Monthly Notices of the RAS 453
November(II) 2015

CARMA observations of Galactic cold cores: searching for spinning dust emission
Tibbs, C.T. (1) ; Paladini, R. ; Cleary, K. ; Muchovej, S.J.C. ; Scaife, A.M.M. ; Stevenson, M.A. ; Laureijs, R.J. ; Ysard, N. ; Grainge, K.J.B. ; Perrott, Y.C. ; Rumsey, C. ; Villadsen, J.
Observations of free-free and anomalous microwave emission from LDN 1622 with the 100 m Green Bank Telescope
Harper, S.E. ; Dickinson, C. ; Cleary, K.
A new multidimensional, energy-dependent two-moment transport code for neutrino-hydrodynamics
Just, O. (1) ; Obergaulinger, M. ; Janka, H.-T.
Mass-loss from advective accretion disc around rotating black holes
Aktar, Ramiz ; Das, Santabrata ; Nandi, Anuj
Effect of scattering on the transonic solution topology and intrinsic variability of line-driven stellar winds
Sundqvist, Jon O.; Owocki, Stanley P.
Massive black hole and gas dynamics in mergers of galaxy nuclei - II. Black hole sinking in star-forming nuclear discs
Lupi, Alessandro ; Haardt, Francesco (1) ; Dotti, Massimo (2) ; Colpi, Monica (2)
Revisit the Fundamental Plane of black hole activity from sub-Eddington to quiescent state
Dong, Ai-Jun (1) ; Wu, Qingwen
Searching for correlations in simultaneous X-ray and UV emission in the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0707-495
Robertson, D.R.S. (1) ; Gallo, L.C. ; Zoghbi, A. ; Fabian, A.C.
The binary millisecond pulsar PSR J1023+0038 during its accretion state - I. Optical variability
Shahbaz, T. (1) ; Linares, M. (1) ; Nevado, S.P. (1) ; Rodríguez-Gil, P. (1) ; Casares, J. (1) ; Dhillon, V.S. (1) (2) ; Marsh, T.R. ; Littlefair, S. ; Leckngam, A. ; Poshyachinda, S.
2015MNRAS.453.3474L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/453/3474)
Properties of eclipsing binaries from all-sky surveys - I. Detached eclipsing binaries in ASAS, NSVS, and LINEAR
Lee, Chien-Hsiu
A powerful double radio relic system discovered in PSZ1 G108.18-11.53: evidence for a shock with non-uniform Mach number?
de Gasperin, F. ; Intema, H.T. ; van Weeren, R.J. ; Dawson, W.A. ; Golovich, N. ; Wittman, D. ; Bonafede, A. ; Brüggen, M.
Cosmological galaxy evolution with superbubble feedback - I. Realistic galaxies with moderate feedback
Keller, B.W.; Wadsley, J.; Couchman, H.M.P.
Discovery of a red supergiant counterpart to RX J004722.4-252051, a ULX in NGC 253
Heida, M. (1) ; Torres, M.A.P. (1) (2) ; Jonker, P.G. (1) ; Servillat, M. (4) ; Repetto, S. ; Roberts, T.P. ; Walton, D.J. ; Moon, D.-S. ; Harrison, F.A.
Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the bright void galaxy population in the optical and mid-IR
Penny, S.J. (1) (2) ; Brown, M.J.I. (1) ; Pimbblet, K.A. (1) (2) ; Cluver, M.E. ; Croton, D.J. ; Owers, M.S. (7) ; Lange, R. ; Alpaslan, M. ; Baldry, I. ; Bland-Hawthorn, J. ; Brough, S. ; Driver, S.P. (9) ; Holwerda, B.W. ; Hopkins, A.M. ; Jarrett, T.H. ; Jones, D.Heath ; Kelvin, L.S. ; Lara-López, M.A. ; Liske, J. ; López-Sánchez, A.R. (7) ; Loveday, J. ; Meyer, M. ; Norberg, P. ; Robotham, A.S.G. ; Rodrigues, M.
Evolution of non-spherical pulsars with plasma-filled magnetospheres
Arzamasskiy, Lev ; Philippov, Alexander ; Tchekhovskoy, Alexander (3)
No circumbinary planets transiting the tightest Kepler binaries - a possible fingerprint of a third star
Martin, David V. ; Mazeh, Tsevi ; Fabrycky, Daniel C.
Satellites of LMC-mass dwarfs: close friendships ruined by Milky Way mass haloes
Deason, A.J. ; Wetzel, A.R. (2) ; Garrison-Kimmel, S. ; Belokurov, V.
Comprehensive assessment of the too big to fail problem
Jiang, Fangzhou; van den Bosch, Frank C.
Hydrogen reionization in the Illustris universe
Bauer, Andreas ; Springel, Volker (1) ; Vogelsberger, Mark ; Genel, Shy ; Torrey, Paul ; Sijacki, Debora ; Nelson, Dylan ; Hernquist, Lars
The structure of the X-ray absorber in Mrk 915 revealed by Swift.
Severgnini, P. ; Ballo, L. ; Braito, V. (1) ; Caccianiga, A. ; Campana, S. ; Della Ceca, R. ; Moretti, A. ; Vignali, C.
Terrestrial planet formation constrained by Mars and the structure of the asteroid belt
Izidoro, André (1) (2) ; Raymond, Sean N. (1) ; Morbidelli, Alessandro ; Winter, Othon C.
The scaling relations of early-type dwarf galaxies across a range of environments
Penny, Samantha J. (1) (2) ; Janz, Joachim ; Forbes, Duncan A. ; Benson, Andrew J. ; Mould, Jeremy
2015MNRAS.453.3649P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/453/3649)
Massive stars exploding in a He-rich circumstellar medium - VII. The metamorphosis of ASASSN-15ed from a narrow line Type Ibn to a normal Type Ib Supernova
Pastorello, A. ; Prieto, J.L. (2) ; Elias-Rosa, N. ; Bersier, D. ; Hosseinzadeh, G. (5) ; Morales-Garoffolo, A. ; Noebauer, U.M. ; Taubenberger, S. (8) ; Tomasella, L. ; Kochanek, C.S. (10) ; Falco, E. ; Basu, U. (10) ; Beacom, J.F. (10) (11) ; Benetti, S. ; Brimacombe, J. ; Cappellaro, E. ; Danilet, A.B. ; Dong, Subo ; Fernandez, J.M. ; Goss, N. (10) ; Granata, V. (1) ; Harutyunyan, A. ; Holoien, T.W.-S. ; Ishida, E.E.O. ; Kiyota, S. ; Krannich, G. ; Nicholls, B. ; Ochner, P. ; Pojmanski, G. ; Shappee, B.J. ; Simonian, G.V. ; Stanek, K.Z. (10) ; Starrfield, S. ; Szczygiel, D. ; Tartaglia, L. (1) ; Terreran, G. (1) ; Thompson, T.A. (10) ; Turatto, M. ; Wagner, R.M. (10) ; Wiethoff, W.S. (28) ; Wilber, A. ; Wozniak, P.R.
Interpreting broad emission-line variations - II. Tensions between luminosity, characteristic size, and responsivity
Goad, M.R. ; Korista, K.T.
Shapley Supercluster Survey: construction of the photometric catalogues and i-band data release
Mercurio, A. ; Merluzzi, P. ; Busarello, G. ; Grado, A. ; Limatola, L. ; Haines, C.P. ; Brescia, M. ; Cavuoti, S. (1) ; Dopita, M. (4) ; Dall'Ora, M. ; Capaccioli, M. (1) ; Napolitano, N. ; Pimbblet, K.A. (7)
Constraining gas motions in the Centaurus cluster using X-ray surface brightness fluctuations and metal diffusion
Walker, S.A. ; Sanders, J.S. ; Fabian, A.C.
Magnetic activity and hot Jupiters of young Suns: the weak-line T Tauri stars V819 Tau and V830 Tau
Donati, J.-F. (1) ; Hébrard, E. (1) ; Hussain, G.A.J. (3) ; Moutou, C. ; Malo, L. ; Grankin, K. ; Vidotto, A.A. ; Alencar, S.H.P. ; Gregory, S.G. ; Jardine, M.M. ; Herczeg, G. ; Morin, J. ; Fares, R. ; Ménard, F. ; Bouvier, J. (13) ; Delfosse, X. (13) ; Doyon, R. ; Takami, M. ; Figueira, P. ; Petit, P. (1) ; Boisse, I. (18) ; (The MaTYSSE Collaboration)
Protostellar spin-down: a planetary lift?
Bouvier, J. (1) ; Cébron, D. (3)
2015MNRAS.453.3729H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/453/3729)
Beyond Sérsic + exponential disc morphologies in the Coma Cluster
Head, Jacob T.C.G. ; Lucey, John R. ; Hudson, Michael J. (2)
hsim: a simulation pipeline for the HARMONI integral field spectrograph on the European ELT
Zieleniewski, S. ; Thatte, N. ; Kendrew, S. ; Houghton, R.C.W. ; Swinbank, A.M. ; Tecza, M. ; Clarke, F. ; Fusco, T. (3)
2015MNRAS.453.3766L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/453/3766)
Project VeSElkA: results of abundance analysis I - HD 71030, HD 95608, HD 116235 and HD 186568
LeBlanc, F.; Khalack, V.; Yameogo, B.; Thibeault, C.; Gallant, I.
The synchrotron self-Compton spectrum of relativistic blast waves at large Y
Lemoine, Martin
Gravity or turbulence? - III. Evidence of pure thermal Jeans fragmentation at ∼ 0.1 pc scale
Palau, Aina ; Ballesteros-Paredes, Javier ; Vázquez-Semadeni, Enrique ; Sánchez-Monge, Álvaro ; Estalella, Robert ; Fall, S.Michael ; Zapata, Luis A. ; Camacho, Vianey ; Gómez, Laura (5) ; Naranjo-Romero, Raúl ; Busquet, Gemma ; Fontani, Francesco
Origin of cosmic chemical abundances
Maio, Umberto (1) ; Tescari, Edoardo (3)
ldtk: Limb Darkening Toolkit
Parviainen, H.; Aigrain, S.
Multiwavelength features of Fermi bubbles as signatures of a Galactic wind
Sarkar, Kartick Chandra (1) ; Nath, Biman B. ; Sharma, Prateek
Are rotating planes of satellite galaxies ubiquitous?
Phillips, John I. ; Cooper, Michael C. ; Bullock, James S. ; Boylan-Kolchin, Michael
maggie: Models and Algorithms for Galaxy Groups, Interlopers and Environment
Duarte, Manuel; Mamon, Gary A.
Exoplanet transmission spectroscopy using KMOS
Parviainen, Hannu ; Aigrain, Suzanne ; Thatte, Niranjan ; Barstow, Joanna K. ; Evans, Thomas M. ; Gibson, Neale
SN 2009ip at late times - an interacting transient at +2 years
Fraser, Morgan ; Kotak, Rubina ; Pastorello, Andrea ; Jerkstrand, Anders ; Smartt, Stephen J. ; Chen, Ting-Wan ; Childress, Michael (4) ; Gilmore, Gerard ; Inserra, Cosimo ; Kankare, Erkki ; Margheim, Steve ; Mattila, Seppo (7) ; Valenti, Stefano (9) ; Ashall, Christopher ; Benetti, Stefano ; Botticella, Maria Teresa ; Bauer, Franz Erik (13) (13) ; Campbell, Heather ; Elias-Rosa, Nancy ; Fleury, Mathilde ; Gal-Yam, Avishay ; Hachinger, Stephan ; Howell, D.Andrew (9) ; Le Guillou, Laurent (19) ; Léget, Pierre-François ; Morales-Garoffolo, Antonia ; Polshaw, Joe ; Spiro, Susanna ; Sullivan, Mark ; Taubenberger, Stefan (24) ; Turatto, Massimo ; Walker, Emma S. ; Young, David R. ; Zhang, Bonnie (4)
The Milky Way without X: an alternative interpretation of the double red clump in the Galactic bulge
Lee, Young-Wook; Joo, Seok-Joo; Chung, Chul
The λ6614 diffuse interstellar absorption band: evidence for internal excitation of the carrier
Marshall, Charlotte C.M. ; Krelowski, Jacek ; Sarre, Peter J.
Deep radio imaging of 47 Tuc identifies the peculiar X-ray source X9 as a new black hole candidate
Miller-Jones, J.C.A. ; Strader, J. ; Heinke, C.O. (3) ; Maccarone, T.J. ; van den Berg, M. (6) ; Knigge, C. ; Chomiuk, L. ; Noyola, E. ; Russell, T.D. ; Seth, A.C. ; Sivakoff, G.R.
Extremely red quasars from SDSS, BOSS and WISE: classification of optical spectra
Ross, Nicholas P. (1) ; Hamann, Fred ; Zakamska, Nadia L. ; Richards, Gordon T. (1) ; Villforth, Carolin (3) ; Strauss, Michael A. ; Greene, Jenny E. ; Alexandroff, Rachael ; Brandt, W.Niel (8) ; Liu, Guilin ; Myers, Adam D. (5) ; Pâris, Isabelle ; Schneider, Donald P. (8)
XMM-Newton large program on SN1006 - I. Methods and initial results of spatially resolved spectroscopy
Li, Jiang-Tao (1) ; Decourchelle, Anne ; Miceli, Marco (3) ; Vink, Jacco ; Bocchino, Fabrizio
The m-z relation for Type Ia supernovae: safety in numbers or safely without worry?
Helbig, Phillip
The impact of environment and mergers on the HI content of galaxies in hydrodynamic simulations
Rafieferantsoa, Mika (1) ; Davé, Romeel (1) (2) ; Anglés-Alcázar, Daniel ; Katz, Neal ; Kollmeier, Juna A. ; Oppenheimer, Benjamin D.
The large-scale properties of simulated cosmological magnetic fields
Marinacci, Federico ; Vogelsberger, Mark ; Mocz, Philip ; Pakmor, Rüdiger
2015MNRAS.453.4020F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/453/4020)
ATLAS - I. Third release of 1.4 GHz mosaics and component catalogues
Franzen, T.M.O. (1) ; Banfield, J.K. (2) (3) ; Hales, C.A. ; Hopkins, A. ; Norris, R.P. ; Seymour, N. (1) ; Chow, K.E. ; Herzog, A. (2) (7) ; Huynh, M.T. ; Lenc, E. (4) ; Mao, M.Y. ; Middelberg, E.
Investigating powerful jets in radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1s
Orienti, M. ; D'Ammando, F. (1) ; Larsson, J. ; Finke, J. ; Giroletti, M. ; Dallacasa, D. (1) ; Isacsson, T. ; Stoby Hoglund, J.
Warm gas in and around simulated galaxy clusters as probed by absorption lines
Emerick, A.; Bryan, G.; Putman, M.E.
New constraints on the structure and dynamics of black hole jets
Potter, William J.; Cotter, Garret
Tides alone cannot explain Kepler planets close to 2:1 MMR
Silburt, Ari; Rein, Hanno
Checking the potassium origin of the new emission line at 3.5 keV using the Kxix line complex at 3.7 keV
Iakubovskyi, Dmytro
On the central abundances of active galactic nuclei and star-forming galaxies
Dors, O.L.Jr ; Cardaci, M.V. (2) ; Hägele, G.F. (2) ; Rodrigues, I. ; Grebel, E.K. ; Pilyugin, L.S. (4) (5) ; Freitas-Lemes, P. ; Krabbe, A.C.
Interpreting the possible break in the black hole-bulge mass relation
Fontanot, Fabio ; Monaco, Pierluigi (1) ; Shankar, Francesco
Exploring the canonical behaviour of long gamma-ray bursts using an intrinsic multiwavelength afterglow correlation
Oates, S.R. (1) ; Racusin, J.L. ; De Pasquale, M. (1) ; Page, M.J. ; Castro-Tirado, A.J. (2) ; Gorosabel, J. (2) (6) ; Smith, P.J. ; Breeveld, A.A. ; Kuin, N.P.M
The first stars: formation under X-ray feedback
Hummel, Jacob A. ; Stacy, Athena ; Jeon, Myoungwon ; Oliveri, Anthony ; Bromm, Volker
Effects of ghost dark energy perturbations on the evolution of spherical overdensities
Malekjani, Mohammad ; Naderi, Tayebe ; Pace, Francesco
Gemini optical observations of binary millisecond pulsars
Testa, V. ; Mignani, R.P. (2) ; Pallanca, C. ; Corongiu, A. ; Ferraro, F.R.
Morpho-kinematics of the planetary nebula NGC 3242: an analysis beyond its multiple-shell structure
Gómez-Muñoz, M.A. ; Blanco Cárdenas, M.W. ; Vázquez, R. ; Zavala, S. (2) ; Guillén, P.F. ; Ayala, S.
2015MNRAS.453.4185D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/453/4185)
Photometric and spectroscopic study of the intermediate-age open cluster NGC 2355
Donati, P. (1) ; Bragaglia, A. ; Carretta, E. ; D'Orazi, V. (3) (4) ; Tosi, M. ; Cusano, F. ; Carini, R.
22 GHz H2O maser survey towards 221 BGPS sources
Xi, Hongwei (1) ; Zhou, Jianjun (1) ; Esimbek, Jarken (1) ; Wu, Gang (1) ; He, Yuxin (1) ; Ji, Weiguang ; Tang, Xiaoke (1)
Spectral signature of atmospheric reflection in Hercules X-1/HZ Hercules during low and short high states
Abdallah, M.H. (1) ; Leahy, D.A.
Planetesimal formation in self-gravitating discs - dust trapping by vortices
Gibbons, P.G. ; Mamatsashvili, G.R. (2) ; Rice, W.K.M.
2015MNRAS.453.4244W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/453/4244)
The faint radio source population at 15.7 GHz - II. Multi-wavelength properties
Whittam, I.H. (1) ; Riley, J.M. ; Green, D.A. ; Jarvis, M.J. (1) ; Vaccari, M. (1)
2015MNRAS.453.4264M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/453/4264)
The JCMT Plane Survey: early results from the ℓ = 30° field
Moore, T.J.T. ; Plume, R. ; Thompson, M.A. ; Parsons, H. ; Urquhart, J.S. ; Eden, D.J. (1) ; Dempsey, J.T. ; Morgan, L.K. ; Thomas, H.S. ; Buckle, J. (7) ; Brunt, C.M. ; Butner, H. ; Carretero, D. ; Chrysostomou, A. ; deVilliers, H.M. ; Fich, M. ; Hoare, M.G. ; Manser, G. ; Mottram, J.C. ; Natario, C. ; Olguin, F. ; Peretto, N. ; Polychroni, D. ; Redman, R.O. ; Rigby, A.J. ; Salji, C. ; Summers, L.J. ; Berry, D. ; Currie, M.J. ; Jenness, T. (4) ; Pestalozzi, M. ; Traficante, A. ; Bastien, P. ; diFrancesco, J. ; Davis, C.J. ; Evans, A. ; Friberg, P. ; Fuller, G.A. ; Gibb, A.G. ; Gibson, S. ; Hill, T. ; Johnstone, D. (4) (20) ; Joncas, G. ; Longmore, S.N. ; Lumsden, S.L. ; Martin, P.G. ; Nguyen Lu'o'ng, Q. ; Pineda, J.E. ; Purcell, C. ; Richer, J.S. ; Schieven, G.H. ; Shipman, R. ; Spaans, M. ; Taylor, A.R. ; Viti, S. ; Weferling, B. ; White, G.J. (33) ; Zhu, M.
Astrophysical hydrodynamics with a high-order discontinuous Galerkin scheme and adaptive mesh refinement
Schaal, Kevin (1) ; Bauer, Andreas ; Chandrashekar, Praveen ; Pakmor, Rüdiger ; Klingenberg, Christian ; Springel, Volker (1)
The energy budget of stellar magnetic fields
See, V. ; Jardine, M. ; Vidotto, A.A. ; Donati, J.-F. (3) ; Folsom, C.P. (5) ; Boro Saikia, S. ; Bouvier, J. (5) ; Fares, R. ; Gregory, S.G. ; Hussain, G. ; Jeffers, S.V. ; Marsden, S.C. ; Morin, J. ; Moutou, C. (12) ; do Nascimento, J.D.Jr (14) ; Petit, P. (3) ; Rosén, L. ; Waite, I.A.
Finding high-redshift voids using Lyman α forest tomography
Stark, Casey W. ; Font-Ribera, Andreu ; White, Martin (1) (2) ; Lee, Khee-Gan
ALMA reveals sunburn: CO dissociation around AGB stars in the globular cluster 47 Tucanae
McDonald, I. ; Zijlstra, A.A. ; Lagadec, E. (2) ; Sloan, G.C. ; Boyer, M.L. ; Matsuura, M. (5) ; Smith, R.J. ; Smith, C.L. ; Yates, J.A. ; van Loon, J.Th. ; Jones, O.C. (1) ; Ramstedt, S. ; Avison, A. ; Justtanont, K. ; Olofsson, H. ; Blommaert, J.A.D.L. ; Goldman, S.R. ; Groenewegen, M.A.T.
Star formation in semi-analytic galaxy formation models with multiphase gas
Somerville, Rachel S. ; Popping, Gergö (2) ; Trager, Scott C.
Redshift-space clustering of SDSS galaxies - luminosity dependence, halo occupation distribution, and velocity bias
Guo, Hong (1) ; Zheng, Zheng ; Zehavi, Idit (3) ; Behroozi, Peter S. ; Chuang, Chia-Hsun ; Comparat, Johan (6) ; Favole, Ginevra (6) ; Gottloeber, Stefan ; Klypin, Anatoly ; Prada, Francisco (6) (8) ; Weinberg, David H. (12) ; Yepes, Gustavo
polychord: next-generation nested sampling
Handley, W.J. (1) ; Hobson, M.P. ; Lasenby, A.N. (1)
First results and future prospects for dual-harmonic searches for gravitational waves from spinning neutron stars
Pitkin, M. ; Gill, C. ; Jones, D.I. ; Woan, G. ; Davies, G.S.
Footprints in the sand: What can globular clusters tell us about NGC 4753 past?
Caso, Juan Pablo (1) ; Bassino, Lilia P. (1) ; Gómez, Matías
On disentangling initial mass function degeneracies in integrated light
Tang, Baitian; Worthey, Guy
Evolution of the brightest cluster galaxies: the influence of morphology, stellar mass and environment
Zhao, Dongyao; Aragón-Salamanca, Alfonso; Conselice, Christopher J.
Limits on Population III star formation in minihaloes implied by Planck
Visbal, Eli ; Haiman, Zoltán ; Bryan, Greg L.
Spectropolarimetry of SN 2011dh in M51: geometric insights on a Type IIb supernova progenitor and explosion
Mauerhan, Jon C. ; Williams, G.Grant (2) ; Leonard, Douglas C. ; Smith, Paul S. ; Filippenko, Alexei V. ; Smith, Nathan ; Hoffman, Jennifer L. ; Huk, Leah ; Clubb, Kelsey I. ; Silverman, Jeffrey M. ; Cenko, S.Bradley ; Milne, Peter ; Gal-Yam, Avishay ; Ben-Ami, Sagi
2015MNRAS.453.4485F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/453/4485)
Absolute polarization determinations of 33 pulsars using the Green Bank Telescope
Force, Megan M. ; Demorest, Paul ; Rankin, Joanna M.
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