Monthly Notices of the RAS 422
June(I) 2012
- 2012MNRAS.422.2737W
- Hall diffusion and the magnetorotational instability in protoplanetary discs
- Wardle, Mark ; Salmeron, Raquel
- 2012MNRAS.422.2756P
- The stellar metallicity distribution in intermediate-latitude fields with BATC and SDSS data
- Peng, Xiyan ; Du, Cuihua ; Wu, Zhenyu
- 2012MNRAS.422.2765D – (Tables: J/MNRAS/422/2765)
- The Volume-limited A-Star (VAST) survey - II. Orbital motion monitoring of A-type star multiples
- De Rosa, R.J. ; Patience, J. ; Vigan, A. ; Wilson, P.A. ; Schneider, A. ; McConnell, N.J. ; Wiktorowicz, S.J. ; Marois, C. ; Song, I. ; Macintosh, B. ; Graham, J.R. ; Bessell, M.S. ; Doyon, R. ; Lai, O.
- 2012MNRAS.422.2786H
- The impact of CCD radiation damage on Gaia astrometry - II. Effect of image location errors on the astrometric solution
- Holl, B. ; Prod'homme, T. ; Lindegren, L. ; Brown, A.G.A.
- 2012MNRAS.422.2808M
- Moderate galaxy-galaxy lensing
- Mao, Shude ; Wang, Jian ; Smith, Martin C.
- 2012MNRAS.422.2816B
- What shapes the galaxy mass function? Exploring the roles of supernova-driven winds and active galactic nuclei
- Bower, R.G. ; Benson, A.J. ; Crain, Robert A.
- 2012MNRAS.422.2841J
- Red sequence modal colour gradients across intermediate X-ray luminosity galaxy clusters
- Jensen, Peter C. ; Pimbblet, Kevin A.
- 2012MNRAS.422.2854G
- Constraining primordial non-Gaussianity with future galaxy surveys
- Giannantonio, Tommaso ; Porciani, Cristiano ; Carron, Julien ; Amara, Adam ; Pillepich, Annalisa
- 2012MNRAS.422.2878D
- Magnetic field decay in neutron stars: from soft gamma repeaters to `weak-field magnetars'
- Dall'Osso, S. ; Granot, J. ; Piran, T.
- 2012MNRAS.422.2904G
- Cross-correlation of spectroscopic and photometric galaxy surveys: cosmology from lensing and redshift distortions
- Gaztanaga, Enrique ; Eriksen, Martin ; Crocce, Martin ; Castander, Francisco J. ; Fosalba, Pablo ; Marti, Pol ; Miquel, Ramon ; Cabré, Anna
- 2012MNRAS.422.2931N
- The effect of a massive object on an expanding universe
- Nandra, Roshina ; Lasenby, Anthony N. ; Hobson, Michael P.
- 2012MNRAS.422.2945N
- The effect of an expanding universe on massive objects
- Nandra, Roshina ; Lasenby, Anthony N. ; Hobson, Michael P.
- 2012MNRAS.422.2960T
- Spectrum analysis of bright Keplerimg Doradus candidate stars
- Tkachenko, A. ; Lehmann, H. ; Smalley, B. ; Debosscher, J. ; Aerts, C.
- 2012MNRAS.422.2969L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/422/2969)
- Chemical composition of giants from two moving groups
- Liu, F. ; Chen, Y.Q. ; Zhao, G. ; Han, I. ; Lee, B.C. ; Kim, K.M. ; Zhao, Z.S.
- 2012MNRAS.422.2980S
- Tunable filter imaging of high-redshift quasar fields
- Swinbank, John ; Baker, Joanne ; Barr, Jordi ; Hook, Isobel ; Bland-Hawthorn, Joss
- 2012MNRAS.422.2992P
- The gas properties of the W3 giant molecular cloud: a HARP study
- Polychroni, D. ; Moore, T.J.T. ; Allsopp, J.
- 2012MNRAS.422.3004C
- Group of galaxies around the giant radio galaxy 4C 73.08
- Chen, R. ; Peng, B. ; Strom, R.G. ; Wei, J.
- 2012MNRAS.422.3010L
- Characterizing the nature of fossil groups with XMM
- La Barbera, F. ; Paolillo, M. ; De Filippis, E. ; de Carvalho, R.R.
- 2012MNRAS.422.3019C
- The Lyman α forest flux probability distribution at z>3
- Calura, F. ; Tescari, E. ; D'Odorico, V. ; Viel, M. ; Cristiani, S. ; Kim, T.-S. ; Bolton, J.S.
- 2012MNRAS.422.3037R
- SPHS: smoothed particle hydrodynamics with a higher order dissipation switch
- Read, J.I. ; Hayfield, T.
- 2012MNRAS.422.3056A
- Investigating clustering dark energy with 3D weak cosmic shear
- Ayaita, Youness ; Schäfer, Björn Malte ; Weber, Maik
- 2012MNRAS.422.3067P
- Radiative feedback and cosmic molecular gas: numerical method
- Petkova, Margarita ; Maio, Umberto
- 2012MNRAS.422.3081M
- The effects of baryon physics, black holes and active galactic nucleus feedback on the mass distribution in clusters of galaxies
- Martizzi, Davide ; Teyssier, Romain ; Moore, Ben ; Wentz, Tina
- 2012MNRAS.422.3092G
- The peak energy of dissipative gamma-ray burst photospheres
- Giannios, Dimitrios
- 2012MNRAS.422.3099S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/422/3099)
- Physical properties and radius variations in the HAT-P-5 planetary system from simultaneous four-colour photometry
- Southworth, John ; Mancini, L. ; Maxted, P.F.L. ; Bruni, I. ; Tregloan-Reed, J. ; Barbieri, M. ; Ruocco, N. ; Wheatley, P.J.
- 2012MNRAS.422.3107S
- On the central stellar mass density and the inside-out growth of early-type galaxies
- Saracco, P. ; Gargiulo, A. ; Longhetti, M.
- 2012MNRAS.422.3118L
- Crab GeV flares from the corrugated termination shock
- Lyutikov, Maxim ; Balsara, Dinshaw ; Matthews, Chris
- 2012MNRAS.422.3130C
- The peculiar 2011 outburst of the black hole candidate IGR J17091-3624, a GRS 1915+105-like source?
- Capitanio, F. ; Del Santo, M. ; Bozzo, E. ; Ferrigno, C. ; De Cesare, G. ; Paizis, A.
- 2012MNRAS.422.3142P
- PN fast winds: temporal structure and stellar rotation
- Prinja, R.K. ; Massa, D.L. ; Urbaneja, M.A. ; Kudritzki, R.-P.
- 2012MNRAS.422.3151H
- Observational constraints on tidal effects using orbital eccentricities
- Husnoo, Nawal ; Pont, Frédéric ; Mazeh, Tsevi ; Fabrycky, Daniel ; Hébrard, Guillaume ; Bouchy, François ; Shporer, Avi
- 2012MNRAS.422.3178E – (Tables: J/MNRAS/422/3178)
- Star formation towards the Scutum tangent region and the effects of Galactic environment
- Eden, D.J. ; Moore, T.J.T. ; Plume, R. ; Morgan, L.K.
- 2012MNRAS.422.3189G
- Semi-analytic modelling of the extragalactic background light and consequences for extragalactic gamma-ray spectra
- Gilmore, Rudy C. ; Somerville, Rachel S. ; Primack, Joel R. ; Domìnguez, Alberto
- 2012MNRAS.422.3208S
- The JCMT Nearby Galaxies Legacy Survey - VII. Himg imaging and massive star formation properties
- Sánchez-Gallego, J.R. ; Knapen, J.H. ; Wilson, C.D. ; Barmby, P. ; Azimlu, M. ; Courteau, S.
- 2012MNRAS.422.3249C
- Variability in quasar broad absorption line outflows - II. Multi-epoch monitoring of Si IV and C IV broad absorption line variability
- Capellupo, D.M. ; Hamann, F. ; Shields, J.C. ; Rodrìguez Hidalgo, P. ; Barlow, T.A.
- 2012MNRAS.422.3268J – (Tables: J/MNRAS/422/3268)
- A combined optical and X-ray study of unobscured type 1 active galactic nuclei - II. Relation between X-ray emission and optical spectra
- Jin, Chichuan ; Ward, Martin ; Done, Chris
- 2012MNRAS.422.3285P
- Recovering galaxy stellar population properties from broad-band spectral energy distribution fitting
- Pforr, Janine ; Maraston, Claudia ; Tonini, Chiara
- 2012MNRAS.422.3327P
- Non-linear viscous damping and gravitational wave detectability of the f-mode instability in neutron stars
- Passamonti, Andrea ; Glampedakis, Kostas
- 2012MNRAS.422.3339W
- Scaling relations of star-forming regions: from kpc-sized clumps to H II regions
- Wisnioski, Emily ; Glazebrook, Karl ; Blake, Chris ; Poole, Gregory B. ; Green, Andrew W. ; Wyder, Ted ; Martin, Chris
- 2012MNRAS.422.3356D
- The massive stellar population in the young association LH 95 in the Large Magellanic Cloud
- Da Rio, N. ; Gouliermis, D.A. ; Rochau, B. ; Pasquali, A. ; Setiawan, J. ; De Marchi, G.
- 2012MNRAS.422.3370K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/422/3370)
- Spatial variation in the fine-structure constant - new results from VLT/UVES
- King, Julian A. ; Webb, John K. ; Murphy, Michael T. ; Flambaum, Victor V. ; Carswell, Robert F. ; Bainbridge, Matthew B. ; Wilczynska, Michael R. ; Koch, F.Elliott
- 2012MNRAS.422.3415A
- A prescription and fast code for the long-term evolution of star clusters
- Alexander, Poul E.R. ; Gieles, Mark
- 2012MNRAS.422.3433L
- Discovery of a detached H I gas shell surrounding α Orionis
- Le Bertre, T. ; Matthews, L.D. ; Gérard, E. ; Libert, Y.
- 2012MNRAS.422.3444D
- Roche tomography of cataclysmic variables - V. A high-latitude starspot on RU Pegasi
- Dunford, A. ; Watson, C.A. ; Smith, Robert Connon
- 2012MNRAS.422.3457G
- Metastable helium in absorption towards ζ Ophiuchi
- Galazutdinov, G.A. ; Krelowski, J.
- 2012MNRAS.422.3460S
- Testing the effects of opacity and the chemical mixture on the excitation of pulsations in B stars of the Magellanic Clouds
- Salmon, S. ; Montalbán, J. ; Morel, T. ; Miglio, A. ; Dupret, M.-A. ; Noels, A.
- 2012MNRAS.422.3475H
- High-resolution spectroscopy of the blue compact dwarf galaxy Haro 15 - II. Chemodynamics
- Hägele, Guillermo F. ; Firpo, Verónica ; Bosch, Guillermo ; Dìaz, Ángeles I. ; Morrell, Nidia
- 2012MNRAS.422.3495B
- Basic properties of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in the inertial range
- Beresnyak, Andrey
- 2012MNRAS.422.3503W
- X-ray observations of the galaxy cluster Abell 2029 to the virial radius
- Walker, S.A. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Sanders, J.S. ; George, M.R. ; Tawara, Y.
- 2012MNRAS.422.3516W
- Understanding and reducing statistical uncertainties in nebular abundance determinations
- Wesson, R. ; Stock, D.J. ; Scicluna, P.
- 2012MNRAS.422.3527M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/422/3527)
- Elemental abundances of intermediate-age open cluster NGC 3680
- Mitschang, A.W. ; De Silva, G.M. ; Zucker, D.B.
- 2012MNRAS.422.3535B
- Spectroscopic pulsational frequency identification and mode determination of γ Doradus star HD 135825
- Brunsden, E. ; Pollard, K.R. ; Cottrell, P.L. ; Wright, D.J. ; De Cat, P. ; Kilmartin, P.M.
- 2012MNRAS.422.3546B
- Weak lensing predictions for coupled dark energy cosmologies at non-linear scales
- Beynon, Emma ; Baldi, Marco ; Bacon, David J. ; Koyama, Kazuya ; Sabiu, Cristiano
- 2012MNRAS.422.3554W
- On the modelling of the excesses of galaxy clusters over high-mass thresholds
- Waizmann, J.-C. ; Ettori, S. ; Moscardini, L.
- 2012MNRAS.422.3564B
- Misleading variations in estimated rotational frequency splittings of solar p modes: consequences for helioseismology and asteroseismology
- Broomhall, Anne-Marie ; Salabert, David ; Chaplin, William J. ; Garcìa, Rafael A. ; Elsworth, Yvonne ; Howe, Rachel ; Mathur, Savita
- 2012MNRAS.422.3574B
- The SWELLS survey - III. Disfavouring `heavy' initial mass functions for spiral lens galaxies
- Brewer, Brendon J. ; Dutton, Aaron A. ; Treu, Tommaso ; Auger, Matthew W. ; Marshall, Philip J. ; Barnabè, Matteo ; Bolton, Adam S. ; Koo, David C. ; Koopmans, Léon V.E.
- 2012MNRAS.422.3591C
- Globular cluster systems of early-type galaxies in low-density environments
- Cho, J. ; Sharples, R.M. ; Blakeslee, J.P. ; Zepf, S.E. ; Kundu, A. ; Kim, H.-S. ; Yoon, S.-J.
- 2012MNRAS.422.3611R
- Planet-disc interaction in highly inclined systems
- Rein, Hanno
- 2012MNRAS.422.3617G
- Foreground analysis using cross-correlations of external templates on the 7-year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe data
- Ghosh, Tuhin ; Banday, A.J. ; Jaffe, Tess ; Dickinson, Clive ; Davies, Rod ; Davis, Richard ; Gorski, Krzysztof
- 2012MNRAS.422.3643C
- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon negative ions in interstellar clouds: a quantum study on coronene metastable anions
- Carelli, F. ; Gianturco, F.A.
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