Monthly Notices of the RAS 404
May(III) 2010
- 2010MNRAS.404.1089S
- When galaxies collide: understanding the broad absorption-line radio galaxy 4C +72.26
- Smith, D.J.B.; Simpson, C. ; Swinbank, A.M. ; Rawlings, S. ; Jarvis, M.J.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1100F
- Can galaxy outflows and re-accretion produce a downsizing in the specific star-formation rate of late-type galaxies ?
- Firmani, C.; Avila-Reese, V.; Rodríguez-Puebla, A.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1111G
- How do galaxies populate dark matter haloes?
- Guo, Qi; White, Simon ; Li, Cheng ; Boylan-Kolchin, Michael
- 2010MNRAS.404.1121S
- Evolution of the spectrum and VLBI structure of W75N during the huge OH maser flare in 2003-2007
- Slysh, V.I.; Alakoz, A.V.; Migenes, V.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1129S
- Physical constraints on the central mass and baryon content of satellite galaxies
- Stringer, Martin; Cole, Shaun ; Frenk, Carlos S.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1137B
- The angular momentum of cold dark matter haloes with and without baryons
- Bett, Philip; Eke, Vincent ; Frenk, Carlos S. ; Jenkins, Adrian ; Okamoto, Takashi
- 2010MNRAS.404.1157M
- A faint extended cluster in the outskirts of NGC 5128: evidence of a low mass accretion
- Mouhcine, M.; Harris, W.E. ; Ibata, R. ; Rejkuba, M.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1165C
- Comparison of approximately isothermal gravitational potentials of elliptical galaxies based on X-ray and optical data
- Churazov, E.; Tremaine, S. ; Forman, W. ; Gerhard, O. ; Das, P. ; Vikhlinin, A. ; Jones, C. ; Böhringer, H. ; Gebhardt, K.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1186T
- Near-ground turbulence profiles from lunar scintillometer
- Tokovinin, A.; Bustos, E. ; Berdja, A.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1197T
- The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich contribution in CMB analyses
- Taburet, N.; Douspis, M. ; Aghanim, N.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1203F
- Accreted versus in situ Milky Way globular clusters
- Forbes, Duncan A.; Bridges, Terry
- 2010MNRAS.404.1215H
- The ugrizYJHK luminosity distributions and densities from the combined MGC, SDSS and UKIDSS LAS data sets
- Hill, David T.; Driver, Simon P.; Cameron, Ewan; Cross, Nicholas; Liske, Jochen; Robotham, Aaron
- 2010MNRAS.404.1231L
- Star formation and AGN activity in SDSS cluster galaxies
- Linden, Anja von der; Wild, Vivienne ; Kauffmann, Guinevere ; White, Simon D.M. ; Weinmann, Simone
- 2010MNRAS.404.1247J
- Resolved spectroscopy of gravitationally lensed galaxies: recovering coherent velocity fields in subluminous z ∼ 2-3 galaxies
- Jones, T.A.; Swinbank, A.M. ; Ellis, R.S. ; Richard, J. ; Stark, D.P.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1263B
- Differential rotation in fully convective stars
- Balbus, Steven A.; Weiss, Nigel O.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1272L
- Formation and dynamical evolution of the Neptune Trojans - the influence of the initial Solar system architecture
- Lykawka, P.S.; Horner, J. ; Jones, B.W. ; Mukai, T.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1281P
- Pressure support versus thermal broadening in the Lyman α forest - I. Effects of the equation of state on longitudinal structure
- Peeples, Molly S.; Weinberg, David H. ; Davé, Romeel ; Fardal, Mark A. ; Katz, Neal
- 2010MNRAS.404.1295P – (Tables: J/MNRAS/404/1295)
- Pressure support versus thermal broadening in the Lyman α forest - II. Effects of the equation of state on transverse structure
- Peeples, Molly S.; Weinberg, David H. ; Davé, Romeel ; Fardal, Mark A. ; Katz, Neal
- 2010MNRAS.404.1306F
- Atmospheric parameters and rotational velocities for a sample of Galactic B-type supergiants
- Fraser, M.; Dufton, P.L. ; Hunter, I. ; Ryans, R.S.I.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1321W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/404/1321)
- Interstellar TIII in the Milky Way and Magellanic Clouds
- Welty, Daniel E.; Crowther, Paul A.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1349P
- The dependence of the properties of optical fibres on length
- Poppett, C.L.; Allington-Smith, J.R.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1355D
- The nature of submillimetre galaxies in cosmological hydrodynamic simulations
- Davé, Romeel; Finlator, Kristian ; Oppenheimer, Benjamin D. ; Fardal, Mark ; Katz, Neal ; Keres, Dusan ; Weinberg, David H.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1369S
- Multidimensional modelling of X-ray spectra for AGN accretion disc outflows - II
- Sim, S.A.; Miller, L. ; Long, K.S. ; Turner, T.J. ; Reeves, J.N.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1385S
- Optical photometry and basic parameters of 10 unstudied open clusters
- Subramaniam, Annapurni; Carraro, Giovanni; Janes, Kenneth A.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1396W
- Mopra line survey mapping of NGC 6334I and I(N) at 3mm
- Walsh, A.J.; Thorwirth, S. ; Beuther, H. ; Burton, M.G.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1415I
- Dusty winds - II. Observational implications
- Ivezic, Zeljko; Elitzur, Moshe
- 2010MNRAS.404.1425J
- Population III star clusters in the reionized Universe
- Johnson, Jarrett L.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1437H
- Effects of grain shattering by turbulence on extinction curves in starburst galaxies
- Hirashita, Hiroyuki; Nozawa, Takaya ; Yan, Huirong ; Kozasa, Takashi
- 2010MNRAS.404.1449R
- HCN emission from the Hii regions G75.78+0.34 and G75.77+0.34
- Riffel, Rogemar A.; Lüdke, Everton
- 2010MNRAS.404.1457B
- The making of Martian meteorite Block Island
- Beech, Martin; Coulson, Ian M.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1464M
- The mode of gas accretion on to star-forming galaxies
- Marinacci, Federico; Binney, James ; Fraternali, Filippo ; Nipoti, Carlo ; Ciotti, Luca ; Londrillo, Pasquale
- 2010MNRAS.404.1475H – (Tables: J/MNRAS/404/1475)
- A near-infrared study of AGB and red giant stars in the Leo I dSph galaxy
- Held, E.V.; Gullieuszik, M. ; Rizzi, L. ; Girardi, L. ; Marigo, P. ; Saviane, I.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1490F – (Tables: J/MNRAS/404/1490)
- The shapes of BCGs and normal ellipticals in nearby clusters
- Fasano, G.; Bettoni, D. ; Ascaso, B. ; Tormen, G. ; Poggianti, B.M. ; Valentinuzzi, T. ; D'Onofrio, M. ; Fritz, J. ; Moretti, A. ; Omizzolo, A. ; Cava, A. ; Moles, M. ; Dressler, A. ; Couch, W.J. ; Kjaergaard, P. ; Varela, J.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1505H
- Adiabatic versus isocurvature non-Gaussianity
- Hikage, Chiaki; Munshi, Dipak ; Heavens, Alan ; Coles, Peter
- 2010MNRAS.404.1512K
- Dust ejection from (pre-)planetary bodies by temperature gradients: radiative and heat transfer
- Kocifaj, M.; Klacka, J. ; Wurm, G. ; Kelling, T. ; Kohút, I.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1519J
- Finite element modelling of perturbed stellar systems
- Jalali, Mir Abbas
- 2010MNRAS.404.1529B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/404/1529)
- s-Process in low-metallicity stars - I. Theoretical predictions
- Bisterzo, S.; Gallino, R. ; Straniero, O. ; Cristallo, S. ; Käppeler, F.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1545M
- On the 1.7µm Feii and other natural lasers
- Messenger, Stephen J.; Strelnitski, Vladimir
- 2010MNRAS.404.1551S
- The clustering and evolution of Hα emitters at z ∼ 1 from HiZELS
- Sobral, David; Best, Philip N. ; Geach, James E. ; Smail, Ian ; Cirasuolo, Michele ; Garn, Timothy ; Dalton, Gavin B. ; Kurk, Jaron
- 2010MNRAS.404.1564P
- The two-step ejection of massive stars and the issue of their formation in isolation
- Pflamm-Altenburg, Jan; Kroupa, Pavel
- 2010MNRAS.404.1569V
- Particle energy cascade in the intergalactic medium
- Valdés, M.; Evoli, C. ; Ferrara, A.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1583I
- HD molecules at high redshift: the absorption system at z = 2.3377 towards Q 1232+082
- Ivanchik, A.V.; Petitjean, P. ; Balashev, S.A. ; Srianand, R. ; Varshalovich, D.A. ; Ledoux, C. ; Noterdaeme, P.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1591D
- Multiwavelength observations of 1RXH J173523.7-354013: revealing an unusual bursting neutron star
- Degenaar, N.; Jonker, P.G. ; Torres, M.A.P. ; Kaur, R. ; Rea, N. ; Israel, G.L. ; Patruno, A. ; Trap, G. ; Cackett, E.M. ; D'Avanzo, P. ; Curto, G.Lo ; Novara, G. ; Krimm, H. ; Holland, S.T. ; De Luca, A. ; Esposito, P. ; Wijnands, R.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1603P
- Signature of cool core in Sunyaev-Zeldovich clusters: a multiwavelength approach
- Pipino, A.; Pierpaoli, E.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1617K
- Emission lines of Fexi in the 257-407Å wavelength region observed in solar spectra from EIS/Hinode and SERTS
- Keenan, F.P.; Milligan, R.O. ; Jess, D.B. ; Aggarwal, K.M. ; Mathioudakis, M. ; Thomas, R.J. ; Brosius, J.W. ; Davila, J.M.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1625B
- Probing the Large Magellanic Cloud age gap at intermediate cluster masses
- Balbinot, E.; Santiago, B.X. ; Kerber, L.O. ; Barbuy, B. ; Dias, B.M.S.
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