Della Corte, V.; Rotundi, A.; Fulle, M.; Rinaldi, G.; Formisano, M.; Zakharov, V.; Ivanovski, S.; Mannel, T.; Ciarniello, M.; Inno, L.; Rubin, M.; Palomba, E.; Cottin, H.; Dirri, F.; Palumbo, P.; Guttler, C.; Merouane, S.; Tubiana, C.; Pestoni, B.; Dionnet, Z.
- 2020MNRAS.496..138B
- VLA and ALMA observations of the lensed radio-quiet quasar SDSS J0924+0219: a molecular structure in a 3 µJy radio source.
- Badole, S.; Jackson, N.; Hartley, P.; Sluse, D.; Stacey, H.; Vives-Arias, H.
- 2020MNRAS.496..152R
- Lyman α absorption beyond the disc of simulated spiral galaxies.
- Rottgers, B.; Naab, T.; Cernetic, M.; Dave, R.; Kauffmann, G.; Borthakur, S.; Foidl, H.
- 2020MNRAS.496..169L
- Validating scattering-induced (sub)millimetre disc polarization through the spectral index, wavelength-dependent polarization pattern, and polarization spectrum: the case of HD 163296.
- Lin, Z.-Y.D.; Li, Z.-Y.; Yang, H.; Looney, L.; Stephens, I.; Hull, C.L.H.
- 2020MNRAS.496..182L
- Multiband observation of LIGO/Virgo binary black hole mergers in the gravitational-wave transient catalog GWTC-1.
- Liu, C.; Shao, L.; Zhao, J.; Gao, Y.
- 2020MNRAS.496..197S
- Broad-band spectral analysis of LMXB XTE J1710-281 with Suzaku.
- Sharma, P.; Sharma, R.; Jain, C.; Dutta, A.
- 2020MNRAS.496..206C
- General relativistic hydrodynamics on a moving-mesh I: static space-times.
- Chang, P.; Etienne, Z.B.
- 2020MNRAS.496..215M
- The polarized spectral energy distribution of NGC 4151.
- Marin, F.; Le Cam, J.; Lopez-Rodriguez, E.; Kolehmainen, M.; Babler, B.L.; Meade, M.R.
- 2020MNRAS.496..223W
- The interpretation of protoplanetary disc wind diagnostic lines from X-ray photoevaporation and analytical MHD models.
- Weber, M.L.; Ercolano, B.; Picogna, G.; Hartmann, L.; Rodenkirch, P.J.
- 2020MNRAS.496..245Z – (Tables: J/MNRAS/496/245)
- The Lx-Luv-Lradio relation and corona-disc-jet connection in optically selected radio-loud quasars.
- Zhu, S.F.; Brandt, W.N.; Luo, B.; Wu, J.; Xue, Y.Q.; Yang, G.
- 2020MNRAS.496..269N
- Assessment of supervised machine learning for atmospheric retrieval of exoplanets.
- Nixon, M.C.; Madhusudhan, N.
- 2020MNRAS.496..282S
- ARCHI: pipeline for light curve extraction of CHEOPS background stars.
- Silva, A.M.; Sousa, S.G.; Santos, N.; Demangeon, O.D.S.; Silva, P.; Hoyer, S.; Guterman, P.; Deleuil, M.; Ehrenreich, D.
- 2020MNRAS.496..295S
- Spectropolarimetric follow-up of 8 rapidly rotating, X-ray bright FK Comae candidates.
- Sikora, J.; Rowe, J.; Howell, S.B.; Mason, E.; Wade, G.A.
- 2020MNRAS.496..309H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/496/309)
- Behaviour of the Mg II 2798 Å line over the full range of AGN variability.
- Homan, D.; MacLeod, C.L.; Lawrence, A.; Ross, N.P.; Bruce, A.
- 2020MNRAS.496..328M
- Accelerated Bayesian inference using deep learning.
- Moss, A.
- 2020MNRAS.496..339P
- WARPFIELD-EMP: The self-consistent prediction of emission lines from evolving H II regions in dense molecular clouds.
- Pellegrini, E.W.; Rahner, D.; Reissl, S.; Glover, S.C.O.; Klessen, R.S.; Rousseau-Nepton, L.; Herrera-Camus, R.
- 2020MNRAS.496..364R
- A molecular absorption line survey towards the AGN of Hydra-A.
- Rose, T.; Edge, A.C.; Combes, F.; Hamer, S.; McNamara, B.R.; Russell, H.; Gaspari, M.; Salome, P.; Sarazin, C.; Tremblay, G.R.; Baum, S.A.; Bremer, M.N.; Donahue, M.; Fabian, A.C.; Ferland, G.; Nesvadba, N.; O'Dea, C.; Oonk, J.B.R.; Peck, A.B.
- 2020MNRAS.496..381C
- Differentiable strong lensing: uniting gravity and neural nets through differentiable probabilistic programming.
- Chianese, M.; Coogan, A.; Hofma, P.; Otten, S.; Weniger, C.
- 2020MNRAS.496..394R
- Illuminating a tadpole's metamorphosis II: observing the ongoing transformation with ALMA.
- Reiter, M.; Guzman, A.E.; Haworth, T.J.; Klaassen, P.D.; McLeod, A.F.; Garay, G.; Mottram, J.C.
- 2020MNRAS.496..415C
- Multipole expansion for H I intensity mapping experiments: simulations and modelling.
- Cunnington, S.; Pourtsidou, A.; Soares, P.S.; Blake, C.; Bacon, D.
- 2020MNRAS.496..434G
- Structure of the self-gravitating accretion discs in the presence of outflow.
- Ghanbarnejad, H.; Ghasemnezhad, M.
- 2020MNRAS.496..442K
- Passive spirals and shock influenced star formation in the merging cluster A3376.
- Kelkar, K.; Dwarakanath, K.S.; Poggianti, B.M.; Moretti, A.; Monteiro-Oliveira, R.; Machado, R.E.G.; Lima-Neto, G.B.; Fritz, J.; Vulcani, B.; Gullieuszik, M.; Bettoni, D.
- 2020MNRAS.496..456L
- Wavefront prediction using artificial neural networks for open-loop adaptive optics.
- Liu, X.; Morris, T.; Saunter, C.; de Cos Juez, F.J.; Gonzalez-Gutierrez, C.; Bardou, L.
- 2020MNRAS.496..465B
- A mechanism of spark motion in inner acceleration region to investigate subpulse drifting in pulsars.
- Basu, R.; Mitra, D.; Melikidze, G.I.
- 2020MNRAS.496..483M
- Anisotropic separate universe simulations.
- Masaki, S.; Nishimichi, T.; Takada, M.
- 2020MNRAS.496..497Z
- Thermal spectra of thin accretion discs of finite thickness around Kerr black holes.
- Zhou, M.; Abdikamalov, A.B.; Ayzenberg, D.; Bambi, C.; Grinberg, V.; Tripathi, A.
- 2020MNRAS.496..504N
- Searching for thermal inversion agents in the transmission spectrum of KELT-20b/MASCARA-2b: detection of neutral iron and ionised calcium H&K lines.
- Nugroho, S.K.; Gibson, N.P.; de Mooij, E.J.W.; Watson, C.A.; Kawahara, H.; Merritt, S.
- 2020MNRAS.496..523K
- Imprints of the redshift evolution of double neutron star merger rate on the signal-to-noise ratio distribution.
- Kastha, S.; Saleem, M.; Arun, K.G.
- 2020MNRAS.496..532L
- The impact of light polarization effects on weak lensing systematics.
- Lin, C.-H.; Tan, B.; Mandelbaum, R.; Hirata, C.M.
- 2020MNRAS.496..540C
- Machine learning classification of new asteroid families members.
- Carruba, V.; Aljbaae, S.; Domingos, R.C.; Lucchini, A.; Furlaneto, P.
- 2020MNRAS.496..550H
- Eclipsing binaries in the OGLE variable star catalogue: long-period evolved systems.
- Hoyman, B.; Bulut, S.; Ozdarcan, O.; Cakirli, O.
- 2020MNRAS.496..564K
- Looking for MACHOs in the spectra of fast radio bursts.
- Katz, A.; Kopp, J.; Sibiryakov, S.; Xue, W.
- 2020MNRAS.496..581H
- The spin-temperature dependence of the 21-cm-LAE cross-correlation.
- Heneka, C.; Mesinger, A.
- 2020MNRAS.496..590G
- Neptune's ring arcs confined by coorbital satellites: dust orbital evolution through solar radiation.
- Giuliatti Winter, S.M.; Madeira, G.; Sfair, R.
- 2020MNRAS.496..598C
- Linking the small-scale relativistic winds and the large-scale molecular outflows in the z = 1.51 lensed quasar HS 0810+2554.
- Chartas, G.; Davidson, E.; Brusa, M.; Vignali, C.; Cappi, M.; Dadina, M.; Cresci, G.; Paladino, R.; Lanzuisi, G.; Comastri, A.
- 2020MNRAS.496..612H
- On the role of reduced wind mass-loss rate in enabling exoplanets to shape planetary nebulae.
- Hegazi, A.; Bear, E.; Soker, N.
- 2020MNRAS.496..620G
- Core magnetic field imprint in the non-radial oscillations of red giant stars.
- Gomes, P.; Lopes, I.
- 2020MNRAS.496..629Y
- AstroCatR: a mechanism and tool for efficient time series reconstruction of large-scale astronomical catalogues.
- Yu, C.; Li, K.; Tang, S.; Sun, C.; Ma, B.; Zhao, Q.
- 2020MNRAS.496..638H
- The globular cluster system of the Auriga simulations.
- Halbesma, T.L.R.; Grand, R.J.J.; Gomez, F.A.; Marinacci, F.; Pakmor, R.; Trick, W.H.; Busch, P.; White, S.D.M.
- 2020MNRAS.496..649T – (Tables: J/MNRAS/496/649)
- K-CLASH: spatially resolving star-forming galaxies in field and cluster environments at z ≃ 0.2-0.6.
- Tiley, A.L.; Vaughan, S.P.; Stott, J.P.; Davies, R.L.; Prichard, L.J.; Bunker, A.; Bureau, M.; Cappellari, M.; Jarvis, M.; Robotham, A.; Cortese, L.; Bellstedt, S.; Ansarinejad, B.
- 2020MNRAS.496..676B
- A high-resolution view of the jets in 3C 465.
- Bempong-Manful, E.; Hardcastle, M.J.; Birkinshaw, M.; Laing, R.A.; Leahy, J.P.; Worrall, D.M.
- 2020MNRAS.496..689S
- Role of spectral resolution for infrared asteroid compositional analysis using meteorite spectra.
- Skulteti, A.; Kereszturi, A.; Kereszty, Z.; Pal, B.; Szabo, M.; Cipriani, F.
- 2020MNRAS.496..695C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/496/695)
- Timing the earliest quenching events with a robust sample of massive quiescent galaxies at 2 < z < 5.
- Carnall, A.C.; Walker, S.; McLure, R.J.; Dunlop, J.S.; McLeod, D.J.; Cullen, F.; Wild, V.; Amorin, R.; Bolzonella, M.; Castellano, M.; Cimatti, A.; Cucciati, O.; Fontana, A.; Gargiulo, A.; Garilli, B.; Jarvis, M.J.; Pentericci, L.; Pozzetti, L.; Zamorani, G.; Calabro, A.; Hathi, N.P.; Koekemoer, A.M.
- 2020MNRAS.496..708L
- Testing the cosmic curvature at high redshifts: the combination of LSST strong lensing systems and quasars as new standard candles.
- Liu, T.; Cao, S.; Zhang, J.; Biesiada, M.; Liu, Y.; Lian, Y.
- 2020MNRAS.496..718J
- TESS photometry of helium-rich hot subdwarfs: r modes in BD+37°442 and BD+37°1977.
- Jeffery, C.S.
- 2020MNRAS.496..723K
- A radio continuum and polarization study of the pulsar wind nebula CTB 87 (G74.9+1.2).
- Kothes, R.; Reich, W.; Safi-Harb, S.; Guest, B.; Reich, P.; Furst, E.
- 2020MNRAS.496..739G
- Bayesian approach to constraining the properties of ionized bubbles during reionization.
- Ghara, R.; Choudhury, T.R.
- 2020MNRAS.496..754B
- Cosmic variance of z > 7 galaxies: prediction from BLUETIDES.
- Bhowmick, A.K.; Somerville, R.S.; Di Matteo, T.; Wilkins, S.; Feng, Y.; Tenneti, A.
- 2020MNRAS.496..767B
- The shearing sheet and swing amplification revisited.
- Binney, J.
- 2020MNRAS.496..784B
- The nature of flux variations in the continua and broad-line regions of selected active galactic nuclei.
- Bewketu Belete, A.; Goicoechea, L.J.; Canto Martins, B.L.; Leao, I.C.; De Medeiros, J.R.
- 2020MNRAS.496..801N
- A probabilistic approach to phase calibration - I. Effects of source structure on fringe-fitting.
- Natarajan, I.; Deane, R.; van Bemmel, I.; van Langevelde, H.J.; Small, D.; Kettenis, M.; Paragi, Z.; Smirnov, O.; Szomoru, A.
- 2020MNRAS.496..814B
- Morphology and ionization characteristics of planetary nebulae PB 1 and PC 19.
- Bandyopadhyay, R.; Das, R.; Mondal, S.; Ghosh, S.
- 2020MNRAS.496..832C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/496/832)
- The SDSS/APOGEE catalogue of HgMn stars.
- Chojnowski, S.D.; Hubrig, S.; Hasselquist, S.; Beaton, R.L.; Majewski, S.R.; Garcia-Hernandez, D.A.; DeColibus, D.
- 2020MNRAS.496..851W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/496/851)
- K2-HERMES II. Planet-candidate properties from K2 Campaigns 1-13.
- Wittenmyer, R.A.; Clark, J.T.; Sharma, S.; Stello, D.; Horner, J.; Kane, S.R.; Stevens, C.P.; Wright, D.J.; Spina, L.; Cotar, K.; Asplund, M.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Buder, S.; Casey, A.R.; De Silva, G.M.; D'Orazi, V.; Freeman, K.; Kos, J.; Lewis, G.; Lin, J.; Lind, K.; Martell, S.L.; Simpson, J.D.; Zucker, D.B.; Zwitter, T.
- 2020MNRAS.496..864L
- What determines the maximum stellar surface density of galaxies?
- Ling, C.-T.; Hashimoto, T.; Goto, T.; Lu, T.-Y.; On, A.Y.L.; Santos, D.J.D.; Hsiao, T.Y.-Y.; Ho, S.C.-C.
- 2020MNRAS.496..870A
- Three generations of stars: a possible case of triggered star formation.
- Areal, M.B.; Buccino, A.; Paron, S.; Farina, C.; Ortega, M.E.
- 2020MNRAS.496..875R
- The ALPINE-ALMA [C II] Survey: on the nature of an extremely obscured serendipitous galaxy.
- Romano, M.; Cassata, P.; Morselli, L.; Lemaux, B.C.; Bethermin, M.; Capak, P.; Faisst, A.; Le Fevre, O.; Schaerer, D.; Silverman, J.; Yan, L.; Bardelli, S.; Boquien, M.; Cimatti, A.; Dessauges-Zavadsky, M.; Enia, A.; Fudamoto, Y.; Fujimoto, S.; Ginolfi, M.; Gruppioni, C.; Hathi, N.P.; Ibar, E.; Jones, G.C.; Koekemoer, A.M.; Loiacono, F.; Mancini, C.; Riechers, D.A.; Rodighiero, G.; Rodriguez-Munoz, L.; Talia, M.; Vallini, L.; Vergani, D.; Zamorani, G.; Zucca, E.
- 2020MNRAS.496..888N
- Effects of the Hubble parameter on the cosmic growth of the first quasars.
- Nunes, R.C.; Pacucci, F.
- 2020MNRAS.496..894G
- Suppression of luminosity and mass-radius relation of highly magnetized white dwarfs.
- Gupta, A.; Mukhopadhyay, B.; Tout, C.A.
- 2020MNRAS.496..903H
- A search for γ-ray emission from a sample of local Universe low-frequency selected radio galaxies.
- Harvey, M.; Rulten, C.B.; Chadwick, P.M.
- 2020MNRAS.496..913D
- Cold H I ejected into the Magellanic Stream.
- Dempsey, J.; McClure-Griffiths, N.M.; Jameson, K.; Buckland-Willis, F.
- 2020MNRAS.496..921W
- Formation of massive black holes in ultracompact dwarf galaxies: migration of primordial intermediate-mass black holes in N-body simulation.
- Wirth, H.; Bekki, K.
- 2020MNRAS.496..933B
- On-sky calibration of a SKA1-low station in the presence of mutual coupling.
- Borg, J.; Magro, A.; Zarb Adami, K.; de lera Acedo, E.; Sutinjo, A.; Ung, D.
- 2020MNRAS.496..943D
- The nuclear region of NGC 613 - II. Kinematics and stellar archaeology.
- da Silva, P.; Menezes, R.B.; Steiner, J.E.; Fraga, L.
- 2020MNRAS.496..959G
- Planetary nebulae with Wolf-Rayet-type central stars - I. The case of the high-excitation NGC 2371.
- Gomez-Gonzalez, V.M.A.; Toala, J.A.; Guerrero, M.A.; Todt, H.; Sabin, L.; Ramos-Larios, G.; Mayya,Y.D.
- 2020MNRAS.496..974Z
- Inverse Compton signatures of gamma-ray burst afterglows.
- Zhang, H.; Christie, I.M.; Petropoulou, M.; Rueda-Becerril, J.M.; Giannios, D.
- 2020MNRAS.496..987T
- Eccentricity distribution of wide low-mass binaries.
- Tokovinin, A.
- 2020MNRAS.496..994K
- Merger rates in primordial black hole clusters without initial binaries.
- Korol, V.; Mandel, I.; Miller, M.C.; Church, R.P.; Davies, M.B.
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