Monthly Notices of the RAS 385
April(II) 2008
- 2008MNRAS.385.1105B
- γ-ray emission from PWNe interacting with molecular clouds
- Bartko, H.; Bednarek, W.
- 2008MNRAS.385.1110H
- The central region of M83
- Houghton, R.C.W.; Thatte, N.
- 2008MNRAS.385.1129R
- Mapping of molecular gas inflow towards the Seyfert nucleus of NGC4051 using Gemini NIFS
- Riffel, Rogemar A.; Storchi-Bergmann, Thaisa ; Winge, Cláudia ; McGregor, Peter J. ; Beck, Tracy ; Schmitt, Henrique
- 2008MNRAS.385.1143B
- An evolution of the infrared-radio correlation at very low flux densities ?
- Beswick, R.J.; Muxlow, T.W.B. ; Thrall, H. ; Richards, A.M.S. ; Garrington, S.T.
- 2008MNRAS.385.1155L
- Galaxy evolution in the infrared: comparison of a hierarchical galaxy formation model with Spitzer data
- Lacey, C.G.; Baugh, C.M. ; Frenk, C.S. ; Silva, L. ; Granato, G.L. ; Bressan, A.
- 2008MNRAS.385.1179D
- Magnetic cycles of the planet-hosting star τ Bootis
- Donati, J.-F.; Moutou, C.; Farès, R.; Bohlender, D.; Catala, C.; Deleuil, M.; Shkolnik, E.; Cameron, A.C.; Jardine, M.M.; Walker, G.A.H.
- 2008MNRAS.385.1186S
- Cool X-ray emitting gas in the core of the Centaurus cluster of galaxies
- Sanders, J.S.; Fabian, A.C. ; Allen, S.W. ; Morris, R.G. ; Graham, J. ; Johnstone, R.M.
- 2008MNRAS.385.1201H
- The SDSS-GALEX viewpoint of the truncated red sequence in field environments at z ∼ 0
- Haines, C.P.; Gargiulo, A. ; Merluzzi, P.
- 2008MNRAS.385.1211P
- Simulating cosmic rays in clusters of galaxies - II. A unified scheme for radio haloes and relics with predictions of the γ-ray emission
- Pfrommer, Christoph; Ensslin, Torsten A.; Springel, Volker
- 2008MNRAS.385.1242P
- Simulating cosmic rays in clusters of galaxies - III. Non-thermal scaling relations and comparison to observations
- Pfrommer, Christoph
- 2008MNRAS.385.1257B
- Halo-model signatures from 380000 Sloan Digital Sky Survey luminous red galaxies with photometric redshifts
- Blake, Chris; Collister, Adrian ; Lahav, Ofer
- 2008MNRAS.385.1270L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/385/1270)
- Colour pairs for constraining the age and metallicity of stellar populations
- Li, Zhongmu; Han, Zhanwen
- 2008MNRAS.385.1279B
- Assessing the statistical significance of periodogram peaks
- Baluev, R.V.
- 2008MNRAS.385.1286J
- A multifrequency study of giant radio sources - II. Spectral ageing analysis of the lobes of selected sources
- Jamrozy, M.; Konar, C.; Machalski, J.; Saikia, D.J.
- 2008MNRAS.385.1297B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/385/1297)
- A Combined EIS-NVSS Survey Of Radio Sources (CENSORS) - III. Spectroscopic observations
- Brookes, M.H. ; Best, P.N.; Peacock, J.A. ; Röttgering, H.J.A. ; Dunlop, J.S.
- 2008MNRAS.385.1327K
- Equilibrium configurations of strongly magnetized neutron stars with realistic equations of state
- Kiuchi, Kenta; Kotake, Kei
- 2008MNRAS.385.1348M
- Lyα damping wing constraints on inhomogeneous reionization
- Mesinger, Andrei; Furlanetto, Steven R.
- 2008MNRAS.385.1359N
- The rotation curves of flattened Sérsic bulges
- Noordermeer, Edo
- 2008MNRAS.385.1365L
- Infall of substructures on to a Milky Way-like dark halo
- Li, Yang-Shyang; Helmi, Amina
- 2008MNRAS.385.1374M
- The relation between stellar populations, structure and environment for dwarf elliptical galaxies from the MAGPOP-ITP
- Michielsen, D.; Boselli, A. ; Conselice, C.J. ; Toloba, E. ; Whiley, I.M. ; Aragón-Salamanca, A. ; Balcells, M. ; Cardiel, N. ; Cenarro, A.J. ; Gorgas, J. ; Peletier, R.F. ; Vazdekis, A.
- 2008MNRAS.385.1393W
- Daily observations of interstellar scintillation in PSR B0329+54
- Wang, N.; Yan, Z. ; Manchester, R.N. ; Wang, H.X.
- 2008MNRAS.385.1402F
- A search for rapid pulsations among nine luminous Ap stars
- Freyhammer, L.M.; Kurtz, D.W. ; Cunha, M.S. ; Mathys, G. ; Elkin, V.G. ; Riley, J.D.
- 2008MNRAS.385.1431H
- The dark matter environment of the Abell 901/902 supercluster: a weak lensing analysis of the HST STAGES survey
- Heymans, Catherine; Gray, Meghan E. ; Peng, Chien Y. ; Van Waerbeke, Ludovic ; Bell, Eric F. ; Wolf, Christian ; Bacon, David ; Balogh, Michael ; Barazza, Fabio D. ; Barden, Marco ; Böhm, Asmus ; Caldwell, John A.R. ; Häussler, Boris ; Jahnke, Knud ; Jogee, Shardha ; van Kampen, Eelco ; Lane, Kyle ; McIntosh, Daniel H. ; Meisenheimer, Klaus ; Mellier, Yannick ; Sánchez, Sebastian F. ; Taylor, Andy N. ; Wisotzki, Lutz ; Zheng, Xianzhong
- 2008MNRAS.385.1443S
- Metal cooling in simulations of cosmic structure formation
- Smith, Britton; Sigurdsson, Steinn; Abel, Tom
- 2008MNRAS.385.1455M
- Short-duration gamma-ray bursts with extended emission from protomagnetar spin-down
- Metzger, B.D.; Quataert, E. ; Thompson, T.A.
- 2008MNRAS.385.1461Y
- Neutrino emission from a gamma-ray burst afterglow shock during an inner supernova shock breakout
- Yu, Y.W.; Dai, Z.G.; Zheng, X.P.
- 2008MNRAS.385.1467M
- Evolution of primordial black holes in Jordan-Brans-Dicke cosmology
- Majumdar, A.S.; Gangopadhyay, D. ; Singh, L.P.
- 2008MNRAS.385.1471P
- An Hα-selected sample of cataclysmic variables - I. Observations of newly discovered systems
- Pretorius, Magaretha L.; Knigge, Christian
- 2008MNRAS.385.1485P
- An Hα-selected sample of cataclysmic variables - II. Implications for CV evolution
- Pretorius, Magaretha L.; Knigge, Christian
- 2008MNRAS.385.1494K
- On the linear stability of weakly ionized, magnetized planar shear flows
- Kunz, Matthew W.
- 2008MNRAS.385.1511W
- Probing the intrinsic shape and alignment of dark matter haloes using SDSS galaxy groups
- Wang, Yougang; Yang, Xiaohu ; Mo, H.J. ; Li, Cheng ; van den Bosch, Frank C.; Fan, Zuhui ; Chen, Xuelei
- 2008MNRAS.385.1523D
- Xenon in mercury-manganese stars
- Dworetsky, M.M.; Persaud, J.L.; Patel, K.
- 2008MNRAS.385.1530T
- Disc evolution and the relationship between Lacc and L*in T Tauri stars
- Tilling, I. ; Clarke, C.J.; Pringle, J.E. ; Tout, C.A.
- 2008MNRAS.385.1535P
- A comparison of optical and near-infrared colours of Magellanic Cloud star clusters with predictions of simple stellar population models
- Pessev, P.M.; Goudfrooij, P.; Puzia, T.H.; Chandar, R.
- 2008MNRAS.385.1561K
- The thickness of high-redshift quasar ionization fronts as a constraint on the ionizing spectral energy distribution
- Kramer, R.H.; Haiman, Z.
- 2008MNRAS.385.1576P
- WASP-3b: a strongly irradiated transiting gas-giant planet
- Pollacco, D.; Skillen, I. ; Cameron, A.Collier ; Loeillet, B. ; Stempels, H.C. ; Bouchy, F. ; Gibson, N.P. ; Hebb, L. ; Hébrard, G. ; Joshi, Y.C. ; McDonald, I. ; Smalley, B. ; Smith, A.M.S. ; Street, R.A. ; Udry, S. ; West, R.G. ; Wilson, D.M. ; Wheatley, P.J. ; Aigrain, S. ; Alsubai, K. ; Benn, C.R. ; Bruce, V.A. ; Christian, D.J. ; Clarkson, W.I. ; Enoch, B. ; Evans, A. ; Fitzsimmons, A. ; Haswell, C.A. ; Hellier, C. ; Hickey, S. ; Hodgkin, S.T. ; Horne, K. ; Hrudková, M. ; Irwin, J. ; Kane, S.R. ; Keenan, F.P. ; Lister, T.A. ; Maxted, P. ; Mayor, M. ; Moutou, C. ; Norton, A.J. ; Osborne, J.P. ; Parley, N. ; Pont, F. ; Queloz, D. ; Ryans, R. ; Simpson, E.
- 2008MNRAS.385.1585S
- The thickness of HI in galactic discs under MOdified Newtonian Dynamics: theory and application to the Galaxy
- Sánchez-Salcedo, F.J.; Saha, K. ; Narayan, C.A.
- 2008MNRAS.385.1597C
- Stellar populations in the Canis Major overdensity
- Carraro, Giovanni; Moitinho, André; Vázquez, Ruben A.
- 2008MNRAS.385.1605C
- A devil in the detail: parameter cross-talk from the solar cycle and estimation of solar p-mode frequencies
- Chaplin, W.J.; Jiménez-Reyes, S.J.; Eff-Darwich, A. ; Elsworth, Y. ; New, R.
- 2008MNRAS.385.1613H
- The effect of primordial non-Gaussianity on the topology of large-scale structure
- Hikage, C.; Coles, P. ; Grossi, M. ; Moscardini, L. ; Dolag, K. ; Branchini, E. ; Matarrese, S.
- 2008MNRAS.385.1621K
- The evolution of black hole mass and spin in active galactic nuclei
- King, A.R.; Pringle, J.E. ; Hofmann, J.A.
- 2008MNRAS.385.1628P
- GeV emission from gamma-ray burst afterglows
- Panaitescu, A.
- 2008MNRAS.385.1635S
- SDSS galaxy clustering: luminosity and colour dependence and stochasticity
- Swanson, Molly E.C.; Tegmark, Max ; Blanton, Michael ; Zehavi, Idit
- 2008MNRAS.385.1656S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/385/1656)
- The extragalactic radio-source population at 95GHz
- Sadler, Elaine M.; Ricci, Roberto ; Ekers, Ronald D. ; Sault, Robert J. ; Jackson, Carole A. ; De Zotti, Gianfranco
- 2008MNRAS.385.1673S
- A new method to create initially mass segregated star clusters in virial equilibrium
- Subr, L.; Kroupa, P. ; Baumgardt, H.
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