Monthly Notices of the RAS 423
July(II) 2012
- 2012MNRAS.423.2977N
- Coupled spin models for magnetic variation of planets and stars
- Nakamichi, A. ; Mouri, H. ; Schmitt, D. ; Ferriz-Mas, A. ; Wicht, J. ; Morikawa, M.
- 2012MNRAS.423.2991V
- Properties of gas in and around galaxy haloes
- van de Voort, Freeke ; Schaye, Joop
- 2012MNRAS.423.3011K
- A new third-order cosmic shear statistic: separating E-/B-mode correlations on a finite interval
- Krause, Elisabeth ; Schneider, Peter ; Eifler, Tim
- 2012MNRAS.423.3018P
- Halo concentrations in the standard Λ cold dark matter cosmology
- Prada, Francisco ; Klypin, Anatoly A. ; Cuesta, Antonio J. ; Betancort-Rijo, Juan E. ; Primack, Joel
- 2012MNRAS.423.3031N
- The helium-rich subdwarf CPD-20°1123: a post-common-envelope binary evolving on to the extended horizontal branch
- Naslim N. ; Geier, S. ; Jeffery, C.S. ; Behara, N.T. ; Woolf, V.M. ; Classen, L.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3039M
- Abundance analysis of four members of the metal-rich open cluster NGC 6253
- Montalto, M. ; Santos, N.C. ; Villanova, S. ; Pace, G. ; Piotto, G. ; Desidera, S. ; De Marchi, F. ; Pasquini, L. ; Saviane, I.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3049G
- Metallicity effects on cosmic Type Ib/c supernovae and gamma-ray burst rates
- Grieco, V. ; Matteucci, F. ; Meynet, G. ; Longo, F. ; Della Valle, M. ; Salvaterra, R.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3058A
- Stability regions around the components of the triple system 2001 SN263
- Araujo, R.A.N. ; Winter, O.C. ; Prado, A.F.B.A. ; Sukhanov, A.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3074F
- On the stability of possible Trojan planets in the habitable zone: an application to the systems HD 147513 and HD 210277
- Funk, B. ; Schwarz, R. ; Süli, Á. ; Érdi, B.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3083M
- General relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of magnetically choked accretion flows around black holes
- McKinney, Jonathan C. ; Tchekhovskoy, Alexander ; Blandford, Roger D.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3118T
- On the link between central black holes, bar dynamics and dark matter haloes in spiral galaxies
- Treuthardt, Patrick ; Seigar, Marc S. ; Sierra, Amber D. ; Al-Baidhany, Ismaeel ; Salo, Heikki ; Kennefick, Daniel ; Kennefick, Julia ; Lacy, Claud H.S.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3134F
- A spectroscopic survey of Andromeda's Western Shelf
- Fardal, Mark A. ; Guhathakurta, Puragra ; Gilbert, Karoline M. ; Tollerud, Erik J. ; Kalirai, Jason S. ; Tanaka, Mikito ; Beaton, Rachael ; Chiba, Masashi ; Komiyama, Yutaka ; Iye, Masanori
- 2012MNRAS.423.3148S
- Magnetic field amplification during gravitational collapse – influence of turbulence, rotation and gravitational compression
- Sur, Sharanya ; Federrath, Christoph ; Schleicher, Dominik R.G. ; Banerjee, Robi ; Klessen, Ralf S.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3163K
- Image analysis for cosmology: results from the GREAT10 Galaxy Challenge
- Kitching, T.D. ; Balan, S.T. ; Bridle, S. ; Cantale, N. ; Courbin, F. ; Eifler, T. ; Gentile, M. ; Gill, M.S.S. ; Harmeling, S. ; Heymans, C. ; Hirsch, M. ; Honscheid, K. ; Kacprzak, T. ; Kirkby, D. ; Margala, D. ; Massey, R.J. ; Melchior, P. ; Nurbaeva, G. ; Patton, K. ; Rhodes, J. ; Rowe, B.T.P. ; Taylor, A.N. ; Tewes, M. ; Viola, M. ; Witherick, D. ; Voigt, L. ; Young, J. ; Zuntz, J.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3209P
- Non-Gaussianity in large-scale structure and Minkowski functionals
- Pratten, Geraint ; Munshi, Dipak
- 2012MNRAS.423.3227C
- Radiative transfer effects during primordial helium recombination
- Chluba, Jens ; Fung, Jeffrey ; Switzer, Eric R.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3243R
- Effects of baryon mass loss on profiles of large galactic dark matter haloes
- Ragone-Figueroa, Cinthia ; Granato, Gian Luigi ; Abadi, Mario G.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3251A
- Measuring large-scale structure with quasars in narrow-band filter surveys
- Abramo, L.Raul ; Strauss, Michael A. ; Lima, Marcos ; Hernández-Monteagudo, Carlos ; Lazkoz, Ruth ; Moles, Mariano ; de Oliveira, Claudia Mendes ; Sendra, Irene ; Sodré, Laerte Jr ; Storchi-Bergmann, Thaisa
- 2012MNRAS.423.3268K
- Accurate luminosities from the oxygen λ7771–4 Å triplet and the fundamental parameters of F–G supergiants
- Kovtyukh, V.V. ; Gorlova, N.I. ; Belik, S.I.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3274D
- Star formation in bulgeless late-type galaxies: clues to their evolution
- Das, M. ; Sengupta, C. ; Ramya, S. ; Misra, K.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3285V
- The stellar wind cycles and planetary radio emission of the τ Boo system
- Vidotto, A.A. ; Fares, R. ; Jardine, M. ; Donati, J.-F. ; Opher, M. ; Moutou, C. ; Catala, C. ; Gombosi, T.I.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3299N
- Investigating the reflection contribution to the X-ray emission of Ton S180
- Nardini, E. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Walton, D.J.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3308J
- The black hole candidate MAXI J1659-152 in and towards quiescence in X-ray and radio
- Jonker, P.G. ; Miller-Jones, J.C.A. ; Homan, J. ; Tomsick, J. ; Fender, R.P. ; Kaaret, P. ; Markoff, S. ; Gallo, E.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3316A
- The relativistic pulsar–white dwarf binary PSR J1738+0333 – I. Mass determination and evolutionary history
- Antoniadis, J. ; van Kerkwijk, M.H. ; Koester, D. ; Freire, P.C.C. ; Wex, N. ; Tauris, T.M. ; Kramer, M. ; Bassa, C.G.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3328F
- The relativistic pulsar–white dwarf binary PSR J1738+0333 – II. The most stringent test of scalar–tensor gravity
- Freire, Paulo C.C. ; Wex, Norbert ; Esposito-Farèse, Gilles ; Verbiest, Joris P.W. ; Bailes, Matthew ; Jacoby, Bryan A. ; Kramer, Michael ; Stairs, Ingrid H. ; Antoniadis, John ; Janssen, Gemma H.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3344K
- Differential rotation of main-sequence dwarfs: predicting the dependence on surface temperature and rotation rate
- Kitchatinov, L.L. ; Olemskoy, S.V.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3352P
- RXTE observation of recent flaring activity from the transient X-ray pulsar 2S 1553-542
- Pahari, Mayukh ; Pal, Sabyasachi
- 2012MNRAS.423.3360Y
- The nature of the Compton-thick X-ray reprocessor in NGC 4945
- Yaqoob, Tahir
- 2012MNRAS.423.3397S
- The stability of massive main-sequence stars as a function of metallicity
- Shiode, Joshua H. ; Quataert, Eliot ; Arras, Phil
- 2012MNRAS.423.3405L
- Fast calculation of the weak lensing aperture mass statistic
- Leonard, Adrienne ; Pires, Sandrine ; Starck, Jean-Luc
- 2012MNRAS.423.3413N
- Magnetometry of a sample of massive stars in Carina
- Nazé, Yaël ; Bagnulo, Stefano ; Petit, Véronique ; Rivinius, Thomas ; Wade, Gregg ; Rauw, Gregor ; Gagné, Marc
- 2012MNRAS.423.3420B
- Kepler observations of flaring in A–F type stars
- Balona, L.A.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3430B
- The 6dF Galaxy Survey: z ≈ 0 measurements of the growth rate and σ8
- Beutler, Florian ; Blake, Chris ; Colless, Matthew ; Jones, D.Heath ; Staveley-Smith, Lister ; Poole, Gregory B. ; Campbell, Lachlan ; Parker, Quentin ; Saunders, Will ; Watson, Fred
- 2012MNRAS.423.3445S
- Weak lensing tomography with orthogonal polynomials
- Schäfer, Björn Malte ; Heisenberg, Lavinia
- 2012MNRAS.423.3458S
- Testing subhalo abundance matching in cosmological smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations
- Simha, Vimal ; Weinberg, David H. ; Davé, Romeel ; Fardal, Mark ; Katz, Neal ; Oppenheimer, Benjamin D.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3474I
- Location of upper borders of cavities containing dust and gas under pressure in comets
- Ipatov, Sergei I.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3478H
- The fraction of early-type galaxies in low-redshift groups and clusters of galaxies
- Hoyle, Ben ; Masters, Karen L. ; Nichol, Robert C. ; Jimenez, Raul ; Bamford, Steven P.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3486W
- Quantifying the role of bars in the build-up of central mass concentrations in disc galaxies
- Wang, Jing ; Kauffmann, Guinevere ; Overzier, Roderik ; Tacconi, Linda J. ; Kong, Xu ; Saintonge, Amelie ; Catinella, Barbara ; Schiminovich, David ; Moran, Sean M. ; Johnson, Benjamin
- 2012MNRAS.423.3502J
- Nulls, subpulse drift and mode switching in pulsars: the polar-cap surface
- Jones, P.B.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3512C
- Non-thermal insights on mass and energy flows through the Galactic Centre and into the Fermi bubbles
- Crocker, R.M.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3540Y
- Post-Newtonian effects of planetary gravity on the perihelion shift
- Yamada, Kei ; Asada, Hideki
- 2012MNRAS.423.3545C
- The cosmological analysis of X-ray cluster surveys – I. A new method for interpreting number counts
- Clerc, N. ; Pierre, M. ; Pacaud, F. ; Sadibekova, T.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3561C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/423/3561)
- The cosmological analysis of X-ray cluster surveys – II. Application of the CR–HR method to the XMM archive
- Clerc, N. ; Sadibekova, T. ; Pierre, M. ; Pacaud, F. ; Le Fèvre, J.-P. ; Adami, C. ; Altieri, B. ; Valtchanov, I.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3584L
- Long-term variations of the coronal rotation and solar activity
- Li, K.J. ; Shi, X.J. ; Feng, W. ; Xie, J.L. ; Gao, P.X. ; Zhan, L.S. ; Liang, H.F.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3589W
- Collisionless dynamics in globular clusters
- Williams, Liliya L.R. ; Barnes, Eric I. ; Hjorth, Jens
- 2012MNRAS.423.3601N
- Cosmological implications of a stellar initial mass function that varies with the Jeans mass in galaxies
- Narayanan, Desika ; Davé, Romeel
- 2012MNRAS.423.3616D
- Feeding compact bulges and supermassive black holes with low angular momentum cosmic gas at high redshift
- Dubois, Yohan ; Pichon, Christophe ; Haehnelt, Martin ; Kimm, Taysun ; Slyz, Adrianne ; Devriendt, Julien ; Pogosyan, Dmitry
- 2012MNRAS.423.3631W
- Robust constraints on dark energy and gravity from galaxy clustering data
- Wang, Yun
- 2012MNRAS.423.3638I
- Structure of dynamical condensation fronts in the interstellar medium
- Iwasaki, Kazunari ; Inutsuka, Shu-ichiro
- 2012MNRAS.423.3646Q
- Optical flares and flaring oscillations on the M-type eclipsing binary CU Cancri
- Qian, S.-B. ; Zhang, J. ; Zhu, L.-Y. ; Liu, L. ; Liao, W.-P. ; Zhao, E.-G. ; He, J.-J. ; Li, L.-J. ; Li, K. ; Dai, Z.-B.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3652G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/423/3652)
- Suppression of star formation in the central 200 kpc of a z= 1.4 galaxy cluster
- Grützbauch, Ruth ; Bauer, Amanda E. ; Jorgensen, Inger ; Varela, Jesus
- 2012MNRAS.423.3663B
- On the periodicities present in the optical light curves of Small Magellanic Cloud Be/X-ray binaries
- Bird, A.J. ; Coe, M.J. ; McBride, V.A. ; Udalski, A.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3679W
- Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): galaxy environments and star formation rate variations
- Wijesinghe, D.B. ; Hopkins, A.M. ; Brough, S. ; Taylor, E.N. ; Norberg, P. ; Bauer, A. ; Brown, M.J.I. ; Cameron, E. ; Conselice, C.J. ; Croom, S. ; Driver, S. ; Grootes, M.W. ; Jones, D.H. ; Kelvin, L. ; Loveday, J. ; Pimbblet, K.A. ; Popescu, C.C. ; Prescott, M. ; Sharp, R. ; Baldry, I. ; Sadler, E.M. ; Liske, J. ; Robotham, A.S.G. ; Bamford, S. ; Bland-Hawthorn, J. ; Gunawardhana, M. ; Meyer, M. ; Parkinson, H. ; Drinkwater, M.J. ; Peacock, J. ; Tuffs, R.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3692Y
- Galaxies with background QSOs – I. A search for strong galactic Hα lines
- York, Donald G. ; Straka, Lorrie A. ; Bishof, Michael ; Kuttruff, Seth ; Bowen, David ; Kulkarni, Varsha P. ; Subbarao, Mark ; Richards, Gordon ; Vanden Berk, Daniel ; Hall, Patrick B. ; Heckman, Timothy ; Khare, Pushpa ; Quashnock, Jean ; Ghering, Lara ; Johnson, Sean
- 2012MNRAS.423.3709G
- The nature and descendants of Lyman-break galaxies in the Λ cold dark matter cosmology
- González, Juan E. ; Lacey, C.G. ; Baugh, C.M. ; Frenk, C.S. ; Benson, A.J.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3727G
- Signatures of minor mergers in the Milky Way disc – I. The SEGUE stellar sample
- Gómez, Facundo A. ; Minchev, Ivan ; O'Shea, Brian W. ; Lee, Young Sun ; Beers, Timothy C. ; An, Deokkeun ; Bullock, James S. ; Purcell, Chris W. ; Villalobos, Álvaro
- 2012MNRAS.423.3740V
- Subhaloes in self-interacting galactic dark matter haloes
- Vogelsberger, Mark ; Zavala, Jesus ; Loeb, Abraham
- 2012MNRAS.423.3753R
- Discovery of multiple shells around the planetary nebula IC 418
- Ramos-Larios, G. ; Vázquez, R. ; Guerrero, M.A. ; Olguìn, L. ; Marquez-Lugo, R.A. ; Bravo-Alfaro, H.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3761B
- The growth index of matter perturbations and modified gravity
- Basilakos, Spyros ; Pouri, Athina
- 2012MNRAS.423.3768A
- On kHz oscillations and characteristic frequencies of accreting magnetospheres
- Alpar, M.Ali
- 2012MNRAS.423.3775G
- Erratum: Isotope effects for formaldehyde plus hydrogen addition and abstraction reactions: rate calculations including tunnelling
- Goumans, T.P.M.
- 2012MNRAS.423.3776L
- Erratum: Eccentricity growth rates of tidally distorted discs
- Lubow, Stephen H.
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