Monthly Notices of the RAS 385
April(II) 2008

γ-ray emission from PWNe interacting with molecular clouds
Bartko, H.; Bednarek, W.
The central region of M83
Houghton, R.C.W.; Thatte, N.
Mapping of molecular gas inflow towards the Seyfert nucleus of NGC4051 using Gemini NIFS
Riffel, Rogemar A.; Storchi-Bergmann, Thaisa ; Winge, Cláudia ; McGregor, Peter J. ; Beck, Tracy ; Schmitt, Henrique
An evolution of the infrared-radio correlation at very low flux densities ?
Beswick, R.J.; Muxlow, T.W.B. ; Thrall, H. ; Richards, A.M.S. ; Garrington, S.T.
Galaxy evolution in the infrared: comparison of a hierarchical galaxy formation model with Spitzer data
Lacey, C.G.; Baugh, C.M. ; Frenk, C.S. ; Silva, L. ; Granato, G.L. ; Bressan, A.
Magnetic cycles of the planet-hosting star τ Bootis
Donati, J.-F.; Moutou, C.; Farès, R.; Bohlender, D.; Catala, C.; Deleuil, M.; Shkolnik, E.; Cameron, A.C.; Jardine, M.M.; Walker, G.A.H.
Cool X-ray emitting gas in the core of the Centaurus cluster of galaxies
Sanders, J.S.; Fabian, A.C. ; Allen, S.W. ; Morris, R.G. ; Graham, J. ; Johnstone, R.M.
The SDSS-GALEX viewpoint of the truncated red sequence in field environments at z ∼ 0
Haines, C.P.; Gargiulo, A. ; Merluzzi, P.
Simulating cosmic rays in clusters of galaxies - II. A unified scheme for radio haloes and relics with predictions of the γ-ray emission
Pfrommer, Christoph; Ensslin, Torsten A.; Springel, Volker
Simulating cosmic rays in clusters of galaxies - III. Non-thermal scaling relations and comparison to observations
Pfrommer, Christoph
Halo-model signatures from 380000 Sloan Digital Sky Survey luminous red galaxies with photometric redshifts
Blake, Chris; Collister, Adrian ; Lahav, Ofer
2008MNRAS.385.1270L – (Tables: J/MNRAS/385/1270)
Colour pairs for constraining the age and metallicity of stellar populations
Li, Zhongmu; Han, Zhanwen
Assessing the statistical significance of periodogram peaks
Baluev, R.V.
A multifrequency study of giant radio sources - II. Spectral ageing analysis of the lobes of selected sources
Jamrozy, M.; Konar, C.; Machalski, J.; Saikia, D.J.
2008MNRAS.385.1297B – (Tables: J/MNRAS/385/1297)
A Combined EIS-NVSS Survey Of Radio Sources (CENSORS) - III. Spectroscopic observations
Brookes, M.H. ; Best, P.N.; Peacock, J.A. ; Röttgering, H.J.A. ; Dunlop, J.S.
Equilibrium configurations of strongly magnetized neutron stars with realistic equations of state
Kiuchi, Kenta; Kotake, Kei
Lyα damping wing constraints on inhomogeneous reionization
Mesinger, Andrei; Furlanetto, Steven R.
The rotation curves of flattened Sérsic bulges
Noordermeer, Edo
Infall of substructures on to a Milky Way-like dark halo
Li, Yang-Shyang; Helmi, Amina
The relation between stellar populations, structure and environment for dwarf elliptical galaxies from the MAGPOP-ITP
Michielsen, D.; Boselli, A. ; Conselice, C.J. ; Toloba, E. ; Whiley, I.M. ; Aragón-Salamanca, A. ; Balcells, M. ; Cardiel, N. ; Cenarro, A.J. ; Gorgas, J. ; Peletier, R.F. ; Vazdekis, A.
Daily observations of interstellar scintillation in PSR B0329+54
Wang, N.; Yan, Z. ; Manchester, R.N. ; Wang, H.X.
A search for rapid pulsations among nine luminous Ap stars
Freyhammer, L.M.; Kurtz, D.W. ; Cunha, M.S. ; Mathys, G. ; Elkin, V.G. ; Riley, J.D.
The dark matter environment of the Abell 901/902 supercluster: a weak lensing analysis of the HST STAGES survey
Heymans, Catherine; Gray, Meghan E. ; Peng, Chien Y. ; Van Waerbeke, Ludovic ; Bell, Eric F. ; Wolf, Christian ; Bacon, David ; Balogh, Michael ; Barazza, Fabio D. ; Barden, Marco ; Böhm, Asmus ; Caldwell, John A.R. ; Häussler, Boris ; Jahnke, Knud ; Jogee, Shardha ; van Kampen, Eelco ; Lane, Kyle ; McIntosh, Daniel H. ; Meisenheimer, Klaus ; Mellier, Yannick ; Sánchez, Sebastian F. ; Taylor, Andy N. ; Wisotzki, Lutz ; Zheng, Xianzhong
Metal cooling in simulations of cosmic structure formation
Smith, Britton; Sigurdsson, Steinn; Abel, Tom
Short-duration gamma-ray bursts with extended emission from protomagnetar spin-down
Metzger, B.D.; Quataert, E. ; Thompson, T.A.
Neutrino emission from a gamma-ray burst afterglow shock during an inner supernova shock breakout
Yu, Y.W.; Dai, Z.G.; Zheng, X.P.
Evolution of primordial black holes in Jordan-Brans-Dicke cosmology
Majumdar, A.S.; Gangopadhyay, D. ; Singh, L.P.
An Hα-selected sample of cataclysmic variables - I. Observations of newly discovered systems
Pretorius, Magaretha L.; Knigge, Christian
An Hα-selected sample of cataclysmic variables - II. Implications for CV evolution
Pretorius, Magaretha L.; Knigge, Christian
On the linear stability of weakly ionized, magnetized planar shear flows
Kunz, Matthew W.
Probing the intrinsic shape and alignment of dark matter haloes using SDSS galaxy groups
Wang, Yougang; Yang, Xiaohu ; Mo, H.J. ; Li, Cheng ; van den Bosch, Frank C.; Fan, Zuhui ; Chen, Xuelei
Xenon in mercury-manganese stars
Dworetsky, M.M.; Persaud, J.L.; Patel, K.
Disc evolution and the relationship between Lacc and L*in T Tauri stars
Tilling, I. ; Clarke, C.J.; Pringle, J.E. ; Tout, C.A.
A comparison of optical and near-infrared colours of Magellanic Cloud star clusters with predictions of simple stellar population models
Pessev, P.M.; Goudfrooij, P.; Puzia, T.H.; Chandar, R.
The thickness of high-redshift quasar ionization fronts as a constraint on the ionizing spectral energy distribution
Kramer, R.H.; Haiman, Z.
WASP-3b: a strongly irradiated transiting gas-giant planet
Pollacco, D.; Skillen, I. ; Cameron, A.Collier ; Loeillet, B. ; Stempels, H.C. ; Bouchy, F. ; Gibson, N.P. ; Hebb, L. ; Hébrard, G. ; Joshi, Y.C. ; McDonald, I. ; Smalley, B. ; Smith, A.M.S. ; Street, R.A. ; Udry, S. ; West, R.G. ; Wilson, D.M. ; Wheatley, P.J. ; Aigrain, S. ; Alsubai, K. ; Benn, C.R. ; Bruce, V.A. ; Christian, D.J. ; Clarkson, W.I. ; Enoch, B. ; Evans, A. ; Fitzsimmons, A. ; Haswell, C.A. ; Hellier, C. ; Hickey, S. ; Hodgkin, S.T. ; Horne, K. ; Hrudková, M. ; Irwin, J. ; Kane, S.R. ; Keenan, F.P. ; Lister, T.A. ; Maxted, P. ; Mayor, M. ; Moutou, C. ; Norton, A.J. ; Osborne, J.P. ; Parley, N. ; Pont, F. ; Queloz, D. ; Ryans, R. ; Simpson, E.
The thickness of HI in galactic discs under MOdified Newtonian Dynamics: theory and application to the Galaxy
Sánchez-Salcedo, F.J.; Saha, K. ; Narayan, C.A.
Stellar populations in the Canis Major overdensity
Carraro, Giovanni; Moitinho, André; Vázquez, Ruben A.
A devil in the detail: parameter cross-talk from the solar cycle and estimation of solar p-mode frequencies
Chaplin, W.J.; Jiménez-Reyes, S.J.; Eff-Darwich, A. ; Elsworth, Y. ; New, R.
The effect of primordial non-Gaussianity on the topology of large-scale structure
Hikage, C.; Coles, P. ; Grossi, M. ; Moscardini, L. ; Dolag, K. ; Branchini, E. ; Matarrese, S.
The evolution of black hole mass and spin in active galactic nuclei
King, A.R.; Pringle, J.E. ; Hofmann, J.A.
GeV emission from gamma-ray burst afterglows
Panaitescu, A.
SDSS galaxy clustering: luminosity and colour dependence and stochasticity
Swanson, Molly E.C.; Tegmark, Max ; Blanton, Michael ; Zehavi, Idit
2008MNRAS.385.1656S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/385/1656)
The extragalactic radio-source population at 95GHz
Sadler, Elaine M.; Ricci, Roberto ; Ekers, Ronald D. ; Sault, Robert J. ; Jackson, Carole A. ; De Zotti, Gianfranco
A new method to create initially mass segregated star clusters in virial equilibrium
Subr, L.; Kroupa, P. ; Baumgardt, H.
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