Monthly Notices of the RAS 469
July(III) 2017
- 2017MNRAS.469L...1R
- Concordance cosmology without dark energy.
- Racz, G.; Dobos, L.; Beck, R.; Szapudi, I.; Csabai, I.
- 2017MNRAS.469L...6F
- Cosmic microwave background science at commercial airline altitudes.
- Feeney, S.M.; Gudmundsson, J.E.; Peiris, H.V.; Verde, L.; Errard, J.
- 2017MNRAS.469L..11D
- Uncovering the host galaxy of the γ-ray-emitting narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy FBQS J1644+2619.
- D'Ammando, F.; Acosta-Pulido, J.A.; Capetti, A.; Raiteri, C.M.; Baldi, R.D.; Orienti, M.; Ramos Almeida, C.
- 2017MNRAS.469L..16L
- Fine-structure transitions as a tool for studying variation of α at high redshifts.
- Levshakov, S.A.; Kozlov, M.G.
- 2017MNRAS.469L..20M
- Suppressed star formation by a merging cluster system.
- Mansheim, A.S.; Lemaux, B.C.; Tomczak, A.R.; Lubin, L.M.; Rumbaugh, N.; Wu, P.-F.; Gal, R.R.; Shen, L.; Dawson, W.A.; Squires, G.K.
- 2017MNRAS.469L..26O
- UV surface habitability of the TRAPPIST-1 system.
- O'Malley-James, J.T.; Kaltenegger, L.
- 2017MNRAS.469L..31N
- Gravitational collapse to a Kerr-Newman black hole.
- Nathanail, A.; Most, E.R.; Rezzolla, L.
- 2017MNRAS.469L..36Y
- Testing the Einstein's equivalence principle with polarized gamma-ray bursts.
- Yang, C.; Zou, Y.-C.; Zhang, Y.-Y.; Liao, B.; Lei, W.-H.
- 2017MNRAS.469L..39K
- Fast radio bursts as pulsar lightning.
- Katz, J.I.
- 2017MNRAS.469L..43O
- Protomagnetar and black hole formation in high-mass stars.
- Obergaulinger, M.; Aloy, M.A.
- 2017MNRAS.469L..48A
- The accreted stellar halo as a window on halo assembly in L* galaxies.
- Amorisco, N.C.
- 2017MNRAS.469L..53G
- Theoretical study of an LAE-C IV absorption pair at z = 5.7.
- Garcia, L.A.; Tescari, E.; Ryan-Weber, E.V.; Wyithe, J.S.B.
- 2017MNRAS.469L..58C
- The average structural evolution of massive galaxies can be reliably estimated using cumulative galaxy number densities.
- Clauwens, B.; Hill, A.; Franx, M.; Schaye, J.
- 2017MNRAS.469L..63R
- Finding forming globular clusters at high redshifts.
- Renzini, A.
- 2017MNRAS.469L..68G
- The binarity of Galactic dwarf stars along with effective temperature and metallicity.
- Gao, S.; Zhao, He; Yang, H.; Gao, R.
- 2017MNRAS.469L..73L
- L1157-B1, a factory of complex organic molecules in a solar-type star-forming region.
- Lefloch, B.; Ceccarelli, C.; Codella, C.; Favre, C.; Podio, L.; Vastel, C.; Viti, S.; Bachiller, R.
- 2017MNRAS.469L..78M
- A halo substructure in Gaia Data Release 1.
- Myeong, G.C.; Evans, N.W.; Belokurov, V.; Koposov, S.E.; Sanders, J.L.
- 2017MNRAS.469L..83W
- Local Group ultra-faint dwarf galaxies in the reionization era.
- Weisz, D.R.; Boylan-Kolchin, M.
- 2017MNRAS.469L..89Y
- γ-Ray emission from Arp 220: indications of an active galactic nucleus.
- Yoast-Hull, T.M.; Gallagher, J.S.; Aalto, S.; Varenius, E.
- 2017MNRAS.469L..94H
- The origin of the possible massive black hole in the progenitor system of iPTF13bvn.
- Hirai, R.
- 2017MNRAS.469L..99F
- Constraining the mass of accreting black holes in ultraluminous X-ray sources with ultrafast outflows.
- Fiacconi, D.; Pinto, C.; Walton, D.J.; Fabian, A.C.
- 2017MNRAS.469L.104K
- Are fast radio bursts markers of dark core collapse?
- Katz, J.I.
- 2017MNRAS.469L.108M
- 2017MNRAS.469L.113K
- DDO 161 and UGCA 319: an isolated pair of nearby dwarf galaxies.
- Moriya, T.J.; Yoon, S.-C.; Grafener, G.; Blinnikov, S.I.; Karachentsev, I.D.; Makarova, L.N.; Tully, R.B.; Rizzi, L.; Karachentseva, V.E.; Shaya, E.J.
- 2017MNRAS.469L.118J
- Detection of intrinsic variability in the eclipsing massive main-sequence O+B binary HD 165246.
- Johnston, C.; Buysschaert, B.; Tkachenko, A.; Aerts, C.; Neiner, C.
- 2017MNRAS.469L.123O
- ALMA polarization observations of the particle accelerators in the hotspot of the radio galaxy 3C 445.
- Orienti, M.; Brunetti, G.; Nagai, H.; Paladino, R.; Mack, K.-H.; Prieto, M.A.
- 2017MNRAS.469....2S
- Study of the accretion torque during the 2014 outburst of the X-ray pulsar GRO J1744-28.
- Sanna, A.; Riggio, A.; Burderi, L.; Pintore, F.; Di Salvo, T.; D'Ai, A.; Bozzo, E.; Esposito, P.; Segreto, A.; Scarano, F.; Iaria, R.; Gambino, A.F.
- 2017MNRAS.469...13S
- Domains of pulsational instability of low-frequency modes in rotating upper main sequence stars.
- Szewczuk, W.; Daszynska-Daszkiewicz, J.
- 2017MNRAS.469...47M
- Testing cosmic acceleration for w(z) parametrizations using fgas measurements in galaxy clusters.
- Magana, J.; Motta, V.; Cardenas, V.H.; Foex, G.
- 2017MNRAS.469...62S
- Rapid black hole growth under anisotropic radiation feedback.
- Sugimura, K.; Hosokawa, T.; Yajima, H.; Omukai, K.
- 2017MNRAS.469...80Q
- Is ram-pressure stripping an efficient mechanism to remove gas in galaxies?
- Quilis, V. (1) ; Planelles, S. ; Ricciardelli, E.
- 2017MNRAS.469...95C
- On the maximum mass of magnetized white dwarfs.
- Chatterjee, D.; Fantina, A.F.; Chamel, N.; Novak, J.; Oertel, M.
- 2017MNRAS.469..110G
- The infrared to X-ray correlation spectra of unobscured type 1 active galactic nuclei.
- Garcia-Bernete, I.; Ramos Almeida, C.; Landt, H.; Ward, M.J.; Balokovic, M.; Acosta-Pulido, J.A.
- 2017MNRAS.469..127B
- Periodic and quasi-periodic attractors for the spin-orbit evolution of Mercury with a realistic tidal torque.
- Bartuccelli, M.; Deane, J.; Gentile, G.
- 2017MNRAS.469..151B
- SDSS IV MaNGA - metallicity and nitrogen abundance gradients in local galaxies.
- Belfiore, F.; Maiolino, R.; Tremonti, C.; Sanchez, S.F.; Bundy, K.; Bershady, M.; Westfall, K.; Lin, L.; Drory, N.; Boquien, M.; Thomas, D.; Brinkmann, J.
- 2017MNRAS.469..171R
- Transit probabilities in secularly evolving planetary systems.
- Read, M.J.; Wyatt, M.C.; Triaud, A.H.M.J.
- 2017MNRAS.469..193P
- Simultaneous optical/X-ray study of GS 1354-64 (=BW Cir) during hard outburst: evidence for optical cyclo-synchrotron emission from the hot accretion flow.
- Pahari, M.; Gandhi, P.; Charles, P.A.; Kotze, M.M.; Altamirano, D.; Misra, R.
- 2017MNRAS.469..206E
- Evolution of eccentricity and inclination of hot protoplanets embedded in radiative discs.
- Eklund, H.; Masset, F.S.
- 2017MNRAS.469..218B
- High-contrast imaging at small separations: impact of the optical configuration of two deformable mirrors on dark holes.
- Beaulieu, M.; Abe, L.; Martinez, P.; Baudoz, P.; Gouvret, C.; Vakili, F.
- 2017MNRAS.469..231A
- Metallicity evolution of direct collapse black hole hosts: CR7 as a case study.
- Agarwal, B.; Johnson, J.L.; Khochfar, S.; Pellegrini, E.; Rydberg, C.-E.; Klessen, R.S.; Oesch, P.
- 2017MNRAS.469..237P
- Size and density sorting of dust grains in SPH simulations of protoplanetary discs.
- Pignatale, F.C.; Gonzalez, J.-F.; Cuello, N.; Bourdon, B.; Fitoussi, C.
- 2017MNRAS.469..255G
- The Fermi blazar sequence.
- Ghisellini, G.; Righi, C.; Costamante, L.; Tavecchio, F.
- 2017MNRAS.469..267D
- Far-ultraviolet observation of the globular cluster NGC 6397.
- Dieball, A.; Rasekh, A.; Knigge, C.; Shara, M.; Zurek, D.
- 2017MNRAS.469..278G
- Hot-Jupiter core mass from Roche lobe overflow.
- Ginzburg, S.; Sari, R.
- 2017MNRAS.469..286R
- What drives gravitational instability in nearby star-forming spirals? The impact of CO and H I velocity dispersions.
- Romeo, A.B.; Mogotsi, K.M.
- 2017MNRAS.469..295B
- On the dynamics of supermassive black holes in gas-rich, star-forming galaxies: the case for nuclear star cluster co-evolution.
- Biernacki, P.; Teyssier, R.; Bleuler, A.
- 2017MNRAS.469..314K
- TDE fallback cut-off due to a pre-existing accretion disc.
- Kathirgamaraju, A.; Barniol Duran, R.; Giannios, D.
- 2017MNRAS.469..323C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/469/323)
- Quasars with P V broad absorption in BOSS data release 9.
- Capellupo, D.M.; Hamann, F.; Herbst, H.; Brandt, W.N.; Ge, J.; Paris, I.; Petitjean, P.; Schneider, D.P.; Streblyanska, A.; York, D.
- 2017MNRAS.469..339S
- The interstellar formation and spectra of the noble gas, proton-bound HeHHe+, HeHNe+ and HeHAr+ complexes.
- Stephan, C.J.; Fortenberry, R.C.
- 2017MNRAS.469..347S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/469/347)
- EIG - II. Intriguing characteristics of the most extremely isolated galaxies.
- Spector, O.; Brosch, N.
- 2017MNRAS.469..383J
- On the effective turbulence driving mode of molecular clouds formed in disc galaxies.
- Jin, K.; Salim, D.M.; Federrath, C.; Tasker, E.J.; Habe, A.; Kainulainen, J.T.
- 2017MNRAS.469..394H
- Cosmological constraints from thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich power spectrum revisited.
- Horowitz, B.; Seljak, U.
- 2017MNRAS.469..401S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/469/401)
- The Gaia ultracool dwarf sample - I. Known L and T dwarfs and the first Gaia data release.
- Smart, R.L.; Marocco, F.; Caballero, J.A.; Jones, H.R.A.; Barrado, D.; Beamin, J.C.; Pinfield, D.J.; Sarro, L.M.
- 2017MNRAS.469..416L
- Do cosmic rays heat the early intergalactic medium?
- Leite, N.; Evoli, C.; D'Angelo, M.; Ciardi, B.; Sigl, G.; Ferrara, A.
- 2017MNRAS.469..425W
- Comparison of pulsar positions from timing and very long baseline astrometry.
- Wang, J.B.; Coles, W.A.; Hobbs, G.; Shannon, R.M.; Manchester, R.N.; Kerr, M.; Yuan, J.P.; Wang, N.; Bailes, M.; Bhat, N.D.R.; Dai, S.; Dempsey, J.; Keith, M.J.; Lasky, P.D.; Levin, Y.; Oslowski, S.; Ravi, V.; Reardon, D.J.; Rosado, P.A.; Russell, C.J.; Spiewak, R.; van Straten, W.; Toomey, L.; Wen, L.; You, X.-P.; Zhu, X.-J.
- 2017MNRAS.469..435V
- On the reservoir of sulphur in dark clouds: chemistry and elemental abundance reconciled.
- Vidal, T.H.G.; Loison, J.-C.; Jaziri, A.Y.; Ruaud, M.; Gratier, P.; Wakelam, V.
- 2017MNRAS.469..448B
- No evidence for Population III stars or a direct collapse black hole in the z = 6.6 Lyman α emitter 'CR7'.
- Bowler, R.A.A.; McLure, R.J.; Dunlop, J.S.; McLeod, D.J.; Stanway, E.R.; Eldridge, J.J.; Jarvis, M.J.
- 2017MNRAS.469..459O
- Reconstruction of halo power spectrum from redshift-space galaxy distribution: cylinder-grouping method and halo exclusion effect.
- Okumura, T.; Takada, M.; More, S.; Masaki, S.
- 2017MNRAS.469..476Z
- Multimission observations of the old nova GK Per during the 2015 outburst.
- Zemko, P.; Orio, M.; Luna, G.J.M.; Mukai, K.; Evans, P.A.; Bianchini, A.
- 2017MNRAS.469..492M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/469/492)
- The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: the nature of bright submm galaxies from 2 deg2 of 850-µm imaging.
- Michalowski, M.J.; Dunlop, J.S.; Koprowski, M.P.; Cirasuolo, M.; Geach, J.E.; Bowler, R.A.A.; Mortlock, A.; Caputi, K.I.; Aretxaga, I.; Arumugam, V.; Chen, C.-C.; McLure, R.J.; Birkinshaw, M.; Bourne, N.; Farrah, D.; Ibar, E.; van der Werf, P.; Zemcov, M.
- 2017MNRAS.469..516N
- Detection of optical emission associated with the Galactic SNR G64.5+0.9.
- Neustadt, J.M.M.; Fesen, R.A.; Black, C.S.
- 2017MNRAS.469..521K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/469/521)
- Predictions for the secondary CO, C and O gas content of debris discs from the destruction of volatile-rich planetesimals.
- Kral, Q.; Matra, L.; Wyatt, M.C.; Kennedy, G.M.
- 2017MNRAS.469..551T
- Effect of primordial non-Gaussianities on galaxy clusters scaling relations.
- Trindade, A.M.M.; da Silva, A.
- 2017MNRAS.469..561H
- Gravito-turbulence in irradiated protoplanetary discs.
- Hirose, S.; Shi, J.-M.
- 2017MNRAS.469..579B
- A WISE-based search for debris discs amongst M dwarfs in nearby, young, moving groups.
- Binks, A.S.; Jeffries, R.D.
- 2017MNRAS.469..594B
- ZOMG - I. How the cosmic web inhibits halo growth and generates assembly bias.
- Borzyszkowski, M.; Porciani, C.; Romano-Diaz, E.; Garaldi, E.
- 2017MNRAS.469..612F
- State-to-state chemistry and rotational excitation of CH+ in photon-dominated regions.
- Faure, A.; Halvick, P.; Stoecklin, T.; Honvault, P.; Epee Epee, M.D.; Mezei, J.Z.; Motapon, O.; Schneider, I.F.; Tennyson, J.; Roncero, O.; Bulut, N.; Zanchet, A.
- 2017MNRAS.469..621G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/469/621)
- A catalogue of white dwarf candidates in VST ATLAS.
- Gentile Fusillo, N.P.; Raddi, R.; Gansicke, B.T.; Hermes, J.J.; Pala, A.F.; Fuchs, J.T.; Chehade, B.; Metcalfe, N.; Shanks, T.
- 2017MNRAS.469..630A
- Dust dynamics and evolution in H II regions - II. Effects of dynamical coupling between dust and gas.
- Akimkin, V.V.; Kirsanova, M.S.; Pavlyuchenkov, Y.N.; Wiebe, D.S.
- 2017MNRAS.469..639H
- FR II radio galaxies at low frequencies - II. Spectral ageing and source dynamics.
- Harwood, J.J.; Hardcastle, M.J.; Morganti, R.; Croston, J.H.; Bruggen, M.; Brunetti, G.; Rottgering, H.J.A.; Shulevski, A.; White, G.J.
- 2017MNRAS.469..656R
- Gravitational wave astronomy with radio galaxy surveys.
- Raccanelli, A.
- 2017MNRAS.469..671L
- A systematic search for near-infrared counterparts of nearby ultraluminous X-ray sources (II).
- Lopez, K.M.; Heida, M.; Jonker, P.G.; Torres, M.A.P.; Roberts, T.P.; Walton, D.J.; Moon, D.-S.; Harrison, F.A.
- 2017MNRAS.469..683T
- Kinematical evolution of tidally limited star clusters: rotational properties.
- Tiongco, M.A.; Vesperini, E.; Varri, A.L.
- 2017MNRAS.469..693O
- AGNs with discordant optical and X-ray classification are not a physical family: diverse origin in two AGNs.
- Ordovas-Pascual, I.; Mateos, S.; Carrera, F.J.; Wiersema, K.; Barcons, X.; Braito, V.; Caccianiga, A.; Del Moro, A.; Della Ceca, R.; Severgnini, P.
- 2017MNRAS.469..705S
- Environmental screening of dark matter haloes in f(R) gravity.
- Shi, D.; Li, B.; Han, J.
- 2017MNRAS.469..716K
- On the interpretation of the equatorially antisymmetric Jovian gravitational field.
- Kong, D.; Zhang, K.; Schubert, G.
- 2017MNRAS.469..721M
- Predictions for the detection of tidal streams with Gaia using great-circle methods.
- Mateu, C.; Cooper, A.P.; Font, A.S.; Aguilar, L.; Frenk, C.; Cole, S.; Wang, W.; McCarthy, I.G.
- 2017MNRAS.469..744K
- Why there is no Newtonian backreaction.
- Kaiser, N.
- 2017MNRAS.469..749P
- nIFTy cosmology: the clustering consistency of galaxy formation models.
- Pujol, A.; Skibba, R.A.; Gaztanaga, E.; Benson, A.; Blaizot, J.; Bower, R.; Carretero, J.; Castander, F.J.; Cattaneo, A.; Cora, S.A.; Croton, D.J.; Cui, W.; Cunnama, D.; De Lucia, G.; Devriendt, J.E.; Elahi, P.J.; Font, A.; Fontanot, F.; Garcia-Bellido, J.; Gargiulo, I.D.; Gonzalez-Perez, V.; Helly, J.; Henriques, B.M.B.; Hirschmann, M.; Knebe, A.; Lee, J.; Mamon, G.A.; Monaco, P.; Onions, J.; Padilla, N.D.; Pearce, F.R.; Power, C.; Somerville, R.S.; Srisawat, C.; Thomas, P.A.; Tollet, E.; Vega-Martinez, C.A.; Yi, S.K.
- 2017MNRAS.469..763A – (Tables: I/341)
- The PMA Catalogue: 420 million positions and absolute proper motions.
- Akhmetov, V.S.; Fedorov, P.N.; Velichko, A.B.; Shulga, V.M.
- 2017MNRAS.469..774P
- Chemical abundances and kinematics of TYC 5619-109-1.
- Pereira, C.B.; Smith, V.V.; Drake, N.A.; Roig, F.; Hasselquist, S.; Cunha, K.; Jilinski, E.
- 2017MNRAS.469..787P
- On the linearity of tracer bias around voids.
- Pollina, G.; Hamaus, N.; Dolag, K.; Weller, J.; Baldi, M.; Moscardini, L.
- 2017MNRAS.469..813A
- Core shift effect in blazars.
- Agarwal, A.; Mohan, P.; Gupta, A.C.; Mangalam, A.; Volvach, A.E.; Aller, M.F.; Aller, H.D.; Gu, M.F.; Lahteenmaki, A.; Tornikoski, M.; Volvach, L.N.
- 2017MNRAS.469..841H
- Model atmospheres of sub-stellar mass objects.
- Hubeny, I.
- 2017MNRAS.469..870H
- Evolution of dust extinction curves in galaxy simulation.
- Hou, K.-C.; Hirashita, H.; Nagamine, K.; Aoyama, S.; Shimizu, I.
- 2017MNRAS.469..886S
- Outbursts of the intermediate-mass black hole HLX-1: a wind-instability scenario.
- Soria, R.; Musaeva, A.; Wu, K.; Zampieri, L.; Federle, S.; Urquhart, R.; van der Helm, E.; Farrell, S.
- 2017MNRAS.469..906A
- Search for high-energy neutrinos from bright GRBs with ANTARES.
- Albert, A.; Andre, M.; Anghinolfi, M.; Anton, G.; Ardid, M.; Aubert, J.-J.; Avgitas, T.; Baret, B.; Barrios-Marti, J.; Basa, S.; Bertin, V.; Biagi, S.; Bormuth, R.; Bourret, S.; Bouwhuis, M.C.; Bruijn, R.; Brunner, J.; Busto, J.; Capone, A.; Caramete, L.; Carr, J.; Celli, S.; Chiarusi, T.; Circella, M.; Coelho, J.A.B.; Coleiro, A.; Coniglione, R.; Costantini, H.; Coyle, P.; Creusot, A.; Deschamps, A.; De Bonis, G.; Distefano, C.; Di Palma, I.; Donzaud, C.; Dornic, D.; Drouhin, D.; Eberl, T.; El Bojaddaini, I.; Elsasser, D.; Enzenhofer, A.; Felis, I.; Fusco, L.A.; Galata, S.; Gay, P.; Geisselsoder, S.; Geyer, K.; Giordano, V.; Gleixner, A.; Glotin, H.; Gregoire, T.; Gracia-Ruiz, R.; Graf, K.; Hallmann, S.; van Haren, H.; Heijboer, A.J.; Hello, Y.; Hernandez-Rey, J.J.; Hossl, J.; Hofestadt, J.; Hugon, C.; Illuminati, G.; James, C.W.; de Jong, M.; Jongen, M.; Kadler, M.; Kalekin, O.; Katz, U.; Kiessling, D.; Kouchner, A.; Kreter, M.; Kreykenbohm, I.; Kulikovskiy, V.; Lachaud, C.; Lahmann, R.; Lefevre, D.; Leonora, E.; Lotze, M.; Loucatos, S.; Marcelin, M.; Margiotta, A.; Marinelli, A.; Martinez-Mora, J.A.; Mathieu, A.; Mele, R.; Melis, K.; Michael, T.; Migliozzi, P.; Moussa, A.; Mueller, C.; Nezri, E.; Pavalas, G.E.; Pellegrino, C.; Perrina, C.; Piattelli, P.; Popa, V.; Pradier, T.; Quinn, L.; Racca, C.; Riccobene, G.; Roensch, K.; Sanchez-Losa, A.; Saldana, M.; Salvadori, I.; Samtleben, D.F.E.; Sanguineti, M.; Sapienza, P.; Schnabel, J.; Schussler, F.; Seitz, T.; Sieger, C.; Spurio, M.; Stolarczyk, T.; Taiuti, M.; Tayalati, Y.; Trovato, A.; Tselengidou, M.; Turpin, D.; Tonnis, C.; Vallage, B.; Vallee, C.; Van Elewyck, V.; Vivolo, D.; Vizzocca, A.; Wagner, S.; Wilms, J.; Zornoza, J.D.; Zuniga, J.
- 2017MNRAS.469..916B
- The emission structure of formaldehyde megamasers.
- Baan, W.A.; An, T.; Klockner, H.-R.; Thomasson, P.
- 2017MNRAS.469..930C
- LISA detection of binary black holes in the Milky Way galaxy.
- Christian, P.; Loeb, A.
- 2017MNRAS.469..938O
- An accelerated splitting algorithm for radio-interferometric imaging: when natural and uniform weighting meet.
- Onose, A.; Dabbech, A.; Wiaux, Y.
- 2017MNRAS.469..950R
- V729 Sgr: a long period dwarf nova showing negative superhumps during quiescence.
- Ramsay, G.; Wood, M.A.; Cannizzo, J.K.; Howell, S.B.; Smale, A.
- 2017MNRAS.469..956K
- X-ray observations of FO Aqr during the 2016 low state.
- Kennedy, M.R.; Garnavich, P.M.; Littlefield, C.; Callanan, P.; Mukai, K.; Aadland, E.; Kotze, M.M.; Kotze, E.J.
- 2017MNRAS.469..968X
- H2-based star formation laws in hierarchical models of galaxy formation.
- Xie, L.; De Lucia, G.; Hirschmann, M.; Fontanot, F.; Zoldan, A.
- 2017MNRAS.469..994M
- A two-stage outflow in NGC 1068.
- May, D.; Steiner, J.E.
- 2017MNRAS.469.1026L
- Maximizing survey volume for large-area multi-epoch surveys with Voronoi tessellation.
- Lam, M.C.
- 2017MNRAS.469.1054A
- Barred galaxies in the EAGLE cosmological hydrodynamical simulation.
- Algorry, D.G.; Navarro, J.F.; Abadi, M.G.; Sales, L.V.; Bower, R.G.; Crain, R.A.; Dalla Vecchia, C.; Frenk, C.S.; Schaller, M.; Schaye, J.; Theuns, T.
- 2017MNRAS.469.1065D
- SPIDERS: selection of spectroscopic targets using AGN candidates detected in all-sky X-ray surveys.
- Dwelly, T.; Salvato, M.; Merloni, A.; Brusa, M.; Buchner, J.; Anderson, S.F.; Boller, T.; Brandt, W.N.; Budavari, T.; Clerc, N.; Coffey, D.; Del Moro, A.; Georgakakis, A.; Green, P.J.; Jin, C.; Menzel, M.-L.; Myers, A.D.; Nandra, K.; Nichol, R.C.; Ridl, J.; Schwope, A.D.; Simm, T.
- 2017MNRAS.469.1101G
- The history of the dark and luminous side of Milky Way-like progenitors.
- Graziani, L.; de Bennassuti, M.; Schneider, R.; Kawata, D.; Salvadori, S.
- 2017MNRAS.469.1117C
- Hydrodynamic ablation of protoplanetary discs via supernovae.
- Close, J.L.; Pittard, J.M.
- 2017MNRAS.469.1131M
- On the migration-induced formation of the 9:7 mean motion resonance.
- Migaszewski, C.
- 2017MNRAS.469.1147H
- Estimating the baryonic masses of face-on spiral galaxies from stellar kinematics.
- Hessman, F.V.
- 2017MNRAS.469.1157S
- Exponential profiles from stellar scattering off of interstellar clumps and holes in dwarf galaxy discs.
- Struck, C.; Elmegreen, B.G.
- 2017MNRAS.469.1166D
- High-mass X-ray binaries and the cosmic 21-cm signal: impact of host galaxy absorption.
- Das, A.; Mesinger, A.; Pallottini, A.; Ferrara, A.; Wise, J.H.
- 2017MNRAS.469.1175P
- Representative galaxy age-metallicity relationships.
- Piatti, A.E.; Aparicio, A.; Hidalgo, S.L.
- 2017MNRAS.469.1186S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/469/1186)
- Deriving photometric redshifts using fuzzy archetypes and self-organizing maps - I. Methodology.
- Speagle, J.S.; Eisenstein, D.J.
- 2017MNRAS.469.1205S
- Deriving photometric redshifts using fuzzy archetypes and self-organizing maps - II. Implementation.
- Speagle, J.S.; Eisenstein, D.J.
- 2017MNRAS.469.1225W
- Fine-structure electron-impact excitation of Ne+ and Ne^2 +^ for low-temperature astrophysical plasmas.
- Wang, Q.; Loch, S.D.; Li, Y.; Pindzola, M.S.; Cumbee, R.S.; Stancil, P.C.; McLaughlin, B.M.; Ballance, C.P.
- 2017MNRAS.469.1233H
- SU(2)CMB at high redshifts and the value of H0.
- Hahn, S.; Hofmann, R.
- 2017MNRAS.469.1246K
- Gaia16apd - a link between fast and slowly declining type I superluminous supernovae.
- Kangas, T.; Blagorodnova, N.; Mattila, S.; Lundqvist, P.; Fraser, M.; Burgaz, U.; Cappellaro, E.; Carrasco Martinez, J.M.; Elias-Rosa, N.; Hardy, L.K.; Harmanen, J.; Hsiao, E.Y.; Isern, J.; Kankare, E.; Kolaczkowski, Z.; Nielsen, M.B.; Reynolds, T.M.; Rhodes, L.; Somero, A.; Stritzinger, M.D.; Wyrzykowski, L.
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