Monthly Notices of the RAS 416
September(III) 2011
- 2011MNRAS.416.1601B
- Photometric mode identification methods of non-radial pulsations in eclipsing binaries – I. Dynamic eclipse mapping
- Bìró, I.B. ; Nuspl, J.
- 2011MNRAS.416.1616F
- Shape, shear and flexion – II. Quantifying the flexion formalism for extended sources with the ray-bundle method
- Fluke, C.J. ; Lasky, P.D.
- 2011MNRAS.416.1629M
- Higher order statistics for three-dimensional shear and flexion
- Munshi, Dipak ; Kitching, Thomas ; Heavens, Alan ; Coles, Peter
- 2011MNRAS.416.1654B
- The ATLAS3D project – VI. Simulations of binary galaxy mergers and the link with fast rotators, slow rotators and kinematically distinct cores
- Bois, Maxime ; Emsellem, Eric ; Bournaud, Frédéric ; Alatalo, Katherine ; Blitz, Leo ; Bureau, Martin ; Cappellari, Michele ; Davies, Roger L. ; Davis, Timothy A. ; de Zeeuw, P.T. ; Duc, Pierre-Alain ; Khochfar, Sadegh ; Krajnovic, Davor ; Kuntschner, Harald ; Lablanche, Pierre-Yves ; McDermid, Richard M. ; Morganti, Raffaella ; Naab, Thorsten ; Oosterloo, Tom ; Sarzi, Marc ; Scott, Nicholas ; Serra, Paolo ; Weijmans, Anne-Marie ; Young, Lisa M.
- 2011MNRAS.416.1680C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/416/1680)
- The ATLAS3D project – VII. A new look at the morphology of nearby galaxies: the kinematic morphology–density relation
- Cappellari, Michele ; Emsellem, Eric ; Krajnovic, Davor ; McDermid, Richard M. ; Serra, Paolo ; Alatalo, Katherine ; Blitz, Leo ; Bois, Maxime ; Bournaud, Frédéric ; Bureau, M. ; Davies, Roger L. ; Davis, Timothy A. ; de Zeeuw, P.T. ; Khochfar, Sadegh ; Kuntschner, Harald ; Lablanche, Pierre-Yves ; Morganti, Raffaella ; Naab, Thorsten ; Oosterloo, Tom ; Sarzi, Marc ; Scott, Nicholas ; Weijmans, Anne-Marie ; Young, Lisa M.
- 2011MNRAS.416.1697P
- Exploding core collapse supernovae with jittering jets
- Papish, Oded ; Soker, Noam
- 2011MNRAS.416.1703E
- Modelling the clustering of dark matter haloes in resummed perturbation theories
- Elia, A. ; Kulkarni, S. ; Porciani, C. ; Pietroni, M. ; Matarrese, S.
- 2011MNRAS.416.1717K
- On mitigation of the uncertainty in non-linear matter clustering for cosmic shear tomography
- Kitching, T.D. ; Taylor, A.N.
- 2011MNRAS.416.1723B
- Galactic winds and extended Lyα emission from the host galaxies of high column density quasi-stellar object absorption systems
- Barnes, Luke A. ; Haehnelt, Martin G. ; Tescari, Edoardo ; Viel, Matteo
- 2011MNRAS.416.1739F
- Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA H I data stacking – II. H I content of the host galaxies of active galactic nuclei
- Fabello, Silvia ; Kauffmann, Guinevere ; Catinella, Barbara ; Giovanelli, Riccardo ; Haynes, Martha P. ; Heckman, Timothy M. ; Schiminovich, David
- 2011MNRAS.416.1745D
- Galaxy Zoo: multimergers and the Millennium Simulation
- Darg, D.W. ; Kaviraj, S. ; Lintott, C.J. ; Schawinski, K. ; Silk, J. ; Lynn, S. ; Bamford, S. ; Nichol, R.C.
- 2011MNRAS.416.1756M
- Dynamics of massive stellar black holes in young star clusters and the displacement of ultra-luminous X-ray sources
- Mapelli, M. ; Ripamonti, E. ; Zampieri, L. ; Colpi, M.
- 2011MNRAS.416.1764W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/416/1764)
- The H2 O Southern Galactic Plane Survey (HOPS) – I. Techniques and H2O maser data
- Walsh, A.J. ; Breen, S.L. ; Britton, T. ; Brooks, K.J. ; Burton, M.G. ; Cunningham, M.R. ; Green, J.A. ; Harvey-Smith, L. ; Hindson, L. ; Hoare, M.G. ; Indermuehle, B. ; Jones, P.A. ; Lo, N. ; Longmore, S.N. ; Lowe, V. ; Phillips, C.J. ; Purcell, C.R. ; Thompson, M.A. ; Urquhart, J.S. ; Voronkov, M.A. ; White, G.L. ; Whiting, M.T.
- 2011MNRAS.416.1822C
- Secondary infall model and dark matter scaling relations in intermediate-redshift early-type galaxies
- Cardone, V.F. ; Del Popolo, A. ; Tortora, C. ; Napolitano, N.R.
- 2011MNRAS.416.1836P
- Notes on the stability threshold for radially anisotropic polytropes
- Polyachenko, E.V. ; Polyachenko, V.L. ; Shukhman, I.G.
- 2011MNRAS.416.1844W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/416/1844)
- 2XMM ultraluminous X-ray source candidates in nearby galaxies
- Walton, D.J. ; Roberts, T.P. ; Mateos, S. ; Heard, V.
- 2011MNRAS.416.1862S
- Far-infrared luminosity function of local star-forming galaxies in the AKARI Deep Field-South
- Sedgwick, Chris ; Serjeant, Stephen ; Pearson, Chris ; Matsuura, Shuji ; Shirahata, Mai ; Oyabu, Shinki ; Goto, Tomotsugu ; Matsuhara, Hideo ; Clements, D.L. ; Negrello, Mattia ; White, Glenn J.
- 2011MNRAS.416.1871B
- Dusty Mg II absorbers: population statistics, extinction curves and gamma-ray burst sightlines
- Budzynski, J.M. ; Hewett, P.C.
- 2011MNRAS.416.1890M
- On how optical depth tunes the effects of the interstellar medium on debris discs
- Marzari, F. ; Thébault, P.
- 2011MNRAS.416.1900R – (Tables: J/MNRAS/416/1900)
- The luminosity-dependent high-redshift turnover in the steep spectrum radio luminosity function: clear evidence for downsizing in the radio-AGN population
- Rigby, E.E. ; Best, P.N. ; Brookes, M.H. ; Peacock, J.A. ; Dunlop, J.S. ; Röttgering, H.J.A. ; Wall, J.V. ; Ker, L.
- 2011MNRAS.416.1916V
- The origin of the dust in high-redshift quasars: the case of SDSS J1148+5251
- Valiante, Rosa ; Schneider, Raffaella ; Salvadori, Stefania ; Bianchi, Simone
- 2011MNRAS.416.1936T
- GHASP: an Hα kinematic survey of spiral and irregular galaxies – IX. The near-infrared, stellar and baryonic Tully–Fisher relations
- Torres-Flores, S. ; Epinat, B. ; Amram, P. ; Plana, H. ; Mendes de Oliveira, C.
- 2011MNRAS.416.1949L
- A Bayesian approach to the semi-analytic model of galaxy formation: methodology
- Lu, Yu ; Mo, H.J. ; Weinberg, Martin D. ; Katz, Neal
- 2011MNRAS.416.1965B
- Mergerburst transients of brown dwarfs with exoplanets
- Bear, Ealeal ; Kashi, Amit ; Soker, Noam
- 2011MNRAS.416.1971B
- Rapid inward migration of planets formed by gravitational instability
- Baruteau, Clément ; Meru, Farzana ; Paardekooper, Sijme-Jan
- 2011MNRAS.416.1983R
- The formation and evolution of Virgo cluster galaxies – I. Broad-band optical and infrared colours
- Roediger, Joel C. ; Courteau, Stéphane ; McDonald, Michael ; MacArthur, Lauren A.
- 2011MNRAS.416.1996R
- The formation and evolution of Virgo cluster galaxies – II. Stellar populations
- Roediger, Joel C. ; Courteau, Stéphane ; MacArthur, Lauren A. ; McDonald, Michael
- 2011MNRAS.416.2020K
- Radio pulsar style timing of eclipsing binary stars from the All Sky Automated Survey catalogue
- Kozlowski, S.K. ; Konacki, M. ; Sybilski, P.
- 2011MNRAS.416.2027A
- Studying the dynamical properties of 20 nearby galaxy clusters
- Abdullah, Mohamed H. ; Ali, Gamal B. ; Ismail, H.A. ; Rassem, Mohamed A.
- 2011MNRAS.416.2041M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/416/2041)
- An Hα search for overdense regions at z = 2.23
- Matsuda, Y. ; Smail, Ian ; Geach, J.E. ; Best, P.N. ; Sobral, D. ; Tanaka, I. ; Nakata, F. ; Ohta, K. ; Kurk, J. ; Iwata, I. ; Bielby, Rich ; Wardlow, J.L. ; Bower, R.G. ; Ivison, R.J. ; Kodama, T. ; Yamada, T. ; Mawatari, K. ; Casali, M.
- 2011MNRAS.416.2060W
- Molecular accretion in the core of the galaxy cluster 2A 0335+096
- Wilman, R.J. ; Edge, A.C. ; McGregor, P.J. ; McNamara, B.R.
- 2011MNRAS.416.2068V
- On the nature of the absorber in IRAS 09104+4109: the X-ray and mid-infrared view
- Vignali, C. ; Piconcelli, E. ; Lanzuisi, G. ; Feltre, A. ; Feruglio, C. ; Maiolino, R. ; Fiore, F. ; Fritz, J. ; Parola, V.La ; Mignoli, M. ; Pozzi, F.
- 2011MNRAS.416.2078P
- GRB 090618: detection of thermal X-ray emission from a bright gamma-ray burst
- Page, K.L. ; Starling, R.L.C. ; Fitzpatrick, G. ; Pandey, S.B. ; Osborne, J.P. ; Schady, P. ; McBreen, S. ; Campana, S. ; Ukwatta, T.N. ; Pagani, C. ; Beardmore, A.P. ; Evans, P.A.
- 2011MNRAS.416.2090G
- Simple model of propagating flame pulsations
- Glazyrin, S.I. ; Sasorov, P.V.
- 2011MNRAS.416.2096S
- Thermal emission from WASP-33b, the hottest known planet
- Smith, A.M.S. ; Anderson, D.R. ; Skillen, I. ; Cameron, A.Collier ; Smalley, B.
- 2011MNRAS.416.2102G
- Radio transients from stellar tidal disruption by massive black holes
- Giannios, Dimitrios ; Metzger, Brian D.
- 2011MNRAS.416.2108A
- Thermal emission at 4.5 and 8 µm of WASP-17b, an extremely large planet in a slightly eccentric orbit
- Anderson, D.R. ; Smith, A.M.S. ; Lanotte, A.A. ; Barman, T.S. ; Cameron, A.Collier ; Campo, C.J. ; Gillon, M. ; Harrington, J. ; Hellier, C. ; Maxted, P.F.L. ; Queloz, D. ; Triaud, A.H.M.J. ; Wheatley, P.J.
- 2011MNRAS.416.2123G
- Atmospheric optical turbulence at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory: data base and recalibration of the generalized SCIDAR data
- Garcìa-Lorenzo, B. ; Fuensalida, J.J.
- 2011MNRAS.416.2130T
- Formation of millisecond pulsars with CO white dwarf companions – I. PSR J1614-2230: evidence for a neutron star born massive
- Tauris, T.M. ; Langer, N. ; Kramer, M.
- 2011MNRAS.416.2143C
- On the absence of molecular absorption in high-redshift millimetre-band searches
- Curran, S.J. ; Whiting, M.T. ; Combes, F. ; Kuno, N. ; Francis, P. ; Nakai, N. ; Webb, J.K. ; Murphy, M.T. ; Wiklind, T.
- 2011MNRAS.416.2154K
- Seeing measurements using the solar limb – I. Comparison of evaluation methods for the Differential Image Motion Monitor
- Kawate, T. ; Hanaoka, Y. ; Ichimoto, K. ; Miura, N.
- 2011MNRAS.416.2163T
- Imaging study of NGC 3372, the Carina nebula – III. The properties of G287.47-0.54 (Tr 14-N4), an embedded young cluster and its associated H2emission
- Tapia, Mauricio ; Roth, Miguel ; Bohigas, Joaquìn ; Persi, Paolo
- 2011MNRAS.416.2174C
- The luminosity function of Swift long gamma-ray bursts
- Cao, Xiao-Feng ; Yu, Yun-Wei ; Cheng, K.S. ; Zheng, Xiao-Ping
- 2011MNRAS.416.2182E
- The impact of gas inflows on star formation rates and metallicities in barred galaxies
- Ellison, Sara L. ; Nair, Preethi ; Patton, David R. ; Scudder, Jillian M. ; Mendel, J.Trevor ; Simard, Luc
- 2011MNRAS.416.2193N
- Constraints on cold magnetized shocks in gamma-ray bursts
- Narayan, Ramesh ; Kumar, Pawan ; Tchekhovskoy, Alexander
- 2011MNRAS.416.2202P
- Possible detection of two giant extrasolar planets orbiting the eclipsing polar UZ Fornacis
- Potter, Stephen B. ; Romero-Colmenero, Encarni ; Ramsay, Gavin ; Crawford, Steven ; Gulbis, Amanda ; Barway, Sudhanshu ; Zietsman, Ewald ; Kotze, Marissa ; Buckley, David A.H. ; O'Donoghue, Darragh ; Siegmund, O.H.W. ; McPhate, J. ; Welsh, B.Y. ; Vallerga, John
- 2011MNRAS.416.2212T
- Complementarity of future dark energy probes
- Tang, Jiayu ; Abdalla, Filipe B. ; Weller, Jochen
- 2011MNRAS.416.2233H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/416/2233)
- Observation and modelling of main-sequence star chromospheres – XVI. Rotation of dK5 stars
- Houdebine, E.R.
- 2011MNRAS.416.2247X
- A cross-correlation study of the Fermi-LAT γ-ray diffuse extragalactic signal
- Xia, Jun-Qing ; Cuoco, Alessandro ; Branchini, Enzo ; Fornasa, Mattia ; Viel, Matteo
- 2011MNRAS.416.2265A – (Tables: J/MNRAS/416/2265)
- Exploring the variable stars in the globular cluster NGC 5024 (M53): new RR Lyrae and SX Phoenicis stars
- Arellano Ferro, A. ; Figuera Jaimes, R. ; Giridhar, Sunetra ; Bramich, D.M. ; Hernández Santisteban, J.V. ; Kuppuswamy, K.
- 2011MNRAS.416.2285L
- On the progenitors of millisecond pulsars by the recycling evolutionary channel
- Liu, Wei-Min ; Chen, Wen-Cong
- 2011MNRAS.416.2291T
- Likelihood reconstruction method of real-space density and velocity power spectra from a redshift galaxy survey
- Tang, Jiayu ; Kayo, Issha ; Takada, Masahiro
- 2011MNRAS.416.2311R
- A tool to separate optical/infrared disc and jet emission in X-ray transient outbursts: the colour–magnitude diagrams of XTE J1550–564
- Russell, D.M. ; Maitra, D. ; Dunn, R.J.H. ; Fender, R.P.
- 2011MNRAS.416.2318G
- Limits on the local dark matter density
- Garbari, Silvia ; Read, Justin I. ; Lake, George
- 2011MNRAS.416.2341K
- Confirmation of the VeLLO L1148-IRS: star formation at very low (column) density
- Kauffmann, J. ; Bertoldi, F. ; Bourke, T.L. ; Myers, P.C. ; Lee, C.W. ; Huard, T.L.
- 2011MNRAS.416.2359B
- When was the Large Magellanic Cloud accreted on to the Galaxy?
- Bekki, Kenji
- 2011MNRAS.416.2368C
- Time-dependent simulations of multiwavelength variability of the blazar Mrk 421 with a Monte Carlo multizone code
- Chen, Xuhui ; Fossati, Giovanni ; Liang, Edison P. ; Böttcher, Markus
- 2011MNRAS.416.2388S
- Properties of dark matter haloes and their correlations: the lesson from principal component analysis
- Skibba, Ramin A. ; Macciò, Andrea V.
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