Monthly Notices of the RAS 385
April(III) 2008

On the γ-ray emission of Type Ia supernovae
Sim, S.A.; Mazzali, P.A.
The corona and upper transition region of εEridani
Ness, J.-U.; Jordan, C.
Keck spectroscopy of globular clusters in the spiral galaxy NGC 2683
Proctor, Robert N.; Forbes, Duncan A. ; Brodie, Jean P. ; Strader, Jay
Testing isotropy of cosmic microwave background radiation
Samal, Pramoda Kumar ; Saha, Rajib ; Jain, Pankaj; Ralston, John P.
Dark matter content and internal dynamics of NGC 4697: nmagic particle models from slit data and planetary nebula velocities
De Lorenzi, Flavio; Gerhard, Ortwin ; Saglia, Roberto P. ; Sambhus, Niranjan ; Debattista, Victor P.; Pannella, Maurilio ; Méndez, Roberto H.
2008MNRAS.385.1749C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/385/1749)
The University of New South Wales Extrasolar Planet Search: a catalogue of variable stars from fields observed between 2004 and 2007
Christiansen, J.L.; Derekas, A. ; Kiss, L.L. ; Ashley, M.C.B. ; Curran, S.J. ; Hamacher, D.W. ; Hidas, M.G. ; Thompson, M.R. ; Webb, J.K. ; Young, T.B.
TeV J2032+4130: a not-so-dark accelerator ?
Butt, Y.M.; Combi, J.A. ; Drake, J. ; Finley, J.P. ; Konopelko, A. ; Lister, M. ; Rodriguez, J. ; Shepherd, D.
The ages of L dwarfs
Jameson, R.F.; Lodieu, N. ; Casewell, S.L. ; Bannister, N.P. ; Dobbie, P.D.
The generation of optical emission-line filaments in galaxy clusters
Pope, Edward C.D.; Pittard, Julian M. ; Hartquist, Thomas W. (1),; Falle, Sam A.E.G.
Photospheric cancelling magnetic features and associated phenomena in a stratified solar atmosphere
von Rekowski, B.; Hood, A.W.
Modelling the incomplete Paschen-Back effect in the spectra of magnetic Ap stars
Stift, M.J.; Leone, F. ; Landi Degl'Innocenti, E.
The effect of magnetic fields on star cluster formation
Price, Daniel J.; Bate, Matthew R.
Galaxy concentrations are trimodal
Bailin, Jeremy; Harris, William E.
Modelling the cosmological co-evolution of supermassive black holes and galaxies - I. BH scaling relations and the AGN luminosity function
Marulli, Federico; Bonoli, Silvia ; Branchini, Enzo ; Moscardini, Lauro ; Springel, Volker
The tidal streams of disrupting subhaloes in cosmological dark matter haloes
Warnick, Kristin; Knebe, Alexander ; Power, Chris
Cosmic ray acceleration by a supernova shock in a dense circumstellar plasma
Bell, A.R.
Simulations of spiral galaxies with an active potential: molecular cloud formation and gas dynamics
Dobbs, C.L.; Bonnell, I.A.
Interaction-induced star formation in a complete sample of 105 nearby star-forming galaxies
Li, Cheng; Kauffmann, Guinevere ; Heckman, Timothy M. ; Jing, Y.P. ; White, Simon D.M.
Interactions, star formation and AGN activity
Li, Cheng; Kauffmann, Guinevere ; Heckman, Timothy M. ; White, Simon D.M. ; Jing, Y.P.
The `periodic nulls' of radio pulsar J1819+1305
Rankin, Joanna M.; Wright, Geoffrey A.E.
3D simulations of rotationally-induced line variability from a classical T Tauri star with a misaligned magnetic dipole
Kurosawa, Ryuichi; Romanova, M.M. ; Harries, Tim J.
Kinetic approaches to particle acceleration at cosmic ray modified shocks
Amato, Elena; Blasi, Pasquale; Gabici, Stefano
Direct observation of cosmic strings via their strong gravitational lensing effect - I. Predictions for high-resolution imaging surveys
Gasparini, M.Alice; Marshall, Phil ; Treu, Tommaso ; Morganson, Eric ; Dubath, Florian
Is NGC 3108 transforming itself from an early- to late-type galaxy - an astronomical hermaphrodite ?
Hau, George K.T.; Bower, Richard G. ; Kilborn, Virginia ; Forbes, Duncan A. ; Balogh, Michael L. ; Oosterloo, Tom
Reddening, colour and metallicity of the M31 globular cluster system
Fan, Z. ; Ma, J.; de Grijs, R. ; Zhou, X.
Globular clusters in the outer halo of M31: the survey
Huxor, A.P.; Tanvir, N.R. ; Ferguson, A.M.N. ; Irwin, M.J. ; Ibata, R. ; Bridges, T. ; Lewis, G.F.
Spectroscopic ages and metallicities of stellar populations: validation of full spectrum fitting
Koleva, M.; Prugniel, P. ; Ocvirk, P. ; Le Borgne, D. ; Soubiran, C.
C, N, O abundances in the most metal-poor damped Lyman alpha systems
Pettini, Max; Zych, Berkeley J. ; Steidel, Charles C. ; Chaffee, Fred H.
Dark matter halo abundances, clustering and assembly histories at high redshift
Cohn, J.D.; White, Martin
Self-enrichment by asymptotic giant branch stars in globular clusters: comparison between intermediate and high metallicities
Ventura, P.; D'Antona, F.
SZ effect from radio-galaxy lobes: astrophysical and cosmological relevance
Colafrancesco, S.
The role of AGN in the colour transformation of galaxies at redshifts z ∼ 1
Georgakakis, A.; Nandra, K. ; Yan, R. ; Willner, S.P. ; Lotz, J.M. ; Pierce, C.M. ; Cooper, M.C. ; Laird, E.S. ; Koo, D.C. ; Barmby, P. ; Newman, J.A. ; Primack, J.R. ; Coil, A.L.
The two hybrid B-type pulsators: ν Eridani and 12 Lacertae
Dziembowski, W.A.; Pamyatnykh, A.A.
Axisymmetric toroidal modes of magnetized neutron stars
Lee, Umin
Relativistic models of magnetars: structure and deformations
Colaiuda, A. ; Ferrari, V.; Gualtieri, L. ; Pons, J.A.
2008MNRAS.385.2097R – (Tables: J/MNRAS/385/2097)
Near ultraviolet-infrared colours of red-sequence galaxies in local clusters
Rawle, Timothy D.; Smith, Russell J. ; Lucey, John R. ; Hudson, Michael J. ; Wegner, Gary A.
The effect of satellite galaxies on gravitational lensing flux ratios
Shin, E.M.; Evans, N.W.
PKS B1545-321: bow shocks of a relativistic jet ?
Safouris, V.; Subrahmanyan, R. ; Bicknell, G.V. ; Saripalli, L.
The formation of ultra-compact dwarf galaxies and nucleated dwarf galaxies
Goerdt, Tobias; Moore, Ben ; Kazantzidis, Stelios ; Kaufmann, Tobias ; Macciò, Andrea V. ; Stadel, Joachim
Interpretation of the low-frequency peculiarities in the radio profile structure of the Crab pulsar
Petrova, S.A.
Reliability of orbital fits for resonant extrasolar planetary systems: the case of HD82943
Beaugé, C.; Giuppone, C.A. ; Ferraz-Mello, S. ; Michtchenko, T.A.
Constraints on the magnetic field geometry of magnetars
Sotani, H.; Colaiuda, A.; Kokkotas, K.D.
Foregrounds for redshifted 21-cm studies of reionization: Giant Meter Wave Radio Telescope 153-MHz observations
Ali, S. Saiyad; Bharadwaj, Somnath; Chengalur, Jayaram N.
Verifying the identity of high-redshift massive galaxies through the clustering of lower mass galaxies around them
Muñoz, Joseph A.; Loeb, Abraham
The origin of the galaxy mass-metallicity relation and implications for galactic outflows
Finlator, Kristian; Davé, Romeel
On the masses and evolutionary status of the black hole binary GX 339-4: a twin system of XTE J1550-564 ?
Muñoz-Darias, T.; Casares, J. ; Martínez-Pais, I.G.
2008MNRAS.385.2210M – (Tables: J/MNRAS/385/2210)
A survey for low-mass spectroscopic binary stars in the young clusters around σ Orionis and λ Orionis
Maxted, P.F.L.; Jeffries, R.D. ; Oliveira, J.M. ; Naylor, T. ; Jackson, R.J.
2008MNRAS.385.2225S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/385/2225)
AzTEC millimetre survey of the COSMOS field - I. Data reduction and source catalogue
Scott, K.S.; Austermann, J.E. ; Perera, T.A. ; Wilson, G.W. ; Aretxaga, I. ; Bock, J.J. ; Hughes, D.H. ; Kang, Y. ; Kim, S. ; Mauskopf, P.D. ; Sanders, D.B. ; Scoville, N. ; Yun, M.S.
Luminosity function of contact binaries at high galactic latitudes towards the LMC and the SMC
Nef, Pascal D.; Rucinski, Slavek M.
Gamma-ray probe of cosmic ray pressure in galaxy clusters and cosmological implications
Ando, Shin'ichiro; Nagai, Daisuke
Triplets of quasars at high redshift - I. Photometric data
Alonso, M.Victoria; Coldwell, Georgina V. ; Söchting, Ilona ; Bornancini, Carlos ; Smith, Malcolm G. ; Lambas, Diego García ; Rest, Armin
The iron abundance of the Magellanic Bridge
Dufton, P.L.; Ryans, R.S.I. ; Thompson, H.M.A. ; Street, R.A.
Hall magnetohydrodynamics of partially ionized plasmas
Pandey, B.P.; Wardle, Mark
γ-rays from binary system with energetic pulsar and Be star with aspherical wind: PSR B1259-63/SS2883
Sierpowska-Bartosik, A.; Bednarek, W.
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