Monthly Notices of the RAS 424
July(III) 2012

On the sizes of z ≳ 2 damped Lyα absorbing galaxies
Krogager, J.-K. ; Fynbo, J.P.U. ; Moller, P. ; Ledoux, C. ; Noterdaeme, P. ; Christensen, L. ; Milvang-Jensen, B. ; Sparre, M.
Typical density profile for warm dark matter haloes
Vinas, Jordi ; Salvador-Solé, Eduard ; Manrique, Alberto
RAMSES-CH: a new chemodynamical code for cosmological simulations
Few, C.G. ; Courty, S. ; Gibson, B.K. ; Kawata, D. ; Calura, F. ; Teyssier, R.
NGC 5466: a unique probe of the Galactic halo shape
Lux, H. ; Read, J.I. ; Lake, G. ; Johnston, K.V.
Detection of gravity modes in the massive binary V380 Cyg from Kepler space-based photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy
Tkachenko, A. ; Aerts, C. ; Pavlovski, K. ; Southworth, J. ; Degroote, P. ; Debosscher, J. ; Still, M. ; Bryson, S. ; Molenberghs, G. ; Bloemen, S. ; de Vries, B.L. ; Hrudkova, M. ; Lombaert, R. ; Neyskens, P. ; Pápics, P.I. ; Raskin, G. ; Van Winckel, H. ; Morris, R.L. ; Sanderfer, D.T. ; Seader, S.E.
Electron–positron pairs in blazar jets and γ-ray loud radio galaxies
Ghisellini, G.
Correlation functions for extended mass galaxy clusters
Iqbal, Naseer ; Ahmad, Naveel ; Hamid, Mubashir ; Masood, Tabasum
Impact of grain size distributions on the dust enrichment in high-redshift quasars
Kuo, Tzu-Ming ; Hirashita, Hiroyuki
Signs of magnetic accretion in the young Be/X-ray pulsar SXP 1062
Ikhsanov, N.R.
Broken degeneracies: the rotation curve and velocity anisotropy of the Milky Way halo
Deason, A.J. ; Belokurov, V. ; Evans, N.W. ; An, J.
The first measurement of temperature standard deviation along the line of sight in galaxy clusters
Prokhorov, D.A. ; Colafrancesco, S.
Probing ionizing radiation of ≤ 0.1* star-forming galaxies at z ≳ 3 with strong lensing
Vanzella, Eros ; Nonino, Mario ; Cristiani, Stefano ; Rosati, Piero ; Zitrin, Adi ; Bartelmann, Matthias ; Grazian, Andrea ; Broadhurst, Tom ; Meneghetti, Massimo ; Grillo, Claudio
Highly ionized collimated outflow from HE 0238–1904
Muzahid, S. ; Srianand, R. ; Savage, B.D. ; Narayanan, A. ; Mohan, V. ; Dewangan, G.C.
2012MNRAS.424L..64M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/424/L64)
Fermi's SIBYL: mining the gamma-ray sky for dark matter subhaloes
Mirabal, N. ; Frìas-Martinez, V. ; Hassan, T. ; Frìas-Martinez, E.
Infrared observations of the recurrent nova T Pyxidis: ancient dust basks in the warm glow of the 2011 outburst*
Evans, A. ; Gehrz, R.D. ; Helton, L.A. ; Starrfield, S. ; Bode, M.F. ; Osborne, J.P. ; Banerjee, D.P.K. ; Ness, J.-U. ; Walter, F.M. ; Woodward, C.E. ; Kuulkers, E. ; Eyres, S.P.S. ; Oliveira, J.M. ; Ashok, N.M. ; Krautter, J. ; O'Brien, T.J. ; Page, K.L. ; Rushton, M.T.
Erratum: Herschel/SPIRE observations of the TWA brown dwarf disc 2MASSW J1207334-393254*
Riaz, B. ; Lodato, G. ; Stamatellos, D. ; Gizis, J.E.
Lifting the degeneracy between geometric and dynamic distortions using the sound horizon from the cosmic microwave background
Hawken, Adam J. ; Abdalla, Fillipe B. ; Hütsi, Gert ; Lahav, Ofer
2012MNRAS.424...11A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/424/11)
The rotation of field stars from CoRoT data
Affer, L. ; Micela, G. ; Favata, F. ; Flaccomio, E.
Optical system of the Three Antarctic Survey Telescopes
Yuan, Xiangyan ; Su, Ding-qiang
Can turbulent convective variations drive the Blazhko cycle? Dynamical investigation of the Stothers idea
Molnár, L. ; Kolláth, Z. ; Szabó, R.
On the density-profile slope of clusters of galaxies
Del Popolo, A.
Stability of prograde and retrograde planets in circular binary systems
Morais, M.H.M. ; Giuppone, C.A.
The influence of stellar dynamical ejections and collisions on the relation between the maximum stellar and star cluster mass
Oh, Seungkyung ; Kroupa, Pavel
Filamentary accretion cannot explain the orbital poles of the Milky Way satellites
Pawlowski, M.S. ; Kroupa, P. ; Angus, G. ; de Boer, K.S. ; Famaey, B. ; Hensler, G.
Constraining the physics of the r-mode instability in neutron stars with X-ray and ultraviolet observations
Haskell, Brynmor ; Degenaar, Nathalie ; Ho, Wynn C.G.
Diagnostics of baryonic cooling in lensing galaxies
Leier, Dominik ; Ferreras, Ignacio ; Saha, Prasenjit
Magnetic buoyancy instabilities in the presence of magnetic flux pumping at the base of the solar convection zone
Barker, Adrian J. ; Silvers, Lara J. ; Proctor, Michael R.E. ; Weiss, Nigel O.
HESS observations of the Carina nebula and its enigmatic colliding wind binary Eta Carinae \groupname HESS Collaboration
Abramowski, A. ; Acero, F. ; Aharonian, F. ; Akhperjanian, A.G. ; Anton, G. ; Balzer, A. ; Barnacka, A. ; Becherini, Y. ; Becker, J. ; Bernlöhr, K. ; Birsin, E. ; Biteau, J. ; Bochow, A. ; Boisson, C. ; Bolmont, J. ; Bordas, P. ; Brucker, J. ; Brun, F. ; Brun, P. ; Bulik, T. ; Büsching, I. ; Carrigan, S. ; Casanova, S. ; Cerruti, M. ; Chadwick, P.M. ; Charbonnier, A. ; Chaves, R.C.G. ; Cheesebrough, A. ; Cologna, G. ; Conrad, J. ; Dalton, M. ; Daniel, M.K. ; Davids, I.D. ; Degrange, B. ; Deil, C. ; Dickinson, H.J. ; Djannati-Ataï, A. ; Domainko, W. ; Drury, L.O'C. ; Dubus, G. ; Dutson, K. ; Dyks, J. ; Dyrda, M. ; Egberts, K. ; Eger, P. ; Espigat, P. ; Fallon, L. ; Fegan, S. ; Feinstein, F. ; Fernandes, M.V. ; Fiasson, A. ; Fontaine, G. ; Förster, A. ; Füssling, M. ; Gallant, Y.A. ; Garrigoux, T. ; Gast, H. ; Gérard, L. ; Giebels, B. ; Glicenstein, J.F. ; Glück, B. ; Göring, D. ; Grondin, M.-H. ; Häffner, S. ; Hague, J.D. ; Hahn, J. ; Hampf, D. ; Harris, J. ; Hauser, M. ; Heinz, S. ; Heinzelmann, G. ; Henri, G. ; Hermann, G. ; Hillert, A. ; Hinton, J.A. ; Hofmann, W. ; Hofverberg, P. ; Holler, M. ; Horns, D. ; Jacholkowska, A. ; Jahn, C. ; Jamrozy, M. ; Jung, I. ; Kastendieck, M.A. ; KatarzyNski, K. ; Katz, U. ; Kaufmann, S. ; Khélifi, B. ; Klochkov, D. ; Kluzniak, W. ; Kneiske, T. ; Komin, Nu. ; Kosack, K. ; Kossakowski, R. ; Krayzel, F. ; Laffon, H. ; Lamanna, G. ; Lenain, J.-P. ; Lennarz, D. ; Lohse, T. ; Lopatin, A. ; Lu, C.-C. ; Marandon, V. ; Marcowith, A. ; Masbou, J. ; Maurin, G. ; Maxted, N. ; Mayer, M. ; McComb, T.J.L. ; Medina, M.C. ; Méhault, J. ; Moderski, R. ; Mohamed, M. ; Moulin, E. ; Naumann, C.L. ; Naumann-Godo, M. ; de Naurois, M. ; Nedbal, D. ; Nekrassov, D. ; Nguyen, N. ; Nicholas, B. ; Niemiec, J. ; Nolan, S.J. ; Ohm, S. ; de Ona Wilhelmi, E. ; Opitz, B. ; Ostrowski, M. ; Oya, I. ; Panter, M. ; Paz Arribas, M. ; Pekeur, N.W. ; Pelletier, G. ; Perez, J. ; Petrucci, P.-O. ; Peyaud, B. ; Pita, S. ; Pühlhofer, G. ; Punch, M. ; Quirrenbach, A. ; Raue, M. ; Reimer, A. ; Reimer, O. ; Renaud, M. ; de los Reyes, R. ; Rieger, F. ; Ripken, J. ; Rob, L. ; Rosier-Lees, S. ; Rowell, G. ; Rudak, B. ; Rulten, C.B. ; Sahakian, V. ; Sanchez, D.A. ; Santangelo, A. ; Schlickeiser, R. ; Schulz, A. ; Schwanke, U. ; Schwarzburg, S. ; Schwemmer, S. ; Sheidaei, F. ; Skilton, J.L. ; Sol, H. ; Spengler, G. ; Stawarz, L. ; Steenkamp, R. ; Stegmann, C. ; Stinzing, F. ; Stycz, K. ; Sushch, I. ; Szostek, A. ; Tavernet, J.-P. ; Terrier, R. ; Tluczykont, M. ; Valerius, K. ; van Eldik, C. ; Vasileiadis, G. ; Venter, C. ; Viana, A. ; Vincent, P. ; Völk, H.J. ; Volpe, F. ; Vorobiov, S. ; Vorster, M. ; Wagner, S.J. ; Ward, M. ; White, R. ; Wierzcholska, A. ; Zacharias, M. ; Zajczyk, A. ; Zdziarski, A.A. ; Zech, A. ; Zechlin, H.-S. ; Montmerle, T.
The progenitors of present-day massive red galaxies up to z ≈ 0.7 – finding passive galaxies using SDSS-I/II and SDSS-III
Tojeiro, Rita ; Percival, Will J. ; Wake, David A. ; Maraston, Claudia ; Skibba, Ramin A. ; Zehavi, Idit ; Ross, Ashley J. ; Brinkmann, Jon ; Conroy, Charlie ; Guo, Hong ; Manera, Marc ; Masters, Karen L. ; Pforr, Janine ; Samushia, Lado ; Schneider, Donald P. ; Thomas, Daniel ; Weaver, Benjamin A. ; Bizyaev, Dmitry ; Brewington, Howard ; Malanushenko, Elena ; Malanushenko, Viktor ; Oravetz, Daniel ; Pan, Kaike ; Shelden, Alaina ; Simmons, Audrey ; Snedden, Stephanie
MIUSCAT: extended MILES spectral coverage – I. Stellar population synthesis models
Vazdekis, A. ; Ricciardelli, E. ; Cenarro, A.J. ; Rivero-González, J.G. ; Dìaz-Garcìa, L.A. ; Falcón-Barroso, J.
MIUSCAT: extended MILES spectral coverage – II. Constraints from optical photometry
Ricciardelli, E. ; Vazdekis, A. ; Cenarro, A.J. ; Falcón-Barroso, J.
Mechanical AGN feedback: controlling the thermodynamical evolution of elliptical galaxies
Gaspari, M. ; Brighenti, F. ; Temi, P.
On the cooling trend of SGR 0526-66
Güver, Tolga ; Gögüs, Ersin ; Özel, Feryal
On the determination of the spin of the black hole in Cyg X-1 from X-ray reflection spectra
Fabian, A.C. ; Wilkins, D.R. ; Miller, J.M. ; Reis, R.C. ; Reynolds, C.S. ; Cackett, E.M. ; Nowak, M.A. ; Pooley, G.G. ; Pottschmidt, K. ; Sanders, J.S. ; Ross, R.R. ; Wilms, J.
On the hunt for ultramassive black holes in brightest cluster galaxies
Hlavacek-Larrondo, J. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Edge, A.C. ; Hogan, M.T.
Galaxy evolution in groups and clusters: star formation rates, red sequence fractions and the persistent bimodality
Wetzel, Andrew R. ; Tinker, Jeremy L. ; Conroy, Charlie
Optimal interpolation and prediction in pulsar timing
Deng, X.P. ; Coles, W. ; Hobbs, G. ; Keith, M.J. ; Manchester, R.N. ; Shannon, R.M. ; Zheng, J.H.
Time-dependent radiative transfer calculations for supernovae
Hillier, D.John ; Dessart, Luc
The same, but different: stochasticity in binary destruction
Parker, Richard J. ; Goodwin, Simon P.
The XMM–Newton survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud: XMMU J010633.1-731543 and XMMU J010743.1-715953, two new Be/X-ray binary systems*
Coe, M.J. ; Haberl, F. ; Sturm, R. ; Bartlett, E.S. ; Hatzidimitriou, D. ; Townsend, L.J. ; Udalski, A. ; Mereghetti, S. ; Filipovic, M.
H I content, metallicities and spin temperatures of damped and sub-damped Lyα systems in the redshift desert (0.6 < zabs< 1.7)*
Ellison, Sara L. ; Kanekar, Nissim ; Prochaska, J.Xavier ; Momjian, Emmanuel ; Worseck, Gabor
Optimizing future dark energy surveys for model selection goals
Watkinson, Catherine ; Liddle, Andrew R. ; Mukherjee, Pia ; Parkinson, David
Background, foreground and nearby matter influence on strong gravitational lenses
Jaroszynski, M. ; Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z.
The chemical diversity of exo-terrestrial planetary debris around white dwarfs
Gänsicke, B.T. ; Koester, D. ; Farihi, J. ; Girven, J. ; Parsons, S.G. ; Breedt, E.
Unstable m= 1 modes of counter-rotating Keplerian discs
Gulati, Mamta ; Saini, Tarun Deep ; Sridhar, S.
The lives of high-redshift mergers
McCavana, Tom ; Micic, Miroslav ; Lewis, Geraint F. ; Sinha, Manodeep ; Sharma, Sanjib ; Holley-Bockelmann, Kelly ; Bland-Hawthorn, Joss
An optimal Mars Trojan asteroid search strategy
Todd, M. ; Tanga, P. ; Coward, D.M. ; Zadnik, M.G.
Ionizing feedback from massive stars in massive clusters – II. Disruption of bound clusters by photoionization
Dale, J.E. ; Ercolano, B. ; Bonnell, I.A.
The optical spectrum of PKS 1222+216 and its black hole mass
Farina, E.P. ; Decarli, R. ; Falomo, R. ; Treves, A. ; Raiteri, C.M.
Formation and evolution of primordial protostellar systems
Greif, Thomas H. ; Bromm, Volker ; Clark, Paul C. ; Glover, Simon C.O. ; Smith, Rowan J. ; Klessen, Ralf S. ; Yoshida, Naoki ; Springel, Volker
Spatially resolved observations of warm ionized gas and feedback in local ULIRGs
Westmoquette, M.S. ; Clements, D.L. ; Bendo, G.J. ; Khan, S.A.
Variable accretion rates and fluffy first stars
Smith, Rowan J. ; Hosokawa, Takashi ; Omukai, Kazuyuki ; Glover, Simon C.O. ; Klessen, Ralf S.
Scars of intense accretion episodes at metal-rich white dwarfs
Farihi, J. ; Gänsicke, B.T. ; Wyatt, M.C. ; Girven, J. ; Pringle, J.E. ; King, A.R.
The linear velocity field of 2MASS Redshift Survey, Ks= 11.75 galaxies: constraints on β and bulk flow from the luminosity function
Branchini, Enzo ; Davis, Marc ; Nusser, Adi
Are there any stable magnetic fields in barotropic stars?
Lander, S.K. ; Jones, D.I.
Cosmology when living near the Great Attractor
Valkenburg, Wessel ; Bjaelde, Ole Eggers
The radius of baryonic collapse in disc galaxy formation
Kassin, Susan A. ; Devriendt, Julien ; Fall, S.Michael ; de Jong, Roelof S. ; Allgood, Brandon ; Primack, Joel R.
On the origin of the Almahata Sitta meteorite and 2008 TC3asteroid
Gayon-Markt, Julie ; Delbo, Marco ; Morbidelli, Alessandro ; Marchi, Simone
Precision astrometry of the exoplanet host candidate GD 66
Farihi, J. ; Subasavage, J.P. ; Nelan, E.P. ; Harris, H.C. ; Dahn, C.C. ; Nordhaus, J. ; Spiegel, D.S.
No correlation between disc scale height and jet power in GRMHD simulations
Fragile, P.Chris ; Wilson, Julia ; Rodriguez, Marco
Parsec-scale morphology and spectral-index distribution in faint high-frequency peakers
Orienti, M. ; Dallacasa, D.
Accelerating NBODY6 with graphics processing units
Nitadori, Keigo ; Aarseth, Sverre J.
The COSMOS density field: a reconstruction using both weak lensing and galaxy distributions
Amara, A. ; Lilly, S. ; Kovac, K. ; Rhodes, J. ; Massey, R. ; Zamorani, G. ; Carollo, C.M. ; Contini, T. ; Kneib, J.-P. ; Le Fevre, O. ; Mainieri, V. ; Renzini, A. ; Scodeggio, M. ; Bardelli, S. ; Bolzonella, M. ; Bongiorno, A. ; Caputi, K. ; Cucciati, O. ; de la Torre, S. ; de Ravel, L. ; Franzetti, P. ; Garilli, B. ; Iovino, A. ; Kampczyk, P. ; Knobel, C. ; Lamareille, F. ; Le Borgne, J.-F. ; Le Brun, V. ; Maier, C. ; Mignoli, M. ; Pello, R. ; Peng, Y. ; Montero, E.Perez ; Presotto, V. ; Silverman, J. ; Tanaka, M. ; Tasca, L. ; Tresse, L. ; Vergani, D. ; Zucca, E. ; Barnes, L. ; Bordoloi, R. ; Cappi, A. ; Cimatti, A. ; Coppa, G. ; Koekoemoer, A. ; López-Sanjuan, C. ; McCracken, H.J. ; Moresco, M. ; Nair, P. ; Pozzetti, L. ; Welikala, N.
The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: analysis of potential systematics
Ross, Ashley J. ; Percival, Will J. ; Sánchez, Ariel G. ; Samushia, Lado ; Ho, Shirley ; Kazin, Eyal ; Manera, Marc ; Reid, Beth ; White, Martin ; Tojeiro, Rita ; McBride, Cameron K. ; Xu, Xiaoying ; Wake, David A. ; Strauss, Michael A. ; Montesano, Francesco ; Swanson, Molly E.C. ; Bailey, Stephen ; Bolton, Adam S. ; Dorta, Antonio Montero ; Eisenstein, Daniel J. ; Guo, Hong ; Hamilton, Jean-Christophe ; Nichol, Robert C. ; Padmanabhan, Nikhil ; Prada, Francisco ; Schlegel, David J. ; Magana, Mariana Vargas ; Zehavi, Idit ; Blanton, Michael ; Bizyaev, Dmitry ; Brewington, Howard ; Cuesta, Antonio J. ; Malanushenko, Elena ; Malanushenko, Viktor ; Oravetz, Daniel ; Parejko, John ; Pan, Kaike ; Schneider, Donald P. ; Shelden, Alaina ; Simmons, Audrey ; Snedden, Stephanie ; Zhao, Gong-bo
Red Optical Planet Survey: a new search for habitable earths in the southern sky
Barnes, J.R. ; Jenkins, J.S. ; Jones, H.R.A. ; Rojo, P. ; Arriagada, P. ; Jordán, A. ; Minniti, D. ; Tuomi, M. ; Jeffers, S.V. ; Pinfield, D.
The pulsar force-free magnetosphere linked to its striped wind: time-dependent pseudo-spectral simulations
Pétri, J.
Optical and infrared light curves of the eclipsing X-ray binary V395 Car = 2S 0921-630
Ashcraft, T.A. ; Hynes, R.I. ; Robinson, E.L.
RX J0942.7-7726AB: an isolated pre-main-sequence wide binary
Murphy, Simon J. ; Lawson, Warrick A. ; Bessell, Michael S.
On galaxies and homology
Novak, Gregory S. ; Jonsson, Patrik ; Primack, Joel R. ; Cox, Thomas J. ; Dekel, Avishai
The complex case of V445 Lyr observed with Kepler: two Blazhko modulations, a non-radial mode, possible triple mode RR Lyrae pulsation, and more
Guggenberger, E. ; Kolenberg, K. ; Nemec, J.M. ; Smolec, R. ; Benkö, J.M. ; Ngeow, C.-C. ; Cohen, J.G. ; Sesar, B. ; Szabó, R. ; Catelan, M. ; Moskalik, P. ; Kinemuchi, K. ; Seader, S.E. ; Smith, J.C. ; Tenenbaum, P. ; Kjeldsen, H.
Fermi bubbles in the Milky Way: the closest AGN feedback laboratory courtesy of Sgr A*?
Zubovas, Kastytis ; Nayakshin, Sergei
Non-linear evolution of cosmological structures in warm dark matter models
Schneider, Aurel ; Smith, Robert E. ; Macciò, Andrea V. ; Moore, Ben
N-body simulations with a cosmic vector for dark energy
Carlesi, Edoardo ; Knebe, Alexander ; Yepes, Gustavo ; Gottlöber, Stefan ; Jiménez, Jose Beltrán ; Maroto, Antonio L.
Isolated starless cores in infrared dark clouds in the Hi-GAL survey
Wilcock, L.A. ; Ward-Thompson, D. ; Kirk, J.M. ; Stamatellos, D. ; Whitworth, A. ; Battersby, C. ; Elia, D. ; Fuller, G.A. ; DiGiorgio, A. ; Griffin, M.J. ; Molinari, S. ; Martin, P. ; Mottram, J.C. ; Peretto, N. ; Pestalozzi, M. ; Schisano, E. ; Smith, H.A. ; Thompson, M.A.
Multiphase, non-spherical gas accretion on to a black hole
Barai, Paramita ; Proga, Daniel ; Nagamine, Kentaro
Shallow dark matter cusps in galaxy clusters
Laporte, Chervin F.P. ; White, Simon D.M. ; Naab, Thorsten ; Ruszkowski, Mateusz ; Springel, Volker
Comparison of ejection events in the jet and accretion disc outflows in 3C 111
Tombesi, F. ; Sambruna, R.M. ; Marscher, A.P. ; Jorstad, S.G. ; Reynolds, C.S. ; Markowitz, A.
Prospects of observing a quasar H II region during the epoch of reionization with the redshifted 21-cm signal
Datta, Kanan K. ; Friedrich, Martina M. ; Mellema, Garrelt ; Iliev, Ilian T. ; Shapiro, Paul R.
Distinguishing between stellar and planetary companions with phase monitoring
Kane, Stephen R. ; Gelino, Dawn M.
Time-dependent simulations of emission from the FSRQ PKS 1510-089: multiwavelength variability of external Compton and synchrotron self-Compton models
Chen, Xuhui ; Fossati, Giovanni ; Böttcher, Markus ; Liang, Edison
Erratum: Galactic chemical evolution in hierarchical formation models – I. Early-type galaxies in the local Universe
Arrigoni, Matìas; Trager, Scott C.; Somerville, Rachel S.; Gibson, Brad K.
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