Monthly Notices of the RAS 404
May(II) 2010
- 2010MNRAS.404..545S
- Free motion around black holes with discs or rings: between integrability and chaos - I
- Semerák, O.; Suková, P.
- 2010MNRAS.404..575L
- The effect of mass ratio on the morphology and time-scales of disc galaxy mergers
- Lotz, Jennifer M.; Jonsson, Patrik ; Cox, T.J. ; Primack, Joel R.
- 2010MNRAS.404..590L
- The effect of gas fraction on the morphology and time-scales of disc galaxy mergers
- Lotz, Jennifer M.; Jonsson, Patrik ; Cox, T.J. ; Primack, Joel R.
- 2010MNRAS.404..604T
- The POINT-AGAPE survey: comparing automated searches of microlensing events towards M31
- Tsapras, Y.; Carr, B.J. ; Weston, M.J. ; Kerins, E. ; Baillon, P. ; Gould, A. ; Paulin-Henriksson, S.
- 2010MNRAS.404..629E
- Two types of shock in the hotspot of the giant quasar 4C74.26: a high-resolution comparison from Chandra, Gemini and MERLIN
- Erlund, M.C. ; Fabian, A.C. ; Blundell, Katherine M.; Crawford, C.S. ; Hirst, P.
- 2010MNRAS.404..641S
- A semi-analytic approach to angular momentum transport in stellar radiative interiors
- Spada, F.; Lanzafame, A.C. ; Lanza, A.F.
- 2010MNRAS.404..661V – (Tables: J/MNRAS/404/661)
- A near-IR imaging survey of intermediate- and high-mass young stellar outflow candidates
- Varricatt, Watson P.; Davis, Christopher J. ; Ramsay, Suzanne ; Todd, Stephen P.
- 2010MNRAS.404..721M
- On the evolution of a star cluster and its multiple stellar systems following gas dispersal
- Moeckel, Nickolas; Bate, Matthew R.
- 2010MNRAS.404..738C
- Variability of X-ray binaries from an oscillating hot corona
- Cabanac, C.; Henri, G. ; Petrucci, P.-O. ; Malzac, J. ; Ferreira, J. ; Belloni, T.M.
- 2010MNRAS.404..749M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/404/749)
- The mass distribution of a moderate redshift galaxy group and brightest group galaxy from gravitational lensing and kinematics
- McKean, J.P.; Auger, M.W. ; Koopmans, L.V.E. ; Vegetti, S. ; Czoske, O. ; Fassnacht, C.D. ; Treu, T. ; More, A. ; Kocevski, D.D.
- 2010MNRAS.404..767C
- The pulsar synchrotron in 3D: curvature radiation
- Contopoulos, Ioannis; Kalapotharakos, Constantinos
- 2010MNRAS.404..779E
- Masers associated with high-mass star formation regions in the Large Magellanic Cloud
- Ellingsen, S.P.; Breen, S.L. ; Caswell, J.L. ; Quinn, L.J. ; Fuller, G.A.
- 2010MNRAS.404..792M
- Galaxy Zoo: dust in spiral galaxies
- Masters, Karen L.; Nichol, Robert ; Bamford, Steven ; Mosleh, Moein ; Lintott, Chris J. ; Andreescu, Dan ; Edmondson, Edward M. ; Keel, William C. ; Murray, Phil ; Raddick, M.Jordan ; Schawinski, Kevin ; Slosar, Anze ; Szalay, Alexander S. ; Thomas, Daniel ; Vandenberg, Jan
- 2010MNRAS.404..811C
- Stellar populations in the central region of the barred spiral galaxy NGC4900
- Cantin, Simon; Robert, Carmelle; Mollá, Mercedes ; Pellerin, Anne
- 2010MNRAS.404..830D
- Finite Larmor radius effects on weakly magnetized, dilute plasmas
- Devlen, Ebru; Pekünlü, E.Rennan
- 2010MNRAS.404..837H
- Application of the MEGNO technique to the dynamics of Jovian irregular satellites
- Hinse, T.C.; Christou, A.A. ; Alvarellos, J.L.A. ; Gozdziewski, K.
- 2010MNRAS.404..858S
- Delensing gravitational wave standard sirens with shear and flexion maps
- Shapiro, C.; Bacon, D.J. ; Hendry, M. ; Hoyle, B.
- 2010MNRAS.404..867J
- Meteoroid streams identification amongst 231 Southern hemisphere video meteors
- Jopek, T.J.; Koten, P.; Pecina, P.
- 2010MNRAS.404..876W
- The halo occupation distribution of HI from 21-cm intensity mapping at moderate redshifts
- Wyithe, J.Stuart B.; Brown, Michael J.I.
- 2010MNRAS.404..885D
- Model-independent analysis of dark matter points to a particle mass at the keV scale
- de Vega, H.J.; Sanchez, N.G.
- 2010MNRAS.404..895V
- Constraints on fNL and gNL from the analysis of the N-pdf of the CMB large-scale anisotropies
- Vielva, P.; Sanz, J.L.
- 2010MNRAS.404..908B
- Disentangling jet and disc emission from the 2005 outburst of XTE J1118+480
- Brocksopp, C.; Jonker, P.G. ; Maitra, D. ; Krimm, H.A. ; Pooley, G.G. ; Ramsay, G. ; Zurita, C.
- 2010MNRAS.404..917D
- IMF, SFR and stellar depletion in the local Galactic plane, based on improved Hipparcos samples of single stars
- Dawson, S.A. ; Schröder, K.-P.
- 2010MNRAS.404..926A
- Cosmic shear systematics: software-hardware balance
- Amara, A.; Réfrégier, A. ; Paulin-Henriksson, S.
- 2010MNRAS.404..931E
- On the use of structure functions to study blazar variability: caveats and problems
- Emmanoulopoulos, D.; McHardy, I.M. ; Uttley, P.
- 2010MNRAS.404..947C
- Hydrodynamical response of a circumbinary gas disc to black hole recoil and mass loss
- Corrales, Lia R. ; Haiman, Zoltán; MacFadyen, Andrew
- 2010MNRAS.404..963K
- Limits on radioactive powered emission associated with a short-hard GRB 070724A in a star-forming galaxy
- Kocevski, Daniel; Thöne, Christina C. ; Ramirez-Ruiz, Enrico ; Bloom, Joshua S. ; Granot, Jonathan ; Butler, Nathaniel R. ; Perley, Daniel A. ; Modjaz, Maryam; Lee, William H. ; Cobb, Bethany E. ; Levan, Andrew J. ; Tanvir, Nial ; Covino, Stefano
- 2010MNRAS.404..975J
- Galaxy Zoo: a correlation between the coherence of galaxy spin chirality and star formation efficiency
- Jimenez, Raul; Slosar, Anze ; Verde, Licia ; Bamford, Steven ; Lintott, Chris ; Schawinski, Kevin ; Nichol, Robert ; Andreescu, Dan ; Land, Kate ; Murray, Phil ; Raddick, M.Jordan ; Szalay, Alex ; Thomas, Daniel ; Vandenberg, Jan
- 2010MNRAS.404..981M
- Optical and near-infrared coverage of SN 2004et: physical parameters and comparison with other Type IIP supernovae
- Maguire, K.; Di Carlo, E.; Smartt, S.J. ; Pastorello, A. ; Tsvetkov, D.Yu. ; Benetti, S. ; Spiro, S. ; Arkharov, A.A. ; Beccari, G. ; Botticella, M.T. ; Cappellaro, E. ; Cristallo, S. ; Dolci, M. ; Elias-Rosa, N. ; Fiaschi, M. ; Gorshanov, D. ; Harutyunyan, A. ; Larionov, V.M. ; Navasardyan, H. ; Pietrinferni, A. ; Raimondo, G. ; Rico, G.Di ; Valenti, S. ; Valentini, G. ; Zampieri, L.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1005W – (Tables: J/MNRAS/404/1005)
- 9C continued: results from a deeper radio-source survey at 15 GHz
- Waldram, E.M.; Pooley, G.G. ; Davies, M.L. ; Grainge, K.J.B. ; Scott, P.F.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1018F
- Could the GRB-supernovae GRB031203 and XRF060218 be cosmic twins ?
- Feng, Lu; Fox, Derek B.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1029C – (Tables: VIII/96)
- The 6-GHz methanol multibeam maser catalogue - I. Galactic Centre region, longitudes 345° to 6°
- Caswell, J.L.; Fuller, G.A. ; Green, J.A. ; Avison, A. ; Breen, S.L. ; Brooks, K.J. ; Burton, M.G. ; Chrysostomou, A. ; Cox, J. ; Diamond, P.J. ; Ellingsen, S.P. ; Gray, M.D. ; Hoare, M.G. ; Masheder, M.R.W. ; McClure-Griffiths, N.M. ; Pestalozzi, M.R. ; Phillips, C.J. ; Quinn, L. ; Thompson, M.A. ; Voronkov, M.A. ; Walsh, A.J. ; Ward-Thompson, D. ; Wong-McSweeney, D. ; Yates, J.A. ; Cohen, R.J.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1061M
- Properties of hierarchically forming star clusters
- Maschberger, Th.; Clarke, C.J. ; Bonnell, I.A. ; Kroupa, P.
- 2010MNRAS.404.1081R
- Isolated pulsar spin evolution on the diagram
- Ridley, J.P.; Lorimer, D.R.
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