Monthly Notices of the RAS 422
May(III) 2012

Plain fundamentals of Fundamental Planes: analytics and algorithms
Sheth, Ravi K. ; Bernardi, Mariangela
The ATLAS3D project - XIII. Mass and morphology of H I in early-type galaxies as a function of environment
Serra, Paolo ; Oosterloo, Tom ; Morganti, Raffaella ; Alatalo, Katherine ; Blitz, Leo ; Bois, Maxime ; Bournaud, Frédéric ; Bureau, Martin ; Cappellari, Michele ; Crocker, Alison F. ; Davies, Roger L. ; Davis, Timothy A. ; de Zeeuw, P.T. ; Duc, Pierre-Alain ; Emsellem, Eric ; Khochfar, Sadegh ; Krajnovic, Davor ; Kuntschner, Harald ; Lablanche, Pierre-Yves ; McDermid, Richard M. ; Naab, Thorsten ; Sarzi, Marc ; Scott, Nicholas ; Trager, Scott C. ; Weijmans, Anne-Marie ; Young, Lisa M.
Influence of baryons on the orbital structure of dark matter haloes
Bryan, S.E. ; Mao, S. ; Kay, S.T. ; Schaye, J. ; Dalla Vecchia, C. ; Booth, C.M.
On the theory of disc photoevaporation
Owen, James E. ; Clarke, Cathie J. ; Ercolano, Barbara
Natures of a clump-origin bulge: a pseudo-bulge like but old metal-rich bulge
Inoue, Shigeki ; Saitoh, Takayuki R.
Spectral analysis of 1H 0707-495 with XMM-Newton
Dauser, T. ; Svoboda, J. ; Schartel, N. ; Wilms, J. ; Dovciak, M. ; Ehle, M. ; Karas, V. ; Santos-Lleó, M. ; Marshall, H.L.
Discovery of the benchmark metal-poor T8 dwarf BD +01° 2920B
Pinfield, D.J. ; Burningham, B. ; Lodieu, N. ; Leggett, S.K. ; Tinney, C.G. ; van Spaandonk, L. ; Marocco, F. ; Smart, R. ; Gomes, J. ; Smith, L. ; Lucas, P.W. ; Day-Jones, A.C. ; Murray, D.N. ; Katsiyannis, A.C. ; Catalan, S. ; Cardoso, C. ; Clarke, J.R.A. ; Folkes, S. ; Gálvez-Ortiz, M.C. ; Homeier, D. ; Jenkins, J.S. ; Jones, H.R.A. ; Zhang, Z.H.
Tidal disruption flares of stars from moderately recoiled black holes
Stone, Nicholas ; Loeb, Abraham
A Bayesian study of the primordial power spectrum from a novel closed universe model
Vázquez, J.Alberto ; Lasenby, A.N. ; Bridges, M. ; Hobson, M.P.
The influences of the Magellanic Clouds on the Galaxy: pole shift, warp and star formation history
Bekki, Kenji
On the interaction between tides and convection
Ogilvie, Gordon I. ; Lesur, Geoffroy
2012MNRAS.422.1988A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/422/1988)
WASP-44b, WASP-45b and WASP-46b: three short-period, transiting extrasolar planets
Anderson, D.R. ; Collier Cameron, A. ; Gillon, M. ; Hellier, C. ; Jehin, E. ; Lendl, M. ; Maxted, P.F.L. ; Queloz, D. ; Smalley, B. ; Smith, A.M.S. ; Triaud, A.H.M.J. ; West, R.G. ; Pepe, F. ; Pollacco, D. ; Ségransan, D. ; Todd, I. ; Udry, S.
Sunyaev-Zel'dovich clusters in Millennium gas simulations
Kay, Scott T. ; Peel, Michael W. ; Short, C.J. ; Thomas, Peter A. ; Young, Owain E. ; Battye, Richard A. ; Liddle, Andrew R. ; Pearce, Frazer R.
2012MNRAS.422.2024J – (Tables: J/MNRAS/422/2024)
The coronal X-ray-age relation and its implications for the evaporation of exoplanets
Jackson, Alan P. ; Davis, Timothy A. ; Wheatley, Peter J.
The shallow-decay phase in both the optical and X-ray afterglows of Swift GRB 090529A: energy injection into a wind-type medium?
Xin, L.P. ; Pozanenko, A. ; Kann, D.A. ; Xu, D. ; Gorosabel, J. ; Leloudas, G. ; Wei, J.Y. ; Andreev, M. ; Qin, S.F. ; Ibrahimov, M. ; Han, X.H. ; de Ugarte Postigo, A. ; Qiu, Y.L. ; Deng, J.S. ; Volnova, A. ; Jakobsson, P. ; Castro-Tirado, A.J. ; Aceituno, F. ; Fynbo, J.P.U. ; Wang, J. ; Sanchez-Ramirez, R. ; Kouprianov, V. ; Zheng, W.K. ; Tello, J.C. ; Wu, C.
The mass function of black holes 1<z<4.5: comparison of models with observations
Natarajan, Priyamvada ; Volonteri, Marta
Separable triaxial potential-density pairs in modified Newtonian dynamics
Ciotti, Luca ; Zhao, Hongsheng ; de Zeeuw, P.Tim
Chemical abundances of magnetic and non-magnetic Herbig Ae/Be stars
Folsom, C.P. ; Bagnulo, S. ; Wade, G.A. ; Alecian, E. ; Landstreet, J.D. ; Marsden, S.C. ; Waite, I.A.
A second-order accurate Super TimeStepping formulation for anisotropic thermal conduction
Meyer, Chad D. ; Balsara, Dinshaw S. ; Aslam, Tariq D.
2012MNRAS.422.2116K – (Tables: J/MNRAS/422/2116)
The kinematic properties of BHB and RR Lyrae stars towards the Anticentre and the North Galactic Pole: the transition between the inner and the outer halo
Kinman, T.D. ; Cacciari, C. ; Bragaglia, A. ; Smart, R. ; Spagna, A.
2008 LC18: a potentially unstable Neptune Trojan
Horner, J. ; Lykawka, P.S. ; Bannister, M.T. ; Francis, P.
Origin of strong magnetic fields in Milky Way-like galactic haloes
Beck, A.M. ; Lesch, H. ; Dolag, K. ; Kotarba, H. ; Geng, A. ; Stasyszyn, F.A.
Observing supermassive dark stars with James Webb Space Telescope
Ilie, Cosmin ; Freese, Katherine ; Valluri, Monica ; Iliev, Ilian T. ; Shapiro, Paul R.
Satellites around massive galaxies since z∼ 2
Mármol-Queraltó, E. ; Trujillo, I. ; Pérez-González, P.G. ; Varela, J. ; Barro, G.
Values of v sin i for late-type stars from spectral synthesis in the K-band region
Lyubchik, Yuri ; Jones, Hugh R.A. ; Pavlenko, Yakiv V. ; Pinfield, David J. ; Covey, Kevin R.
Optical and near-infrared spectroscopy of the black hole GX 339-4 - I. A focus on the continuum in the low/hard and high/soft states
Rahoui, F. ; Coriat, M. ; Corbel, S. ; Cadolle Bel, M. ; Tomsick, J.A. ; Lee, J.C. ; Rodriguez, J. ; Russell, D.M. ; Migliari, S.
The XMM Cluster Survey: the interplay between the brightest cluster galaxy and the intracluster medium via AGN feedback
Stott, John P. ; Hickox, Ryan C. ; Edge, Alastair C. ; Collins, Chris A. ; Hilton, Matt ; Harrison, Craig D. ; Romer, A.Kathy ; Rooney, Philip J. ; Kay, Scott T. ; Miller, Christopher J. ; Sahlén, Martin ; Lloyd-Davies, Ed J. ; Mehrtens, Nicola ; Hoyle, Ben ; Liddle, Andrew R. ; Viana, Pedro T.P. ; McCarthy, Ian G. ; Schaye, Joop ; Booth, C.M.
3 to 12 millimetre studies of dense gas towards the western rim of supernova remnant RX J1713.7-3946
Maxted, Nigel I. ; Rowell, Gavin P. ; Dawson, Bruce R. ; Burton, Michael G. ; Nicholas, Brent P. ; Fukui, Yasuo ; Walsh, Andrew J. ; Kawamura, Akiko ; Horachi, Hirotaka ; Sano, Hidetoshi
Evidence for top-heavy stellar initial mass functions with increasing density and decreasing metallicity
Marks, Michael ; Kroupa, Pavel ; Dabringhausen, Jörg ; Pawlowski, Marcel S.
Modelling fully convective stars in eclipsing binaries: KOI-126 and CM Draconis
Spada, F. ; Demarque, P.
An astroclimatological study of candidate sites to host an imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope in Romania
Radu, A.A. ; Angelescu, T. ; Curtef, V. ; Felea, D. ; Hasegan, D. ; Lucaschi, B. ; Manea, A. ; Popa, V. ; Ralita, I.
Spectral properties and the effect on redshift cut-off of compact active galactic nuclei from the AT20G survey
Chhetri, R. ; Ekers, R.D. ; Mahony, E.K. ; Jones, P.A. ; Massardi, M. ; Ricci, R. ; Sadler, E.M.
Recollimation boundary layers in relativistic jets
Kohler, Susanna ; Begelman, Mitchell C. ; Beckwith, Kris
The gas-to-dust mass ratio of Centaurus A as seen by Herschel
Parkin, T.J. ; Wilson, C.D. ; Foyle, K. ; Baes, M. ; Bendo, G.J. ; Boselli, A. ; Boquien, M. ; Cooray, A. ; Cormier, D. ; Davies, J.I. ; Eales, S.A. ; Galametz, M. ; Gomez, H.L. ; Lebouteiller, V. ; Madden, S. ; Mentuch, E. ; Page, M.J. ; Pohlen, M. ; Remy, A. ; Roussel, H. ; Sauvage, M. ; Smith, M.W.L. ; Spinoglio, L.
2012MNRAS.422.2302B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/422/2302)
The search for high-mass X-ray binaries in the Phoenix dwarf galaxy
Bartlett, E.S. ; Coe, M.J. ; Haberl, F. ; McBride, V.A. ; Corbet, R.H.D.
HST/STIS spectroscopy of the magnetic Of?p star HD 108: the low state at ultraviolet wavelengths
Marcolino, W.L.F. ; Bouret, J.-C. ; Walborn, N.R. ; Howarth, I.D. ; Nazé, Y. ; Fullerton, A.W. ; Wade, G.A. ; Hillier, D.J. ; Herrero, A.
The colours of BL Lac objects: a new approach to their classification
Massaro, Enrico ; Nesci, Roberto ; Piranomonte, Silvia
The fight for accretion: discovery of intermittent mass transfer in BB Doradus in the low state
Rodrìguez-Gil, P. ; Schmidtobreick, L. ; Long, K.S. ; Gänsicke, B.T. ; Torres, M.A.P. ; Rubio-Dìez, M.M. ; Santander-Garcìa, M.
The complementarity of redshift-space distortions and the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect: a 3D spherical analysis
Shapiro, C. ; Crittenden, R.G. ; Percival, W.J.
Thermonuclear X-ray bursts from the 401-Hz accreting pulsar IGR J17498-2921: indication of burning in confined regions
Chakraborty, Manoneeta ; Bhattacharyya, Sudip
Excitation and charge transfer in H-H+ collisions at 5-80 keV and application to astrophysical shocks
Tseliakhovich, Dmitriy ; Hirata, Christopher M. ; Heng, Kevin
Distinguishing between a true period and its alias, and other tasks of model discrimination
Baluev, Roman V.
Polar ring galaxies in the Galaxy Zoo
Finkelman, Ido ; José G. Funes, S.J. ; Brosch, Noah
Rossby wave instability in 3D discs
Meheut, Heloise ; Yu, Cong ; Lai, Dong
Joint spectral-timing modelling of the hard lags in GX 339-4: constraints on reflection models
Cassatella, P. ; Uttley, P. ; Wilms, J. ; Poutanen, J.
How the merger of two white dwarfs depends on their mass ratio: orbital stability and detonations at contact
Dan, Marius ; Rosswog, Stephan ; Guillochon, James ; Ramirez-Ruiz, Enrico
A derivation of the free-free emission on the Galactic plane between l= 20° and 44°
Alves, Marta I.R. ; Davies, Rodney D. ; Dickinson, Clive ; Calabretta, Mark ; Davis, Richard ; Staveley-Smith, Lister
The symmetries and scaling of tidal tails in galaxies
Struck, Curtis ; Smith, Beverly J.
Negative effective magnetic pressure in turbulent convection
Käpylä, P.J. ; Brandenburg, A. ; Kleeorin, N. ; Mantere, M.J. ; Rogachevskii, I.
First-order Fermi acceleration driven by magnetic reconnection
Drury, L.O'C.
Temperature-pressure profile of the hot Jupiter HD 189733b from HST sodium observations: detection of upper atmospheric heating
Huitson, C.M. ; Sing, D.K. ; Vidal-Madjar, A. ; Ballester, G.E. ; Lecavelier des Etangs, A. ; Désert, J.-M. ; Pont, F.
Radio emission evolution, polarimetry and multifrequency single pulse analysis of the radio magnetar PSR J1622-4950
Levin, L. ; Bailes, M. ; Bates, S.D. ; Bhat, N.D.R. ; Burgay, M. ; Burke-Spolaor, S. ; D'Amico, N. ; Johnston, S. ; Keith, M.J. ; Kramer, M. ; Milia, S. ; Possenti, A. ; Stappers, B. ; van Straten, W.
Alessi 95 and the short-period Cepheid SU Cassiopeiae
Turner, D.G. ; Majaess, D.J. ; Lane, D.J. ; Balam, D.D. ; Gieren, W.P. ; Storm, J. ; Forbes, D.W. ; Havlen, R.J. ; Alessi, B.
The similarity of broad iron lines in X-ray binaries and active galactic nuclei
Walton, D.J. ; Reis, R.C. ; Cackett, E.M. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Miller, J.M.
Observational constraints on Hubble constant and deceleration parameter in power-law cosmology
Kumar, Suresh
Supermassive black hole formation by cold accretion shocks in the first galaxies
Inayoshi, Kohei ; Omukai, Kazuyuki
Rapid AGN accretion from counter-rotating discs
Nixon, Christopher J. ; King, Andrew R. ; Price, Daniel J.
The impact of selection biases on the img correlation of gamma-ray bursts
Ghirlanda, G. ; Ghisellini, G. ; Nava, L. ; Salvaterra, R. ; Tagliaferri, G. ; Campana, S. ; Covino, S. ; D'Avanzo, P. ; Fugazza, D. ; Melandri, A. ; Vergani, S.D.
Resolving the terrestrial planet forming regions of HD 113766 and HD 172555 with MIDI
Smith, R. ; Wyatt, M.C. ; Haniff, C.A.
What can quasi-periodic oscillations tell us about the structure of the corresponding compact objects?
Pappas, George
Spectroscopic bulge-disc decomposition: a new method to study the evolution of lenticular galaxies
Johnston, E.J. ; Aragón-Salamanca, A. ; Merrifield, M.R. ; Bedregal, A.G.
2012MNRAS.422.2600B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/422/2600)
Mass ratio from Doppler beaming and R\omer delay versus ellipsoidal modulation in the Kepler data of KOI-74
Bloemen, S. ; Marsh, T.R. ; Degroote, P. ; Ostensen, R.H. ; Papics, P.I. ; Aerts, C. ; Koester, D. ; Gansicke, B.T. ; Breedt, E. ; Lombaert, R. ; Pyrzas, S. ; Copperwheat, C.M. ; Exter, K. ; Raskin, G. ; Van Winckel, H. ; Prins, S. ; Pessemier, W. ; Fremat, Y. ; Hensberge, H. ; Jorissen, A. ; Van Eck, S.
Towards a self-consistent numerical model of late-type galaxies: calibrating the effects of sub-grid physics on galactic models
Rahimi, Awat ; Kawata, Daisuke
The ubiquity of the rms-flux relation in black hole X-ray binaries
Heil, L.M. ; Vaughan, S. ; Uttley, P.
Magnetars: super(ficially) hot and super(fluid) cool
Ho, Wynn C.G. ; Glampedakis, Kostas ; Andersson, Nils
Dipole low-order g-mode instability of metal-poor low-mass main-sequence stars due to the img mechanism
Sonoi, Takafumi ; Shibahashi, Hiromoto
The historical light curve of the symbiotic star AG Draconis: intense, magnetically induced cyclic activity
Formiggini, Liliana ; Leibowitz, Elia M.
Photonic lattices for astronomical interferometry
Minardi, S.
Fast X-ray transients towards the Galactic bulge with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer
Smith, D.M. ; Markwardt, C.B. ; Swank, J.H. ; Negueruela, I.
Detectability of high-redshift superluminous supernovae with upcoming optical and near-infrared surveys
Tanaka, Masaomi ; Moriya, Takashi J. ; Yoshida, Naoki ; Nomoto, Ken'ichi
Emergent mesoscale phenomena in magnetized accretion disc turbulence
Simon, Jacob B. ; Beckwith, Kris ; Armitage, Philip J.
Pair-instability supernovae at the epoch of reionization
Pan, Tony ; Kasen, Daniel ; Loeb, Abraham
Constraints on the ICM velocity power spectrum from the X-ray lines width and shift
Zhuravleva, I. ; Churazov, E. ; Kravtsov, A. ; Sunyaev, R.
Interesting dynamics at high mutual inclination in the framework of the Kozai problem with an eccentric perturber
Libert, A.-S. ; Delsate, N.
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