Monthly Notices of the RAS 468
July(II) 2017

Searching for planetary signals in Doppler time series: a performance evaluation of tools for periodogram analysis.
Pinamonti, M.; Sozzetti, A.; Bonomo, A.S.; Damasso, M.
Simulating the impact of X-ray heating during the cosmic dawn.
Ross, H.E.; Dixon, K.L.; Iliev, I.T.; Mellema, G.
The late-time light curve of the Type Ia supernova SN 2011fe.
Dimitriadis, G.; Sullivan, M.; Kerzendorf, W.; Ruiter, A.J.; Seitenzahl, I.R.; Taubenberger, S.; Doran, G.B.; Gal-Yam, A.; Laher, R.R.; Maguire, K.; Nugent, P.; Ofek, E.O.; Surace, J.
Constraints on halo formation from cross-correlations with correlated variables.
Castorina, E.; Paranjape, A.; Sheth, R.K.
The WAGGS project - I. The WiFeS Atlas of Galactic Globular cluster Spectra.
Usher, C.; Pastorello, N.; Bellstedt, S.; Alabi, A.; Cerulo, P.; Chevalier, L.; Fraser-McKelvie, A.; Penny, S.; Foster, C.; McDermid, R.M.; Schiavon, R.P.; Villaume, A.
Rings and gaps produced by variable magnetic disc winds and avalanche accretion streams - I. Axisymmetric resistive MHD simulations.
Suriano, S.S.; Li, Z.-Y.; Krasnopolsky, R.; Shang, H.
Analysing the 21 cm signal from the epoch of reionization with artificial neural networks.
Shimabukuro, H.; Semelin, B.
Radio-frequency microstructure and polarization in ion-proton pulsars.
Jones, P.B.
The origin and evolution of fast and slow rotators in the Illustris simulation.
Penoyre, Z.; Moster, B.P.; Sijacki, D.; Genel, S.
2017MNRAS.468.3907K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/468/3907)
Rayleigh scattering in the transmission spectrum of HAT-P-18b.
Kirk, J.; Wheatley, P.J.; Louden, T.; Doyle, A.P.; Skillen, I.; McCormac, J.; Irwin, P.G.J.; Karjalainen, R.
Supra-galactic colour patterns in globular cluster systems.
Forte, J.C.
Blossoms from black hole seeds: properties and early growth regulated by supernova feedback.
Habouzit, M.; Volonteri, M.; Dubois, Y.
The SLUGGS survey: dark matter fractions at large radii and assembly epochs of early-type galaxies from globular cluster kinematics.
Alabi, A.B.; Forbes, D.A.; Romanowsky, A.J.; Brodie, J.P.; Strader, J.; Janz, J.; Usher, C.; Spitler, L.R.; Bellstedt, S.; Ferre-Mateu, A.
2017MNRAS.468.3965F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/468/3965)
The SAMI Galaxy Survey: a new method to estimate molecular gas surface densities from star formation rates.
Federrath, C.; Salim, D.M.; Medling, A.M.; Davies, R.L.; Yuan, T.; Bian, F.; Groves, B.A.; Ho, I.-T.; Sharp, R.; Kewley, L.J.; Sweet, S.M.; Richards, S.N.; Bryant, J.J.; Brough, S.; Croom, S.; Scott, N.; Lawrence, J.; Konstantopoulos, I.; Goodwin, M.
Very hard states in neutron star low-mass X-ray binaries.
Parikh, A.S.; Wijnands, R.; Degenaar, N.; Altamirano, D.; Patruno, A.; Gusinskaia, N.V.; Hessels, J.W.T.
Confirming the oblique rotator model for the extremely slowly rotating O8f?p star HD 108.
Shultz, M.; Wade, G.A.
Fast computation of quadrupole and hexadecapole approximations in microlensing with a single point-source evaluation.
Cassan, A.
On estimating the total number of intermediate mass black holes.
Caputo, D.P.; de Vries, N.; Patruno, A.; Portegies Zwart, S.
2017MNRAS.468.4006M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/468/4006)
SCUBA-2 follow-up of Herschel-SPIRE observed Planck overdensities.
MacKenzie, T.P.; Scott, D.; Bianconi, M.; Clements, D.L.; Dole, H.A.; Flores-Cacho, I.; Guery, D.; Kneissl, R.; Lagache, G.; Marleau, F.R.; Montier, L.; Nesvadba, N.P.H.; Pointecouteau, E.; Soucail, G.
A test of the neutron star hypothesis for Fomalhaut b.
Poppenhaeger, K.; Auchettl, K.; Wolk, S.J.
Influence of a large-scale field on energy dissipation in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence.
Zhdankin, V.; Boldyrev, S.; Mason, J.
Optical thickness, spin temperature and correction factor for the density of Galactic H I gas.
Sofue, Y.
Ultra-diffuse galaxies outside clusters: clues to their formation and evolution.
Roman, J.; Trujillo, I.
Testing MOG, non-local gravity and MOND with rotation curves of dwarf galaxies.
Zhoolideh Haghighi, M.H.; Rahvar, S.
The features of the Cosmic Web unveiled by the flip-flop field.
Shandarin, S.F.; Medvedev, M.V.
The little Galaxies that could (reionize the universe): predicting faint end slopes & escape fractions at z>4.
Anderson, L.; Governato, F.; Karcher, M.; Quinn, T.; Wadsley, J.
Protostellar feedback in turbulent fragmentation: consequences for stellar clustering and multiplicity.
Guszejnov, D.; Hopkins, P.F.; Krumholz, M.R.
The fate of the gaseous discs of galaxies that fall into clusters.
Ruggiero, R.; Lima Neto, G.B.
The clustering of galaxies in the completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: towards a computationally efficient analysis without informative priors.
Pellejero-Ibanez, M.; Chuang, C.-H.; Rubino-Martin, J.A.; Cuesta, A.J.; Wang, Y.; Zhao, G.; Ross, A.J.; Rodriguez-Torres, S.; Prada, F.; Slosar, A.; Vazquez, J.A.; Alam, S.; Beutler, F.; Eisenstein, D.J.; Gil-Marin, H.; Grieb, J.N.; Ho, S.; Kitaura, F.-S.; Percival, W.J.; Rossi, G.; Salazar-Albornoz, S.; Samushia, L.; Sanchez, A.G.; Satpathy, S.; Seo, H.-J.; Tinker, J.L.; Tojeiro, R.; Vargas-Magana, M.; Brownstein, J.R.; Nichol, R.C.; Olmstead, M.D.
Physical properties of superbubbles in the Antennae galaxies.
Camps-Farina, A.; Zaragoza-Cardiel, J.; Beckman, J.E.; Font, J.; Velazquez, P.F.; Rodriguez-Gonzalez, A.; Rosado, M.
Dynamical lifetimes of asteroids in retrograde orbits.
Kankiewicz, P.; Wlodarczyk, I.
2017MNRAS.468.4151I – (Tables: J/MNRAS/468/4151)
The metal-rich abundance pattern - spectroscopic properties and abundances for 107 main-sequence stars.
Ivanyuk, O.M.; Jenkins, J.S.; Pavlenko, Y.V.; Jones, H.R.A.; Pinfield, D.J.
Metal flows of the circumgalactic medium, and the metal budget in galactic haloes.
Muratov, A.L.; Keres, D.; Faucher-Giguere, C.-A.; Hopkins, P.F.; Ma, X.; Angles-Alcazar, D.; Chan, T.K.; Torrey, P.; Hafen, Z.H.; Quataert, E.; Murray, N.
Star formation and ISM morphology in tidally induced spiral structures.
Pettitt, A.R.; Tasker, E.J.; Wadsley, J.W.; Keller, B.W.; Benincasa, S.M.
ALMA observations of cold molecular gas in AGN hosts at z ∼ 1.5 - evidence of AGN feedback?
Kakkad, D.; Mainieri, V.; Brusa, M.; Padovani, P.; Carniani, S.; Feruglio, C.; Sargent, M.; Husemann, B.; Bongiorno, A.; Bonzini, M.; Piconcelli, E.; Silverman, J.D.; Rujopakarn, W.
The structural and dynamical properties of compact elliptical galaxies.
Yildirim, A.; van den Bosch, R.C.E.; van de Ven, G.; Martin-Navarro, I.; Walsh, J.L.; Husemann, B.; Gultekin, K.; Gebhardt, K.
Limiting magnetic fields in the cosmic web with diffuse radio emission.
Brown, S.; Vernstrom, T.; Carretti, E.; Dolag, K.; Gaensler, B.M.; Staveley-Smith, L.; Bernardi, G.; Haverkorn, M.; Kesteven, M.; Poppi, S.
Erratum: A very dark stellar system lost in Virgo: kinematics and metallicity of SECCO 1 with MUSE.
Beccari, G.; Bellazzini, M.; Magrini, L.; Coccato, L.; Cresci, G.; Fraternali, F.; de Zeeuw, P.T.; Husemann, B.; Ibata, R.; Battaglia, G.; Martin, N.; Testa, V.; Perina, S.; Correnti, M.
Spatial structure of several diffuse interstellar band carriers.
Kos, J.
The high-temperature singlet spectrum of zirconium sulfide.
Farhat, A.
Properties of Local Group galaxies in hydrodynamical simulations of sterile neutrino dark matter cosmologies.
Lovell, M.R.; Bose, S.; Boyarsky, A.; Crain, R.A.; Frenk, C.S.; Hellwing, W.A.; Ludlow, A.D.; Navarro, J.F.; Ruchayskiy, O.; Sawala, T.; Schaller, M.; Schaye, J.; Theuns, T.
Unstable standard candles. Periodic light-curve modulation in fundamental mode classical Cepheids.
Smolec, R.
Non-LTE line formation of Fe in late-type stars - IV. Modelling of the solar centre-to-limb variation in 3D.
Lind, K.; Amarsi, A.M.; Asplund, M.; Barklem, P.S.; Bautista, M.; Bergemann, M.; Collet, R.; Kiselman, D.; Leenaarts, J.; Pereira, T.M.D.
On the realistic validation of photometric redshifts.
Beck, R.; Lin, C.-A.; Ishida, E.E.O.; Gieseke, F.; de Souza, R.S.; Costa-Duarte, M.V.; Hattab, M.W.; Krone-Martins, A.; (The COIN Collaboration)
Dynamical histories of the IC 348 and NGC 1333 star-forming regions in Perseus.
Parker, R.J.; Alves de Oliveira, C.
Self-similar accretion in thin discs around near-extremal black holes.
Compere, G.; Oliveri, R.
A hierarchical model for the ages of Galactic halo white dwarfs.
Si, S.; van Dyk, D.A.; von Hippel, T.; Robinson, E.; Webster, A.; Stenning, D.
Investigating the multifrequency pulse profiles of PSRs B0329+54 and B1642-03 in an inverse Compton scattering model.
Shang, L.-H.; Lu, J.-G.; Du, Y.-J.; Hao, L.-F.; Li, Di; Lee, K.-J.; Li, B.; Li, L.-X.; Qiao, G.-J.; Shen, Z.-Q.; Wang, D.-H.; Wang, M.; Wu, X.-J.; Wu, Y.-J.; Xu, R.-X.; Yue, Y.-L.; Yan, Z.; Zhi, Q.-J.; Zhao, R.-B.; Zhao, R.-S.
Secular dimming of KIC 8462852 following its consumption of a planet.
Metzger, B.D.; Shen, K.J.; Stone, N.
Impact of modelling foreground uncertainties on future CMB polarization satellite experiments.
Hervias-Caimapo, C.; Bonaldi, A.; Brown, M.L.
On binary channels to anomalous Cepheids.
Gautschy, A.; Saio, H.
Radial anisotropy in ω Cen limiting the room for an intermediate-mass black hole.
Zocchi, A.; Gieles, M.; Henault-Brunet, V.
Long-term evolution of initially unvirialized, clumpy, mass-segregated star clusters in tidal fields.
Rossi, L.J.; Hurley, J.R.; Bekki, K.
Global stability of self-gravitating discs in modified gravity.
Ghafourian, N.; Roshan, M.
Mass transfer and disc formation in AGB binary systems.
Chen, Z.; Frank, A.; Blackman, E.G.; Nordhaus, J.; Carroll-Nellenback, J.
A connection between γ-ray and parsec-scale radio flares in the blazar 3C 273.
Lisakov, M.M.; Kovalev, Y.Y.; Savolainen, T.; Hovatta, T.; Kutkin, A.M.
A local leaky-box model for the local stellar surface density-gas surface density-gas phase metallicity relation.
Zhu, G.B.; Barrera-Ballesteros, J.K.; Heckman, T.M.; Zakamska, N.L.; Sanchez, S.F.; Yan, R.; Brinkmann, J.
Intrinsic alignment of redMaPPer clusters: cluster shape-matter density correlation.
van Uitert, E.; Joachimi, B.
Ages and structural and dynamical parameters of two globular clusters in the M81 group.
Ma, J.; Wang, S.; Wu, Z.; Zhang, T.; Zou, Hu; Zhou, Z.; Nie, J.; Zhou, Xu; Peng, X.; Wang, J.; Wu, J.; Du, C.; Yuan, Q.
Compton thick absorber in type 1 quasar 3C 345 revealed by Suzaku and Swift/BAT.
Eguchi, S.
HST and ground-based spectroscopy of quasar outflows: from mini-BALs to BALs.
Moravec, E.A.; Hamann, F.; Capellupo, D.M.; McGraw, S.M.; Shields, J.C.; Rodriguez Hidalgo, P.
A unified framework for constructing, tuning and assessing photometric redshift density estimates in a selection bias setting.
Freeman, P.E.; Izbicki, R.; Lee, A.B.
Weak lensing and spectroscopic analysis of the nearby dissociative merging galaxy cluster Abell 3376.
Monteiro-Oliveira, R.; Lima Neto, G.B.; Cypriano, E.S.; Machado, R.E.G.; Capelato, H.V.; Lagana, T.F.; Durret, F.; Bagchi, J.
The galaxy population in cold and warm dark matter cosmologies.
Wang, L.; Gonzalez-Perez, V.; Xie, L.; Cooper, A.P.; Frenk, C.S.; Gao, L.; Hellwing, W.A.; Helly, J.; Lovell, M.R.; Jiang, L.
Reduction of unsaturated compounds under interstellar conditions: chemoselective reduction of C≡C and C=C bonds over C=O functional group.
Jonusas, M.; Guillemin, J.-C.; Krim, L.
Gap formation by inclined massive planets in locally isothermal three-dimensional discs.
Chametla, R.O.; Sanchez-Salcedo, F.J.; Masset, F.S.; Hidalgo-Gamez, A.M.
Preprocessing, mass-loss and mass segregation of galaxies in dark matter simulations.
Joshi, G.D.; Wadsley, J.; Parker, L.C.
Kink instability of force-free jets: a parameter space study.
Sobacchi, E.; Lyubarsky, Y.E.; Sormani, M.C.
Complexity in the light curves and spectra of slow-evolving superluminous supernovae.
Inserra, C.; Nicholl, M.; Chen, T.-W.; Jerkstrand, A.; Smartt, S.J.; Kruhler, T.; Anderson, J.P.; Baltay, C.; Della Valle, M.; Fraser, M.; Gal-Yam, A.; Galbany, L.; Kankare, E.; Maguire, K.; Rabinowitz, D.; Smith, K.; Valenti, S.; Young, D.R.
WISDOM project - I. Black hole mass measurement using molecular gas kinematics in NGC 3665.
Onishi, K.; Iguchi, S.; Davis, T.A.; Bureau, M.; Cappellari, M.; Sarzi, M.; Blitz, L.
WISDOM Project - II. Molecular gas measurement of the supermassive black hole mass in NGC 4697.
Davis, T.A.; Bureau, M.; Onishi, K.; Cappellari, M.; Iguchi, S.; Sarzi, M.
On the contribution of active galactic nuclei to the high-redshift metagalactic ionizing background.
D'Aloisio, A.; Upton Sanderbeck, P.R.; McQuinn, M.; Trac, Hy; Shapiro, P.R.
Eight new luminous z >= 6 quasars discovered via SED model fitting of VISTA, WISE and Dark Energy Survey Year 1 observations.
Reed, S.L.; McMahon, R.G.; Martini, P.; Banerji, M.; Auger, M.; Hewett, P.C.; Koposov, S.E.; Gibbons, S.L.J.; Gonzalez-Solares, E.; Ostrovski, F.; Tie, S.S.; Abdalla, F.B.; Allam, S.; Benoit-Levy, A.; Bertin, E.; Brooks, D.; Buckley-Geer, E.; Burke, D.L.; Carnero Rosell, A.; Carrasco Kind, M.; Carretero, J.; da Costa, L.N.; DePoy, D.L.; Desai, S.; Diehl, H.T.; Doel, P.; Evrard, A.E.; Finley, D.A.; Flaugher, B.; Fosalba, P.; Frieman, J.; Garcia-Bellido, J.; Gaztanaga, E.; Goldstein, D.A.; Gruen, D.; Gruendl, R.A.; Gutierrez, G.; James, D.J.; Kuehn, K.; Kuropatkin, N.; Lahav, O.; Lima, M.; Maia, M.A.G.; Marshall, J.L.; Melchior, P.; Miller, C.J.; Miquel, R.; Nord, B.; Ogando, R.; Plazas, A.A.; Romer, A.K.; Sanchez, E.; Scarpine, V.; Schubnell, M.; Sevilla-Noarbe, I.; Smith, R.C.; Sobreira, F.; Suchyta, E.; Swanson, M.E.C.; Tarle, G.; Tucker, D.L.; Walker, A.R.; Wester, W.
Amplitude of the Lidov-Kozai i and e oscillations in asteroid families.
Vinogradova, T.A.
A Herschel resolved debris disc around HD 105211.
Hengst, S.; Marshall, J.P.; Horner, J.; Marsden, S.C.
2017MNRAS.468.4735L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/468/4735)
Determination of the turbulent parameter in accretion discs: effects of self-irradiation in 4U 1543-47 during the 2002 outburst.
Lipunova, G.V.; Malanchev, K.L.
An atlas of exotic variability in IGR J17091-3624: a comparison with GRS 1915+105.
Court, J.M.C.; Altamirano, D.; Pereyra, M.; Boon, C.M.; Yamaoka, K.; Belloni, T.; Wijnands, R.; Pahari, M.
Characterization of the radial velocity signal induced by rotation in late-type dwarfs.
Suarez Mascareno, A.; Rebolo, R.; Gonzalez Hernandez, J.I.; Esposito, M.
Selection bias in dynamically measured supermassive black hole samples: scaling relations and correlations between residuals in semi-analytic galaxy formation models.
Barausse, E.; Shankar, F.; Bernardi, M.; Dubois, Y.; Sheth, R.K.
Clumpy galaxies seen in H α: inflated observed clump properties due to limited spatial resolution and sensitivity.
Tamburello, V.; Rahmati, A.; Mayer, L.; Cava, A.; Dessauges-Zavadsky, M.; Schaerer, D.
Entrainment in trouble: cool cloud acceleration and destruction in hot supernova-driven galactic winds.
Zhang, D.; Thompson, T.A.; Quataert, E.; Murray, N.
White dwarf dynamical interactions and fast optical transients.
Garcia-Berro, E.; Badenes, C.; Aznar-Siguan, G.; Loren-Aguilar, P.
The sparkling Universe: clustering of voids and void clumps.
Lares, M.; Ruiz, A.N.; Luparello, H.E.; Ceccarelli, L.; Garcia Lambas, D.; Paz, D.J.
Interpreting ALMA observations of the ISM during the epoch of reionization.
Katz, H.; Kimm, T.; Sijacki, D.; Haehnelt, M.G.
Disruption of sheet-like structures in Alfvenic turbulence by magnetic reconnection.
Mallet, A.; Schekochihin, A.A.; Chandran, B.D.G.
Hierarchical inference of the relationship between concentration and mass in galaxy groups and clusters.
Lieu, M.; Farr, W.M.; Betancourt, M.; Smith, G.P.; Sereno, M.; McCarthy, I.G.
Tidal features of classical Milky Way satellites in a Λ cold dark matter universe.
Wang, M.-Y.; Fattahi, A.; Cooper, A.P.; Sawala, T.; Strigari, L.E.; Frenk, C.S.; Navarro, J.F.; Oman, K.; Schaller, M.
A new method to unveil blazars among multiwavelength counterparts of unassociated Fermi γ-ray sources.
Paiano, S.; Franceschini, A.; Stamerra, A.
An intermediate luminosity optical transient (ILOTs) model for the young stellar object ASASSN-15qi.
Kashi, A.; Soker, N.
Modelling the vertical structure of nuclear starburst discs: a possible source of AGN obscuration at z ∼ 1.
Gohil, R.; Ballantyne, D.R.
Do AGN outflows quench or enhance star formation?
Zubovas, K.; Bourne, M.A.
The search for failed supernovae with the Large Binocular Telescope: confirmation of a disappearing star.
Adams, S.M.; Kochanek, C.S.; Gerke, J.R.; Stanek, K.Z.; Dai, X.
The asteroid population in g-type non-linear secular resonances.
Huaman, M.; Carruba, V.; Domingos, R.C.; Aljbaae, S.
2017MNRAS.468.4992P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/468/4992)
MOJAVE - XIV. Shapes and opening angles of AGN jets.
Pushkarev, A.B.; Kovalev, Y.Y.; Lister, M.L.; Savolainen, T.
A test for skewed distributions of dark matter, and a possible detection in galaxy cluster Abell 3827.
Taylor, P.; Massey, R.; Jauzac, M.; Courbin, F.; Harvey, D.; Joseph, R.; Robertson, A.
Most frequent value statistics and distribution of 7Li abundance observations.
Zhang, J.
Formation pathway of Population III coalescing binary black holes through stable mass transfer.
Inayoshi, K.; Hirai, R.; Kinugawa, T.; Hotokezaka, K.
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