Monthly Notices of the RAS 416
September(II) 2011

X-ray mass proxies from hydrodynamic simulations of galaxy clusters – I
Fabjan, D. ; Borgani, S. ; Rasia, E. ; Bonafede, A. ; Dolag, K. ; Murante, G. ; Tornatore, L.
2011MNRAS.416..817S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/416/817)
The massive star binary fraction in young open clusters – III. IC 2944 and the Cen OB2 association
Sana, H. ; James, G. ; Gosset, E.
The Australia Telescope Compact Array Broad-band Backend: description and first results
Wilson, Warwick E. ; Ferris, R.H. ; Axtens, P. ; Brown, A. ; Davis, E. ; Hampson, G. ; Leach, M. ; Roberts, P. ; Saunders, S. ; Koribalski, B.S. ; Caswell, J.L. ; Lenc, E. ; Stevens, J. ; Voronkov, M.A. ; Wieringa, M.H. ; Brooks, K. ; Edwards, P.G. ; Ekers, R.D. ; Emonts, B. ; Hindson, L. ; Johnston, S. ; Maddison, S.T. ; Mahony, E.K. ; Malu, S.S. ; Massardi, M. ; Mao, M.Y. ; McConnell, D. ; Norris, R.P. ; Schnitzeler, D. ; Subrahmanyan, R. ; Urquhart, J.S. ; Thompson, M.A. ; Wark, R.M.
Herschel–ATLAS: counterparts from the ultraviolet–near-infrared in the science demonstration phase catalogue
Smith, D.J.B. ; Dunne, L. ; Maddox, S.J. ; Eales, S. ; Bonfield, D.G. ; Jarvis, M.J. ; Sutherland, W. ; Fleuren, S. ; Rigby, E.E. ; Thompson, M.A. ; Baldry, I.K. ; Bamford, S. ; Buttiglione, S. ; Cava, A. ; Clements, D.L. ; Cooray, A. ; Croom, S. ; Dariush, A. ; de Zotti, G. ; Driver, S.P. ; Dunlop, J.S. ; Fritz, J. ; Hill, D.T. ; Hopkins, A. ; Hopwood, R. ; Ibar, E. ; Ivison, R.J. ; Jones, D.H. ; Kelvin, L. ; Leeuw, L. ; Liske, J. ; Loveday, J. ; Madore, B.F. ; Norberg, P. ; Panuzzo, P. ; Pascale, E. ; Pohlen, M. ; Popescu, C.C. ; Prescott, M. ; Robotham, A. ; Rodighiero, G. ; Scott, D. ; Seibert, M. ; Sharp, R. ; Temi, P. ; Tuffs, R.J. ; van der Werf, P. ; van Kampen, E.
Spectral states evolution of 4U 1728–34 observed by INTEGRAL and RXTE: non-thermal component detection
Tarana, A. ; Belloni, T. ; Bazzano, A. ; Méndez, M. ; Ubertini, P.
The nebular spectrum of the Type Ia supernova 2003hv: evidence for a non-standard event
Mazzali, Paolo A. ; Maurer, I. ; Stritzinger, M. ; Taubenberger, S. ; Benetti, S. ; Hachinger, S.
Long-term evolution of discs around magnetic stars
D'Angelo, Caroline R. ; Spruit, Hendrik C.
Dark energy as double N-flation – observational predictions
Gott, J.Richard III ; Slepian, Zachary
On the origin of radio loudness in active galactic nuclei and its relationship with the properties of the central supermassive black hole
Chiaberge, Marco ; Marconi, Alessandro
2011MNRAS.416..927G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/416/927)
Wide-field optical imaging on ELAIS N1, ELAIS N2, First Look Survey and Lockman Hole: observations and source catalogues
González-Solares, E.A. ; Irwin, M. ; McMahon, R.G. ; Hodgkin, S. ; Lewis, J.R. ; Walton, N.A. ; Jarvis, M. ; Marchetti, L. ; Oliver, S. ; Pérez-Fournon, I. ; Siana, B. ; Surace, J. ; Vaccari, M.
The spin of the black hole microquasar XTE J1550-564 via the continuum-fitting and Fe-line methods
Steiner, James F. ; Reis, Rubens C. ; McClintock, Jeffrey E. ; Narayan, Ramesh ; Remillard, Ronald A. ; Orosz, Jerome A. ; Gou, Lijun ; Fabian, Andrew C. ; Torres, Manuel A.P.
Effects of Compton cooling on the hydrodynamic and the spectral properties of a two-component accretion flow around a black hole
Ghosh, Himadri ; Garain, Sudip K. ; Giri, Kinsuk ; Chakrabarti, Sandip K.
The Red MSX Source survey: critical tests of accretion models for the formation of massive stars
Davies, Ben ; Hoare, Melvin G. ; Lumsden, Stuart L. ; Hosokawa, Takashi ; Oudmaijer, René D. ; Urquhart, James S. ; Mottram, Joseph C. ; Stead, Joseph
Maximal spin and energy conversion efficiency in a symbiotic system of black hole, disc and jet
Kovács, Zoltán ; Gergely, LászlóÁ. ; Biermann, Peter L.
Forecasts of non-Gaussian parameter spaces using Box–Cox transformations
Joachimi, B. ; Taylor, A.N.
Secular theory of the orbital evolution of the young stellar disc in the Galactic Centre
Haas, J. ; Subr, L. ; Vokrouhlicky, D.
Time variability in simulated ultracompact and hypercompact H II regions
Galván-Madrid, Roberto ; Peters, Thomas ; Keto, Eric R. ; Mac Low, Mordecai-Mark ; Banerjee, Robi ; Klessen, Ralf S.
Simulating the effect of non-linear mode coupling in cosmological parameter estimation
Kiessling, A. ; Taylor, A.N. ; Heavens, A.F.
Distance to Galactic globulars using the near-infrared magnitudes of RR Lyrae stars – IV. The case of M5 (NGC 5904)
Coppola, G. ; Dall'Ora, M. ; Ripepi, V. ; Marconi, M. ; Musella, I. ; Bono, G. ; Piersimoni, A.M. ; Stetson, P.B. ; Storm, J.
Modelling the multiwavelength light curves of PSR B1259-63/SS 2883
Kong, S.W. ; Yu, Y.W. ; Huang, Y.F. ; Cheng, K.S.
2011MNRAS.416.1077C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/416/1077)
Three new bricks in the wall: Berkeley 23, Berkeley 31 and King 8
Cignoni, Michele ; Beccari, Giacomo ; Bragaglia, Angela ; Tosi, Monica
Chemical composition of evolved stars in the open cluster NGC 2506
Mikolaitis, Sarunas ; Tautvaisiene, Grazina ; Gratton, Raffaele ; Bragaglia, Angela ; Carretta, Eugenio
Testing the phenomenological interacting dark energy with observational H(z) data
Cao, Shuo ; Liang, Nan ; Zhu, Zong-Hong
The PEP survey: clustering of infrared-selected galaxies and structure formation at z ∼ 2 in GOODS-South
Magliocchetti, M. ; Santini, P. ; Rodighiero, G. ; Grazian, A. ; Aussel, H. ; Altieri, B. ; Andreani, P. ; Berta, S. ; Cepa, J. ; Castaneda, H. ; Cimatti, A. ; Daddi, E. ; Elbaz, D. ; Genzel, R. ; Gruppioni, C. ; Lutz, D. ; Magnelli, B. ; Maiolino, R. ; Popesso, P. ; Poglitsch, A. ; Pozzi, F. ; Sanchez-Portal, M. ; Förster Schreiber, N.M. ; Sturm, E. ; Tacconi, L. ; Valtchanov, I.
Weakening dark matter cusps by clumpy baryonic infall
Cole, David R. ; Dehnen, Walter ; Wilkinson, Mark I.
2011MNRAS.416.1135R – (Tables: J/MNRAS/416/1135)
An unbiased sample of bright southern compact steep spectrum and gigahertz peaked spectrum sources
Randall, K.E. ; Hopkins, A.M. ; Norris, R.P. ; Edwards, P.G.
Connecting synchrotron, cosmic rays and magnetic fields in the plane of the Galaxy
Jaffe, T.R. ; Banday, A.J. ; Leahy, J.P. ; Leach, S. ; Strong, A.W.
Bayesian time series analysis of terrestrial impact cratering
Bailer-Jones, C.A.L.
Corrective effect of many-body interactions in dynamical friction
Inoue, Shigeki
The effective stability parameter for two-component galactic discs: is Q–1 ≈ Q–1stars + Q–1gas?
Romeo, Alessandro B. ; Wiegert, Joachim
Dwarf galaxy populations in present-day galaxy clusters – I. Abundances and red fractions
Weinmann, Simone M. ; Lisker, Thorsten ; Guo, Qi ; Meyer, Hagen T. ; Janz, Joachim
A ground-based imaging study of galaxies causing damped Lyman α (DLA), sub-DLA and Lyman limit system absorption in quasar spectra
Rao, Sandhya M. ; Belfort-Mihalyi, Michèle ; Turnshek, David A. ; Monier, Eric M. ; Nestor, Daniel B. ; Quider, Anna
Multiwavelength observations of cirrus clouds in the North Celestial Loop: physical parameters of molecular sites
Barriault, L. ; Joncas, G. ; Plume, R.
Optical and OH megamaser observations of the starburst galaxy IIZw 096
Migenes, V. ; Coziol, R. ; Cooprider, K. ; Klöckner, H.-R. ; Plauchu-Frayn, I. ; Islas, J.M. ; Ramìrez-Garduno, L.
On collisional capture rates of irregular satellites around the gas-giant planets and the minimum mass of the solar nebula
Koch, F.Elliott ; Hansen, Bradley M.S.
Shock formation in stellar perturbations and tidal shock waves in binaries
Gundlach, Carsten ; Murphy, Jeremiah W.
Microlensing towards the Large Magellanic Cloud: self-lensing for OGLE-II and OGLE-III
Calchi Novati, S. ; Mancini, L.
Parameter estimation biases due to contributions from the Rees–Sciama effect to the integrated Sachs–Wolfe spectrum
Schäfer, Björn Malte ; Kalovidouris, Angelos Fotios ; Heisenberg, Lavinia
Spectral classification of O2–3.5 If*/WN5–7 stars
Crowther, Paul A. ; Walborn, Nolan R.
X-ray variability patterns and radio/X-ray correlations in Cyg X-1
Zdziarski, Andrzej A. ; Skinner, Gerald K. ; Pooley, Guy G. ; LubiNski, Piotr
Effects of grain size distribution on the interstellar dust mass growth
Hirashita, Hiroyuki ; Kuo, Tzu-Ming
Galaxy evolution in cosmological simulations with outflows – II. Metallicities and gas fractions
Davé, Romeel ; Finlator, Kristian ; Oppenheimer, Benjamin D.
The shape of dark matter haloes in the Aquarius simulations: evolution and memory
Vera-Ciro, Carlos A. ; Sales, Laura V. ; Helmi, Amina ; Frenk, Carlos S. ; Navarro, Julio F. ; Springel, Volker ; Vogelsberger, Mark ; White, Simon D.M.
Optimizing weak lensing mass estimates for cluster profile uncertainty
Gruen, D. ; Bernstein, G.M. ; Lam, T.Y. ; Seitz, S.
Using dwarf satellite proper motions to determine their origin
Angus, G.W. ; Diaferio, Antonaldo ; Kroupa, Pavel
An analytic model for blue straggler formation in globular clusters
Leigh, Nathan ; Sills, Alison ; Knigge, Christian
Gas giant formation with small cores triggered by envelope pollution by icy planetesimals
Hori, Y. ; Ikoma, M.
Further deep imaging of HR 7329 A (η Tel A) and its brown dwarf companion B
Neuhäuser, R. ; Ginski, C. ; Schmidt, T.O.B. ; Mugrauer, M.
Gravity or turbulence? – II. Evolving column density probability distribution functions in molecular clouds
Ballesteros-Paredes, Javier ; Vázquez-Semadeni, Enrique ; Gazol, Adriana ; Hartmann, Lee W. ; Heitsch, Fabian ; Colìn, Pedro
Hubble Space Telescope transmission spectroscopy of the exoplanet HD 189733b: high-altitude atmospheric haze in the optical and near-ultraviolet with STIS
Sing, D.K. ; Pont, F. ; Aigrain, S. ; Charbonneau, D. ; Désert, J.-M. ; Gibson, N. ; Gilliland, R. ; Hayek, W. ; Henry, G. ; Knutson, H. ; Lecavelier des Etangs, A. ; Mazeh, T. ; Shporer, A.
Early magnetic B-type stars: X-ray emission and wind properties
Oskinova, L.M. ; Todt, H. ; Ignace, R. ; Brown, J.C. ; Cassinelli, J.P. ; Hamann, W.-R.
Realistic and time-varying outer heliospheric modelling
Washimi, H. ; Zank, G.P. ; Hu, Q. ; Tanaka, T. ; Munakata, K. ; Shinagawa, H.
A tale of two populations: the stellar mass of central and satellite galaxies
Neistein, Eyal ; Li, Cheng ; Khochfar, Sadegh ; Weinmann, Simone M. ; Shankar, Francesco ; Boylan-Kolchin, Michael
An algorithm for Monte Carlo time-dependent radiation transfer
Harries, Tim J.
Electronic absorption spectra of hydrogenated protonated naphthalene and proflavine
Bonaca, A. ; Bilalbegovic, G.
Deep Chandra observations of TeV binaries – II. LS 5039
Rea, N. ; Torres, D.F. ; Caliandro, G.A. ; Hadasch, D. ; van der Klis, M. ; Jonker, P.G. ; Méndez, M. ; Sierpowska-Bartosik, A.
A possible sequential star formation in the giant molecular cloud G174+2.5
Camargo, D. ; Bonatto, C. ; Bica, E.
CoRoT 102699796, the first metal-poor Herbig Ae pulsator: a hybrid δ Sct–γ Dor variable?
Ripepi, V. ; Cusano, F. ; Di Criscienzo, M. ; Catanzaro, G. ; Palla, F. ; Marconi, M. ; Ventura, P. ; Neiner, C. ; Catala, C. ; Bernabei, S.
Hydrostatic photoionization models of the Orion Bar
Ascasibar, Y. ; Obreja, A.C. ; Dìaz, A.I.
On the orbital parameters of Be/X-ray binaries in the Small Magellanic Cloud
Townsend, L.J. ; Coe, M.J. ; Corbet, R.H.D. ; Hill, A.B.
On the impact of empirical and theoretical star formation laws on galaxy formation
Lagos, Claudia del P. ; Lacey, Cedric G. ; Baugh, Carlton M. ; Bower, Richard G. ; Benson, Andrew J.
Near-infrared thermal emissivity from ground-based atmospheric dust measurements at ORM
Lombardi, G. ; Zitelli, V. ; Ortolani, S. ; Melnick, J. ; Ghedina, A. ; Garcia, A. ; Molinari, E. ; Gatica, C.
The halo occupation distribution of black holes
Degraf, C. ; Oborski, Matthew ; Di Matteo, Tiziana ; Chatterjee, Suchetana ; Nagai, Daisuke ; Richardson, Jonathan ; Zheng, Zheng
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