Monthly Notices of the RAS 454
November(III) 2015

Efficiency of super-Eddington magnetically-arrested accretion
McKinney, Jonathan C. ; Dai, Lixin ; Avara, Mark J.
The Galactic chemical evolution of oxygen inferred from 3D non-LTE spectral-line-formation calculations
Amarsi, A.M. ; Asplund, M. ; Collet, R. ; Leenaarts, J.
Identification of a new γ-ray-emitting narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy, at redshift ∼ 1
Yao, Su (1) (2) ; Yuan, Weimin ; Zhou, Hongyan (2) ; Komossa, S. ; Zhang, Jin ; Qiao, Erlin ; Liu, Bifang
Multiple periods in the variability of the supermassive black hole binary candidate quasar PG1302-102?
Charisi, M. ; Bartos, I. ; Haiman, Z. ; Price-Whelan, A.M. ; Márka, S.
Discovery of a second outbursting hyperluminous X-ray source
Heida, M. (1) ; Jonker, P.G. (1) ; Torres, M.A.P. (1) (2)
2015MNRAS.454L..31A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/454/L31)
Confronting GRB prompt emission with a model for subphotospheric dissipation
Ahlgren, Björn ; Larsson, Josefin ; Nymark, Tanja ; Ryde, Felix ; Pe'er, Asaf
ALMA images of discs: are all gaps carved by planets?
Gonzalez, J.-F. ; Laibe, G. ; Maddison, S.T. ; Pinte, C. (4) ; Ménard, F. (4)
Formation of emission line dots and extremely metal-deficient dwarfs from almost dark galaxies
Bekki, Kenji
Galactic interstellar filaments as probed by LOFAR and Planck
Zaroubi, S. ; Jelic, V. (1) (2) ; de Bruyn, A.G. (1) ; Boulanger, F. ; Bracco, A. (4) ; Kooistra, R. ; Alves, M.I.R. (6) ; Brentjens, M.A. ; Ferrière, K. (6) ; Ghosh, T. ; Koopmans, L.V.E. ; Levrier, F. ; Miville-Deschênes, M.-A. ; Montier, L. (6) ; Pandey, V.N. ; Soler, J.D.
First measurement of H i 21 cm emission from a GRB host galaxy indicates a post-merger system
Arabsalmani, Maryam (1) ; Roychowdhury, Sambit ; Zwaan, Martin A. ; Kanekar, Nissim ; Michalowski, Michal J.
Discovery of two new bright magnetic B stars: i Car and Atlas
Neiner, Coralie ; Buysschaert, Bram (1) ; Oksala, Mary E. ; Blazère, Aurore (1)
Type Ia supernovae with bimodal explosions are common - possible smoking gun for direct collisions of white dwarfs
Dong, Subo ; Katz, Boaz (2) ; Kushnir, Doron ; Prieto, Jose L. (4)
Scattering experiments meet N-body - I. A practical recipe for the evolution of massive black hole binaries in stellar environments
Sesana, Alberto ; Khan, Fazeel Mahmood
The IMF-sensitive 1.14-µm Na i doublet in early-type galaxies
Smith, Russell J. ; Alton, Padraig ; Lucey, John R. ; Conroy, Charlie ; Carter, David
Cosmic reionization after Planck
Mitra, Sourav ; Choudhury, T.Roy ; Ferrara, Andrea
The reactivation of main-belt Comet 324P/La Sagra (P/2010 R2)
Hsieh, H.H. (1) ; Sheppard, S.S.
First discovery of a magnetic field in a main-sequence δ Scuti star: the Kepler star HD 188774
Neiner, C. ; Lampens, P.
Tables of phase functions, opacities, albedos, equilibrium temperatures, and radiative accelerations of dust grains in exoplanets
Budaj, J. (1) ; Kocifaj, M. ; Salmeron, R. ; Hubeny, I.
2015MNRAS.454...28M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/454/28)
Bayesian statistics as a new tool for spectral analysis - I. Application for the determination of basic parameters of massive stars
Mugnes, J.-M.; Robert, C.
A wide binary trigger for white dwarf pollution
Bonsor, Amy (1) ; Veras, Dimitri
Tidal downsizing model - I. Numerical methods: saving giant planets from tidal disruptions
Nayakshin, Sergei
NIHAO project - I. Reproducing the inefficiency of galaxy formation across cosmic time with a large sample of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations
Wang, Liang (1) (2) ; Dutton, Aaron A. ; Stinson, Gregory S. ; Macciò, Andrea V. ; Penzo, Camilla ; Kang, Xi ; Keller, Ben W. ; Wadsley, James
2015MNRAS.454...95M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/454/95)
SN 2011fu: a type IIb supernova with a luminous double-peaked light curve
Morales-Garoffolo, A. ; Elias-Rosa, N. ; Bersten, M. (3) (4) ; Jerkstrand, A. ; Taubenberger, S. (7) ; Benetti, S. ; Cappellaro, E. ; Kotak, R. ; Pastorello, A. ; Bufano, F. ; Domínguez, R.M. ; Ergon, M. ; Fraser, M. ; Gao, X. ; García, E. (14) (15) ; Howell, D.A. (17) ; Isern, J. ; Smartt, S.J. ; Tomasella, L. ; Valenti, S. (17)
A determination of the gamma-ray flux and photon spectral index distributions of blazars from the Fermi-LAT 3LAC
Singal, J.
2015MNRAS.454..123O – (Tables: J/MNRAS/454/123)
Long-term monitoring of orbital modulation and secondary-star irradiation in Nova Cas 1995 (V723 Cas)
Ochner, P. ; Moschini, F. ; Munari, U. ; Frigo, A.
High-contrast imaging of Sirius A with VLT/SPHERE: looking for giant planets down to one astronomical unit
Vigan, A. (1) ; Gry, C. ; Salter, G. ; Mesa, D. ; Homeier, D. (4) ; Moutou, C. (1) ; Allard, F.
Constraints on the broad line region from regularized linear inversion: velocity-delay maps for five nearby active galactic nuclei
Skielboe, Andreas ; Pancoast, Anna ; Treu, Tommaso (2) ; Park, Daeseong ; Barth, Aaron J. ; Bentz, Misty C.
Fossil group origins - VI. Global X-ray scaling relations of fossil galaxy clusters
Kundert, A. ; Gastaldello, F. ; D'Onghia, E. ; Girardi, M. (3) ; Aguerri, J.A.L. (5) ; Barrena, R. (5) ; Corsini, E.M. (7) ; De Grandi, S. ; Jiménez-Bailón, E. ; Lozada-Muñoz, M. ; Méndez-Abreu, J. ; Sánchez-Janssen, R. ; Wilcots, E. ; Zarattini, S. (5) (6)
A molecular line survey of a sample of AGB stars and planetary nebulae
Smith, C.L.; Zijlstra, A.A.; Fuller, G.A.
Theoretical study of deuteronated PAHs as carriers for IR emission features in the ISM
Buragohain, Mridusmita ; Pathak, Amit ; Sarre, Peter ; Onaka, Takashi ; Sakon, Itsuki
The very wide-field gzK galaxy survey - I. Details of the clustering properties of star-forming galaxies at z ∼ 2
Ishikawa, Shogo (1) ; Kashikawa, Nobunari (1) ; Toshikawa, Jun ; Onoue, Masafusa (1)
Erratum: The bias of DLAs at z ∼ 2.3: evidence for very strong stellar feedback in shallow potential wells
Barnes, Luke A. ; Haehnelt, Martin G.
The blue supergiant MN18 and its bipolar circumstellar nebula
Gvaramadze, V.V. (1) (2) ; Kniazev, A.Y. (1) (4) ; Bestenlehner, J.M. (6) ; Bodensteiner, J. (8) ; Langer, N. ; Greiner, J. ; Grebel, E.K. ; Berdnikov, L.N. (1) (3) ; Beletsky, Y.
The SILCC (SImulating the LifeCycle of molecular Clouds) project - I. Chemical evolution of the supernova-driven ISM
Walch, S. ; Girichidis, P. ; Naab, T. ; Gatto, A. ; Glover, S.C.O. ; Wünsch, R. ; Klessen, R.S. (3) (5) ; Clark, P.C. ; Peters, T. (2) ; Derigs, D. ; Baczynski, C.
Luminosity function of [Oii] emission-line galaxies in the MassiveBlack-II simulation
Park, KwangHo (1) ; Di Matteo, Tiziana ; Ho, Shirley ; Croft, Rupert ; Wilkins, Stephen M. ; Feng, Yu (1) ; Khandai, Nishikanta (5)
Kinematic bias in cosmological distance measurement
Kaiser, Nick ; Hudson, Michael J.
Observations of radio-quiet quasars at 10-mas resolution by use of gravitational lensing
Jackson, Neal ; Tagore, Amitpal S. ; Roberts, Carl ; Sluse, Dominique (2) ; Stacey, Hannah ; Vives-Arias, Hector (1) ; Wucknitz, Olaf ; Volino, Filomena
Self-consistent triaxial models
Sanders, Jason L.; Evans, N.Wyn
R-matrix calculations of the photoionization cross-sections of Ti2+
Gao, J.W. ; Han, X.Y. ; Wang, J.G. ; Li, J.M. (2) (3)
The Tully-Fisher and mass-size relations from halo abundance matching
Desmond, Harry (1) ; Wechsler, Risa H. (1)
Lunar impact flashes from Geminids: analysis of luminous efficiencies and the flux of large meteoroids on Earth
Ortiz, J.L. ; Madiedo, J.M. (2) ; Morales, N. ; Santos-Sanz, P. ; Aceituno, F.J.
The WEBT campaign on the BL Lac object PG 1553+113 in 2013. An analysis of the enigmatic synchrotron emission
Raiteri, C.M. ; Stamerra, A. (1) ; Villata, M. ; Larionov, V.M. (3) (4) ; Acosta-Pulido, J.A. (6) ; Arévalo, M.J. (6) ; Arkharov, A.A. ; Bachev, R. ; Benítez, E. ; Bozhilov, V.V. ; Borman, G.A. ; Buemi, C.S. ; Calcidese, P. ; Carnerero, M.I. (1) (6) ; Carosati, D. (14) ; Chigladze, R.A. ; Damljanovic, G. ; Di Paola, A. ; Doroshenko, V.T. ; Efimova, N.V. ; Ehgamberdiev, S.A. ; Giroletti, M. ; González-Morales, P.A. (6) ; Grinon-Marin, A.B. (6) ; Grishina, T.S. ; Hiriart, D. ; Ibryamov, S. ; Klimanov, S.A. ; Kopatskaya, E.N. ; Kurtanidze, O.M. (16) ; Kurtanidze, S.O. ; Kurtenkov, A.A. (10) ; Larionova, L.V. ; Larionova, E.G. ; Lázaro, C. (6) ; Lähteenmäki, A. (24) ; Leto, P. ; Markovic, G. ; Mirzaqulov, D.O. ; Mokrushina, A.A. (3) ; Morozova, D.A. ; Mújica, R. ; Nazarov, S.V. ; Nikolashvili, M.G. ; Ohlert, J.M. ; Ovcharov, E.P. ; Paiano, S. (29) ; Pastor Yabar, A. (6) ; Prandini, E. (31) ; Ramakrishnan, V. ; Sadun, A.C. ; Semkov, E. ; Sigua, L.A. ; Strigachev, A. ; Tammi, J. ; Tornikoski, M. ; Trigilio, C. ; Troitskaya, Yu.V. ; Troitsky, I.S. ; Umana, G. ; Velasco, S. (6) ; Vince, O.
Long-term monitoring of the archetype Seyfert galaxy MCG-6-30-15: X-ray, optical and near-IR variability of the corona, disc and torus
Lira, P. ; Arévalo, P. ; Uttley, P. ; McHardy, I.M.M. ; Videla, L.
Fervent: chemistry-coupled, ionizing and non-ionizing radiative feedback in hydrodynamical simulations
Baczynski, C. ; Glover, S.C.O. ; Klessen, R.S. (1) (2)
Knot structures in jets formed by a two-mode ejection velocity time-variability
Raga, A.C. ; Rodríguez-Ramírez, J.C. ; Cantó, J. ; Velázquez, P.F.
Cold dust emission from X-ray AGN in the SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: dependence on luminosity, obscuration and AGN activity
Banerji, Manda (1) ; McMahon, R.G. (1) ; Willott, C.J. ; Geach, J.E. ; Harrison, C.M. ; Alaghband-Zadeh, S. ; Alexander, D.M. ; Bourne, N. ; Coppin, K.E.K. ; Dunlop, J.S. ; Farrah, D. ; Jarvis, M. (8) ; Michalowski, M.J. ; Page, M. ; Smith, D.J.B. ; Swinbank, A.M. ; Symeonidis, M. ; van der Werf, P.P.
Deconstructing the narrow-line region of the nearest obscured quasar
Villar Martín, M. (1) ; Bellocchi, E. ; Stern, J. ; Ramos Almeida, C. (4) ; Tadhunter, C. ; González Delgado, R.
A survey of FRB fields: limits on repeatability
Petroff, E. (1) (2) ; Johnston, S. ; Keane, E.F. (1) (3) ; van Straten, W. (1) ; Bailes, M. (1) ; Barr, E.D. (1) ; Barsdell, B.R. ; Burke-Spolaor, S. ; Caleb, M. (1) (3) ; Champion, D.J. ; Flynn, C. (1) ; Jameson, A. (1) ; Kramer, M. (8) ; Ng, C. ; Possenti, A. ; Stappers, B.W.
Submegaparsec individual photometric redshift estimation from cosmic web constraints
Aragon-Calvo, M.A. ; van de Weygaert, Rien ; Jones, Bernard J.T. ; Mobasher, Bahram
Detection of spatial correlations of Fundamental Plane residuals, and cosmological implications
Joachimi, Benjamin ; Singh, Sukhdeep ; Mandelbaum, Rachel
Constraint on a varying proton-to-electron mass ratio from molecular hydrogen absorption towards quasar SDSS J123714.60+064759.5
Daprà, M. ; Bagdonaite, J. ; Murphy, M.T. ; Ubachs, W.
2015MNRAS.454..507M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/454/507)
The OmegaWhite survey for short-period variable stars - I. Overview and first results
Macfarlane, S.A. (1) ; Toma, R. ; Ramsay, G. ; Groot, P.J. ; Woudt, P.A. ; Drew, J.E. ; Barentsen, G. ; Eislöffel, J.
Spectroscopic constraints on CH3OH formation: CO mixed with CH3OH ices towards young stellar objects
Penteado, E.M. ; Boogert, A.C.A. ; Pontoppidan, K.M. ; Ioppolo, S. ; Blake, G.A. ; Cuppen, H.M.
Spectral and timing analysis of the mHz QPOs in the neutron-star low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1636-53
Lyu, Ming ; Méndez, Mariano ; Zhang, Guobao ; Keek, L.
The Milky Way system in Λ cold dark matter cosmological simulations
Guo, Qi (1) ; Cooper, Andrew P. ; Frenk, Carlos ; Helly, John ; Hellwing, Wojciech A. (2)
On the total cosmological information in galaxy clustering: an analytical approach
Wolk, M.; Carron, J.; Szapudi, I.
The interstellar oxygen crisis, or where have all the oxygen atoms gone?
Wang, Shu (1) ; Li, Aigen ; Jiang, B.W.
A family of lowered isothermal models
Gieles, Mark; Zocchi, Alice
2015MNRAS.454..593B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/454/593)
A self-consistent, absolute isochronal age scale for young moving groups in the solar neighbourhood
Bell, Cameron P.M. ; Mamajek, Eric E. ; Naylor, Tim
Population synthesis of isolated neutron stars with magneto-rotational evolution - II. From radio-pulsars to magnetars
Gullón, M. ; Pons, J.A. ; Miralles, J.A. ; Viganò, D. ; Rea, N. (3) ; Perna, R.
Offset between stellar spiral arms and gas arms of the Milky Way
Hou, L.G.; Han, J.L.
Distribution of streaming rates into high-redshift galaxies
Goerdt, Tobias ; Ceverino, Daniel (2) ; Dekel, Avishai ; Teyssier, Romain
Vertical kinematics of the thick disc at 4.5 ≲ R ≲ 9.5 kpc
Hattori, Kohei; Gilmore, Gerard
Erratum: Molecular and atomic gas in dust lane early-type galaxies - I. Low star formation efficiencies in minor merger remnants
Davis, Timothy A. (1) ; Rowlands, Kate ; Allison, James R. ; Shabala, Stanislav S. ; Ting, Yuan-Sen ; Lagos, Claudia del P. (1) ; Kaviraj, Sugata ; Bourne, Nathan ; Dunne, Loretta (8) ; Eales, Steve ; Ivison, R.J. (1) ; Maddox, Steve (8) ; Smith, Daniel J.B. ; Smith, Matthew W.L. ; Temi, Pasquale
Preserving chemical signatures of primordial star formation in the first low-mass stars
Ji, Alexander P. ; Frebel, Anna ; Bromm, Volker
Large-scale outflow in quasar LBQS J1206+1052: HST/COS observations
Chamberlain, Carter; Arav, Nahum
Probing the end of reionization with the near zones of z ≳ 6 QSOs
Keating, Laura C. (1) ; Haehnelt, Martin G. (1) ; Cantalupo, Sebastiano ; Puchwein, Ewald (1)
Haloes light and dark: dynamical models of the stellar halo and constraints on the mass of the Galaxy
Williams, A.A.; Evans, N.W.
The importance of the cosmic web and halo substructure for power spectra
Pace, Francesco (1) ; Manera, Marc (3) ; Bacon, David J. ; Crittenden, Robert ; Percival, Will J.
The 2003-2004 multisite photometric campaign for the β Cephei and eclipsing star 16 (EN) Lacertae with an appendix on 2 Andromedae, the variable comparison star
Jerzykiewicz, M. ; Handler, G. ; Daszynska-Daszkiewicz, J. ; Pigulski, A. ; Poretti, E. ; Rodríguez, E. ; Amado, P.J. ; Kolaczkowski, Z. ; Uytterhoeven, K. (5) ; Dorokhova, T.N. ; Dorokhov, N.I. ; Lorenz, D. ; Zsuffa, D. ; Kim, S.-L. ; Bourge, P.-O. ; Acke, B. ; De Ridder, J. ; Verhoelst, T. ; Drummond, R. ; Movchan, A.I. ; Lee, J.-A. ; Steslicki, M. ; Molenda-Zakowicz, J. ; Garrido, R. ; Kim, S.-H. ; Michalska, G. ; Paparó, M. ; Antoci, V. ; Aerts, C.
Variations in the cyclotron resonant scattering features during 2011 outburst of 4U 0115+63
Iyer, N. (1) ; Mukherjee, D. ; Dewangan, G.C. ; Bhattacharya, D. ; Seetha, S.
GRMHD formulation of highly super-Chandrasekhar rotating magnetized white dwarfs: stable configurations of non-spherical white dwarfs
Subramanian, Sathyawageeswar; Mukhopadhyay, Banibrata
2015MNRAS.454..766A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/454/766)
The subarcsecond mid-infrared view of local active galactic nuclei - II. The mid-infrared-X-ray correlation
Asmus, D. (1) (2) ; Gandhi, P. (4) (5) ; Hönig, S.F. (4) (7) ; Smette, A. ; Duschl, W.J. (3)
Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the wavelength dependence of galaxy structure versus redshift and luminosity
Kennedy, Rebecca ; Bamford, Steven P. ; Baldry, Ivan ; Häussler, Boris (3) ; Holwerda, Benne W. ; Hopkins, Andrew M. ; Kelvin, Lee S. ; Lange, Rebecca ; Moffett, Amanda J. ; Popescu, Cristina C. (9) ; Taylor, Edward N. ; Tuffs, Richard J. ; Vika, Marina ; Vulcani, Benedetta
Mid-infrared spectroscopy of the Andromeda galaxy
Hemachandra, D. ; Barmby, P. ; Peeters, E. (1) ; Willner, S.P. ; Ashby, M.L.N. ; Smith, H.A. ; Gordon, K.D. ; Smith, D.A. ; Fazio, G.G.
Born-corrections to weak lensing of the cosmic microwave background temperature and polarization anisotropies
Hagstotz, Steffen (1) (2) ; Schäfer, Björn Malte ; Merkel, Philipp M.
2015MNRAS.454..839P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/454/839)
The VMC survey - XVI. Spatial variation of the cluster formation activity in the innermost regions of the Large Magellanic Cloud
Piatti, Andrés E. (1) ; de Grijs, Richard (3) (4) ; Ripepi, Vincenzo ; Ivanov, Valentin D. ; Cioni, Maria-Rosa L. (8) (9) ; Marconi, Marcella ; Rubele, Stefano ; Bekki, Kenji ; For, Bi-Qing
CoRoT space photometry of seven Cepheids
Poretti, E. (1) (2) ; Le Borgne, J.F. (2) ; Rainer, M. ; Baglin, A. ; Benko, J.M. ; Debosscher, J. ; Weiss, W.W.
Model-free analysis of quadruply imaged gravitationally lensed systems and substructured galaxies
Woldesenbet, Addishiwot G.; Williams, Liliya L.R.
A coronagraphic absorbing cloud reveals the narrow-line region and extended Lyman α emission of QSO J0823+0529
Fathivavsari, H. ; Petitjean, P. ; Noterdaeme, P. ; Pâris, I. ; Finley, H. (3) ; López, S. ; Srianand, R. ; Sánchez, P.
The nature of voids - II. Tracing underdensities with biased galaxies
Nadathur, S. ; Hotchkiss, S.
2015MNRAS.454..902U – (Tables: J/MNRAS/454/902)
SCORPIO: a deep survey of radio emission from the stellar life-cycle
Umana, G. ; Trigilio, C. ; Franzen, T.M.O. ; Norris, R.P. ; Leto, P. ; Ingallinera, A. ; Buemi, C.S. ; Agliozzo, C. (3) ; Cavallaro, F. (1) (2) ; Cerrigone, L.
Scaling relations between black holes and their host galaxies: comparing theoretical and observational measurements, and the impact of selection effects
DeGraf, C. (1) ; Di Matteo, T. ; Treu, T. (3) ; Feng, Y. ; Woo, J.-H. ; Park, D.
Phase wrapping of epicyclic perturbations in the Wobbly Galaxy
de la Vega, Alexander (1) ; Quillen, Alice C. ; Carlin, Jeffrey L. (3) ; Chakrabarti, Sukanya ; D'Onghia, Elena
MOA-2010-BLG-353Lb: a possible Saturn revealed
Rattenbury, N.J. ; Bennett, D.P. ; Sumi, T. ; Koshimoto, N. ; Bond, I.A. ; Udalski, A. ; Abe, F. ; Bhattacharya, A. ; Freeman, M. ; Fukui, A. ; Itow, Y. ; Li, M.C.A. ; Ling, C.H. ; Masuda, K. ; Matsubara, Y. ; Muraki, Y. ; Ohnishi, K. ; Saito, To. ; Sharan, A. ; Sullivan, D.J. ; Suzuki, D. ; Tristram, P.J. ; Kozlowski, S. ; Mróz, P. ; Pietrukowicz, P. ; Pietrzynski, G. (5) ; Poleski, R. (5) ; Skowron, D. ; Skowron, J. ; Soszynski, I. ; Szymanski, M.K. ; Ulaczyk, K. ; Wyrzykowski, L.
2015MNRAS.454..952H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/454/952)
The ATLAS 5.5 GHz survey of the extended Chandra Deep Field South: the second data release
Huynh, M.T. ; Bell, M.E. ; Hopkins, A.M. ; Norris, R.P. ; Seymour, N.
A Compton-thin solution for the Suzaku X-ray spectrum of the Seyfert 2 galaxy Mkn 3
Yaqoob, T. (1) ; Tatum, M.M. ; Scholtes, A. ; Gottlieb, A. ; Turner, T.J.
Optical discovery and multiwavelength investigation of supernova remnant MCSNR J0512- 6707 in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Reid, Warren A. (1) (2) ; Stupar, Milorad ; Bozzetto, Luke M. ; Parker, Q.A. (4) ; Filipovic, M.D.
The red extended structure of IC 10, the nearest blue compact galaxy
Gerbrandt, Stephanie A.N. (1) ; McConnachie, Alan W. ; Irwin, Mike
EMMA: an adaptive mesh refinement cosmological simulation code with radiative transfer
Aubert, Dominique; Deparis, Nicolas; Ocvirk, Pierre
The impact of angular momentum on black hole accretion rates in simulations of galaxy formation
Rosas-Guevara, Y.M. ; Bower, R.G. ; Schaye, J. ; Furlong, M. ; Frenk, C.S. ; Booth, C.M. ; Crain, R.A. (2) ; Dalla Vecchia, C. ; Schaller, M. ; Theuns, T. (1)
Profile stochasticity in PSR J1909-3744
Lentati, L. ; Shannon, R.M. (2)
Energies of GRB blast waves and prompt efficiencies as implied by modelling of X-ray and GeV afterglows
Beniamini, Paz ; Nava, Lara ; Barniol Duran, Rodolfo ; Piran, Tsvi
2015MNRAS.454.1086J – (Tables: J/MNRAS/454/1086)
Study of the star catalogue (epoch AD 1396.0) recorded in ancient Korean astronomical almanac
Jeon, Junhyeok (1) ; Lee, Yong Bok ; Lee, Yong-Sam
NIHAO III: the constant disc gas mass conspiracy
Stinson, G.S. ; Dutton, A.A. ; Wang, L. (1) ; Macciò, A.V. ; Herpich, J. ; Bradford, J.D. ; Quinn, T.R. ; Wadsley, J. ; Keller, B.
Magnetically driven accretion in protoplanetary discs
Simon, Jacob B. (1) ; Lesur, Geoffroy (3) ; Kunz, Matthew W. ; Armitage, Philip J. (2)
Distinguishing short and long Fermi gamma-ray bursts
Tarnopolski, M.
Cosmic web reconstruction through density ridges: method and algorithm
Chen, Yen-Chi (1) ; Ho, Shirley (2) ; Freeman, Peter E. (1) ; Genovese, Christopher R. (1) ; Wasserman, Larry (1)
A polarimetric method for measuring black hole masses in Active Galactic Nuclei
Piotrovich, M.Yu.; Gnedin, Yu.N.; Silant'ev, N.A.; Natsvlishvili, T.M.; Buliga, S.D.
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