Monthly Notices of the RAS 453
November(II) 2015
- 2015MNRAS.453.3356T
- CARMA observations of Galactic cold cores: searching for spinning dust emission
- Tibbs, C.T. (1) ; Paladini, R. ; Cleary, K. ; Muchovej, S.J.C. ; Scaife, A.M.M. ; Stevenson, M.A. ; Laureijs, R.J. ; Ysard, N. ; Grainge, K.J.B. ; Perrott, Y.C. ; Rumsey, C. ; Villadsen, J.
- 2015MNRAS.453.3375H
- Observations of free-free and anomalous microwave emission from LDN 1622 with the 100 m Green Bank Telescope
- Harper, S.E. ; Dickinson, C. ; Cleary, K.
- 2015MNRAS.453.3386J
- A new multidimensional, energy-dependent two-moment transport code for neutrino-hydrodynamics
- Just, O. (1) ; Obergaulinger, M. ; Janka, H.-T.
- 2015MNRAS.453.3414A
- Mass-loss from advective accretion disc around rotating black holes
- Aktar, Ramiz ; Das, Santabrata ; Nandi, Anuj
- 2015MNRAS.453.3428S
- Effect of scattering on the transonic solution topology and intrinsic variability of line-driven stellar winds
- Sundqvist, Jon O.; Owocki, Stanley P.
- 2015MNRAS.453.3437L
- Massive black hole and gas dynamics in mergers of galaxy nuclei - II. Black hole sinking in star-forming nuclear discs
- Lupi, Alessandro ; Haardt, Francesco (1) ; Dotti, Massimo (2) ; Colpi, Monica (2)
- 2015MNRAS.453.3447D
- Revisit the Fundamental Plane of black hole activity from sub-Eddington to quiescent state
- Dong, Ai-Jun (1) ; Wu, Qingwen
- 2015MNRAS.453.3455R
- Searching for correlations in simultaneous X-ray and UV emission in the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0707-495
- Robertson, D.R.S. (1) ; Gallo, L.C. ; Zoghbi, A. ; Fabian, A.C.
- 2015MNRAS.453.3461S
- The binary millisecond pulsar PSR J1023+0038 during its accretion state - I. Optical variability
- Shahbaz, T. (1) ; Linares, M. (1) ; Nevado, S.P. (1) ; Rodríguez-Gil, P. (1) ; Casares, J. (1) ; Dhillon, V.S. (1) (2) ; Marsh, T.R. ; Littlefair, S. ; Leckngam, A. ; Poshyachinda, S.
- 2015MNRAS.453.3474L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/453/3474)
- Properties of eclipsing binaries from all-sky surveys - I. Detached eclipsing binaries in ASAS, NSVS, and LINEAR
- Lee, Chien-Hsiu
- 2015MNRAS.453.3483D
- A powerful double radio relic system discovered in PSZ1 G108.18-11.53: evidence for a shock with non-uniform Mach number?
- de Gasperin, F. ; Intema, H.T. ; van Weeren, R.J. ; Dawson, W.A. ; Golovich, N. ; Wittman, D. ; Bonafede, A. ; Brüggen, M.
- 2015MNRAS.453.3499K
- Cosmological galaxy evolution with superbubble feedback - I. Realistic galaxies with moderate feedback
- Keller, B.W.; Wadsley, J.; Couchman, H.M.P.
- 2015MNRAS.453.3510H
- Discovery of a red supergiant counterpart to RX J004722.4-252051, a ULX in NGC 253
- Heida, M. (1) ; Torres, M.A.P. (1) (2) ; Jonker, P.G. (1) ; Servillat, M. (4) ; Repetto, S. ; Roberts, T.P. ; Walton, D.J. ; Moon, D.-S. ; Harrison, F.A.
- 2015MNRAS.453.3519P
- Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the bright void galaxy population in the optical and mid-IR
- Penny, S.J. (1) (2) ; Brown, M.J.I. (1) ; Pimbblet, K.A. (1) (2) ; Cluver, M.E. ; Croton, D.J. ; Owers, M.S. (7) ; Lange, R. ; Alpaslan, M. ; Baldry, I. ; Bland-Hawthorn, J. ; Brough, S. ; Driver, S.P. (9) ; Holwerda, B.W. ; Hopkins, A.M. ; Jarrett, T.H. ; Jones, D.Heath ; Kelvin, L.S. ; Lara-López, M.A. ; Liske, J. ; López-Sánchez, A.R. (7) ; Loveday, J. ; Meyer, M. ; Norberg, P. ; Robotham, A.S.G. ; Rodrigues, M.
- 2015MNRAS.453.3540A
- Evolution of non-spherical pulsars with plasma-filled magnetospheres
- Arzamasskiy, Lev ; Philippov, Alexander ; Tchekhovskoy, Alexander (3)
- 2015MNRAS.453.3554M
- No circumbinary planets transiting the tightest Kepler binaries - a possible fingerprint of a third star
- Martin, David V. ; Mazeh, Tsevi ; Fabrycky, Daniel C.
- 2015MNRAS.453.3568D
- Satellites of LMC-mass dwarfs: close friendships ruined by Milky Way mass haloes
- Deason, A.J. ; Wetzel, A.R. (2) ; Garrison-Kimmel, S. ; Belokurov, V.
- 2015MNRAS.453.3575J
- Comprehensive assessment of the too big to fail problem
- Jiang, Fangzhou; van den Bosch, Frank C.
- 2015MNRAS.453.3593B
- Hydrogen reionization in the Illustris universe
- Bauer, Andreas ; Springel, Volker (1) ; Vogelsberger, Mark ; Genel, Shy ; Torrey, Paul ; Sijacki, Debora ; Nelson, Dylan ; Hernquist, Lars
- 2015MNRAS.453.3611S
- The structure of the X-ray absorber in Mrk 915 revealed by Swift.
- Severgnini, P. ; Ballo, L. ; Braito, V. (1) ; Caccianiga, A. ; Campana, S. ; Della Ceca, R. ; Moretti, A. ; Vignali, C.
- 2015MNRAS.453.3619I
- Terrestrial planet formation constrained by Mars and the structure of the asteroid belt
- Izidoro, André (1) (2) ; Raymond, Sean N. (1) ; Morbidelli, Alessandro ; Winter, Othon C.
- 2015MNRAS.453.3635P
- The scaling relations of early-type dwarf galaxies across a range of environments
- Penny, Samantha J. (1) (2) ; Janz, Joachim ; Forbes, Duncan A. ; Benson, Andrew J. ; Mould, Jeremy
- 2015MNRAS.453.3649P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/453/3649)
- Massive stars exploding in a He-rich circumstellar medium - VII. The metamorphosis of ASASSN-15ed from a narrow line Type Ibn to a normal Type Ib Supernova
- Pastorello, A. ; Prieto, J.L. (2) ; Elias-Rosa, N. ; Bersier, D. ; Hosseinzadeh, G. (5) ; Morales-Garoffolo, A. ; Noebauer, U.M. ; Taubenberger, S. (8) ; Tomasella, L. ; Kochanek, C.S. (10) ; Falco, E. ; Basu, U. (10) ; Beacom, J.F. (10) (11) ; Benetti, S. ; Brimacombe, J. ; Cappellaro, E. ; Danilet, A.B. ; Dong, Subo ; Fernandez, J.M. ; Goss, N. (10) ; Granata, V. (1) ; Harutyunyan, A. ; Holoien, T.W.-S. ; Ishida, E.E.O. ; Kiyota, S. ; Krannich, G. ; Nicholls, B. ; Ochner, P. ; Pojmanski, G. ; Shappee, B.J. ; Simonian, G.V. ; Stanek, K.Z. (10) ; Starrfield, S. ; Szczygiel, D. ; Tartaglia, L. (1) ; Terreran, G. (1) ; Thompson, T.A. (10) ; Turatto, M. ; Wagner, R.M. (10) ; Wiethoff, W.S. (28) ; Wilber, A. ; Wozniak, P.R.
- 2015MNRAS.453.3662G
- Interpreting broad emission-line variations - II. Tensions between luminosity, characteristic size, and responsivity
- Goad, M.R. ; Korista, K.T.
- 2015MNRAS.453.3685M
- Shapley Supercluster Survey: construction of the photometric catalogues and i-band data release
- Mercurio, A. ; Merluzzi, P. ; Busarello, G. ; Grado, A. ; Limatola, L. ; Haines, C.P. ; Brescia, M. ; Cavuoti, S. (1) ; Dopita, M. (4) ; Dall'Ora, M. ; Capaccioli, M. (1) ; Napolitano, N. ; Pimbblet, K.A. (7)
- 2015MNRAS.453.3699W
- Constraining gas motions in the Centaurus cluster using X-ray surface brightness fluctuations and metal diffusion
- Walker, S.A. ; Sanders, J.S. ; Fabian, A.C.
- 2015MNRAS.453.3706D
- Magnetic activity and hot Jupiters of young Suns: the weak-line T Tauri stars V819 Tau and V830 Tau
- Donati, J.-F. (1) ; Hébrard, E. (1) ; Hussain, G.A.J. (3) ; Moutou, C. ; Malo, L. ; Grankin, K. ; Vidotto, A.A. ; Alencar, S.H.P. ; Gregory, S.G. ; Jardine, M.M. ; Herczeg, G. ; Morin, J. ; Fares, R. ; Ménard, F. ; Bouvier, J. (13) ; Delfosse, X. (13) ; Doyon, R. ; Takami, M. ; Figueira, P. ; Petit, P. (1) ; Boisse, I. (18) ; (The MaTYSSE Collaboration)
- 2015MNRAS.453.3720B
- Protostellar spin-down: a planetary lift?
- Bouvier, J. (1) ; Cébron, D. (3)
- 2015MNRAS.453.3729H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/453/3729)
- Beyond Sérsic + exponential disc morphologies in the Coma Cluster
- Head, Jacob T.C.G. ; Lucey, John R. ; Hudson, Michael J. (2)
- 2015MNRAS.453.3754Z
- hsim: a simulation pipeline for the HARMONI integral field spectrograph on the European ELT
- Zieleniewski, S. ; Thatte, N. ; Kendrew, S. ; Houghton, R.C.W. ; Swinbank, A.M. ; Tecza, M. ; Clarke, F. ; Fusco, T. (3)
- 2015MNRAS.453.3766L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/453/3766)
- Project VeSElkA: results of abundance analysis I - HD 71030, HD 95608, HD 116235 and HD 186568
- LeBlanc, F.; Khalack, V.; Yameogo, B.; Thibeault, C.; Gallant, I.
- 2015MNRAS.453.3772L
- The synchrotron self-Compton spectrum of relativistic blast waves at large Y
- Lemoine, Martin
- 2015MNRAS.453.3785P
- Gravity or turbulence? - III. Evidence of pure thermal Jeans fragmentation at ∼ 0.1 pc scale
- Palau, Aina ; Ballesteros-Paredes, Javier ; Vázquez-Semadeni, Enrique ; Sánchez-Monge, Álvaro ; Estalella, Robert ; Fall, S.Michael ; Zapata, Luis A. ; Camacho, Vianey ; Gómez, Laura (5) ; Naranjo-Romero, Raúl ; Busquet, Gemma ; Fontani, Francesco
- 2015MNRAS.453.3798M
- Origin of cosmic chemical abundances
- Maio, Umberto (1) ; Tescari, Edoardo (3)
- 2015MNRAS.453.3821P
- ldtk: Limb Darkening Toolkit
- Parviainen, H.; Aigrain, S.
- 2015MNRAS.453.3827S
- Multiwavelength features of Fermi bubbles as signatures of a Galactic wind
- Sarkar, Kartick Chandra (1) ; Nath, Biman B. ; Sharma, Prateek
- 2015MNRAS.453.3839P
- Are rotating planes of satellite galaxies ubiquitous?
- Phillips, John I. ; Cooper, Michael C. ; Bullock, James S. ; Boylan-Kolchin, Michael
- 2015MNRAS.453.3848D
- maggie: Models and Algorithms for Galaxy Groups, Interlopers and Environment
- Duarte, Manuel; Mamon, Gary A.
- 2015MNRAS.453.3875P
- Exoplanet transmission spectroscopy using KMOS
- Parviainen, Hannu ; Aigrain, Suzanne ; Thatte, Niranjan ; Barstow, Joanna K. ; Evans, Thomas M. ; Gibson, Neale
- 2015MNRAS.453.3886F
- SN 2009ip at late times - an interacting transient at +2 years
- Fraser, Morgan ; Kotak, Rubina ; Pastorello, Andrea ; Jerkstrand, Anders ; Smartt, Stephen J. ; Chen, Ting-Wan ; Childress, Michael (4) ; Gilmore, Gerard ; Inserra, Cosimo ; Kankare, Erkki ; Margheim, Steve ; Mattila, Seppo (7) ; Valenti, Stefano (9) ; Ashall, Christopher ; Benetti, Stefano ; Botticella, Maria Teresa ; Bauer, Franz Erik (13) (13) ; Campbell, Heather ; Elias-Rosa, Nancy ; Fleury, Mathilde ; Gal-Yam, Avishay ; Hachinger, Stephan ; Howell, D.Andrew (9) ; Le Guillou, Laurent (19) ; Léget, Pierre-François ; Morales-Garoffolo, Antonia ; Polshaw, Joe ; Spiro, Susanna ; Sullivan, Mark ; Taubenberger, Stefan (24) ; Turatto, Massimo ; Walker, Emma S. ; Young, David R. ; Zhang, Bonnie (4)
- 2015MNRAS.453.3906L
- The Milky Way without X: an alternative interpretation of the double red clump in the Galactic bulge
- Lee, Young-Wook; Joo, Seok-Joo; Chung, Chul
- 2015MNRAS.453.3912M
- The λ6614 diffuse interstellar absorption band: evidence for internal excitation of the carrier
- Marshall, Charlotte C.M. ; Krelowski, Jacek ; Sarre, Peter J.
- 2015MNRAS.453.3918M
- Deep radio imaging of 47 Tuc identifies the peculiar X-ray source X9 as a new black hole candidate
- Miller-Jones, J.C.A. ; Strader, J. ; Heinke, C.O. (3) ; Maccarone, T.J. ; van den Berg, M. (6) ; Knigge, C. ; Chomiuk, L. ; Noyola, E. ; Russell, T.D. ; Seth, A.C. ; Sivakoff, G.R.
- 2015MNRAS.453.3932R
- Extremely red quasars from SDSS, BOSS and WISE: classification of optical spectra
- Ross, Nicholas P. (1) ; Hamann, Fred ; Zakamska, Nadia L. ; Richards, Gordon T. (1) ; Villforth, Carolin (3) ; Strauss, Michael A. ; Greene, Jenny E. ; Alexandroff, Rachael ; Brandt, W.Niel (8) ; Liu, Guilin ; Myers, Adam D. (5) ; Pâris, Isabelle ; Schneider, Donald P. (8)
- 2015MNRAS.453.3953L
- XMM-Newton large program on SN1006 - I. Methods and initial results of spatially resolved spectroscopy
- Li, Jiang-Tao (1) ; Decourchelle, Anne ; Miceli, Marco (3) ; Vink, Jacco ; Bocchino, Fabrizio
- 2015MNRAS.453.3975H
- The m-z relation for Type Ia supernovae: safety in numbers or safely without worry?
- Helbig, Phillip
- 2015MNRAS.453.3980R
- The impact of environment and mergers on the HI content of galaxies in hydrodynamic simulations
- Rafieferantsoa, Mika (1) ; Davé, Romeel (1) (2) ; Anglés-Alcázar, Daniel ; Katz, Neal ; Kollmeier, Juna A. ; Oppenheimer, Benjamin D.
- 2015MNRAS.453.3999M
- The large-scale properties of simulated cosmological magnetic fields
- Marinacci, Federico ; Vogelsberger, Mark ; Mocz, Philip ; Pakmor, Rüdiger
- 2015MNRAS.453.4020F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/453/4020)
- ATLAS - I. Third release of 1.4 GHz mosaics and component catalogues
- Franzen, T.M.O. (1) ; Banfield, J.K. (2) (3) ; Hales, C.A. ; Hopkins, A. ; Norris, R.P. ; Seymour, N. (1) ; Chow, K.E. ; Herzog, A. (2) (7) ; Huynh, M.T. ; Lenc, E. (4) ; Mao, M.Y. ; Middelberg, E.
- 2015MNRAS.453.4037O
- Investigating powerful jets in radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1s
- Orienti, M. ; D'Ammando, F. (1) ; Larsson, J. ; Finke, J. ; Giroletti, M. ; Dallacasa, D. (1) ; Isacsson, T. ; Stoby Hoglund, J.
- 2015MNRAS.453.4051E
- Warm gas in and around simulated galaxy clusters as probed by absorption lines
- Emerick, A.; Bryan, G.; Putman, M.E.
- 2015MNRAS.453.4070P
- New constraints on the structure and dynamics of black hole jets
- Potter, William J.; Cotter, Garret
- 2015MNRAS.453.4089S
- Tides alone cannot explain Kepler planets close to 2:1 MMR
- Silburt, Ari; Rein, Hanno
- 2015MNRAS.453.4097I
- Checking the potassium origin of the new emission line at 3.5 keV using the Kxix line complex at 3.7 keV
- Iakubovskyi, Dmytro
- 2015MNRAS.453.4102D
- On the central abundances of active galactic nuclei and star-forming galaxies
- Dors, O.L.Jr ; Cardaci, M.V. (2) ; Hägele, G.F. (2) ; Rodrigues, I. ; Grebel, E.K. ; Pilyugin, L.S. (4) (5) ; Freitas-Lemes, P. ; Krabbe, A.C.
- 2015MNRAS.453.4112F
- Interpreting the possible break in the black hole-bulge mass relation
- Fontanot, Fabio ; Monaco, Pierluigi (1) ; Shankar, Francesco
- 2015MNRAS.453.4121O
- Exploring the canonical behaviour of long gamma-ray bursts using an intrinsic multiwavelength afterglow correlation
- Oates, S.R. (1) ; Racusin, J.L. ; De Pasquale, M. (1) ; Page, M.J. ; Castro-Tirado, A.J. (2) ; Gorosabel, J. (2) (6) ; Smith, P.J. ; Breeveld, A.A. ; Kuin, N.P.M
- 2015MNRAS.453.4136H
- The first stars: formation under X-ray feedback
- Hummel, Jacob A. ; Stacy, Athena ; Jeon, Myoungwon ; Oliveri, Anthony ; Bromm, Volker
- 2015MNRAS.453.4148M
- Effects of ghost dark energy perturbations on the evolution of spherical overdensities
- Malekjani, Mohammad ; Naderi, Tayebe ; Pace, Francesco
- 2015MNRAS.453.4159T
- Gemini optical observations of binary millisecond pulsars
- Testa, V. ; Mignani, R.P. (2) ; Pallanca, C. ; Corongiu, A. ; Ferraro, F.R.
- 2015MNRAS.453.4175G
- Morpho-kinematics of the planetary nebula NGC 3242: an analysis beyond its multiple-shell structure
- Gómez-Muñoz, M.A. ; Blanco Cárdenas, M.W. ; Vázquez, R. ; Zavala, S. (2) ; Guillén, P.F. ; Ayala, S.
- 2015MNRAS.453.4185D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/453/4185)
- Photometric and spectroscopic study of the intermediate-age open cluster NGC 2355
- Donati, P. (1) ; Bragaglia, A. ; Carretta, E. ; D'Orazi, V. (3) (4) ; Tosi, M. ; Cusano, F. ; Carini, R.
- 2015MNRAS.453.4203X
- 22 GHz H2O maser survey towards 221 BGPS sources
- Xi, Hongwei (1) ; Zhou, Jianjun (1) ; Esimbek, Jarken (1) ; Wu, Gang (1) ; He, Yuxin (1) ; Ji, Weiguang ; Tang, Xiaoke (1)
- 2015MNRAS.453.4222A
- Spectral signature of atmospheric reflection in Hercules X-1/HZ Hercules during low and short high states
- Abdallah, M.H. (1) ; Leahy, D.A.
- 2015MNRAS.453.4232G
- Planetesimal formation in self-gravitating discs - dust trapping by vortices
- Gibbons, P.G. ; Mamatsashvili, G.R. (2) ; Rice, W.K.M.
- 2015MNRAS.453.4244W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/453/4244)
- The faint radio source population at 15.7 GHz - II. Multi-wavelength properties
- Whittam, I.H. (1) ; Riley, J.M. ; Green, D.A. ; Jarvis, M.J. (1) ; Vaccari, M. (1)
- 2015MNRAS.453.4264M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/453/4264)
- The JCMT Plane Survey: early results from the ℓ = 30° field
- Moore, T.J.T. ; Plume, R. ; Thompson, M.A. ; Parsons, H. ; Urquhart, J.S. ; Eden, D.J. (1) ; Dempsey, J.T. ; Morgan, L.K. ; Thomas, H.S. ; Buckle, J. (7) ; Brunt, C.M. ; Butner, H. ; Carretero, D. ; Chrysostomou, A. ; deVilliers, H.M. ; Fich, M. ; Hoare, M.G. ; Manser, G. ; Mottram, J.C. ; Natario, C. ; Olguin, F. ; Peretto, N. ; Polychroni, D. ; Redman, R.O. ; Rigby, A.J. ; Salji, C. ; Summers, L.J. ; Berry, D. ; Currie, M.J. ; Jenness, T. (4) ; Pestalozzi, M. ; Traficante, A. ; Bastien, P. ; diFrancesco, J. ; Davis, C.J. ; Evans, A. ; Friberg, P. ; Fuller, G.A. ; Gibb, A.G. ; Gibson, S. ; Hill, T. ; Johnstone, D. (4) (20) ; Joncas, G. ; Longmore, S.N. ; Lumsden, S.L. ; Martin, P.G. ; Nguyen Lu'o'ng, Q. ; Pineda, J.E. ; Purcell, C. ; Richer, J.S. ; Schieven, G.H. ; Shipman, R. ; Spaans, M. ; Taylor, A.R. ; Viti, S. ; Weferling, B. ; White, G.J. (33) ; Zhu, M.
- 2015MNRAS.453.4278S
- Astrophysical hydrodynamics with a high-order discontinuous Galerkin scheme and adaptive mesh refinement
- Schaal, Kevin (1) ; Bauer, Andreas ; Chandrashekar, Praveen ; Pakmor, Rüdiger ; Klingenberg, Christian ; Springel, Volker (1)
- 2015MNRAS.453.4301S
- The energy budget of stellar magnetic fields
- See, V. ; Jardine, M. ; Vidotto, A.A. ; Donati, J.-F. (3) ; Folsom, C.P. (5) ; Boro Saikia, S. ; Bouvier, J. (5) ; Fares, R. ; Gregory, S.G. ; Hussain, G. ; Jeffers, S.V. ; Marsden, S.C. ; Morin, J. ; Moutou, C. (12) ; do Nascimento, J.D.Jr (14) ; Petit, P. (3) ; Rosén, L. ; Waite, I.A.
- 2015MNRAS.453.4311S
- Finding high-redshift voids using Lyman α forest tomography
- Stark, Casey W. ; Font-Ribera, Andreu ; White, Martin (1) (2) ; Lee, Khee-Gan
- 2015MNRAS.453.4324M
- ALMA reveals sunburn: CO dissociation around AGB stars in the globular cluster 47 Tucanae
- McDonald, I. ; Zijlstra, A.A. ; Lagadec, E. (2) ; Sloan, G.C. ; Boyer, M.L. ; Matsuura, M. (5) ; Smith, R.J. ; Smith, C.L. ; Yates, J.A. ; van Loon, J.Th. ; Jones, O.C. (1) ; Ramstedt, S. ; Avison, A. ; Justtanont, K. ; Olofsson, H. ; Blommaert, J.A.D.L. ; Goldman, S.R. ; Groenewegen, M.A.T.
- 2015MNRAS.453.4337S
- Star formation in semi-analytic galaxy formation models with multiphase gas
- Somerville, Rachel S. ; Popping, Gergö (2) ; Trager, Scott C.
- 2015MNRAS.453.4368G
- Redshift-space clustering of SDSS galaxies - luminosity dependence, halo occupation distribution, and velocity bias
- Guo, Hong (1) ; Zheng, Zheng ; Zehavi, Idit (3) ; Behroozi, Peter S. ; Chuang, Chia-Hsun ; Comparat, Johan (6) ; Favole, Ginevra (6) ; Gottloeber, Stefan ; Klypin, Anatoly ; Prada, Francisco (6) (8) ; Weinberg, David H. (12) ; Yepes, Gustavo
- 2015MNRAS.453.4384H
- polychord: next-generation nested sampling
- Handley, W.J. (1) ; Hobson, M.P. ; Lasenby, A.N. (1)
- 2015MNRAS.453.4399P
- First results and future prospects for dual-harmonic searches for gravitational waves from spinning neutron stars
- Pitkin, M. ; Gill, C. ; Jones, D.I. ; Woan, G. ; Davies, G.S.
- 2015MNRAS.453.4421C
- Footprints in the sand: What can globular clusters tell us about NGC 4753 past?
- Caso, Juan Pablo (1) ; Bassino, Lilia P. (1) ; Gómez, Matías
- 2015MNRAS.453.4431T
- On disentangling initial mass function degeneracies in integrated light
- Tang, Baitian; Worthey, Guy
- 2015MNRAS.453.4444Z
- Evolution of the brightest cluster galaxies: the influence of morphology, stellar mass and environment
- Zhao, Dongyao; Aragón-Salamanca, Alfonso; Conselice, Christopher J.
- 2015MNRAS.453.4456V
- Limits on Population III star formation in minihaloes implied by Planck
- Visbal, Eli ; Haiman, Zoltán ; Bryan, Greg L.
- 2015MNRAS.453.4467M
- Spectropolarimetry of SN 2011dh in M51: geometric insights on a Type IIb supernova progenitor and explosion
- Mauerhan, Jon C. ; Williams, G.Grant (2) ; Leonard, Douglas C. ; Smith, Paul S. ; Filippenko, Alexei V. ; Smith, Nathan ; Hoffman, Jennifer L. ; Huk, Leah ; Clubb, Kelsey I. ; Silverman, Jeffrey M. ; Cenko, S.Bradley ; Milne, Peter ; Gal-Yam, Avishay ; Ben-Ami, Sagi
- 2015MNRAS.453.4485F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/453/4485)
- Absolute polarization determinations of 33 pulsars using the Green Bank Telescope
- Force, Megan M. ; Demorest, Paul ; Rankin, Joanna M.
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