Monthly Notices of the RAS 352
July(III) 2004

Stellar collisions during binary-binary and binary-single star interactions
Fregeau, J.M. ; Cheung, P. ; Zwart, S.F.Portegies ; Rasio, F.A.
Measuring α in the early Universe: cosmic microwave background polarization, re-ionization and the Fisher matrix analysis
Rocha, G.; Trotta, R. ; Martins, C.J.A.P. ; Melchiorri, A. ; Avelino, P.P. ; Bean, R. ; Viana, P.T.P.
The rotational excitation of methanol by para-hydrogen
Pottage, J.T. ; Flower, D.R. ; Davis, Stephen L.
Large-scale structure in the ELAIS S1 Survey
Gonzalez-Solares, E.A.; Oliver, S. ; Gruppioni, C. ; Pozzi, F. ; Lari, C. ; Rowan-Robinson, M. ; Serjeant, S. ; Franca, F.La ; Vaccari, M.
High-resolution imaging of the radio continuum and neutral gas in the inner kiloparsec of the radio galaxy 3C 293
Beswick, R.J.; Peck, A.B. ; Taylor, G.B. ; Giovannini, G.
Streaming motions of galaxy clusters within 12 000 km/s - V. The peculiar velocity field
Hudson, Michael J.; Smith, Russell J.; Lucey, John R.; Branchini, Enzo
Estimating galaxy cluster magnetic fields by the classical and hadronic minimum energy criterion
Pfrommer, C.; Ensslin, T.A.
2004MNRAS.352...91G – (Tables: J/MNRAS/352/91)
The XMM-Newton/2dF survey - IV. The X-ray spectral properties of the hard sources
Georgantopoulos, I.; Georgakakis, A. ; Akylas, A. ; Stewart, G.C. ; Giannakis, O. ; Shanks, T. ; Kitsionas, S.
New OH masers at 13 441 MHz
Caswell, J.L.
VLBA polarization observations of BL Lac objects and passive elliptical galaxies
Bondi, M. ; Marchã, M.J.M. ; Polatidis, A. ; Dallacasa, D. ; Stanghellini, C. ; Antón, S.
Measuring transverse velocities in gravitationally lensed extragalactic systems using an annual parallax effect
Tuntsov, A.V.; Walker, M.A.; Lewis, G.F.
2004MNRAS.352..131S – (Tables: J/MNRAS/352/131)
Radio observations of the 13hXMM-Newton/ROSAT Deep X-ray Survey Area
Seymour, N.; McHardy, I.M. ; Gunn, K.F.
The cosmic microwave background radiation fluctuations from Hi perturbations prior to reionization
Bharadwaj, Somnath; Ali, Sk.Saiyad
Global dynamics of radiatively inefficient accretion flows: advection versus convection
Lu, Ju-Fu; Li, Shuang-Liang; Gu, Wei-Min
Photometry of Magellanic Cloud clusters with the Advanced Camera for Surveys - I. The old Large Magellanic Cloud clusters NGC 1928, 1939 and Reticulum
Mackey, A.D.; Gilmore, G.F.
Impact of ultraviolet radiation from giant spirals on the evolution of dwarf galaxies
Mashchenko, S.; Carignan, C. ; Bouchard, A.
Physical regimes for feedback in galaxy formation
Monaco, Pierluigi
Iron line spectroscopy of NGC 4593 with XMM-Newton: where is the black hole accretion discquest
Reynolds, Christopher S.; Brenneman, Laura W. ; Wilms, Jörn ; Kaiser, Mary Elizabeth
The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the clustering of galaxy groups
Padilla, Nelson D. ; Baugh, Carlton M.; Eke, Vincent R. ; Norberg, Peder ; Cole, Shaun ; Frenk, Carlos S. ; Croton, Darren J. ; Baldry, Ivan K. ; Bland-Hawthorn, Joss ; Bridges, Terry ; Cannon, Russell ; Colless, Matthew ; Collins, Chris ; Couch, Warrick ; Dalton, Gavin ; De Propris, Roberto ; Driver, Simon P. ; Efstathiou, George ; Ellis, Richard S. ; Glazebrook, Karl ; Jackson, Carole ; Lahav, Ofer ; Lewis, Ian ; Lumsden, Stuart ; Maddox, Steve ; Madgwick, Darren ; Peacock, John A. ; Peterson, Bruce A. ; Sutherland, Will ; Taylor, Keith
A pair of reddened young star clusters in Centaurus
Bica, E. ; Ortolani, S. ; Momany, Y. ; Dutra, C.M. ; Barbuy, B.
Light-curve classification in massive variability surveys - II. Transients towards the Large Magellanic Cloud
Belokurov, Vasily; Evans, N.Wyn; Du, Yann Le
The sensitivity of infall molecular line profiles to the ambient radiation field
Redman, M.P.; Rawlings, J.M.C. ; Yates, J.A. ; Williams, D.A.
The formation of a helium white dwarf in a close binary system with diffusion
Benvenuto, O.G.; De Vito, M.A.
Well-proportioned universes suppress the cosmic microwave background quadrupole
Weeks, J.; Luminet, J.-P.; Riazuelo, A.; Lehoucq, R.
CIRPASS near-infrared integral-field spectroscopy of massive star clusters in the starburst galaxy NGC 1140
de Grijs, R.; Smith, L.J. ; Bunker, A.; Sharp, R.G. ; Gallagher III, J.S. ; Anders, P. ; Lançon, A. ; O'Connell, R.W. ; Parry, I.R.
Is the slope of the intrinsic Baldwin effect constantquest
Goad, M.R.; Korista, K.T. ; Knigge, C.
2004MNRAS.352..285C – (Tables: J/MNRAS/352/285)
Distant field blue horizontal branch stars and the mass of the Galaxy - II. Photometry and spectroscopy of UKST candidates 16<B<19.5, 11<R<52 kpc
Clewley, L.; Warren, S.J. ; Hewett, P.C. ; Norris, John E. ; Evans, N.W.
Inhomogeneous primordial baryon distributions on subgalactic scales: high-z galaxy formation with warm dark matter
Sommer-Larsen, Jesper; Naselsky, Pavel; Novikov, Igor; Götz, Martin
Sunyaev-Zel'dovich power spectrum with decaying cold dark matter
Takahashi, Keitaro; Oguri, Masamune; Ichiki, Kiyotomo
On the observability of geometric pulsation of M-type Mira variables
Ireland, M.J.; Scholz, M. ; Wood, P.R.
Period and chemical evolution of SC stars
Zijlstra, Albert A. ; Bedding, Timothy R. ; Markwick, Andrew J. ; Loidl-Gautschy, Rita ; Tabur, Vello ; Alexander, Kristen D. ; Jacob, Andrew P. ; Kiss, László L. ; Price, Aaron ; Matsuura, Mikako ; Mattei, Janet A.
The skewness of the aperture mass statistic
Jarvis, M.; Bernstein, G.; Jain, B.
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